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This module is exclusively made and designed, in good faith, for the
learning scheme for A.Y. 2020-2021 as implemented by the Commission on
Higher Education brought by the COVID -19 pandemic. Furthermore, this is
particularly intended and strictly limited for EDUCATIONAL and NON-
COMMERCIAL purposes only. Many parts of the module were lifted or adapted
from different sources; for this, the designer claims no ownership. All credits and
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Republic of the Philippines
Tarlac State University
Lucinda Campus Tarlac City


VISION Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier

university in Asia and the Pacific.

MISSION Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain

the offering of quality & programs in higher and
advanced education ensuring equitable access to
education for people empowerment, professional
development, and global competitiveness.

Towards this end, TSU shall:

1. Provide high quality instruction trough qualified,

competent & adequately trained faculty
members & support staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing
research undertaking in the fields of technology
& sciences & strengthening collaborating
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private organization & individuals

CORE VALUES E - xcellence

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T - rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y - earning for Global Competitiveness


Associate Professor IV
Prof. Edgar A. Macaraeg is a graduate
of the University of the East with a
degree Bachelor of Science in
Electronics and Communications
Engineering (BSECE). He is also a
holder of Master’s Degree in Teaching
Mathematics (MAT-Math) from Tarlac
State University and Master of Science
Degree in Information Technology
(MSIT) from Hannam University,
Daejeon South Korea.
Prof. Macaraeg is also a candidate for the degree Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in
Mathematics Education at the Nueva Ecija University of Science And
Technology. He was also an Adjunct Professor of YeungJin College School of
Information Technology in Daegu, South Korea and a faculty member of the
Graduate Studies at the Tarlac State University and St. La Salle University of
Bacolod, teaching masters’ and doctorate students under the Eduardo
Cojuangco Foundation Program and likewise, he is a volunteer Professor at Our
Lady of Peace College Seminary, Tarlac City. He has 25 years of solid
experience in teaching Information Technology and math subjects in the College
of Arts and Social Sciences, College of Science, College of Education and
College of Public Administration and is one of several authors of Information
Technology, Mathematics and Science & Technology books published by St.
Andrew and Panday Lahi Publishing Houses. He is also a Licensed FM Radio
Telephone Operator of the TSU Firefox Radio 87.5Mhz.
Mathematics in the Modern World
3 UNITS Credit


The course deals with the nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical,
intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in
daily life.

The course begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics as

an exploration of patterns (in nature and the environment) and as an application
of inductive and deductive reasoning. By exploring these topics, students are
encouraged to go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as merely a
set of formulas but as a source of aesthetics in patterns of nature for example,
and as a rich language in itself (and of science) governed by logic and

The course then proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provides

a tool for understanding and dealing with various aspects of present day living,
such as managing personal finances, making social choices, appreciating
geometric designs, understanding codes used in data transmission and security,
and dividing limited resources fairly. These aspects will provide opportunities for
actually doing mathematics in a broad range of exercises that bring out the
various dimensions of mathematics as a way of knowing, and test the students’
understanding and capacity. (CMO No.20 s. 2013)

At the end of the course, the students would be able to:

1. Discuss and argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is
expressed, represented, and used;

2. Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments

made about mathematics and mathematical concepts;

3. Discuss the language and symbols of mathematics.

4. Use a variety of statistical tools to process and manage numerical data;

5. Analyze codes and coding schemes used for identification, privacy, and
security purposes;

6. Use mathematics in other areas such as finance, voting, health and

medicine, business, environment, arts and design, and recreation;

7. Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life; and

8. Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of mathematics to various

human endeavours.

PART I : The Nature of Mathematics

Module 1: Mathematics in our World

Core Idea: Mathematics is a useful way to think about
nature and our world.

Module 2 : Mathematical Language and Symbols

Core Idea: Like any language, mathematics has its own
symbols, syntax and rules.

Module 3 : Problem Solving and Reasoning

Core Idea: Mathematics is not just about numbers, much of
it is problem solving and reasoning.


