JSJ Self Help Guide PDF
JSJ Self Help Guide PDF
JSJ Self Help Guide PDF
(An Art of
Gentle Touch)
The Author believes, based on her own personal experiences and beliefs,
that the information in this booklet is supportive of and compatible with
Medical practices and / or any other Complimentary approach.
The trademarks Jin Shin Jyutsu® and Kanji are registered trademarks of Jin
Shin Jyutsu Inc. and used herein with the permission of Jin Shin Jyutsu
Inc. All references to Mary Burmeister are by permission of Jin Shin Jyutsu
Inc. and the Estate of Mary Burmeister. All rights reserved.
The material contained herein represent the opinions and statements of the
author, and such opinions and statements do not necessarily represent the
opinions , statements and policies of Jin Shin Jyutsu Inc.
Jin Shin Jyutsu ®
“The Art of the Creator
through Compassionate Man”
Physio - Philosophy
(Awareness of Myself)
Physio - Psychology
(Understanding Myself)
Physio - Physiology
(Technique for Myself)
Marie’s Journey
"When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 and had a
subsequent recurrence in 2007, I used all the material from Mary
Burmeister’s 3 Self Help books to help and support myself on my
journey. Using my hands daily on myself in simple Self Help Jin Shin
Jyutsu sequences I was able to relieve my stress, ease my pain, and
release my fears and worries. Many of the side effects and
discomforts of treatments were alleviated quickly.
I felt empowered by being able to help myself. My family became
involved in my care. This transformed what could have been a lonely
journey into a treasured shared experience."
The Background
Translated from Japanese, ‘Jin Shin Jyutsu’ means "The Creator’s Art
through Compassionate Man". The teachings of Jin Shin Jyutsu
embody all aspects of being: Spirit, Mind and Body.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is a healing Art that can be applied to oneself and to
others. It is based on our natural innate ability to balance our life
energy and achieve optimum health to overcome stress, fatigue,
injury and illness.
The principles of Jin Shin Jyutsu were well known in ancient times.
In the early 20th century Jiro Murai, a Japanese man from a long line
of physicians, began decoding these ancient mysteries . His research
led him to the only remaining documentation of this Ancient Art,
contained in a book called "The Yellow Emperors' Classic Internal
Medicine". Throuh many years of study and research, Jiro Murai went
on to name this Art, Jin Shin Jyutsu.
On her return to the USA from Japan in 1953 Mary Burmeister was
asked by Master Jiro Murai to take the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu to
America as his gift. Mary devoted her life from then on to the
teaching, study, practice and development of Jin Shin Jyutsu, till her
passing in January 2008.
Through Mary Burmeister, the study, practice and teaching of Jin Shin
Jyutsu is now known throughout the world. The faculty is based in
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
The Art
Jin Shin Jyutsu employs 26 Safety Energy Locks along the energy
pathways of the body (see page 6).
1. Using our hands as ‘jumper cables’ on the body holding the Safety
Energy Locks in a sequence we can recharge and regenerate the
3. The natural flow of the energy pathways are restored once again.
Attitudes and Emotions
For example, the attitude of worry may disrupt the energy of the
stomach and spleen, and we may begin to experience indigestion,
insomnia, depression or listlessness. Using the ‘Hand Chart’ on page
8 can help us regain balance of all the organ energies in our bodies.
Simply hold your thumb, fingers and palm, in turn, for a few minutes
each day.
Hand Chart
Organs: Liver &
Attitude: Anger Ring
Organs: Lung &
Index Large Intestine
Organs: Kidney Attitude: Sadness/ Grief
& Bladder
Attitude: Fear
Organs: Heart &
Small Intestine
Attitude: Pretence/
Trying Too Hard
Organs: Stomach &
Attitude: Worry
Muscular Blood
System Deep
Organs: Diaphragm
Skin & Umbilicus
Put palms together
receive 36 breaths
and get rid of
worry fast
Daily care plan: Encircle each finger, one at a time, for about 3-5
minutes, or longer until you feel calmer. Use this for both hands.
Daily Self Help
Using the ‘Main Central’ flow, (shown on page 10) is a great way to
start the day.
By using these simple self help tools you can take responsibility for
your own health and wellbeing, and empower yourself to deal with
daily stresses and challenges of life.
“Main Central” Flow
Main Central harmonizing energy - source of life.
