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DRYER: Magtag, heave duty, good condition, $100. Call 864476-5133. RAINBOW VACUUM CLEANER: E Series, nice, $300. Call 704-739-5064. POWER CORD: Electric range or dryer, 4 prong & 3 prong plug, $10. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin STOVE: drop-in, $50. Call 864316-7664. MICROWAVE: Sanyo 900 watts, turntable, white & clean, 4 years old, works great, $35. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin
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48 Groce Road
7124 Hwy 9
207 Cedar Springs Rd.
WASHER AND DRYER: Nice, hurry, moving, must sell. Call 864-381-9182.
Hours: Sunday - Thursday 11am - 10pm Friday & Saturday 11am - 12 Midnight
DISHWASHER: Hotpoint, white, good condition, $75. Call 864-809-8119. REFRIGERATOR: 3.2 cubic feet, black & stainless, $60. Call 864-895-6911. AIR CONDITIONER: 18,000 Btu, $200. Call 864-476-5133. BLENDER: Osterizer Imperial VIII, glass pitcher & chrome base, clean. Oldie but goodie, $30. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin GE BEATER: Portable, oldie but goodie, made in USA, $10. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin
AIR CONDITIONER: 22,000 Btu, $200. Call 864-476-5133. WASHER & DRYER: White, Whirlpool, 1 years old, $950 obo. Call 864-612-7665. WASHERS, DRYERS: Stoves $175-$250 each. Refrigerators & freezers $175-$350 each. Repair and sales. Will deliver. Call 864-703-5616 or 864-2794207. MICROWAVE: Panasonic, $25. call 864-990-6169. FILTER QUEEN VACUUMS: (2) extra parts. Make offer. Call 704-739-5064. REFRIGERATOR: side by side, 1 year old, with 5 year warranty, $850. Call 864-6127665.
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BURNER: 8 for GE Hotpoint & RCA electric range top, new in bag, part #WB30X341, $20. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin STOVE: white, ceramic top, $220. Call 864-582-2710. DORM REFRIGERATOR: $40. Call 864-316-7664. HORSE SADDLES: (2) $50 each. Call 803-554-2030.
www.theupstateshopper.com - 864.542.8015
Up to $10 per 100 count. Must be new, in boxes and in date. Call Bob
September 8, 2011
WB30X341, $20. 864-2340027 before 6pm. Mauldin
TEEN BOY CLOTHES: Pant, shirts, & shoes. Call 864-3272654. TWO WEDDING DRESSES: $50 for both. Call 864-2457614. TEEN BOY CLOTHING: 3 pair khaki pants, size 34x30, like new, $7 each. Call 864-3272654. TENN. TITAN STARTER JACKET: size XL, like new, $50 obo. 864-504-1362. WEDDING GOWN: Long train with hoop skirt, size 10, $50 obo. Call 864-612-7944. BALLET SHOES: Girls, pink also tan tap shoes like new, size 6, $15. Call 864-488-9255 WEDDING DRESS: with butterflies on train, great price. Call 803-374-4108. PROM DRESSES: blue, size, 3; white, size 4; red, size 6; red & white, size 10; pink, size 13, & gray size 14. $100 - $150. Call 864-398-6259, 864-5799420, 864-670-9296, 864-5764251.
Etc, Etc
Having a heart for animals, children and old people I have noticed they all require a strong helping hand. Neither can survive without relying completely on man. Even before birth a baby depends on it's mother for food and safety. Once it enters this world until an age of accountability it depends on it's Daddy and Mother for love, guidance, etc, etc. Old folks after devoting years and years of their life to hard work, taking care of their own responsibilities, some even sacrifice their life for Our freedom. They then become fragile and tired, their bodies worn out like a pair of old bluejeans. They are forced to rely on someone to feed them, give them a bath, see they get their medications etc, etc. Then you have old dogs. Many walk the streets hungry searching for food. Some may have 9, 10 or even more puppies in a fox hole somewhere to provide for. Yet now or in years to come someone blind could depend on this dogs eyes, It could be a lonely persons best friend, a little childs best birthday present, etc,etc. And sometime if we live long enough, we each one will become frail, our bones brittle, we will be old. We will be as a child or in ways like that stray dog. We will have to depend on someone for our meals, our doctors appt, a bath, etc,etc. For one to take on such a noble task we must have a loving, caring, compassionate heart ,etc,etc. God will provide all the ingredients you will need for this particular recipe and more. To learn how, go to 1Corinthians :13 start at verse 4, etc,etc. There is always an unwanted child, unattended old elderly women and men, even an old dog that could use a kind word, a soft smile, even a loyal friend, etc,etc. Remember till our paths cross again, Philippians 4:4-10 To read more of Cheryls work find her on Facebook. If you would like to have Cheryl write a special poem for your loved one you can contact her at lulumoon1961@yahoo.com
September 8, 2011
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We Prepare Taxes!
Authorized Baquacil Dealer
Tina & Scotty Bridges Owners
DVD PLAYER: SDK 760 with remote, $20. Call 864-5822710. COLOR TV: 13, works great, cable ready, $30. Call 864-3819182. DIGITAL ANSWERING MACHINE: GE for landline, time / day stamp, near new, $20. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin SONY: Cassette tape dual deck, 3 years old, hardly used, Model TC-WE425, $50. 864234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin HP INK: 51626A Black, & 51625A color, new, $20 for both. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin GOLF GUARD: Hard black plastic case for golf bag with wheels, $30. Call 864-8792638. DVDS: $3 each or 10 for $20. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. VINTAGE BOSE SPEAKERS: 901 Series tulip stands, excellent working condition, $500, Call 864-735-6911. Samsung DVD-CD RW internal, $30; Modem 56K Data/Fax/Voice external, by Supervoice with AC adapter, cable & CD manual, $35. 864234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin AT&T U-Verse for just $29.99/mo! SAVE when you bundle Internet+Phone+TV and get up to $300 BACK! (Select plans). Limited Time Call NOW! 1-866-944-0906 REDUCE CABLE BILL! 4Room All-Digital Satellite system installed FREE. Programming starting $19.99. FREE Digital Video Recorders/New callers. 1866-939-8199.
TV: Sharp, 32, $200. Call 864297-7964. HUGE SELECTION OF LAPTOPS with Windows 7, great prices. E-Z Money Pawn, 163 John B. White Sr. Blvd. 864585-0496. COMPUTERS: Sewing machines and more. Call 864476-8246. DISH lowest NETWORK nationwide price $19.99 a month. FREE 30 Movie channels. Watch TV on mobile devices FREE. Next day installation, call 800-370-7686 Restrictions apply, call for details STEREO AMPLIFIER: Fisher, studio standard model CA-854, no tuner, made in Japan 1985, $55. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin TV: 13 with VCR, $30, cable ready, satellite, or converter box. Call 864-879-2638. LARGE SELECTION OF DVDS: Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-5030085. PANTECH DUO: phone, $20. Call 864-285-7674. DVD/VCR: can also convert video tape to DVD, $75. Call 864-592-2140. TV/FM ANTENNA: Wire OHM in roll. Call 864-472-6999. PLAYSTATION 2 GAMES: $3. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. PC PARTS:Floppy 3.5, keyboard, mouse, new $20 all. No other parts for sale. Call 864234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin SPRINT PHONES: Remark & LG, all papers, like new, $100 each. Call 864-612-7944. TVs: $40 and up. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. DVD / VCR PLAYER: Samsung, 3 years old, has tuner & coaxial cable jacks, model DVD-V3500, manual & remote, $45. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin X-BOX 360 GAMES: $10 and up. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. GAME SYSTEMS: Large selection of newer systems. EZ Money Pawn, 163 John B. White Sr. Blvd. 864-585-0496. RCA TV: 27, with remote, plays good, $20. call 864-9906169. CAMERA: 35mm, film type, Meikai AR-4352S $25. Not digital. Call 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin.
WE BUY & SELL ANTIQUES. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. WOFFORD FOOTBALL MEDIA GUIDE: 1977, excellent condition, $15. Call 864-4315746. ANTIQUES ON SITE: Large selection. We buy and sell! Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. ANTIQUE STEREOS: Philco Stand up model, 3 to choose from. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-5030085. WILD TURKEY LIQUOR DECANTER: Unbroken seal, still in box. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864503-0085. ELVIS COLLECTIBLES: Pictures, candy tins, CD, cassette, and more. Approx 1/2 truck load. Very unique. Call 864-474-4475.
BEANIE BABIES: (42) excellent condition, $250 for all. Call 864-476-6484. GLASS FRUIT DISPLAY PLATTER Etched design & sparkling, 65 years old, no chips, 14 diameter, 3.5 tall, $40. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin LIVING DEAD DOLLS: (2) one is Damian and the other is Danse Macabre, excellent conditin, $30 for both. Call 864429-6177. 8 DAY CLOCK: Antique, Rooster Tail. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864503-0085. ALBUM: Frank Zappa, Chungas Revenge, near mint, $15. Call 864-431-5746. ALBUM: Rolling Stones Greatest Hits, Hightide & Green Grass, early Hits, near mint, $15. Call 864-431-5746.
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*Personal Ads Only - Small fee of $4.00 per week for businesses, rentals, services & breeders
BOSE 901 EQUALIZER: Series V, in perfect working condition, $125. Call 864-7356911. DONATE YOUR HDTV: for a tax deduction, Call 864-4989674. TV STAND: 19 deep, 29 wide, 18 tall, three levels, on wheels, black, clean, $30. Call 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin.
we buy gold!
