002 Cloud Computing Terms

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Cloud computing terms

Advertising-based pricing model

A pricing model whereby services are offered to customers at low or no cost, with
the service provider being compensated by advertisers whose ads are delivered
to the consumer along with the service.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Part of Amazon Web Services (AWS), EC2 provides scalable computing capacity
in the cloud, which developers can use to deploy scalable applications.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Part of AWS, S3 allows for the storage and retrieval of data. It can also be used
to host static websites.

Apache Hadoop

An open-source software framework for distributed storage and processing of

large sets of data.


The organizational unit of Amazon that provides a variety of cloud services. AWS
operates from 11 physical locations across North and South America, Europe,
Asia, and Australia.

Content delivery network (CDN)

A distributed system consisting of servers in discrete physical locations,

configured in a way that clients can access the server closest to them on the
network, thereby improving speeds.

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A metaphor for a global network, first used in reference to the telephone network
and now commonly used to represent the internet.

Cloud portability

The ability to move applications and data from one cloud provider to another.
See also Vendor lock-in.

Cloud provider

A company that provides cloud-based platform, infrastructure, application, or

storage services to other organizations and/or individuals, usually for a fee.

Cloud sourcing

Replacing traditional IT operations with lower-cost, outsourced cloud services.

Cloud storage

A service that allows customers to save data by transferring it over the internet or
another network to an offsite storage system maintained by a third party.

Cloud ware

Software that enables creating, deploying, running, or managing applications in

the cloud.


A group of linked computers that work together as if they were a single computer,
for high availability and/or load balancing.

Consumer cloud

Cloud computing offerings targeted toward individuals for personal use, such as
Dropbox or iCloud.

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Consumption-based pricing model

A pricing model whereby the service provider charges its customers based on
the amount of the service the customer consumes, rather than a time-based fee.
For example, a cloud storage provider might charge per gigabyte of information
stored. See also Subscription-based pricing model.

Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS)

An open standard for controlling content and document management systems

and repositories using web protocols.

Customer self-service

A feature that allows customers to provision, manage, and terminate services

themselves, without involving the service provider, via a web interface or
programmatic calls to service APIs.

Disruptive technology

A business term that describes innovations that improve products or services in

unexpected ways. These innovations change the methods used to accomplish a
task, and re-shape the market for that task. Cloud computing is considered a
disruptive technology because of its elasticity, flexible pricing models, and
maintenance cost compared to traditional IT service provisioning.


Open-source software that automates the deployment of applications inside

virtualized software containers.

Elastic computing

The ability to dynamically provision and DE provision computing and storage

resources to stretch to the demands of peak usage, without the need to worry
about capacity planning and engineering around uneven usage patterns.

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External cloud

Public or private cloud services that are provided by a third party outside the

Google App Engine

A service that enables developers to create and run web applications on

Google's infrastructure and share their applications via a pay-as-you-go,
consumption-based plan with no setup costs or recurring fees.

Google Apps

Google's Software as a Service (SaaS) product includes an office productivity

suite, email, calendar, and file storage and sharing. Google Apps for
Business includes an enterprise administration interface and archiving tools, and
support for legal holds document discovery compliance. Google Apps for
Education includes additional collaboration and reporting tools for classroom

Hosted application

An internet-based or web-based application software program that runs on a

remote server and can be accessed via an internet-connected PC or thin client.
See also SaaS.

Hybrid cloud

The combination of a public cloud provider (such as AWS) with a private cloud
platform. The public and private cloud infrastructures operate independently of
each other, and integrate using software and processes that allow for the
portability of data and applications.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Cloud infrastructure services in which a virtualized environment is delivered as a

service by the cloud provider. This infrastructure can include servers, network

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equipment, and software, including a complete desktop environment such as
Windows or Linux.

Internal cloud

A private cloud instance provided and supported by an IT department for internal


Microsoft Azure

Microsoft's cloud platform that provides a myriad of Platform as a Service (PaaS)

and IaaS offerings, including Microsoft-specific and third-party standards, for
developers to deploy cloud applications and services.

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft's software plus services model that offers Microsoft Office on a

subscription-based pricing model, with cloud storage abilities. For business and
enterprise use, Office 365 includes email and SNS, with cloud-hosted instances
of Exchange Server and Skype for Business, among others.


