FOW Missions
FOW Missions
FOW Missions
April 2023
The Flames Of War Missions pack is an optional expansion WHICH MISSION?
for tournaments and players looking for quick pick-up
There are three easy ways of selecting a mission to play.
games. It contains new versions of the missions from the
• You can roll a die to determine the mission, or
rulebook that use a different set of victory conditions and the
optional Battle Plans mission selector. • You and your opponent can pick a mission that suits
your forces and the terrain, or
The easy-to-use format means that when you print out the
• You can pick battle plans and use the mission selector on
missions, each mission will have a larger version of the set up
the next page to determine the mission.
diagram and expanded instructions on the front side and all
of the relevant mission special rules on the back.
CONTENTS To quickly pick a mission, roll up a random mission. As
the three defensive battles (Bridgehead, Rearguard, and No
Battle Plans 3
Retreat) are best suited to having an infantry-based force
Extended Battle Plans 4
defending, we haven’t included them in the random missions
Annihilation 5 list to avoid disadvantaging a tank-based force. Roll on the
Breakthrough 7 following table to select your mission.
Bridgehead 9
Bypass (Spearpoint) 11 RANDOM MISSIONS
Cornered 13
1: Annihilation 4: Encounter
Counterattack 15
2: Free for All 5: Counterattack
Counterstrike (Counterattack) 17
Covering Force (Rearguard) 19 3: Dust-Up 6: Probe
Dogfight 21 Roll to see who Attacks
Dust-Up 23
Encirclement 25 PICK A MISSION
Encounter 27 For a cooperative approach to selecting a mission, discuss
Escape 29 which mission you’d like to play with your opponent and
pick one. With twenty missions to choose from, you have
Fighting Withdrawal (Rearguard) 31
plenty of choices to try out.
Free for All 33
Gauntlet 35
Hold the Pocket (Encirclement) 37 EXPERIMENTAL MISSIONS
It’s a Trap (Killing Ground) 39 This edition of the Missions Pack contains six new missions:
Killing Ground 41 • Bypass
No Retreat 43 • Counterstrike
Outflanked 45 • Covering Force
Outmanoeuvred (Outflanked) 47 • Hold the Pocket
Probe (Contact) 49 • It’s a Trap
Scouts Out 51 • Outmanoeuvred
Spearpoint 53 These are rebalanced variations on existing missions. You
Valley of Death 55 can use the original missions or try out the new missions,
whichever you prefer. When using the Extended Battle Plan
Vanguard 57
method of choosing a mission, you’ll have the option of the
older mission or the experimental one. If you are playing
in a tournament, the organiser will tell you which to use.
Otherwise, if you can’t agree, roll a die to see which to play.
If you have any comments or suggestions on the new mis-
sions, post on out Facebook group:
Some missions require you to hold part of your force in You are Holding an Objective if you start your turn with
Reserve. You may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed a Tank, Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of an
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must Objective, and end it with no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun
be held in Reserve. teams within 4”/10cm of that Objective.
The Reserves Table helps you calculate the proportion of Objectives cannot be Held by Tank teams that are Bailed
your force that you can deploy for a given Force size. You Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams. Nor can
may deploy less and hold more in Reserve if you wish. these teams, or any team that moved at Dash speed, pre-
vent the enemy from Holding an Objective. Objectives can
RESERVES be Held or contested by Infantry that are Passengers in a
Transport team.
Note: This means that you check for victory at the end of your
50 points 30 points own turn, and the game ends at that point if you have won.
60 points 36 points
75 points 45 points REPELLING AN ATTACK
You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
80 points 48 points every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
100 points 60 points within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams when deter-
125 points 75 points
mining if you have Repelled an Attack.
150 points 90 points
200 points 120 points NO MAN’S LAND
Some special rules refer to No Man’s Land. This is the area
that is neither in the attacker’s nor the defender’s deployment
areas. It is normally shown as plain green.
The Battle Plans mission selectors allow players to pick a plan Before the game, the Allied and Axis players each pick a
that will influence the type of mission they will play. The battle plan (Attack, Manoeuvre, or Defend). They then com-
combination of the two players’ plans determines the type pare their plans on the Battle Plans table in the rulebook or
of mission. There are two Battle Plan mission selectors to the expanded one below and roll a die to see what mission
choose from: the Battle Plans from the rulebook, and the they will play.
Extended Battle Plans that adds extra missions into the mix.
Allied Player Attacks
Roll to see who Attacks
Axis Player Defends Allied Player Attacks
1: Breakthrough Axis Player Defends
1: Breakthrough
2: Counterattack
2: Probe 1 or 2: Bridgehead
ATTACK 3: Dust-Up
3: Counterattack 3 or 4: No Retreat
4: Encounter
4: Counterattack 5 or 6: Fighting
5: Free for All
5: Dust Up Withdrawal
6: Free for All
6: Encounter
Axis Player Attacks Allied Player Attacks
Roll to see who Attacks
Allied Player Defends Axis Player Defends
1: Breakthrough
1: Breakthrough 1: Breakthrough
2: Counterattack
2: Probe 2: Bridgehead
3: Counterattack 3: Probe
4: Encounter
4: Counterattack 4: No Retreat
5: Free for All
5: Dust Up 5: No Retreat
6: Free for All
6: Encounter 6: Fighting Withdrawal
The Extended Battle Plans mission adds many of the missions that first appeared in the D-Day series of books to give a greater
variety of missions for each battle plan.
If you intend to keep these missions as separate pages then
print this document in its entirety. This will give you
individual pages with the mission map on one side, and its
relevant special rules on the back.
However, if you intend to bind this document after print-
ing, or otherwise keep all the pages together in a booklet,
exclude or delete this page before printing. This will give
you a booklet in which the mission map lies on the left-
hand page and the relevant special rules are displayed on
the right-hand page.
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
of the game. their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting counts as two Units.
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply • Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns. • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn. • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu- Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
ally moved or not. player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
ments in their first Shooting Step.
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
assaults in the Assault Step.
