The Campaign For The Crown: The Invasion of Russia
The Campaign For The Crown: The Invasion of Russia
The Campaign For The Crown: The Invasion of Russia
o B elaya o Tushino
.. . . . o Moscow
Vitebsk0 / Mozhaisk 0
I 0Smolensk o Serpukhov
n Kolomna
OrshaO 1 o Kaluga o Ryazan'
\ o Tula
Map 3 The towns of south-west Russia. This map shows the region most affected by
the campaign of the First False Dimitry in 1604-5, the Bolotnikov revolt of
1606-7 and the campaign of the Second False Dimitry in 1607-8
Ibid., pp. 173-5.
Ibid., pp. 176-8.
Skrynnikov, Sotsial'no-politicheskaya bor'ba, pp. 171—2.
For a detailed narrative of the initial stages of Dimitry's campaign, see Skrynnikov, Sotsial'no-
politicheskaya bor'ba, pp. 174-216.
Ibid., p. 188.
AAE, vol. 2, no. 26, p. 76.
Zimin, 'Nekotorye voprosy', p. 99; Ovchinnikov, 'Nekotorye voprosy', pp. 82-3; Skylar, 'O
nacharnom etape', pp. 91-9; 'O krest'yanskoi voine', pp. 111-15.
Smirnov, 'O nekotorykh voprosakh', p. 117.
AAE, vol. 2, no. 26, p. 76. Cf. also no. 3 4 , p. 89; no. 37, pp. 9 2 - 3 .
Aleksandrenko, comp., 'Materialy', p. 413. This letter survives only in a corrupt Polish trans-
lation: see Skrynnikov, Sotsial'no-politicheskaya bor'ba, pp. 153—4.
Golubtsov, ' "Izmena" smol'nyan', p. 233.
SIRIO, vol. 137, p. 178 (my emphasis). Dimitry w a s denied the title o f tsarevich because o f
his presumed illegitimacy. Boris could not o f course acknowledge that Dimitry claimed to
have escaped assassination at Uglich, since the official v i e w w a s that the b o y had died
AAE, vol. 2, no. 28, p. 78.
A peasant who sang a variant of this song for the folklorist P. N. Rybnikov
in the nineteenth century provided the following explanation of this passage:
'Grishka spent thirty years in prison and in that time he deliberately grew a
cross on his white breasts, in order to resemble Tsarevich Dimitry. For the
real tsarevich, when he was born, had a cross on his white breast.'36 Thus
even if Dimitry himself did not claim to have 'royal signs' on his body as
a mark of his divine preordination as a true tsar, it seems that the popular
consciousness attributed such signs to him. The belief in his 'royal marks'
survived his discrediting as an impostor and sorcerer: but it was subsequently
explained in the folklore that he had acquired the marks by magical means.
Vishnevetskii's report to King Sigismund, and the 'recognition' of the pre-
tender by various witnesses who claimed to have known the young Tsarevich
Dimitry of Uglich, had represented attempts to provide proof of the pre-
tender's identity. However clumsy and fraudulent these efforts might appear
to us, they were nevertheless based on rational assumptions about evidence,
such as those that might be required in a contemporary European court of
law:37 the pretender was expected to provide a plausible explanation of his
escape from death and of his subsequent fate prior to his arrival in Brahin;
and to provide witnesses to testify that he bore some physical resemblance
to Dimitry of Uglich. In Poland, Dimitry had attempted to supply his patrons
with such proofs of his identity, tailored for an educated foreign audience.
Addressing himself to the Russian population of the south-west frontier
region, however, with its religious and magical mentality, he was content to
appeal to the role of Divine Providence, implying a miraculous aspect to his
reappearance which was not inconsistent with the idea of resurrection. The
Istoricheskie pesni XVII veka, no. 8, p. 33; cf. no. 10, p. 35; no. 15, p. 39.
Ibid., p. 336.
Compare Natalie Zemon Davis's account of the type of proof of identity required by sixteenth-
century French courts such as that which tried the famous case of the false Martin Guerre
(Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre, p. 63):
But how, in a time without photographs, with few portraits, without tape recorders,
without fingerprinting, without identity cards, without birth certificates, with parish
records still irregular if kept at all - how did one establish a person's identity beyond
doubt? You could test the man's memory, though there was always the possibility
that he had been coached. You could ask witnesses to identify him, and hope that
they were accurate and truthful. You could consider special marks on his face and
body, but their significance could only be established by witnesses who recollected
the earlier person. You could look to see whether he resembled other members of
the family. You could check his handwriting, but only if he and the earlier person
could both write and you had samples of the latter's work. The court of Rieux had
to try to extract some kind of truth from such evidence . . .