Software that sits between applications and operating systems, consisting of a

set of services that enable interoperability in support of distributed architectures
by passing data between applications. So, for example, the data in one database
can be accessed through another database.


The existence of multiple clients sharing resources (services or applications) on

distinct physical hardware. Due to the on-demand nature of cloud, most services
are multi-tenant.

On-demand service

A model by which a customer can purchase cloud services as needed; for

instance, if customers need to utilize additional servers for the duration of a

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project, they can do so and then drop back to the previous level after the project
is completed.


A free and open-source cloud computing software platform used to control pools
of processing, storage, and networking resources in a datacenter.


Cloud platform services, whereby the computing platform (operating system and
associated services) is delivered as a service over the internet by the provider.

Pay as you go

A cost model for cloud services that encompasses both subscription-based and
consumption-based models, in contrast to the traditional IT cost model that
requires up-front capital expenditures for hardware and software.

Private cloud

Services offered over the internet or over a private internal network to select
users. These services are not available to the general public.

Public cloud

Services offered over the public internet. These services are available to anyone
who wants to purchase the service.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Cloud application services, whereby applications are delivered over the internet
by the provider so the applications don't have to be purchased, installed, and run
on the customer's computers. SaaS providers were previously referred to as
application service providers.

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An online SaaS company that is best known for delivering customer relationship
management (CRM) software to companies over the internet.

Service migration

The act of moving from one cloud service or vendor to another.

Service provider

The company or organization that provides a public or private cloud service.

Service level agreement (SLA)

A contractual agreement by which a service provider defines the level of service,

responsibilities, priorities, and guarantees regarding availability, performance,
and other aspects of the service.

Social networking service (SNS)

Used in enterprises for collaboration, file sharing, and knowledge transfer; among
the most common platforms are Microsoft's Yammer, and Salesforce's Chatter.
Often called enterprise social software to differentiate between "traditional" SNS
platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

Software plus services

The combination of cloud-hosted services with locally running software. This

method allows for using the local system for processing power while relying on
cloud operations for software license verification, portable identities, syncing
between devices, and file storage.

Subscription-based pricing model

A pricing model that lets customers pay a fee to use the service for a particular
time period, often used for SaaS services. See also Consumption-based pricing

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Utility computing

A provisioning model in which services are available as needed, and users are
charged for specific usage, in a manner similar to municipal utilities such as
electricity or water.

Vendor lock-in

Dependency upon a particular cloud vendor and low ability to migrate between
vendors due to an absence of support for standardized protocols, APIs, data
structures (schema), and/or service models.

Vertical cloud

A cloud computing environment optimized for use and built around the
compliance needs of specialized industries, such as healthcare, financial
services, and government operations.

Virtual private data center

Resources grouped according to specific business objectives.

Virtual private cloud (VPC)

A private cloud that exists within a shared or public cloud, e.g., the Amazon VPC
that allows Amazon EC2 to connect to legacy infrastructure on an IPsec VPN.

An open source cloud computing platform targeted at organizations in the
thinking stage of adopting a private cloud services model or evaluating options
and alternatives for private cloud solutions.

Anything-as-a-service, or XaaS, refers to the growing diversity of services
available over the Internet via cloud computing as opposed to being provided
locally, or on premises.

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Apache Cloud Stack
An open source cloud computing and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform
developed to help make creating, deploying and managing cloud services easier
by providing a complete “stack” of features and components for cloud

Cloud App (Cloud Application)

Short for cloud application, cloud app is the phrase used to describe a software
application that is never installed on a local computer. Instead, it is accessed via
the Internet.

Cloud Application Management for Platforms (CAMP)

CAMP, short for Cloud Application Management for Platforms, is a specification
designed to ease management of applications -- including packaging and
deployment -- across public and private cloud computing platforms.

Cloud Backup
Cloud backup, or cloud computer backup, refers to backing up data to a remote,
cloud-based server. As a form of cloud storage, cloud backup data is stored in
and accessible from multiple distributed and connected resources that comprise
a cloud.

Cloud Backup Service Provider

A third-party entity that manages and distributes remote, cloud-based data
backup services and solutions to customers from a central data center.

Cloud Backup Solutions

Cloud backup solutions enable enterprises or individuals to store their data and
computer files on the Internet using a storage service provider, rather than
storing the data locally on a physical disk, such as a hard drive or tape backup.

