Space Junk
Space Junk
Space Junk
by Juan Gallego
What is Space Junk?
Definition Scope
Space debris includes both natural The vast majority of space debris is in low
(micrometeoroids) and artificial (man- Earth orbit (LEO) at an altitude of
made) objects in space that no longer approximately 2,000 km or less.
serve any purpose.
Danger Origin
Space debris travels at high speeds and Space junk is created by intentional or
poses a risk of collision that can damage or accidental human activities in space, such
destroy spacecrafts, endangering lives and as launches, operations, and debris-
disrupting communication and navigation producing activities.
Types of Space Debris
Orbital debris Re-entry debris
Debris that remains in orbit around Earth, Debris that falls back to Earth, such as
such as defunct satellites or spent rocket spacecraft components or uncontrolled
stages. reentries.
Tiny particles that travel at high speeds A theoretical scenario where the density
and pose a risk to spacecrafts and of space debris could become so high
astronauts. that it would create a cascade of
collisions, generating an exponentially
increasing amount of debris and making
space activities impossible.
How Does Space Junk Affect Earth?
1 Catastrophic scenarios
Space debris collisions can trigger catastrophic scenarios such as the Kessler
Syndrome, rendering space activities impossible and potentially putting human
lives at risk.
2 Damage to satellites
3 Endangering astronauts
Space debris poses a risk to astronauts and their spacecrafts, and creates
hazardous conditions for human space exploration.
4 Light pollution
Space debris can reflect sunlight, creating visible trails and contributing to light
Preventing Space Junk
Coordinates space debris research and A mission planned for 2025 that will
analysis to mitigate and prevent space capture and dispose of a derelict satellite
debris. They use models and tools to track in LEO. It will use a combination of capture
and predict debris movements and and disposal technologies to
recommend measures to mitigate demonstrate the feasibility of active
hazards. space debris removal.
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