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(Revised Syllabus Approved by Academic Council)


Dept. of

JUNE, 2019 .

Techno City, 9th Mile, Baridua, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya, 793101

About the Department:

The importance of Commerce education was never been so high, as today. There is a
continuous change in the environment and it is continuously interacting with the subject matter
making many older subjects obsolete and providing path for the newer insight. To provide such
newer insight into the subject and fulfilling aspirations of the people of the region, the
Department of Commerce got established in the year 2012 under the aegis of University of
Science and Technology, Meghalaya.

Academic Focus:

Commerce is an applied subject developed over the years as a learning discipline to equip the
students to meet the various functional areas of trade, commerce, industry, entrepreneurship
and profession. It provides earning avenues immediately after acquiring the degree from the
academic institutions. It gives them an opening and easy entry to the professional courses like
chartered accountancy, cost accountancy, company secretary ship, banking course, insurance
course, setting of new business venture, to become an entrepreneur. Besides, the students may
opt for job avenues in retail trade management, marketing, e-commerce, e-accounting, online-
trading, online-investment and stock market trading. There is a provision of hiring persons from
the professional field and give the students an exposure to real time business situation and
other business practices. In the present changing scenario, selecting commerce as a career
option is one of the potential areas for making a livelihood.

Career Scope:

Commerce is considered a popular field in order to acquaint oneself with knowledge and
practice of accounting, finance, taxation, management, marketing and other related fields of
business. Few out of many opportunities for building career through Commerce are teaching
and research, Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Cost Accountant, Financial Analyst,
HR executive, functional manager, Market researcher, Certified Management Accountant,
Certified Public Accounting, Investment analyst.

Programme Details:

Under Graduate Course Post Graduate Course Ph. D Course

B.Com with specialization in M. Com. with specialization in Accounting & Commerce

Accountancy/ Finance/ Finance and Human Resource Management
Management and Marketing Management

Eligibility: HS in Eligibility: B.Com


 Bachelor Commerce (B.Com)

Duration: 3 Years

 Master Commerce (M.Com)

Duration: 2 Years

 Ph.D

ProgrammeObjectives (PO):

To give basic introduction to the students in respect of trade, commerce and business related
contemporary issues.

1. To enhance the ability of students in conceptualizing certain business problems through

classroom teaching drawing examples from real life situations. At the same time to
develop analytical skill and problem solving aptitude of the students.
2. The Commerce education helps the students learn the concepts and practice of
accountancy, taxation, human resource management, marketing and finance.
3. The students are given exposure in course of their day-to-day learning process to the
questions relating to multiple choice questions generally applied in all national level test-
NET, JRF, etc.
4. Students are given exposure to Research Methodology not only in class room teaching of
the paper but also guiding students to enhance their ability to assimilate theoretical
learning in the classroom with the practical application when they are offered a platform
for conducting a field survey and manifested through project report and dissertation
5. Students are given technological skill through presentations on relevant topic and when
they are asked to present their project work and dissertation in PPT mode in course of
defending their project work and dissertation.



Objective: The objective of the course is to acquaint students with the basic principles of micro
and macroeconomics for developing the understanding of theory of the firm, markets and the
macro environment, which would help them in managerial decision making processes.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. It will enable to learn the techniques of profit maximization and wealth maximization,
demand supply analysis indifference curve and utility analysis

CO2. It will enable to learn theories of rent, interest, profit and wages and its bearing on capital
maintenance and profit measurement

CO3. It will enable to learn measurement of GDP growth, inflation management, trade cycle
theories and their impact on business decisions

CO4. It will enable to learn e-commerce, online business transactions, PPP model and payment
and settlement obligations

CO5. It will enable to learn the impact of monetary policy and fiscal policy and its application in
relation to business decision making process

Full Marks: 100

UNIT1: Nature and Uses of Business Economics, Concept and Techniques of profit maximization
VS wealth maximization, Demand and Supply analysis, elasticity of demand, demand
forecasting. Utility analysis, indifference curve, Isoquant, Return to scale, law of variable

UNIT2: Cost, revenue, price determination in different market situations, perfect competition,
monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly, price discrimination, pricing strategies,
pricing of goods and services, alternative pricing practices, difference between economic cost
and accounting cost, opportunity cost, cost of multiple products, long run and short run cost,
marginal and average cost.
UNIT3: Rent, interest, profit and wages and their bearing on business, capital maintenance and
profit measurement. Distinction between risk and uncertainty, Decision under risk and

UNIT4: Computation of national income, measurFement of GDP growth rate, Inflation and its
effect on an economy and a business, Trade cycle theories, effect of trade cycle on business

UNIT5: Economics of Information, asymmetric information, signaling, adverse selection,

Internet market, Online retail trade, ecommerce, ecommerce pricing, internet pricing models,
online price payment and settlement of obligations, public-private partnership model and its
application. Monetary policy & fiscal policy and Business

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Christopher R. Thomas and S. Charles Maurice, Managerial Economics, Mc Graw Hill

Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi
2. Suma Damodaram, Managerial Economics, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
3. Craig Petersen, Chris Lewis, Sudhir K. Jain,Managerial Economics Pearson Education, New
4. Yogesh Maheshwari, Managerial Economics PHI Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
5. H. L. Ahuja, Business Economics, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
6. Joel Dean , Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall, Delhi
7. Bharti Singh, Managerial Economics, Excel Books, New Delhi


Objective: The course is designed to make students understand the various components of
environment and their interdependence. They will be able to assess the likely impact of
environmental changes on business processes

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Understand the various components of environment and their interdependence. To know
the necessity of environmental scanning and its techniques
CO2. Assess the likely impact of economic environmentsuch as monetary policy, fiscal policy,
GDP, union budget etcon business decisions. Also to know about other economic parameters
like human development, industrial policies, universal basic income, ease of doing business etc.

CO3. Learn the impact of political, legal and socio cultural environment on business. Learners
will be able to understand about regulatory bodies like SEBI, RBI and different Acts like
Consumer Protection Act, Competition Act, etc. Also the leaners will have an understanding on
society, culture and its impact on businesses

CO4. Determine the impact of technological agreements and state of technology on businesses.
To know the international business environment involving operations of MNCs, World Bank,
WTO, IMF and their role in India. Exchange rate and its determination and the processes related
to IPR

CO5. Determine the emerging trends and its impact on business decision making. To study
about sustainable practices, digital practices, new payment apps and its influence on business
environment. Students will also be able to know about industrial environment in North Eastern
Region (NER)

Full Marks: 100

Unit-I: Introduction to Business Environment

Business Environment- Concept, significance, nature; Elements of Business Environment: Micro

and Macro elements; Environmental scanning & monitoring, and Techniques

Unit-II: Economic Environment of Business

Elements of economic environment, national income, computation of GDP, GNI; Monetary

policy, fiscal policy, Union budget, union finance bill, Financial Inclusion for inclusive growth;
Planning in India- 12th Plan to NITI Ayog;Human development and happiness Index- Skill
development, HDI and quality of life indices, Concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI);
Industrialisation and economic development- Industrial policy 1948 to 1991, Liberalisation in
the shape of industrial de-licensing, Industrial policy- MSME Development Act 2006, Make in
India; Ease of doing business, Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India
Unit-III: Political, Legal and Socio-Cultural Environment

Government and business- role of Government in business; PSUs in India- Disinvestment of

PSUs, Role of PSUs in economic development; Foreign Trade Policy- EXIM policy, FEMA 1999,
BOP, Balance of trade; Regulatory bodies- RBI, SEBI and their roles, Consumer Protection Act
1986, IRDA, Competition Act 2002; Socio-cultural environment- elements, society and business,
social audit, CSR, business ethics and corporate governance, climate change and business

Unit-IV: Technological and International Business Environment

Technological environment in India- Technology transfer, policy of R&D, indicators of

technological progress; Globalisation of Indian business with international business: MNCs- Role
of MNCs in India, regulation of MNCs, foreign collaboration; Global Business Strategy- M&A,
transfer pricing, Base Erosion and Profit Sharing (BEPS); International economic institutions-
WTO, World Bank, IMF and their role specifically in India; Exchange rate- meaning, factors
influencing exchange rate, determination of exchange rate;

Intellectual Property Rights- different property rights, law relating to trade marks, patents,
copyrights, procedure for registration of patents and trade marks

Unit-V: Emerging Trends and Contemporary Issues in Business

Emerging trends in Indian business environment, Creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship,

sustainable development, contemporary challenges in Indian business environment;
Demonetisation and digital India, Digital payment system- NEFT, RTGS, Payment Apps;
Potential Industries in North East India, SEZs in North East; Role of Govt in environment
protection; Role of NEC, DoNER, &NEDFi

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Francis Cherunilam: “Business Environment”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai,

2. K. Aswathappa: “Legal Environment of Business”. Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi
3. Ghosh B N: BusinesEmvironment, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
4. Adhikary, M.: “Economic Environment of Business”. Sultan Chand&Sons, NewDelhi
5. Alagh, Yoginder K: “Indian Development Planning and Policy”. Vikas Publishing House,
6. Sengupta N.K.: “Government and Business in India”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
7. Raj Agarwal and Parag Diwan.: “Business Environment”, Excel Books, New Delhi
8. Mishra &Puri, Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House.


Objective: To acquaint students with the recent changes in financial accounting and reporting

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Learn regulation of accounting through accounting standards IFRS

CO2. Learn use of ICT in financial reporting through XBRL

CO3. Learn about convergence of national accounting standards with international accounting

CO4. Learn about the analysis and interpretation of financial statements for decision making

CO5. Learn about measurement of earnings and reporting and computation of cash flow
statements and its managerial use

Full Marks: 100

Unit I: Accounting as an information system, Accounting information as an input for decision

making purposes, Users of Accounting information, Approaches to accounting theory,
Deductive and Inductive approach to theory formulation, Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP), and IFRS, International Accounting Standard Board (IASB), Procedures for
issue of IFRS

Unit II: Conceptual framework for Accounting and Reporting: Nature & objectives; benefits:
general purpose & specific purpose report; Quantitative Characteristics of Accounting
Information, Cash flow statement & statement of changes in equity; Consolidated financial
Regulatory framework for preparation and presentation of financial statements under the
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, disclosures as per SEBI Regulations; Role of MCA,

Unit III: Comparison between IFRS and Indian Accounting Standards, National differences in
financial reporting practices, Reasons for national differences in financial reporting practices,
and regulatory framework, Convergence and harmonization as an effort to reduce national
differences, Use of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) as a language of financial
reporting as per the MCA 21 e/filing and reporting.

