Pressurisation Range DR2 Brochure Apr15 PDF

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Grundfos Pressurisation and Separation Equipment

The demand for having the most efficient circulation systems is steadily increasing and at Grundfos we are always
striving to provide products and solutions that exceed our customers’ expectations. Grundfos’ advanced technological
pumping systems and solutions reduce energy consumption and at the same time provide businesses with real economic
savings and CO2 reductions.

Our new pressurisation and separation equipment will provide solutions to improve the overall performance and
efficiency of heating and cooling installations. The key benefits of these products are to ensure that the fluid in the
system is free from air and debris and that pressure is maintained, ensuring that the system runs at maximum efficiency.
Our equipment improves reliability, saves energy, reduces maintenance costs and extends the life of the system.

There are a number of advantages of using a more modern closed heating/chilling system as opposed to a traditional
open system with a feed and expansion tank. The water used in sealed systems is constantly being reused, as a result the
dissolved air is taken care of and exposed steel in traditional vessels is not subject to continued corrosion. Closed systems
also do not require heavy roof top tanks and the associated pipework; therefore water loss due to evaporation is greatly

Closed systems reduce installation cost. Their higher flow temperatures and greater temperature drops reduce the
systems water circulation needs, enabling a smaller pump and pipes to be used. This combined with replacing the
conventional header tank, associated pipework and lagging, leads to considerable savings.

Range Structure
The Grundfos pressure top-up and degassing portfolio consists of three ranges, each with a choice of formats and pump
number and available to match a variety of fill pressures.

Type Key
Example PHT
F 1 25

PHT Pressure Holding Top-up
PHD Pressure Holding Degassing
PHD-C Combined Pressure Top-up
and Degassing

N Narrow Format Wall Mounted Unit
D Deep Format Wall Mounted Unit
F Floor Standing Unit
T Twin System Unit
V Glycol (additional valves and tank)

Number of Pumps
1 One Pump
2 Two Pumps

Pressure ID
25 Max Fill Pressure 2.5 Bar
30 Max Fill Pressure 3.0 Bar
50 Max Fill Pressure 5.0 Bar
80 Max Fill Pressure 8.0 Bar
100 Max Fill Pressure 10.0 Bar

Overview 2

PHT - Pressure Holding Top-up Range 4

PHT N-Series - Narrow Format Wall Mounted System 5

PHT D-Series - Deep Format Wall Mounted System 6

PHT F-Series - Floor Standing System 7

PHT T-Series - Floor Standing Twin System 8

PHT V-Series - Floor Standing System With Glycol Make Up 9

Internal Schematic Diagrams 10

PHD Vacuum Degassing Equipment 11

PHD Series - Wall Mounted or Floor Standing Vacuum Degasser 12

PHD C-Series - Combined Vacuum Degassing and Pressure Top Up System 13

Feature Comparison 14-15

Expansion Vessels 16

Flexcon 6 Bar Rated Expansion Vessel 17

Flexcon 10 Bar Rated Expansion Vessel 18

Airfix 16 Bar Rated Expansion Vessel 19

Vessel Selection Calculation 20

System Schematics 21-22

Pressurisation and Separation equipment 23


PHT - Pressure Holding Top-up Range

With a combination of reliable pumps, advanced control and a choice of external communication protocols, the new PHT
range of pressurisation units from Grundfos delivers peace of mind, energy efficiency and maximum system availability.
Part of the extensive portfolio of packaged pumps sets available from Grundfos, these intelligent systems are suitable for
use in a wide range of residential, commercial and industrial applications.
Specifically created to efficiently maintain the required water pressure in sealed heating and cooling systems, the
PHT range comprises an advanced pressure monitoring system, reliable, energy efficient pumps and a break tank
that incorporates a category 5 A/B air gap, preserving the integrity of the mains water supply while minimising space
To ease set-up, management and maintenance, set points and alarms can be changed via a simple but secure user
interface combined with a local status display. This is enhanced by advanced component monitoring and reporting, and a
choice of output communications protocols to provide diagnostic and remote status indication.
Pressure holding top-up units should be combined with a suitable expansion vessel from the Grundfos range (see page
16) and can be protected from the detrimental effects of debris and air via Grundfos vent and debris collection equipment
(see page 23).