PART II: Mathematics as a Tool

Module 4: Data Management

Core Idea: Statistical tools derived from mathematics are
useful in processing and managing numerical data in order
to describe a phenomenon and predict values.

Module 5: Modern World Math

A. Geometric Designs
Core Idea: Geometry can help enhance one’s artistic
prowess as well as enrich one’s own culture.
B. Codes
Core Idea: The utility of mathematics goes beyond the
mundane. Mathematics enables the development of
codes and ciphers that are useful to individuals and to
C. Linear Programming
D. The Mathematics of Finance
E. Apportionment and Voting
F. Logic
G. The Mathematics of Graphs
H. Mathematical Systems
As this semester has a duration of eighteen (18) weeks, PLEASE REFER TO THE OBTL
SYLLABUS for the schedule of module topics and instructions on requirements. Any
adjustments on the schedule or changes regarding the requirements will be
communicated to you accordingly.

The requirements that you have to comply in order to evaluate your completion of this
course are the following:


Quizzes 20%

Projects/Activities/Recitation 20%

Assignment/Outputs (Oral Presentation, Essay, etc.) 20%

Attendance/Online Class Participation 10%

Midterm/Final Exam 30%

Credit Grade = (Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade) / 2

Guidelines on Requirements
For the Online Discussion Forum, please adhere to the following guidelines:

• Address in an informed and well considered manner the given discussion topic
or question. The discussion topic or question will be found in the “Learning
Activities” section of each module.
• Write clearly, following the conventions of written English. Do not use
abbreviations and acronyms unless these are introduced in the readings, and do
not write in textspeak.
• Do not post lengthy contributions, do not beat around the bush. Your post
should be short yet concise. When you agree or disagree on something, please
explain clearly why.
• Respond to one or two posts by other co-learners in a courteous and
constructive way. Be polite or civil when arguing a point. Do not be rude and do
not make remarks that may be construed as a personal attack. Refer to
ideas/statements, not the person. Avoid jokes or humorous statements in text
that may be misunderstood by your classmates, and ask only questions that
sincerely interest you.

For all the Assignments/Outputs, please use the following format:

• Use 8.5 x 11 inches paper, 1-inch margins maximum.

• Choose Font Type Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial, size 11, 1.5 line spacing.
• Use APA Format for references and citations.
• Choose Black ink only.

As a college student, you also know that the Mathematics Department upholds the
value of integrity therefore, your commitment to academic integrity is fundamental in
completing this course. Cheating in any form will not tolerated by the Department and
offenders will be dealt with accordingly. YOU NEED TO COMPLY TO THIS HONOR CODE
• You commit that your outputs to requirements and answers to exams must be
your own work (except for those which required collaboration as instructed and
permitted by your Instructor.)
• You commit that you will not share any solutions or answers to requirements
and exams with anyone.
• You commit that you will not engage in any other activities that will dishonestly
improve your results or dishonestly improve or damage the results of others.
• You commit that your work will not be in any form of plagiarism – copying
words, ideas, or any other materials from another source without giving credit.
Reference: Coursera Honor Code (n. d.). Retrieved from

Your work shall be rated at the end of each term in accordance with the Grading System
documented in the Tarlac State University Student Manual.

1.0 – Excellent

1.25-1.5 – Very Good

1.75-2.0 – Good

2.25-2.5 – Satisfactory

2.75-3.0 – Passing

4.0 – Conditional Failure

5.0 – Failing

INC. – Incomplete

Class Management
This course will be delivered using two modalities: (1) Online Class and (2) Self-learning
Modules. You are assigned to either one of these modalities based on the available and
accessible resources that you have. Kindly take note of the following reminders in the
management of these class modalities.