Unit IV: Issue of Accounting Standards in India, procedure and regulatory requirement,
compliance with mandatory accounting standards in India. Ind. AS-Fixed Assets, Depreciation,
Inventory, Prior period adjustments. Earnings management, Income smoothing, Expenditure

Unit V: Value Added Statement, Value and Capital, Economic Value Added (EVA), Fair Value
Accounting (FVA), Human Resource Accounting (HRA), Environmental Accounting, Social
Accounting, Valuation of Business

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Ronen, Joshua, Yaari, Earnings Management, Varda

2. JR Hicks,Value and Captial, ELBS, London
3. TP Ghosh, Accounting Standards, Taxman, New Delhi
4. Ashish K Bhattacharyya, Accounting for Managers, PHI, New Delhi
5. James L Grant, Foundations of Economic Value Added, John Willey & Sons, New Jersey
6. Amitabh Mukherjee, Accounting Standards, Taxman, New Delhi
7. Menicucci, Fair Value Accounting Key Issues, Palgrave Macmillan, UK
8. Ashish K Bhattacharyya, Essentials of Financial Accounting, PHI, New Delhi
9. Interpretation and Application of IFRS Standards, Wiley Regulatory Reporting
10. Ralph Tiffin, The Complete Guide to IFRS (including IAS and Interpretation)
11. Handriksen , Accounting Theory, Tata McGraw Hill
12. The Companies Act, 2013


Full Marks: 100

Objective: To study and critically analyze the basic concepts & techniques in Marketing as well
as to provide an in-depth understanding of the consumer buying processes and their
determinants as relevant for marketing decision making.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Understand the terms and concept of marketing

CO2. Know the important elements and issues of marketing, importance of customer relationship
management in marketing.
CO3. Understand the marketing strategies and emerging trends to compete in the dynamic
market environment.
C04. Understand the concept of consumer behavior and the various factors influencing consumer
decision process
CO5. To know the consumer behavior models and also the emergence of new factors that have
impact on consumer buying process.

Full Marks: 100

Unit I: Introduction

Marketing – Meaning, Nature & Scope ,Elements of marketing, What is marketed?; evolution of
marketing approach – Exchange concept, Production concept, Product concept, Sales concept,
Marketing concept, Social Marketing Concept; Marketing Myopia, Marketing jargons;
Marketing research: Concepts

Unit II: Marketing Environment & Segmentation

The marketing environment – Elements & Issues of marketing environment; Market
segmentation – Levels of Segmenting and basis of Segmenting Consumer markets; Identifying
target markets – Effective Segmenting Criteria, Ways for Target market selection; Product
Positioning – meaning, positioning as a strategy; Customer Relationship Management –
meaning, steps of CRM

Unit III: Product, Pricing, Promotion & Channel Intermediaries

Product decisions: Concepts, product levels, product line, product differentiation, classification,
Product Mix, Product Life Cycles;Product Adoption Process, New Product Development
stages;Brands – Concept, Brand Extensions, Branding decisions and Co-branding; Pricing
decisions – concepts, Importance, Objectives, Factors Influencing Pricing, Types of Pricing;
Promotion decisions – Concepts, Elements, Direct marketing, Steps in developing Effective
Communications, Celebrity endorsements; Distribution decisions – Concept, Function,

Unit IV: Consumer Behaviour& Decision Making Process

Consumer Behaviour: Concepts, Importance, Nature;Types of consumers and their role;

Consumer behaviour, Buying Motives; Buying Roles;Consumer Buying Process; Levels of
Consumer Decision Making, Factors influencing consumer buying process; Needs and
motivation; Perception; Attitude and attitude change; Learning and learning theories;
Personality and life style analysis.

Unit V: Socio-Cultural Determinants of Consumer Behaviour& Models of Consumer Behaviour

Reference Group and their influences; Social class; Culture and sub-culture. Cross-cultural
dimensions of consumer behavior; Influence of technology on consumer behavior; Organisation
buying: Concept, Organisation buying vs Consumer buying; Consumer Behaviour models: Black
box model, Howard and Sheth model, Engel Kollat and Blackwell model, Five stage model

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition)

1. Armstrong G & Kotler P, Marketing an Introduction, Pearson Education

2. Gopal R, Marketing Management, Vikas Publications
3. Kotler and Keller, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall
4. Mullins J W / Walker O C, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Palmar .A, Introduction to marketing, Oxford University Press
6. Ramaswamy V S / Kumari S N, Marketing Management,MacMillan
7. Saxena R / Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd
8. Stanton M. J / Etzel M J, Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill
9 Schiffman, L.G. and L.L.Kanuk, Consumer Behaviour, Prentice Hall
10. Engel, J.F., Roser D. Blackwell and Paul W. Miniard, Consumer Behaviour, Cengage
11. Peter, J. Paul, and Jerry C. Olson, Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy, McGraw
12. Hawkins, Dal I., Roger J. Best and Kenneth A. Coney, Consumer Behaviour Implication for
Marketing Strategy, McGraw Hill
13. Hawkins, Del I, Mothersbaugh, David L, Mookerjee A, Consumer Behaviour: Building
Marketing Strategy, McGraw Hill


Objective: The objective of the course is to acquaint student s with the techniques and
principles to manage human resource of an organization. This knowledge would make the
students capable of employing these techniques to harness the best of each individual working
in the organization.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1: The course will create awareness among the student regarding fundamentals of Human
Resource Management and contemporary issues associated with it.

CO2: Students will understand the nuances of Human Resource Planning including Job Analysis,
Job Design, Job Evaluation, and Performance Appraisal.

CO3: The course will acquaint students with the knowledge required for Career & Succession
Planning, Training & Development, and Performance Management.
CO4: The course will enhance capability of students’ in the area of Compensation Management,
Human Resource Audit and Accounting

CO5: Students will develop understanding of the concepts of Lay-off, Retrenchment and
provisions related to it as per the provisions of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 along with the
other issues related with employee separation and retention.

Full Marks: 100

Unit-I: Introduction: Human Resource Management

Human resource management- meaning, concept, objectives; Evolution of human resource

management and theories; Functions of HR manager; Human resource management Vs
personnel management; Concepts: Employee Morale, Employee Productivity, Management of
Change, Knowledge Management, Stress Management, International HRM, Diversity at Work

Unit-II: Human Resource Planning and Development

Manpower Planning- meaning, objectives, importance, Process, Techniques; Job Analysis, Job
Description, Job specification; Job Design: Concepts, Approaches, Techniques;

Job Evaluation: Concept, Importance, Methods; Performance Appraisal: Concept, Objectives,

Process, Methods,

Unit-III: Career & Succession Planning, and Training & Development

Career Planning: Concept, Importance, Stages of Career growth;Succession Planning: Concept,

Importance of Succession Planning; Training and Development: Concepts, Importance,
MethodsEvaluation of Training Effectiveness; Performance management: Concepts, principles,

Unit-IV: Compensation Management, Human Resource Audit and Human Resource

Compensation management: Concepts, Structure of Compensation, Compensation Theories,
Factors influencing compensation; Incentive Schemes and Fringe Benefits: Concept, Types;

Human Resource Audit: Concepts, Process, Approaches; Human resource accounting-

Concepts, Methods

Unit-V: Employee Separation

Lay off: Meaning, Conditions and Rights of workmen laid-off for compensation, Workmen not
entitled to compensation in certain cases; Retrenchment: Meaning, Conditions precedent to
retrenchment of workmen, Procedure of Retrenchment; Exit Policy: Concepts, Need, Voluntary
Retirement Schemes Golden handshake; Absenteeism: Concept, Causes, Measures to control
absenteeism; Labour turnover: Concept, Causes, Measures to control labour turnover.

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Garry Desler Human Resource Management, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi
2. Aswathappa , Human Resource Management: Test and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. C B Mamoria, Gankar, Personnel Management, , Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
4. S S Khanka, Human Resource Management, S Chand Publication, New Delhi
5. V S P Rao, Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, Excel Books, New Delhi
6. T N Chhabra, Human Resource Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co, New Delhi
7. Rosy Joshi, Human Resource Management, , Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi
8. P Subba Rao, Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi



Objective: To acquaint students with the application of statistical tools and techniques in the
area of business decision-making.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the students the

CO1. Students who successfully complete this course should be comfortable with basic statistics
and probability. Students learn to understand different data types and their organization,
management and presentation and to analyze statistical data graphically using frequency
distributions and cumulative frequency distributions.

CO2. Analyze and apply statistical data using various measures of central tendency and

CO3. Use and apply the basic probability rules, including additive and multiplicative laws, using
the terms, independent and mutually exclusive events

CO4. Student learns to calculate and interpret the correlation between two variables, to
calculate simple linear regression equation for a set of data and to evaluate the properties of

CO5. Given a problem situation be able to state appropriate null and alternative hypotheses
and appropriate means that whether it should be one or two sided and be able to calculate a
p‐value and be able to interpret a p-value and perform a hypothesis test and state the
conclusion with a sentence.

Full Marks: 100

Unit-I: Data types, Data collection and analysis, Sampling: Census and sampling; Probability and
non-probability methods; Sampling and non-sampling errors

Index Numbers: Meaning, types and uses; Methods of constructing price and quality indices
(simple and aggregate); Test of adequacy; Chain base index numbers; Base shifting, splicing and
deflating; Problems in constructing index numbers; Consumer price index.

Unit-II: Forecasting Techniques

Regression and Correlation: Linear regression equation, Regression equation in terms of simple
correlation; coefficients; Reliability of the estimate; Multiple Correlation; Partial Correlation.

Time Series Analysis: Components of a time series, Models of time series analysis- additive and
multiplicative; Methods of constructing seasonal index; Adjusting time series data for seasonal
variations, Estimation of seasonal variations

Unit – III: Statistical Inference:

Testing of Hypothesis: Hypothesis testing, Analysis and Interpretation of Data, Parametric Tests
–‘t’, and ‘Z’ tests.

