Chemistry Questions Only
Chemistry Questions Only
Chemistry Questions Only
5. Write down the one-dimensional Schrodinger time independent wave equation and
the same for a free particle.
6. What is the Normalization process and give a normalized wave function for an
electron in one dimensional potential well of length “a” meter.
7. What is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?
Uncertainty principle, also called Heisenberg uncertainty principle or
indeterminacy principle, statement, articulated (1927) by the German physicist
Werner Heisenberg, that the position and the velocity of an object cannot both be measured
exactly, at the same time, even in theory.
∆X × ∆p ≥ h/4πh
∆X – uncertainty in position
∆p – uncertainty in momentum
H – planck's constant
10. What is Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)? Give the wave function
equations for the formation of molecular orbitals by the combination of atomic
The Linear combination of atomic orbitals which is also known as LCAO is an approximate
method for representing molecular orbitals. It’s more of a superimposition method where
constructive interference of two atomic wave functions produces a bonding molecular orbital
whereas destructive interference produces non-bonding molecular orbital.
Conditions to be satisfied:
The conditions that are required for a linear combination of atomic orbitals are as follows:
● Same Energy of combining orbitals – The combining atomic orbitals must have same
or nearly same energy. This means that the 2p orbital of an atom can combine with
another 2p orbital of another atom but 1s and 2p cannot combine as they have appreciable
energy differences.
● Same symmetry about the molecular axis – The combining atoms should have same
symmetry around the molecular axis for proper combination, otherwise,
the electron density will be sparse.
For e.g. all the sub-orbitals of 2p have the same energy but still, the 2pz orbital of an atom
can only combine with a 2pz orbital
of another atom but cannot combine with 2px and
2py orbital as they have a different axis of symmetry.
In general, the z-axis is considered as the molecular axis of symmetry.
● Proper Overlap between the atomic orbitals – The two atomic orbitals will combine to
form molecular orbital if the overlap is proper. Greater the extent of overlap of orbitals,
greater will be the nuclear density between the nuclei of the two atoms.
Molecular orbitals formed by the additive Molecular orbitals formed by the subtractive effect
effect of the atomic orbitals is called bonding of atomic is called anti-bonding molecular orbitals
molecular orbitals
Probability of finding the electrons is more in Probability of finding electrons is less in antibonding
the case of bonding molecular orbitals molecular orbitals. There is also a node between the
anti-bonding molecular orbital between two nuclei
where the electron density is zero.
These are formed by the combination of + and These are formed by the overlap of + with – part.
+ and – with – part of the electron waves
The electron density, in the bonding molecular The electron density in the antibonding molecular
orbital in the internuclear region, is high. As a orbital in the internuclear region is very low and so
result, the nuclei are shielded from each other the nuclei are directly exposed to each other.
and hence the repulsion is very less. Therefore the nuclei are less shielded from each
The bonding molecular orbitals are The corresponding anti-bonding molecular orbitals
represented by σ, π, δ. are represented by σ∗ , π∗, δ∗.
14. Give the Molecular orbital diagram for Carbon Monoxide molecule {N.B: Only the
diagram is required}and calculate its bond order.
Molecular Orbital diagram of Carbon monoxide molecule (CO):
Total electrons:6+8 =14
CO =σ1s2,σ*1s2,σ2s2,σ*2s2, σ2px2, π2py2= π2pz2.
B.O =0.5 (Nb-Na)
B.O= 3
15. Draw the shape of Molecular Orbitals obtained by overlap of s-p orbitals.
● To draw the shape of molecular orbitals obtained by overlapping of s and p orbital, the shape of
the s orbital and p orbital must be drawn first.
● The 's' orbital is spherical and can hold a maximum of two electrons in it.
● On the other hand, 'p' orbital is in shape in which two circles are overlapping each other and it
can hold a maximum of six electrons.
● When these two orbitals overlap each other it leads to the formation of sigma bonding and gives
structure in which both the 's' and 'p' orbitals joined together.
