Format of The Thesis Proposal
Format of The Thesis Proposal
Format of The Thesis Proposal
2. Conclusions
Should be brief and general statements based on the
findings of the study
Contain generalizations in relation to the population.
These are general inferences applicable to a wider and
similar population.
Flexibility is considered in making of conclusions. It is
must to state conclusions on a one-to-one
correspondence with the problems and the findings as
all variables can be subsumed in one great statement.
Stated in the present tense.
3. Recommendations
Should be based on findings
Should be workable, feasible (doable) and adaptable.
Be in simple, non-technical language
Recommend how the findings may be utilized.
Suggestions for further studies should be specific.
1. Bibliography/List of References
2. Appendices
3. Biographical Sketch
Depends on institutional policy
Subdivisions in general:
Title of Work
Publication Data
Single Author
Librero, Felix. How to Write a Thesis Proposal.
Third Edition. College, Laguna: UPLB
College of Agriculture, 1996
Two Authors
Ex. Librero, Felix A. and Adela B. Cortez. How to
Write a Thesis Proposal. Third Edition. College, Laguna:
UPLB College of Agriculture, 1996.
Guevarra, S.V. An Established Restaurant Chain’s Food
Safety. Unpublished MFSA Thesis. University of the
Philippines, 2000.