Non-parametric Statistics-Chi-Square Test.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA )- analysis of one way classified data, analysis of two way classified
data with one observation and with m observation per cell..

Unit-IV: Operations Research:

Definition, Nature, Characteristics, Phases, Methodology, Advantages of OR. Decision making

and Quantitative techniques. Linear Programming- Meaning and Assumptions of Linear;
Formulation of Problem, Graphical method, Simplex method of solution.

Unit-V: Network Analysis:

Introduction, Origin and uses of Network analysis, PERT, CPM, Drawing the network activity
times, Event times, Critical path, Determination of Floats – Total, Free and Independent,
Resource analysis and Allocation-cost time trade off and Crashing.

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Gupta SP, Statistical Methods S. Chand & Sons, N. Delhi

2. Levin &Rubbin. Statistics for Management Prentice Hall of India, N. Delhi
3. Aczel and Sounderpandian, Complete Business Statistics, TMG, N. Delhi
4. Elhance, Fundamentals of Statistics, Kitab Mahal, N. Delhi
5. Anderson, Sweeney and William, Statistics for Business and Economics Thomson, South
6. Gupta S.C. and Kapoor V.K: Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and
7. Chawla, Gupta & Sharma, Operation Research- Quantitative Analysis for Management,
Kalyani Publishers
8. Kanti& Gupta, Operation Research, Sultan Chand & Sons.

Objective: To acquaint the students with the determinants of Inter-personal and Inter- Group
behavior in organisational setting and to equip them with behavioural skills in managing people
at work.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Acquaint the determinants of Inter-personal and Inter- Group behavior in organisational

CO2. Equip with behavioural skills for managing people at work at individual and group level

CO3. Determine why and how people behave in an organisation, understand human
complicacies at workplace

CO4. Understand work ethics and need for whistle blowing, study conflict management
techniques to be followed at workplace

CO5. Develop leadership skills for managing organisational dynamics

Full Marks: 100

Unit I: Introduction

Organisational Behaviour – concept, Focus areas: OB & Management - Skills of a manager, Role
of a manager; Contributing Disciplines; Challenges and Opportunities; Ethics and Organisational
Behaviour; Models of Organizational Behaviour

Unit II: The Individual

Foundations of Individual Behaviour – Analysis of biographical characteristics: Age, Gender,
Marital Status, Tenure; Personality- Determinants of Personality, MBIT Test of Personality, Big
Five Model of Personality; Perception- Perception Process, Attribution Theory of Perception,
Shortcuts of judging people; Attitude –Work related attitudes, Components of Attitude,
Cognitive Dissonance; Job Satisfaction - Measuring Job Satisfaction, Relation of Job Satisfaction
with focus areas of OB; Learning- Components of learning, Classical conditioning theory, Social
conditioning theory, Operant conditioning theory; Concept of Motivation - Human needs based
theories of motivation – Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland contribution, Human nature based
theories of motivation - McGregor, Chris Argyris contribution, Human expectancy theories of
motivation -Victor Vroom contribution. Theory of Intrinsic Motivation by Ken Thomas.

Unit III: The Group

Group- Meaning, Types, Reasons for group formation; Stages of Group development; Group
Properties – Role, Norms, Conformity, Size, Cohesiveness, Difference between Group and
Team; Group Dynamics- Management of Dysfunctional groups

Unit IV: Conflict Management

Organisational Conflict – Sources, Levels of conflict, Types of Conflict; Conflict Management

Techniques; Transactional Analysis, Johari Window; Negotiation - Negotiation Process; Inter
Group Behaviour - Inter Group Conflicts

Unit V: Leadership

Leadership – Concept, Meaning, Difference with Management; Approaches - Trait, Behavioural

and Situational Leadership Approaches; Leadership Theories - Fiedler’s Contingency Theory,
Blake & Mouton’s Leadership Grid; Leadership Styles - Charismatic & Transformational
Leadership; Politics – Meaning, Factors Contributing to Political Behaviour; Power - Meaning,
Contrasting Leadership and Power

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Robbins S. P / Jugde T A, Essentials of Organisational Behaviour, Pearson Education
2. Luthans F, Organisational Behaviour, Mc Graw Hill Companies
3. Newstrom J W , Organizational Behaviour, Tata Mc Graw Hill Z Ltd
4. Bhattacharya D. K / Bilner M J, Organisational Behaviour, Oxford University Press
5. Dwivedi R S, Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour, Mac Millan
6. Hersey P & Blanchard K H, Management of Organizational Behaviour
7. Pareek U / Understanding Organisation Behaviour, Oxford University Press
8. Robbins S. P / Jugde T A, Organisational Behaviour, Pearson Education
9. Saiyadain M. S, Organisational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill
10. Sekaran U, Organisational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill
11. Slocum J. W / Hellriegel D, Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour,Cengage Learning


Objective: The Objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the basic analytical
techniques and methods of financial management of business firms useful for financial policy

Course Outcomes:After studying this course the students should be able to:

CO1. Evaluate the financial objectives of various types of organization and understand the
organization of finance function.

CO2. Evaluate capital projects under different circumstances using appropriate capital
budgeting methods.

CO3. Determine cost of capital of different sources of finance for taking financing decisions and
critically examine various theories and determine optimal capital structure.

CO4. Critically examine various policies and theories of dividend and determine optimal
dividend payout policy.

CO5. Estimate working capital requirements of an organization and effectively manage working

Full Marks: 100

UNIT I: Introduction

Introduction to Financial Management: Meaning, nature and scope of finance – Financial goal
(profit vs. wealth maximization), Finance functions, Organization of Finance function - Finance
and other related areas.

UNIT II: Capital Budgeting

Meaning, nature, significance, steps involved in capital budgeting process; Investment

evaluation Criteria - net present value. Internal rate of return, Profitability index, payback
period, accounting rate of return; NPV and IRR comparison; Capital rationing; Risk analysis in
capital budgeting.

UNIT III: Cost of capital

Meaning and significance of cost of capital – Computation of cost of capital (debt, preference
capital, equity capital and retained earnings) – Combined cost of capital (weighted)

UNIT IV:Capital Structure& Dividend Policy

Capital Structure: Meaning and concept of Capital Structure, Optimum Capital Structure,
Determinants of Capital Structure; Theories of capital structure – Net Income Approach, Net
Operating Approach, Traditional Approach and Modigliani-Miller Approach, Capital Structure
Planning: EBIT-EPS Analysis.

Dividend Policy: Forms of Dividends, Stability of dividend policy, Determinants of dividend

policy, Theories on Dividend Policy, Dividend under the Companies Act 2013.

UNIT V: Working Capital Management

Meaning, significance and types of working capital; Calculating operating cycle period and
estimation of working capital requirements; Financing of working capital and norms of bank
finance; Sources of working capital; Dimensions of working capital management; Management
of cash, receivables and inventory
Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Van Horne, James C., Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall of India
2. Pandey I. M., Financial Management, 9th Ed. Vikas Publishing.
3. Ross S.A., R.W. Westerfield and J. Jaffe, Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill.
4. Brealey R.A. and S.C. Myers, Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill
5. Damodaran, A, “Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice”. John Wiley & Sons
6. Banerjee, B., Financial Management, PHI Ltd, New Delhi
7. Chandra, P., Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi


Objective: The objective of this course is to enable students understand cost and management
accounting tools and techniques used in modern business.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Learn about application of standard costing and budgetary control, computation of
variants and variance analysis.

CO2. Learn about application of marginal costing, differential costing, incremental costing and
their application in resource management.

CO3. Learn about cost control, cost reduction, cost management, value analysis and value

CO4. Learn about value added statement, economic value added, shareholder’s value added.

CO5.Learn about emerging concept, activity based costing, lifecycle costing, cost strategies and
applications and learn about enterprise resource planning, total quality management, value
chain analysis, transfer pricing.
Full Marks: 100

Unit I: Standard Costing And Budgetary Control

Meaning and Concept of Standard Costs; Types of Standard and their Revision; Uses of
Standard Costing in making appraisal and fixing responsibility; Procedure of setting Standard
Cost - Material, Labour and Overhead; Calculation of Material Variance, Labour Variance, and
Overhead Variance, and their applications and implications; Standard Costing as a Control
Technique and Method of Cost Control; Definitions of budget, essential of budgeting, types of
budget- functional, master etc. fixed and flexible budget, problems on Cash Budget; Zero-
base and Performance Budgeting

Unit II: Application of Marginal Costing and Differential Costing

Concept of marginal costing, Marginal Costing versus Absorption Costing, Cost-Volume-Profit

Analysis and P/V Ratio, Analysis and their implications, Concept and uses of Contribution & BEP
and their analysis for various types of decision-making like single product pricing, multi product
pricing, replacement, sales etc.

Differential Costing and Incremental Costing: Concept, uses and applications, Methods of
calculation of these costs and their role in management decision making like sales,
replacement, buying etc.

Unit III: Cost Control and Cost Reduction, Value Added Statement:

Cost Control, Cost Control Schemes and Techniques, Meaning of Cost Reduction, Techniques of
Cost Reduction; Value Analysis and Value Engineering; Value Added Statement (VAS), Economic
Value Added, Shareholders Value Added; Meaning of Productivity, Measurement of
Productivity, Study of Corporate Productivity ; Learning Curve: Learning Curve Concept, Uses of
Learning Curve, Factors Affecting Learning Curve, the Experience Curve, Application of Learning
Unit IV: Neo Concepts for Decision Making:

Activity Based Costing: Concept, Costing Procedure, Strategies and Applications; Value Chain
Analysis: Concept, Strategies and Applications; Target Costing: Concept, Strategies and
Applications; Life Cycle Costing: Concept, Strategies and Applications; Transfer Pricing –
Necessity and Benefits transfer pricing, Methods of transfer pricing, Guiding Principles in the
fixing transfer prices, international transfer pricing (simple problems).