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Cloud Computing
A type of computing, comparable to grid computing that relies on sharing
computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to
handle applications. The goal of cloud computing is to apply traditional
supercomputing, or high-performance computing power, normally used by
military and research facilities, to perform tens of trillions of computations per
second, in consumer-oriented applications such as financial portfolios or even to
deliver personalized information, or power immersive computer games.

Cloud Computing Accounting Software

Cloud computing accounting software is accounting software that is hosted on
remote servers. It provides accounting capabilities to businesses in a fashion
similar to the SaaS (Software as a Service) business model. Data is sent into
"the cloud," where it is processed and returned to the user. All application
functions are performed off-site, not on the user's desktop.

Cloud Computing Reseller

A company that purchases hosting services from a cloud server hosting or cloud
computing provider and then re-sells them to its own customers.

Cloud Database
A database accessible to clients from the cloud and delivered to users on
demand via the Internet from a cloud database provider's servers. Also referred
to as Database-as-a-Service (D BaaS), cloud databases can use cloud
computing to achieve optimized scaling, high availability, multi-tenancy and
effective resource allocation.

Cloud Enablement
The process of making available one or more of the following services and
infrastructures to create a public cloud computing environment: cloud provider,
client and application.

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Cloud Management
Software and technologies designed for operating and monitoring the
applications, data and services residing in the cloud. Cloud management tools
help ensure a company's cloud computing-based resources are working
optimally and properly interacting with users and other services.

Cloud Migration
The process of transitioning all or part of a company's data, applications and
services from on-site premises behind the firewall to the cloud, where the
information can be provided over the Internet on an on-demand basis.
Cloud OS
A phrase frequently used in place of Platform as a Service (PaaS) to denote an
association to cloud computing.

Cloud Portability
In cloud (cloud computing) terminology, the phrase "cloud portability" means the
ability to move applications and its associated data between one cloud provider
and another -- or between public and private cloud environments.

Cloud Provider
A service provider who offers customers storage or software solutions available
via a public network, usually the Internet.

Cloud Provisioning
The deployment of a company’s cloud computing strategy, which typically first
involves selecting which applications and services will reside in the public cloud
and which will remain on site behind the firewall or in the private cloud. Cloud
provisioning also entails developing the processes for interfacing with the cloud’s
applications and services as well as auditing and monitoring who accesses and
utilizes the resources.

Cloud Server Hosting

Cloud server hosting is a type of hosting in which hosting services are made
available to customers on demand via the Internet. Rather than being provided

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by a single server or virtual server, cloud server hosting services are provided by
multiple connected servers that comprise a cloud.

Cloud Storage
Cloud storage means "the storage of data online in the cloud," wherein a
company's data is stored in and accessible from multiple distributed and
connected resources that comprise a cloud.

Cloud Testing
Load and performance testing conducted on the applications and services
provided via cloud computing -- particularly the capability to access these
services -- in order to ensure optimal performance and scalability under a wide
variety of conditions.

Desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) is a form of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) in
which the VDI is outsourced and handled by a third party. Also called hosted
desktop services, desktop-as-a-service is frequently delivered as a cloud service
along with the apps needed for use on the virtual desktop.

Enterprise Application
The term used to describe applications -- or software -- that a business would
use to assist the organization in solving enterprise problems. When the word
"enterprise" is combined with "application," it usually refers to a software platform
that is too large and too complex for individual or small business use.

Enterprise Cloud Backup

Enterprise-grade cloud backup solutions typically add essential features such as
archiving and disaster recovery to cloud backup solutions.

An open source cloud computing and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform
for enabling private clouds.

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Hybrid Cloud Storage
A combination of public cloud storage and private cloud storage where some
critical data resides in the enterprise's private cloud while other data is stored and
accessible from a public cloud storage provider.

IBM Cloud
IBM Cloud refers to a collection of enterprise-class technologies and services
developed to help customers assess their cloud readiness, develop adoption
strategies and identify business entry points for a cloud environment. IBM's cloud
computing strategy is based on a hybrid cloud model that focuses on integrating
the private cloud services of a company with the public cloud.