Sacralisation involved the drawing of an analogy between the tsar and God or Christ: Uspen-
skii, 'Tsar' i samozvanets', pp. 2 0 2 - 3 ; Zhivov and Uspenskii, 'Tsar' i b o g ' .
Such notions were not unique to Russia — the Habsburg princes, for example, were popularly
believed to b e born with the mark of a gold cross on their backs - and they reflect, in the
view of Yves-Marie Berce, a popular concept of natural, divinely ordained royal legitimacy:
Le roi cache, pp. 378-401.
For a detailed account of the later stages of Dimitry's march on Moscow, see Skrynnikov,
Sotsial'no-politicheskaya bor'ba, pp. 217ff.
Paerle, 'Zapiski', pp. 167-9.
Pierling, Rome et Demetrius, p. 59.
Baretstsi, 'Povestvovanie', p. 11.
Pavlov, Gosudarev dvor, p. 78.
SGGiD, vol. 2, no. 85, p. 192.
Pierling, La Russie et le Saint-Siege, vol. 3, pp. 164-5.
RIB, vol. 13, col. 39; Massa, A Short History, pp. 90-1, 93-4.
Massa, A Short History, p. 97.
Smith, Voiage, ffI2-I2v.
RIB, vol. 13, col. 40; PSRL, vol. 34, p. 206.
Massa, A Short History, p. 9 8 .
Pavlov, Gosudarev dvor, pp. 78-9.
SGGiD, vol. 2, no. 87, pp. 196-7.
Massa, A Short History, p. 101.
Ibid., pp. 90-1.
Skrynnikov, Sotsial'no-politicheskaya bor'ba, p. 275.
Smith, Voiage, fK3.
Bussov, Moskovskaya khronika, p. 106.
Ibid., p. 105; Smith, Voiage, fK3v.
Smith, Voiage, fL.
Skrynnikov, Sotsial'no-politicheskaya bor'ba, p. 282.
Ibid., p. 290.
Massa, A Short History, p. 106.
Ibid., pp. 106—7. Other contemporary accounts also mention rumours about a statue found in
Boris's palace. According to these sources, Godunov had allegedly booby-trapped his mansion
by placing gunpowder in the cellars, with a fuse attached to a lamp in the hands of a statue.
See Frantsev, 'Istoricheskoe i pravdivoe povestvovanie', pp. 31-2; Moskovskaya tragediya,
p. 36.
According to Massa, the rumours that Godunov was still alive were so
strong that messengers were sent out far and wide to look for him. Some
people said that he had gone to Tatary, and cossacks ostensibly searching
for the fugitive tsar ransacked villages on the Volga. Others claimed that he
had left for Sweden, but most were convinced that the English merchants
had taken him with rich treasures to their own country.80 The foreign
merchants, including Massa himself, who left Moscow at this time for the
White Sea port of Archangel, were in constant fear of attack, since it was
widely believed that they were smuggling Boris and his treasury out of
Russia.81 Massa describes the rumours about Boris as evidence of the 'most
ridiculous blindness' on the part of the credulous Russians.82 His own
account, however, suggests that there was some method in the Russians'
apparent madness, since the rumours clearly served as a pretext for looting
and pillaging by those who claimed to be searching for Boris and his
K. V. Chistov, noting the similarity of these rumours to some of the motifs
of the 'socio-utopian legends about returning tsar-deliverers', states that
nevertheless no such legend was formed about Boris, since no-one wanted
him to reappear. Unlike Tsarevich Dimitry, Boris was an all too familiar and
discredited figure, with whom popular socio-utopian expectations could not
be associated.83 Subsequently, however, as we shall see below, the Poles were
to find a use for the rumours about Boris, when they threatened Dimitry with
the spectre of a false Boris.84
Foreign accounts based on reports by the Polish Jesuit Andrzej Lawicki
suggest a possible alternative explanation of these rumours about Boris Godu-
nov. Lawicki states that on his arrival in Moscow the pretender ordered
Godunov's palace to be razed to its foundations, 'fearing spells and magic',
since Boris in his desperation had resorted towards the end of his life to
sorcery as a weapon against the pretender.85 Certainly there is evidence that
Boris had long been interested in magic: Horsey, who knew him before he
became tsar, describes him as 'affected much to necromancy'.86 But, as
B. A. Uspenskii has noted, Dimitry and his supporters would in any case
have regarded Boris as a sorcerer, in so far as they viewed him a false tsar -
Massa, A Short History, p. 106.