16”/40cm 16”/40cm
16”/40cm 16”/40cm
Attacker places
two objectives
Defender places their
in this area
units in either quarter
Defender’s Reserves
Attacker places 8”/20cm
their units here
SPECIAL RULES 3. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
• Flanking Delayed Reserves (Attacker) markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
• Ambush (Defender) Artillery Units.
• Immediate Reserves (Defender) 4. The Defender may hold one of their deployed Units
in Ambush.
SETTING UP 5. The Defender then places their deployed Units in their
1. The Defender picks two diagonally opposite table quar- table quarters, allocating them between the quarters as
ters to defend. they wish.
2. The Attacker picks one of the remaining table quarters 6. The Attacker then places their deployed Units in their
to attack from. table quarter at least 8”/20cm from both centre lines.
3. The Attacker places two Objectives in the remaining 7. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
table quarter at least 8”/20cm from all table edges.
DEPLOYMENT The Attacker has the first turn.
1. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to
deploy and holds the rest in Immediate Reserve. Their WINNING THE GAME
Reserves will arrive within 16”/40cm of either of their • The Attacker wins if they end their turn on or after the
table corners. sixth turn Holding an Objective.
• The Defender wins if they have Repelled the Attack at
2. The Attacker selects at least one Unit to hold in Delayed
the end of their turn on or after the sixth turn.
Reserve. Their Reserves will arrive within 16”/40cm of
the Objective table corner.
AMBUSH (DEFENDER) If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they
cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them-
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. FLANKING DELAYED RESERVES
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain The Attacker must hold at least one Unit in Reserve. The
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units entire Unit must be In Command at the end of its Movement
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. in the turn it arrives from Reserves. Attachments and
their core Unit must arrive from the same point, although
PLACING AMBUSHES Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. A Unit may
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they not use Movement Orders until it has moved on to the table.
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with ROLL FOR RESERVES
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit At the start of the Attacker’s third turn, they roll a die. On a
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in move on from the table edge within 16”/40cm of the corner
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: opposite the Attacker’s deployment area at the start of their
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of Movement Step.
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and from the Attacker’s Reserves.
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must If the Attacker rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
from Ambush. cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
8”/20cm 8”/20cm
SPECIAL RULES 3. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
• Ambush (Defender) markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
• Deep Scattered Immediate Reserves (Defender) Artillery Units.
• Minefields (Defender) 4. They then place their deployed Units in their table half at
least 20”/50cm from the side table edges.
SETTING UP 5. The Attacker places all of their Units in their table half
1. The Defender picks a long table edge to defend from. at least 16”/40cm from the long centre line or within
The Attacker attacks from the opposite edge. 8”/20cm of the side table edge.
2. The Attacker places two Objectives at least 8”/20cm from 6. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
the long centre line, at least 8”/20cm from long table
edge, and at least 28”/70cm from the short table edges. WHO GOES FIRST
3. The Defender places one Minefield for each 25 points or The Attacker has the first turn.
part thereof in their force anywhere outside the oppo-
nent’s deployment area.
• The Attacker wins if they end their turn Holding an
1. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to deploy • The Defender wins if they have Repelled the Attack at
and holds the rest in Deep Scattered Immediate Reserve. the end of their turn on or after the sixth turn.
The Defender will dice to see where each Unit will arrive.
2. The Defender may hold one of their deployed Units
in Ambush.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die. On a
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now.
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
ALREADY THERE They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
on from the Defender’s Reserves.
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush. this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in WHERE DO RESERVES ARRIVE
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the owning player
rolls a die to determine from which table edge or corner it
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in
will arrive using the mission map as reference.
their Deployment Area, provided that it is:
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of If a Unit arrives from a table edge, it may enter the table
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and anywhere along that table edge. If the Unit arrives from a
corner, they must enter the table within 16”/40cm of the
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams.
corner. The Reserves move on from the table edge at the start
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES of their Movement Step.
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or VICTORY POINTS
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
from Ambush. counts as two Units.
• Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
DEEP SCATTERED IMMEDIATE • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
RESERVES (DEFENDER) • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
be held in Reserve. No more than one Battle Tank Unit or player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
Aircraft Unit can be placed on table. All remaining Units of and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
these types must be held in Reserve.
In Late War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front Armour of HOLDING OBJECTIVES
4 or more. In Mid War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
Armour of 3 or more. In Early War, a Battle Tank Unit is one Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
with Top Armour 1 or 2 that is not a Transport. Regardless no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
of their armour, Observer Teams are never Battle Tank Units. of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
The entire Unit must be In Command at the end of its that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. Attachments teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
and their core Unit must arrive from the same point,
although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. A REPELLING AN ATTACK
Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
to the table. every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
8”/20cm 24”/60cm 8”/20cm
Defender Attacker
12”/30cm 12”/30cm
places two places two
objectives objectives in
in this area this area
8”/20cm Defender
their Units
8”/20cm 8”/20cm
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged At the start of the Attacker’s first turn, they roll a die. On a
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
of the game. any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
move on from the short table edge in the Attacker’s deploy-
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting
ment area at the start of their Movement Step.
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns. At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn. of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
ally moved or not.
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard
on from the Attacker’s Reserves.
ments in their first Shooting Step.
If the Attacker rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to
this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
assaults in the Assault Step.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die.
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the On a roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- may be any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. Reserves move on from the table edge within 16”/40cm of
the corner in the Defender’s deployment area at the start of
ALREADY THERE their Movement Step.
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
on from the Defender’s Reserves.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: VICTORY POINTS
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
counts as two Units.
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES • Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
from Ambush. and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
arrive from this corner
Defender’s Reserves
Attacker places
their units here
Attacker places Defender places
8”/20cm an Objective in an Objective in
this area this area
Defender places
8”/20cm their units here
SPECIAL RULES 2. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
• Ambush (Defender) markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
• Immediate Reserves (Defender) Artillery Units.
3. The Defender may hold one of their deployed Units
SETTING UP in Ambush.
1. The Defender picks a table quarter to defend. 4. They then place their deployed Units in their quarter at
2. The Attacker picks an adjacent (on either the long or the least 12”/30cm from the table centre.
short table edge) table quarter to attack from. Depending 5. The Attacker places all of their Units in their table quar-
on the quarter chosen, the table will look like: ter at least 8”/20cm from both centre lines.
6. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
The Attacker has the first turn.
1. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to deploy
and holds the rest in Immediate Reserve. Their Reserves
will arrive within 16”/40cm of the opposite corner from
their quarter.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die.
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the On a roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- may be any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. Reserves move on from the table edge within 16”/40cm of
the opposite corner from their quarter at the start of their
ALREADY THERE Movement Step.
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
on from the Defender’s Reserves.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: VICTORY POINTS
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
counts as two Units.
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES • Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
from Ambush. and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
arrive from this corner
Defender’s Reserves
Attacker places
their units here
Attacker places Defender places
8”/20cm an Objective in an Objective in
this area this area
Defender places
8”/20cm their units here
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start points total for the game on the table. The remainder must
of the game. be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves.
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns. point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted.
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn. A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on
to the table.
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
ally moved or not.
At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die.
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard
On a roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It
ments in their first Shooting Step.
may be any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to Reserves move on from the table edge within 16”/40cm of
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch the opposite corner from their quarter at the start of their
assaults in the Assault Step. Movement Step.
At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
AMBUSH (DEFENDER) of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
on from the Defender’s Reserves.
If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain
this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units
cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table.
You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they The Defender starts the game with no Delay Counters.
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the At the start of each turn from turn three onwards, after check-
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- ing Victory Conditions, the Defender counts the number of
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. Units (not counting their Attachments and any Independent
Teams) and Delay Counters that they have on table.
• If the total is six or more, they must Withdraw one Unit
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain
(other than an Independent Team) and its Attachments
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units
and remove all Delay Counters.
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table.
• If they have less than six Units and Delay Counters com-
PLACING AMBUSHES bined, they gain a Delay Counter, but do not Withdraw
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they any Units.
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with WITHDRAWING UNITS
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit When the Defender is required to Withdraw a Unit, all of
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in the teams of that Unit (and its Attachments) are removed
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. from the table. An Attachment must always be withdrawn
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in with its core Unit.
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: If a Withdrawing Unit is not in Good Spirits, it will be treat-
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of ed as being Destroyed when working out Victory Points.
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. VICTORY POINTS
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its
their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or
counts as two Units.
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must • Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
from Ambush. • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
8”/20cm 8”/20cm
SPECIAL RULES 3. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
• Ambush (Defender) markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
• Deep Scattered Delayed Reserves (Defender) Artillery Units.
• Minefields (Defender) 4. The Defender may hold one of their Units in Ambush.
5. The Defender then places their Units in their table half.
6. The Attacker places all of their Units in their table half at
1. The Defender picks a short table edge to defend from.
least 16”/40cm from the short centre line.
The Attacker attacks from the opposite edge.
7. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
2. Both players, starting with the Defender, place one
Objective in the Defender’s table half, at least 8”/20cm WHO GOES FIRST
from the short centre line and all table edges. The Attacker has the first turn.
3. The Defender places one Minefield for each 25 points or
part thereof in their force anywhere outside the oppo- WINNING THE GAME
nent’s deployment area. • The Attacker wins if they end their turn Holding an
DEPLOYMENT • The Defender wins if they have Repelled the Attack at
1. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to deploy the end of their turn on or after the sixth turn.
and holds the rest in Deep Scattered Delayed Reserve.
The Defender will dice to see where each Unit will arrive.
2. All of the Reserves will arrive from a table edge and must
arrive in the Defender’s table half.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of the Defender’s third turn, they roll a die. On a
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now.
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
ALREADY THERE They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
from the Defender’s Reserves.
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush. this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in WHERE DO RESERVES ARRIVE
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the owning player
rolls a die to determine from which table edge it will arrive
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in
using the mission map as reference.
their Deployment Area, provided that it is:
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of When a Unit arrives from a table edge, it may enter the table
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and anywhere along that table edge in the Defender’s table half.
The Reserves move on from the table edge at the start of their
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams.
Movement Step.
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its VICTORY POINTS
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed counts as two Units.
from Ambush.
• Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
• Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
DEEP SCATTERED DELAYED • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
be held in Reserve. No more than one Battle Tank Unit or and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
Aircraft Unit can be placed on table. All remaining Units of
these types must be held in Reserve. HOLDING OBJECTIVES
In Late War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front Armour of You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
4 or more. In Mid War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
Armour of 3 or more. In Early War, a Battle Tank Unit is one no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
with Top Armour 1 or 2 that is not a Transport. Regardless of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
of their armour, Observer Teams are never Battle Tank Units. that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
The entire Unit must be In Command at the end of its teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. Attachments
and their core Unit must arrive from the same point,
although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. A
Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on
to the table.
Attacker’s Reserves arrive from Here
Attacker places
their units here
Both players
place an
Objective in this
cm Both players
place an
Objective in this
Defender places
8”/20cm units here
MEETING ENGAGEMENT At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
of the game.
turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply from the player’s Reserves.
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns.
If a player rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in this
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn.
turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automatically
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
ally moved or not.
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard VICTORY POINTS
ments in their first Shooting Step. Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to
their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
counts as two Units.
assaults in the Assault Step.
• Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
• Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
DELAYED RESERVES (BOTH PLAYERS) • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
Neither player may deploy more than 60% of the agreed
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same
point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. HOLDING OBJECTIVES
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
to the table. Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
ROLL FOR RESERVES of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
At the start of the player’s third turn, they roll a die. On a roll that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be any teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves move
on from the long table edge adjacent to their table quarter at
the start of their Movement Step.
Defender places
their units here
12”/30cm 12”/30cm
Attacker places two
objectives in this area
SPECIAL RULES 4. The Defender then places their remaining Units in their
• Ambush (Defender) table half at least 8”/20cm from the long centre line, or
• Minefields (Defender) within 8”/20cm of the short centre line and no more
• Scattered Immediate Reserves (Defender) than 4”/10cm into the Attacker's table half.
5. The Attacker selects between 40% and 60% of their force
SETTING UP to deploy within 16”/40cm of both table edges at one
1. The Defender picks a long table edge to defend from. corner of their table half.
The Attacker attacks from the opposite side of the table. 6. The Attacker deploys the rest of their force within
2. The Attacking player places two Objectives in the 16”/40cm of both table edges at the other corner of their
Defender’s table half. Objectives must be either at least table half.