Hours: Monday - Saturday 9AM - 6PM
The Upstate Shoppers publisher and its advertisers are not responsible or liable for misprints, typographical errors or misinformation herein contained. We reserve the right to edit, reject or accept any articles, advertisements, or information to be printed in this publication. We will provide ad proofs for pre-paid ads or ads that are placed by established clients. No proofs may leave our premises without payment and permission. All work is protected under copyright by The Upstate Shopper, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. No individual or business is permitted to place or attach any flyer, poster or any type of advertisement of any kind on our boxes or racks. The weekly deadline is Tuesday at 4pm. Two weeks notice is required on the cancellation of an ad due to the cost involved in the production of the ad itself. We want your ad to be accurate and correct and normally there will be no errors. However, should there be an error and it is our fault, we will provide a correction letter and republish the incorrect portion of the ad.
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September 8, 2011
redit No C ck!! Che
1116 Cherokee Ave., Suite 1 Gaffney, SC 29341
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*FACTORY DIRECT SATELLITE TV! Why pay retail when you can buy at factory DIRECT pricing! Lowest monthly service plans available. New Callers get FREE setup! Call NOW 1800-935-8195 BROKSONIC TV: 20, audio video jacks, 3 years old, plays great, inclues new 4 devise remote, $50. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin ANTIQUE METAL LUNCH BOXES: Many to choose from. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. FAX MACHINE: Brother 575, compact, 1 year old with manual, $20. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin, SC. CELL PHONES: (2) Verizon wireless Samsung phones #SCH0549 with 1 car charger & 2 house charges, $65. Call 864-472-6999.
SONY VAIO LAPTOP: case and extras, like new, $500. Call 864-969-2065. CREDIT CARD MACHINE: & printer, just add your processor, $75. Call 864-498-1029. DVD SPECIAL! Buy 6 for $10! E-Z Money Pawn, 163 John B. White Sr. Blvd. 864-585-0496. ACER DESKTOP PC AST 160-US321H, 18 flat monitor Acer AL 1716, AMD Sempron 3200, 512 DDR memory, 160 GB HD, DVD/CD, Win XP Home. $250. Call 864-2340027 before 6pm Mauldin DELL COMPUTERS! Laptops! Desktops! Free iPad Bonus! No Credit Check! No Layaway Payments! Seen on TV! Everyones Approved! 100% Financing! From $24/Week! MyBrandNewPC.com 1-800-799-6331
JVC FX-330: Tuner AM/FM. For use with other stereo components in home system, No amplifier. SN#12299533. $40. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin TV: 10 with DVD player, $40. Call 864-879-2638.
BEDROOM SUITE: Beautiful, pine, queen bed with mattress & foundation, night stand and dresser with mirror, $899. Deja vu Consignments, 707 Cherokee Ave., Gaffney. Mon. Fri. - 10am - 5:30pm, Sat. 10am - 4pm. 864-487-8866 DRESSER: chest, cherry color, $250. Call 704-739-5064. CLAWFOOT TABLE: round, $300. Call 803-684-2328 or 803-524-1611. TABLE: Round, solid maple, 4 matching chairs, extra leaf, $50. Call 864-574-6606. CEDAR WARDROBE: 35 years old, $50. Call 864-4618783 or 864-502-7262. WING BACK WOOD CHAIRS: set of 4, graceful design, antique, clean, prime and paint for a unique Shabby Chic addition to your decor, $40 total. Call 704-739-8876.
Hours: Sun. - Thurs. 11am - 10pm Fri. & Sat. 11am - 10:30pm
402 Alabama Ave. Chesnee, SC 29323
BOOK CASE: 6x18W, black, $30. Call 864-297-7964. BAR STOOLS: (2) tall, from Pier 1 Imports, black cast iron with padded seats, new indoor or outdoor, $350. Call 864-2858125. ANTIQUE STUDENT DESK: One piece, good condition, $100. Call 828-859-9321. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER: Maple, 5, 4 side shelves, holds 36 TV, $150. Call 864-2977964.
420 S. Broadway, Ste. 106 Forest City, NC 28043
DISPLAY CASES: (2), glass all around, 6 tall, 4 shelves, $350 ea. Call 828-289-0735. TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS: Granite top, 36 square, $250. Call 864-297-7964. LOVE SEAT: reclines, $100. Call 864-461-8783 or 864-5027262. KITCHEN TABLE: with 4 chairs, $40. Call 864-491-1681. ANTIQUE CEDAR CHEST: Very old, $75. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864503-0085. ANTIQUE DRESSER: all walnut, 3 drawer. Call 803-3744108. BEDROOM 7pc, SUITE: queen bed, $575. Call 864205-4121. SOFA & LOVE SEAT: green & burgundy, $250. Call 864-2054121. SOFA & RECLINER: Leather, made by Ashley, like brand new, $200. Call 864-429-6177.
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September 8, 2011
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1511-B Asheville Hwy Spartanburg, SC 864-582-6200 1735 John B. White Sr. Blvd. Spartanburg, SC 29301 864-574-7812 975 Beaumont Ave. Spartanburg, SC 29303 864-542-0982 1000 N. Pine Street #25 Spartanburg, SC 29303 864-342-5600 www.advanceamerica.net
BRUNSWICK POOL TABLE: with Qs, balls and etc., $500. Call 864-969-2065. BOYS BIKE: Huffy 20 wheels, like new, $40. 864-494-3718. RIMS:Bicycle, Supersonic Pro Sport with 7 gear ring & 26 x 1.95 tires, like new, $45. 864234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin REMMINGTON: Model 700 3006, Blue barrel, Lepold scope, $725. 864-237-7978. MATHEWS PASSION BOW: Ladies, 44lb draw with quiver, hard case, 4 target arrows and shot blocker target, $1000 for all. Call 864-237-7978. 150LB GYM SET: $250. Call 864-205-4121. T/C .45 CAL. MUZZLELOADER BULLETS: 3 1/2 boxes (20 rounds/box) Maxiball, 240 gr. with 9 quick loads. $70.50 retail value, all for $25. Woodruff SC. Call 864-4768968.
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SOFA & RECLINER: Brown leather, by Ashley, excellent condition, $200. Call 864-4296177. JUPITER CLARINET: with case. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-5030085. ANTIQUE ORGAN: Electric, Kimball Singer Deluxe 300, $1500. Call 864-398-6259, 864-579-9420, 864-670-9296, 864-576-4251. WE BUY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-5030085. PUMP ORGAN: Antique, Estey Victorian, hand carved, circa 1800s, good condition, $225. Call 864-899-1112. BAND EQUIPMENT:2 big speaker boxes with Peavy, 215 speakers, 2-8 speakers, 2 tweeters, 800 watt amp, also guitar, $1700 for all. Call 864398-6259, 864-579-9420, 864670-9296, 864-576-4251. OLD PIANO: Baldwin. Call 864-576-8511. ELECTRIC GUITAR: Yamaha, black with case. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. PIANO: Bear Bother, excellent condition. Call 864-476-8246. KEYBOARD: Yamaha, 61 key with foot pedal, $90. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. CB BASS AMP: National 2000, works great but needs tubes, #4CX400A, 2 tubber with cabinet & stand with fan motor, voltage taps are 110 and 220, $600. Call 864-431-6427.
Offer ends 2/8/10. New customers only. (lease required).
For 12 Months
GUITARS: Very large selection, all brands. E-Z Money Pawn, 163 John B. White Sr. Blvd. 864-585-0496.
RINGS: Mens and ladies, $20 and up. Also chains, 10kt & 14kt. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-5030085. WE BUY SCRAP GOLD: Broken, bent, crushed. Best prices. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-5030085. TURQUOISE & SILVER JEWELRY: Various prices. Call 803554-2030. WE BUY STERLING SILVER: Must be marked sterling or 925. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-5030085. LARGE SELECTION OF JEWELRY: . E-Z Money Pawn, 163 John B. White Sr. Blvd. 864585-0496. LADIES GUCCI WATCH:q with box & paper work. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. ENGAGEMENT RING: 1/4 ct diamond, 10kt yellow gold, with wedding band with small diamond inset, $300 obo. Call 864-425-3559.
MOUNTAIN BIKES: (2) male and female; also 10 speed bikes, all excellent condition, $50 each. Call 864-476-8246. BOYS BIKE: Huffy, like new, $50. Call 864-494-3710. REMENTON MUZZLELOADER: Camo Mod #700, 50 cal., 24 barrel, inline Mossy oak break up with plenty of ammo, like new, $250. Call 828-286-9675. POOL TABLE: Valley, solid slate, sticks, racks and other extras, $500. Call 864-4890084. GLOCK PISTOL: Model 22, 40 caliber, new in box, $500. Call 864-978-1389.
NEW MATTRESS: & foundation sets. All sizes starting at $169 for twin set. Deja vu Consignments, 707 Cherokee Ave., Gaffney. Mon. - Fri. 10am - 5:30pm, Sat. 10am 4pm. 864-487-8866 COMPUTER DESK: light wood, $15. Call 864-703-2236. KING MATTRESS:q $250. Call 864-879-2638. TWIN BED: (2), $50. Call 864266-8183. KING BED: cream leather, $89. Deja vu Consignments, 707 Cherokee Ave., Gaffney. Mon. - Fri. - 10am - 5:30pm, Sat. 10am - 4pm. 864-4878866 GLIDER / BASSINET: with music and toy bar, by Fisher Price, like new, $64. Call 864855-9765. WOODEN TABLE: & 4 ladder back chairs, $38.99. Call 864208-7721. OAK DESK: good condition, lots of storage, $149. Deja vu Consignments, 707 Cherokee Ave., Gaffney. Mon. - Fri. 10am - 5:30pm, Sat. 10am 4pm. 864-487-8866 SINGLE BED: $150. Call 864583-1728.
