Automatic Plant Watering System Gelagay PDF
Automatic Plant Watering System Gelagay PDF
Automatic Plant Watering System Gelagay PDF
First of all our heartfelt gratitude goes to our School of Electrical and Computer Engineering for
giving such a chance to work. Next, we would like to thank our advisor Mr. Abere Getachew for
his unreserved guidance, suggestions and advices. We are grateful to his motivation for the
timely completion of the project, and his dynamic suggestions for solutions to any challenges
during the total work of this project.
Finally, we extend our gratefulness to one and all who are directly or indirectly involved in the
successful completion of this project work.
In present days, in the field of agriculture farmers are facing major problems in watering their
crops. It‟s because they don‟t have proper idea about the availability of the power. Even if it is
available, they need to pump water and wait until the field is properly watered, which compels
them to stop doing other activities which are also important for them, and thus they loss their
precious time and efforts. But, there is a solution “An Automatic Plant watering System “not
only helps farmers but also others for watering their gardens as well.
The aim of this project is to use control engineering principles and concepts to provide a
microcontroller based automatic plant watering system. The system will help in saving money
and water and at the same time increasing crops production. The automatic plant watering system
is controlled using ATmega328 micro controller based on arduino platform. The soil
moisture/humidity levels are checked using soil moisture sensor. Whenever there is a change in
moisture/humidity in the soil this sensor senses the change and gives an interrupt signal to the
micro-controller and thus the watering system is activated or deactivated.
KEY WORDS: Automatic watering, Soil moisture, Arduino uno, sensor, water pump.
IC – Integrated Circuit
1.1 Brief Background
The continuous increase in food demand requires a rapid improvement in food production
technologies. Food insecurity is a major challenge in developing countries. In a country like
Ethiopia where the economy is mainly agriculture based, use of technology to improve on yields
is paramount.
Agriculture in Ethiopia is mainly rain fed. Global warming has led to climate changing thus
rendering the rain fed agricultural systems unreliable. This has resulted on more land being put
under irrigation to meet the food demand for the growing population.
In agriculture, one of the most important job is to watering the farming land. Most of the farmers
use the manual control over the land that is to monitor the pumping or watering the land by
visiting the site. This will surely need more and more labor and as a result the efficiency of work
may be degraded. An automatic system can be developed to monitor all the controlling operation.
Automatic control system reduces the human labor and increase the efficiency of the
corresponding work.
In this project, an automatic control system is introduced for watering the land by measuring the
humidity or in other word the temperature. The system measures the humidity of the soil and
depending upon the condition it will provide the needed water in the land.
The agriculture technique has been developed day to day all over the world and so the agriculture
engineering has been enhanced gradually to serve the world with more integrated and efficient
system. It will sense the humidity in a continuous fashion. There is a sensor included in this
system which senses the humidity and sends the record to the Microcontroller. The pumps are
connected with the system relay circuit. There are two conditions are set in between which the
pump will be ON or OFF. When the water supply is needed, Microcontroller sends digital pulse
to the system to enable the relay circuit and the water will be supplied till the time the pump will
be ON.
The majority of the farmers need to travel to the field every time to switch on/off the motor,
hence wasting time. To overcome this problem, we designed an automatic plant watering system
using arduino microcontroller. With the proposed work, the farmer can save his time by turning
on/off the motor automatically.
The objective of this project is to provide water to the plants automatically using microcontroller.
The objectives of our system can be divided into two categories which are as follows.
To develop effective and convenient automatic plant watering system to increase the productivity
of crops.
1.4 Methodology
For successful completion of this project some steps will be followed to carry out different tasks.
Different literature will be revised relating to this project and data will be collected about
automatic plant watering system. Some software's were selected to develop the software
programming. All the required materials are not available Arduino software so some sensors like
YL-69 SMS were replaced by equivalent materials.
The system consists of hardware and software. The hardware part involves Arduino Uno R3
microcontroller, motor pump, sensors, Relay and power supply. The software part is the Arduino
Board is programmed using the Arduino IDE software used to interface hardware and proteus 8
professional. The Arduino Based Automatic model atomization of agricultural environment for
social modernization of agricultural system will be made in the following steps:
Complete layout of the whole setup will be drawn inform of a block diagram.