16”/40cm from the long centre line and 12”/30cm from 7. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
the short table edges, or within 4”/10cm of the short
centre line. WHO GOES FIRST
3. The Defender may place one Minefield for each The Attacker has the first turn.
50 points or part thereof in their force anywhere outside
the Attacker’s deployment area. WINNING THE GAME
• The Attacker wins if they end their turn Holding an
1. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to deploy • The Defender wins if they have Repelled the Attack at the
and holds the rest in Immediate Scattered Reserve. The end of their turn on or after the sixth turn.
player will dice to see where each Unit arrives.
2. The Defender may hold one of their Units in Ambush.
3. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
Artillery Units.
AMBUSH (DEFENDER) They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them-
on from the Defender’s Reserves.
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game.
If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
ALREADY THERE this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. WHERE DO RESERVES ARRIVE
When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the owning player
PLACING AMBUSHES rolls a die to determine from which table edge or corner it
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they will arrive using the mission map as reference.
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
If a Unit arrives from a table edge, it may enter the table
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with
anywhere along that table edge. If the Unit arrives from a
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit
corner, they must enter the table within 16”/40cm of the
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in
corner. The Reserves move on from the table edge at the start
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm.
of their Movement Step.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in
their Deployment Area, provided that it is:
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of VICTORY POINTS
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its • Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
from Ambush. player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
Players may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed points You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
total for the game on the table. The remainder must be held Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at the no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on
You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
ROLL FOR RESERVES every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die. On a within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now.
At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
Attacker rolls to see where their Reserves Arrive
8”/20cm Defender places two objectives in this area 12”/30cm
12”/30cm 8”/20cm
Attacker places two objectives in this area
MEETING ENGAGEMENT If a player rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in this
turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automatically
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged
receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start
of the game.
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting
When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the owning player
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply
rolls a die to determine from which table edge or corner it
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns.
will arrive using the mission map as reference.
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn.
If a Unit arrives from a table edge, it may enter the table
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when
anywhere along that table edge. If the Unit arrives from a
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
corner, they must enter the table within 16”/40cm of the
ally moved or not.
corner. The Reserves move on from the table edge at the start
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard of their Movement Step.
ments in their first Shooting Step.
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
assaults in the Assault Step. Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
(BOTH PLAYERS) • Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
Neither player may deploy more than 60% of the agreed • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at
the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on
You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
ROLL FOR RESERVES Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
At the start of the player’s third turn, they roll a die. On a roll no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be any of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
from the player’s Reserves.
Defender places
their units here
SPECIAL RULES 3. The Defender may hold one of their Units in Ambush.
• Ambush (Defender) 4. The Defender then places their remaining Units in their
• Immediate Reserves (Defender) table half at least 8”/20cm from the short centre line.
5. The Attacker places all of their Units in their table half
SETTING UP at least 8”/20cm from the short centre line and at least
1. The Defender picks a short table edge to defend from. 12”/30cm from their short table edge.
The Attacker attacks from the opposite end of the table. 6. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
2. Both players, starting with the Defender, place one
Objective in the Defender’s table half, at least 16”/40cm WHO GOES FIRST
from the short centre line and 8”/20cm from all The Defender has the first turn.
table edges.
DEPLOYMENT • The Attacker wins if they end their turn Holding an
1. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to deploy Objective.
and holds the rest in Immediate Reserve. Their Reserves • The Defender wins if they have Repelled the Attack at
arrive from the Attacking player’s short table edge. the end of their turn on or after the sixth turn.
2. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
Artillery Units.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die. On a
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. move on from the short table edge in the Attacker’s deploy-
ment area at the start of their Movement Step.
ALREADY THERE At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they
on from the Defender’s Reserves.
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in VICTORY POINTS
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. counts as two Units.
• Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
from Ambush.
IMMEDIATE RESERVES (DEFENDER) You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted.
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on REPELLING AN ATTACK
to the table. You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they The Defender starts the game with no Delay Counters.
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the At the start of each turn from turn two onwards, after check-
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- ing Victory Conditions, the Defender counts the number of
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. Units (not counting their Attachments and any Independent
Teams) and Delay Counters that they have on table.
• If the total is six or more, they must Withdraw one Unit
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain
(other than an Independent Team) and its Attachments
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units
and remove all Delay Counters.
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table.
• If they have less than six Units and Delay Counters com-
PLACING AMBUSHES bined, they gain a Delay Counter, but do not Withdraw
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they any Units.
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with WITHDRAWING UNITS
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit When the Defender is required to Withdraw a Unit, all of
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in the teams of that Unit (and its Attachments) are removed
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. from the table. An Attachment must always be withdrawn
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in with its core Unit.
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: If a Withdrawing Unit is not in Good Spirits, it will be treat-
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of ed as being Destroyed when working out Victory Points.
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. VICTORY POINTS
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its
their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or
counts as two Units.
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must • Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
from Ambush. • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
Attacker places two objectives in this area 8”/20cm 8”/20cm
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
of the game. their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting counts as two Units.
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply • Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns. • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn. • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu- Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
ally moved or not. player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
ments in their first Shooting Step.
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to
You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
assaults in the Assault Step.
no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
Attacker's Reserves arrive here
8”/20cm 8”/20cm
Attacker places
their units here
28”/70cm 28”/70cm
Defender Defender
places places
their units their units
here here
12”/30cm 12”/30cm
Attacker places two
24”/60cm objectives in this area 24”/60cm
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged At the start of the Defender’s third turn, they roll a die. On a
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
of the game. any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now.
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns. They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn. adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when
four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
from the Defender’s Reserves.
ally moved or not.
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
ments in their first Shooting Step. this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
assaults in the Assault Step.
When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the Defender rolls a
die to determine from which table edge it will arrive using
IMMEDIATE RESERVES (ATTACKER) the mission map as reference.
The Attacker may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed If a Unit arrives from a table edge, it may enter the table
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must anywhere along that table edge. The Reserves move on from
be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at the table edge at the start of their Movement Step.
the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves.