Selection Location
The PHT top-up equipment is selected against the The PHT should be installed on the return header of the
required top-up pressure and in some cases the system on the suction side of the circulating pump.
expected delivery flow rate required for top-up.
The point of connection will be treated as the system
For convenience, wall mounted or floor standing neutral point, and the system expansion vessel should
formats can be chosen and in many cases the option also be located at this connection.
to specify a second pump for duty assist and partial
redundancy is available.
When two systems are needed, the twin system T-series
provides the solution with minimal space requirements,
while when glycol is present in the medium being
pumped the PHT-V offers an automatic glycol metering

Common Range Data

Unit Rating PN10
Electrical Requirements 230V, 50Hz, 1 Phase
Noise output <75 dbA
Fluid Category Protection 5 AB Weir Overflow Air Gap

PHT N-Series
The N-Series is narrow format wall mounted unit for low flow (<0.4 l/min). It has a 2
litre break tank and is suitable for large residential or small commercial applications
(Up to 2500 litres maximum system volume).

Standard Features Maximum Operating

•  MODBUS communication output Conditions
• Simple, security coded user interface •  Maximum system temperature 85°C
• Event logging • Ambient temperature up to 40°C
• Low water sensor • Relative humidity 95% non-condensing
• Durable powder coated enclosure
• Long life, gun metal pump casings Options
• Reliable continuously rated pump(s)
• WRAS approved components •  Single or twin pump versions
• High water level sensor
• BACnet communication protocol (in
addition to MODBUS communications)

Dimensions (mm) Connections (mm)

Break Tank Capacity
Width Depth Height System Mains Supply Drain
2 Litre 245 150 485 8 (1/4”) 15 (1/2”) 22

Max Cold Fill Power Full Load

Product Name Pump Qty Dry Weight (Kg) Product Code
Pressure (bar) Consumption (KW) Current (amps)

PHT N130 1 3 0.1 0.4 7.8 98333178

PHT N230 2 3 0.1 0.4 8.0 98333179

Clearance and Connections


PHT D-Series
The D-Series is a deeper format wall mounted pressurisation unit with a 4 litre
break tank for higher flow applications (12 l/min).

Standard Features Maximum Operating

•  MODBUS communication output Conditions
• Simple, security coded user interface •  Maximum system temperature 85°C
• Event logging • Ambient temperature up to 40°C
• Low water sensor • Relative humidity 95% non-condensing
• Durable powder coated enclosure
• Long life, gun metal pump casings Options
• Reliable continuously rated pump(s) • High water level sensor
• WRAS approved components • BACnet communication protocol (in
addition to MODBUS communications)

Break Tank Pump Dimensions (mm) Connections (mm)

Capacity Qty Width Depth Height System Mains Supply Drain
4 Litres 1 360 276 485 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22
4 Litres 2 360 276 485 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22

Max Cold Fill Power Full Load

Product Name Pump Qty Dry Weight (Kg) Product Code
Pressure (bar) Consumption (KW) Current (amps)

PHT-D125 1 2.5 0.43 1.9 13.5 98333180

PHT-D150 1 5 0.9 4.3 14.5 98333201
PHT-D225 2 2.5 0.43 1.9 16 98333202
PHT-D250 2 5 0.9 4.3 18 98333203

Clearance and Connections


PHT F-Series
The F-Series is a floor standing, high flow (<18 l/min) top-up pressurisation unit
with an 18 litre break tank, for use in medium sized commercial systems.

Standard Features Maximum Operating Conditions

•  MODBUS communication output •  Maximum system temperature 85°C
• Simple, security coded user interface • Ambient temperature up to 40°C
• Event logging • Relative humidity 95% non-condensing
• Low water sensor
• Durable powder coated enclosure Options
• Long life, gun metal pump casings •  Single or twin pump versions
• Reliable continuously rated pump(s) • High water level sensor
• WRAS approved components • BACnet communication protocol (in addition to MODBUS communications)

Dimensions (mm) Connections (mm)

Break Tank Capacity
Width Depth Height System Mains Supply Drain
18 Litre 470 320 800 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22

Max Cold Fill Power Full Load

Product Name Pump Qty Dry Weight (Kg) Product Code
Pressure (bar) Consumption (KW) Current (amps)
PHT-F 125 1 2.5 0.43 1.9 28 98333204
PHT-F 225 2 2.5 0.43 1.9 28 98333205
PHT-F 150 1 5 0.9 4.3 30 98333206
PHT-F 250 2 5 0.9 4.3 40 98333207
PHT-F 180 1 8 0.75 5.6 33 98333208
PHT-F 280 2 8 0.75 5.6 42 98333209