Sensor will first sense the condition and give its output to the Arduino microcontroller &
displayed on the LCD.
The soil condition is checked by moisture sensor, depending upon the soil condition &
water level, water pump motor is turned on or off.
Literature review
Collection of data
Analyzing the
selected data
A sensor is a device that detects and measures a physical quantity from the environment and
converts it into an electronic signal. The physical quantity could be moisture, temperature,
motion, light or any other physical phenomenon. Examples of sensors include: oxygen sensors,
temperature sensors, infra-red sensors, humidly sensors, soil moisture sensors and motion
detection sensors. The output of the sensors is usually charge, current or voltage. [4]
2.1.1 Soil Moisture Sensors
A soil moisture sensor is a device that measures the volumetric water content (VWC) of soil.
Mathematically VWC, θ, is given as follows;
Equation 2-1: mathematical representation of VWC
Where: Vw is the water volume and VT is the total volume (soil volume + water volume).
Soil moisture sensors are classified according to how they measure the soil moisture content.
2.1.2 Types of soil moisture sensors Electrical resistance blocks Sensors
These sensors are made up of two electrodes made from a porous substance like sand ceramic
mixture or gypsum. The two electrodes are imbedded in the soil during installation. [4] Moisture
is allowed to move freely in and out of the sensors electrodes as the soil becomes moist or dries
up. The resistance of the electrodes to the flow current is correlated with moisture content. To
measure this resistance the electrodes are biased (energized) with a dc voltage and the current
flowing through them measured. Applying Ohm‟s law;
Where: R is resistance (Unknown) (Ω)
V is biasing voltage (3.3V to 5.0V)
I is the current flowing through the electrodes (Amps)
electricity. A large volume of water will mean more ions and thus better electric conduction.
Electrical conductivity probes sensors takes advantage of this phenomenon. [4]
The amount of current passing between the probes is directly proportional to the soil moisture
content. Moist soil allow more current to flow between the probes while drier soils only allow a
little current to flow between the probes. Better conductivity indicates a lower electrical
resistance. Most of the soil moisture sensors currently in the market especially for small projects
are Electrical conductivity probes sensors. They have the following advantages.
They are cheap
They are readily available
Easy to calibrate and install Dielectric sensors
Dielectric sensors measure the soil water content in the soil by measuring the dielectric
permittivity of the soil. A dielectric material is substance that does not conductor electricity, but
supports electrostatic fields efficiently. At some cases dielectric substance are referred to as
insulators. The volume of water in the soil influences the dielectric permittivity of soil. [4].The
dielectric of water which is 80.4 is greater than other soil constituents. Therefore change in the
amount of water in the soil will directly lead to change in the soil dielectric permittivity.
Dielectric sensors are very complex to build thus making them very expensive. These sensors are
mostly used in scientific research owing to their high accuracy and cost.
Dielectric sensors are classified into two types namely: Capacitance sensors and Time Domain
Reflectometry (TDR) sensors. These sensors do not measure electrical conductivity while
measuring soil moisture. [7] Capacitance sensors
Capacitance sensors use frequency domain reflectometry (FDR).Frequency domain reflectometry
is the measure of signal reflections through a medium across frequency. Capacitance sensors
contain two electrodes which are separated by a dielectric material.
The soil becomes the dielectric component after the electrodes are inserted into the soil; it could
even be inserted into the access tube in the soil to achieve the same results. A high oscillating
frequency is thereafter applied to the electrodes to induce a resonant frequency. The magnitude of
the resonant frequency is dependent on the dielectric constant of the soil which in turns
depends on or can change to the soil‟s moisture content. The change of the frequency as a result
of the soil‟s moisture content is converted into the measurement of the soil moisture. Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) sensors
Time Domain Reflectometry uses the principle of waveguides. The actual content of water in the
soil is measured under this technology and not the water potential. [7] The TDR device sends
signals to the rods inserted in the soil. The time required for an electromagnetic signal to travel
along the wave guide is measured. The rate at which the send signal returns is used to measure
the water content in the soil. The return rate is dependent on the dielectric properties of the soil.