1. Online Class
• Microsoft Teams will be used as the primary platform thus, you are advised
to download and install the aforementioned application. Go to
and login using your account. Choose Teams from the
list of applications, from there your enrolled subjects will appear. Scheduled
class discussions through video conferencing, will be hosted and posted
• Facebook Messenger Group Chat will also be used as the supplementary
platform for communication. Ask your class representative to add you in the
Group Chat.
2. Self-learning Modules
• TSU in partnership with your Local Government Unit (LGU) placed a
Distribution and Retrieval System of modules, references and other
documents hence, you are encouraged to check on this set-up with your
Barangay/LGU officials.
Before you go to the next page, PLEASE ANSWER the
COURSE PRE-TEST on page 21
Tarlac State University
Mathematics Department

Mathematics in our world

1. The user is to study this module at his own pace within the
time frame set by the instructor. Check the OBTL syllabus for
2. Video links for subtopics are also provided in this module.
3. References, Supplemental and Additional readings are also
given for further understanding and appreciation of the
4. Self-Check Test are also available for student’s self-
assessment. Respective instructors may ask the students to
submit answers via agreed platforms


I. Introduction
A. Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World
B. The Fibonacci Sequence
C. Patterns and Regularities in the World as
Organized by Mathematics.
D. Phenomena in the World as Predicted by
E. Nature and Occurrences in the world as
controlled by Nature
F. Applications of Mathematics in the World
II. Summary
III. Assignment
IV. Pre-Test
V. End of Topic Test
VI. Further Resources

Reading this module should help you to cope with the following
syllabus learning objectives:

• Articulate the importance of mathematics in one’s life;

• Identify patterns in nature and regularities in the world;

• Argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is

expressed, represented and used; and

• Express appreciation of mathematics as a human endeavor.

Mathematics is the study of the relationships among number,
quantities and shapes. It includes arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry,
statistics and calculus. Mathematics nurtures human characteristics like
power of creativity, reasoning, critical thinking, spatial thinking and others.
It provides the opportunity to solve both simple and complex problems in
many real-world contexts using a variety of strategies. Mathematics is a
universal way to make sense of the world and to communicate
understanding of concepts and rules using the mathematical symbol,
signs, proofs, language and conventions.

Mathematics helps organize patterns and regularities in the world.

The geometry of most patterns in nature can be associated, either directly
or indirectly, to mathematical numbers. The limit and extent to which
natural patterns adhere to mathematical series and numbers are amazing.
Mathematics helps predict the behavior of nature and phenomena in the
world. It helps control nature and occurrences in the world for the good of
mankind. Because of its numerous applications, mathematics becomes

Mathematics, being a science of patterns, helps students to utilize,

recognize and generalize patterns that exist in numbers, in shapes and in
the world around them. Students with such skills are better problem
solvers and have a better sense and appreciation of nature and the world.
Hence, they should have opportunities to analyze, synthesize and create a
variety of patterns and to use pattern-based thinking to understand and
represent mathematical and other real-world phenomena. These
explorations present unlimited opportunities for problem solving, verifying
generalizations and building mathematical and scientific competence.

A. Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World

Patterns in nature are visible regularities found in the natural world.

These patterns persist in different contexts and can be modelled
mathematically. Natural patterns may persist in different contexts and can
be modelled mathematically. Natural patterns may consist of spirals,
symmetries, mosaics, stripes, spots, etc. The world seems to make
several distinct patterns, evolving various complex steps of formation but a
closer and deeper study reveals that these patterns have many similarities
and resemblances.

Plato, Pythagoras and Empedocles and other early Greek

philosophers studied patterns to explain order in nature which lead to the
modern understanding of visible patterns.

In the 19th century, Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau examined

soap films, leading him to formulate the concept of a minimal surface.
German biologist and artist Ernst Haeckel painted hundreds of marine
organisms to emphasize their symmetry. Scottish biologist D’Arcy
Thompson pioneered the study of growth patterns in both plants and

animals, showing that simple equations could explain spiral growth. In the
20th century, British mathematician Alan Turing predicted mechanisms of
morphogenesis which give rise to patterns of spots and stripes. Hungarian
biologist Aristid Lindenmayer and French American mathematician Benoit
Mandelbrot showed how the mathematics of fractals could create plant
growth patterns (Patterns in Nature, 2017)

Snowflakes Honeycomb

Tiger Stripes Sun Flower

Figure 1: Patterns in Nature

W. Gary Smith adopts eight patterns in his landscape work, namely:

scattered, fractured, mosaic, naturalistic drift, serpentine, spiral, radial and
dendritic. These patterns occur in plants, animals, rock formations, river
flow, stars or in human creations (Goral, 2017)

Spiral Radial



Figure 2: Some patterns adopted in landscape designs

Numbers are everywhere in nature. Mathematicians noticed that

number appear in many different patterns in nature; bird’s two wings,
clover's three leaflets, deer’s four hooves, buttercup’s five petals, insect’s
six legs, rainbow’s seven colors, octopus’ eight arms and many others. As
men of science studied numbers, they also realized their significance in
everyday life.