● The shape of s orbital, p orbital and molecular orbitals obtained by overlap are given in the
16. What is p-p orbital overlapping? Give only the molecular orbital diagram taking an
The mutual overlap between two half-filled p-orbitals of two atoms is called p-p overlap. So the
covalent bond formed is called a p-p bond. The formation of such a bond is also called
axial overlapping. The two 'p' orbitals overlap each other when they acquire minimum potential
17. Give the type of overlapping that the following molecules undergo? i. H2 ii. O2 iii.
i. H2 – S-S Overlapping
ii. O2 – S-P Overlapping
iii. HF – S-P Overlapping
18. Calculate the bond order for i. Hydrogen molecule ii. CO and iii. He
i. Hydrogen molecule – 1
ii. Carbon monoxide – 3
iii. Helium - 0
20. Give the splitting pattern of d-orbitals in Oh complexes in the presence of ligands.
21. What is CFSE? Give the formula for calculating it in Oh complexes.
The crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) is the stability that results from placing a
transition metal ion in the crystal field generated by a set of ligands.
[Co(H2O)62+] contains a d7 metal ion with a weak field ligand. This complex is known to
be high spin from magnetic susceptibility measurements, which detect three unpaired electrons
per molecule. Its orbital occupancy is (t2g)5(eg)2.
We can calculate the CFSE as -(5)(2/5)ΔO + (2)(3/5)ΔO = -4/5 ΔO.
a. Anti aromatic
b. Aromatic
c. Non aromatic
d. Aromatic
29. Based on Huckel’s rule, justify which of the following are aromatic, non aromatic
and antiaromatic.
a. Non aromatic
b. Aromatic
c. Anti aromatic
d. Aromatic
will be dz2 and dx2 -y2 , and the higher energy orbitals will
be dxy, dxz and
dyz -
opposite to the octahedral case.
34. Give the formula for calculating CFSE in Td complexes.
35. Why does TD geometry favours to form High spin rather low spin
In a tetrahedral complex, ΔtΔt is relatively small even with strong-field
ligands as there are fewer ligands to bond with. It is rare for the ΔtΔt of
tetrahedral complexes to exceed the pairing energy. Usually, electrons will
move up to higher energy orbitals rather than pairs. Because of this, most
tetrahedral complexes are high spin.
36. What is a spectrochemical series? Mention its importance.
The spectrochemical series is a list of ligands (attachments to a metal
ion) arranged in order of their field strength. The order of common ligands
according to their increasing ligand field strength.
The ligands cyanide and CO are considered strong-field ligands and the
halides are called weak-field ligands. Ligands such as water and ammonia are
said to produce medium field effects.
37. Calculate CFSE for high spin Td complexes having d5 , d6 , d7 , and d8
38. Calculate the magnetic moment value for the following complexes and
predict whether paramagnetic or diamagnetic.
i. Low spin Oh complex with d7 and
ii. [NiCl4]2-
iii. [Fe(CN)6]3-
iv. [CoCl4]2-
40. What is the electromagnetic spectrum and give its different regions?
Electromagnetic spectrum, the entire distribution of electromagnetic
radiation according to frequency or wavelength. Although all electromagnetic
waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, they do so at a wide range of
frequencies, wavelengths, and photon energies.
The electromagnetic spectrum comprises the span of all electromagnetic
radiation and consists of many subranges, commonly referred to as portions,
such as visible light or ultraviolet radiation. The various portions bear different
names based on differences in behaviour in the emission, transmission,
and absorption of the corresponding waves and also based on their different
practical applications. There are no precise accepted boundaries between any
of these contiguous portions, so the ranges tend to overlap.
41. What is the significance of the selection rule in spectroscopy?
A selection rule describes how the probability of transitioning from one
level to another cannot be zero. It has two sub-pieces: a gross selection
rule and a specific selection rule. A gross selection rule illustrates
characteristic requirements for atoms or molecules to display a spectrum of a
given kind, such as an IR spectroscopy or a microwave spectroscopy. Once the
atom or molecules follow the gross selection rule, the specific selection rule
must be applied to the atom or molecules to determine whether a certain
transition in quantum number may happen or not.
Selection rules specify the possible transitions among quantum levels
due to absorption or emission of electromagnetic radiation.
42. What are the criteria for a molecule to absorb in the Microwave region?
During a transition, the rotational quantum number must change by 1
unit only, i.e. ΔJ = ±1 (angular momentum is conserved).
In other words, only transitions between neighbouring energy levels are
43. Give examples for microwave active and inactive molecules.
Gross Selection Rule: molecules with permanent dipoles are microwave
active (the molecule must be polar), e.g., heteronuclear diatomic - HCl, CO, NO,
Homonuclear diatomics are microwave inactive (e.g., O2, N2, etc.)