Ibid., p . 107.
Ibid., p. 107.
Chistov, Russkie narodnye, p. 4 7 .
For discussion of the rumours about Boris, see Perrie, ' "Popular Socio-Utopian Legends" ',
pp. 23-6.
Aleksandrenko, comp., 'Materialy', pp. 400, 535; Frantsev, 'Istoricheskoe i pravdivoe
povestvovanie', p. 31; Moskovskaya tragediya, pp. 35-6.
Berry and Crummey, eds., Rude and Barbarous Kingdom, p. 362.
The Nobles ioyning in one Counsell for the present ordering of these suddaine acci-
dents, and for answere to the P[rince] Dem[etrie] Euanich, who suddenly was by
generall consent concluded (by the perticular knowledege of Bodan Belsekey a great
Counseller, that was privie to his departure, and some others) to be their right and
lawfull Emperour.88
In reality, of course, the boyars recognised Dimitry not because they believed
him to be the true tsarevich, but because acknowledgement of the pretender
was the only way they could hope to survive the popular uprising and regain
control of events.
On 5 June Dimitry learned of the rising in Moscow, and left Krapivna in
order to begin his triumphal march on the capital. At Tula, where the new
tsar was welcomed with great pomp, he received a delegation from Moscow.
This was headed not by the chief boyars, but by second-rank figures. The
pretender, clearly feeling slighted by this, snubbed the delegation by receiv-
ing envoys from the Don cossacks ahead of the Moscow notables. The boyars
were mocked and derided by the cossacks, aided and abetted by Dimitry,
who, in the words of the chronicler, 'chastised and cursed them like a real
tsar's son'.89 The lesson was not lost on the leaders of the boyar duma. When
Dimitry reached Serpukhov he was met with great honour by Prince F. I.
Uspenskii, 'Tsar' i samozvanets', pp. 2 1 6 - 1 7 . For the same reasons, Vasilii Shuiskii believed
that Dimitry's palace was bewitched. Isaac Massa (A Short History, p . 166) tells us that after
he succeeded to the throne, Shuiskii had a new residence built, because: ' H e had not wished
to live in Dmitry's sumptuous palace for fear of a nocturnal visit from the Demon, for he
still held Dmitry to have been a sorcerer, and all the places he inhabited were thought impure.'
Smith, Voiage, fL2. Skrynnikov's account of Bel'skii's role appears to be based on a mistrans-
lation in the Russian edition of this source: Skrynnikov, Sotsial'no-politicheskaya bor'ba,
p. 285. Bel'skii was able to persuade the boyars to recognise Dimitry because he had been
'privy to his departure' from Uglich (see below, p. 80), not because he 'had heard of his
departure from his camp' at Tula.
PSRL, vol. 14, p. 65, para. 104.
Bussov, Moskovskaya khronika, pp. 109, 235. Bussow even attempts to reproduce the Russian
words in his German text: 'Thy brabda Solniska'. Zhivov and Uspenskii ('Tsar' i bog', p. 57)
translate this as solntse pravednoe, i.e. 'sun of righteousness'.
AAE, vol. 2, no. 224, pp. 383-5.
Bussov, Moskovskaya khronika, p. 109.
Belokurov, ed., Razryadnye zapisi, p. 5.
AAE, vol. 2, no. 37, pp. 92-3; no. 38, p. 93; SGGiD, vol. 2, no. 90, p. 201.
Smith, Voiage, fM.
(knowing the ambitious thirst of Borris to extirpate the race of Evan Vassiliwich
himselfe now but an Usurper) took deliberation with the old Empresse (mother to
Demetre) for the preservation of the child. And seeing afarre off, arrowes aimed at
his life, which could very hardly be kept off, it was devised to exchange Demetre
for the child of a churchman (in yeares and proportion somewhat resembling him)
whilst the other (by this meanes) might live safe, though obscure.