COFFEE TABLE: Oak, likt top, 52x27 with coaster, $200. Call 864-297-7964. SERVER: granite top with 3 drawers, wine glass holder, $275 for both. Call 864-2977964. LOVE SEAT: Dual recliners, brick colored suede, $300. Call 864-297-7964. DRESS & CHEST: Dark cherry color, $250. Call 704-739-5064. LIFT RECLINER: Electronically reclines and lift to standing position, $300. Call 864-879-2638 DINING TABLE: wood with 4 chairs, great condition, $100. 864-494-3718. MEMORY FOAM THERAPEUTIC NASA VISCO MATTRESSES WHOLESALE! T-$299 F$349 Q-$399 K-$499 ADJUSTABLES - $799 FREE DELIVERY 25 YEAR WARRANTY 90 NIGHT TRIAL 1800-ATSLEEP 1-800-287-5337 WWW.MATTRESSDR.COM SOFA & LOVE SEAT:Good condition, cream fabric, $399. Deja vu Consignments, 707 Cherokee Ave., Gaffney. Mon. Fri. - 10am - 5:30pm, Sat. 10am - 4pm. 864-487-8866
ANTIQUE SECRETARY: with all the drawers, claw feet, mahogany, great shape. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. ANTIQUE SCHOOL DESK: All wood, great shape. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. COUCH & LOVE SEAT: teal, good condition, $150 obo. Call 269-818-7609. Duncan, SC ROCKER / RECLINER: Big mans, tan suede, $90. Call 864-814-1925. MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS: Blueflex, 10 gel memory foam, queen size, bought from sportmansguide.com, $200. Call 864-349-9019. CHAISE LOUNGE CHAIR: All brown leather, brand new, great for living room, $100 obo. Call 864-703-2236. ROCKER / RECLINER: Blue, $20. Call 864-208-7721. DESK SET: 4pc, $500. Call 864-381-9600. FURNITURE: INFANT Bassinet, walker and more. Call 864-205-4121. QUEEN MATTRESS: excellent condition, $40. 864-381-9924.
Complete Gun Kits
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BASS GUITAR & AMP,5 string and tuner, soft carrying case with leads, like new, $2800. Call 864-431-6427. WASHBURN ACOUSTIC GUITAR: Model OG2TR By Oscar Schmidi, dark color with gig bag, $300. Call 704-739-5064.
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September 8, 2011
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OMG! BEST LINK COMMUNICATIONS WE 1784-C Asheville Hwy., Spartanburg, SC REPAIR 864-529-8190 864-498-6104 PHONES
POOL TABLE: with balls, sticks & rack, $200. Call 864918-8799. SCHWINN BIKE: Ladies, 26, needs tires, $25. Call 803-6842328 or 803-524-1611. MIZUDO IRONS: Taylor made, 90 degree driver complete set in black Ping bag, $300. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. BIB WADERS: Size 15, Lacrosse, brand new, never worn, $85. Call 864-498-1029 or michaelsemones@bellsouth.net EXCERISE BIKE: Call 864476-8246. YOUR WE TRANSFER PHONEBOOK from you old phone to your new phone for a small fee. Wireless Warehaus 864-598-9677. WOOD SHELF: Adjustable shelves, 12wX90lX60h, $45. Call 704-739-5064. VINYL WINDOW: V-Wood, double pane, 36x38. New, $60. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. ADULT WALKER: Swivel wheels, excellent condition, $20. Call 864-879-2638 PEDESTAL SINK: White, $75. Call 828-859-9321. BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT: 6 stations and supplies, Everything you need to open you own salon. Call 864-4768246. PAINT: New, Benjamin Moore, best oil based. I gallon med. blue gloss & 1 gallon yellow flat. $10 each. Call 864-2340027 before 6pm. Mauldin DIGITAL SCALES: Blade, new in the box, 600X0.1 grams/oz. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. WASH POT: 15 gallon, $50; also one cracked wash pot, $20. Call 864-503-9428.
Exit 78 off of Interstate 85, Highway 221 North, Mayo, SC
(near Chesnee)
BOYS BIKE: 16 Mongoose, brand new, $80. Call 828-8599321. FISHING RODS: $7 & up. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. BICYCLES: Assortment, plus to antiques bikes and sidewalk scooters, all for $75. Call 864476-7804. GOLF CLUBS: Mens complete set, with bag, $50. Call 864-592-2140. MUZZLELOADER: T/C, .45 cal. 1.5 boxes; 20 rounds / box, Maxiball, 240 gr. with nine quick loads, $70.50 retail value, all for $25. Call 864-476-8968 Woodruff. HIP WADERS: Lacrosse, size 10 mens, 2 pair, brand new, never worn, $55 each. Call 864-498-1029 or michaelsemones@bellsouth.net WORKOUT MACHINE: Gazelle Edge. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864503-0085. AB LOUNGE: $50 obo. Call 864-839-3634.
WWII VETERAN! 303 British InField Jungle carbine, good condition, dated 1945, includes clip and 72 rounds of ammo, $595. Call 864-621-4169. SKATEBOARDING: Flat grind rail, 8, $90; also helmet, med size, $15. Call 864-327-2654. BROWNING: Safari 30-06 auto with boss, comes with Leoplod 3x9 mm lense, $800 cash. Call 864-476-8968 Woodruff. WEATHERBY (VANGUARD): .300 Win. Mag. Bolt action, black synthetic stock/sling. Includes 3 full boxes of ammo & Leopold Var. scope 3x9x50mm. $800 cash or $500 without scope. Woodruff SC. Call 864-476-8968. BOYS BIKES: (2), one Gary fisher, one Haro trick bike, asking $100 each. Call 864-3469906. WINCHESTER 30-30: lever action, very good condition, $300. Call 864-592-0729. MARLIN: MDI 336, 30-30 cal. lever action rifle with case, great shape, $275. Call 864476-8968 Woodruff.
Buy 1 Plate Get 2nd Plate THU Y R SDA 1/2 Price UR Y O SDA
(Of equal or lesser value) Valid on 09/08/11 & 09/15/11 - One coupon per party
Salad Bar
PAY PHONE: $200; also so one wooden pay phone booth, $1000. Call 864-578-4175. GLASS INSULATORS: (12) green, $3 each. Call 864-8383058. GLOW PAINT: Interior luminescent paint for floor line, stair, arrow, etc. glow in total darkness for 4 hours, 4 gallons, $25 per gallon. Call 864-4981029. **OLD GUITARS WANTED!** Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, Prairie State, Euphonon, Larson, DAngelico, Stromberg, Rickenbacker, and Mosrite. Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1930s thru 1970s TOP CASH PAID! 1800-401-0440 SHOPSMITH: Mark V, Home Workshop system, excellent condition with all accessories and manuals, $850. Call 864592-2140. GOLF CART: Club Car, new batteries, back seat, lights, $1695 obo. Call 864-814-4215. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring adoption expert. You choose from families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abbys One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6296
CEMETERY PLOT: Mountainvew Cemetery in City of Greer, $1000. For more info call 864-503-9810 STEP LADDER: 2, wood, like new, oldie but goodie, $15. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin theupstateshopper.com
Sponsored by
ACCIDENT VICTIMS. Cash Advances for personal injury WE OFFER REPLACEMENT cases. CASH NOW before PHONES For Verizon, AT&T & you settle. No payment until T-Mobile. Come see our selecyou win. Fast Approval. Cash tion. Wireless Warehaus formerly held at Cleveland County Fair 864Next Day! www.Cash-NOW598-9677. For-Accident-Victims.com 1888-522-8360 CROSS CUT SAW: plus more Sponsored by antiques for sale. Morgans ATTEND COLLEGE Online Boiling Springs Fire and Rescue Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville From Home. Medical, Hwy 864-503-0085. Business, Paralegal, Accounting, Criminal Justice. COMMERCIAL UNIT TANJob Placement Assistance. NING BEDS: (10) Wolff, 30 min Computer Provided. Financial & 20 min beds. reception desk, Aid if Qualified. Centura 800retail area. Everything you 495-5085 http://www.Centura need to open you own salon. Online.com Call 864-476-8246.
September 10th, hundreds of items of all kinds, price low, everything must go. 8am until. Call 864-735-6911.
Saturday, September 10, 2011 Saturday, September 17, 2011 WESTERN CEDAR: RAW Appox, 900 SF, $600. Call 8287:30 pm 859-9321.
Mon. - Fri.
GUMBALL MACHINE: (4) commercial with an assortment of supplies, each is pedastal style with 3 heads, $1200. Call 864-476-8566 or 864-680-6574 after 5pm
Bar H Arena
Boiling Springs, NC
~ Admission ~
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You pick 704/434-2866 your own fresh meat, veggies and sauce, and have www.barhevents.com our chef cook it in front of you!
