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Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 2022, 24, 1104–1109

Advance access publication 9 February 2022
Original Investigation

Potential Risk Factors of Smokeless Tobacco Consumption

Among Adolescents in South India
Muralidhar M. Kulkarni MD1, Veena G. Kamath MD1, , Asha Kamath PhD2, Sarah Lewis
PhD3, Ilze Bogdanovica MSc, PhD3, Manpreet Bains MSc, PhD3, , Jo Cranwell PhD4, ,
Andrew Fogarty MSc, DM3, Monika Arora PhD5,6, Gaurang P. Nazar PhD5,6, , Kirthinath Ballal
MD1, Ashwath K. Naik MSc2, , Rohith Bhagawath BAMS1, John Britton MD3
Community Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka, India
Department of Data Science, Prasanna School of Public Health, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Udupi, Karnataka, India
UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Department for Health, University of Bath, Bath, UK
HRIDAY, Delhi, India
Health Promotion Division, Public Health Foundation of India, Delhi, India
Corresponding Author: Veena G. Kamath, MD, Community Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Udupi,
Karnataka, India. Telephone: +918202922497; E-mail: veenak@manipal.edu

Introduction: Although most of the disease burden internationally is due to tobacco smoking, smokeless tobacco (SLT) use contributed to an
estimated 76 000 deaths in 2017. We have studied the potential risk factors for SLT use among adolescents in South India.
Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey of all students in grades 6–8 in schools in the Udupi district of Karnataka State ascertained SLT
use status and potential determinants of SLT uptake. Ever SLT use was defined as any reported consumption of any SLT products, currently or
at any time in the past. Independent effects on ever SLT use status were estimated using multiple logistic regression.
Results: Of 46 706 students from 914 participating schools, 39 282 (84.1%) provided questionnaire responses sufficiently complete for analysis.
Ever SLT use was reported by 775 (2.0%) participants and in a mutually adjusted model was significantly related to age, male sex, family use, or
friend’s use of SLT, low socioeconomic status, high rebelliousness, and low self-esteem. After controlling for these effects, the odds of ever-SLT
use were significantly higher among students who had least awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco use (odds ratio 3.7, 95% confidence
interval [2.9, 4.7]) and significantly lower among those not exposed to tobacco advertising (odds ratio 0.7, 95% confidence interval [0.5, 0.8]).
Conclusions: The prevalence of SLT use among children in Karnataka is relatively low when compared with other studies in India. The significant
potential risk factors of SLT use include low awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco and tobacco control policies and exposure to tobacco
Implications: The prevalence of SLT use among school going adolescents in South India is relatively low. The potential risk factors for SLT use
among adolescents in southern India are similar to those for smoked tobacco. It includes age, male gender, family or friend’s use of SLT, low
socioeconomic status, high rebelliousness, low self-esteem, exposure to tobacco advertisement and least awareness about the harmful effects
of tobacco and of tobacco control policies. The present study lays emphasis regarding creating awareness about tobacco harms and control
policies for further reducing tobacco use among adolescents.

Introduction In terms of DALY’s lost, more than 85% of the SLT-related

Tobacco use is a major cause of global morbidity and mortal- burden is in South and Southeast Asia, of which India accounted
ity, currently accounting for over 8 million deaths each year.1 for 70%, Pakistan for 7%, and Bangladesh for 5%.4 In a large
Most of this disease burden arises from tobacco smoking, but case–control analysis carried out in India, it was observed
smokeless tobacco (SLT) use contributed an estimated 76 000 that SLT use was associated with increased risk of cancers,
deaths in 2017.2 Globally, there are around 357 million adult cardiovascular diseases, and stroke. The age, sex, education,
SLT users, of whom 83% live in the Southeast Asian region, and study area adjusted mortality odds ratio was 30% higher
where SLT use has been reported to be more prevalent than (relative risk [RR]: 1.3, 95% confidence interval: 1.2–1.4)
tobacco smoking.3 The use of SLT has been reported in 127 in ever tobacco chewers compared with never chewers and
countries in different continents across the world and particu- caused 7.1% of deaths from all medical causes.6
larly, in the Southeast Asian region4 where it is an accepted In India, SLT is easily available, affordable, attractively
practice in society and widely perceived to be less harmful packaged, and used by more than one fifth of the population
than smoked tobacco.5 They are also marketed by the to- aged 15 years and older, with initiation of use often occurring
bacco industry for use as short-term substitutes for smoking before 10 years of age.7,8 Studies in India and other countries
in smoke-free environments.5 have identified gender, educational level, family influence,

