Adn Emprendedor ENGLISH
Adn Emprendedor ENGLISH
Adn Emprendedor ENGLISH
QUISPE CACERES, Edgar Jefferson
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 3
BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................... 5
1. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ..................................................................... 5
1.1 Company Name ........................................................................................ 5
1.2 Item ........................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Type of company ....................................................................................... 6
1.4 Objectives ................................................................................................. 7
1.5 Vision ........................................................................................................ 7
1.6 Mission ...................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Values ....................................................................................................... 8
1.8 Organization chart ..................................................................................... 9
1.9 SWOT ..................................................................................................... 10
2. LEGAL MANAGEMENT .......................................................................... 11
2.1 Tax Aspects ......................................................................................... 11
2.2 Constitution of the company ................................................................. 12
3. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ................................. 12
3.1.6 Trial balance ........................................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
3.2 Preparation of financial statements ............ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
3.2.1 Statement of Financial Situation .......... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
3.2.2 Income Statement ................................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
3.2.3 Cash flow statement ............................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
3.2.4 Statement of changes in equity ............ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
3.2.5 Notes to the financial statements ......... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................... 21
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 22
For the own business that we are going to establish, it has been necessary to
analyze the type of company that we are going to choose, as a first option they will
be through our own resources, accessing some financing in a financial institution or
partnering with other people. In this case, it was decided to associate three people
united by a bond of friendship and with their own resources.
Once all the convenient steps have been indicated and forming the group with the
people to work together, a common business will be chosen, the three partners (me
and two other partners) are willing to invest part of our personal assets, which will
be independent of the personal and that finally work will be done to obtain a profit,
and the benefit will be distributed among the three partners, approving the name of
the company, the address and some other information, necessary for this a company
with which you can start and develop our activities, which is protected by the general
company law (LGS).
PASTELERIA DOLCI DA FORNO SA C. (delights from the oven) was born after the
different analyzes, being a SAC a more dynamic figure, ideal for family or friendly
businesses since the assets of the shareholders and creditors of the company that
are protected are protected. They can act on the assets, having representation of
their capital through shares, answering for their contributions and not for that of the
individuals that make it up, the minimum number of partners is 2 and the maximum
20, likewise if one of the partners dies the company SAC can continue to function.
A SAC can function without a board of directors and it is easier to obtain larger loans
or credits and for a longer term, as well as the contract of people offering them all
the benefits of a labor contract, working under the legality of the State to avoid having
future problems .
In this case, we are going to present our company with the pastry category called
PASTELERIA DOLCI DA FORNO SAC (delights from the oven) with the purpose of
presenting its business structure in accordance with the general company law and
Our company is called PASTELERIA DOLCI DA FORNO SAC (delights from the
1.2 heading
In this regard, article 11 of Law 26887, General Law of Companies, states that the
corporate purpose includes those acts that contribute to the achievement of the
purposes of the company, even though they are not expressly indicated in the
articles of incorporation or the
bylaws. .
Category: Pastry.
1.3 Company type
As detailed in the seventh section of the General Companies Law, this type of
company can be broken down as follows, based on the number of partners that
intend to form it. It could be a SAA or a SAC.
The company has a Microenterprise Labor Regime, as well as the Mype Tax Regime
as a Tax Regime. Which will highlight the General Meeting of shareholders,
established in article 111 of the general company law, which is the supreme body of
the company, will not have a board of directors because it is indicated that it may be
optional, it was decided that there will be no board of directors, according to As
prescribed in articles 185 and 187 of the General Corporations Law, a General
Manager was appointed by the general meeting of shareholders.
1.4 Goals
- Make known the advantages offered by the raw material we use with respect
to the products made with it.
1.5 Vision
Achieve a growing consumption of our customers to meet their needs and motivate
us to get ahead.
1.6 Mission
We are an enterprising company in the service area, we offer quality products that
seek the satisfaction of our clients and collaborators, through the practice of good
innovation in desserts, snacks and breakfasts, contributing to the good nutrition of
our country.
1.7 Values
• Equality: The attention will be the same, there will be no preferences or differences,
social welfare will always be sought.
It has a variety of cakes, snacks Virtual pastry workshops and
and all kinds of breakfasts. courses
MYPE Tax Regime Definition: Through Legislative Decree No. 1269 that creates
the MYPE Income Tax Tax Regime, it consists of 8 articles created for micro and
small businesses with the aim of promoting their growth.
The company PASTELERIA DOLCI DA FORNO SAC (oven delights) with RUC is
20603229801, it was incorporated on April 20, 2022 under current regulations and
the General Law on Companies. Starting activities on May 1, 2022.
The notarial and registry procedures, the applicable general provisions, the scope of
the main corporate models regulated by the General Corporations Law.
TO). - In person.
Name reservation request, this format allows you to place 3 name options (if the first
name is free, the reservation is granted, otherwise, the registrar will search for the
second name, and so on until a free name is found within of the 3 options that you
have placed, which are mutually exclusive depending on the order entered, that is,
if one is granted, the others will be discarded). You can collect it at the office or
download it from the Sunarp website.