Mon. - Fri. $ Sweet tea .50
September 8, 2011
www.theupstateshopper.com - 864.542.8015
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Hachisu Grill
Steak and Seafood Japanese Cuisine
Fast, Healthy and Delicious Food
Big Backs - Flat Screens Must play good with RC Jacks
864-542-9086 864-542-8015 CUT YOUR GROCERY accept We accept BILL IN HALF! WeEBT EBT
Myricks Discount Grocery
11.9 miles North from Hot Spot in Chesnee, on Hwy. 221
Fax your ad in to
Mon. - Fri. 10am-6pm Sat. 9am-6pm Little Debbie Cakes Candy Bars Reg. size Hunters Livermush Pepperidge Farm Bread
8 / $1.00
Meat & Grocery Trucks Arrive Daily
4 / $1.00
.75 / loaf
Full Produce Market
Take Out Available Drive Thru Available
RED JAP. MAPLE TREE Angels Trumpet, Crape Myrtle, Butterfly Bush, Gardenia, Camellia, Golden Mop, Boxwood, Fig Tree & Mexican Petunia, $5. Near Lee Vaughn & Woodruff Road.. Call 864963-1804. BEDSIDE COMMODE: very wide, supports up to 700lbs, $150. Call 864-879-2638. AC ADAPTERS: 16 total, converts 120 volts to various outputs, $20. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin TOOL BOX: 12 drawers, stand up type, includes tools, $175. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. FIREWOOD: $40 small load; $60 large load. Call 864-5042895. Reach over 30 million homes with one buy. Advertise in NANI for only $2,795 per week! For information, visit www.naninetwork.com. WALNUT WOOD: 2x2x8, 30 40 years old, $50. Call 864680-1611. LICLIC BUSHES: 3-6 tall, pretty blooms, $3 and up. Call 864-612-7665. BEER SIGNS: 4 to choose from. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-5030085. SINGER GENIE SEW MACH: MODEL 353, great shape, made 1973, weight 18lbs, size 15x11x6, very compact, $85. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin DISH lowest NETWORK nationwide price $19.99 a month. FREE HBO/ Cinemax/ Starz/ Showtime FREE Blockbuster FREEHD-DVR and install. Next day install 800-424-9140 Restrictions apply call for details. CERAMICS: Approx. 50+ pieces, all hand painted. Call and make offer 864-583-8631.
Freezers full of meats, frozed dinners, frozen vegetables, flounder, shrimp EBT debit & more.
Reach over 28 million homes with one ad buy! Only $2,795 per week! For more information, contact this publication or go to www.naninetwork.com E-Z GO GOLF CART: Gas powered, fair condition, runs good, $800. Call 864-5821408. DIGITAL HEATER: MPI 40, oil drum and stand with 100 gallons of fuel, $600 for all or will sell sep. Call 864-476-8246. A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax Deductible/Fast Free Pick Up. 800-771-9551 www.cardonationsforbreastcancer.org NEED CASH: I buy furniture, appliances, one piece or whole house full. Bargains Galore, Hwy 29, Wellford. 864-6802640 or 864-590-5720 CLAWFOOT TUB: $100. Call 864-503-9428.
ACCREDITED HIGH School Diploma At Home in a Few Short Weeks. FIRST COAST ACADEMY. Free Brochure. Call 1-800-658-1180, x110. www.fcahighschool.org DONATE YOUR CARTo The Cancer Fund of America. Help Those Suffering With Cancer Today. Free Towing and Tax deductible. 1-800-835-9372 www.cfoa.org GUARDIAN COOKWARE POTS: 9 pcs, complete set of vintage aluminum pots and fry pan, no lids, $85. Call 864-4981029 or michaelsemones@ bellsouth.net PORCH ROCKERS: (2), red, $35 each. Call 864-228-9933 after 3pm or text anytime. AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888) 686-1704
We have great Suround sound with subwoofer $ 135 12 KICKER COMP SUBS prices on all Kole 980 watt amp & amp kit, in kicker box POOL types of JOSSstick, straight CUE $350.00 Nice shaft Shipment $ .00 of NEW Car Audio Equipment merchandise. 180
with 1 year warranty Amps, Amp kits, tweeters, 7 touch screens, double & single den
Power Tools
X-Box Play Station
7970 Asheville Hwy., Spartanburg, SC 864-503-0085
(between Morgans Used Cars and Spartanburg Auto Auction)
Page 8
www.theupstateshopper.com - 864.542.8015
September 8, 2011
3 4
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Hazen Fell - 864-313-1577
Located at Space C-49 - C52 at The Barnyard Flea Market in Greer. Located at I-85, Exit 60 on Hwy 101 South.
CARPET REMNANT: new, 8x8 beige, $40 obo. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin STROLLER: by Peg Perigo. 5 point harness, canopy, very lightweight. $40. Call 864-8792638. INSIGHT MEDITATION KIT; New, a step by step course on how to meditate. Authors Sharon Salzberg & Joseph Goldstein. Includes an in depth workbook, study cards & 2 CDs, $25. Call 864-234-0027 before 6pm Mauldin, SC POWER TOOLS: All kinds. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. HANGING SWING: wicker, large, no hardware, $50. Call 828-859-9321. ANTIQUE BRICK: 3 hole, 4000+ bricks, old scratch brick, 50+ years old, 75 each. Call 864-327-5096. HANDS ON CAREER Train for a high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified Job placement assistance. Call AIM today (866)854-6156 3 FAMILY YARD SALE: Friday 9/9 and Sat 9/10, 7am until, rain or shine. 218 Wilder Dr., Spartanburg, SC 864-3450182. LAURA ASHLEY BEDDING: Full size, comforter, skirt, 2 shams, pink, blues, lavender & green, $50. also have decorated straw hat wall hanging for extra cost. Call 704-739-8876. GREAT BARGAINS: at Great Bargains Thrift Store, 397 Highland Avenue, Spartanburg. Thursday and Friday from 10-2. 2nd location located at 300 Union St., Spartanburg, sutie G, open Monday - Friday 11am-6pm. Call 864-582-7158.
DIVORCE $99.00 Covers Children, Custody, Property & Debts. Uncontested. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Unlimited Customer Support. Call 24/hrs. Free Information! 1-877-861-8585. WET BAR: 1.5x1.5, fiberglass, has sink, $75. Call 864-3275096. LEARN FAST, EARN FAST ONLINE. Increase earning potential, attend college 100% online. Job Placement Assistance. Computer Provided. Financial Aid if Qualified. Call 800-463-0685 http://www.CenturaOnline.com 3 BABY SWINGS: $14.99 each. Call 864-208-7721. LARGE DVD SELECTION:. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. HYDRYLIC PORTAPOWER: $150. Call 828-859-9321.
FRAMED PAINTING: Flowers & birds, $20. Call 864-4943710. WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE BIBLE? Please write to our free Bible Correspondence Course: 870 Double Bridge Rd, Boiling Springs, 29316 or call 864-5990265. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Accounting, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 800-5100784 www.CenturaOnline.com TAKE VIAGRA/CIALIS? SAVE $500.00! Get 40 100mg/20mg Pills, for only $99! Call now and Get 4 BONUS Pills FREE! Your Satisfaction or Money Refunded! 1-888-757-8646 STORM DOOR: $40. Call 864316-7664.
With each building purchased
Also Available: Watermills, Water pumps, Wishing wells, Water wheels, Play houses, Carports, all sizes
8x8 .............. 8x12 ............ 10x12 .......... 10x16 .......... 10x20 .......... 12x16 .......... 12x24 ..........
$850 + tax $950 + tax $1100 + tax $1200 + tax $1550 + tax $1500 + tax $2450 + tax
We offer on site construction
TRUE SIZES: 2 year warranty, all floors 16 on center with 3/4 plywood (not particle board) Vinyl building available
Buy Today - Deliver Today. Free delivery & set up. Give us a try.
ROLL AWAY TOOL BOX: Large, Craftsman, $400. Call 828-859-9321. HOSE FOR ELECTROLUX: Vacuum, (canister old type) heavy duty, good condition, $40. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin TRANSFER BENCH: Help you get in and out of tub safely, $50. Call 864-879-2638. 2 GRAVE PLOTS: In Hertiage Memorial Gardens in Roebuck, includes, 2 valuts, 2 openings & closings, 2 markers, 24x12 & 62x16, $5200. Owner financing. Call 864-612-7665. DIVORCE $99.00 Covers Children, Custody, Property & Debts. Uncontested. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Unlimited Customer Support. Call 24/hrs. Free Information! 1-800-250-8142. WELP RADIO 1360AM: Quality Christian Radio with Charles Stanley at 8:30am & 6:30pm. For info on how WELP can help your church, ministry or business call Greg or Doyce at 864-855-9300. GET YOUR DEGREE ONLINE *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Accounting, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 800-510-0784 www.CenturaOnline.com ROCKING HORSE Dann Dee Collectors Choice, 22, real horse galloping sounds, like new, $45. Call 864-855-9765. WALKER: with hand brakes and seat, $40. Call 864-8792638. HEALTH PRODUCTS and refreshing energy drinks to keep your energy up during this hot season! I have them. Call for more details 864-492-8729. BABY SWING: Fisher Price, Aquarium cradle swing, like new, $35. Call 864-431-6427. CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS- up to $17/Box! Most brands. Shipping Prepaid. FAST payment. Ask for Emma 1 - 8 8 8 - 7 7 6 - 7 7 7 1 www.cash4diabeticsupplies.co m WALKER: with seat, like new, $85. Call 864-948-5092. DIRECTV $0/START Costs!ALL FREE: HBO/Showtime/Starz/Cinemax 3 Months+NFL Sunday Ticket w/Choice Ultimate+HD/DVR Upgrade! From $29.99/month! $0/Start!(800)230-6256 CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Any You! To Come Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 theupstateshopper.com
Authorized Retailer For
THE FOLLOWING ADS HAVE NOT BEEN SCREENED BY THE SOUTHEASTERN ADVERTISING PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION ( S A PA ) ; T h e r e f o r e , a n y discrepancies thereof shall not be the responsibility of the aforementioned association. Your publisher has agreed to participate in this program and run these ads as a service to the Southeastern Advertising Publishers Association.
HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT? Pass five short tests and receive your diploma at home. Fast, inexpensive, internationally accredited. 1-912-832-3834 or www.cstoneschool.org
GEORGIA, TENNESSEE, South Carolina. 5+ acres. $295.00 down. Owner Financed. 7.9%. Low Payments. No Credit Check, No Closing Costs. Manufactured Homes welcome. 1-770-5545263. www.Hurdle.com TENNESSEE FORECLOSURES Lender Liquidation. 25 Homesites Originally 35,000/each, NOW ONLY $6,000/each. ALL 25 LOTS $139,000. Utilities, paved road, lakes, NEW clubhouse. ZERO% interest $200/month. TN FINANCIAL 1-931-261-3317 20 ACRE LAND FORECLOSURES $0 Down, Take Over $99/mo. Was $16,000, Now $12,900! Near booming El Paso Texas. Beautiful Views, Owner Financing, Money Back Guarantee. Free Color Brochure. 1-800-843-7537. www. sunsetranches.com. ***FREE Foreclosure Listings*** O ve r 4 0 0, 0 0 0 p r o p e r ti e s nationwide. LOW D own Payment. Call NOW! 1-800498-8619
Are you pregnant? A childless, single woman seeks to adopt. Will be HANDS-ON Mom w/ flexible schedule. Financially secure. Expenses paid. Shelia or Adam. 1-800-790-5260 PREGNANT ? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? We can help you! Housing, nancial and medical assistance available. Choose adoptive family involved in adoption plans. Call 24/7. Forever Blessed Adoptions. 1-800-5684594 (Void in IL, IN) PREGNANT ? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call Us First! Living Expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 1-866-743-9212.
* REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! * Get a 4-Room All Digital Satellite system installed for FREE and programming starting at $19.99/ mo. FREE HD/DVR upgrade AUTOMOBILES for new callers, SO CALL NOW. TOP CASH FOR CARS, Call 1-800-935-9195. Now For An Instant O er. Top EMPLOYMENT / HELP Dollar Paid, Any Car/Truck, Any Condition. Running or Not. Free WANTED Pick-up/Tow. 1-800-761-9396 MYSTERY SHOPPERS - Get WA N T E D : O L D JA PA N E S E paid to shop! Retail/Dining MOTORCYCLES Kawasaki Z1-900 establishments need undercover (KZ900) 1972-1976, KZ1000 (1976clients to judge quality/customer 1980), KZ1000R (1982,1983), Z1R, S1-250. S2-350, S3-400, H1-500, service. Make up to $150 a day. H2-750, HONDA CB750 (1969- Call 1-800-498-2356 1975) SUZUKI GS400, GT380, FREE TO TRAVEL? 18 or older? CASH PAID, FREE NATIONWIDE Travel Sales Jobs! No experience PICKUP. 1-800-772-1142, 1-310necessary. Commission weekly. 721-0726; usa@classicrunners. daily Cash Bonuses! Call today!! com Mr. Johnson 1-888-476-2228
* REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! * Get a 4-Room All Digital Satellite system installed for FREE and programming starting at $19.99/ mo. FREE HD/DVR upgrade for new callers, SO CALL NOW. 1-800-725-1835. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, * P a r a l e g a l , *A c c o u n t i n g , *Criminal Justice, Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualif ied. Call 1-877-206 -7665 w w w. CenturaOnline.com
EARN YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA at home in a few short weeks. Work at your own pace. First Coast Academy. Nationally accredited. Call for free brochure. A UNIQUE ADOPTIONS, LET US 1-800-658-1180, extension 82. HELP! PERSONALIZED ADOPTION www.fcahighschool.org PLANS. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, HOUSING, RELOCATION AND ACCREDITED HIGH SCHOOL MORE. GIVING THE GIFT OF LIFE? DIPLOMA. Qualify for 100s of YOU DESERVE THE BEST. CALL US jobs. Graduate fast, no FCAT. Ask FIRST! 1-888-637-8200. 24 hour about scholarship opportunity! CALL NOW! 1-954-929-9315. HOTLINE.
AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Care er. FA A approved program. Financial Aid if Quali ed - Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of TRUCK DRIVERS Wanted- Best Pay Maintenance. 1-866-724-5403. and Home Time! Apply Online DISH Networks LOWEST AllToday over 750 Companies! One Digital Price! As low as $24.99/ Application, Hundreds of O ers! mo w/FREE HD for life and www.HammerLaneJobs.com. limited time BONUS! 1-800580-7972. FINANCIAL Beware of loan fraud. Please check with the Better Business Bureau or Consumer Protection Agency before sending any money to any loan company. BLOWN HEAD GASKET? State of the art 2-part carbon metallic ch emic al pro cess . R ep air yourself. 100% guaranteed. 1-866-780-9038 www.RXHP. com.
DAYTONA BEACH OCEANFRONT Buy 1 nite get 1 nite FREE! Rates from $59 per nite. Toll Free: 1-855-266-5329 www. bookdaytona.com/sapa
WANTED YOUR DIABETES TEST STRIPS Unexpired. Any Kind/ Brand. Pay up to $16.00 per box. Also, buying iPhones & iPads. Shipping Paid. 1-800-267-9895 or www.SellDiabeticstrips.com
September 8, 2011
www.theupstateshopper.com - 864.542.8015
Page 9
We have caregiver positions available in the Spartanburg & Greenville Area! Hourly Part time Flexible hours WEEKEND CAREGIVERS A PLUS!
Experience Preferred Reliable transportation required
12 Hour shifts (8-8), production, $8.50 to $9.50 per hour. Temp to direct hire! Requires copy of HSD / GED, criminal background check, NO FELONIES! Drug screen and stable work history.
Where: Phillips Staffing, Spartanburg Office 357 East Blackstock Road, Raintree Office Park II When: Monday - Thursday - 8:00am - 11:00am and 1:00pm - 4:00pm Contact Info: Phone (864) 574-8370
HI LO SINK: Beige, never used, solid brass fixtures, valued at $800, sell $200. Call 864-327-5096. SATELLITE: $50. Call 864245-7614. WALK BOARDS: Werner taskmaster, 4 total, 1 is 24x14; 1 is 24x12, 2 are 16x14, $1500 obo for all. Call 864-761-6899. WHEELCHAIR: Black nylon fabric, recessed, removable padded arms, $175, retails at $800. Call 864-879-2638 SAND BOX: $15. Call 704739-5064. WE BUY SCRAP GOLD: Broken, bent, crushed. Best prices. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-5030085.
Unlimited Unlimited Nationwide Talk, Nationwide Talk & Text & 411 Calling Text, Web & $ .00 411 Calling
We Unlock Phones
Per Month
JOGGING STROLLER: By LL Bean, retail $199, sell for $75. Call 864-879-2638. ANTIQUE BOW SAWS: 2 to choose from. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864503-0085. DOWNSIZING: Must sell household items, DVDs, video tapes and more. Call 864-4685060.
TRAMADOL 180 Tablets $109.00 with FREE overnight delivery from U.S. Pharmacy! No hidden fees! C.O.D./ Echeck/ Mastercard. 1-866-5628049 www.4Tramadol.com WIGS: New by Paula Young, blonde with golden highlights, one hair piece, one with band, one pony tail and one curly, all under $20 each. Call 864-7032236. HEATING SYSTEM: Coleman, new in box, $600. Call 864906-6709. PROPANE TANK: 100lb, new, never filled, $80. Call 864-5821408.
WINDOW TREATMENTS: blinds, curtains, call for sizes and prices. Call 864-612-7665. ELECTRIC SCOOTER: $150. Call 864-489-3952. SHOWER STOOL: Excellent conditoin, $20. Call 864-8792638. SECOND CHANCE! Get Cable TV, Internet, Home Phone, Electricity. Service Cut Off? Been Turned Down Before? No Credit Check!! 817-825-7242. BLACK LIGHT BULBS: vector, part #14-0063 15w, 17 bulbs, 2 in pack, $10 per pack. Call 864-498-1029.
575 Fairgrounds Road
Rides Games Petting Zoo Music Livestock Competitions Yummy Food!
Sat. & Sun. Rides in the Rock Climbing Buggies on the infield. Compliments of Carolina Crawlin
Adult Admission
Mon. - Sun.
Thursday 4:30-8pm Sponsered by Wades
g ounvis Y l E starring....
Page 10
www.theupstateshopper.com - 864.542.8015
September 8, 2011
With 2 Way Radios
www.broadwaytechs.com New, used sales & service FCC Licensing FREE on-site consult
SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM: camera, monitor, and recorder. anti theft walk through, scan pad for bar codes, brand new. Call 864-476-8246. BUCK STOVE FIREPLACE INSERT: Custom made with blower. Call 864-476-8246. HANDS ON CAREER. Rapid training for Aviation Maintenance career. Financial Aid if qualified. Job Placement Assistance. Housing Available. AIM 866-430-5985 http://www.AviationMaintenanc e.edu PORTABLE COOLER & WARMER: Black & Decker. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. LARGE SELECTION OF TOOLS: Hand, air & battery operated. E-Z Money Pawn, 163 John B. White Sr. Blvd. 864-585-0496. THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298. FLEA MARKET ITEMS: for sale, $2 each or take all for $50. Call 864-205-2401. GARDEN WINDOW: Metal, 4, $100. Call 828-859-9321. Buy The Blue Pill! VIAGRA 100mg, Cialis 20mg. 40 pill+ 4 FREE, only $99.00. #1 Male Enhancement. Discreet shipping. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Save $500 Now! 1-888-7968870 TIGER RIVER SPA: Sumartan Model N, 10 years old, has always been inside, circulating pump has small leak, 66x66,
Text your ad to 3 864-978-3132 Fax your ad in to 5 864-542-9086 4 Call your ad in to 864-542-8015 rils HEAVENLY CUTS p
Dog Grooming
per month
Make payments for Boost, Simple Mobile, T-Mobile, AT&T and Page Plus.