Dimensions (mm) Connections (mm)

Break Tank Capacity
Width Depth Height System Mains Supply Drain
18 Litre 680 730 1590 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22

Max Cold Fill Power Full Load

Product Name Pump Qty Dry Weight (Kg) Product Code
Pressure (bar) Consumption (KW) Current (amps)
PHT-F2100 1 10 1.1 6.7 170 98333209
PHT-F2100BN 1 10 1.1 6.7 170 TBA

Clearance and Connections


PHT T-Series
The twin system T-Series is ideal where space restrictions make it beneficial to locate two
systems in a single enclosure. Floor standing, this system combines two high flow (<18 l/
min) top-up pressurisation units with a single 18 litre break tank.

Standard Features Maximum Operating

• MODBUS communication output Conditions
• Simple, security coded user interface •  Maximum system temperature 85°C
• Event logging • Ambient temperature up to 40°C
• Low water sensor • Relative humidity 95% non-condensing
• Durable powder coated enclosure
• Long life, gun metal pump casings Options
• Reliable continuously rated pump(s) • High water level sensor
• WRAS approved components • BACnet communication protocol (in
addition to MODBUS communications)

Dimensions (mm) Connections (mm)

Break Tank Capacity
Width Depth Height System Mains Supply Drain
18 Litre 470 320 800 2 x 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22

Max Cold Fill Power Full Load

Product Name Pump Qty Dry Weight (Kg) Product Code
Pressure (bar) Consumption (KW) Current (amps)

PHT T225 2 2.5 2 x 0.43 2 x 1.9 30 98333214

PHT T250 2 5 2 x 0.9 2 x 4.3 40 98333215

Clearance and Connections

Power on/off Micro controller 160

15mm Mains water connection

22mm AF Overflow


System 1/2” BSP Connection


PHT V-Series
The V-Series is a floor standing, glycol mixing top-up pressurisation unit (<18 l/min). Each
time the V-Series tops up the system with water, it also automatically adds glycol from a
dedicated tank at a predetermined rate, reducing manual intervention
and maximising system protection.

Standard Features Maximum Operating

•  MODBUS communication output Conditions
• Simple, security coded user interface •  Maximum system temperature 85°C
• Event logging • Ambient temperature up to 40°C
• Low water sensor • Relative humidity 95% non-condensing
• Durable powder coated enclosure
• Long life, gun metal pump casings Options
• Reliable continuously rated pump(s)
• WRAS approved components •  Single or twin pump versions
• High water level sensor
• BACnet communication protocol (in
addition to MODBUS communications)

Dimensions (mm) Connections (mm)

Break Tank Capacity
Width Depth Height System Mains Supply Drain
18 Litre 480 330 1160 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22

Max Cold Fill Power Full Load

Product Name Pump Qty Dry Weight (Kg) Product Code
Pressure (bar) Consumption (KW) Current (amps)

PHT V225 2 2.5 0.43 1.9 41 98333216

PHT V250 2 5 0.9 4.3 51 98333217
PHT V280 2 8 0.75 5.6 53 98333218

Clearance and Connections


PHT-F, PHT-D Schematic Key

1. Break Tank
2. Mains Water Inlet
3. Float Operation Valve
4. Overflow Connection
5. AB Air Gap Backflow
6. Supply To Sealed System
7. Isolation Valve
8. Pressure Transmitter
9. Pumps
10. Non Return Valve
11. Drain Valve
12. WaterBalancing Valve
13. Glycol Balancing Valve
14. Glycol Tank

PHT-T Schematic Key

1. Break Tank
2. Mains Water Inlet
3. Float Operation Valve
4. Overflow Connection
5. AB Air Gap Backflow
6. Supply To Sealed System
7. Isolation Valve
8. Pressure Transmitter
9. Pumps
10. Non Return Valve
11. Drain Valve
12. WaterBalancing Valve
13. Glycol Balancing Valve
14. Glycol Tank

PHT-V Schematic Key

1. Break Tank
2. Mains Water Inlet
3. Float Operation Valve
4. Overflow Connection
5. AB Air Gap Backflow
6. Supply To Sealed System
7. Isolation Valve
8. Pressure Transmitter
9. Pumps
10. Non Return Valve
11. Drain Valve
12. WaterBalancing Valve
13. Glycol Balancing Valve
14. Glycol Tank