Received: December 15, 2020. Revised: December 1, 2021. Accepted: February 3, 2022
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/),
which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2022, Vol. 24, No. 7 1105

wealth index (inverse association), urban–rural residence, and HRIDAY’s Mobilizing Youth for Tobacco-Related
socioeconomic status, and low tax as important determinants Initiatives in India (MYTRI) project.22 Questions on expos-
of tobacco use.9–12 ure to and awareness of tobacco products in retail outlets,
The SLT industry has grown exponentially in the past two including brand recognition, were adapted from those used
decades in the country, suggesting that many more people for smoked tobacco in the Nottingham Schools study.23,24
have started using the product.7 In response to the wide- The students were asked to mention the names of the to-
spread use of both smoked and smokeless tobacco products bacco brands if they had noticed during their visit to Point
and their harmful consequence, the Government of India has of Sale. Awareness of health warnings and mass media cam-
introduced tobacco control policies and programs that in- paigns were evaluated using questions from the GYTS-India
clude health warnings covering 85% of the surface of tobacco and Nottingham Schools surveys, adapted to include aware-
packs, banning the sale of gutkha, issuing tobacco-free edu- ness of graphic and printed health warnings, and recall of
cational institution guidelines and increasing taxation.8,13–15 exposure to tobacco control media campaigns. Questions
Among children, use of SLT in adolescents aged 13–15 years were included on the tobacco control policies adopted by the
in India has declined from 14.0% in 2003 to 4.1% in 2019.16 respondent’s school and in the family home, and on family
The myriad ways of SLT use, its product and sale mainly SLT use, peer SLT use, self-esteem, and rebelliousness.25–27 We
being an unorganized sector, and limited research on risk fac- measured socioeconomic status through a question on owner-
tors of SLT use and enormous health impact associated with ship of household goods, grouping participants into quintiles
it warrant further research 17. Hence, this study was carried of family wealth.28 We also asked students how often they
out in Udupi, a district in south India that is self-declared visit small shops or supermarkets and whether they notice
as high compliance district with respect to implementation tobacco brands on display during their visit, using previously
of Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), to validated questions24 with responses categorized as binary
identify the gaps that could help in further strengthening the variables, indicating that they had noticed tobacco brands on
tobacco control measures. This study, which is part of a lar- display during their visit to the points of sale, or had not. The
ger research work on all forms of tobacco use, presents data questions on awareness included the effect of tobacco use on
on the potential risk factors of SLT use among school going health; harms of tobacco use; tobacco control policies such
adolescents. as laws banning sale of gutkha (a SLT product), tobacco-free
school policies and regarding the ban on sale of tobacco prod-
ucts to minors. Correct responses were given a score of one
Methods and an incorrect response zero, summed for each student and
We used a cross-sectional questionnaire survey to measure the grouped into tertiles representing levels of knowledge labeled
prevalence and determinants of SLT use in students in grades as low, medium, and high. Other variables included are ex-
6, 7, and 8 (aged between 10 and 15 years) in all the consent- plained in detail in Supplementary File 1.
ing schools of Udupi district in Karnataka State in Southern
India which is a high compliance district18 for implementa- Data Analysis
tion of tobacco control policies. The said district was chosen Data were extracted from completed questionnaires into
as the findings drawn from survey among children living in Microsoft Excel using Optical Mark Reader scanning and
an environment in which government tobacco control policy transferred into STATA 9.2 software for analysis. Ever SLT
is already in place, will provide an insight into the effective- use was defined as any reported SLT product use, currently
ness of and a potential for improvement in these policies. or in the past and current SLT use as use of any SLT prod-
After obtaining the principal’s consent, researchers visited the uct in the last 30  days. Associations between ever SLT use
school twice: first, to distribute a study information sheet for and all variables were evaluated using logistic regression to
students and parental information and opt-out consent forms estimate the effects of potential explanatory variables on the
to all students in grades 6–8, and second, during a period risk of SLT use. Demographic and environmental variables
of approximately 45 minutes scheduled into the schooldays, were explored first and all which were significantly (p < .05)
3–14  days later, to distribute questionnaires for completion associated with ever SLT use were retained in the model. The
by all consenting students whose parents did not exercise the potential for collinearity (for example maternal and paternal
opt-out. education) was explored by fitting each individually in the
Of 924 schools with 6-8 grades in Udupi district, 914 model. We then included the variables measuring antitobacco
schools agreed to be part of the survey. As school attendance and protobacco activities and awareness of tobacco hazards
rates are high, we studied only those children present on the and tobacco control policies that were significantly associ-
arranged study day; if for any reason (e.g., heavy monsoon ated in univariate analysis in the model. We used the logistic
rains) fewer than 80% of students were in attendance, the regression model instead of the log binomial model as the
survey was rescheduled. The surveys did not contain any per- prevalence of ever SLT use was lower than 10%.
sonal identifiers, and confidentiality was maintained. Further Ethics approval was granted by the Manipal and
details about survey method is provided in a paper on to- Nottingham University Ethics Committees, Centre for
bacco smoking in this population.19 Chronic Disease Control, India and the Health Ministry’s
Screening Committee. Data were collected between July 2017
Questionnaire Design and Study Variables and January 2018.
The questionnaire elicited information on current and past
use of SLT and frequency of use (never; ever but not now; less
than once a week; once a week; daily) for products including Results
chewable tobacco, gutka, khaini, zarda, and snuff,20 using Of the 46 706 students in grades 6–8 in 914 schools, 3066 were
questions adapted from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey21 absent on the day of the survey, 271 declined to participate,
1106 Kulkarni et al.