1305 Asheville Hwy., Spartanburg, SC
704-454-8888 864-529-8190
seats 4 adults, REDUCED $500. Call 828-287-4265. CHILDS WHEELCHAIR: Pink, very good condition, $150. Call 864-879-2638. VACUUMS: Kirby, Thermax and other brands. Call 864476-8246. CHARBROIL SMOKER; $50. Call 864-476-7804. BLUE POLY TARP: brand new, in box, 36x59, $75. Call 828-859-9321. SHELVING BOARDS: (18) already stained, 11 deep, 12 long, 3/4 thick, $15 each. Metal chelving brackets, $2 each. Call 864-879-2638. TRANSIT & TRIPOD: $150. Call 828-859-9321. TANNING BED: Wolfe with extra bulbs, $400. Call 704434-6555.
LOG CABIN $3800 (Original Price $23,800) Moving and Must Sell. 768 square feet (Expandable to 1152 sq.ft.) 101 solid oak logs, full dovetailed, complete precut wall set with all plans for stone fireplace, high pitched roof, 10 high ceilings, porch. Stack walls in two days. Add roof in 2 days. Extra nice! Pay when received. (Will haul to Spartanburg for $1800). Tremendous Bargain. Owner (870) 577-5757.
Bathing & Nails Flea Bathing All Breeds 10% Senior Citizens Discount Matted Dogs $10-$15 Extra
Owner: April Sweet Formerly at Pet World in Boiling Springs
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! Were Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1888-416-2330 WE BUY FLATWARE: Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. FREE HELP: with yard clean up. Elderly lady needs help with yard debris. Would you volunteer to help? Please call 864-461-4053. WANTED: Outside AC condenser, new, R22 / 13 seer / 2 ton, must never have been installed, nothing for sale. Call 864-234-0027 before 6pm NEED SOMEONE TO QUILT: I have the tops, need someone to do the quilting. Call 864-4768246. WANT TO BUY AIR CONDITIONERS Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864503-0085. theupstateshopper.com
BECOME A FAN: of The Upstate Shopper on Facebook & Twitter! I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS: Up to $10 per 100 count. Must be new, in boxes and in date. Call Bob 888-800-5499.
Pay Bills Emergency Cash Automotive Repair Kids Clothes Upcoming Holiday Cash Needs
September 8, 2011
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Discount Clothing
For Men & Women
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New & Gently Used Merchandise
254 Cedar Springs Rd., Suite 16, Sptbg., SC
(Cedar Springs Shopping Center behind KFC)
Thrift Store
Professional Teeth Whitening
864-429-3707 864-426-2420
Open: Mon. - Fri. 10am-6pm Sat. 10am-3pm Follow us on facebook at E-mail: pennypinchers10@yahoo.com
PUSH MOWER: Weed Eater brand, 22 cut, $90. Call 704739-5064. LAWN MOWER: 46, new belts, great condition, $500. Call 864-327-5773. 2011 TROYBILT Bronco tractor - mower with bagger, roof and extras, filters, belts, etc, $1500. Call 864-969-2065. GAS EDGER: 3.5 HP, $100. Call 828-859-9321. ANTIQUE STACK CUTTER Hay Rake & Grain drill, $100 each. Call 864-592-2065. 2011 STIHL CHAINSAW: MS 170, good condition, $125. Call 864-969-2065.
10% OFF
With this ad.
WE BUY USED RIFFLES: shotguns, handguns. Used but not broken. Will pay fair price. Call 704-473-4544.
CHAINSAW: Husqvana 141, 20 bar, nice saw, $150. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. LEAF BLOWER: By Weedeater, $30. Call 864-6127665. SNAPPER RIDING MOWERS: (4), one Snapper push mower, Lazy Boy Garden Tiller, Weed eaters, various motors and parts. Also lots for rear engine bagging accessories. All for $1000. Call 864-476-7804. 600 FORD TRACTOR: Runs great, needs radator, $2000 possible trade. 864-583-4192. LAWN MOWER: Husqvarna 42 deck, grass catcher, $500. Call 864-582-2710.
BREAK DOWN TRAILER: heavy duty, 5x7, will balanced, great condition, $600 obo. Call 864-576-5507. 2011 UTILITY TRAILER: 4x7, heavy duty, lite, custom with extras, excellent condition, $500. Call 864-969-2065. TRAILER: 16, heavy duty, 6 channel iron, $1200. Call 828289-7486.
LEARN & PRACTICE SPANISH: Bilingual instructor. Call 864-764-0299 please leave message.
150 Dexter Rd., Spartanburg, SC 29303 864-583-4805 Ext. 101 & 102 www.spartanburghumane.org
Mattie is a 6 month old black and tan Shetland Sheepdog mix who was brought to the shelter as a stray. This pretty girl still gets pretty nervous in new situations and will need a home without children under the age of 15. Her longer, glossy coat will require regular brushing to keep this lovely lass tangle free and looking great. If you're looking for a nice medium-sized companion to share your heart and your home with, then Mattie could be the best friend you've been searching for. Visit this pup today to see if you could be the one to help this shy wallflower blossom into the wonderful companion she knows she can be! ID: A13896151
Columbus is a 1 year old orange tabby whose guardian was no longer able to care for him due to ill health and now he is looking for a new home. Columbus loves to chat and is always first to greet visitors to the shelter with a cheerful chirp and a friendly purr! He's certainly hard to ignore once he starts laying on the charm to get your attention. With personality and looks like these, Columbus knows it won't be long until someone falls head over heels in love with him and gives him the forever home he's been waiting for! ID: A12222352
Henri is a 1 year old brindle and white Boston/Jack Russell terrier mix who came to the shelter as a stray. This cute little guy is full of energy and loves to play. He will happily chase down a tennis ball if you throw it, but he hasn't quite mastered bringing it back yet. Henri learned how to sit and lay down more during his training in Camp Love-A-Pet. There's no limit to what this handsome fellow could learn with some patience, love, and practice! AND, as a graduate of Camp, Henri will receive a gift certificate for a free 7 week long session of Canine Manners at the Good Dog Academy. No kids under 12 please. ID: A13454722
Teddy is a 1 year old black and tan basset hound/spaniel mix who was brought to the shelter as a stray. This handsome boy may be short, but he sure knows how to play big! Teddy is full of energy and really seems to love playing with all of his new people friends here at the SHS. His perky ears, adorable face, and charming antics are sure to win over even the toughest critics. Teddy can't wait to find his true forever home with someone who will never let him lose his way again. Visit today to catch up on all of the love and excitement you've been missing out on! ID: A13855092
Julian is a 1 year old tan and black German Shepherd mix who is a little shy at first but loves to cuddle and will likely continue to open up as he gets comfortable in his new home. He should blossom into an active, energetic companion who will do best with someone who can offer him equal amounts of love, exercise, and playtime. Training classes at the Good Dog Academy could be another great way to help boost Julian's confidence learning basic obedience skills, and maybe even a fun trick or two, all while helping develop the bond between you and your new best friend! Visit Julian today to see if he could be the next valued member of your family! No kids under 12 please. ID: A13774265
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September 8, 2011
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Is your home still for sale? Are enough people seeing it? Could you use more exposure? We have people looking for homes in your area!
With more than 10,000 hits per month PRIVATELANDFORSALE.COMS popularity is rising fast!! What have you got to lose except for the sale of your home
good condition
Rockys Satellite
Locally Owned & Operated
DADDY DO ALL: Totally remodel, plumbing, electrical, sheet rock, painting, hardwood floors, wood fences, decks, porches, steps, vinyl siding, etc. Call 864-469-9666 ask for DeAnn or Lisa. No roofs. NOW BUYING SILVER & GOLD COINS: Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864503-0085.
REBATE PROCESSOR JOBS. Make Real Money From Home Today! $10,857.76 In 13 Days By Just Filling In Forms Online. No Experience Needed! Full Training Provided. www. HomeWorkersNetwork.com DO YOU ENJOY CARING FOR THE ELDERLY? We have caregiver positions available in the Spartanburg & Greenville Areas! Hourly partime flexible hours. Weekend caregivers a plus! Experience preferred. Reliable transportation required. Home Instead Senior Care. 864-242-2228 or 864-542-0195. $5978 Weekly Mailing Postcards! **GUARANTEED LEGIT WORK** www.PostcardsMakeMoney.co m $3500 CASH Directly To Your Door! www.CashGiftingBucks.com Receive $1497 Cashier Checks Stuffed In Your Mailbox Daily! www.DankMoney.com ATTENTION: FREE ASSEMBLY JOBS STARTED GUIDE + FREE EASY HOMEMAILER PROGRAM. Earn Money From Home doing assembly, crafts, sewing, making jewelry. Quality Companies Are Hiring Now. www.AssemblyHomeJobs.com ASSEMBLE MAGNETS & CRAFTS from home! Yearround work! Excellent pay! No experience! TOP U.S. COMPANY! 1-860-482-3955. BECOME A FAN: of The Upstate Shopper on Facebook FEDERAL POSTAL JOBS! Earn $12 - $48 per hour / No Experience Full Benefits / Paid Training 1-866-477-4953, Ext. 131 NOW HIRING!! $250+ PER DAY AT HOME TYPING ADS For Companies up to $100 per Transaction 100% Legit Online Job - Easy Work PT/FT FREE PersonalSupport & Assistance. www.WorkFromHome-Job.com
MAKE $1,000 WEEKLY PAID IN ADVANCE. Mailing Our Brochures From Home. 100% Legit Income Is Guaranteed! No Experience Required. Today! Detailed Enroll Information At: www. MailingBrochuresHelp.com $$ MAKE $1000-$3500 WEEKLY! $$ **GUARANTEED PAYCHECKS** $1497 Cashier Checks Stuffed In Your Mailbox Daily www.DankMoney.com $3500 CASH Overnight Daily! www.CashGiftingBucks.com Mailing $5978 Weekly P o s t c a r d s ! www.PostcardsMakeMoney.co m HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA: Fast Affordable & Accredited. FREE brochure. Call NOW! 1800-532-6546 ext.936. www.continentalacademy.com HOME BASE PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS: Excellent income, affordable opportunity. www.transporting1.com HAWAIIAN ICEE STAND: Cowpens, S.C. Turn Key Operation. Showings by appointment only. Ready & BATHROOM for business upon purchase. KITCHEN only. $8500. Serious inquires REMODELING Additions, Ceramic Tile, Call Danyelle Goode 864-216Replacement Windows, Drywall, 1761.