PHD Vacuum Degassing Equipment

PHD (Pressure Holding Degasser) vacuum degassing equipment is
used to remove dissolved gasses from sealed chilled and heating
systems. The PHD equipment utilises a multifunction digital
controller with a simple user interface.
PHD equipment is an advanced product that combines a pressure
step principle with a side stream configuration to minimise the
effects the main thermal system.
The real-time display shows the status of the equipment while
monitoring the system pressure and the health of its own

Features Maximum Operating Conditions

• Multi code access for security •  Maximum Temperature at the point of connection 70°C
• Event logging • Ambient temperature up to 40°C
• Self Diagnostics • Relative humidity 95% non-condensing
• Simple control programming
• Powder coated enclosure

Selection Location
The PHD top-up equipment is selected against the The PHD should be installed on the cold return header
required system running pressure. of the system, on the suction side of the circulating
pump, to keep the water temperature as cool as possible
Both wall mounted and floor standing formats are
whilst taking advantage of the reduced (suction)
available and through the PHD-C there is also the ability
pressure created by the circulating pump.
to integrate vacuum degassing with a top-up feature,
complete with air gap break tank to maintain the
integrity of the cold water mains supply.


PHD Series
Floor and Wall Mounted Vacuum Degassers
Grundfos PHD (Pressure Holding Degasser) equipment is used with chilled
systems. This equipment samples water from the system in a side stream
manner, minimising the effect on system pressure or flow. The sampled water
is then subjected to a vacuum, dramatically ‘stepping’ the pressure down
and making full use of Henry’s Law relating to pressure. With the reduction in
pressure, the water sample boils within the cylinder, the dissolved gases are
liberated and as the equipment completes its cycle the liberated gases are
pushed out of the automatic air vent.

Noise output <75 dbA

Power Consumption Full Load Current

Product Name Electrical Power Supply Product Code
(KW) (amps)

PHD 150 230/1/50 0.5 3.4 98333668

PHD 160 230/1/50 2 x 0.5 2 x 3.4 98333669
PHD 180 230/1/50 2 x 0.75 2 x 5.6 98333670
PHD 816 415/3/50 2 x 2.2 2 x 6.6 98333671

System Operating
Product Name Pump Quantity Orientation Pressure Rating (PN)
Pressure (bar)

PHD 150 1 Wall Mounted 10 1–5

PHD 160 2 Floor Standing 10 1–6
PHD 180 2 Floor Standing 10 1–8
PHD 816 2 Floor Standing 16 8 - 16

Dimensions (mm) System Connections Dry Weight

Product Name
Width Depth Height (mm) (Kg)

PHD 150 410 290 480 15mm 22

PHD 160 470 320 800 15mm 51

PHD 180 600 320 800 15mm 60

PHD 816 650 450 800 15mm 90


PHD C-Series
Floor and Wall Mounted Vacuum Degassers with Top-up Capability
The PHD C-Series is a combined vacuum degassing and top-up pressurisation
system. Models should be selected against the required system running
pressure and include both wall mounted and floor standing versions. Options
are available that include a top-up feature complete with air gap break tank to
maintain the integrity of the cold water mains supply.

Noise Output <75 dbA

Fluid Category Protection 5 Weir Overflow Air Gap

Power Consumption Full Load Current

Product Name Electrical Power Supply Product Code
(KW) (amps)

PHD C150 230/1/50 0.5 3.4 98333210

PHD C160 230/1/50 2 x 0.5 2 x 3.4 98333211
PHD C180 230/1/50 2 x 0.75 2 x 5.6 98333212
PHD C816 415/3/50 2 x 2.2 2 x 6.6 98333213

Maximum Fill Pressure Rating Break Tank
Product Name Pump Quantity Orientation Operating
Pressure (bar) (PN) Volume (litres)
Pressure (bar)
PHD C150 1 5.0 Wall Mounted 10 4 1–5
PHD C160 2 6.0 Floor Standing 10 18 1–6
PHD C180 2 8.0 Floor Standing 10 18 1–8
PHD C816 2 16.0 Floor Standing 16 18 8 - 16

Dimensions (mm) Connections (mm) Dry Weight

Break Tank Capacity
Width Depth Height System Mains Supply Drain (Kg)

