May 8, 2023 Letter To Harlan Crow16

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May 8, 2023

Harlan Crow
Chairman of the Board
Crow Holdings Securities, LLC
3819 Maple Ave.
Dallas, TX 75219

Dear Mr. Crow:

Recent investigative reporting has identified multiple instances in which you or entities
you own or control have made payments, purchased real estate, or provided gifts, travel, or other
items of value to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and members of his family. Many of
these gifts, transactions, and items of value had not been previously disclosed by Justice Thomas,
in apparent contravention of the Supreme Court’s April 25, 2023 “Statement on Ethics Principles
and Practices” which claimed that Justices since 1991 “have followed” the financial disclosure
requirements provided in the Judicial Conference Regulations, and other applicable obligations.
You have issued several public statements acknowledging these items of value that you have
given to Justice Thomas and his family members.

As part of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s ongoing efforts to craft legislation

strengthening the ethical rules and standards that apply to the Justices of the Supreme Court, we
request that you provide the Committee with certain information by May 22, 2023. This
information will help identify specific shortcomings in the “Statement on Ethics Principles and
Practices,” as well as current law, that legislation needs to address. Please provide the following

1. An itemized list of all gifts, payments, and items of value exceeding $415 given by you, or
by entities you own or control or for which you have served as a partner, director, or officer,
to any Justice of the Supreme Court or a member of the Justice’s family, including the name
of the Justice, the approximate dollar amount of each item, and the date it was extended.

2. An itemized list of all real estate transactions in which you, or any entity you own or control
or for which you have served as a partner, director, or officer, conducted with a Justice of the
Supreme Court or a member of the Justice’s family, including the name of the Justice, the
date of the transaction, the valuations of the properties, the dollar amount conveyed in the
transaction, any occupancy agreements reached regarding the real estate, and the dollar value
of any improvements made or taxes paid on the properties during the course of any
occupancy agreement.
3. An itemized list of all transportation or lodging provided by you, or any entity you own or
control or for which you have served as a partner, director, or officer, to a Justice of the
Supreme Court or a member of the Justice’s family, including the name of the Justice, the
date the transportation was provided, the mode of transportation provided, the itinerary
traveled, any lodging provided, and the approximate dollar value of the transportation or

4. An itemized list of the occasions on which any property or facility owned by any entity you
own or control or for which you have served as a partner, director, or officer, provided
lodging to a Justice of the Supreme Court or a member of the Justice’s family, including the
name of the relevant Justice, the location of the lodging, the date the lodging was provided,
and the approximate dollar value of the lodging.

5. An itemized list of all occasions when entrance to any private, members-only club was
provided by you, or entities you own or control or for which you have served as a partner,
director, or officer, to any Justice of the Supreme Court or a member of the Justice’s family,
including the name of the Justice, the dates of those visits, and the full names of any other
guests who were also provided entrance by you, or entities you own or control or for which
you have served as a partner, director, or officer.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Richard J. Durbin Dianne Feinstein

Chair United States Senator

Sheldon Whitehouse Amy Klobuchar

United States Senator United States Senator
Christopher A. Coons Richard Blumenthal
United States Senator United States Senator

Mazie K. Hirono Cory A. Booker

United States Senator United States Senator

Alex Padilla Jon Ossoff

United States Senator United States Senator

Peter Welch
United States Senator

cc: The Honorable Lindsey O. Graham

Ranking Member

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