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same
point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. VICTORY POINTS
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
to the table. Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
ROLL FOR RESERVES counts as two Units.
At the start of the Attacker’s first turn, they roll a die. On a • Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
move on from the short table edge in the Attacker’s deploy-
ment area at the start of their Movement Step. Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves. and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of HOLDING OBJECTIVES
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
on from the Attacker’s Reserves. no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
If the Attacker rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
SCATTERED DELAYED RESERVES You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
(DEFENDER) every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at
the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves.
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same
point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted.
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on
to the table.
8”/20cm 8”/20cm
Attacker Attacker
places places
their their
units 12”/30cm 12”/30cm units
here here
4”/10cm 4”/10cm
Defender places
places two
their objectives
units in this
here area
16”/40cm 16”/40cm
SPECIAL RULES 3. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
• Ambush (Defender) markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
• Deep Immediate Reserves (Defender) Artillery Units.
• Minefields (Defender) 4. The Defender then places their remaining Units within
12”/30cm of the short centre line, and either in their
SETTING UP table half or within 4”/10cm of the long centre line.
1. The Defender picks a long table edge to defend from. 5. The Attacker places all of their Units within 8”/20cm of
The Attacker attacks from the opposite side of the table. either short table edge.
2. The Attacking player places two Objectives within 6. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
4”/10cm of the short centre line. Objectives must be
either at least 8”/20cm from the long table edge and in WHO GOES FIRST
the Defender’s table half. The Attacker has the first turn.
3. The Defender may place one Minefield for each
25 points or part thereof in their force anywhere outside WINNING THE GAME
the Attacker’s deployment area. • The Attacker wins if they end their turn Holding an
DEPLOYMENT • The Defender wins if they have Repelled the Attack at the
1. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to deploy end of their turn on or after the sixth turn.
and holds the rest in Deep Immediate Reserve. The
Reserves will arrive along the Defender’s long table edge
not within 16”/40cm of the short table edges.
2. The Defender may hold one of their deployed Units
in Ambush.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die. On a
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. move on from the Defender’s table edge in their deployment
area at the start of their Movement Step.
ALREADY THERE At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they
on from the Defender’s Reserves.
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in VICTORY POINTS
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. counts as two Units.
• Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
from Ambush.
DEEP IMMEDIATE RESERVES (DEFENDER) You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
be held in Reserve. No more than one Battle Tank Unit or of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
Aircraft Unit can be placed on table. All remaining Units of that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
these types must be held in Reserve. teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
In Late War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front Armour of
4 or more. In Mid War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front
Armour of 3 or more. In Early War, a Battle Tank Unit is one You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
with Top Armour 1 or 2 that is not a Transport. Regardless every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
of their armour, Observer Teams are never Battle Tank Units. within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
The entire Unit must be In Command at the end of its
Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. Attachments
and their core Unit must arrive from the same point,
although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. A
Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on
to the table.
20“/50cm 20“/50cm
Attacker places
their units here
8”/20cm 8”/20cm
SPECIAL RULES 3. The Defender may hold one of their deployed Units
• Ambush (Defender) in Ambush.
• Deep Scattered Delayed Reserves (Defender) 4. They then place their deployed Units in their table
• Minefields (Defender) half at least 8”/20cm from the long centre line and in
the Attacker’s able half within 8”/20cm of the short
SETTING UP table edges.
1. The Defender picks a long table edge to defend from. 5. The Attacker places all of their Units in their table half
The Attacker attacks from the opposite edge. at least 8”/20cm from the long centre line and 20”/50cm
2. The Attacker places two Objectives in the Defender’s half from the short table edges.
of the table, at least 16”/40cm from the long centre line 6. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
and at least 8”/20cm from the short table edges.
3. The Defender places one Minefield for each 25 points or WHO GOES FIRST
part thereof in their force anywhere outside the oppo- The Attacker has the first turn.
nent’s deployment area.
DEPLOYMENT • The Attacker wins if they end their turn Holding an
1. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to deploy Objective.
and holds the rest in Deep Scattered Delayed Reserve. • The Defender wins if they have Repelled the Attack at
The Defender will dice to see where each Unit will arrive. the end of their turn on or after the sixth turn.
2. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
Artillery Units.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of the Defender’s third turn, they roll a die. On a
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now.
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
ALREADY THERE They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
from the Defender’s Reserves.
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush. this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in WHERE DO RESERVES ARRIVE
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the owning player
rolls a die to determine from which table edge it will arrive
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in
using the mission map as reference.
their Deployment Area, provided that it is:
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of If a Unit arrives from a table edge, it may enter the table
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and anywhere along that table edge. The Reserves move on from
the table edge at the start of their Movement Step.
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams.
RESERVES (DEFENDER) Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
be held in Reserve. No more than one Battle Tank Unit or
Aircraft Unit can be placed on table. All remaining Units of HOLDING OBJECTIVES
these types must be held in Reserve. You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
In Late War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front Armour of Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
4 or more. In Mid War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
Armour of 3 or more. In Early War, a Battle Tank Unit is one of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
with Top Armour 1 or 2 that is not a Transport. Regardless that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
of their armour, Observer Teams are never Battle Tank Units. teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
The entire Unit must be In Command at the end of its
Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. Attachments REPELLING AN ATTACK
and their core Unit must arrive from the same point, You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. A every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
to the table. Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
20“/50cm 20“/50cm
Attacker places
their units here
8”/20cm 8”/20cm
SPECIAL RULES 3. The Defender may hold one of their deployed Units
• Ambush (Defender) in Ambush.
• Deep Scattered Immediate Reserves (Defender) 4. They then place their deployed Units in their table
• Minefields (Defender) half at least 8”/20cm from the long centre line and in
the Attacker’s able half within 8”/20cm of the short
SETTING UP table edges.
1. The Defender picks a long table edge to defend from. 5. The Attacker places all of their Units in their table half
The Attacker attacks from the opposite edge. at least 8”/20cm from the long centre line and 20”/50cm
2. The Attacker places two Objectives in the Defender’s half from the short table edges.
of the table, at least 16”/40cm from the long centre line 6. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
and at least 8”/20cm from the short table edges.