In other words, a dipole must be present in the molecule for you to get a
rotational spectrum.
44. Write a short note on the selection rule for Rotational (microwave)
A photon contains one unit of angular momentum, so when it interacts
with a molecule it can only impart one unit of angular momentum to the
molecule. This leads to the selection rule that a transition can only occur
between rotational energy levels that are only one quantum rotation level (J)
away from another.
ΔJ = ±1
The transition moment integral and the selection rule for rotational transitions
tell if a transition from one rotational state to another is allowed.
45. What are allowed and forbidden transitions in spectroscopy?
Selection rules, accordingly, may specify “allowed transitions,” those that
have a high probability of occurring, or “forbidden transitions,” those that have
minimal or no probability of occurring.
46. Define Hooke’s law and give its significance in IR spectroscopy.
Hooke's Law states:
● The vibrational frequency is proportional to the strength of the spring;
the stronger the spring, the higher the frequency.
● the vibrational frequency is inversely proportional to the masses at the
ends of the spring; the lighter the weights, the higher the frequency.
Hooke's Law in IR spectroscopy means:
● stronger bonds absorb at higher frequencies.
● weaker bonds absorb at lower frequencies.
● bonds between lighter atoms absorb at higher frequencies.
● bonds between heavier atoms absorb at lower frequencies.
47. What are the criteria for a molecule to absorb in the IR region?
A criterion for IR absorption is a net change in dipole moment in a
molecule as it vibrates or rotates. Using the molecule HBr as an example, the
charge distribution between hydrogen and bromine is not evenly distributed
since bromine is more electronegative than hydrogen and has a higher electron
density. HBr thus has a large dipole moment and is thus polar.
48. Give the selection rule for IR spectroscopy?
Selection rules for Infrared transitions
For a particular vibration to be infrared active there must be a change in
the dipole moment of the molecule during the vibration. In other words, the
transition dipole moment must not be zero.
∆ν = ± 1, transition can take place between Adjacent vibrational levels, 0
to 1, 1 to 2 etc.
49. What is an IR active and Inactive molecule? Give examples.
Homonuclear diatomic molecules are inactive in the infrared spectrum.
They do not have a dipole moment to start with and during the vibration also
the dipole moment is zero. e.g.: H2, O2, N2 etc.
(I=1/2) and P31 (I=1/2).
54. What are the two scales used to calculate chemical shift values?
There are two chemical-shift scales, viz., the δ-scale and the ζ – scale is
used in recording NMR signals. They are related by the expression
δ + ζ = 10
i.e., ζ = 10 - δ
Chemical shift δ is usually expressed in parts per million (ppm)
by frequency, because it is calculated from
where νsample is the absolute resonance frequency of the sample and νref
the absolute resonance frequency of a standard reference compound, measured
in the same applied magnetic field B0. Since the numerator is usually
referenced against TMS (tetramethylsilane), TSP (Trimethylsilylpropanoic acid),
or DSS, which by the definition above have a chemical shift of zero if chosen as
the reference.
56. What is the shielding and deshielding effect in NMR spectra?
The Nucleus feels a weaker magnetic field.
Shielding is a barrier made of inner-shell electrons and it decreases the
nucleus’ pull on the outer electrons. Shielding is defined as “a nucleus whose
chemical shift has been decreased due to addition of electron density, magnetic
induction, or other effects.”
The Nucleus feels a stronger magnetic field.
Deshielding is the opposite of shielding. When we say that an atom is
deshielded, we mean that “A nucleus whose chemical shift has been increased
due to removal of electron density, magnetic induction, or other effects.”
57. What is Larmor (or) precessional frequency?
The Larmor or precessional frequency in MRI refers to the rate of
precession of the magnetic moment of the proton around the external magnetic
field. The frequency of precession is related to the strength of the magnetic
field, B0.
ω = γB
where ω is the Larmor frequency in MHz, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio in
MHz/tesla and B is the strength of the static magnetic field in tesla.
58. Define the term chemical shift and give the model of NMR spectrum for
ethanol molecules.
The NMR spectra is displayed as a plot of the applied radio frequency
versus the absorption. The applied frequency increases from left to right, thus
the left side of the plot is the low field, downfield or deshielded side and the
right side of the plot is the high field, upfield or shielded side (see the figure
below). The concept of shielding will be explained shortly.
