BT Skills For Tomorrow Helping Others Nhs App Guide PDF

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View and share your NHS COVID Pass

This guide covers how to download,

register and log in to the NHS App. It
also covers how to check your COVID-19
vaccination status and view or share
your NHS COVID Pass.
The NHS App is a simple and secure way to access
a range of services on your smartphone or tablet.
It is free from app stores. You need to be 16 or over
What you’ll learn to use the NHS COVID Pass service and registered
How to download the NHS App with an NHS GP practice in England.
How to register and log in on the
The NHS App should not be confused with the NHS
How to view your vaccination status
COVID-19 App which offers the fastest way to see if
How to view or share your NHS
you’re at risk from coronavirus.

Use the NHS App to:

• Get your NHS COVID Pass - view and share for

Helper’s notes domestic use or travel abroad
• Order repeat prescriptions
Encourage your learner to carry out as many • Book appointments
steps as possible to build their confidence. Try
• Get health advice
to avoid doing any steps for them. If they get
stuck, show them, but then go back and ask • View your health record
them to do the same step independently. • Register your organ donation decision

You can print off this sheet to leave with them,

to try out on their own.
You will need a working mobile phone and email
address to be able to create a login.

Downloading the NHS App on a mobile device:

1. Open the App Store or Play Store

2. Search for ‘NHS App’ and
select install
3. After installing, select the app
to open it
Registration Logging in
Registering onto the NHS App on a mobile Logging into the NHS App on a mobile device:
1. Enter your email address and select
1. Enter your email address and select ‘Continue’ ‘Continue’ (Image A below)
2. Select ‘Continue’ to set up a new NHS login 2. Enter your password
3. To create an account you will need to know your
NHS number or name, date of birth and postcode.
Select ‘Continue’ if you know this information Get your pass
4. Create a password and select ‘Continue’ View or share your COVID-19 status on a
5. A code will be sent to your email address to mobile device:
confirm who you are
6. Enter your mobile number. You will be sent a 1. Open the ‘NHS App’ by selecting it
security number via text to confirm your mobile 2. Log in using your email address and password
number 3. Select ‘Get your NHS COVID Pass’
7. Once your registration is complete, you will be 4. Select ‘Continue’
asked if you are happy to share your details from 5. Select ‘Domestic or Travel’ (Image B below)
your GP Surgery with the NHS App – choose ‘Yes’ 6. You now have the option to view your QR code or:
or ‘No’ and select ‘Continue’ a. D  ownload a copy
8. Then you are asked to agree to the NHS terms or Select and print or ‘save to files’, or
use, privacy policy and cookie policy (the cookie b. R  eceive an offline copy by email
policy is optional) Simply ‘click and confirm’
7. If you select ‘Travel’ you have the option to
‘Show details’
8. You will see a QR code which you can present
when asked. (Image C below)

(Image A) (Image B) (Image C)


If you don’t have access to a computer or smartphone
and have been fully vaccinated, you can call 119 for a
copy of the NHS COVID Pass letter. For further
It can take up to 5 working days for your letter to
reach you.
• NHS App help and support
If you have any further questions visit or
call 119. app-help-and-support

• About the NHS App

Free lateral flow tests are available from most
• Demonstrating your
pharmacies or by ordering through the
vaccination status
You can report your test results on this link:
or by calling the phone number on the test For further guides and
kit instructions. activities to build your
confidence online,
Vaccines including The NHS Website :
a how-to guide visit:
If you have not yet had your vaccine you can
book by visiting:
or call 119 to book an appointment near you.
Now that you’re online why not check out the helping
others page on the BT Skills For Tomorrow site.
You’ll find more creative and fun ways to make the
most of being online.

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