LAB DOG: female, 5 months old. Call 864-427-3825. RABBIT: White female, inside, $50 to a good home. Call 864429-6177. COCKAPOO: Female, full blooded, no papers, $300. Call 864-398-6259, 864-579-9420, 864-670-9296, 864-576-4251. STUD West SERVICE: Highland Terrier. Call 864-4768246. SIBERIAN HUSKEY: female, 2 years old, with portable fence and dog house, Free to good home. Call 864-476-8246. PUPPIES: 1/2 Mini poodles and 1/2 Shih tzu Chihuahua mix, $70 obo. 864-839-3634. BANNIE CHICKENS: $20 for both; also have free chicken coop. Call 864-472-4508. TREEING WALKER Coon hound puppies, UKC performance, PKC Super stake, good breed, proven crosses. $250 each. Call 864-839-6208 FISH TANK: 75 gallon, some accessories. Call 803-3744108. IGUANA: 7 long male, good health with pen and waterfall, $100 for all. Call 864-918-8799. GERMAN SHEPHARD PUPPIES: full blooded, AKC registered, 1st shots, 5 females, $350 each; one male $300. Call 864-585-1796. or 864-978-5166.
GET PAID $5 to $75 For Just Filling Out Simple Online Surveys From Home. Must Have Internet Access, Easy Work - Full Training Provided. Details: www.JobsExtraIncome.com PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 Weekly mailing brochures from home! Guaranteed income! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.nationalincome.com (Void SD)
Investors-Safe Haven. If you are not earning 25% to 50% annual ROI, Please call Jeff 817-926-3535. This is guaranteed gas & oilfield equipment leasing. $5,000 Sign-On Bonus! Frac Sand Haulers with complete bulk pneumatic rigs only. Relocate to Texas for tons of work. Fuel/Quick Pay Available. 817-926-3535
BOXER BULLDOG: female, has papers, free to good home. Call 864-585-4441.
12X16 Complete Treated Lumber
Replacement Windows Window Treatments Entry Doors Leafproof Protection Exterior Shutters
We take over payments
2041 Chesnee Hwy., Suite B Spartanburg, SC 29303 864-542-8015 Fax: 864-542-9086 www.theupstateshopper.com
The Upstate
864-279-4658 864-279-4745
864-316-8133 864-573-5661
Any size job. No Lawn Damage. FREE ESTIMATES Insured Steve Sieg 864-439-4811
Call 864-978-7760
Equipment Rental
Flowers POT BELLY PIGS: (3) 5 weeks Do It yourself or JUVENILE BEARDED DRAG Catering old, $100 each. Call 864-300let us do it ONS: one fire, one ice, $60 for 9913. DJ Service Photography for you! both. Call 864-473-1593. DOG HOUSES: Small, $30. For all your wedding needs! Medium, $40. Large, $50. PIT BULL PUPPIES: Double Painted with shingled roofs. Hurt and Chinaman, $75 each. Can deliver. Call 864-582-7662 Call 864-578-1552. or 864-542-3458. 2 MINIATURE PONYS AND 1 DONKEY: $300 each. Need KITTENS: Free to good loving home, litter trained. Call 864new home. Call 864-384-8192. DIXON CUSTOM 574-6305.
864-497-0291 864-461-5517
September 8, 2011
www.theupstateshopper.com - 864.542.8015
Page 13
Wesley E. Dixon
At 80 years young its time to come out of retirement. Call 864-585-3010 and wish Wesley Dixon a Happy Birthday and come see him for all your insurance needs at Mike Dixon Insurance Agency located at 1209 Boiling Springs Road, Spartanburg, SC
BONAIRE APARTMENTS: 700 South Randolph Ave., Landrum, SC 29356. 864-4572280. Applications accepted during office hours, Monday Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom units available. Carpet, mini blinds, stove, refrigerator, washer / dryer connections, central heat / air, water / sewer furnished, playground and laundry room on site. Limited RA available, Housing choice vouchers accepted, reasonable accommodations. TDD relay # 1-800735-2905. Handicap Accessibe units. Equal housing opportunity. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
HAPPYto 80TH BIRTHDAY wish At 80 years young its time come out of retirement. Call 864-585-3010 and
SMOKEY MOUNTAIN VACATION CABINS: in Pigeon Forge, TN. Near Dollywood. Fully furnished, fireplace, jacuzzi, $75/$85 nightly. www.pantherknob.com Call 1800-382-4393. Ask yourself, what is your TIMESHARE worth We will find a buyer/renter for CA$H NO GIMMICKS JUST RESULTS! www.BuyATimeshare.com Call 888-879-7165 4 WHEELER: 90cc, automatic, like new, excellent condition, tuned-up, $1200. Call 864-9692065. 70cc DIRTBIKE: $400 as is. Call 864-398-6259, 864-5799420, 864-670-9296, 864-5764251. 2004 HONDA REBEL 250: 13,700 miles, very good condition, with extras, $1800. Call 864-494-6082. 150 GATOR SCOOTER: Blue, 400 miles, paid $1150, sell for $800. Call 864-578-1552. NEW SCOOTERS: 50 cc. We provide tags. Great prices. E-Z Money Pawn, 163 John B. White Sr. Blvd. 864-585-0496. MOTORCYCLE SEAT: off Suzuki Blvd., $150. Call 864599-8120. 1995 HONDA GOLDWING: Astencade 1200, 34,000 miles, garage kept, $2500. Call 864494-1276. WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI: Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, Kawasaki Triples, GT380, GS400, CB750, (1969-75) Cash Paid, Nationwide Pickup, 1-800-772-1142, 1-310-7210 7 2 6 . usa@classicrunners.com theupstateshopper.com 2007 MOPED: 50cc, runs, needs little work, $350 firm. Call 864-480-9806 or 864-3814342
6 ROOM HOUSE: on 2 lots in District 7, Spartanburg, $40,000. Call 864-398-6259, 864-579-9420, 864-670-9296, 864-576-4251. WE BUY HOUSES: We take over house payments. www.RollerKey.com The key to your problem property. Call 864-580-1844. MOBILE HOME LOTS: Chesnee, Spartanburg, Clifton Mill. Some utilities in place. Seller financed from $150 month. www.RollerKey.com Call 864-580-1844. ROEBUCK: Completely remodeled, 2 bedroom, 1 bath home. Call 864-948-5092 or 864-504-7942. PRIVATELANDFORSALE.COM We have people looking to buy homes in your area. List your home for FREE! Up to 5 free color photos! List until Sold! PRIVATELANDFORSALE.COM 3 BED 2 bath home! $750 down and $388 a month! 1284 Pemberton St., 29384. Owner Financing! Call 864-214-4601. 3 BED 2.5 bath home! $500 down and $412 a month! 319 Old Georgia Rd., 29669. Owner Financing! Call 864256-0413. North Carolina Mountains EZ Finish Log Cabin Shell with Acreage E-Z Bank Financing Availabl Only $89,900! Warm Winters-Cool Summers 828429-4004 Code 45 4 TO 5 ACRES: with coconut trees and other fruits. Call 864205-0180.
1955 FORD PROJECT CAR: 2 door, automatic, 351 running, needs paint and small amount of body work, $3000 possible trade. Call 864-583-4192. 1987 DODGE 600: Runs good, $700. Call 864-491-1681. 1994 FORD MUSTANG COBRA: SVT Convertible, Indy 500 Pace car, candy apple red, 5.0, 5 speed, leather interior, new tires and battery, 17 rims, all power, Kenwood sound system, $7000. Call 864-621-0297. 1995 TOYOTA CAMRY Red, 4 door, cruise, AM/FM CD player, W, & PL, automatic, cold air, tan interior, 192,000 miles, good condition. Call 864-8790900.
2007 CHRYSLER PT Cruiser, cruise, tilt, cd, pw, pdl, Certified, 50K miles, $8,994. Call 1-888-290-1823 1993 FORD FESTIVA: Good ride, gas saver, paint faded, $1800. Call 864-472-2772 or 864-590-0298. 2000 VW New Beetle, 2dr, 5spd, 4cyl, ac, heat, sunroof, $5,981. Call 1-877-374-9170 1997 CHEVY CAMARO: 4 tires, bad motor, $1600. 864472-2772 or 864-590-0298.