315 were excluded by parental opt-out, and 6 students con- more common among males (1.7 [1.4, 2.0]), SLT use allowed
sented but did not complete a questionnaire. The remaining at home (3.2 [2.7, 3.8]), respondents reporting family use or
43 048 students (92%) completed the survey questionnaire. friend’s use of SLT, those of low socioeconomic status, high
After excluding 3766 questionnaires with insufficient or rebelliousness, low self-esteem and below average school per-
otherwise unusable data, 39  282 questionnaires (represent- formance (1.9 [1.3, 2.7]) (Supplementary Table 1).
ing 84% of the eligible students in consenting schools) were Among SLT ever users, age at initiation was 10 or lower for
available for analysis. Respondents included similar propor- 29.6% of students (Table 1). Similar proportions of students
tions of males (51%) and females (49%), and most partici- used each of the five different types of SLT that included snuff,
pants were of Hindu religion (83.3%) and from rural areas khaini, chewable tobacco, gutkha, and zarda, and of those re-
(80.1%). porting frequency of use, almost half had used no more than
Ever SLT use was reported by 775 (2.0%) students, and in one pack in the past 30 days (Table 1). Current use of SLT
multivariate analysis differed significantly between ages, being was reported among 381(49.2%) of ever users and amounts
most common among 11  year olds; and being significantly to 1.0% of the study population. Likewise, 412 (53.2%) of

Table 1.  Characteristics of Smokeless Tobacco Initiation Among Ever Smokeless Tobacco Users (n = 775)

Characteristic Number %

Smokeless tobacco use (n = 39 282)

  Never used 38 507 98.0
  Used smokeless tobacco in past 338 0.9
  Used smokeless tobacco sometimes but less than once a week 200 0.5
  Used smokeless tobacco one to six times in a week 120 0.3
  Used smokeless tobacco more than six times a week 117 0.3
Current smokeless tobacco use (n = 775)
  Not used in last 30 days 392 50.6
  Used in last 30 days 381 49.2
  No response 2 0.2
Age at initiation (years) (n = 775)
 <7 44 5.7
 8 67 8.7
 9 21 2.7
 10 98 12.7
 11 49 6.3
 12 97 12.5
 13 28 3.6
 14 39 5.0
 15 66 8.5
  No response 266 34.3
Type of tobacco use (n = 775)
  Smokeless tobacco users 363 46.8
  Both smoking and smokeless (dual) tobacco users 412 53.2
Products used in last 30 days
 Snuff 54 7.0
 Khaini 77 9.9
  Chewable tobacco 62 8.0
 Gutkha 67 8.7
 Zarda 59 7.6
 Others 62 8.0
  No response 394 50.8
Packets used in past 30 days
  I used but did not buy 47 6.1
  1 packet 146 18.8
  2–5 packets 56 7.2
  5–10 packets 76 9.8
  >10 packets 54 7.0
  No response 396 51.1
Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2022, Vol. 24, No. 7 1107