PHD C150 410 290 480 2 x 15 15 22 28

PHD C160 470 320 1160 2 x 15 15 22 60

PHD C180 600 320 1160 2 x 15 15 22 74

PHD C816 650 450 1160 2 x 15 15 22 120

N-Series D-Series F-Series T-Series V-Series C-Series
Mechanical Features
Cabinet l l l l l l
Wall mounted l l
Floor mounted l l l
Duty pump l l l l l l
Duty / standby pumps l
Glycol mix l
De- gasser l
Twin system l
Pump inlet strainer l l l l l l
Pump non return valve l l l l l l
Common outlet isolation valve l l l l l l
Category 5 A/B air gap to BS13077 l l l l l l
Electrical Features
Pressure transducer control l l l l l l
Password protection l l l l l l
LED display l l l l l l
Pump trip and fail monitoring l l l l l l
System flood detection l l l l l l
Service due reminder l l l l l l
Adjustable differential l l l l l l
Cascade - duty /assist l
Manual run l l l l l l
Low water alarm l l l l l l
High water alarm
Excessive starts alarm l l l l l l
Hours run l l l l l l
System fill function l l l l l
Pump activation counter l l l l l l
Power interrupted counter l l l l l l
Alarm logging l l l l l l
Anti seize run (60 days) l l l l l l
Automatic duty rotation (twin pump units) l l l l l l
MODBUS l l l l l l
Volt Free Contacts - 8A/ 230v
Pump 1 healthy - normally open l l l l l l
Pump 2 healthy - normally open l l l l l l
Low pressure - normally open l l l l l l
High pressure - normally open l l l l l l
Sensor health - normally open l l l l l l
Boiler interlock / Common alarm
l l l l l l
- Normally closed / failsafe

l Standard Option

PHT Range Table

Pump Maximum Fill Power Full Load

Product Name Product Code
Quantity Pressure (bar) Consumption (KW) Current (amps)

PHT N130 1 3.0 0.048 0.4 98333178

PHT N230 2 3.0 0.048 0.4 98333179
PHT D125 1 2.5 0.43 1.9 98333180
PHT D150 1 5.0 0.9 4.3 98333201
PHT D225 2 2.5 0.43 1.9 98333202
PHT D250 2 5.0 0.9 4.3 98333203
PHT F125 1 2.5 0.43 1.9 98533266
PHT F225 2 2.5 0.43 1.9 98533268
PHT F150 1 5.0 0.9 4.3 98533269
PHT F250 2 5.0 0.9 4.3 98533270
PHT F180 1 8.0 0.75 5.6 98533301
PHT F280 2 8.0 0.75 5.6 98533302
PHT T225 1 2.5 2 x 0.43 2 x 1.9 98333214
PHT T250 1 5.0 2 x 0.9 2 x 4.3 98333215
PHT V225 2 2.5 0.43 1.9 98333216
PHT V250 2 5.0 0.9 4.3 98333217
PHT V280 2 8.0 0.75 5.6 98333218

BACnet and High Water Alarm Options

For BACnet products add the suffix “-BN” to the Product Name. To include the High Water Alarm add the suffix “-H”.
Note that the above Product Codes refer to basic units without BACnet or High Water Alarm - please contact Grundfos
for product codes for these variants if required. Dimensions remain the same as for basic units, weights increase by less
than 200g .

PHT Range Dimensions Table

Dimensions (mm) Connections (mm) Dry Weight

Product Name
Width Depth Height System Mains Supply Drain (Kg)
PHT N130 245 150 485 8 (1/4”) 15 (1/2”) 22 7.8
PHT N230 245 150 485 8 (1/4”) 15 (1/2”) 22 8
PHT D125 245 245 485 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 13.5
PHT D150 360 276 485 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 14.5
PHT D225 360 276 485 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 16
PHT D250 360 276 485 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 18
PHT F125D 470 320 800 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 28
PHT F225D 470 320 800 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 28
PHT F150D 470 320 800 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 30
PHT F250D 470 320 800 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 40
PHT F180D 470 320 800 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 33
PHT F280D 470 320 800 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 42
PHT T225 470 320 800 2 x 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 30
PHT T250 470 320 800 2 x 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 40
PHT V225 480 330 1160 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 41
PHT V250 480 330 1160 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 51
PHT V280 480 330 1160 15 (1/2”) 15 (1/2”) 22 53

