Chapter 1

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This chapter includes, background of the study, statement of the problem,

importance of the study, cope and delimitation and definition of terms used.

Background of the study

Behavior and attitude of students in the new normal perspective have an impact in

their learning process. It contributes to self-determination in the new normal classes and

framework theory of learning engagement and supports the influence of the new normal

classes and learning perspective development. The study examines how the observe

behavior and attitude of students in the new normal perspective normal of learning and

identify how the behavior and attitudes of students can be addressed in the new normal

perspective among the respondents.

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a

global epidemic, and on 19 March, it was declared and emergency toward preventing the

spread of disease. As an effect of this, curfews were imposed around the world for

approximately two months, with universities during closed for longer periods. Consequently,

face-to-face education was not possible, but learning discontinuity was also not acceptable,

and therefore, the need for online education arose to ensure the maintenance of social

distancing. Online education or learning has been a vital mechanism for today’s learning

since it provides students with access to and education platform at all times so that they can

conveniently learn in a place and at times suitable to them. This facilities learning with

flexibility independently of time and place. Online learning also provides answers to

questions and helpful feedback on the contents of assigned courses to learners.


During the COVID 19 pandemic, face to face learning was not possible, and e-

learning was the only solution. However, the experience of online learning varies from

country. For some countries; it is fairly easy to facilitate online learning, whereas for some

countries with middle- and low-income groups, implementation for challenging due to lack of

proper resources.

According to Ong and Lai (2006), gaining insight into the learner’s motivation and

attitudes to using technology may influence the level of learning utilization.

The fact that student perceptions of the Learning Manage System and its online materials

may influence their level of engagement has been acknowledging by Basioudis, De Lenge,

Suwardy, and Wells (2012).

In filling PSRN 663, Sotto insisted “there is no substitute to face-to-face classes,

which is probably the best way to arrest the decline in (education) quality and to improve

learner outcomes” in the country.

“There are deep concerns that while countries whose students had performed well in

the past international assessment are already back on track, Philippines is still lagging

behind the using the blended learning method, which to many is not an effective means due

to lack of access to internet and gadgets by majority of pupils and students; “Sotto said.

Under Senate Bill S.B No. 1565; The declaration of a state of calamity throughout the

country by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the

subsequent imposition of an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in Luzon, led to the

unprecedented suspension of classes at all levels. As the consequence, a total of

28,451,212 learners from the pre-mary to the tertiary level in the country were affected, while

globally, more than 1.2 billion students and youth were affected by school and university

closures to the COVD-19 pandemic.


Among many factors, the children’s attitude is considered to be a key factor that

influences physical activity participation (Chung, M. and D.A. Phillips, 2002; Ding et al.,2006;

Hagger et al.,1995; Solmon. 2003).

Rikard and Banville (2006) stated that attitudes are from beliefs that one’s has about

him or herself and things. Attitudes shape one’s behavior in many ways and determine ones’

involvement in him or her daily activities.

Strand and Scantling (1994) pointed out that people express their beliefs and

attitudes daily through behaviors and language.

With regard to children’s characteristics, elementary children are found to have more

positive attitudes than secondary school children (Lee, 2004; Martin, 2000; Solmon and

Carter, 1995; Xiang et al.,2004) and children’s attitudes become less positive as they

progress through their schooling.

Carlson (1995) indicated that students would lose interest in physical activity if the

subject matter lacks challenges or the instructors repeat the same class activities without

bringing fun to the children.

Siedentop (2004) also argued that a multi-activity curriculum with a series of short-

term units would negatively influence the attitudes of students.

Additionally, Tannehill et al. (1994) found that, if physical education in school

curricula becomes a marginal status, it would have a negative impact on students’ attitudes

(Subramanian and Silverman, 2007).

Wong and Victoria’s (2014) study investigating 323 students’ attitudes towards

traditional and online methods of delivery in over four consecutive semesters showed there

were no significant differences between face-to-face or online learning options and

preference for online learning technology between male and female students.

According to Theresa (2014), the students attending face-to-face instruction can feel

inconvenient because teachers tend to focus on reading a book and explaining the lesson.

Some students may also feel intimidated by their teachers and the material.

In specialized literature the issue of students’ mentality is analyzed in relation to their

attitudes. Some authors believe that the students’ attitude towards learning is influenced by

the characteristics of the classroom environment (Fabunmi, 2007) or by students’

commitment and acceptance of tasks (Riaz, 2011).


