Emrcs Revision Notes 2020 Paper 1
Emrcs Revision Notes 2020 Paper 1
Emrcs Revision Notes 2020 Paper 1
An incision at this level lies below the arcuate line and the posterior wall of the rectus sheath is
deficient at this level.
What is the risk of wound infection occurring in a 43 year old woman who is undergoing a
laparoscopic cholecystectomy for uncomplicated biliary colic? 5%
Bilious vomiting in neonates is a surgical emergency and is intestinal malrotation and volvulus
until otherwise proven. It is investigated with an upper GI contrast study. Contrast should be seen
to exit the stomach and the location of the DJ flexure is noted (it lies to the left of the midline). If
this is not the case, or the study is inconclusive, a laparotomy is performed.
Penetrating thoracic trauma that is then followed by cardiac arrest in the department is an
indication for ER thoracotomy.
Liver cell adenomas are linked to OCP use and 90% of patients with liver cell adenomas have
used the OCP. Liver function tests are often normal. The lesions will typically have a mixed
echoity and heterogeneous texture.
To revise
To revise
Around the body of
scapula: It takes place between the:
• Suprascapular artery, a branch of the thyrocervical trunk from the first part of the
subclavian artery,
• Circumflex scapular artery, a branch of the subscapular artery from the third part of
the axillary artery
• Deep branch of the transverse cervical artery; a branch of the thyrocervical trunk.
to revise
It is important to distinguish between blood and urine tests for
carcinoid syndrome. Blood tests usually measure chromogranin
A,neuron-specific enolase (NSE), substance P, and gastrin. Urine tests
usually measure 5 HIAA, which is a metabolite of serotonin.
Sometimes blood tests for 5 hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) are also
Bulbar urethra
In Marfan
Actinomycosis are gram positive bacilli
CD and EN