Vocabulary Myths

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Greek Myths

Pre-teach Vocabulary for the Presentation

I.-) Match the following words with their definitions.

To allot; boar; carefree; dignified; divine; enhanced memory;

hearth; hind; mare; merciful; shape shifting; underrated

1.- to use a particular amount of time for something __________________________________

2.- the area of floor around a fireplace in a house ___________________________________
3.- the power to remember and recall experiences and events inhumanly well __________________
4.- the ability to completely transform its physical form or shape ______________________________
5.- behaving in a calm and serious way, even in a difficult situation, which makes people respect you
6.- better than people think or say ___________________________________
7.- having no worries or problems ____________________________________
8.- being kind to people and forgiving them rather than punishing them or being cruel
9.- coming from or relating to a god
10.- a female deer _________________________________
11.- a wild pig _________________________________
12.- a female horse ___________________________________

Learning while listening and watching

II.-) Write who or what these people or places are.

1.- Zeus ………………………………………………………………… pronunciation: ………………….

2.- Alcmene ……………………………………………………………. pronunciation: ………………….
3.- Hera ………………………………………………………………… pronunciation: ………………….
4.- Heracles ……………………………………………………………. pronunciation: ………………….
5.- Eurystheus …………………………………………………………. pronunciation: ………………….
6.- Mycenae …………………………………………………………… pronunciation: …………………..
The twelve labours of Hercules

1.- To kill the Nemean Lion.

2.- To destroy the Lernaean Hydra.

3.- To capture the Ceryneian Hind.

4.- To capture the Erymanthian Boar

5.- To clean the Augean Stables.

6.- To kill the Stymphalian Birds.

7.- To capture the Cretan Bull.

8.- To round up the Mares of Diomedes.

9.- To steal the Belt (Girdle) of Hippolyte.

10.- To herd the cattle of Geryon.

11.- To fetch the Golden Apples of the Hesperides.

12.- To capture Cerberus.

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