This research study pursues the perception of Senior High School students towards

the implementation of face to face classes.

1. What is the demographic profile of Senior High School students in terms of:

a. Civil status

b. Age

c. Parent’s Occupation

d. Monthly income in the family

e. Address of students

2. What is the perception of the respondents towards the implementation of face to

face classes:

a. School facilities

b. Health protocol

c. Student’s readiness

3. What are the learning difficulties of senior high school during the modular

distance learning in terms of:

a. Problem Solving in Mathematics

b. Reading Comprehension

c. Lack of Interest on a Particular Topic

d. Unresponsive Parent

4. How does face to face classes help student’s learning difficulties as perceived by

the senior high school student’s?

5. What is the perception of the students when they are group according to their

demographic profile?


There are numerous events that occurred within two (2) years closure of face to face

classes because of COVID-19 pandemic that became a hindrance for some students.

Furthermore, this will serve as an important part of knowledge.

For the future researchers, this study will provide information about the perception of

every student and serve as a guide to them to have further studies regarding on this


For the school, this study will serve as an instrument to have further assessment on

students having lack of guidance towards the implementation of limited face to face


Scope and Delimitation

The focus of this study is to apprehend the perception towards the implementation of

face to face classes on grade 11 and grade 12 SHS students of Baras Rural

Development High School, S/Y 2022-2023.

Definition of terms

Face-to-face Classes - Is an instructional method where course content and learning

material are taught in person to a group of students. This allows for a live interaction

between a learner and an instructor. It is the most traditional type of learning instruction.

Facilities - A place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.

Health protocol - A detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment and a

system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal


Learning Difficulty – Is a special educational needs, which affects areas of learning,

such as reading, writing, spelling, mathematics etc.

Modular Distance Learning (MDL) - This features the teacher as facilitator, engaging

learners’ active participation through the use of various technologies accessed through

the internet while they are geographically remote from each other during instruction.

Perception - A way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental


Readiness - The capability to efficiently deploy, operate, and maintain the systems and

procedures to reduce operational risks.

Senior High School Students – is two years of specialized upper secondary education;

students may choose a specialization based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity.

Student Learning - Is defined as the measurable skills, attitudes, and knowledge of the

learner as a result of participation in an educational activity.


Chapter 2


This chapter represent the related literature, and studies, synthesis of the related

literature and studies, gaps in the review and bridges in the study and conceptual frame


Related Literature

According to the Department of Education (DepEd) Memorandum No. 11, s. 2020,

stated that a task force was created for the management of the Department of Education

towards their response to the Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease (NCOV), as a

matter of serious and urgent concern. It stands ready to overall efforts of the Department

within the school system in addressing the situation through formulation of policies and

development of strategies and action plan.

The Task Force is mandated to undertake the following:

a. Coordinate with the DOH for the implementation of its guidelines in response to

the situation, including for any decisions for school/office lockdown or suspension of

classes/work in specific localities;

b. Promulgate standard protocols in response to the NCOV ARD in DepEd offices

and school, as well as in activities organized, or participated in, by the Department, which

may include travel restriction if necessary.

In accordance with the Department of Education (DepEd) Memorandum DM-CI-

2022-009, clearly stated that as the country experiences an alarming surge in COVID-19

cases and in consideration of teachers and learners’ health and well-being, the

Department of Education (DepEd) urges the Regional Offices (RO) and School Divisions

Offices (SDO) to exercise discretion in suspending classes in all levels and other teaching

related activities. Hence, the ROs/SDOs declaring suspension of classes shall make the

necessary adjustment in the school calendar to ensure that the number of school days in

the current school year remains in accordance with RA 11480 (An act amending Section 3

of RA NO. 7797, otherwise known as “An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two

Hundred (200) Days to Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days.

The Department of Education (DepEd) and Department of Health (DOH) joint

Memorandum Circular 001, s. 2021, for the implementation of the limited face to face

under the President’s approval and the Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones has

authorized all regional directors to commence the progressive expansion phase of limited

face to face classes for both public and private schools.