3. The Defender places one Minefield for each 25 points or WHO GOES FIRST
part thereof in their force anywhere outside the oppo- The Attacker has the first turn.
nent’s deployment area.
DEPLOYMENT • The Attacker wins if they end their turn Holding an
1. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to deploy Objective.
and holds the rest in Deep Scattered Immediate Reserve. • The Defender wins if they have Repelled the Attack at
The Defender will dice to see where each Unit will arrive. the end of their turn on or after the sixth turn.
2. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
Artillery Units.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die. On a
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now.
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
ALREADY THERE They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
on from the Defender’s Reserves.
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush. this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in WHERE DO RESERVES ARRIVE
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the owning player
rolls a die to determine from which table edge it will arrive
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in
using the mission map as reference.
their Deployment Area, provided that it is:
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of If a Unit arrives from a table edge, it may enter the table
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and anywhere along that table edge. The Reserves move on from
the table edge at the start of their Movement Step.
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams.
RESERVES (DEFENDER) Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
be held in Reserve. No more than one Battle Tank Unit or
Aircraft Unit can be placed on table. All remaining Units of HOLDING OBJECTIVES
these types must be held in Reserve. You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
In Late War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front Armour of Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
4 or more. In Mid War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
Armour of 3 or more. In Early War, a Battle Tank Unit is one of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
with Top Armour 1 or 2 that is not a Transport. Regardless that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
of their armour, Observer Teams are never Battle Tank Units. teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
The entire Unit must be In Command at the end of its
Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. Attachments REPELLING AN ATTACK
and their core Unit must arrive from the same point, You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. A every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
to the table. Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
8”/20cm 8”/20cm
SPECIAL RULES 2. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
• Ambush (Defender) markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
• Deep Immediate Reserves (Defender) Artillery Units.
• Minefields (Defender) 3. The Defender may hold one of their Units in Ambush.
4. The Defender then places their Units in their table half.
5. The Attacker places all of their Units in their table half at
1. The Defender picks a short table edge to defend from.
least 16”/40cm from the short centre line.
The Attacker attacks from the opposite edge.
6. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
2. Both players, starting with the Defender, place one
Objective in the Defender’s table half, at least 8”/20cm WHO GOES FIRST
from the short centre line and all table edges. The Attacker has the first turn.
3. The Defender places one Minefield for each 25 points or
part thereof in their force anywhere outside the oppo- WINNING THE GAME
nent’s deployment area. • The Attacker wins if they end their turn Holding an
DEPLOYMENT • The Defender wins if they have Repelled the Attack at
1. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to deploy the end of their turn on or after the sixth turn.
and holds the rest in Deep Immediate Reserve. These will
arrive from the Defender’s short table edge.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die. On a
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them- any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. move on from the Defender’s short table edge at the start of
their Movement Step.
ALREADY THERE At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they
on from the Defender’s Reserves.
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm.
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in VICTORY POINTS
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. counts as two Units.
• Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
ATTACHMENTS AND AMBUSHES • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
from Ambush.
DEEP IMMEDIATE RESERVES (DEFENDER) You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
be held in Reserve. No more than one Battle Tank Unit or of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
Aircraft Unit can be placed on table. All remaining Units of that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
these types must be held in Reserve. teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
In Late War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front Armour of
4 or more. In Mid War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front
Armour of 3 or more. In Early War, a Battle Tank Unit is one You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
with Top Armour 1 or 2 that is not a Transport. Regardless every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
of their armour, Observer Teams are never Battle Tank Units. within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
The entire Unit must be In Command at the end of its
Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. Attachments
and their core Unit must arrive from the same point,
although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. A
Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on
to the table.
Attacker places
their units here
SPECIAL RULES 2. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
• Ambush (Defender) markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
• Immediate Reserves (Defender) Artillery Units.
• No Spearhead (Defender) 3. The Defender may hold one of their deployed Units
in Ambush.
SETTING UP 4. The Defender then places their deployed Units in their
1. The Defender picks a table quarter to defend. table quarter or in the No-Man’s Land table quarter at
2. The Attacker attacks from the opposite long table edge. least 32”/80cm from the short table edge. The Defending
player may not use the Spearhead rule.
3. The Attacker places two Objectives in the Defender’s
table quarter or in the No-Man’s Land table quarter at 5. The Attacker then places all of their Units in their table
least 8”/20cm from the long centre line and all table half at least 16”/40cm from the long centre line or within
edges, and at least 32”/80cm from the short table edge in 8”/20cm of the short table edge opposite the Defender’s
the No-Man’s Land quarter. Depending on the quarters table quarter.
chosen, the table will look like: 6. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
AMBUSH (DEFENDER) At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them-
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game.
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
ALREADY THERE on from the Defender’s Reserves.
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they NO SPEARHEAD (DEFENDER)
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush. The Defending player may not use the Spearhead rule during
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with their deployment.
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in VICTORY POINTS
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of counts as two Units.
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and • Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
• Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed HOLDING OBJECTIVES
from Ambush. You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
IMMEDIATE RESERVES (DEFENDER) no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves.
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same REPELLING AN ATTACK
point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
to the table. within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die.
On a roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It
may be any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The
Reserves move on from the table edge within 16”/40cm of
the corner in the Defender’s deployment area at the start of
their Movement Step.
Attacker places
their units here
SPECIAL RULES 2. Starting with the Defender, the players place Ranged In
• Ambush (Defender) markers for all of their deployed (including in Ambush)
• Immediate Reserves (Defender) Artillery Units.
• Meeting Engagement (Defender) 3. The Defender may hold one of their deployed Units
• No Spearhead (Defender) in Ambush.
4. The Defender then places their deployed Units in their
SETTING UP table quarter or in the No-Man’s Land table quarter at
1. The Defender picks a table quarter to defend. least 32”/80cm from the short table edge. The Defending
2. The Attacker attacks from the opposite long table edge. player may not use the Spearhead rule.
3. The Attacker places two Objectives in the Defender’s 5. The Attacker then places all of their Units in their table
table quarter or in the No-Man’s Land table quarter at half at least 16”/40cm from the long centre line or within
least 8”/20cm from the long centre line and all table 8”/20cm of the short table edge opposite the Defender’s
edges, and at least 32”/80cm from the short table edge in table quarter.
the No-Man’s Land quarter. Depending on the quarters 6. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
chosen, the table will look like:
The Defender has the first turn. As the game is a Meeting
Engagement, the Defender will Shoot as if they Moved
or and cannot use Artillery Bombardments or Aircraft on the
first turn.