Clover Buttercup

Insect Octopus

Figure 3: Samples of number in nature

B. The Fibonacci Sequence

Leonardo Pisano Bogollo

lived between 1170 and 1250 in
Italy. His nickname, “Fibonacci”
roughly means “Son of Bonacci”
(Fibonacci Sequence, 2016)

Aside from being famous for

the Fibonacci Sequence, he also
helped spread Hindu Arabic
numerals (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9)
through Europe in place of Roman
numerals (I, II,II,IV, V, etc).
Fibonacci Day is November 23, as
it has the digits “1,1,2,3” which is
part of the sequence, which is developed. This famous Fibonacci
Sequence has fascinated mathematicians, artists, designers and scientists
for centuries. Also recognized as the Fibonacci sequence goes like this:

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377

610 987 1507 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657
46368 75025 121393 196418 317811

Each number in the sequence is the sum of the two numbers which
precede it.
The ratio of any two successive. Fibonacci Numbers is very close
to the Golden Ratio, referred to and represented as phi (Φ) which is
approximately equal to 1.618034 … The bigger the pair of Fibonacci
Numbers considered, the closer is the approximation.

Table 1: Fibonacci Sequence

A B B/A= Φ
2 3 1.5
3 5 1.66666666667
5 8 1.6
8 13 1.625
… … …
144 233 1.6180555556
233 377 1.6180257511
… … …
75025 121393 1.6180339887
121393 196418 1.6180339888
196418 317811 1.6180339887

In geometry, a golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor is
(Φ ), the golden ratio. That is, a golden spiral gets wider (or further from its
origin) by a factor of (Φ) for every quarter turn it makes (Golden Spiral,

Figure 4: The Golden Spiral

Figure 5: Fibonacci Spiral

Examples of Fibonacci flowers are: three-petal lily and iris; five-petal wild
rose; larkspur, buttercup and columbine; eight-petal delphiniums; thirteen-
petal ragwort, corn marigold and cineraria; 21-petal aster, chicory and
black-eyed susan; 34-petal pyrethrum and plantain and others.

Three-petal Iris Five-petal Columbine

Eight-petal delphiniums Thirteen-petal ragwort

21-petal aster 34-petal Pyrethrum

Figure 6: Fibonacci Petals

C. Patterns and Regularities in the World as Organized by

Patterns, relationships, and functions constitute a unifying theme of

mathematics. So many of the beautiful phenomena observed in nature
can be described in mathematical terms. Scientific and mathematical
principles undergird these spectacular patterns as in rainbows, water
waves, cloud formations, tree branching patterns, mud-crack patterns,
butterfly marking, leopard spots and tiger stripes. Waves on the surface of
puddles, ponds, lakes, or oceans are governed by mathematical
relationships between their speed, their wavelength, and the depth of the
water. Exploring similarities such as those between a snail shell and the
swirling stars of a galaxy, or the branches of a tree and those of a river
network conveys the majestic beauty and richness of natural pattern
formation, all organized by mathematics.


Figure 7: Spectacular patterns

The world consists of orders (the regular cycles of days and nights,
the recurrence of seasons, alternate sunrise and sunsets, etc) and
symmetry ( the fractal pattern in a romanesco broccoli, spiral nautilus
shell, bilateral peacock’s tail, circular spider webs, etc) from which
similarity, predictability and regularity in nature and the world consequently

Romanesco broccoli Spiral Nautilus Shell

Peacock tail

Spider Web
Figure 8: Symmetrical Patterns

The concept of symmetry fascinates philosophers, astronomers,
mathematicians, artists, architects and physicists. The mathematics
behind symmetry seems to permeate in most of the things around us.