Top of head
Between eyebrows
Tip of nose
V of throat
Base of sternum
Coccyx Pubis
1. Right hand (R) on top of head. Hold till last step.
Left hand (L) between eye brows (3rd eye)
2. L on tip of nose.
3. L on V of Throat
4. L on top of Sternum.
5. L on base of sternum.
6. L on Umbilicus.
7. L on Pubic bone.
8. R on Coccyx
(Can be used in sitting or lying down positions). Hold each step for
2-3 minutes, or until the pulses harmonize.
Radiation Therapy
Before radiation therapy, apply the “Main Central” flow (see page 10).
This will help you to balance and harmonize yourself. Also lovingly
holding each of your fingers for a few minutes, releases fear, worry
and anxiety, and will work to keep you calm.
After each treatment, place “Right hand over Left hand” just above the
area being treated. (Do not touch the body). This procedure will
help to take the heat out of the body and help lessen burning. Stay in
this position till the area cools. Repeat as desired.
Have a family member or friend “Palm the Calves” (see page 12) for
about 20 minutes. This can also help take the heat out of the body.
The skin may go red, especially after the 4th week, and may change
in appearance. This is normal.
“Placing my right hand over my left hand above the area being
treated by radiation therapy and “Palming the Calves” proved very
successful for me. My family were able to do this on me when I
returned home and they felt empowered by being involved.
The nursing staff were impressed that my skin looked so good. They
asked what I was doing to help myself."
“Opposite Fingers and Toes”
Start with the Left thumb and Right little toe (on opposite sides- see 1
and 1 in diagram below) and work through each finger and toe
combinations for 2-3 minutes each to remove toxins and re-energize
and regenerate the whole body. Repeat for the other sides (a/a, b/b,
c/c etc).
To palm the calves, stand (or sit) at the person’s feet and place your
Left hand under their Left calf muscle (about 4 fingers below the
knee), and your Right hand under their Right calf muscle - your
fingers will be pointing towards the head. Hold this position for 20
minutes or till the heat subsides.
Before receiving chemotherapy, apply the ‘Main Central’ flow (page 10)
to yourself as this helps you to maintain balance in the body.
To help keep the immune system strong you can place your Right
hand over your Right shoulder on Safety Energy Lock 11 (see
diagram on page 6), and your Left hand in the crease of your Right
groin (Safety Energy Lock 15),
Reverse for the other side by placing the Left hand over the Left
shoulder on Safety Energy Lock 11 and the Right hand on Safety
Energy Lock 15 in the crease of your left groin.
If your white blood count gets too low, hold the ball of your Left foot
with your Left hand and hold the Left little toe with your Right hand.
If you are unable to do this for yourself, your support person can apply
these holds for you.
It is also helpful to have somebody ‘Palm the calves’ (page 12) to help
remove the effects of chemicals in your body.
“13 Flow”
Step 2 Hold the Right index finger with the Left hand.
Then hold the Right little finger with the Left hand
Step 3 Cross hands and hold Right Safety Energy Lock 13,
and hold Left Safety Energy 13 at the same time.
Step 4 Hold Left index finger with the Right hand, then hold
the Left little finger with the Right hand.
Possible Side Effects - Fatigue
Cancer cells die off as a result of the treatments and create waste,
which is then eliminated by the kidneys. Fatigue is caused when the
kidneys are overworked and have to work twice as hard to cope with
this destruction. This can give rise to feelings of frustration and
inability to cope, when we do not understand what is happening.
Possible Side Effects - Depression
When sad thoughts burden us they may disrupt the energy of the
stomach and large intestine, and may contribute to depression.
Hold your Left thumb with your Right hand then your ring finger
with your Right hand for a few minutes.
Then hold your Right thumb with your Left hand then hold your
Right ring finger with your Left hand for a few minutes.
Possible Side Effects - Lymphodema
Hold Safety Energy Lock 26 (see page 6), on the side of the
affected arm with opposite hand, and place the end of the thumb
over the nail of the ring finger (creating a circle).
Hold for 20 minutes or longer, and you may begin to feel the
arm pumping upwards.
Place Left hand on Right Safety Energy Lock 21 (see page 6),
and Right hand on Right Safety Energy Lock 22.
For Left side, place Right hand over Left shoulder at Safety
Energy Lock 11 (see page 6), and Left hand on Left Safety
Energy Lock 15. Reverse for Right leg.
Other Possible Side Effects
Breathlessness can occur. To open up the lungs, to allow more
oxygenation, use the following self help methods:
Place Right hand over Left shoulder on Safety Energy Lock 11
(see page 6).