This counterfet Churchmans Sonne being then taken for the lawful Prince, was
attended on and associated according to his State: with whome one day, another child,
(that was appointed to bee his play fellow) disporting themselves, finding faulte that
the collor which the supposed Demetre wore about his necke (as the fashion of the
Countrey is) stood awry, preparing to mende it, with a sharpe knif (provided as seems
of purpose) cut his throat.103
Boris had made a hypocritical show of grief, and had sent a commission of
inquiry to investigate the circumstances of Dimitry's death. The tsarevich's
guardians were imprisoned, and some of them were put to death.
But heaven protected the lawfull, to be an instrument for the Usurpers confusion.
Obscurely livd this wronged Prince, the changing of him being made private to none
but his owne mother (Sister as is said before to Boris) who is now living, and to Bodan
Belskey: but upon what wheele his various fortunes have bin turned, (which of necessity
must needs be strange) came not within the rech of our knowledge being there.104
As the historian Kostomarov pointed out last century, this version of Dimi-
try 's escape from death, in which the substitution took place long before
15 May 1591, is much more convincing than the pretender's own account,
given to Vishnevetskii in Poland, in which the tsarevich's tutor intervened
with a replacement child on the day itself.105 Jacques Margeret too stated that
Dimitry's substitution took place before 1591, but he attributed the ruse to
'Dmitrii's mother and some of the high nobles who were left, like the Rom-
anovs, the Nagois, and others'.106 Foreign contemporaries, such as Margeret
and the author of the English account, believed that the man who was
crowned in Moscow in July 1605 really was Tsarevich Dimitry, saved by
Ibid., fM2. Andrei Kleshnin and Vasilii Shchelkalov (the brother of Andrei) were later named
by the Second False Dimitry as allies of Bogdan Bel'skii in thwarting Boris's plans to murder
him at Uglich: Buturlin, Istoriya smutnogo vremeni, vol. 2, prilozheniya no. 7, p. 49.
Smith, Voiage, fM2.
Ibid., fM2v-[M3]. Dimitry's mother was not of course Boris's sister.
Kostomarov, Kto by I pervyi Lzhedimitrii?, pp. 35—40.
Margeret, The Russian Empire, p. 81.
For the rather more sceptical v i e w o f a member o f Sir T h o m a s Smith's party, see William
Scott's report to Lord Salisbury: Aleksandrenko, comp., 'Materialy', pp. 2 4 6 - 7 .
Kostomarov, Kto by I pervyi Lzhedimitrii?, pp. 41-9.
PSRL, vol. 14, p. 67, para. 107.
Popov, Izbornik, p. 329; Massa, A Short History, p. 113.
Palitsyn, Skazanie, p. I l l ; PSRL, vol. 14, p. 67, para. 111.
Skrynnikov, Sotsial'no-politicheskaya bor'ba, pp. 308-9; Skrynnikov, Rossiya v nachaleXVII
v., p. 238. Skrynnikov makes no attempt to reconcile Dimitry's persecution of the Shuiskiis
with his theory that this clan had been responsible for setting up the 'pretender intrigue'.
If anyone doubted his identity, however, the pretender had a trump card
to play. Tsaritsa Mariya Nagaya, the mother of Dimitry of Uglich, was still
living as the nun Marfa in the remote northern convent to which she had
been exiled after the death of her son. As we have noted, the captured noble-
man Peter Khrushchov had told the pretender on the eve of his incursion
into Russia in 1604 of rumours that Boris had summoned Mariya to Moscow
to interrogate her, but there appears to have been no substance to these. In
his proclamations of June 1605 to the Siberian towns of Sol' Vychegodsk
and Pelym, Dimitry had called upon his loyal subjects to pray not only for
himself but also for 'Our mother, the Great Sovereign Tsaritsa and Grand
Princess the nun Marfa Fedorovna of All Russia'.113 According to the text
which was circulated at the same time, the oath of allegiance was to be taken
to Marfa Fedorovna as well as to her son.114 The practice of naming the
dowager tsaritsa in the oath of allegiance had been introduced by Boris Godu-
nov, who derived his claim to the throne from his sister Irina, the widow of
Tsar Fedor Ivanovich. The precedent had been mechanically copied by Tsar
Fedor Borisovich. For Dimitry, as for Boris, it served the additional purpose
of stressing his link with the old dynasty.115
When he reached Moscow, Dimitry sent his trusted boyar Prince Vasilii
Mosal'skii to escort Mariya to the capital. But he had prepared the ground
in advance, having already despatched Semen Shapkin, a relative of the
Nagois whom the pretender had appointed to the rank of chamberlain
(posteVnichii), to persuade Mariya to acknowledge Dimitry as her son.
