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DEPARTMENT: Civil engineering
SUBJECT: Sanitary engineering

Turbidity test

Prepared By Supervisor
Abbas Hadi Dr.Ameer Badr
Introduction :
Turbidity, turbidity, or turbidity is the amount of cloud or impurities in the water.
This can vary from a river full of mud and silt where it is impossible to see through
the water (high turbidity), to spring water that appears crystal clear or clear (low

Turbidity can be caused by:

silt, sand and clay;

bacteria and other germs;
chemical deposits.
It is very important to check the cloudiness of domestic water supplies, as these
supplies often undergo some type of water treatment that can be affected by
c loudiness.
It is very important to check the cloudiness of domestic water supplies, as
these supplies often undergo some type of water treatment that can be affected
by cloudiness.

For example, during the rainy season when mud and silt are washed into rivers
and streams, high turbidity can quickly contaminate filters and prevent them
from working effectively.

Objevtives :

the purpose of the experiment

Examining the turbidity of a water sample and thus knowing the suitability of
the water for human consumption..

Turbidity measurement

Turbidity can be measured using either an electronic turbidity meter or a

turbidity tube. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages, as shown

Turbidity is usually measured in renal turbidity units (NTU) or Jackson

turbidity units (JTU), depending on the method used for measurement. The
two units are almost equal.

Devices and tools:

Turbidity measuring device (Nephelo Meteric).

Colloidal solutions known turbidity.
Cylindrical test tubes.

WHO and EPA turbidity standards

The World Health Organization (WHO) and Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA), establishes that the maximum permissible level (MPL) of turbidity in
drinking water should not more than (5 NTU), and should ideally be below (1

Turbidimeter - Lovibond
TB 300 IR

Turbidity scale

There are many different types of electronic turbidity meter available. Its
advantages and disadvantages are as follows:

the benefits:

Extremely accurate and especially useful for measuring very low

disturbances (less than 5 units)

high cost
Need a power source (mains or battery)
easily damaged

It is impossible to give general guidelines on their use here. You should

refer to the manufacturers instructions for the use and maintenance of
these meters.

The method of work

First: Using the Nephilometer:

We connect the turbidity device to electric power and leave it for a period of time
to increase its temperature, and fill the test tube with the sample to be examined
by pipette and placed in the device to know the extent of the turbidity it carries
and indicate the area in which the turbidity of the sample appears by moving the
relevant spiral.

The standard working turbidity solution is placed in the range measured in the
previous step.
Change the internal resistance of the device so that the reading of the scale is
equal to the number of turbidity of the standard solution used.
The tube containing the sample is inserted into the device and its turbidity is read
on the NTU plates.

According to Jackson's method:
This method depends on the ability of the light path through the sample to be
examined, where the lower the darkening, the longer the light path, and vice
versa. The JTU is used.

According to the sake method:
It is used to measure the transmittance of light in a column of water.


It was found in the practical experiment that we conducted that all

the water samples that we tested were unfit for drinking, as the turbidity
values exceeded the barrier of 5 NTU, which makes them unfit for
drinking and should be rejected if they were displayed in a laboratory or
water purification plant.

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