The motion of a pendulum, the reflection in a plane mirror, the

motion of a falling object and the action-reaction pair of forces are all
guide and organized by mathematics. They exhibit regularities and
symmetry in motion and behavior according to mathematical laws.

For example, the mathematics of pendulum is quite complicated but

harmonic. Its period or the time it takes to swing back to its original
position is related to its length, but the relationship is not linear. A
pendulum that is suspended twice as long as another pendulum does not
simply have a period that is also twice as long but mathematics can
explicate it. The patterns and regularities in the swinging motion of a
pendulum can be explained by mathematics.

How an image is formed by an object in a plane mirror is

fascinating – the image which has exactly the same size as the object and
is far behind the mirror as the object is distant from the mirror. This
regularity in size and distance can be explained mathematically by the law
of reflection.

A free-falling object is an object that is falling under the sole

influence of gravity. Any object that is moving and being acted upon only
be the force of gravity is said to be in a state of free fall. Its motion obeys
the equations of uniformly accelerated vertical motion.

In every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two

interacting objects. The amount of the force on the first object equals the
size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the
first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object.
Forces always come in pairs - equal and opposite action-reaction force

Pendulum Image in plane mirror

Free Falling Object Action-Reaction Force

Figure 9: Regularities in the world organized by Mathematics

D. Phenomena in the World as Predicted by Mathematics

There are many patterns found in nature, including numerical

patterns (such as Fibonacci numbers in sunflowers) and shape patterns
(such as in snowflakes). Nature has symmetries at every scale, from
elementary particles and atoms right up to galaxies. The role of
mathematics is to describe symmetry-breaking processes in order to
explain in a unified way the fact that the patterns seen in sand dunes and
zebras’ stripes are caused by processes which, while physically different,
are mathematically very similar. Mathematics solves puzzles in nature
(such as why planets move in the way that they do), describes changing
quantities via calculus, modelling change (such as the evolution of the
eye), and predicts and controls physical systems. Mathematics is not just
about numbers, but also about operations (also known as functions or
transformations), about the logical relationships between facts, and about
proof. Drops, dynamics and daisies are three examples of “simplicity
emerging from complexity”. The formation of water droplets, populations
dynamics, and Fibonacci numbers crop up in the formation of daisy petals
(Stewart as cited by Cremona, 1997).

Mathematics is an extraordinary exercise of the human mind in

abstracting the results of observation to find similarities and differences
between phenomena. These relations between phenomena make it
possible to organize the natural world into discrete sets of objects that can
be studied using similar mathematical objects and methods. Nature, as an
object of mathematical study, bridges the gap between the concreteness
of the everyday environment and the abstraction of mathematics.
Mathematics, in turn, allows us to summarize, formalize, interpolate, and
extrapolate from observations that have been recorded (Knickerbocker,

Sand dunes

Zebra stripes
Figure 10: Physically different but mathematically similar patterns

E. Nature and Occurrence in the World as Controlled by

Mathematics for Human Ends

Mathematics relies on both logic and creativity, and it is pursued

both for a variety of practical purposes and for its intrinsic interest. For
some people, and not only professional mathematicians, the essence of
mathematics lies in its beauty and its intellectual challenge. For others,
including many scientist and engineers, the chief value of mathematics is
how it applies to their own work. Because mathematics plays such a
central role in modern culture, some basic understanding of the nature of
mathematics plays such a central role in modern culture, some basic
understanding of the nature of mathematics is requisite for scientific
literacy. To achieve this, students need to perceive mathematics as part of
the scientific endeavor, comprehend the nature of mathematical thinking,

and become familiar with key mathematical ideas and skills. (Chapter 2:
The Nature of Mathematics – Science for all Americans, 1990)

The application of mathematics to medicine is an existing and novel

area of research within the discipline of applied mathematics. Nurses
routinely use addition, fractions, ratios and algebraic equations each
workday to deliver the right amount of medication to their patients or
monitor changes in their health. Nursing schools often test new students
on their mathematical ability, requiring a remedial course in medical math
if necessary (Boyd, 2017). In dealing with and setting state-of-the-art
medical facilities, nurses and other health practitioners must have sharp
mathematical skills.