Place Left hand under the centre of Left buttock on Safety
Energy Lock 25.
Hold for a few minutes until breathing eases.
Hold the wrist at Safety Energy Lock 17 and / or Safety Energy
Lock 18 (see page 6) till nausea ceases.
Toxic Headaches
Hold both big toes (Safety Energy Lock 7) until pain subsides.
Sometimes, after chemotherapy or radiation therapy you may
experience itching. Should itching occur:
Place Left hand on Right little toe,
Place Right hand on Pubic bone.
Mucositis is the painful inflammation of the mucous membranes
(mucosa) or lining of the mouth or oesophagus, creating ulcers.
Place Left hand on Right calf
Place Right hand on Left calf till pulses balance.
Place Right hand on Left Safety Energy Lock 21.
Place Left hand on Left safety Energy Lock 22 till pulses
Place Right hand on Right Safety energy lock 5.
Place left hand on coccyx, till pulses balance.
Other Possible Side Effects
Place Right hand (fingers pointing towards head) between
Safety Energy Lock 13 (see page 6) on Sternum.
Place Left hand between Safety Energy Locks 14 (base of Rib
cage), fingers pointing downwards.
Constipation or Diarrhoea
Place one hand on Coccyx and the other hand on the outside of
the knee at Safety Energy Lock 8 (see page 6).
Place Left hand on outside of Left ankle at Safety Energy Lock
16 (see page 6), and Right hand on inside of Left ankle at
Safety Energy Lock 5.
Place Right hand on inside of Right ankle at Safety Energy Lock
5 (see page 6), and Left hand on outside of Right ankle (Safety
Energy Lock 16) until pain subsides.
This book, “What Mary Says…” has many more wonderful quotes,
and is available from www.jsjinc.net
“I have often, not only been surprised, but also marvelled at the
extraordinary effectiveness of this amazing ancient Art of Jin Shin
My wife first contracted breast cancer in 2005, and then had a
recurrence in 2007, when she had to undergo an extensive course of
radiation therapy. I then had the opportunity to help her overcome
some of the ‘adverse’ effects of radiation by using Jin Shin Jyutsu self-
help techniques.
During the long course of radiation therapy, my wife would ‘prepare’
herself before each session, as we drove in to town (a one hour
journey), by applying the ‘Main Central’ flow on herself. On the way
home in the car, she would put her right hand over her left hand
above the radiated area.
Once at home, as her care-giver I stepped in and gave Marie Self
Help Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions.
I would place my ’Right hand over my Left hand’ above the radiated
area, followed by ’Palming the Calves’, and then apply the sequence
of ’Opposite Fingers and Toes’.
Novice though I was, I could feel incredible heat in my hands as I
went through the ’Right hand over Left hand’ and ’Palming the Calves’
routines, as the heat was drawn out of the radiation treated area. I
could visibly see and feel the ’strengthening’ that took place in her
body when ’Opposite Fingers and Toes’ sequence was applied.
During her radiation sessions, my wife shared these techniques
with many other patients she met who were awaiting treatment. All
were amazed by the effectiveness of the techniques. What was even
more extraordinary was that all the medical specialists and staff
involved had warned her that she would burn badly, blister and be
affected by the extensive radiation treatment. None of this
happened! Yes, the treated area became red, mainly because of her
age (70) nothing more drastic than that, very much to their surprise
and amazement. They were duly impressed when she explained
why this was so.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“I have been working with a man who has bone cancer. He has been
using ‘self help’ treatments, and also has his wife working on / with
him. He came one day, and I asked him how he was feeling. His
reply was: “I have a lot less pain, but you have given me the greatest
gift of all.” When I asked him what it was, his reply was amazing: “I
now have my wife back sleeping in my bed, and you will never know
how much that means, to be able to put my hand out in the night,
when I am awake, and feel her there beside me.”
Previously, his pain and restlessness had kept them both awake, and
she would shift into a bed in the guest room.”
Continuing the Journey
If you wish to learn the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu to use for yourself or
your family, become a practitioner, or attend our Self Help classes our
Jin Shin Jyutsu website has details about dates and locations for the 5
day Seminars, local practitioners, and Self Help classes.
Visit www.jsjinc.net
Recommended reading:
“The Touch of Healing”
by Alice Burmeister and Tom Monte
See also the bookstore at above website.