The left-hand cluster of peaks is due to the CH2 group. It is a quartet
because of the 3 hydrogens on the next door CH3 group. You can ignore the
effect of the -OH hydrogen. Similarly, the -OH peak in the middle of the
spectrum is a singlet. It hasn't turned into a triplet because of the influence of
the CH2 group.
59. How many values can the magnetic quantum number have?
The magnetic quantum number distinguishes the orbitals available
within a subshell, and is used to calculate the azimuthal component of the
orientation of orbital in space. Electrons in a particular subshell (such as s, p,
d, or f) are defined by values of ℓ (0, 1, 2, or 3). The value of ml can range from
-ℓ to +ℓ, including zero. Thus, the s, p, d, and f subshells contain 1, 3, 5, and 7
orbitals each, with values of m within the ranges 0, ±1, ±2, ±3 respectively.
Each of these orbitals can accommodate up to two electrons (with opposite
spins), forming the basis of the periodic table.
60. Write down possible values m can have for a nucleus with I=1. Draw the
energy level diagram for it.
For the proton in a field of 1 T, νL = 42.576 MHz, as the proton spin
orientation flips from +1/2 to −1/2. This transition is in the radiofrequency
region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
61. Why is XPS a more qualitative than quantitative technique?
XPS is a more qualitative technique because the spectral interfaces are minimal
Since XPS peaks for the core electrons tend to be fairly widely separated. XPS
elemental analysis is based on core electron peaks usually straightforward.
62. Give the number of electrons and best suitable pressure required for
XPS measurement.
In XPS analysis the electrons emitted from atoms near the sample surface is 10-100
Angstroms and suitable pressure requires for high vacuum chamber is 10 -6 pa,for ultra
66. Define the terms: Binding energy and Work function in XPS analysis.
Electron Binding energy is a generic term for the minimum energy needed to remove an .
electron from a particular electron shell for an atom or ion,
Ebinding =Ephoton – ( Ekinetic + ∅)
where Ebinding is the binding energy (BE) of the electron measured relative to the chemical
potential, Ephoton is the energy of the X-ray photons being used, Ekinetic is the kinetic energy of
the electron as measured by the instrument
∅ is the Work function for the specific surface of the material, which in real measurements
includes a small correction by the instrument's work function because of the contact
potential. The work function-like term can be thought of as an adjustable instrumental
correction factor that accounts for the few eV of kinetic energy given up by the
photoelectron as it gets emitted from the bulk and absorbed by the detector.
69. For the intercepts x, y and z with values of 3,1and 2 respectively, find the Miller indices
[Give the steps].
i. Intercepts : 3,1,2
ii. Fractional intercepts: 1/3,1/1,1/2 ( reciprocal)
iii. Miller indices: (263)
71. Give the expression for Bragg’s law and explain the terms involved in it.
Bragg diffraction occurs when radiation, with a wavelength comparable to atomic spacings, is scattered
in a specular fashion by the atoms of a crystalline system, and undergoes constructive interference. For a
crystalline solid, the waves are scattered from lattice planes separated by the interplanar distance d.
When the scattered waves interfere constructively, they remain in phase since the difference between
the pathlengths of the two waves is equal to an integer multiple of the wavelength. The path difference
between two waves undergo interference is given by 2dsin θ, where θ is the glancing angle
2dsin θ = n λ
where n is a positive integer and λ is the wavelength of the incident wave. A diffraction pattern is
obtained by measuring the intensity of scattered waves as a function of scattering angle. Very strong
intensities known as Bragg peaks are obtained in the diffraction pattern at the points where the scattering
angles satisfy Bragg condition.
72. What is interplanar spacing in lattices? Give the expression taking an example.
The interplanar spacing or interplanar distance is the perpendicular distance between two
successive planes in a family (hkl).
Interplanar Crystal spacing of cubic crystal families is defined as
dhkl =
73. Determine the Miller indices (hkl) of the shaded planes below.
Intercepts: 2, ∞, 2
Fractional intercepts: 1/2, 1/∞, 1/2
Miller indices: (101)
Intercepts: 1, 2, 3 :
Fractional intercepts: 1/1, 1/2, 1/3
Miller indices: (632)
Intercepts: ∞, 1, ∞
Fractional intercepts: 1/∞, 1/1, 1/∞
Miller indices: (010)s
increases in the same order. With the increase of polarization of Cl- anion by the cation (Na+,
Mg2+, Al3+), the covalent character between the cation and anion of these chlorides also increases
as we move from NaCl to AlCl3.
