Algebraic Manipulation
Algebraic Manipulation
Algebraic Manipulation
The value of a fraction remains unchanged if both its numerator and its denominator
a a xc
are multiplied or divided by the same non-zero number or expression i.e. ,; == bx c
a a +c
and ,; == b + c .
2. Generally, the algebraic method for solving a problem consists of the following steps:
(a) Let the unknown be denoted by a variable.
(b) Form an equation involving the variable.
(c) Solve the equation.
(d) Check the solution.
------� -
A man travels regularly between two towns. If he travels at his usual average
speed, he would take 4¾ ·hours. He finds that if he increases his average
speed for the journey by 3 km/h, he can reduce the time taken by 20 minutes.
What is his normal average speed?
2 1
4-x =4-(x+3)
3 3
2 1
4 x =4 + 13)
3 3
i.e. ½x= 13
i.e. the man's usual speed is 39 km/h.
�.flxample 2
Given that E = mgh + ½ mv , express v in terms ofE, m, g and h. Hence find
the value(s) ofv when m = 6, g = JO, h = 30 and E = 3000.
E =mgh + -mv2
1 2 =E-mgh
V + 2(3000- 6 X 10 X 30)
�-xample 3
A shop proprietor bought x CD-Roms for $108.
(a) Write down an expression in terms of x,for the cost price, in dollars, of
one CD-Rom.
(b) The proprietor priced each CD-Rom to sell at a profit of $1.50. Find an
e!pression, in terms of x, for the selling price of each CD-Rom.
(c) Given that he was able to sell only 10 CD-Roms at this price and the
remaining CD-Roms were sold at a price of$7.50 each,find an expression,
in terms of x,for the total amount of money he received for the CD-Roms.
(d) If the proprietor received $120 altogether.form an equation in x and show
that it reduces to :x! -24x + 144 = 0. Hence find the value of x.
0 8.
(a) The price of each CD-Rom=$ 1
1 8
(b) The selling price of each CD-Rom=$( � +
=$ 216 + 3x
l 5
(k) -+--
x- 2 3x - 7 3. Make the letter in the brackets the subject of
the formulae:
(I) _:__3__ __3_
x+y x -y (a) X = _Y_ (y)
y+ 1
5 3 l -t
(m) -- +-- (b) a= - (t)
2x-l 2x + I I+t
= -
2 (C) (a)
(n) ----3
x-y X
(d) X = � (a)
5 a
(o) ---- prt
x- 2y 4x (e) a=p+ - (p)
(t) k = h + (h)
4. What is the number which when multiplied 14. $M is just sufficient to pay for the wages of
by 2 and added to 8 gives the same result as one qualified teacher for x days or the wages
when it is divided by 2 and has 32 added to of one relief teacher for y days. For how
it? many days will $M be just sufficient to pay
for the wages of one qµalified teacher and
5. When a number is divided by 4 and has one relief teacher? Give your answer in terms
28 added to it, the result is equal to twice the of x and y.
number. Find the number.
15. A man had a bag of sweets. He gave his son
6. The difference between the reciprocal of two one sweet and _!_ of the remaining sweets.
consecutive positive even numbers is I 7
12 From what was left, he gave his daughter two
Find the two numbers.
sweets and _!_ of the remainder. The two
7. One number is 3 times as large as the other children found that they had the same number
and the difference between their reciprocals of sweets. How many sweets were there
1 initially in the bag?
is Find the two numbers.
. ✓
8. Given that t 2rcr --- , express a m
16. A man travels by a car from Town A to Town
10 B, a total distance of 100 km, at an average
terms of b, t and n. speed of x km/h. He finds that the time for the
journey would be shorter by 25 minutes if he
increased his average speed by 12 km/h. Find
1 I I 1
9. If-+-+ , express b in terms of a, c X.
a b c d
andd. 17. The exchange rate for Australian dollar in
January 2000 was AU$100 = S$x. In June
10. The square of xis equal to the square root of 2 000, the exchange rate had become
y. Express y in terms of x. AU$100 = S$(x -5). Mr Chong found that he
could get an extra AU$32 for every S$672 that
11. A bus travels at 36 km/h and arrives at he exchanged in June compared to January.
its destination half an hour late. If it travels
· Form an equation in x and solve it.
at 42 km/h, it arrives at the same destination
half an hour earlier. Find the journey's 18. The price of petrol in Singapore was x cents
distance. per litre in December 1999. In April 2000 the
price had increased by 12 cents per litre.
12. A motorist does the first part of his journey (a) How many litres of petrol could be bought
at an average speed of 5 4 km/h. He then i
with $58 in December 1999?
increases his speed to 60 km/h for the rest of (b) How many litres of petrol could be bought
the journey. If he travels 225 km in 4 hours,
with $58 in April 2000?
what is the distance travelled for the first (c) If the difference in the number of litres
part of his journey? of petrol bought in December 1999 and
13. Mrs Lim buys 30 kg of cheese at a certain . .
. 4 -,
Apn'l 2000 1s I I fonn an equation m
price. She finds that if she had bought some 16
x and show that i t reduces to
cheaper cheese costing 95 cents less per kg,
x2 +12x 14 848=0.
she could have had 32-kg for the same (d) Solve the equation in (c) and use it to find
amount of money. What 1s the price per kg the number of litres of petrol that could be
of the cheese which is more expensive? bought with $34 in December 1999, giving
your answer correct to 1 decimal place.