MEETING ENGAGEMENT point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted.
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged
to the table.
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start
of the game.
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting
At the start of the Defender’s first turn, they roll a die.
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply
On a roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns.
may be any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn. Reserves move on from the table edge within 16”/40cm of
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when the corner in the Defender’s deployment area at the start of
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu- their Movement Step.
ally moved or not.
At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
ments in their first Shooting Step. They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
assaults in the Assault Step. roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
on from the Defender’s Reserves.
AMBUSH (DEFENDER) If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
The defending player holds one Unit in Ambush when they this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
deploy. Units held in Ambush are treated as being on the cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
table, but their location isn’t specified until they reveal them-
selves. They are held off the table at the start of the game. NO SPEARHEAD (DEFENDER)
ALREADY THERE The Defending player may not use the Spearhead rule during
their deployment.
Ambushing Teams do not have to move. They can remain
where they are placed and shoot at their Halted ROF. Units
in Ambush are in Foxholes when they are placed on the table. VICTORY POINTS
Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
PLACING AMBUSHES Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
At the start of the Defender’s turn, in the Starting Step, they their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
may place the Unit that they have been holding in Ambush. counts as two Units.
They must place the entire Unit, and it must be placed with
• Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
all of its Teams within 6”/15cm of the Unit Leader. A Unit
• Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
with at least eight Tank Teams or at least twelve Teams in
total increases this distance to 8”/20cm. • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
The Defender may place a Team from Ambush anywhere in Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
their Deployment Area, provided that it is: player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
• at least 16”/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, and
• at least 4”/10cm of all enemy Teams. HOLDING OBJECTIVES
You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
When you hold a Unit in Ambush, you may also hold its no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
Transport or Infantry Attachment in Ambush as well, or of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
Deploy them as normal. If you do hold both a Unit and that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
its Attachment in Ambush together, the Infantry must teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
be Mounted in their Transports when they are placed
from Ambush.
You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
IMMEDIATE RESERVES (DEFENDER) every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at
the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves.
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same
Attacker rolls to see where their Reserves Arrive
Both players place an objective in this area
SPECIAL RULES 3. The Defender may hold one of their deployed Units
• Meeting Engagement (Attacker) in Ambush.
• Scattered Immediate Reserves (Attacker) 4. Both players, starting with the Defender, then take turns
• Ambush (Defender) at placing a deployed Unit in their own table half at least
• Scattered Delayed Reserves (Defender) 12”/30cm from the long centre line.
5. All Infantry and Gun Teams start the game in Foxholes.
1. The Defender picks a long table edge to defend. The WHO GOES FIRST
Attacker attacks from the opposite edge of the table. The Attacker has the first turn.
2. Both players, starting with the Attacker, place one
Objective in their own table half. Then, again starting
• A player wins if they end their turn Holding an Objective
with the Attacker, both players place one Objective in
on the opponent’s side of the table.
the opponent’s table half.
3. Objectives in the Attacker’s table half must be at least
8”/20cm from the long centre line and at least 8”/20cm
from all table edges. Objectives in the Defender’s table
half must be at least 16”/40cm from the long centre line
and at least 8”/20cm from the short table edges.
1. The Attacker selects up to 60% of their force to deploy
and holds the rest in Scattered Immediate Reserve. The
player will dice to see where each Unit arrives.
2. The Defender selects up to 60% of their force to deploy
and holds the rest in Scattered Delayed Reserve. The
player will dice to see where each Unit arrives.
MEETING ENGAGEMENT (ATTACKER) point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted.
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged
to the table.
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start
of the game.
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting
At the start of the Attacker’s first turn, they roll a die. On a
Step of the Attacker. They do not apply in the Defender’s
roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
turn, nor in subsequent turns.
any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
• The Attacker’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn. move on from the Attacker’s long table edge at the start of
• Treat all of the Attacker’s Teams as having moved when their Movement Step.
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
ally moved or not.
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
• The Attacker’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
ments in their first Shooting Step. adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
The Attacker’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to Ground turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
as normal in their Movement Step, and launch assaults in the roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
Assault Step. on from the Attacker’s Reserves.
Attacker’s Reserves arrive from Here
Defender places
an objective 8”/20cm 8”/20cm
in this area
Attacker places
8”/20cm an objective
in this area
Attacker places
8”/20cm 8”/20cm an objective
in this area
Defender’s Reserves arrive from Here
MEETING ENGAGEMENT At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
of the game.
turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply from the player’s Reserves.
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns.
If a player rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in this
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn.
turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automatically
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
ally moved or not.
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard VICTORY POINTS
ments in their first Shooting Step. Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to
their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
counts as two Units.
assaults in the Assault Step.
• Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
• Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
DELAYED RESERVES (BOTH PLAYERS) • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
Neither player may deploy more than 60% of the agreed
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves. and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same
point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted. HOLDING OBJECTIVES
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
to the table. Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
ROLL FOR RESERVES of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
At the start of the player’s third turn, they roll a die. On a roll that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be any teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves move
on from the long table edge adjacent to their table quarter at
the start of their Movement Step.
8”/20cm 24”/60cm 8”/20cm
Defender Attacker
12”/30cm 12”/30cm
places two places one
objectives objective in
in this area Defender this area
8”/20cm places
their Units
8”/20cm Attacker
places one
8”/20cm 8”/20cm
8”/20cm 8”/20cm 8”/20cm
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged At the start of the Attacker’s first turn, they roll a die. On a
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
of the game. any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves
move on from the short table edge in the Attacker’s deploy-
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting
ment area at the start of their Movement Step.
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns. At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn. of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
ally moved or not.
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard
on from the Attacker’s Reserves.
ments in their first Shooting Step.
If the Attacker rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to
this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
assaults in the Assault Step.