Unit-V: Emerging Issues in Cost Management:

Responsibility Accounting; Management Audit- Concept, Procedure; Cost Audit U/S 148 of the
Companies Act, 2013; Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP); Total Quality Management (TQM),
Six Sigma; Pricing policy and Process of pricing. Product cost categories, Costing and Pricing
approaches, Cost plus pricing, Multinational pricing, market-based transfer prices, Factors
influencing pricing decisions; Fundamentals of Product and Service Costing

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Khan and Jain, Management Accounting, Tata Mcgraw Hill

2. Sharma & Gupta, Management Accounting - Kalyani Publications
3. Maheshwari S.N & Maheshwari S K – A text book of Accounting for Management Vikas
4. Anthony, Robert N., David f. Hawkins, and Kenneth A. Merchant, Accounting: Text and
Cases, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi
5. Charles T. Horngren, Gray L. Sundem, and William O. Stratton, Introduction to Management
Accounting, Prentice-Pearson Education, Delhi
6. Jawaharlal – Cost Accounting - Tata McGraw Hill
7. Jain and Narang, Cost Accounting, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi
8. J. Madegowda, Accounting for Managers, Himalaya Publishing House
9. I. M. Pandey, Management Accounting, Vikas Publication
10. B. K. Bhar, Cost Accounting, Allied Publisher
11. Robert Kaplan, Cost and Management Accounting
12. Ashish Bhattacharya, Cost Accounting, PHI, New Delhi
13. Bhobotosh Banerjee, Cost Accounting, PHI, New Delhi


Objective: The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the structure,
operations in the Capital Market, Money Market Forex market and an overview of derivatives
market and the role played by financial institutions in these markets.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1: provides the idea about Financial market and intermediaries Institutions.

CO2: Understand the financial system and distinctive functions of each components of financial

CO3: Provide an understanding of the structure, operations in the Capital Market, Money
Market Forex market.

CO4: Have an overview of derivatives market and the role played by financial institutions in
these markets.

CO5: Understand the conceptual framework of Insurance business in India and their

Full Marks: 100

Unit I. Financial Markets: Structure of Indian Financial Market: Capital Market-Debt Market,
Securities Market; Money Market, Insurance Market, Financial Service Market, Forex Market;
Role of Central Bank and Commercial Bank, Role of NABARD.

Unit II. Capital Market: Securities Market and its operation, Primary Issue Market, Listing of
Securities, Rating of Securities, Book Building Measures, Qualified Institutional Bidders, Pricing
of Fresh Issue, Computation of Sensex, Interest rate and its determinants; Operation and
Functions of NSE and OTCEI; Role of SEBI in investors protection, DEMAT of Securities. ADRs,
GDRs; Derivative Market-Call and Put-Option and Currency Swaps; Types of Bond and Bond
Market operations, Bonus Issue and Right Issue.

Unit III. Money Market: Call money market, Bill Market, Treasury Bill Market, Repo market and
Reverse Repo market , Commercial paper, Certificate of Deposit, Risk management in banking
operation, BASEL Committee Norms II & III, Use of Digital mode of payment; Requirement of
SLR and CRR as a credit control device.

Unit IV. Insurance Market: Various types of Insurance market: Marine, Life, Fire, Health,
Contract of insurance, essential features of Marine, Life, Fire, Health, And Role of IRDA.

Unit V. Financial Service Market: Fee Based and Fund Based Services, Credit Rating , Factoring,
, Angel Financing and cloud finance , Foreign Exchange Services, Role of FEMA, Vostro Account,
Nostro Account, Loro Account and Mirror Account, Lease Financing.

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Pathak, Bharati V., Indian Financial System: Markets, Institutions and Services, Pearson
education (Singapore), New Delhi
2. Bhole, L.M. , Financial institutions and Markets: Structure, Growth and Innovations,
McGrawHill, New Delhi
3. Fabozzi, Frank J. and Modigliani, Franco, Capital Markets: Institutions and Markets, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi
4. Khan, M.Y.: Indian financial System, Tata McGraw, New Delhi.
5. Khan, M.Y.: Financial Services, Tata McGraw, New Delhi.
6. Raghuram Rajan, I do what I do, Harper Collins. Noida, UP
7. Saunders, Anthonu and Cornett, Marcia Millon, Financial markets and Institutions: An
Introduction to the risk management approach, McGrawHill, Irwin, New York



Objective: These paper aims to focus on the various kinds of strategies adopted by corporate
entities both within the country and abroad. The theoretical background that has been created
by the academic research and the in-house business research of the corporate entities are
given as a background for learning. The students are given an exposure to theoretical
background with ability to collate with real life situation.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Understand the concept of strategy and its formulation and implementation.

CO2. Learn the various strategies adopted by the organizations for dynamic business

CO3. Understand the competitive tacticsof business organizations and social responsibility of
business organizations.

CO4. Learn the various strategic approaches for expansion of business and to compete in the
global market.

CO5. Know the various functional and strategic issues and impact of strategy implementation in
global business environment.

Full Marks: 100

Unit I - Concept and role of corporate strategy, levels of strategy, basic model of strategic
management, approaches to strategic decision making, environmental scanning, strategy
formulation, strategy implementation, evaluation & control

Unit II - Analysis of broad environment- environmental profile, constructing scenarios, analysis

of operating environment- Michael Porter’s model of Industry Analysis, Analysis of strategic
advantage, Resource audit, and value chain analysis. Core Competencies- SWOT Analysis, PEST
Analysis, Analysis of stakeholder expectations, corporate mission, vision and goals.
Unit III: Competitive Tactics – Timing Tactics, Market Location Tactics, Defensive Tactics;
Corporate Directional Strategies – Growth, Stability, Retrenchment; International Entry
Options; Social responsibility-Friedman’s View, Carroll’s view, guidelines for ethical behavior

Unit IV- Generating Strategic Alternatives: strategic options at corporate level- stability, growth
& defensive strategies. External Growth Strategies, Merger, Acquisition, Joint Venture &
Strategic Alliance. Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives- Product Portfolio Models, selection of a
suitable corporate strategy, concept of strategic fit, competitive environment analysis tools-
perceptual mapping, BCG Matrix, Benchmarking, GE Business Screen.

Unit V – Functional strategies- production strategy, human resource strategy, financial strategy,
marketing strategy, logistic strategy, R&D. Advanced Organization structure- Matrix Structure,
Network Structure. Evaluation & Control Process, Types of Control, Strategic Audit & corporate

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Arthure A. Thompson et-al, Crafting & Executive Strategy; text & readings, McGraw Hil,
2. Grant, Robert M, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Blackwell Publishers Massachusetts,
3. Kazmi A, business policy, Tata MC Graw Hill, New Delhi
4. Kishore RM, strategic management, Taxman Publications, New Delhi
5. Wheelen TL/Hunger JD,Concept in strategic management & business policy, Pearson
Education, New Delhi


Objective: The objectives of the course are to equip the students with the concept and
methods of Business Research. The students will be able to plan, design and carry out
commercial research using scientific methods and prepare research reports(s)/paper(s).
Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1 Equip the students with the concept and methods of Business Research and learn about
the skill of formulating an original fundamental research proposal and design

CO2 Learn about the techniques for primary data collection secondary data collection

CO3 Learn about framing of research questions and schedule to elicits primary information
form field survey

CO4 To learn about conducting census and sample survey

CO5 Learn about the techniques of data mining data management, data analysis with the help
of statistical tools and technique and learn about report writing preparation of dissertation

and learn about ethics and moral standard in research

Full Marks: 100

UNIT- I: Overview of Business Research:

Business Research-Meaning – Scope-Purpose, Types of Research – Pure & Applied, Historical &
Futuristic, Analytical & Synthetic, Descriptive & Prescriptive, Survey & Experimental and Case &
Generic Researches; Role of Business Research in Decision Making; Business Research Process –
Meaning – Steps in Research, Scientific method – Induction and deduction.

UNIT- II: Research Design:

Business Research Design-meaning of Business Research Design, Needs, and characteristics of

good research design- Research Design Concepts: Dependent and Independent variables,
Extraneous variable, Control, Confounded relationship, Research hypothesis, Experimental and
non experimental hypothesis testing research, Experimental and control groups- Classification
of Research Designs: Exploratory Studies, Descriptive Studies, Causal Studies- Choosing a
research design.
Measurement Concepts in Business Research- Types of Measurement Scales: Nominal Scale,
Ordinal Scale, Interval Scale, Ratio Scale- Criteria for Good Measurement

Attitude Measurement- Components of Attitude- Behavioural Component- Attitude Scales:


Sampling Design- Census method and sampling method for investigation, Principle of sampling,
Essentials of a good sampling, Methods of sampling- Probability and non-probability sampling
methods, Sample size- concept, Factors affecting the size of the sample, Biased sample–
Sampling and non-sampling errors

UNIT- III: Sources and Methods of Data Collection:

Sources of data – Primary and secondary data – Modes of data collection

Observation: Types and Techniques

Interview: Types and conduct of interview, Preparation for an interview, Effective interview
techniques, Limitations of interview

Schedule: Meaning and kinds, Essentials of a good schedule, Procedure for the formulation of a

Questionnaire: Meaning and types, Format of a good questionnaire, Schedules vis-à-vis

Questionnaires;Methods of their construction

Pre-testing of Data Collection Tools- Validity and Reliability – Methods

UNIT- IV: Processing and Data Analysis:

Data Preparation & Preliminary Analysis, Validating and Editing, Coding, Data Entry- Tabulation
of Survey Results, Data Mining; Hypothesis – Meaning, Sources and Types of Hypothesis,
Hypothesis Formulation for testing, Hypothesis Testing- Test of Differences,Correlation Analysis
& Regression Analysis,Multivariate Analysis

UNIT -V: Data Presentation and Report Writing: Role and types of reports, Contents of
research report, Steps involved in drafting reports , Principles of good report writing-
Grammatical Quality, Language flow, Data Support, Diagrammatic Elucidation, citation and
Referencing style and Annotations, Clarity and Brevity of expressions; Features of a good
Report, Criteria for evaluating research reports/ research findings.