Expansion Vessels
Expansion vessels are small tanks used to protect closed water heating and cooling systems from excessive pressure.
The tank is partially filled with air or nitrogen, whose compressibility cushions shock caused by water hammer and
absorbs excess water pressure caused by thermal expansion.
Traditional expansion tanks were larger and had no rubber diaphragm separating the water from the air pocket. This
meant air gradually dissolved in to the water and transferred to the highest part of the system. As a result vessels
regularly needed to be drained and systems bled of air to avoid corrosion and bacterial growth.
Grundfos vessels are divided in two by a rubber diaphragm. One side is connected to the pipe work of the heating
system and therefore contains water. The other, the dry side, contains nitrogen gas under pressure, and a Schrader
valve, similar to a car tyre valve, for checking pressures and adding nitrogen. When the heating system is empty, or at
the low end of the normal range of working pressure, the diaphragm will be pushed against the water inlet. As the
water pressure increases, the diaphragm moves, compressing the nitrogen on its other side.
The rubber diaphragm in Grundfos expansion tanks prevents the undesirable transfer of air and helps maintain low
levels of oxygen, reducing corrosion in the system and saving on maintenance costs.

Flexcon 6 Bar Rated Expansion Vessel

The Flexcon 6 bar vessel range is suitable for use on sealed heating and
chilled systems. Flexcon Top vessels can be mounted directly on top of
sufficiently supported pipe work.

Installation Features:
To ensure that the temperature at the •  Vessel comprises a high strength
Flexcon diaphragm does not exceed steel shell and butyl rubber
70°C (system flow<90°C), the vessel diaphragm.
should be installed on the coldest part •  Suitable to be used in large and
of the system, typically the return pipe small systems
to the heat exchanger. For systems •  Available in a variety of sizes
running at elevated temperatures •  Manufactured in Europe and fully
(system flow >90°C), an intermediate CE compliant
vessel may be required to provide
additional heat dissipation.

Vessel Maximum
Maximum Vessel Connections Volume Dimensions (mm) Weight Product
Product Name Working Pressure Efficiency Code
(Bar) % BSP M (L) Diameter Height (Kg)
Flexcon Top 4 6 50 3/4” 4 194 257 1.6 98163796
Flexcon Top 8 6 50 3/4” 8 245 304 2.2 98165615
Flexcon Top 12 6 50 3/4” 12 286 336 2.1 98287720
Flexcon Top 18 6 50 3/4” 18 328 328 3.7 98057814
Flexcon Top 25 6 50 3/4” 25 358 380 4.5 98400541
Flexcon Top 35 6 50 1” 35 396 439 5.4 98400512
Flexcon Top 50 6 50 1” 50 435 495 11.2 98402056
Flexcon Top 80 6 50 1” 80 519 551 15 98404960
Flexcon 110 6 50 1” 110 484 784 23.8 98429145
Flexcon 140 6 50 1” 140 484 950 25.3 98164508
Flexcon 200 6 50 1” 200 484 1300 38.1 98492600
Flexcon 300 6 50 1” 300 600 1330 56.9 98400503
Flexcon 425 6 50 1” 425 790 1180 76.4 98045384
Flexcon 600 6 50 1” 600 790 1540 92.9 98364587
Flexcon 800 6 50 1” 800 790 1888 126.9 98471895
Flexcon 1000 6 40 1” 1000 790 2268 145.9 98391076

Flexcon 10 Bar Rated Expansion Vessel

The Flexcon 10 expansion vessel is suitable for use on sealed heating and
chilled systems.

Installation Features:
To ensure that the temperature at the •  Vessel comprises a high strength
Flexcon diaphragm does not exceed steel shell and butyl rubber
70°C (system flow <90°C), the vessel diaphragm.
should be installed on the coldest part •  Suitable to be used in large and
of the system, typically the return pipe small systems
to the heat exchanger. For systems •  Available in a variety of sizes
running at elevated temperatures •  Manufactured in Europe and fully
(system flow >90°C), an intermediate CE compliant
vessel may be required to provide
additional heat dissipation.

Vessel Maximum
Maximum Vessel Connections Volume Dimensions (mm) Weight Product
Product Name Working Pressure Efficiency Code
(Bar) % BSP M (L) Diameter Height (Kg)
Flexcon 110 10 50 1" 110 484 784 23.8 98425014
Flexcon 140 10 50 1" 140 484 950 25.3 98073895
Flexcon 200 10 50 1" 200 484 1300 38.1 98134866
Flexcon 300 10 50 1" 300 600 1330 56.9 98425013
Flexcon 425 10 50 1" 425 790 1180 76.4 98415797
Flexcon 600 10 50 1" 600 790 1540 92.9 98425893
Flexcon 800 10 50 1" 800 790 1888 126.9 98471820
Flexcon 1000 10 40 1" 1000 790 2268 145.9 98401121

Airfix 16 Bar Rated Expansion Vessel

The Airfix 16 bar expansion vessel is intended for use on sealed heating and
chilled systems. This expansion vessel may also be used on Potable (Wholesome)
water systems.