Mathematics and Medicine

A component in which mathematics contributes significantly to

health and medicine concerns life expectancy. Life expectancy
summarizes the remaining years of life that a person is expected to live.
The varies (sometimes drastically) across the world and even among
different ethnic and gender groups within the same country and is due to
the numerous sources for exploring life expectancy. Life expectancy is
calculated through data acquired in a population census (Life Expectancy,

Mathematics and Life expectancy

Political scientist use math and statistics to predict the behavior of

group of people. They study the population using many different
applications of math, including computer science, database management,
statistics and economics.

Analysis and study in economics help explain the interdependent
relation between different variables. Economists try to explain what causes
rise in prices or unemployment or inflation. Mathematical functions are
models through which these real life phenomena are made more
understandable and logical (Riverfish24, 2016). As students advance their
study of economics, they realize that there is more to it than just theories.
There is no better way of explaining the concepts of prices, quantity of
goods sold and costs without the use of mathematics.

Mathematics and economics

F. Applications of Mathematics in the World

Mathematics has everyday applications. It is a universal language

in different places, in different times, in different settings and different
circumstances. The physical world seems to consist of countable things
and any infinity encountered is a result of extending a counting process.
But of course, mathematics is not just counting. When one buys a product,
follow a recipe, or decorate his room, he uses math principles. People
employ these principles for thousands of years, across countries and

Farming and gardening also provide rich mathematical
opportunities. Within the broad concept of farming, there are two very
important elements: time and money. At the root of both is mathematics
has enabled farming to be more economically efficient and has increased
productivity. Farmers use mathematics as a system of organization to
effectively utilize their time and manage their money. Farmers use
numbers everyday for a variety of tasks, from measuring and weighing, to
land marking. The math used in farming is sometimes unnoticed. The
calculations and formulas require mathematical knowledge and farmers
use their problem solving and money management abilities daily. Basic
geometry, proportions, multiplication and measurement skills are used
everyday by farmers. Advancements in farming mean faster machinery
and less time. Technology has allowed farmers to increase the size of their
operations without increasing manpower. Today, new developments and
inventions are even more considerable. Small family farms are becoming
larger, with fewer people. And, as technology increases, so does a
farmer’s use for mathematics. (Glydon, n.d.)

Mathematics and farming

Planning a market list and grocery shopping requires math

knowledge, starting from the fundamental operations of addition,
subtractions, multiplication and division to estimation and percentages:
calculating price per unit, figuring percentage discounts, comparing unit
and bulk price of items, estimating total price, etc. Today’s trends like
using credit card to pay, or atm debit or electronic banking are all
applications of mathematics.

Mathematics and market and grocery shopping

Anywhere in the house, there is mathematics, e.g. symmetric
arrangement of furniture, wall decorations and frames, wine bottles in the
bar, plant pots in the inner garden and even restroom fixtures. Working in
the kitchen requires mathematical knowledge: measuring ingredients,
calculating cooking time, making ratios and proportions in baking, etc.

Mathematics and working in the kitchen

Long and short travels involve math in various ways: fuel required
based on distance, total expenses for toll fees, tire pressure check, time
allowance for he trips, short-cut routes alternatives road map reading,
speed limits and others.

Mathematics and travelling

A contractor, or even a contraction worker, knows that building
anything and creating something requires a broad range of mathematics.
Making accurate measurement of lengths, widths, and angles; projecting
detailed material estimate, getting the best value of available resources,
etc. are obvious applications of mathematics.

The art of applying mathematics to complex real-world problems is

called engineering mathematics. It combines mathematical theory,
practical engineering and scientific computing to address the fast-
changing technology. Engineering mathematics can be found in a
extraordinarily wide range of careers, from designing next generation high-
end cars to inventing robotics and automatic devices.