82. First ionization energy of Al is lower than that of Mg. Comment on the
Al has one unpaired electron in its highest energy orbital (3p), and Mg's highest energy orbital
(3s) has the paired electrons. It is easier to remove electrons from unpaired 3p1 than from paired
It is energetically favorable for all the electrons in an orbital to be paired, which means that
breaking up this pair would require more energy.
84. How many numbers of geometries are possible in C.N4? Give an example.
Two different geometries are possible.
The tetrahedron is the most common. e.g tetrahedral Cobalt(II) complexes
while the square planar is found almost exclusively with metal ions having a d8 electronic
configuration. e.g cis-PtCl2(NH3)2
85. How many numbers of geometries are possible inC.N6? Give an example.
Three different geometries are possible.
Hexagonal planar Geometry: Unknown for first row transition metal ions, although the
arrangement of six groups in a plane is found in some higher coordination number
Trigonal prism Geometry: Most trigonal prismatic compounds have three bidentate ligands such
as dithiolates or oxalates and few are known for first row transition metal ions.
Octahedral (Oh): The most common geometry found for first row transition metal ions,
including all aqua ions.
86. Define the terms i. Ionization energy, ii. Electron affinity and iii.
i. Ionization energy- The amount of energy required to remove an electron from
an isolated atom or molecule.
ii. Electron affinity- The amount of energy released when an electron is added to
a neutral atom to form an anion.
iii. Electronegativity- The tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract the shared
pair of electrons towards itself.
87. What is effective nuclear charge and Shielding constant? Give their relationship.
The effective nuclear charge (often symbolized as Zeff or Z*) is the net positive
charge experienced by an electron in a multi-electron atom. The term “effective” is used
because the shielding effect of negatively charged electrons prevents higher orbital
electrons from experiencing the full nuclear charge.
Zeff can be calculated by subtracting the magnitude of shielding from the total nuclear
charge and the effective nuclear charge of an atom is given by the equation:
Zeff = Z-S
88. Give the formula to calculate Shielding constant[σ]for an electron residing in n
[sorp]subshell and also in“d”subshell.
The value of σ for an electron residing in (n – 1)d orbitals of (n – 1)th shell of an atom or an ion
(a) There will be no contribution to the value of s by the electrons residing in ns orbitals
in ns orbital.
(b) Each of the remaining electrons present in (n – 1) d orbitals, makes a contribution of 0.35
Each of the electrons present in the (n – 1)s, (n – 1)p orbitals and inner shells [i.e. 1st 2nd,
3rd,….(n – 2)th shells] makes a contribution of 1.0
σ for a (n – 1)d electron = 0.35 × [No. of the electrons in (n – 1)d orbitals] + 1.0 × [No. of
electrons in (n – 1)s, (n – 1)p orbitals and inner shells]
88. List out elements from the following the most electropositive and electronegative
element and give reasons. Li, Be, B, C, K and Fluorine.
Most electropositive element is K and most electronegative element is F
). On moving from
In the above list except K other elements belong to the same period (2 nd
left to right the electronegativity increases with increase in the number of outer electrons.
Since F is the having more number of electrons in the outermost orbital, it is the most
electronegative element. (present in the top right hand corner of the periodic table)
K is present in the first group. In groups from top to bottom the electronegativity decreases
because of electron shielding effects. So compared with Li on the same group K is less
electronegative. So the K is the most electro -positive element in the given list.
89. Arrange Br, F, I and Cl in the order of increasing electron affinity and give reasons.
F > Cl > Br > I
On moving down the group the electron affinity decreases. Because of the steady increase in
atomic radius of the elements
90. Give the increasing order for Na, Al, Mg and Si atoms based on effective
nuclear Charge and give reasons.
Na <Mg <Al < Si
All these elements belong to the 3rd period. We know that as we proceed from left to right in
a period, the electrons are added to the orbital of the same main energy level. The addition of
each electron increases the nuclear charge by one, so from Na to Si nuclear charge increases.
91. Give the increasing order for Na, Al, Mg and Si atoms based on effective nuclear charge
and give reasons.