In the Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act of

1994”, CHED-DOH joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2021-001 on the Guidelines for

the Gradual Reopening of Campuses of Higher Education Institutions for Limited Face to

Face Classes during the COVID-19 pandemic are the following:

a. Only fully vaccinated teaching and non-teaching personnel shall be allowed to join

the conduct of Limited Face to Face Classes. It is strongly advised for those who are over

sixty (60) years of age, with uncontrolled health risk (e.g. immune compromised states and

other comorbidities), and/or

b. Only fully vaccinated students of HEI’s shall be allowed to join limited face to face

classes. HEI’s shall advise fully vaccinated students with significant comorbidities

themselves of living with individual/s with similar conditions to consider flexible learning

and take face to face classes in succeeding semester.


c. All other degree programs and courses/subjects not included for the

implementation of limited face to face classes shall be delivered through flexible learning.

In official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture face to face

instruction is not widely used, face to face would be enforced since it has adverse social

repercussions for students including learning loss, school dropouts, and child abuse

(Kemendikbud, 2021)

As mentioned by Syah Aji (2020), the educational sector is being impacted by the

current economic crisis, thus nit all students and teachers have devices that are

compatible with PEL. The Indonesian government has announced a policy mandating the

opening of the face to face classes in schools in response to PEL.

As stated by Nissa and Haryanto (2020), this new policy undoubtedly sparks a range

of emotions and perspective about the face to face classes, this new policy mandates that

teachers modify the layout of their lesson plan that could enhance their students’

perception of the educational transition.

As reported by Kemendikbud (2021), this policy was implemented to respond to the

community for those (parents, teachers, students, educators, and social observers) who

anticipated the start of face to face classes and Indonesia is one of the four countries in

the Asia-Pacific region that have not conducted a complete face to face learning.

Related Studies

According to the study of Potane and Mccary (2020), they conducted research about

the Student’s Readiness for the Limited Face to Face Classes in Junior and Senior High

School, a total of 144 student respondents were choosen using Random Sampling from

one of the high schools in the Division of Gingoog City. The study used a research design

with a demographic profile questionnaire and a 24-item survey questionnaire validated by

experts. The findings revealed that students emotional, physical, and financial readiness

was very high. There are significant differences in emotional characteristics among

students based on their age. Furthermore, physical health was significantly different when

classified by gender. However, there are no significant emotional, physical and financial

differences between year levels. As a result, that the students are generally enthusiastic

about the face to face learning.

According to Benda and Wright (2021), with the ever-increasing development of

technology, online teaching is more readily accepted as a viable component in a teaching

and learning, and blended learning, the combining of online and face to face learning, is

becoming commonplace in many higher education institutions. Conducted a research

regarding to the Student Perception of Face to Face and Online EFL lessons, this study

exposed 112 Malaysian Undergraduate EFL student’s perceptions on the online lesson

compared with face to face classes. Questionnaire using quantitative (open ended

questions) approaches provided data for content analysis to determine the common

student perceptions. The findings showed that students associated in-class lessons with

higher motivation and more interest, due to better understanding, valued classroom

interaction with the lecturer and peers. Students preferring online lesson cited speed and

convenience of study and flexibility of time and place of study as reasons for their choice.

Skillful implementation of online lessons can enhance a language course but should not

undermine the value of face to face instruction with EFL teachers.

As stated in Mather and Sarkans (2018), the researchers conducted a research

about Students’ Perception on Online and Face to Face Learning, through a qualitative

study (open ended questionnaire) that surveyed 313 students by using Stratified Sampling

procedure from Ontario community College to explore students’ perspectives on the

issues of learner preference, interactivity, workload, and challenges. The result showed

that 14% of those learner preference students said that online learning was their only

option, this was viewed as not being their preferred method of learning. While a number of

students mentioned that they choose to take the course online because the F2F option

was no longer available due to high demand. The findings and the analysis about

interactivity are based on the learners’ interaction with peers, faculty, and course content.

According to the participants’ responses, it is challenging to reliably determine how

effective online were for online learners. While participants who took the course F2F were

more descriptive about their interaction with their peers and faculty as well as the course

content was made through individual and group assignment. The majority of students who

took the course online (74%) complained about workload, the result simply revealed that

responses were consistent across all age groups. In contrast, F2F students reported

feeling overburdened by the course. However, it is important to note that in both

modalities, students between ages of 18 to 24 found the workload to be excessive, while

students 25 years and older found the course to be manageable and information. The

result for challenges exposed that both group outlined various difficulties. Challenges are

mostly encountered by students who took online courses are centered around using

technology, accomplishing group work and obtaining timely feedback.

Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies

The review related literature and studies has similarly connected to the students’

perception. The success of the implementation of face to face classes in learning is not

dependent on the availability or absence of one individual. Learning facilities are

significally correlated with the perception of the students. Both studies were undergoing


Gap in the Review Bridged by the Study

The previous related studies are about Perception of Senior High School Students

Towards Face-to-Face Classes. However, some study already taken steps to know the

issue of every students regarding academic performance because of the location of the

study that somehow adds and change about concepts of understanding.

Based on the related literature and studies gathered, only limited studies focus on the

perception of students towards the face-to-face classes.


Conceptual Framework

Input : Process : Output :

Demographic profile of Questionnaire and Perception of Senior

respondents Senior High Survey High School Students
School Students regarding Towards the
to the Implementation of Chapter 3 Implementation of
Face to Face Classes Face to Face Classes


This chapter introduces the research design used for this study, also the data

collection process, sampling procedure, instrumentation and validation, data gathering and

statistical treatment of data.

Design of the Study

The researchers employed quantitative research method using descriptive analysis.

According to Sis International (n.d.), quantitative research is an organized method of

gathering and interpreting data from many sources. Quantitative research uses

computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to derive results. A descriptive research

design describes a population, situation or phenomenon that are being studied. It focuses on

answering How, What, Where and When questions.

Source of Data

This quantitative research uses primary source of data regarding to the perception of

Senior High School students towards the implementation of face to face classes, which are

the researcher’s respondents for the study. The researcher’s targets were the grade 11 and

grade 12 Academic and Technical and Vocational Livelihood Track from Senior High School

Department in Baras Rural Development High School SY:2022-2023. The collection source

of the data responses of the answered survey questionnaire given. Primary focus on the

perception of Senior High School (SHS) students towards the implementation of face-to-face


The following table below shows the total number of respondents on each Grade

level and Strand:

Grade 11 SHS Students

11- Modesty (ABM) Male 10

Female 30

Total 40

11-HUMMS (Loyalty) Male 13

Female 21

Total 34

11-Trustworthy (HUMMS) Male 14

Female 20

Total 34

11- Witty (STEM) Male 10

Female 20

Total 24

11- Generosity (AFA) Male 23

Female 1

Total 24

11-Sincerity (HE) Male 14

Female 13

Total 27

11- Humility (IA) Male 48

Female 0

Total 48

11- Honesty (ICT) Male 16


Female 8

Total 24

Overall Population 255 students

Grade 12 SHS Students

12- Gentleness (ABM) Male 5

Female 20

Total 25

12- Gratefulness (GAS) Male 26

Female 13

Total 39

12Righteousness(HUMMS) Male 21

Female 14

Total 35

12- Fairness(STEM) Male 6

Female 24

Total 30

12-Politeness (AFA) Male 5

Female 5

Total 10

12- Kindness (HE) Male 11

Female 17

Total 28

12- Helpfulness (HE) Male 33

Female 1

Total 34

12- Faithfulness Male 15

Female 6

Total 21

Overall Population 222 Students

Grand Total 459 SHS students

Sampling Procedure

There is no sampling procedure that will be use in this study since the researchers

employed a complete enumeration of SHS students to have an accurate data that will be

used in this study.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before, we gather and get the information data from the respondents, thereby, we

sent a letter request to the principal’s office for the approval to conduct a survey to our

Senior High School respondents SY: 2022-2023. In addition, the teachers received the

subject matter followed by requesting permission to distribute the questionnaire.

The researchers will conduct the survey for two (2) weeks from April 10, to April

21,2023. The survey questionnaire will be given to all Senior High School Students.

Instrumentation and Validation

To collect the data gathered, the researchers used a questionnaire, to the

respondents; the responses are arranged accordingly to the specific questions. The

questionnaires made by the researchers based on the demographic profile followed by


mainly selected questions that may lead to the desired results, this basis is to ensure the

validity of the instrument. The researchers asked the help of panelists in Practical Research

2 to check the contents of the questionnaires.

Statistical Treatment of Data

One (1), Frequency and Tally Distribution were the statistical measures used to

tabulate the demographic profile of the respondents. Two (2), Central Tendency used to

measure the Mean, Median and Mode of the Perception of Senior High School (SHS)

Students Towards the Implementation of Face to Face Classes.

Analysis Statistical Treatment Used

To tabulate the demographic profile of the Frequency and Tally


Measure the mean, median and mode of Central Tendency

Perception of SHS Students Towards the

Implementation of Face to Face Classes

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