New - 50cc
NEED A HOME? Financing Guaranteed! If you have Bad credit, and a large down payment, we have the bank! Call today 864-814-3000 DOUBLEWIDE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 28x64, good condition, fireplace, new metal roof, $27,000. Must be moved. Call 864-381-9507. REPOS REPOS REPOS: At Repo Junction, Inc. the oldest repo dealer in the Spartanburg area, with 14 and 16 wides, doublewides and triplewides in great shape. We have access to over 125 repos in the upstate including land / home packages. Dont buy a new home until you check with me. 864814-3000. rjn GOOD CREDIT? Only $1000 down! (2) 4 bedroom, 2 bath doublewides. This program wont last long. Call today 864814-3000. BBBByellowNEW HOMES STARTING AT $29,900 Set up & delivered. Call 864-902-8555 or visit our website at www.spartan-homes.com BBBB yellowUSED DOUBLE WIDE Now available to view! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Call 864902-8555 or stop by Spartan Homes at 480 Peachoid Road, Gaffney, SC between The Peach and Hamricks!
Call 864-205-2830
364 Whitney Rd., Sptbg., SC
CAMPOBELLO: 7940 New Cut Road, 2 bedroom, all brick, hardwoods, completely upgraded, 1.20 acres, with extra lot and mountain view, within 5 mins of 3 different golf courses, REDUCED PRICE $134,500. FHA Loan, 100% Financing. Call 864-612-7665. 3 BED 2.5 bath home! $500 down and $412 a month! 319 Old Georgia Rd., 29669. Owner Financing! Call 864256-0413. 3 BED 1.5 bath home! $1000 down and $400 a month! 105 Willow St., 29678. Owner Financing! Call 864-256-0415. 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH: 2 car garge, 1/2 acre, 1500 - 1800 SQ, 5-6 yrs old, 5 miles from BMW, must be bank qualified papers in hand 2 see, no realtors, no owner financing, $140,000. Call 864-205-0180. LOT FOR SALE: Restricted, .88 acre, Boiling Springs schools. Accepting offers. Call 864-216-5139. 9 ROOM HOUSE: 3/4 acre with creek, 3 buildings in backyard, $65,000 AS IS. Call 864398-6259, 864-579-9420, 864670-9296, 864-576-4251.
Come See Us, Our Prices Wont Be Beat
176 By Pass, Union, SC
Financing Available
BEAUTY SALON FOR RENT: on Old Pacolet Rd. near cowpens, approx. 500 SF, bathroom, heat & air, hot water, commercial lighting, tile floor, new paint, paved parking, $390 per month, includes electricity, water and sewer. Call 864-4634782. SINGLE WIDE: 2 bedroom, 1 bath, District 5, $100 per week, $400 deposit. Call 864-8043237. theupstateshopper.com
2002 FORD EXPLORER SPORT Sunroof, leather interior, low miles $5995
2000 FORD TAURUS SES Low miles, new tires E-Z FINANCING
CALL FOR DETAILS 864-542-8015
864.595.1083 www.meritmotors.com
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September 8, 2011
2004 N I S SAN S E NTR A 1.8S 1.8S Automtic, CD player, gas s aver W E F I NAN C E
2003 C H EV Y S U B U R BAN LT LT Automatic, AM / F M CD player, 3rd seat, DVD player DVD W E F I NAN C E
2001 H O N DA O DYS S EY 2001 Automatic, all power, CD player, rear air, automatic, sliding doors W E F I NAN C E
to ck Ba als l De oo nt ch S Ca at Th at Be Be
1996 F O R D R AN G E R XLT XLT 5 spe e d, AM / F M c assette W E F I NAN C E 2002 F O R D EX PLOR E R PLO Automatic, CD player, alloy whe els W E F I NAN C E
500 WAY
1997 C H EV Y CAMAR O Z28 997 LT1, 6 spe e d, power windows & seats, T1, CD player...........W E F I NAN C E player...........W
2000 C H EV Y CAMAR O Z-28 Hot Rod, automatic, CD player, LS1 350 motor, t-tops W E F I NAN C E
1999 C H EV Y TAHO E LT TAH LT Automatic, power windows & locks, AM / F M c assette, CD player, leather interior........W E F I NAN C E interior........W
Hwy. 29 Next To Target, Spartanburg, SC www.noproblemauto.com
* A few select vehicles do not include warranty
September 8, 2011
www.theupstateshopper.com - 864.542.8015
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18 INCUBAS RIMS: black with new tires, universal 5 lug pattern, off Mazda, $650. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. MICRODOME TWEETERS: 300 watt, brand new in plastic, $10 each. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864503-0085. JVC SPEAKERS: 16, $150. Call 864-398-6259, 864-5799420, 864-670-9296, 864-5764251. AIR FLO METER: for 1977 VW Bettle, new in box, never mounted or used, $99. Call 864-498-1029 TIRES: (4) P195/60R15, good condition, $95. Call 864-9154785.
Auto Collision & Towing
8551 Harmon Dr. Spartanburg, SC 29303
Mon. - Fri. 8am - 5pm Stanley Waters - Owner
SPEAKERS, AMPS, AUDIO, ETC: Large selection. E-Z Money Pawn, 163 John B. White Sr. Blvd. 864-585-0496. AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR: with dryer / receiver for 2001 - 2006 Nissan Sentra, near new $65. Call 864-234-0027 before 6pm, Mauldin CAR TWEETERS & Amp kits. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. RIMS & TIRES: 18 - 23, 24 good condition. E-Z Money Pawn, 163 John B. White Sr. Blvd. 864-585-0496. SONY SOUND SYSTEM: with 3 disc changer & sub woofer. Morgans Pawn Shop 7960 Asheville Hwy 864-503-0085. CLOCK & TACHOMETER COMBO:Didgital for auto under dash, spark plug cleaner, both $25. Call 864-234-0027 before 6pm.Mauldin. 16 DODGE RAM WHEELS: Aluminum with caps and tires, $125. Call 864-612-3390. JUMPER / BOOSTER CABLES: Twinitron, 8 gage copper, 16 feet, military quality, $25. 864-234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin
864-461-8767 1-800-248-0391
E-mail: carpartsinmayo@aol.com
1998 PONTIAC TRANSPORT: Cold air, new tires, V-6, automatic, tilt, cruise, excellent condition, $3200. Call 864-4315941. 1964 CLASSIC FORD GALAXIE: 2 door, hardtop fast back, completely restored, black with red interior, 390 engine, automatic, power steering. Call 704-739-5064. AUTOS: Must sell From $995. Look, drive, make offer. Call 864-578-1261. DB BECOME A FAN: of The Upstate Shopper on Facebook & Twitter! 1990 CADILLAC ELDORADO: Black, 87,000 miles, $3500 obo. Call 864-245-7614. 1981 CAMARO: Original, stock, never raced, never wrecked, t-tops, automatic, loaded, excellent condition, garage kept for 10 years, one owner, $6950 firm. Call 864583-4192.
1998 PONTIAC TRASPORT: new tires, cold air, tilt, cruise, power windows & seats, $3200. Call 864-461-4879 or 864-431-5941. 2001 PONTIAC MONTANNA: Good condition, must major parts replaced, excellent for growing family, $3500. Call 864-621-1694. 1990 FORD AEROSTAR: 2 row back seat, cold dual air, extreemly nice, 150,000 miles, $950. Call 864-497-2522.
1997 FORD RANGER: 4 cylinder, automatic, air, ps, pb, rebuilt trans., runs & drive good, $3000 obo. Call 864497-0196. 1993 TOYOTA 2WD Pickup, auto, 2dr, $4,981. Call 1-877374-9170 1992 CHEVY: V-6, automatic, dependable, $1100. Call 864347-0803. 1971 CHEVY CHEYENNE 10: long 8 bed, automatic, factory air,stock rebuilt, 43,000 miles on Goodwrench 350 motor, 2 wheel drive, paint faded, records available, second owner since 1990 $6499. 864234-0027 before 6pm. Mauldin 1997 CHEVY SILVERADO: Ext. cab, 1500, V-8, automatic, all power, 163,000 miles, $3995. Call 864-279-3565. theupstateshopper.com
1999 FORD F-350: Super duty dully truck, ext. cab, 129,000 miles with 2007 32 Wildcat 5th wheel, 2 slides, 2 bedrooms, like new, $35,000 for both. Call 828-859-9321. 1989 FORD F-150: $1000. 864-804-2225 or 864-2015944. 1992 FORD TRUCK: F-250, straight drive, white, cold air, 4 new tires, $1650. Call 864-4972522. 1993 FORD F-150: Long bed, pump out, $750 firm. Call 828289-7486.
2004 CHEVY Blazer LS, 4x4, cruise, tilt, cd, pw, pdl, alloys, $8,991. Call 1-888-290-1823 2004 FORD EXPLORER XLT: Blue, 87,000 miles, running boards, gray interior, CD player, 3rd row seat, sunroof, keyless entry, air, alloy wheels, excellent condition. Call 864879-0900.
Make the grade when you go back to school by arriving in your new car or truck from Charlies Used Cars
2001 CHEVY CAMARO Black, 8 cylinder, 2 door, automatic, power steering & brakes, air, AM/FM CD player, aluminum wheels $8995 - $2500 Down $75 Per Week
2000 CHEVY S-10 Black, 4 cylinder, 2 door, automatic, power steering & brakes, AM/FM, aluminum wheels $2995 - $800 Down $35 Per Week
2004 GMC YUKON DENALI Gold, 8 cylinder, 4 door, automatic, all power, air, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cassette, CD player, leather interior, chrome wheels, 3rd seat $9995 - $3000 Down $75 Per Week
DODGE CARAVAN CARGO VAN White, 6 cylinder, 4 door, automatic, all power, air tilt, cruise, AM/FM $6995 - $2000 Down $60 Per Week
4 weeks
y Onl $
V-6, leather interior, sunroof, spoiler, CD, all power,
no dealers
Page 16
www.theupstateshopper.com - 864.542.8015
September 8, 2011
1998 LEXUS GS 300
Automatic, sunroof, leather interior, chrome wheels
Low miles, automatic, CD player, leather interior