Installation Features:
To ensure that the temperature at •  High strength steel shell
the diaphragm does not exceed 70°C • Replaceable EPDM rubber
(system flow <90°C), the vessel should diaphragm
be installed on the coldest part of the • Single threaded connection
system, (typically the return pipe to the • WRAS approved expansion vessel
heat exchanger). For systems running • Available in a variety of sizes
at elevated temperatures (>90°C flow), • Suitable to be used in small and
an intermediate vessel may be required large systems.
to provide additional heat dissipation. • Manufactured in Europe and fully
CE compliant
For Potable (Wholesome) water
application please refer to National
Standards and Building Regulations.

Vessel Maximum
Maximum Vessel Connections Volume Dimensions (mm) Weight Product
Product Name Working Pressure Efficiency Code
(Bar) % BSP M (L) Diameter Height (Kg)
Airfix D-E-B 50 16 50 1 1/2" 50 450 830 58 98165519
Airfix D-E-B 80 16 50 1 1/2" 80 450 1010 69 98182502
Airfix D-E-B 120 16 50 1 1/2" 120 450 1265 83 98316264
Airfix D-E-B 180 16 50 1 1/2" 180 550 1255 124 98316265
Airfix D-E-B 240 16 50 1 1/2" 240 550 1515 147 98256758
Airfix D-E-B 300 16 50 1 1/2" 300 550 1855 178 98257175
Airfix D-E-B 600 16 50 2" 600 750 1840 282 98364586
Airfix D-E-B 800 16 50 2" 800 750 2230 333 98332614
Airfix D-E-B 1000 16 50 2" 1000 750 2730 398 98093175
Airfix D-E-B 1600 16 50 2 1/2" 1600 1000 2680 587 98093761
Airfix D-E-B 2000 16 50 2 1/2" 2000 1200 2400 657 98186364
Airfix D-E-B 3000 16 50 2 1/2" 3000 1200 3300 864 98186365

Vessel Selection Calculation

The following guidance is provided to assist with selection of the correct vessel for your application and uses calculations
that conform to BS 7074. However, if you prefer, Grundfos are happy to assist you with your selection.
Vessel sizing centres around determining the minimum vessel sizing based upon the Expanded Volume of the system
and the lower of either the Maximum Vessel Efficiency (see table on preceding pages) or the Acceptance Factor as below

Minimum system vessel size = Expanded Volume

Maximum Vessel Efficiency OR Acceptance Factor

The Expanded Volume is the volume by which system water expands as it is heated and can be calculated from the water
temperature with the assistance of standard reference tables. To provide a level of safety the maximum flow temperature
should be used, not the average temperature. When the quantity of water in the system is unknown an approximation
can be used: 12 litres of system water per 1kW of thermal input. For chilled systems Grundfos work with 18 litres per kW
of thermal input when the actual volume is unknown.

Expanded Volume = Volume x Coefficient at Maximum Flow Temperature

For a system with a 100kW boiler we can estimate the water volume is 1200 litres.
If the max. flow temperature is 82°C, tables give an expansion coefficient of 3.02%

Expanded Volume = 1200 x 3.02% = 36.24 litres

The Maximum Vessel Efficiency is the design specification of the vessel, as shown on pages 17-19, whereas the Acceptance
Factor takes into account the limitations that may be placed on the Maximum Vessel Efficiency by the design of a specific
system. As the lower of the two values must be used in sizing it is important to confirm the Acceptance Factor for your
specific system. This is done using the calculation below:
Acceptance Factor = Maximum System Working Pressure (absolute) - Cold Fill Pressure (absolute)
Maximum System Working Pressure (absolute)

Note the use of absolute pressures ie the requirement to add 1.0 bar atmospheric pressure to measured values.
Cold Fill Pressure is calculated from the static height, plus 0.3 bar to expel air.
Note: Cold Fill Pressure (including 3.0 bar to expel air) must not be less than 0.7 bar ie 1.7 bar(absolute).
For a system with Maximum Working Pressure 3.0 bar at the pressurisation set and a static height of 7.0 metres