The signal takes longer time in moisture soils and shorter time in dry soil. This pulse signal is
then converted into soil moisture measurement. [4] TDR sensors give accurate readings faster
and require very little maintenance. The major disadvantage of TDR sensors is that they require
different calibrations depending on different soil types. Heat dissipation sensors
Heat dissipation sensors measure the soil moisture content by measuring the amount of heat
dissipated from a medium which is of ceramic kind in most cases. The water contained in the
medium spaces is directly proportional to the heat dissipated from the medium. [8]The less the
water contained in the medium the less the heat dissipated and more heat is dissipated if the water
contained in the medium is high. More heat dissipated leads to lower reading on the sensor and
less heat dissipated leads to higher reading on the sensor.
The sensor uses the principle of capillarity. Capillary forces influence movement of water
between the sensor medium and the surrounding soil. Heat dissipation sensors are independent of
soil salinity thus not affected by soil type. They require minimum or no calibration at all. On the
downside this type of sensors are very expensive. Tensiometer Sensors
Tensiometers sensors measure the soil moisture content in the soil by measuring the moisture
tension/suction in the soil. Tensiometers sensors is made up of two major parts; a plastic tube
which has a ceramic porous medium at its tip and a vacuum gauge on the opposite end. [7]
During installation the ceramic tip is buried in the soil at the calibrated depth which should be as
near as possible to the plants root area. The vacuum gauge measures the effort the plants roots
have to put to extract water from the soil. [4]This is the measure of the soil measure tension
which is measured in centibars.
Development stage of the plants root also determines the SMSs calibration. [7] The soil type and
crops water requirements greatly influence the sensors calibration.
2.1.5 Maintenance
The technology used to design the sensors determines the regularity of maintenance. Electric
resistance and conductance sensors tend to corrode with time and thus require regular
maintenance and replacement. TDT and TDR sensors are the most stable and durable thus
requiring minimum maintenance.
2.2 Microcontroller
A microcontroller is a single on chip computer which includes number of peripherals like RAM,
EEPROM, Timers etc., required to perform some predefined task. [1] There are different
microcontroller families including: 8051, PIC (Programmable Interface Controller) and AVR.
Microcontrollers are used in digital applications as control units. [3] Some microcontrollers come
with their in-build circuits like Analog to digital convertors or digital to analog convertors.
Microcontrollers are mostly programmed using assembly language but in recent years high level
languages like C, C++ PASCAL and java have been used. [5] High level programming of
microcontrollers brings the advantage of not having a different program for each microcontroller
manufacturer. High level programming is also neat, easy to document and maintain and user
2.2.1 Types of Microcontrollers 8051
These are among the earlier microcontrollers to be fabricated. Due to superiority in technology in
the newer versions, very few companies still fabricate 8051. Earlier types of 8051 have 12 clocks
per instruction whereas the newer versions have 6 clocks per instruction. 8051 microcontroller
does not have an in built memory bus and ADC. First 8051 microcontroller to be fabricated with
Harvard architecture was done in 1980 by Intel. [1] Programmable Interface Controller (PIC)
Programmable Interface Controllers are commonly referred to as PIC. PICs are slightly older
than 8051 microcontrollers. PICs are preferred to 8051 because of their small low pin count
devices. PICs perform better and are affordable than 8051. [3] The Microchip technology
fabricated the single chip microcontroller PIC with Harvard architecture. The only major
downside of PIC is its programming part is very tedious. PICs are hence not recommended for
beginners. AVR:
In 1996, Atmel fabricated this single chip microcontroller with a modified Harvard Architecture.
This chip is loaded with C- compiler and a free IDE. Like PIC, AVR microcontrollers are
difficult for the beginners to work with. AVR microcontroller has on-chip boot-loader thus AVR
can be programmed easily without any external programmer. [3] AVR controllers has number of
I/O ports, timers/counters, interrupts, A/D converters, USART, I2C interfaces, PWM channels,
on-chip analog comparators.[8]
2.2.2 Arduino
Arduino is an open-source electronics design platform. The Arduino board is specially designed
for programming and prototyping with Atmel microcontrollers. [5] An arduino interacts with
physical world via sensors. Using arduino; electric equipments can be designed to respond to
change in physical elements like temperature, humidity, heat or even light. [5] This is the
automation process. For example, reading a humidity sensor and turning on and off of an
automatic irrigation system. There several types of arduino boards.