According to one Russian source, the 'persuasion' was to take the form of
a threat to kill her if she did not recognise him.116 The New Chronicle, how-
ever, admits that no-one knows why Mariya acknowledged the pretender:
from fear of her life, or of her own volition.117 Not surprisingly, after the
murder of the First False Dimitry Mariya herself claimed that she had acted
under duress.118
In reality, the pretender hardly needed to resort to threats to induce Mariya
to recognise him as her son. While he was still encamped at Tula, Dimitry
had sent messengers to the obscure provincial towns where the surviving
senior members of the Nagoi family were serving in the minor posts which
Boris had allowed them to occupy after their years of imprisonment and
exile. Dimitry generously rewarded his closest 'relatives'. Mariya Nagaya's
brother Michael Fedorovich Nagoi was made a boyar and equerry to the tsar;
AAE, vol. 2, no. 35, p. 92; SGGiD, vol. 2, no. 89, p. 200.
AAE, vol. 2, no. 38, p. 94; SGGiD, vol. 2, no. 91, pp. 202-3.
Skrynnikov, Sotsial'no-politicheskaya bor'ba, p. 289; Perrie, 'Female Rule', pp. 4-5.
Belokurov, ed., Razryadnye zapisi, p. 6.
PSRL, vol. 14, p. 67, para. 109.
SGGiD, vol. 2, no. 146, p. 307; no. 147, p. 312; no. 149, p. 317; AAE, vol. 2, no. 48, p.
her other brother, Grigorii, and her cousins Andrei, Afanasii and Michael
Aleksandrovich Nagoi were also made boyars. They were all allocated estates
and mansions which had been confiscated from the Godunovs.119 This dra-
matic improvement in the fortunes of her kinsmen, as well as an under-
standable tendency to wishful thinking, must undoubtedly have influenced
Mariya's attitude towards her supposed son.
In addition to the Nagois, Dimitry generously rewarded members of other
boyar families who had been in exile and disgrace in Boris's reign. The
brothers I. P. and V. P. Golovin were made okol'nichie, as was the d'yak
V. Ya. Shchelkalov. Ivan Nikitich Romanov was made a boyar. His brother
Fedor, whom Boris had obliged to become the monk Filaret, returned to
Moscow from the Antoniev Siiskii monastery, and was appointed Metropoli-
tan of Rostov. The agents who kept watch on Filaret had reported that in
February 1605, when news of the pretender's successes first reached him,
the reluctant elder had undergone a marked change in his behaviour. Filaret
had begun laughing to himself, threatening his jailors, and reminiscing about
his former life as a layman, with his hawks and his hunting dogs - a life to
which he clearly hoped soon to return.120 This evidence has served for some
historians as confirmation of their hypothesis that these boyar families were
responsible for setting up the pretender.121 But it is just as reasonable to
assume that Dimitry, in need of allies in the boyar duma, realised that men
and women who had been exiled by Boris would not require too stringent
proofs of his identity, and would be willing to 'recognise' and support him
in return for their rehabilitation and reinstatement.
On 17 July the nun Marfa reached the village of Taininskoe, on the out-
skirts of Moscow. Dimitry went to meet her there, and a touching scene
ensued in which mother and son were reunited after fourteen years. The next
day Dimitry escorted the dowager tsaritsa into the capital, where they were
greeted by cheering crowds on Red Square and attended a service of thanks-
giving in the Kremlin. Three days later, on 21 July 1605, the pretender was
crowned as tsar in the Uspenskii cathedral. According to the Pole Stanislaw
Niemojewski, when Dimitry was riding to his coronation, the people of
Moscow hailed him as the 'true tsarevich and our legitimate sovereign, our
true sun (prawotne solnyszko nasze)'.122
Skrynnikov, Sotsial'no-politicheskaya bor'ba, p. 314.
AI, vol. 2, no. 54, pp. 64-6.
E.g. Kostomarov, Kto byl pervyi Lzhedimitrii?, pp. 48-9; Platonov, Ocherki, pp. 186-7.
Nemoevskii, 'Zapiski', p. 114. Although the Russian re-translation is istinnoe solnyshko
nashe, the original was probably pravednoe solnyshko, i.e. 'sun of righteousness'.