Thesis Writing:Its characteristics and format,

Research Paper, Article, Workshop, Seminar, Conference and Symposium,

Ethics in Business Research, Plagiarism

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler and J. K. Sharma, Business Research Methods,

McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd
2. Anderson et-al, Thesis and Assignment Writing, Wiley, New Delhi
3. William J. Goode and Paul K. Hatt, Methods of Social Research, McGraw Hill
4. Wilkinson and Bhandarkar, Methods and Techniques of Social Research, HPH.
5. Prahlad Mishra, Business Research Method, Oxford University Press India, New Delhi
6. B. Burns & A. Burns, Business Research Methods and Statistics Using SPSS, Sage Pub
7. J K Sachdeva, Business Research Methodology, Himalaya Publishing House
8. Bryman & Bell: Business Research Methods, OUP.
9. Pauline V Young, Scientific Social Surveys and Research, Prentice-Hall
10. C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques
11. Adams, Khan, Raeside and White, Research Methods for Graduate Business and Social
Science Students, Response Books, New Delhi
12. Hazarika, P., Research Methods for Business, S Chand & Co. Ltd, New Delhi
13. Malhotra & Das, Marketing Research, Pearson Education, New Delhi


Objective: This paper aims to give an exposure to some of the important laws essential and
relevant for a business entity, to demonstrate an overview of laws related to Companies and to
provide knowledge, comprehension and principles of Corporate Governance, to construct the
principles and ethical values of the business and professionals.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Learn about the corporate governance tactics

CO2. Learn about the theories of corporate governance followed by other countries of the
world and then assimilate with India

CO3. Learn about various regulatory requirements with regard to corporate governance
enforced by various agencies

CO4. Learn about the best ethical practices expected by management

CO5 Learn about the role played by the audit committee, remuneration committee,
independent directors to uphold the interest of investors in the equity stock

Full Marks: 100

Unit I:Concept of Corporate Governance:

Need, principles, corporate operations, corporate citizenship, corporate control mechanism,

related party transaction of stakeholders and their interest;
Historical perspective of corporate governance, corporate governance system in the USA, UK,
Germany, Japan and France.

Unit II: Structure and process of Corporate governance, corporate governance issues in merger
& acquisition, related party disclosure, code of best practices, role of whistle-blower, instances
of corporate mis-governance.
Role of board of directors in governance as per the Companies Act, 2013. Secretarial standards
towards governance.

Unit III: SEBI’s code of corporate governance; CII Code of Governance, SEBI’s guidelines for
listed companies’ appointment of audit committee, appointment of independent directors, their

Unit IV: Committee Report on Corporate governance: Cadbury Committee Report (1992);
Greenbury Committee Report (1995); Hampel Committee Report (1998), Blue Ribbon
Committee Report on Effectiveness on Corporate Audit Committees (1999); Kumar Mangalam
Birla Committee Report; Naresh Chandra Committee Report; OECD Principles of corporate

Unit V: Concept of ethics, values and morality, Gandhian concept of ethics, ethical practices in
business, business ethics and ethical decision making process, sources of ethics, ethics in
governance practices.
Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept; Sec 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act,
2013; Case studies on CSR activities.

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Subhash Ch. Das, Corporate Governance,PHI India Ltd., New Delhi
2. U. C. Mathur, Corporate Governance and Business Ethics,Macmillan India Ltd, New Delhi
3. C. V. Gupta, Value and Ethics in Business, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
4. ManabAdhikary, Global Business Management, Macmillan India Ltd, New Delhi
5. B. B. Tayal and C. B. Gupta, Politics, Ethics and Social Responsibility of Business, Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi
6. Bishwajit Chakraborty, Ethics and Business, Vikash Publishers, New Delhi
7. Bhabatosh Banerjee, Financial Policy and Management, PHI Ltd, New Delhi
8. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Stakeholders in a Global Environment; William
B Werther Jr.
9. David Chandler; Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
10. Business, Government and Society; John F Steiner and George A Steiner; McGraw Hill
Education, India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
11. Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and practices; AC Fernando; Dorling Kindersely
(India) Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
12. Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Introduction; Michael Blowfield and Alan Murray;
Oxford University Press Inc. US
13. Bare Act: The Companies Act, 2013 (Latest Amendments)
14. The Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011 (Latest Amendments)
15. SEBI Guidelines on corporate guidelines and ethics
16. Secretarial Standards issued by ICSI, New Delhi


Objective: To provide knowledge of tax planning with respect to direct tax laws applicable in
managerial decisions making.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:
CO1. Identify the difference between tax evasion, tax avoidance, tax management and tax

CO2. Consider tax implications while taking business decisions, understand the provisions of the
Income Tax Act, 1961 for tax planning in regard to salary income, house property income and
capital gains of an individual.

CO3. Understand the concept of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) and Advance Payment of Tax,
consider tax implications while taking financial management decisions.

CO4. Understand tax provisions relating to free trade zone Free Trade Zones, Export Processing
Zones, Special Economic Zones and for creation of Infrastructure Sector and Backward Areas

CO5. Understand the concept, salient features and benefits of Goods and Services Tax and
meaning of the different terms defined in the provisions of the Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Full Marks: 100

Unit-I: Introduction to Tax Management:

Meaning of tax planning and management, tax evasion and tax avoidance; Nature and scope of
tax planning and management; Tax planning through selection of suitable form of business
organization, selection of type of business and industry and location.

Unit-II: Tax Planning for Individuals:

Tax planning in regard to salary income, house property income and capital gains of an
individual; deductions and exemption allowed in computing income from salary, house
property and capital gains; Tax planning and tax deduction at source and advance payment of
tax of an individual assessee.

Unit-III: Tax Planning and Financial Management Decisions:

Tax planning relating to Capital Structure Decision; Dividend Policy, Inter-Corporate
investments, Dividends and Bonus Shares; Tax planning in respect of Own or Lease; Tax
planning relating to Sale of Assets Used for Scientific Research; Tax planning relating to Make or
Buy Decisions, Repair, Replacement, Renewal or Renovation and Shutdown or Continue

Unit-IV: Special Tax Provisions:

Tax provisions relating to Free Trade Zones, Export Processing Zones, Special Economic Zones,
creation of Infrastructure Sector and Backward Areas development; tax holyday schemes; Tax
Incentives for Exporters; Tax provisions relating to 100% Export Oriented Units

Unit-V: Goods and Services Tax:

GST - concept, salient features, benefits; GST and centre-state financial relation, GST council
and its functions, Taxable event or levy and collection of GST, Role of Central Board of Excise
and Customs; Overview of GST Acts; Definitions (aggregate turnover, business, cess, composite
supply, exempt supply, goods, integrated tax, input tax, input tax credit, mixed supply, non-
taxable supply, non-taxable territory, output tax, reverse charge, services, state tax, scope of
supply, taxable person, taxable supply, taxable territory, union territory tax; Exemptions; Broad
idea about Rates of Goods and Services Tax.

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Singhania, V.K.: Direct Taxes: Laws and Practice, Taxman N. Delhi

2. Singhania, V.K. : Direct Tax planning and Management, Taxman N. Delhi
3. Srinivas E.A. Corporate Tax Planning, TMG, New Delhi
4. Ahuja, Girish & Gupta, Ravi: Systematic Approach to Income Tax, Bharat Law House, N
5. Nitya Tax Associates: Basics of GST, Taxman N. Delhi
6. Choudhury, Dalmia &Girdharwal: GST – A Practical Approach, Taxman N. Delhi


Objective: The objective of this course is to provide the students with a deep understanding of
financial management issues in a multi-national enterprise. It equips the students with
analytical tools and techniques for sound financial decision making in a global setting.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1: It provides the students with a deep understanding of financial management issues in a
multi-national enterprise.

CO2: It makes aware the students about the international monetary system

CO3: It makes student understand about international financial market

CO4: provides the idea about various exchange rate regimes.

CO5: Make aware about international accounting and taxation environment and also gives idea
about nature and measurement of exposure and risk.

Full Marks: 100

Unit I: Importance of international finance, finance function in multinational firm, international

trade and cross financial flows, issues in financial decision making in multinational companies
(MNCs), participants in foreign exchange market, hedging and speculation.

Balance of Payment (BOP), currency convertibility, concept of revenue account and capital
account convertibility.

Unit II: International monetary system, exchange rate regimes, bimetallism. Gresham’s law,
classical gold standard, Bretton Woods System, Triffin’s paradox, IMF – international liquidity –
special drawing rights (SDRs), flexible exchange rate, European monetary system, European
Monetary Union, Fixed Versus floating exchange rate, world Bank.

Unit III: International financial markets: Euro market institutions, Forex market, spot market,
direct and indirect exchange quotations, bid ask spread, cross exchange rates, mechanism of
currency dealing, exchange rate quotations, arbitrage, forward rate, foreign exchange market in
India, international money market, regulatory mechanism.
Unit IV: Exchange rate determination: measuring exchange rate movements and volatility,
factors influencing exchange rate, government intervention, interest rate parity, interest
arbitrage, purchasing power parity- absolute and relative, methods of forecasting exchange

Unit V: Nature and measurement of exposure and risk, defining foreign exchange exposure,
transaction exposure, translation exposure, operating exposure, hedging strategies,
international accounting and tax considerations in financial decision making of MNCs,
international tax environment.

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. P G Apte, International Financial Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi

2. Levi D International Finance, , Routledge
3. Madura Jeff, International Corporate Finance, Cengage Learning.
4. Madura Jeff, International Financial Management, Cengage Learning
5. V Sharan, International Financial Management, PHI Learning P Ltd, New Delhi
6. Bekaert, Greet and Hodrick Robert J, International Financial Management, PHI Learning
India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi


Objective: The course aims at enabling the students to develop an in-depth understanding of the
modern concepts and latest techniques of advertising and personal selling and sales force
management which constitute a fast-growing area of marketing.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1: The course will create understanding among the students regarding the fundamentals of
advertising and different socio-legal and ethical issues. This will also help them in identifying
and understanding the role of Advertising with respect to Integrated Marketing

CO2: The course will enhance the capacity of the student in drawing Message Strategy. They
will learn about the various concepts associated with message strategy like’ copywriting,
headlines, sub-headlines, slogans, logo, illustration, layout, and appeal. The course will help the
students in the situation of decision making regarding the selection of appropriate media or
combination of different media for achieving marketing communication goals.

CO3: The course will acquaint students about the function, role and importance of Advertising
Agency. The course will help the students to imbibe with the knowledge required for making
advertising budget, evaluating advertising effectiveness and knowledge regarding various
contemporary issues influencing advertising.