Defender rolls to see which edge their Reserves Arrive from
Defender places 12”/30cm
their units here 8”/20cm
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged At the start of the Defender’s third turn, they roll a die. On a
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be
of the game. any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now.
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting At the start of their fourth turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns. They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn. adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
turn five they roll three dice, at the start of turn six they roll
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when
four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit on
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu-
from the Defender’s Reserves.
ally moved or not.
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard If the Defender rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in
ments in their first Shooting Step. this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati-
cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
assaults in the Assault Step.
When each Unit arrives from Reserve, the Defender rolls a
die to determine from which table edge it will arrive using the
IMMEDIATE RESERVES (ATTACKER) mission map as reference. When a Unit arrives, it may enter
The Attacker may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed the table anywhere along that table edge in the Defender’s
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must table half. The Reserves move on from the table edge at the
be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at start of their Movement Step.
the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves.
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same
point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted.
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on Count the number of Units Destroyed, including HQ
to the table. Units, but not Independent Teams. Count core Units and
their Attachments separately, so if both are Destroyed, this
counts as two Units.
• Winner lost 0-1 Units: Winner 8 VP, Loser 1 VP
At the start of the Attacker’s first turn, they roll a die. On a
roll of 5+ their first Unit arrives from the Reserve. It may be • Winner lost 2 Units: Winner 7 VP, Loser 2 VP
any Unit of their choice, but must arrive now. The Reserves • Winner lost 3+ Units: Winner 6 VP, Loser 3 VP
move on from the short table edge in the Attacker’s deploy-
ment area at the start of their Movement Step. Both players lose a game that runs out of time. If neither
player won, both players treat their opponent as the winner
At the start of their second turn, they roll two dice. Each roll
and gain Victory Points as the Loser.
of 5+ results in another Unit arriving from their Reserves.
They keep rolling at the start of each of their following turns
adding one more die than the previous turn, so at the start of
You Hold an Objective if you start your turn with a Tank,
turn three they roll three dice, at the start of turn four they
Infantry, or Gun team within 4”/10cm of it, and end it with
roll four dice, and so on. Each roll of 5+ brings another Unit
no opposing Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within 4”/10cm
on from the Attacker’s Reserves.
of it. Objectives cannot be Held or contested by Tank teams
If the Attacker rolled three or more dice to get Reserves in that are Bailed Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent
this turn, but failed to score any rolls of 5+, they automati- teams, or by teams that moved at Dash speed.
cally receive one Unit from Reserve anyway.
SCATTERED DELAYED RESERVES You have Repelled an Attack when, at the end of your turn,
(DEFENDER) every Objective has no enemy Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams
within 8”/20cm. Ignore enemy Tank teams that are Bailed
The Defender may not deploy more than 60% of the agreed
Out, Aircraft, Transports, or Independent teams.
points total for the game on the table. The remainder must
be held in Reserve. The entire Unit must be In Command at
the end of its Movement in the turn it arrives from Reserves.
Attachments and their core Unit must arrive from the same
point, although Passengers may be Mounted or Dismounted.
A Unit may not use Movement Orders until it has moved on
to the table.
Both players
c m
Attacker’s Reserves arrive
40 place an
12”/30cm ”/
16 Objective in
from this corner
this area
their 12”/30cm
units 8”/20cm 8”/20cm
In a Meeting Engagement, players do not place their Ranged A player may not have more than 50% of the agreed points
In markers as Preplanned Artillery Targets at the start total for the game in their Scouting Force and Vanguard
of the game. Force combined.
In addition, the following rules apply in the first Shooting The Vanguard Force will arrive from Reserve on turn 3.
Step of the player who has the first turn. They do not apply
in the second player’s turn, nor in subsequent turns.
• The first player’s Aircraft cannot arrive in their first turn.
Reserves move on from a table edge within 16”/40cm of
• Treat all of the first player’s Teams as having moved when the player’s corner at the start of their Movement Step. The
Shooting in their first Shooting Step, whether they actu- entire Unit must be In Command at the end of its Movement
ally moved or not. in the turn it arrives from Reserves. Attachments and their core
• The first player’s Teams cannot fire Artillery Bombard Unit must arrive from the same point, although Passengers may
ments in their first Shooting Step. be Mounted or Dismounted. A Unit may not use Movement
The first player’s Teams can still Move, Dig In, or Go to Orders until it has moved on to the table.
Ground as normal in their Movement Step, and launch
assaults in the Assault Step.
The normal rules for taking and holding
MAIN FORCE (BOTH PLAYERS) Objectives do not apply in this mission.
A player may not have more than 50% of the agreed points A player gains a Victory Point for each Objective in the
total for the game in their Scouting and Vanguard Forces. The opponent’s table half that has one or more of their Teams
remainder must be held in the Main Force. within 4”/10cm at the end of each of their own turns. It
The Main Force will arrive from Reserve on turn 5. does not matter if there are enemy Teams within 4”/10cm
of the Objective, you still score the Victory Point.
SCOUTING FORCE (BOTH PLAYERS) Ignore any Teams that are Gone to Ground or moved at
A player may not deploy more than 15% of the agreed points Dash Speed, Bailed Out Tank teams, Aircraft, Transports,
total for the game on the table. and Independent Teams when determining Victory Points.
This force may only include Battle Tank Units if there are only The game continues until either:
Battle Tank or Aircraft Units left in the rest of the force. If their • a player reaches eight Victory Points, or
only Units that are not Battle Tank or Aircraft Units cost more • the combined total of both players’ Victory Points
than 15% of the agreed points, they may include any type of reaches nine or more.
Units in their Scouting Force. At the end of the game, the player with the most Victory
In Late War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front Armour of Points wins.
4 or more. In Mid War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Front If a player has no Formation in Good Spirits (other than
Armour of 3 or more. In Early War, a Battle Tank Unit is one an Allied Formation) they lose the game. Their opponent
with Top Armour 1 or 2 that is not a Transport. Regardless gains enough Victory Points to bring the combined total of
of their armour, Observer Teams are never Battle Tank Units. both players Victory Points to nine, to a maximum of eight
Victory Points for the winning player.