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Alcohol consumption among students is one of the most topical contemporary issues. It should be

admitted that it is a problem that concerns the whole society and not only certain individuals or small

parts of the population. It has been pointed out by many scholars that it is not only children from problem

families who engage in illegal drinking, so the reasons that make youngsters succumb to this unfavorable

behavior are worthy of examination. The goal of this research is to identify the factors that drive

teenagers to consume alcohol.

Although it is not a new issue, teenage alcohol abuse is still a matter of discussion in various

communities since they are in a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood handled in many

ways. Alcohol appears to be a remedy for some people's issues. Alcohol abuse is characterized by a habit

of drinking that occasionally results in loss of control but usually includes signs of physical dependence.

Alcohol dependency is the most severe form of alcohol abuse. Students present a problem since they are

sometimes less aware of the effects of their actions and are frequently more susceptible to environmental

influences in their environments and occasionally fail to consider the effects of their actions. This essay

will look at how peer pressure, family dynamics, and peer behavior are all significant contributors to teen

alcohol consumption. It will then evaluate two outcomes: the influence on the brain and alcohol-related

aggression and violence.

One of the factors that contribute to the problem of student drinking is the accessibility of alcohol. It

is very easy for young people to obtain alcoholics, and the percentage of those who can get it without

much difficulty grows significantly with age. More than 90% of twelfth graders have effortless access to

alcohol (Johnston, O’Malley, and Bachman 53). Thus, by the senior year high school it no longer felt like

forbidden fruit, it is everywhere and it seems like a perfectly logical things to give it a try.
For example, drinking large amounts of alcohol is part of the culture in many colleges and university

campuses (Bodenlos, Noonan&Wells,2013) and can quickly result in alcohol abuse. Therefore, there is

general agreement that peers have a large impact on the individual within the group regarding the abuse

of alcohol.

Another important cause of alcohol abuse in students is the family environment. Family factors have a

large impact on the later performance of the child and can provoke or support the abuse of alcohol in

students. According to a survey by Costello, Sung, Worthman & Angold (2007) these family factors are

composed of poverty and adversity "child-rearing style" and "family problems". Children with behavioral

problems, for example, it is more likely to have a bad performance at school and they, therefore, tend to

drink more alcohol than their friends with lesson behavioral problems(Hinshaw; Linskey & Fergusson as

cited in Huerta&Borgonovi,2010). Early maltreatment such as neglect, and physical or sexual abuse is

also an issue that might be related to alcohol abuse in students but preliminary findings could not back

this theory so far (Costello, Sung, Worthman & Angold,2007). Factors such as these are critical, as they

can result in different outcomes and need to be separated by sex.

There are several main effects caused by alcohol abuse in teenagers that have an impact on the social

and health well-being of the adolescent. One of the main social effects is alcohol-related aggression and

violence. A special form of violence caused by alcohol abuse may be aggression and violence against

oneself that can even lead to suicide. (Dawson, as cited in Chatterji, Kaestner & Markowitz,2004). Due to

excessive alcohol consumption students are more likely to behave anti-social and be engaged in violent

acts (Gil&Molina,2007). According to Jennison (2004), there are rising rates of sexual assaults, property

damage, campus disruptions, and trouble with the police as a result of alcohol use and abuse. Therefore,

alcohol abuse in students may not only endanger the person who consumes alcohol but also concerns

other people in the surroundings of the adolescent such as friends and family.
These researches emphasize how alcohol abuse by students has not only short terms effects but also

unintended long-term effects on human health that may be irreparably and can cause lifetime damages.

Because of the growing number of students who drink. It is necessary to study the factors why

students consumed alcohol so that we can somehow help them in a way that they will not get offended but

felt cared. There’s a lot of factors that we have to know to determine and find the reasons why students

nowadays consumed alcohol.


This study will determine alcohol abuse among students.

This study pursues to answer the following questions:

1. What encourages students to engage with alcohol?

2. How can a person stop or minimize consuming alcohol, especially students?

3. What is the common reason why students drink alcohol?


The findings of the study would be beneficial to the following.

To the Parents- It would be beneficial for parents for their awareness of the issues involving students

engaging in drinking alcohol or liquors. With this, parents may have thought and time to check their

student’s activity in school and whereabouts. Furthermore, parents may take swift action as parents on

these issues.

To the Students- In this study would be beneficial to students like me and for us to be conscious of the

effects of alcohol on us. Engaging in drinking while studying will be a massive hindrance for us to

achieve and succeed to fulfill our research.

To Department of Education- This study, the agency will put precautions on these issues and their

action to help the student and parents. Making the student achieve and succeed the student life is also an

achievement to the educators.

To Future Researcher- They may use this research or this study in further research similar to this study
and serves as a basis and guide if ever they decide to pursue research on underage drinking.


To give a clearer understanding of the concepts of this research. The following term is defined


 Alcoholism- is also known as an alcohol disorder, which means the alcohol abuse or

psychological impact of the person to drink alcohol.

 Alcohol consumption- is alcoholic beverages contain ethyl alcohol and mostly consumed for

psychological effects.

 Alcohol beverages- An alcoholic drink that contains ethanol. A type of alcohol produced by the

fermentation of grains, fruits, or other sources of sugar.

 Physical dependence- is a condition bt taking the drug, and it causes unpleasant physical


 Psychological Illness- is the disease/behavior of the person that influences the person’s mind and

what the person feels or relates to his/ her surroundings.