CO4: The course will also help students in getting insight about the important theories of
theories of selling like, AIDAS theory, and Right set of circumstances theory along with other
fundamentals in sales management and personnel selling. Student will also get acquainted with
the sales planning and territory management.
CO5: Student will acquire the capacity of managing sales force in organizational context. They
will gain competency in the area of determination of sales force size, recruitment, selection,
training &development, evaluation, motivation, competency & leadership. The course will also
increase the students’ comprehension regarding structuring sales organization. The course will
also familiarize students about the concept of Business Ethic.

Full Marks: 100

Part A: Advertising
Unit I: Integrated marketing communications and Advertising- Introduction
Communication Process, Integrated marketing communications tools, Integrated marketing
communications process; Advertising: Features, Roles, Functions, Objectives, Segmentation
strategies, Positioning strategies, Economic, Social, & Ethical issues

Unit II: Message Strategy & Media planning

Determining advertising messages; Creative process in advertising: copywriting, headlines, sub-
headlines, slogans, logo, illustration, layout, appeal; Types of Media and its advantages &
Limitation, factor influencing media selection decision

Unit III: Organization of advertisement operations

Advertisement Agency: Functions, types, Factors affecting selection of an agency,
Advertisement budgets decisions, Evaluation of advertising effectiveness, Recent development
& issues in Indian advertising context

Part B: Sales Management

Unit IV: Personal Selling - Introduction
Nature & importance of personal selling, Types of selling, process of selling; Sales Management:
Process, competencies, sales control- informal and formal; Theories of selling: AIDAS, Right set
of circumstances theory,

Unit V: Sales Planning & Territory Management

Sales planning: Types of person selling objectives, Analysis of Market potential, Sales potential
and sales forecast; Territory Management: Concept, Reason for establishing or revising sales
territories, Process for establishing or revising sales territory; Sales quota: concept, objectives,

Unit VI: Sales Force Management & Sales Organization

Sales Force Management: Recruitment, selection, Training & Development, motivation,
competency & leading the sales force; Sales organization: Basic types of sales organization
structure, specialization within sales organization, Determination of Sales Force Size: work load
Method, Break down Method, Incremental Method; Evaluation of effectiveness of Sales
organization, evaluation of sales people; Business ethics and sales management

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Aaker, David, Batra and Mayers, Advertising Management, Prentice Hall of India, New
2. Belch, George and Michael, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspectives, McGrawhill
3. Shimp, Advertising, Promotion & Supplemental Aspects of Integrated Marketing
Communications, Cengage Learning
4. Wells, Moriarity, and Brunett, Advertising: Principles and Practices, Pearson Education
5. Mandell, and Maurice, Advertising, Prenctice Hall, New Delhi
6. Rajput and Vasisth, Advertising & Personal Selling, Himalaya Publishing House
7. Kazmi, and Batra, Advertising & Sales Promotion, Excel Books
8. Still, Cundiff, Norman, and Govoni, Sales Management: Decisions, Strategies, and Cases,
Prentice Hall
9. Cron and Decarlo, Sales Management: Concepts & Cases, John Wiley & Sons
10. Havaldar&Cavale, Sales and Distribution Management: Text & Cases, Tata McGraw Hill
11. Jobber and Lancaster, Selling and Sales Management, Pearson Education

Objective: The objective of the paper is to provide theoretical as well as strategical insight into
the management of human resources at workplace. The course will also help in understanding
the complexities of managing HR at work.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Provide theoretical as well as strategic insight into the management of human resources.
To learn about the models of strategic HRM, development of strategies, WTO and labour

CO2. Helpful in understanding the complexities of managing HR through HR planning,

outsourcing and the practices followed in different sectors like IT, Retail and so on

CO3. Understand the strategies with respect to management of HRs in recruitment, selection,
training and development, performance evaluation. Identify Key Result Areas (KRAs) to deploy
human resource management strategies. To learn about development of HR portals, impact of
technology on HR.

CO4. Learn about compensation, pay revision, executive compensation. Study the process of
HRP and outsourcing adopted by global corporate.Know ILO and WTO regulations with respect
to HRs.

CO5. Provide theoretical as well as strategic insight into the management of human resources
at domestic and international level. Study the international issues in HRM including expatriate
management, repatriation process, and development of international teams and so on
Full Marks: 100

Unit-I: Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Management: Meaning of Human Resource

Strategy, Evolution of Strategic Human Resource Management, Strategic HRM Approaches;
Models of strategic HRM, Development and delivery of HR strategies, Challenges in strategic
HRM, HRM and change; Workforce diversity, Temporary and contract labour; Global
competition, Global sourcing of labour, WTO and labour standards.

Unit-II: Human Resource Planning and HR in various sectors: Business Strategy and HRP, Job
Analysis and Strategic HRM, HRP and Outsourcing, HRM Policies and Practices in India: in
service sector (Banks, Insurance etc), IT sector, Retail sector, MNCs and Large Business Houses;
HRM practices in SME sector.

Unit-III: E-HRM and Performance Management Strategies: e- Employee profile– e- selection

and recruitment - Virtual learning and Orientation – e - training and development –
Development and Implementation of HRIS – Designing HR portals – Employee surveys online.
Developing performance management systems, Technology and performance management,
Defining Key Result Areas (KRAs); result based performance; seniority Vs merit based
promotions, Reduction of unhealthy internal competition and work life balance.

Unit-IV: Compensation and Retirement Planning: Compensation and reward determinants,

Equity in reward decisions, Business strategy and compensation, Repatriation process. Process
of payment and pay revision, Broad banding; Profit sharing; Executive compensation; Variable
pay. Constitutional Perspective, International Labour standards, and the norms for wage
determination. VRS/CRS, etc.

Unit-V: HR in International Context: International HRM, Issues that change the context,
Domestic Vs International HRM, Cross cultural dynamics, linking HR to international expansion,
international recruitment at different levels, issues in staff selection and retention,
performance management- criteria used, factors associated, evaluation systems, training and
development, expatriate training, developing international teams, managing virtual teams,
aligning educational and training system in the country with industry requirements (domestic
and global).

Case Studies

Suggested Readings (Latest Edition):

1. Tanuja Agarwala, Strategic Human Resource Management,Oxford Higher Education,
2. William P Athony, Pamella L, Strategic Human Resource Management, , Jovanovich
College Publication,
3. C B Mamoria and S V Gankar, Personnel Management, Text and Cases, Himalaya
4. T. V. Rao, HRD Audit, Sage Publications, New Delhi
5. Dowling & Welch, International HRM, South Western, Tennessee, USA
6. Lyle Spencer , Reengineering of HR, Wiley and Sons publications,
7. Jeffrey A Mello, Strategic HRM (India), Thomson South Western.
8. Armstrong, Angela, Handbook of strategic HRM, New Delhi, Jaico Publishing House.


(The paper MCM 306 is offered to the PG 3rd semester students of Departments of Economics
and Business Administration from the School of Business Sciences.)

Objective: the course is design to familiarize the students about the basics of direct taxes.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1: This paper provides basic knowledge and equips students with application of principles
and provisions of Income-tax Act, 1961 and the relevant Rules.

CO2: familiarize the students about the basics of direct taxes.

CO3: It enables the students for Computing the taxable income of assesses.

CO4: It gives more idea about the income from business or profession

CO5: It Makes the students familiarizes with the concept of depreciation and its provisions,

Full Marks: 100

Unit I: Basic Concept (Theory): Concept Of Income Tax, Assessment Year, Previous Year;
Assessee, Person; Agricultural Income With Examples; Residential Status And Tax Liability.
Heads of Income, Income Tax Act 1961

Unit II: Income From Salary (Theory): Concept of Salary, Components of Salary-Allowances and
Perquisites, Gross Salary, Deduction from Gross Salary, Net Salary.

Unit III: Income From House Property (Theory) Basis of Charge, Annual Valuation-Gross Annual
Valuation and Net Annual Valuation Determination of Annual Valuation of House Property,
Deduction under Section 24.

UNIT IV: Meaning of business and profession, profits and gains from business and profession;
capital gains–short term and long term gain concept, computation of short term and long term
capital gain, Income from other sources

UNIT V: Concept of Gross Total Income and Total Income, Deduction from the Gross Total
Income of Individuals;

Advance Payment of Tax and Tax Deduction at Source, Permanent Account Number (PAN),
Liability for Payment of Advance Tax and Due Dates Of Installments of Advance Tax; Person
Liable To Pay Advance Tax and Consequences of Non-Payment, Tax Deducted At Source (TDS)
And Consequences of Not Deducting TDS TAN No. , Tax Collected At Source (TCS), Preparation
of Return of Income- Manually, Online Filing of Return of Income.

Suggested Readings:

1. V.K. Singhania, Direct Taxes, Taxmann Publications, New Delhi.

2. B. Lall, Direct Taxes, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
3. Gaur & Narang, Income Tax Law and Practice, Kalyani Publications.
4. Mahesh Chandra, D.C. Shukla: Income Tax Law and Practice, Pragati Publications, New


Objective: This course is designed to enable the students to analyse the business environment
to recognize the business opportunity and generation of business ideas and also to absorb the
concept and spirit of entrepreneurship. At the end of this course the students will be able to do
the self analysis, apply the elements of entrepreneurship in their real life and develop a feasible
business plan and develop knowledge to start the venture.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Learn about various theories of entrepreneurship developed in different countries of the

CO2. Learn about the assimilation of entrepreneurship in Indian context

CO3. Learn about the family controlled business and the family entrepreneurs setting up the
business entities

CO4. Learn about the different types of entrepreneurs

CO5. Learn about the regulatory norms to be complied with in setting up the enterprise

Full Marks: 100

Unit-I: Entrepreneurship Essentials

Concept of Entrepreneurship, Essentials of a Successful Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneurs;

Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship Development, Entrepreneurship and Economic
development; Theories of Entrepreneurship: Innovation Theory by Schumpeter & Imitating
Theory of High Achievement by McClelland X-Efficiency Theory by Leibenstein Theory of Profit
by Knight, Theory of Social change by Everett Hagen

Unit-II: Setting up an enterprise

Promoting New Ventures: Idea Generation, Setting up an entrepreneurial venture, Role of

Incubation Centre, Encouraging Innovation, and legal Compliance Requirement for the

Dissemination of on-line information for business development;

Potential Scope and Opportunities for Entrepreneurship Development in North East India,
Success stories of some entrepreneurs in India and abroad;

Unit-III: Institutional Support and Government Policy

Institutional Support and Government Policy on Promotion of Entrepreneurship; Training

facilities, EDP in NE India, Fiscal incentives, Marketing Support System Support System for
Entrepreneurs, District Industries Centre, MSME Development Institute, Indian Institute of
Entrepreneurship, NIESBUD, Provisions of MSME Development Act, 2006, Start-up Policy
Framework and Incentives

Unit-IV: Financing Enterprises

Sources ofFinancing for New Venture, Sources of Capital Finance, Venture Capital, venture
capital finance in India, Role of Commercial Banks and other financial institutions, Institutional
Assistance for Small Enterprises

Unit-V: Project Management: Business Plan, Meaning of Project, need for Project
Management, project analysis and selection. Technical analysis, Market and Demand analysis,
financial analysis, Social cost and benefit analysis, Preparationof a project report.

