MKTG 4110 Class 6
MKTG 4110 Class 6
MKTG 4110 Class 6
Y = mx +b
R Square
We use R-Squared to measure how well the model performs
that is, how much variance in the Dependent Variable is explained by Independent Variable
How we calculated the Std Error of a mean and t-statistics for descriptive analysis
Standard errors of the regression coefficients
Intuition of SE of a coefficient
The more variance you have in
your independent variable,
standard error of a coefficient will
become smaller.
P Value
the “critical value” is t- stat=|1.96| (or simply |2|) and p-value = 0.05
Confidence Intervals
We can form 95% confidence intervals using standard errors and see whether 0 is included
If 0 is outside of the confidence interval reject it
These are the estimates for a and b.
Coefficients measure the amount the dependent variable increases for a one-unit increases in the
independent variable, holding constant all other independent variable
For a categorical variable of two levels, you can only include one dummy variable
Example 1: Example 2:
Store type A (outlet) and B (retail store) Male and Female
Can only include one dummy indicating Can only include one dummy indicating male
outlet (A) or retail store (B) or female
Model: Sales = 5.75 + 2.5*StoreTypeA Model: Spending = 125 + 30*Female
Dummy Variable
You will interpret the dummy variables based on what is left out from the model
Relative interpretation of what is left out
When we include store type A dummy (e.g., 1 if store A; 0 if store B),
o coefficient is interpreted based on store type B
When we include male as a dummy (e.g., 1 if male; 0 if female),
o coefficient is interpreted based on female
Interpretation Questions:
Prediction Questions:
How much salary does Male execs. earn with 10 years of experiences?
o 144075 + 5154 * 10 + 0 * (-34936)
How much salary does Female execs. earn with 2 years of experiences?
o 144075 + 5154 * 2 + 1*(-34936)
If you were to conduct a hypothesis testing of the “experience” coefficient using the 95% confidence
intervals, is it significant? Provide your testing logic briefly in words
The t-value for the "experience" coefficient is 30.93, which indicates that the coefficient is
highly significant, meaning that it is unlikely to have occurred by chance.
Since the 95% confidence interval for the "experience" coefficient does not include zero, we can reject
the null hypothesis.
Briefly describe in words the difference between R-squared and adjusted R-squared. No
need for any calculations—just provide your intuition
adjusted R-squared considers and tests different independent variables against the stock index and R-
squared does not. adjusted R-squared because it has the potential to be more accurate.
R-squared measures how much of the variability in the data can be attributed to the model, rather
than to random error.
Adjusted R-squared adjusts for the number of independent variables in the model, which gives a
more accurate measure of how well the model fits the data.