The open-source Arduino environment allows one to write code and load it onto the Arduino
board's memory. The development environment is written in Java and based on Processing,
AVR-GCC, and other open source software. [5] The Arduino programming language is an
implementation of Wiring, a similar physical computing platform, which is based on the
Processing multimedia programming environment. The arduino software is published as open
source tools, available for extension by experienced programmers. The language can be expanded
through C++ libraries, and people wanting to understand the technical details can make the leap
from Arduino to the AVR C programming language on which it's based. Similarly, AVR-C code
can be added directly into the Arduino programs if one so wishes. [5]
2.2.3 Types of arduino boards Legacy Versions
Arduino legacy versions include Arduino NG, Diecimila, and the Duemilanove. These arduinos
use ATMEGA168 chips. They require manual selection of either USB or battery power.[5] For
Arduino NG one is required to hold the rest button on the board for a few seconds before
uploading a program on to it.
Have three 8-bit bi-directional I/O ports with internal pull-up resistors.
32K Bytes of flash memory.
2K Bytes of RAM
Operating Voltage 1.8 - 5.5V
Programmable Serial USART
as opposed to analog signals are used. There are a number of components used in electronic
switching today.
2.3.1The Triac Switching circuit
The Triac is a two thyristors connected back to back, used for high or medium power control for
both a.c and d.c applications. Either of electrodes A2 and A1 can act as anode and either is
cathode. The device can be triggered by either positive or negative voltage on the gate with
respect to A2. This device is effectively two thyristors (SCR s) back to back in construction with
an external n-region which is the gate.
Triode for Alternating Current (TRIAC) is an electronic component-of the thyristor family- that
can conduct current in either direction when it is triggered. Due to this capability a TRIAC is also
known as bidirectional triode thyristor or bilateral triode thyristor. TRIAC has 3-terminals. There
are two Main Terminals, A1 and A2 which carry the heavy current that is being switched, and a
control terminal, the Gate, G, which accepts the control signal to turn the switch on.
The bi-directionality makes TRIACs very convenient switches for AC circuits, also allowing
them to control very large power flows with only mill ampere-scale gate currents. In addition,
applying a trigger pulse at a controlled phase angle in an AC cycle allows one to control the
percentage of current that flows through the TRIAC to the load (phase control), which is
commonly used, for example, in controlling the speed of low-power induction motors, in
dimming lamps and in controlling AC heating resistors.
than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Today, some transistors are
packaged individually, but many more are found embedded in integrated circuits.
The transistor is the fundamental building block of modern electronic devices, and is ubiquitous
in modern electronic systems. Following its development in the early 1950s, the transistor
revolutionized the field of electronics, and paved the way for smaller and cheaper radios,
calculators, and computers, among other things. Transistors are commonly used as electronic
switches, both for high-power applications such as switched-mode power supplies and for low
power applications such as logic gates. (5) In a typical transistor switch, when the mechanical
switch is open, there is no base current; therefore there is no collector current. When the switch is
closed, the base rises to value equal to VBE, now current flows in the collector of the transistor;
in this case, the transistor is a closed switch. This is the basis of operation of transistors. The
transistor's low cost, flexibility, and reliability have made it a ubiquitous device. Transistorized
mechatronic circuits have replaced electromechanical devices in controlling appliances and
machinery. It is often easier and cheaper to use a standard microcontroller and write a computer
program to carry out a control function than to design an equivalent mechanical control function.
Soil moisture sensor
Power supply
Relay Motor/
Moisture motor
The power supply provides power to the Arduino, to the LCD and motor pump. There are two
functional components in this project. They are the moisture sensors and the motor/water pump.
Thus the Arduino Board is programmed using the Arduino IDE software. The function of the
moisture sensor is to sense the level of moisture in the soil. The motor/water pump supplies water
to the plants. This project uses Arduino Uno to controls the motor. Follow the schematic to
connect the Arduino to the motor driver, and the driver to the water pump. The motor can be
driven by a 10-12 volt power sources. The moisture sensor measures the level of moisture in the
soil and sends the signal to the Arduino if watering is required. The motor/water pump supplies
water to the plants until the desired moisture level is reached.