The order of increasing effective nuclear charge is Na < Mg < Al < Si because, in a period,
on moving from left to right, the electrons are added to the same principal shell. The added electrons
shield each other poorly from the nucleus therefore the effective nuclear charge increases.
92. What are atomic radii? Give its variation along the period and down the group taking
The atomic radius is defined as one-half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms
that are bonded together.
In a period, from left to right, with increase in the atomic number, the atomic radius
decreases due to increase in the nuclear charge which increases the attraction of the nucleus for the
valence electrons.
For example, in the elements of the second period, the covalent radii decrease as we move
from Li to F as shown below.
Li (1.23) >Be(0.90) > B(0.82) > C(0.77) > N(0.75) > O(0.73) > F(0.72)
In a group, on moving from top to bottom, the atomic radius increases as a new energy level
is added at each succeeding element but the number of valence electrons remains the same.
Be (0.90) <Mg (1.36) <Ca (1.74) <Sr (1.91) <Ba (1.98)
93. Arrange the following in the increasing order of atomic radii and give reasons: N, S, P
and O.
The correct order of atomic radii of N, S, P, and O follows the order O < N < S < P. On
going from N to O, the nuclear charge increases. But the additional electron is added in the same
energy level. Hence, due to shielding effect, the effective nuclear charge increases. The attraction of
the nucleus for the valence electrons increases. Hence, the atomic size decreases. The atomic size of
N is larger than that of O. For the same, reason, the atomic size of P is larger than that of S.
94. Give reasons for: on-going from C to N in the second period, the values of electron affinity
decrease instead of increasing.
On moving across the periodic table, the electron affinity increases. But, the period from
Carbon to Nitrogen experiences an adverse reaction.
● The electron affinity decreases because the atomic size increases.
● The nuclear force of attraction decreases
● The attraction for an electron becomes less.
Hence, ongoing from C to N in the second period, the values of electron affinity decrease instead of
99. Give the differences between hard and soft acids.
Hard acid Soft acid
Small ionic radii, Large ionic radii,
High positive charge, Low positive charge,
Empty orbitals in the valence shell Completely filled atomic orbitals
High energy LUMOs. Low energy LUMOs
H+, Li+, Na+, K+, Be2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Cu+, Ag+, Au+, Hg+, Cs+, Tl+, Hg2+Pd2+,
Sn2+Al3+, Ga3+, In3+, Cr3+, Co3+, Fe3+, Cd2+, Pt2+
La3+, Si4+, Ti4+, Zr4+, Th4+,
The Gibbs-Helmholtz equation in terms of Free energy (∆G) and enthalpy (∆H) is given
106. Define Chemical corrosion. Give the schematic diagram for depicting the mechanism
of oxidation corrosion.
Chemical corrosion takes place due to the direct chemical action of atmospheric gases
such as oxygen, halogen, hydrogen sulphide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen or anhydrous Inorganic
liquid with metal surfaces.
When oxygen directly attacks the metal surface at low or high temperature oxidation
corrosion takes place this type of corrosion usually occurs in the absence of moisture.
Schematic diagram for depicting the mechanism of oxidation corrosion:
The following reactions take place during oxidation corrosion:
● Oxygen attacks the surface of the metal under oxidation and this results in the formation
of metal oxide scale.
● The metal oxide scale formed on the metal surface acts as a barrier and prevents further
● If oxidation has to continue either the metal iron must diffuse outwards through the
metal oxide barrier or the oxide ions must diffuse inwards through the barrier.
● Though both transfers occur the outward diffusion of the metal ion is more rapidly than
the inverse diffusion of oxide ions.
● This may be accounted for by the higher mobility of the smaller size of the metal ions
when compared to oxide ions.
107. Define Electrochemical corrosion. Give a neat sketch for depicting the mechanism of
oxygen absorption and Hydrogen evolution corrosion.
Electrochemical corrosion
This type of corrosion takes place
* When a conducting liquid is in contact with the metal or
*When two dissimilar metals are either immersed partially or dipped in a solution.
* When a metal is exposed to wearing a concentration of oxygen or electrolyte.
Mechanism of oxygen absorption
If electrolyte is neutral or alkaline aqueous solution, corrosion takes place by absorption
of O2.
Example: Rusting of iron in water containing dissolved oxygen occurs by oxygen
absorption mechanism.
At anodic area iron will dissolve by oxidation. The surface of iron is usually coated with
the thin film of iron oxide. But if this iron oxide film develops some cracks, anodic areas are
created on the surface; while the metal (iron) acts as cathodes.