Life cycle of a project: Network PERT and CPM, conception and selection, planning and
scheduling, implementation and control, evaluation and termination
Suggested Readings:

1. Schumacher EF, Small is Beautiful, Random House

2. Rmachandran K, Entrepreneurship Development: Indian Cases on Change Agents,
3. The Entrepreneur: Classic Texts by Joseph A. Schumpeter
4. Rajkonwanr AB, Entrepreneurship Development, Kalynai Publisher
5. Sharma S, Entrepreneurship Development, PHI Learning
6. Larson E, Gray C, Project Management, McGrawhill Education
7. Pannerselvam R, Senthilkumar P, Project Management, PHI Learning
8. Vasant Desai, Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management, Himalaya
Publishing House
9. Khanka SS, Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand, New Delhi


Objective: This paper aims to focus on the various issues related to Business in the
international level. The theoretical background will help students become familiar with the
legal aspects of international business and to apply legal concepts to genuine business
situations. Students will study the impact of regulations on international business and how
strategies are developed and how foreign legislation is considered. The students are given an
exposure to theoretical background with ability to collate with real life situation

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Familiarise the concepts, importance and dynamics of international business.

CO2. Provide theoretical foundations of international business to the extent these are relevant
to the global business operations and developments.

CO3. Knowledge about impact of political, economic, legal, and social policies of different
countries on international business.

Co4. Understand the various strategies adopted in International Business

CO5.Understand the concept of foreign direct investment, foreign exchange, MNCs in

international business

Full Marks: 100

Unit1: Introduction to international Business: Importance and scope of International Business,
MNCs and LDCs, Joint Venture, Entry Mode of MNC’s in International Business; Issues in foreign
investment, technology transfer, Regulations of MNC’s & their pricing Mechanism, Transfer
Pricing, Based Erosion and Profits shifting; E-commerce and International Business

UNIT 2: Economic, Cultural, social, political and legal environment in international business;
Theories of international Trade and Gains from Trade; International Taxation and its impact on
International Business, Double taxation avoidance agreement; Current Indian Export-Import

UNIT 3: Global Trading and investment Environment: World trade in goods and services, World
trade and protectionism, Tariffs, quotas, non-traffics barriers, Balance of payment accounts,
components and accounting system, BOP Deficit and correction policies; Structure of Indian
Foreign trade, composition and direction, EXIM Bank, Regulation and promotion of foreign

UNIT 4: Exchange Rate Mechanism and settlement of trade obligation, foreign investment –
Pattern, structure and effects; Movement in Foreign exchange and interest rates and their
impact on trade and investment flows; International liquidity.

Unit 5: International Economic Institutions and agreements: WTO, IMF, World Bank , IFC, IDA,
ADB, UNCTAD, GSP, GSTP, and other International agreement, Regional Economic Integration,
Free Trade areas, Customs Union and Common Markets. Functioning of European Economic
of Bengal Initiative, ASEAN-India Free Trade Area Agreements & Declarations,

Suggested Readings:

1. Hill, Charles W.D, International Business MC Graw Hills, New York

2. Donoes, John D and Radebaugh, Lee H and Daniel P Sullisian, International Business:
Environment and operations, PHI, New Delhi.
3. Jeff Madura, International Financial Management, Cengage Learning, US
4. Ball, Donald, Wendall, International Business, MC Graw Hills, New York.
5. Sundaram and Black, International Business Environment
6. G Apte, International Financial Management, MC Graw Hills, New York
7. V.A. Avdhani , International Finance, Himalayan Publishing House, Mumbai.
8. FranChisCherunilam, International Business. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

Students have to submit a dissertation based on their fundamental work in the relevant areas
of commerce and management

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Learn about the development of new idea and its application in the shape of project
formulation for research work.

CO2. Learn about skill of report writing and power point presentation and oral presentation.

CO3. Learn about conducting review of past literature, ascertain gap in literature and
established research as an academic tool to create new stock of knowledge.

CO4. Learn about technique of referencing

CO5. Acquire skill of academic report writing.

Full Marks: 100

Report writing: 70 Marks

Viva-voce: 30 Marks


Objective: This paper aims to provide depth knowledge of the professional standards,
principles and procedures regarding preparation of financial accounting of corporate entity as
per the Company Act 2013 and also to focus on Government and international level accounting.
The theoretical background that has been created by the academic research and the in-house
business research of the corporate entities are given as a background for learning. The students
are given an exposure to theoretical background with ability to collate with real life situation

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the students to:

CO 1: Get depth knowledge of the professional standards, principles and procedures regarding
preparation of financial accounting of corporate entity as per the Company Act 2013.

CO 2: Have an idea on theoretical background that has been created by the academic research
and the in-house business research of the corporate entities are given as a background for

CO 3: Have an exposure to theoretical background with ability to collate with real life situation.

CO 4: Students can get an idea about internal reconstruction, external reconstruction and
accounts treatments for internal, External reconstruction.

CO 5: Make them aware about accounting of banking and insurance companies and develop
knowledge of holding companies accounts.

Full Marks: 100

Unit I: Accounting for business Combination

Relevant Terms, Types of merger, and methods of accounting, treatment of Goodwill arising on
merger, Purchase consideration and settlement

UNIT II: Government accounting

General Principle, Comparison with commercial accounting, Role of Comptroller and Auditor
General of India, Role of Public Accounts Committee, Review of Accounts, and Government
Accounting Standards issued by Government Accounting Standards Advisory Board (GASAB) ,
Government Accounting and Reporting under accrual basic and preparation of balance sheet.

UNIT III: Consolidated Financial Statements

Concept of a group, Purposes of consolidated financial statements, Consolidation procedures-
Minority interest, Goodwill, Treatment Pre-acquisition profit and Post -acquisition profit and
concept of Fair value at the time of acquisition.

UNIT IV: Accounts for Banking and Insurance companies:

Banking Company: P& L Account and P & L Appropriation Account & Balance Sheet as per
Banking Regulation Act.1949

Life Insurance Company –Preparation of Revenue Account and Balance Sheet as per the IRDA
Act 1991.

Marine and Fire Insurance Accounts-Revenue Accounts Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance
Sheet as per the IRDA Act 1991.

UNIT V: Accounting for Investment and foreign exchange

Preparation of investment accounts. Accounting for foreign exchange, exchange fluctuation

loss, and its treatment in accounts.

Suggested Readings:

1. T.P. Ghosh, Accounting Standards, Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi

2. D.chandra Bose, Advanced Accounting Volume II, PHI learning Private Ltd., New Delhi
3. M.Hanif and A .Mukherjee, Advance Accounting for CA IPCC Examination, TATA
Mcgraw Hill , New Delhi
4. M. Hanif and A. Mukherjee, Advanced Accounting, Mcgraw Hill Education, New Delhi


Objective: To enable the students to understand various techniques of analysis used in security
analysis, portfolio analysis and efficient portfolio management.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:
CO1. Understand the environment of investment and risk return framework, fundamental
analysis and technical analysis for taking investment decisions in securities.

CO2. Analyze the concept of market efficiency, bonds and shares in terms of valuation.

CO3. Analyze and select portfolios and understanding of capital asset pricing model and other
associated model

CO4.Construct, evaluate performance of portfolios and learn techniques of portfolios revision.

CO5.Understand the various types of financial derivatives and their use in portfolio

Full Marks: 100

UNIT I: Security Market Analysis: Investment environment, Fundamental concepts of Risk and
Return, Types of Return and risk, Sources of risk.

Technical Analysis; Fundamental Analysis: Economic Analysis, Industry Analysis, Company


UNIT II: Forms of Market Efficiency: Random Walk Theory, weak, semi-strong and strong form
of efficiency.

Valuation of Securities: Fixed Income Securities: Types of Fixed Income Securities – Risk and
Return Analysis of Fixed Income Securities – Alternative Investments of Fixed Income Securities
– Bonds: Types of Bonds – Valuation of Bonds – Types of Returns on Bonds – Pricing of Bonds -
Yield Curve - Bond Duration and Convexity – Immunization of Bonds - Share Valuation: Concept
of Present Value – Share valuation Model – Dividend Discount Model - One Year Holding Period
–- Multiple Year Holding Period – Constant Growth Model – Multiple Growth Model – Multiplier
Approach to Share Valuation

UNIT III: Portfolio Analysis: Portfolio Management – Meaning, Evaluation & Role.
Diversification and Portfolio Risk, Portfolio Return and Risk, Markowitz Theory Risk-Return
Optimisation, Single Index Model, Sharpe’s Optimization Solution, Capital Asset Pricing Model
(CAPM), Arbitrage Pricing Theory.

Portfolio Selection: Concept of Portfolio Selection, Optimal Portfolio, Risk & Investor
Preferences, Investment Constraints, Efficient Frontier And Portfolio Selection.

UNIT IV: Portfolio Construction & Evaluation: Techniques of Portfolio Construction - Active and
Passive portfolio management, Bond portfolio management strategies-passive, semi-active and
active along with immunization strategies Portfolio Performance Evaluation.

Portfolio Revision: Meaning, Need, Techniques of Portfolio Revision.

UNIT V: Derivatives: meaning and evaluation of derivatives, options, futures, Portfolio

management using futures and options.