This is the document that contains the declaration of intent to establish the company,
it is prepared and signed by a lawyer.
Here you must specify the type of business modality to be formed, the respective
data of the partners or shareholders and the bylaws.
Index search : precisely to avoid the inconvenience described above, you must
search the indexes if there is already a name that is the same or similar to the one
you selected. Verification is done at SUNARP and is obtained the same day.
Copy of the immigration card or business visa, in case the holder or partners are
Copy of the DNI or identity document of the spouses, for those who are married.
Description of the economic activity: clearly detail what your company will be
dedicated to, it can go on a sheet with the signature of the owner and partners. If it
is an EIRL, only the signature of the prospective holder.
Company capital:
Monetary goods, indicate what the contribution of capital in cash will be. Once the
constitutive act has been carried out, the bank deposit is made in the name of the
company, with the deposit voucher (with original and copy).
2. Public deed
This document confirms a fact or right as such and contains one or more statements
by people in relation to said fact. It is also authorized by a notary.
Requirements to carry out the public deed:
Two copies of the DNI of each of the partners and their respective spouses, if
The search and reservation of the original name and two copies.
A file (in PDF, Word or Excel) with the line of business and the list of assets for
The format of the affidavit and the date of application for company incorporation.
The term for issuing the documents, proof of registration and simple copy of the
registry entry is one business day, so that the company can have the rights and
benefits granted by registration and have legal personality.
This is the unique number that will identify you as a tax payer before SUNAT.
B). - Virtually. ( By the SID SUNARP Platform)
To enter your application for incorporation through this platform, you must first
register as a user of the SID - Sunarp (Login): you must previously subscribe to
the Online Registration Advertising Service (SPRL).
Subscription is completely free. You have two options to subscribe to the SPRL,
one is as a natural person and the other is as an organization
Once subscribed, and started your session as an SPRL user, you must first go
to the options menu that appears on the far left of the screen, and click on the
option that says: PREPAY / INCREASE YOUR BALANCE, to recharge your
balance. The system requires you to use a VISA card (with an account in soles)
credit and in some cases debit depending on whether your bank allows you to
make transactions electronically.
After having recharged your balance (in the case of name reservation, the system
only requires you to recharge your balance with S/ 20.00), you can then go to the
option that says: NAME RESERVE, and from here you will begin to fill out your
application. Once the application has been completed, you will send it, and the
system will notify you with an email, as well as a proof of delivery, the data of the
name reservation request (Presentation Sheet 2019 - V......)
Before working on the application, it is suggested to call the notary office with
which you would like to work on the company's deed of incorporation (the
notary information appears on the platform), so that you can find out more
about the expenses notarial documents of the deed, and other relevant
information on the process of establishing a company.
Once the document is accepted at the Notary, it is signed (Notary), which will
register it with Public Registries, thus giving way to the constitution of the
company through the Testimony. Currently SUNARP already creates the
company's RUC, so the next step would only be to update data with SUNAT
through CLAVE SOL, the same one that was requested through a virtual
Totales 468,273.95 468,273.95 242,546.65 242,546.65 43,493.83 43,493.83 136,558.99 120,052.82 93,493.83 110,000.00 43,493.83 60,000.00
El Ejercicio cerró con Utilidad - 16,506.17 16,506.17 - 16,506.17 -
Totales 136,558.99 136,558.99 110,000.00 110,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00
3.2 Preparation of financial statements
3.2.1 Financial Situation Statement
Servicios Generales( Luz, agua, internet) 405
Deuda incobrable
Costo de los bienes vendidos 31,000
Depreciación 696
Beneficios para empleados
Muebles y equipo
Gastos por intereses 327
Mantenimiento y reparaciones
Material de oficina
Impuestos sobre la nómina
Alquilar 2,500
Investigación y desarrollo
Salarios y sueldos 8,565
Alojamiento web y dominios
Total Gastos 43,493
Venta 60,000
(-) Devoluciones sobre ventas
(-) Descuentos sobre ventas
Ventas Netas 60,000
(-)Costo de Ventas 31,000
Utilidad BRUTA 29,000
Gastos Operativos
(-) Gasto de Ventas 6,083
Gasto de Administración 6,083
Utilidad OPERATIVA 16,834
Ingresos Financieros
(-)Gastos Financieros 327
Otros Ingresos
(-)Otros Gastos
Resultado Antes del Impuesto a la 16,507
Undoubtedly, the choice of the type of company affects the way in which the
constitution of a company is carried out, even more so when special attention must
be paid to each of its particularities that can be adapted to the needs.
PASTELERIA DOLCI DA FORNO SAC (delights from the oven) Being a closed
corporation, we have few characteristics that are mandatory since they cannot be
regularized of their own free will since it requires the established bylaws or social