Here the anodic areas are small surfaces while the rest of the surface of the metal forms
large cathodes.
At anode, Fe →Fe2+→2e-
The electrons flow to the cathodic area through and will be accepted by O2.
At Cathode Fe2+ +2OH→Fe (OH)2
If enough O2 is present, ferrous hydroxide easily oxidized to ferric hydroxide
2Fe (OH) 2 + ½ O2 +H2O→2Fe(OH)3
Ferric hydroxide rust. This product is called yellow rust, which is nothing but Fe2O3.H2O.
If O2 is limited, the corrosion product will be black anhydrous magnetite, Fe3O4.
Thus, the solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt forming a saturated solution in
water given by the product of the concentrations of the ions raised to a power equal to the
number of the ions occurs in the equation representing the dissociation of electrolyte.
111. Define Single electrode potential and standard electrode potential. Write the
mathematical expression for the Nernst equation for Zn(s)/Zn2+ (aq) // Cu2+ (aq) / Cu(s) .
Single electrode potential:
It is the measure of tendency of metallic electrodes to lose or gain electrons, when it is in
contact with a solution of its own salt.
Standard electrode potential:
It is the measure of tendency of metallic electrodes to lose or gain electrons, when it is in
contact with a solution of its own salt of 1molar concentration at 25˚c.
Nernst equation for Zn(s)/Zn2+ (aq) // Cu2+ (aq) / Cu(s)
In Daniell cell, the electrode potentials of the half cells are written as:
This is the Nernst equation for the Daniel cell.
116. Mention the types of isomerism exhibited by each of the following pairs:
i. Maleic acid and Fumaric acid ii.n-Butyl alcohol and Diethyl ether and iii. Diethyl ether
and Methyl propyl ether
(i) Maleic acid and Fumaric acid exhibits Geometrical isomerism– fumaric acid trans
form and maleic acid cis form
(iii) Diethyl ether and Methyl propyl ether exhibit Metamerism due to unequal
distribution of carbon atoms on either side of the functional group.
3 CH3 O CH2CH3
Diethyl ether Methyl propyl ether
117. Differentiate Chirality and Achirality with an example for each.
Example: For chiral molecules- golf clubs, scissors, shoes and a corkscrew, our hands,
Lactic acid CH3−CH(OH)−COOH.
Example: For achiral molecules - two pieces of paper, A baseball bat, a hammer, most
socks, Hexane-3-ol (C2H5−CH(OH)−C2H5).
● It is known that (A) is the mirror image of (B) and (C) is the mirror image of
(D). Thus the four isomers are two pairs of enantiomers.
● Now Comparing (A) with (C), (A) with (D), (B) with(C), and (B) with (D) they are
neither superimposable non mirror images. They are called diastereomers.
121. What is Sawhorse projection? Give an example.
A Sawhorse Projection is a view of a molecule down a particular carbon-carbon
bond, and groups connected to both the front and back carbons are drawn using sticks at
120 degree angles. Sawhorse Projections can also be drawn so that the groups on the
front carbon are staggered (60 degrees apart) or eclipsed (directly overlapping) with the
groups on the back carbon.
125.Define the terms i. Racemic mixture and ii. Meso Isomers with suitable examples.
A racemic mixture is an equal (1:1) mixture of dextro and levo isomers known as
enantiomers. It contains non-identical isomers. A racemic mixture contains chiral
A meso compound is a molecule having more than one identical stereocenter and an
identical or superimposable mirror image. It has identical mirror images. They are
considered as achiral compounds.
129.What is the reaction of the following with Cyclopropane? i.Halogens. HI iii. Sulphuric
acid and iv. Hydrogen
Paracetamol is used for reducing fever in people of all ages. It is used for the relief
of mild to moderate pain. Paracetamol can relieve pain in mild arthritis, but has no
effect on the underlying inflammation, redness, and swelling of the joint.
141. What is a free radical addition reaction? Give an example with an equation.
Free-radical addition is an addition reaction in organic chemistry which
involves free radicals.[1]
The addition may occur between a radical and a non-radical, or
between two radicals.
Free Radical Addition Of HBr To Alkenes With ROOR (Peroxides)
Eclipsed conformation is least stable because two methyl groups are closer to each other and the
dihedral angle is O.