Suggested Readings:

1. Fuller &Farrel, Modern Investment & Security Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Strong, Robert A., Portfolio Management Handbook, Jaico Publishing House, Delhi.
3. Singh, Preeti, Investment Analysis, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
4. Jordan & Fischer, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall India, N. Delhi.
5. Avadhani, V.A., Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Himalaya Publishing House,


Objective: The course intends to familiarize the students with the concept and issues of
international marketing and enable them to be able to analyze the foreign market environment
and develop international marketing strategies for a business firm.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Familiarize the students with the concept and issues of international marketing, domestic
CO2. Analyze the foreign market environment and develop international marketing strategies for
a business firm.
CO3. Study the International marketing mix elements including 4Ps, channels used by
international firms
CO4. Determine role of legal environment in international marketing for counterfeiting, gray
CO5. Understand the mechanism of international firms along with transfer pricing, BEPS tactics
of global companies and know the marketing communication mix, media planning and media
control to enhance promotion of international products
Full Marks: 100

Unit I: Introduction:

International Marketing: Nature; Scope; Management orientation; Process; Driving and

Restraining Forces affecting international marketing; Glocal Marketing; International Market
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning; International Market entry mode decision

Unit II: International Marketing Environment I

Economic Environment: Framework of international economic integration; economic systems;

stages of market development and economic development; Balance of Payment; Recent

Cultural Environment: Characteristics of culture; Influence of culture on consumption, thinking

process, communication process; Cultural Universals; Communication through nonverbal

Unit III: International Marketing Environment II

Political Environment: Political systems; Political risks; Indicators of political instability;

Measures to minimize political risks; Political insurance

Legal Environment: Legal Systems; Jurisdiction and extraterritoriality; Intellectual Property

Right; Gray Market; Counterfeiting
Unit IV: International Marketing Decision I

Product policy: New product development; Product Adoption; Product standardization vs

adaptation; International Product Life Cycle

Pricing: Factors influencing international pricing decision; Objectives & Strategies; Trade Terms;
Quotation Guidelines; Dumping; Counter trade; Transfer pricing, Arm’s Length Pricing, Base
Erosion and Profit Shifting

Unit V: International Marketing Decision II

Distribution Policy: Direct and indirect selling channel; Determinants of channel types; Locating,
selecting and motivating channel members; Global distribution and logistics issues

Marketing Communication: Issues in international marketing communication; Tools for

international marketing communication; Standardized international advertising; Advertising
media planning and analysis; Online marketing in global context

Suggested Readings :

1. Caeteora, Phillip R., and John L. Grahm, International Marketing, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Onkvist, and JJ Shaw, International Marketing: Analysis and Strategy, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi
3. Keegan, Warran J and Mark C Green, Global Marketing, Pearson Education, New Delhi
4. Joshi, InternationalMarketing, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
5. Terpstra, Vern and Ravi Sarathy, International Marketing, Harcourt Asia PTE Ltd, Singapore
6. Czinkota, Michael R. and illka A Ronkainon, International Marketing, Cengage Learning,


Objective: The objective of the course is to make student aware of the concept of industrial
relations. The course will make them understand the importance of industrial relations as well
as the law that governs industrial relations and how these relations provide dynamics to
Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1: The course will create awareness among the students regarding the involvement and role
of different parties to industrial relation, students will get acquainted with various perspectives
on Industrial Relations. The course will also enhance consciousness about the existence and
role of ILO and about the international dimensions of Industrial Relation. The students will also
come to know about the influence of ILO on Indian Labour Legislation.

CO2: The course will acquaint students with the knowledge require for the establishment of
Trade Union with reference to Trade Union Act 1926. The course will also create understanding
among the students about trade union movement in India, theories of trade union and de-

CO3: The course will help students in understanding the causes and types of industrial disputes.
The students will get familiarize the important provisions of Industrial Dispute Act, 1948, like
Preventive Machineries and Settlement Machineries, Grievance handing procedure; Lay off and
retrenchment; forms of punishment- suspension and dismissal

CO4: Students will get aware about industrial democracy, and industrial discipline. Students will
also gain the knowledge about Workers' Participation in Management India and strategies.
Students will become conversant to the concept of Labour welfare in Indian context. The
students will learn different types of labour welfare activities being carried out in India.
Students will get acquainted with the provisions related to Health, Safety and Welfare of the
Factories Act, 1948 and the Plantation Labour Act, 1951.

CO5: Students will get familiarize with the important provisions of Important provisions of
Payment of Wages Act 1936, Workmen Compensation Act 1923, Minimum Wages Act 1948,
Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, Industrial Employment
(Standing Orders) Act, 1946

Full Marks: 100

Unit I: Industrial Relations

Industrial Relations- concept, Parties to Industrial Relations - Employees and their

Organizations, Employers and their Organizations and Government; Unilatarist, Pluralist and
Marxist perspective of Industrial Relations;

Unit II:Union Management Relations and Trade Union:

Union Perspectives and Management Perspectives towards Union Management Relations,

Factors affecting union management relations

International Labour Organization (ILO) - Objectives, Standards, Impact of ILO on the Indian
Trade Unionism- Meaning, Objectives, Functions of Trade Unions, Theories of Trade Union,
Trade Union Movement in India; De-unionization
Trade Union Act, 1926: Definition of Executive, Trade Dispute, Trade Union; Union
recognition; Registration of Trade Union; Rights and Liabilities of Registered Trade Union

Unit III: Industrial Dispute and Settlement Machinery in India:

Industrial Dispute: Definition, Causes and types of Industrial Dispute; Industrial Relation
Machinery and Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: Preventive Machineries and Settlement
Machineries, Grievance handing procedure; Lay off and retrenchment; forms of punishment-
suspension and dismissal

Unit IV: Industrial Discipline & Democracy: Industrial Discipline- Industrial Democracy- Concept
& Scopes of Industrial Democracy

Worker’s Participation- Concept and Objectives of Workers Participation, Types of Worker’s

Participation, Strategies for making participation more effective.

Labour Welfare- Definition of Labour Welfare, Types of Welfare Programme

Unit V: Law Relating to Industrial Relations:

Factories Act, 1948- objectives, Health, Safety, Welfare and other important provisions;

The Plantation Labour Act, 1951: Health, Welfare and other important provisions;
Important provisions of Payment of Wages Act 1936, Workmen Compensation Act 1923,
Minimum Wages Act 1948, Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,
1952, Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946

Suggested Readings:

1. Mamoria,Mamoria and Gankar: Dynamics of Industrial Relations:Himalaya Publishing

House,1st edition,2009
2. Katz, Harry, Thomas A. Kochan, & A. J.S. Colvin, An Introduction to Collective
Bargaining and Industrial Relations, 4 th Edition, The McGraw Hill Companies.
3. C.S. Venkat Ratnam, Industrial Relations: Text and Cases, Oxford University Press,
4. Michael Salamon, Industrial Relations: Theory & practice Pearson Education, New Delhi
5. Farnham and Limlott, J., Understanding Industrial Relations, Cassell & Co, London
6. Monappa. A, Industrial Relations,Tata Mc Graw Hill,IST, New Delhi
7. Rao.V.S.P:Human Resource Management,ExelBook,New Delhi
8. Singh.B.D:Industrial Relations and Labour Laws,Exel Book, New Delhi
9. Aswathapa.K: Human Resource Management,Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
10. Dessler.G and Varkkey.B: Human Resource Management, New Delhi



(The paper MCM 406 is offered to the PG 4th semester students of all the schools other than the
School of Business Sciences)

Objective: The course is design to familiarize the students from non-commerce background
with the concepts and management of business. The course equips students with the tools and
techniques that are require for operating business.

Course Outcomes: The successful completion of this course shall enable the student to:

CO1. Familiarize the students from non-commerce background with the concepts and
management of business.

CO2. Know the forms of business organization as a basis to decide when starting own business
CO3. The course equips students with the tools and techniques of management that are
required for operating business.

CO4. Familiarize with legal aspects related to business set-up for sole trading, partnership,
cooperatives and joint stock companies

CO5. Understand the functional areas of management and provide insight into emerging issues
in business

Full Marks: 100

UNIT I: Business: Nature and Purpose: Business: Concept, Characteristics; Distinctive features
of business, profession and employment; Classification of business activities: Industry and

UNIT II: Forms of Business Organisation: Sole Proprietorship: meaning, features; Hindu
undivided Family : Features, and tax implications; Partnership: Meaning, features; Limited
Partnership: Concept and features; Cooperative Society: meaning, features; Company:
meaning, features, types of companies as per Companies Act 2013; Non-Profit Companies;
Public sector, Private sector, Joint sector, Public Private Partnership: Concepts and Importance;
Micro Small and Medium Enterprise: Features

UNIT III: Principles and Functions of Management:

Principles of Management: Management: meaning, objectives, importance; Henry Fayol’s

General principle of management; FW Taylor’s scientific management principles and techniques

Fnctions of Management: Planning: meaning, importance, and steps in planning; Organising:

meaning, importance, structure of organization; Staffing: meaning, importance, process;
Direction: meaning, importance and elements; Controlling: meaning, importance, process;
Cooperation, Coordination

UNIT IV: Functional Areas of Management: Production Management: Concepts, scope;

Financial Management: Concepts, objectives, Functions; Marketing Management: Concepts,
Marketing Mix; Human Resource Management: Concepts, Functions

UNIT V: Emerging Issues: Elements of Business Environment and its influence on business,
Government’s Role in Business; Control of Business Entities, Decontrol; Liberalization; Skill
Formation; Start-up business enterprise; Ease of doing business and relaxation of norms;
Foreign Investment; Tax incentives towards new business; Direct Benefit Transfer

Suggested Readings:

 PC Tulsian, Business Studies, Ratna Sagar Pvt Ltd, New Delhi

 Dr. RK Pathak, NW Ali and MC Kalwar, An Introduction to Business Studies, S.Chand&
Company Ltd, New Delhi
 K Aswathappa,Human Resource and Personnel Management: Text and Cases,– Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi
 RSN Pillai and Bhagawati,Modern Marketing: Principles and Practices, S Chand &
Company Ltd, New Delhi
 Dr NeeruVasisth, Principles of Management with case studies, Taxmann Publications Pvt
Ltd, New Delhi

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