Figure 3.2: Block diagram of regulated power supply system
Each of the blocks has its own function as described below:
1. Transformer – steps down high voltage AC mains to low voltage AC.
2. Rectifier – converts AC to DC, but the DC output is varying.
amplitude. What is a step down transformer: is one whose secondary voltage is less than its
primary voltage. It is designed to reduce the voltage from the primary winding to the secondary
winding. This kind of transformer “steps down” the voltage applied to it. As a step-down unit, the
transformer converts high-voltage, low-current power into low-voltage, high-current power. The
larger-gauge wire used in the secondary winding is necessary due to the increase in current. The
primary winding, which doesn‟t have to conduct as much current, may be made of smaller gauge
A rectifier is a circuit that converts AC signals to DC. A rectifier circuit is made using diodes.
There are two types of rectifier circuits as Half-wave rectifier and Full-wave rectifier depending
Upon the DC signal generated. Here Full-wave bridge rectifier is used to generate dc signal.
A bridge rectifier makes use of four diodes in a bridge arrangement to achieve full-wave
rectification. This is a widely used configuration, both with individual diodes wired as shown and
with single component bridges where the diode bridge is wired internally.
Select humidity
YES Moisture<desi NO
red value
Turn off
Turn on motor pump
motor pump
Working Principle
If the moisture value less than the desired value, the motor will pump water.
If the moisture value greater than the desired value, the motor will stop pumping water.
Arduino uno is the most common arduino type. This arduino type uses ATmega328 AVR
GND: short for „Ground‟. This ground pin on the Arduino can be used to ground our circuit.
5V&3.3V: The 5v pin supplies 5volts of power, and the 3.3v pin supplies 3.3 volts of power.
Analog: The area of pins under the „Analog in‟ label (A0 through A5 on the UNO) are analog in
pins. These pins can read the signal form an analog sensors (like a temperature sensor) and
convert it into a digital value that we can read.
Digital: Across from the analog pins are the digital pins (0 through 13 on the UNO). These pins
can be used for both digital input (like telling if button is pushed) and digital output (like
powering an LED).
PWM: Some of the digital pins (3, 5, 6,9,10 and 11 on the UNO). These pins act as normal
digital pins, but can also be used for something called Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM). These
pins as being able to simulate analog output (like fading an LED in and out). PWM signal is
needed for the buzzer to generate sound.
AREF: Stand for Analog Reference. Most of the time we can leave this pin alone. It is sometimes
used to set an external reference voltage (between 0 and 5 volts) as the upper limit for the analog
input pins.
TX RX LEDs: TX is short for transmit, RX short for receive. These marking appear quite a bit in
electronics to indicate the pins responsible for serial communication. In our case, there are two
places on the Arduino UNO where TX and RX appear-once by digital pins 0 and 1, and a second
time next to the TX and RX indicator LEDs. These LEDs will give as some nice visual indication
s whenever or Arduino is receiving or transmitting data (like when we are loading a new program
on to the board).
ATMega328 microcontroller on arduino platform was selected the control unit of the
microcontroller. Arduino Uno was selected from the expansive arduino family. Arduino Uno has
a total of 20 inputs pins of which 14 are digital and 6 are analog inputs. The digital pins can be
used as either inputs or outputs and also 6 of the 14 pins can be utilized as PMW. The board has a
16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection and a power jack.
In the design of the system analog pins were selected as the arduino input and digital pin was selected as
the arduino output pins.
Pin Connections
Analog Pin 1 Connection to Soil Moisture
Analog Pin 2 Connection to battery 1.5v
Digital pin 2 LCD D7 pin
Digital pin 3 LCD D6 pin
Digital pin 4 LCD D5 pin
Digital pin 5 LCD D4 pin
Digital pin 8 LED-RED
Digital pin 9 LED-GREEN
Digital pin 10 LED-YELLOW
Digital pin 11 LCD Enable
Digital pin 12 LCD RS pin
Digital pin 13 Connection to Water Pump
GND Ground
Table 3.1 Selected pins on arduino
YL-69 soil moisture sensor was interfaced to the arduino through a digital a PCB drive. The PCB
drive has a digital potentiometer and a LM393 comparator. The LM393 comparator is used to
compare the voltages across the sensor probes and the set Vcc voltage. The dig pot is used to
alter the sensitivity of the sensor when connected in digital mode.