This chapter includes relevant sources of information from the fonished thesis, ideas, local

students, local literature, overseas studies, overseas literature, and others that tackle the alcohol abuse

among students. These will be a guide to the researchers about the said topic presented.

According to Timothy J Legg (2017), Alcoholism occurs when you drink too much that your

body becomes dependent on or addicted to alcohol. Alcohol becomes the most critical thing in our life.

The causes of alcohol use disorder are still unknown. The alcohol use disorder develops when you drink

so much that chemical changes in the brain occur; these changes can increase the pleasurable feelings you

get when you drink alcohol. These factors risk are defined that may increase your risk of developing this

disease. These include risk factors that are having more that 15 drinks per week if you’re male and more

than 12 drinks per week if you are female, a parent with alcohol use disorder, mental health problems

such as depression and anxiety and also the higher risk for alcohol use disorder for you are a young adult,

to having low shallowness, expertise a high level of stress, board a family or culture and having close

relatives with alcohol use disorder. The symptoms of alcohol disorders on the behaviors and physical

outcomes that occur as a result of alcohol addiction is a sign of professional diagnosis, the healthcare

provider or doctor can diagnose alcohol use disorder. They’ll do a physical exam and risk your questions

about your drinking habits.

According to Robby Joy D. Salveron (2017). In his article “Survey says Davao youth starts

drinking as early as 12 years old”. Davao City, Philippines. Recently, the institute of Vox Populi (iPO) of

the University of Mindanao disclosed that the youth here started drinking once they were twelve years

recent, six years sooner that the typical age. A complete 264 youth aged sixteen to twenty-four years

current surveyed from Empire day to thirty. Dr. Adrian Tamayo of U.M’s initial public offering
aforementioned that the results of the survey showed that four in ten (Dabawenyo) youth began to drink

as early as twelve years recent.

The survey disclosed that their friends influenced ninety-sevem p.c of the Dabawenyo youth

drinker. Tamayo identified that loose family engagement, an excessive amount of exposure within the

web and social media, and the powerful influence of friends square measure the factors why the youth

square measure into consuming alcohol.

“Although they pay most of their time with their family, nonetheless the family management and

family values appear to be reducing” Tamayo aforementioned. The study notes a discount of values and

virtues among the youth.


Research Design, Methods and Procedures

The purpose of this study is to determine the consumption of alcoholic beverages among Students of

West Celebes College of Technology. This is also a means of philosophical framework which the

research is conducted as a possible replicate method in other research of the same nature. The researchers

used quantitative research method through survey questionnaire, which is the best aid in measuring,

ranking, categorizing, identifying patterns and generalizing. Together with the necessary data, random

sampling method was done. It is a type of sampling technique where the researchers had chosen a

selection of respondents from a specific group (sample) for the study from the entire group (population)

as the subject of the said research.

Research Design

This assessment made use of descriptive research design. A descriptive study is one in which information

is collected without changing the environment since those patients are within the vicinity of the institution

while the study is conducted. In human research, a descriptive study can provide information about

naturally occurring status, behavior attitudes or other characteristics of a particular group. It involves

description and interpretation based on the utilized survey questionnaires the researchers had prepared for

the attainment of the research’s objectives.

Local Setting

The setting of this research was only in West Celebes College of Technology where the respondents are

currently enrolled during the conduct of the study. The Survey Questionnaire was prepared by the

researchers before proceeding to the conduct of the survey. The questionnaires submitted will serve as


The instrument that aids the researchers in the conduct of the study is in the form of a survey

questionnaire which the respondents are asked to answer in determining the factors and effects of

alcoholic beverages consumption.

Data Gathering Procedure

This research followed three (3) phases before coming up to the data:

Phase 1. Collection of Information The researchers gathered all the data in West Celebes College of

Technology where all the respondents, who are the students of the said institution, were the subject of the


Phase 2. Respondents Approach The researchers formulate a set of survey questionnaires, validated by

the adviser, approved by the principal of the West Celebes College of Technology and personally

approach the respondents regarding the study.

Phase 3. Questionnaire Administration Distribution in this phase, the researcher's extent the study by

distribution of those survey questionnaires to each respondent with regards to the criteria as one of the

students at West Celebes College of Technology After retrieving the questionnaires, the researchers

interview the respondents to qualify the answer.

Name (optional): ____________ sex: Male Female

Age: _____________


Alcoholic beverages consumption among Senior High School Students of West Celebes College of

Technology: Study of its factors and Effects

For the set of question in this section, Rate it 1-4 and kindly put a check

4- Strongly agree

3- Agree

2- Disagree

1- Strongly disagree

What are the causes that lead to alcoholic beverages consumption among students of West Celebes
College of Technology?

Indicators 1 2 3 4

1. Peer pressure/ influence by


2. Experimentation/Curiosity

3. Family Tradition

4. Escape from Boredom

5. Exposure to alcoholic
individual environment

6. Escape from problem

Possible effects of drinking alcoholic beverages in terms of their:

A. Health Condition

Indicators 1 2 3 4

1. Dizziness and headache

2. Stomachache and vomiting

3. Constipation

4. Loss of appetite

5. Short term memory loss

B. Academic Performance

Indicators 1 2 3 4

1. Not able to do homework

or study for a test.

2. Got into a fight with

other people (friends,
relative, strangers)

3. Caused shame or
embarrassment to

4. Missed a day at school

5. Neglected my duties and


C. Family Relation
1. Dissociative

2. Disobeying parents and


3. More often argument

with other siblings

4. Depart by family and


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