the ever users reported to have used smoking products also, included all schools in rural, urban, and semiurban localities
with a prevalence of 1.0% among the study population. of the district and achieved a very high participation rate in
After adjusting for the effects of independent significant a relatively short time interval. Our findings are thus likely
variables identified in Supplementary Table 1, use of SLT was to be highly representative, though the cross-sectional study
found to be significantly less common among those who had design inevitably limits any inference as to the causal nature
not participated in antitobacco activities or were aware of the of the risk associations identified. The overall prevalence of
health harms of tobacco or current tobacco control policies SLT use in our study population was low in relation to those
or who had not seen tobacco advertising (Table 2). There was from other countries in Southeast Asia region and in southern
no significant association between SLT use and participating India, but our study population was younger than those in
in an educational class on health hazards of tobacco and previous reports.5,30,31 On these grounds, the expected finding
having heard or seen antitobacco media messages (Table 2). that SLT use was more common among males similar to global
Having seen tobacco products at the point of sale in shops estimates31 suggests that our findings are likely to be represen-
was not associated with SLT use on univariate analysis and tative of the wider population of children in southern India.
hence it was not included in the model for analysis. In previous studies in India, the prevalence of SLT use has
typically been higher than that of smoking,20,30 but in the pre-
sent study, the prevalence of SLT use was lower, at 2%, than
Discussion that of smoking (2.4%) in this cohort.19 Whether this contrast
This study shows that SLT use among adolescents in grades represents a declining trend in SLT use is not clear. It is also
6–8 in schools in southern India was uncommon, at 2%, but not clear whether the lower prevalence of SLT use signifies
more common among males, those of lower socioeconomic diversion of adolescents from use of smokeless to smoked to-
status, homes where SLT use is allowed, those whose friends bacco. The extent to which these differences are due to the
and family used SLT, and among the more rebellious and types of SLT available or local or national policies on tobacco
those with lower self-esteem. SLT use was more common use is unknown.
among those with low awareness of the health harms of to- Among adults, the GATS II survey in 2016–2017 for India
bacco and tobacco control policies, those who had partici- has revealed a relative reduction of 33% in SLT use compared
pated in antitobacco activities, and those who reported ex- with the GATS I  survey in 2009–2010 among people aged
posure to tobacco advertising. 15 years and older.32 Similarly, among adolescents aged 13–
The potential risk factors of SLT use observed in our study 15 years also SLT use has reduced by 50% between 2009 and
are similar to those found in other studies done not only in 2019 as per GYTS, surveys III8 and IV,16 respectively.
India but also from other Southeast Asian countries.7,10,29 Surveys on age at initiation of SLT use in different parts
Although our study was done in a single district, our sample of the country have reported varying proportions of children

Table 2.  Exposure to Antitobacco and Protobacco Activities and Ever Smokeless Tobacco Use

Characteristic Number Ever users (%) Crude OR (95% CI) p Adjusted OR** (95% CI) p