The analogue configuration was selected as its more stable compared to the digital configuration.
The circuit Diagram works as a sensor the POT meter or variable resistance measures the
moisture level depending on the amount of water in soil. When the amount of water in the soil
high the conductivity is high and resistivity low vice versa. Depending on this way the moisture
sensor measures the amount of Relative Humidity (RH) in the soil. The output of POT connects
to analog input pin of Arduino Uno. If the soil or plant needs the water, POT sends the signals to
Arduino Uno R3 then the relay become energized.
The output of the sensor to the arduino analog pin A1 was resistance. The resistance to flow of
current between the sensor probes changes with soil moisture level and soil type. The current
passing through the sensor probes (Iout) for different soils and different soil moisture levels was
calculated as shown below:
(corresponding to the energy of the photon) which is determined by the energy gap of the
semiconductor pattern. LEDs are cheap and faster switching.
A light-emitting diode is a two-lead semiconductor light source. It is a p-n junction diode, which
emits light when activated. When a suitable voltage is applied to the leads, electrons are able to
recombine with electron holes with in the device, releasing energy in the form of photons.
This stage of the system consist light emitting diodes (LEDs) that display when executing the
operation. Each phase consists of three patterns of LEDs.
To implement the final bit of the automated irrigation system an electric motor (240VAC) was
selected as the water pump. The first two units of the system i.e. sensing unit and the control unit
(microcontroller) are powered by 12VDC. To interface the two units a 12VDC relay was used as
the isolation unit. The microcontroller was connected to the relay via an NPN transistor
(2N2222). To protect the transistor; while turning it on, a resistor was used. The resistor limits the
current flowing through the transistor.
Relays can generate a very high voltage across the coil when switched off. This can damage other
components in the circuit. To prevent this a diode is connected across the coil.
magnetic force is, in effect, relaying the action from one circuit to another. The first circuit is
called the control circuit.
There are three basic functions of a relay: On/Off Control, Limit Control and Logic Operation.
On/Off Control: Example: Air conditioning control, used to limit and control a “high
power “load, such as a compressor
Limit Control: Example: Motor Speed Control, used to disconnect a motor if it runs
slower or faster than the desired speed
Logic Operation: Example: Test Equipment, used to connect the instrument to a number
of testing points on the device under test.
To protect the microcontroller from back e.m.f during switching a diode was connected across
the relay. The connection was as shown below.
When using 8-bit configuration all 8 data pins (DB0-DB7) are used while only 4 data pins (DB4-
DB7) are used in a 4-bit configuration.
The circuit Diagram works as a sensor the POT meter or variable resistance measures the
moisture level depending on the amount of water in soil. When the amount of water in the soil
high the conductivity is high and resistivity low vice versa. Depending on this way the moisture
sensor measures the amount of Relative Humidity (RH) in the soil. The output of POT connects
to analog input pin of Arduino Uno.
ATMEGA 328P micro controller is the brain of the project which initiates the Relay and LED
signal at a junction. The LED‟s are automatically on and off by making the corresponding port
pin of the microcontroller the sequence of the lights determine the moisture level in the
The circuit Diagram works as a sensor the POT meter or variable resistance measures the
moisture level depending on the amount of water in soil. When the amount of water in the soil
high the conductivity is high and resistivity low vice versa. Depending on this way the moisture
sensor measures the amount of Relative Humidity (RH) in the soil. The output of POT connects
to analog input pin of Arduino Uno. If the soil or plant needs the water, POT sends the signals to
Arduino Uno R3 then the relay become energized. When the relay energized the motor pump
start to pump water to plant until the required moisture level is reached. The three LED indicates
that RH ranges, RED LED indicates high range of RH, GREEN LED indicates that suitable RH
range and YELLOW LED shows that low ranges of RH values. The LCD display RH values in
the soil and the motor pump state or condition. There are three conditions that the system
First condition:
This is the normal condition meaning the soil moisture is at suitable to the plant. In this condition
the motor pumper off and yellow and Green LED indicates this condition. The RH range for this
condition is that greater than 70.