Cold Fill Pressure (absolute) = 7.0 metres bar + 0.3 bar = 0.7 bar + 0.3 bar = 1.0 bar or 2.0 bar(absolute)

Acceptance Factor = (3.0 + 1.0) – (1.0 + 1.0) 2

= = 0.5
(3.0 + 1.0) 4

Minimum Vessel Size = 36.24 litres

+ 10% = 79.73 litres

Looking at the 6 bar pressure vessel range on page 17, the smallest vessel size is 80 litres. A check shows this vessel has a
Maximum Vessel Efficiency of 50%, which is not smaller than the Acceptance Factor for the example system. This means
an 80 litre vessel is the correct size to select.
Note that if your calculated Acceptance Factor is 40% or below, then you do not need to check back after the vessel has
been sized, as 40% is the lowest Maximum Vessel Efficiency that Grundfos offers.

We realise using the above calculations can be time consuming and Grundfos is available to
assist you with vessel selection if required.

Low temperature heating water system (Typical Installation)


Medium temperature heating water system (Typical Installation)

Chilled water system (Typical Installation)


Also available from Grundfos

Debris and Air
The purpose of a heating or cooling system is to transfer hot or cold water to where it is needed.
The optimum conditions for this is a clean system with fluid that contains as little air and dirt as
possible. Below explains what can go wrong if air and debris are not removed.
Effects of air in the system:
• Sealed systems will always contain air and if not removed it will lead to commissioning
problems, frequent manual venting, deteriorating pump performance and unnecessary energy consumption.
• It will also lead to corrosion products starting to flow round the system.
• Air can reduce the liquid displacement of a pump by 10 to 45%.
• Free air, along with localised micro-bubbles cause noise in systems, often amplified through unrelated equipment e.g.
expansion vessels. Acoustic vibration also affects mechanical valves, seals and pumps reducing the component life
Effects of debris in the system:
• Debris consists mainly of corrosion particles, which are drawn to magnetic fields around pumps, valves and control
valves which leads to malfunctions and heavy wear of system components.
• Debris clogs heat exchanger channels, fouls filters and causes excessive wear in circulating pumps, resulting in
unnecessary energy consumption and persistent problems, malfunctions and system failures.

What is the Solution?

Grundfos Pressurisation and Separation equipment is designed to optimise the efficiency of heating and cooling
installations in new buildings or buildings undergoing refurbishment by combating air and debris in the system head on.
These products can be used in hotels, schools, hospitals, industrial process, food packing plants, shopping centres and
high rise buildings.

Grundfos air vent - SSA

Grundfos vent systems remove micro-bubbles by essentially filtering out the bubbles. A
large surface area is presented to the water as it flows through the equipment. The micro-
bubbles adhere to the smooth surface and join together into larger bubbles in a process called
coalescence. The larger bubbles do not have any momentum to be carried through the unit and
simply float away to the automatic air vent located at the top of the equipment. This equipment
is ideally suited to heating systems and is located directly after the heat generating equipment
on the suction side of the pump. This makes the best use of Henry’s Law combining the reduced
pressure on the suction side of the pump along with the highest temperature in the system.

Grundfos vent clean - SSAD

Coupled with the established Grundfos vent (SSA) the SSAD has a sump and sludge trap, as
water borne debris hits the Pall rings the forward momentum is lost, the debris is then free to
fall into the sludge trap ready for manual removal via the venting port at a later stage.

Grundfos clean - SSD

As a standalone debris collector, the Grundfos Clean SSD is a sludge trap using Pall rings as a
filter medium, allowing the water to flow through the unit with a minimal pressure drop. As
the water borne debris hits the pall rings the forward momentum is lost, the debris is then
free to fall into the sludge trap ready for manual removal via the venting port at a later stage.
The SSD equipment has a unique sludge removal system, a manually operated rotary cutting
tool incorporated inside the unit lifts settled sludge from the bottom of the sludge pump.
Thus ensuring there is no internal sludge build up through settlement and assists with debris
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Leighton Buzzard

Tel: 01525 850000

The name Grundfos, the Grundfos logo, and the payoff Be–Think–Innovate are registrated trademarks owned by Grundfos Management A/S or Grundfos A/S, Denmark. All rights reserved worldwide. GB/PRESSURISATION RANGE DR2 BROCHURE/0415

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