Class on health hazards of tobacco <.001 .089

 Yes 7917 208 (2.6) 1 1
 No 31 365 567 (1.8) 0.7 (0.6, 0.8) 0.8 (0.7, 1.0)
Participated in antitobacco activity <.001 <.001
 Yes 7675 276 (3.6) 1 1
 No 31 607 499 (1.6) 0.4 (0.4, 0.5) 0.5 (0.4, 0.6)
Heard or seen antitobacco media messages <.001 .252
 Yes 25 176 572 (2.3) 1 1
 No 14 106 203 (1.4) 0.6 (0.5, 0.7) 0.9 (0.7, 1.1)
Awareness of tobacco harms and <.001# <.001#
control policies (grade)
  <6 (low) 9057 394 (4.4) 5.3 (4.2, 6.5) 3.7 (2.9, 4.7)
  6–7 (medium) 17 877 275 (1.5) 1.8 (1.4, 2.3) 1.8 (1.4, 2.3)
  >7 (high) 12 348 106 (0.9) 1 1
Exposure to tobacco advertisements <.001 <.001
 Yes 30 111 668 (2.2) 1 1
 No 9171 107 (1.2) 0.5 (0.4, 0.6) 0.7 (0.5, 0.8)
Exposure to tobacco products display at PoS .338
 Yes 36 196 707 (2.0) 0.9 (0.7, 1.1)
 No 3086 68 (2.2) 1

CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio.

Adjusted OR are mutually adjusted for all significant variables in univariate analysis in Table 2 and significant variables of multivariate model of
Supplementary Table 1 that included age, gender, home smokeless tobacco use allowed, family and Friend Smokeless tobacco use, wealth quintile,
rebelliousness, self-esteem, school performance.
p value for trend.
1108 Kulkarni et al.

initiating SLT use by the age of 10 years, with variation from Supplementary Material
30% in North India to 65% in North East India.33,34 In an-
A Contributorship Form detailing each author’s specific in-
other study done in a neighboring state to Karnataka, 40%
volvement with this content, as well as any supplementary
of children in schools had tried tobacco products by age of
data, are available online at https://academic.oup.com/ntr.
10.35 Although our study was done a decade later and a rela-
tively high proportion of participants did not provide data
on the type or quantity of SLT used, still 29.6% of ever users Funding
reported to have tried SLT products by the age of 10. Besides,
This work was supported by the Medical Research Council
in recently released GYTS IV report (2019), the median age of
(grant number MR/P008933/1) of the United Kingdom under
starting SLT use is 9.9 years in India. This observation high-
the Global Alliance for Chronic Lung diseases program.
lights the need to develop interventions to try to prevent this
uptake of tobacco at a young age.
The commonly used SLT products in our study in- Acknowledgments
cluded Khaini (nearly 10%) and gutkha (nearly 9%)
The authors thank the Deputy Director of Public Instructions
and is consistent with adult use pattern seen in GATS.32
of Udupi district for the permission, all the students who par-
Furthermore, it also indicates that despite the ban (in 2013
ticipated in the survey, and the teachers for helping in the
in Karnataka),36,37 Gutkha is still available and accessible
coordination. They also acknowledge the contributions of the
even to minors. This requires an enhanced enforcement of
research assistants and data collectors for their meticulous
Gutkha ban in the state. Although exposure to tobacco prod-
data collection.
ucts display at point of sale (PoS) did not have significant
association with SLT use, studies done in United Kingdom
reported PoS display to increase susceptibility to smok- Author Contribution
ing. This contrasting findings could be due to difference
JB and MMK conceptualized the study. The research plan was
in the existing policies and its implementation in the two
strengthened by SL, JC, AK, AF, MA, and VGK. Questionnaire
was developed by MMK, JB, AF, and IB and refined with in-
Our study demonstrates that adolescents who are rela-
puts from MA, GPN, MB, KB, and VGK. Data collection in
tively aware of the health hazards of tobacco use or tobacco
the field was coordinated by RB and supervised by MMK,
control policies are less likely to use SLT, a finding in line
KB, VGK, and AK. The quantitative data analysis was done
with previously reported evidence5,7 though merely attending
by AK, AKN, and SL. Interpretation of data and drafting the
classes on health hazards was not found to be significantly
manuscript were done by JB, MMK, IB, VGK, AK, SL, and
associated with SLT use in contrast to other studies.11 This
MA. Final approval of the version was read and approved by
emphasizes the importance of educating adolescents about
all authors.
tobacco-related harms and tobacco control policies in this
vulnerable age group as a means to prevent initiation of to-
bacco use. However, we also observed that participating in Declaration of Interests
antitobacco activities was associated with a higher likelihood
None declared.
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