Many experts agree that without strong math skills, people tend to
invest, save, or spend money based on their emotions. To add to this
dilemma, those individuals with poor math fundamentals typically make
greater financial mistakes like underestimating how quickly interest
accumulates. A student who thoroughly grasps the concepts of
exponential growth and compound interest will be more inclined to better
manage debt (Yurchuk, 2016)

Mathematics and Engineering

Time is everybody’s most valuable asset. Without good planning,

the day can slip idly and tasks and duties accrue. In a swift changing
world, creating and following schedule prove beneficial, but it takes more
mathematical skills than simply using a clock and calendar to manage
time well and be on top of others.

Through some of the more abstract mathematical concepts seldom

come into play, the essential skills developed in basic math lessons
resonate throughout a student’s lifetime and often resurface to help solve
various problems in real life situations in the workplace and in the world.


1. Many patterns and occurrences exist in nature, in our world and in

our life. Mathematics helps make sense of these patterns and

2. Mathematics is a tool to quantify, organize and control the world,

predict phenomena and make life easier for us.



Nature by Numbers
(Short movie inspired on numbers, geometry and nature.)
By Cristobal Vila

Show your appreciation of this movie inspired on numbers, geometry and

nature by writing an essay to answer the question: What did you learn in
this Video?



Spirals and the Golden Ratio
By Gary Meisner

Show your appreciation of this movie inspired on numbers, geometry and

nature by writing an essay to answer the question: What did you learn in
this Video?


Name: _____________________________________________________

Course, Year & Section: ___________________ Date: _______________

Prepare a two-page REACTION PAPER focusing on ONE of the following

aspects of mathematics.

1. Mathematics helps control nature and occurrences in the world for

the good of mankind.

2. Mathematics has numerous applications in the world, making it


3. Mathematics helps predict the behavior of nature and phenomena

in the world.


Name: _____________________________________________________

Course, Year & Section: ___________________ Date: _______________

Assessment 1

Answer the following questions in three to five sentences only.

(5 points each)

1. What new ideas about mathematics did you learn?

2. What is it about mathematics that might have changed your thoughts

about it.

3. How useful is mathematics to humankind?


Name: _____________________________________________________

Course, Year & Section: ___________________ Date: _______________

Assessment 2

The rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomena. It is composed of the

entire spectrum of colors of visible light, from the longest wavelength
to the shortest wavelength. According to Marianne Feilberger (2011),
its mathematical explanation, requiring just the basic geometry of
lines and circles, is just an elegant as the rainbows themselves.

1. Enumerate the rainbow colors in order.

2. Give the wavelength of each color of the rainbow.

3. What are the mathematical and scientific concepts involved in a


Further Resources

Recommended Reading Material*

A Day’s Adventure in Math Wonderland

Jin Akiyama
(Tokai University, Japan)

Mari-Jo P. Ruiz
(Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

This book is centered around the experiences of three fictional middle-

school students during a visit to Wonderland. Math Wonderland is a museum of
interactive mathematical models in Hokkaido, Japan, founded by one of the
authors, Jin Akiyama, in 2003. The models in Wonderland, many of which have
been exhibited all over Japan and in cities around the world, are meant to help
children and young adults discover and experience the wonders of mathematics.

The three fictional middle-school students spend a day in Wonderland,

handling the interactive models and participating in the activities offered there. At
the end of the day, they leave with a genuine appreciation of mathematics gained
from witnessing its beauty, applicability and inevitability.

The book is an important contribution to the genre because it presents

mathematics and models that have never before appeared in books in the same
category: reversible solids, plane tiling with developments of tetrahedrons and
double-packable solids, which are derived from the authors’ own research papers
published in mathematics journals. It is designed to entertain, inform and even
teach some mathematics. Although it is targeted at young adults, parents and
teachers may learn something from the book as well.

• Math is Fun?
• Fat triangles and Flattened Bagels
• Cool Curves
• A Roomful of Right Triangles
• Math in Music
• Pachinko Math
• GCF-LCM Machine
• Baumkuchen, Spaghetti and Watermelon
• Automat(h)
• A Slice of a Cone
• Paper Twists
• Fold and Cut
• Jigsaws from Tetrahedron
• Single and Double Duty Solids
• Reversible Solids

Retrieved on August 1, 2020


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