IBM Cloud Burst (Cloud Burst)

Cloud Burst is a “ready-to-go” solution from IBM that’s designed to provide
resource monitoring, cost management and services availability in a cloud. IBM
Cloud Burst is a key component in the company’s lineup of cloud computing
solutions, which also includes IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud, IBM Smart
Desktop Cloud and IBM Smart Cloud Enterprise.

IaaS is defined as computer infrastructure, such as virtualization, being delivered
as a service. IaaS is popular in the data center where software and servers are
purchased as a fully outsourced service and usually billed on usage and how
much of the resource is used - compared to the traditional method of buying
software and servers outright. May also be called enterprise-level hosting

Internal Cloud
Another name for a private cloud.

Mobile Cloud Storage

A form of cloud storage that applies to storing an individual's mobile device data
in the cloud and providing the individual with access to the data from anywhere.

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In cloud computing, multi-tenant is the phrase used to describe multiple
customers using the same public cloud?

Online Backup
In storage technology, online backup means to back up data from your hard drive
to a remote server or computer using a network connection. Online backup
technology leverages the Internet and cloud computing to create an attractive off-
site storage solution with little hardware requirements for any business of any

OpenStack Grizzly
The follow-up to the Folsom release of the OpenStack open source cloud
computing platform, OpenStack Grizzly debuted in April 2013 as the seventh
release of OpenStack. With OpenStack Grizzly, the OpenStack Foundation has
focused on adding broader support for compute, storage and networking
technologies as well as greater scalability and ease of operations.

Personal Cloud Storage

A form of cloud storage that applies to storing an individual’s data in the cloud
and providing the individual with access to the data from anywhere. Personal
cloud storage also often enables syncing and sharing stored data across multiple
devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers.

Private Cloud
The phrase used to describe a cloud computing platform that is implemented
within the corporate firewall, under the control of the IT department. A private
cloud is designed to offer the same features and benefits of cloud systems, but
removes a number of objections to the cloud computing model including control
over enterprise and customer data, worries about security, and issues connected
to regulatory compliance.

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Private Cloud Project
Companies initiate private cloud projects to enable their IT infrastructure to
become more capable of quickly adapting to continually evolving business needs
and requirements. Private cloud projects can also be connected to public clouds
to create hybrid clouds.

Private Cloud Security

A private cloud implementation aims to avoid many of the objections regarding
cloud computing security. Because a private cloud setup is implemented safely
within the corporate firewall, it remains under the control of the IT department.

Private Cloud Storage

A form of cloud storage where the enterprise data and cloud storage resources
both reside within the enterprise's data center and behind the firewall.

Public Cloud Storage

A form of cloud storage where the enterprise and storage service provider are
separate and the data is stored outside of the enterprise's data center.

Red Hat Cloud Computing

Red Hat Cloud Computing refers to solutions for private clouds, hybrid clouds,
and public clouds offered by Red Hat.

Red Hat Cloud Forms

Red Hat Cloud Forms is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering that builds
upon a collection of more than 60 open source projects. Cloud Forms include
application lifecycle management capabilities as well as the capability to create
hybrid public and private clouds from the broadest range of computing resources
with unique portability across physical, virtual and cloud computing resources.

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Red Hat Open Shift
Open Shift provides developers with a choice in languages, frameworks, and
clouds to build, test, run, and manage Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl and Python
applications. Developers can also choose the cloud provider the applications will
run on.

Software as a Service
SaaS is a software delivery method that provides access to software and its
functions remotely as a Web-based service. Software as a Service allows
organizations to access business functionality at a cost typically less than paying
for licensed applications since SaaS pricing is based on a monthly fee.

Software Plus Services

Software plus Services (Software + Services) is Microsoft's philosophy for
complementing the software company's on-premises software offerings with
cloud-based remote computing software options.

Storage Cloud
Storage cloud refers to the collection of multiple distributed and connected
resources responsible for storing and managing data online in the cloud.

Vertical Cloud Computing

A vertical cloud, or vertical cloud computing, is the phrase used to describe the
optimization of cloud computing and cloud services for a particular vertical (e.g.,
a specific industry) or specific use application.

VMware vCloud Connector

The VMware v Cloud Connector is a tool that facilitates hybrid cloud computing
for organizations. The v Cloud Connector essentially helps to orchestrate and
administer the migration of VMs across different data centers and clouds.

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