Second condition:
This is the condition to which pumping activity takes places, meaning the soil moisture is low or
the temperature is above the desired the plant needs water. In this condition the motor
pump on the water pump until the desired point reached. Green LED indicates this condition.
Third condition:
This condition is problem indicator by Red LED. Even if the moisture sensor sends a signal to
arduino to pump water but there is no response to signal, in this time the temperature rises above
the desired ranges. The Rh range for this condition is that less than 40.
4.2 Discussion:
In present days, farmers are facing major problems in watering their agriculture fields, it‟s
because they have no proper idea about when the power is available to so that they can pump
water .Even after they need to wait until the field is properly watered, which makes them to stop
doing other activities. So we represent an idea to minimize their sufferings. Thus the
“AUTOMATIC PLANT WATERING SYSTEM” has been designed and tested successfully.
It has been developed by integrated features of all the hardware components used. Presence of
every module has been reasoned out and placed carefully, thus contributing to the best working
of the unit. The system has been tested to function automatically.
The moisture sensors measure the moisture level (water content) of the different plants. If the
moisture level is found to be below the desired level, the moisture sensor sends the signal to the
Arduino board which triggers the Relay to turn ON the Water Pump and supply the water to
respective plant. When the desired moisture level is reached, the system halts on its own and the
Water Pump is turned OFF. Thus, the functionality of the entire system has been tested
thoroughly and it is said to function successfully.
The system provides with several benefits and can be operated with less manpower. The system
supplies water only when the humidity in the soil goes below the reference. Due to the direct
transfer of water to the roots water conservation takes place. Thus the system is efficient and
compatible to changing environment.
A system to monitor moisture levels in the soil was designed. The system was used to switch
on/off the watering system/pump according to set soil moisture levels. The moisture content of
the soil is continuously measured by the sensor. It‟s value and the status of motor i.e. ON or OFF
condition of motor is displayed continuously on the LCD. If there is a enough moisture in the soil
i.e. there is no need to irrigate the field then the motor is not switched on but if the moisture
content is very less i.e. there is a need of irrigation then the motor is switched on automatically
and after the field attains the required moisture content, then the motor is switched off
automatically. The control unit the prototype was implemented using a microcontroller on
arduino platform while the sensing bit was implemented using a SMS YL-69. Three LEDs and an
LCD were used to implement the display of the motor pump state or condition. To switch
between the control and the irrigation systems a relay switching circuit was used.
This project can be enhanced in such a way as to control automatically the signals depending on
relative humidity using moisture sensors. Water pump motor automatic turn off when RH range
value at high level because RH value and soil moisture directly relation which helps in power
consumption saving. In future this system can be used to inform people about different places.
This can be done through Data transfer between the microcontroller and computer can also be
done through telephone network, data call activated SIM this technique allows the operator to
gather the recorded data from a far end to his home computer or phone without going site and
also used to GSM technology for fault indication.
1. Massimo Banzi, Getting started with Arduino, Second Edition, O‟Reilly Media, Inc, 2011
2. Francis Z. Karina and Alex Wambua Mwaniki, irrigation agriculture in Kenya, Nairobi,
Kenya, 2011
3. Allan Trevennor, Practical AVR Microcontrollers, New York , USA, Springer Science +
Business Media, 2012
4. Clemmens, A.J. Feedback Control for Surface Irrigation Management, ASAE Publication
04 -90, 1990.
5. Accessed on 6th Dec,2013 , 25th Dec,2013 and 17th Jan,2014
6. Songle relay Datasheet
7. Soil moisture sensor datasheet
8. W. C. Dunn, Introduction to Instrumentation Sensors, and Process Control, British
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#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
int YELLOW=10;
int GREEN=9;
int RED=8;
int RELAYPIN=13;
float RH;
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2);
void loop() {
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
float u= analogRead(A1);
lcd.print("MOTOR.PUMPER-OFF ");
else if(RH<70&&RH>=40){
lcd.print("MOTOR.PUMPER-ON ");
Wolaita Sodo University Electrical And Computer Engineering Page 47
Automatic Plant Watering System