Format of The Thesis Proposal

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PROPOSAL 1. The Literature (subhead accordingly e.g. Foreign, Local or
according to Variables)
A. Preliminary Pages 2. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
1. Title Page 3. Operational Definition of Terms
 The title page contains the exact title of the research 4. Hypotheses of the Study
paper, the full name of the researcher/s, the name of the
college and the university to which the research paper is D. METHODOLOGY
submitted, course title and number, and the semester 1. The Research Design
and the school year when the student defended a thesis. 4 Basic Designs:
 The title of the thesis should be: > Experiments
Eye catching and thought provoking. > Quasi Experiments
Brief and concise (not more than three lines). > Surveys
Reflective of the general problem. > Participant Observation
Written in an inverted pyramid form. 2. Locale of the Study
 The use of starter phrase such as “A Study of…”, “An  It describes the population and locale of the study from
Analysis of…”,, etc. should be avoided. which the sample was derived. The sampling frame
(tabulation) may be applicable. The researcher should
2. Table of Contents also do the following:
 Indicates the preliminary parts, chapter titles along with  Tabulate and describe sample respondents according to
the subdivision of the text, lists of reference and relevant variables.
appendices.  Explain why the sample respondents were chosen.
 Specify and discuss the sampling technique used.
3. Lists of Tables if any  Describe how sample size was determined including
 Should be listed separately from the chapter and section reliability and probability error.
headings.  Computation of the size may be indicated in an
4. List of Figures, if any 3. Respondents of the Study
 Title graphs, pictures, charts, and other illustrative 4. Sampling Procedures
materials must be included in the lists of figures. 5. Instruments (materials, in experimental)
5. List of Appendices, if any  Identify the instrument used (questionnaires, interview
 Materials which are not in the body but are also sources schedule, standard tests, etc..). Discuss the dimensions
of relevant information. It may contain the following: if any.
a.Instrument used  In case of experimental studies, apparatus, devices and
b.Letters and other form of communications laboratory equipment used should be described.
c.Sample tables and statistical computations 6. Data Gathering Procedure
d.Other pertinent materials.  The procedure followed in conducting the study should
be explained in complete detail. The researcher should:
B. INTRODUCTION  Explain the steps undertaken during the data gathering
1. Background of the Study (Rationale) (approval of requests, dates of administration of
 It presents the nature and origin of the study. It questionnaires, interview, observation, etc.).
generally provides an account describing the  Give details of instructions given to assistants if data are
circumstances and the rationale behind the selection of gathered by persons other than the researcher.
the research problem. In writing the background the  State qualifications of informants in the research if any.
researcher may consider the following:  In case of experiments, this section should include an
1. Start by citing a clinching statement (quotation, description of the specific design used, instruction given
words of wisdom, etc.) that will elate the background to the to participants, the formation of groups, the
research problem. experimental manipulations, and the control features in
2. Describe the problem situation that prompted the the design.
investigation. Consider global, and local issues whether 7. Statistical Treatment of Data
applicable.  Present and describe the scale used in the analysis of
 Indicate and explain how the statistical tools were used.
 The null hypothesis tested through inferential statistics
3. Presents and discuss related literature. Link the should be indicated.
research problem to current situation/ research findings and  If the statistical tools (formula) should be indicated
existing body of knowledge. Where applicable, presents 8. Data Analysis
historical development situation leading to the occurrence of
the problematic .Cites statistics and authorative sources to
4. Elucidate the significance of the research to the (NOTE: Headings here will depend on variables used in the
stakeholders. The study’s contribution to the existing body of study, and how you will organize the presentation of your
knowledge and or practitioners in the field should also be findings.)
2. Statement of the Problem F. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND
3. Objectives of the Study RECOMMENDATIONS
4. Importance of the Study
5. Scope and Delimitations of the Study 1. Summary
6. Definition of Terms
 Indicates a short summary of the statement of the
problem and hypothesis. A brief description of the
methodology should also be included.

2. Conclusions
 Should be brief and general statements based on the
findings of the study
 Contain generalizations in relation to the population.
These are general inferences applicable to a wider and
similar population.
 Flexibility is considered in making of conclusions. It is
must to state conclusions on a one-to-one
correspondence with the problems and the findings as
all variables can be subsumed in one great statement.
 Stated in the present tense.

3. Recommendations
 Should be based on findings
 Should be workable, feasible (doable) and adaptable.
 Be in simple, non-technical language
 Recommend how the findings may be utilized.
 Suggestions for further studies should be specific.

1. Bibliography/List of References
2. Appendices
3. Biographical Sketch

Bibliography or Literature Cited

 Listing of materials that have helped the researcher
develop his proposal.
 Not all may have been mentioned in the body of the
 List of materials that were cited or mentioned in the

 Depends on institutional policy
 Subdivisions in general:
Title of Work
Publication Data

Single Author
Librero, Felix. How to Write a Thesis Proposal.
Third Edition. College, Laguna: UPLB
College of Agriculture, 1996
Two Authors
Ex. Librero, Felix A. and Adela B. Cortez. How to
Write a Thesis Proposal. Third Edition. College, Laguna:
UPLB College of Agriculture, 1996.

Guevarra, S.V. An Established Restaurant Chain’s Food
Safety. Unpublished MFSA Thesis. University of the
Philippines, 2000.

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