Ge-Sts - Activity
Ge-Sts - Activity
Ge-Sts - Activity
Year & Sec: 2ND yr/ BEED2A
Answer Me!
In this task, you will address this question: “if you were an inventor, what would
you invent?” in thinking about an invention, make sure that you come up with one
that has not been invented yet but is possible to be invented in the near future. On
the space below, sketch a draft of your invention then answer the questions that
follow. Make sure to put some color and life in it.
1. If you are to invent, what would be your invention? Why?
I always wondered if I could invent a machine that converts the barking of dogs,
the “meows” of cats, the chirping birds and all animal aspects into human
language. I also own a dog, cat and birds that form an inevitable part of my life.
Although we converse in a universal language devoid of words but still I wish I
could invent such a machine which would be of great help to people as they
would be acquainted with all the warnings and messages their respective dogs,
cats and birds and other animals want to bring across.
2. How is your invention similar to or different form existing tools or technologies in terms
of function?
My invention is different from existing tools or technologies in way of its
function which is this machine can converts the barking of dogs, cats, birds and
other animals into human language where there is no such kind of machine being
invented. Thus, as we all know we have human language translator that only
inquires different human language that can be translated into another form of
human language, this is clearly different from my invention.
3. Why is there a need for this invention? How will this invention make the world a better
place to live in?
There is a need and there is no need for such invention, thus I would gladly love
to invent this kind of invention. In my own perspective in such a machine which
would be of great help to people as they would be acquainted with all the
warnings and messages their respective dogs, cats and birds and other form of
animals want to bring across, and as we all know we human loves animals and
most of us been having the desires to know or to communicate with our respective
companion clearly and this invention that I will to make will bring a big changes
into human living.