III12 q2 Mod5 FindingtheAnswerstotheResearchQuestions-1
III12 q2 Mod5 FindingtheAnswerstotheResearchQuestions-1
III12 q2 Mod5 FindingtheAnswerstotheResearchQuestions-1
and Immersion
Quarter 2 – Module 5:
Finding the Answers to the
Research Questions
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
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Introductory Message
The purpose of this module is to guide the teacher as to what to do in
dealing the students. This is an interactive way to test and evaluate the students’
learning process. The writer simplifies the instruction of every activity to be
understood well. The importance of the module is to explore the literacy of the
students. Motivating the students to use module is a great help to adapt the
education for all programs.
To our dearest students let yourself be free in exploring the module made for
your literacy and learning process. This module is designed to test your skills in
understanding and comprehending the different activities. This module involves
logical flow of ideas to spread essential context regarding the learning process. The
purpose refines completely new approach in selecting topic which inclined the
interests of the learners. Additional insights might investigate the implications in
identifying new problems and re-conceptualize.
1. What I Need to Do – the part used to introduce the learning objectives in this
2. What I Know – this is an assessment as to your level of knowledge to the subject
matter at hand, meant specifically to gauge previous knowledge.
3. What’s In – the part used to connect your previous learning with the new lesson.
4. What’s New – the part used to introduce new lesson through a story, an activity,
a poem, song, situation or activity.
5. What is It – the part that will help you discover and understand the lesson.
6. What’s More – the part that will help enrich your learnings of the lesson.
7. What I Have Learned – the part that will help you process what you have
learned in the lesson.
8. What I Can Do – the part that allows you to apply what you have learned into
real life situations.
9. Assessment – the part that evaluates your level of mastery in achieving the
learning objectives.
10.Additional Activities – the part that enhances your learning and improves your
mastery of the lesson.
What I Need to Know
Data is all around us, it's everywhere, and every action we do results in new data
and information. Research data such as questionnaires, Focus Group Interview
(FGI), Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and other related documents should be
collected, observed, or created for analysis to come up with original research
results. You cannot simply move to a conclusion in your research study without
doing the correct process and methodology used to analyze and interpret the data
gathered. In other words, data analysis, interpretation, and implications are
needed. As a researcher, this is very important to you, in the same manner as a
doctor to analyze the condition of the patient before giving him any advice,
treatment, and medicines. Data analysis helps the researcher to come up with a
valid and concrete conclusion.
This module will guide you on how to do the interpretation of data and data
analysis methods. It contains activities that can help you enhance your knowledge
and skill in data analysis, interpretation, and implication. You can improve your
skills in this area. Nothing is impossible.
This module contains activities that guide you on the appropriate method of
analysis of data obtained, interpretation, and presentation of results (if applicable).
• Interpretation of Data
What I Know
As an initial activity, you will be assessed on your prior knowledge about finding
the answers to the research questions. This is to find out what are the things you
need to learn more about the subject matter.
Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the best answer on a separate sheet of paper.
A study was conducted to determine G10 students of ABC National High School to
enroll in the ABM strand based on their academic performance and NCAE result.
The following data were given.
Profile of thets
Age Frequency Percent
15 5 17.9
16 17 60.7
17 5 17.9
18 1 3.6
Total 28 100.0
Mean 16.07
Male 6 21.4
Female 22 78.6
Total 28 100
For questions 14-15 Refer to the Table of Responses of Grade 11 learners in Bulua
National High School when asked about their General Mathematics subject.
14.Which of the following statements does NOT belong to the theme Learning
What’s In
What is It
What is Data Analysis in Research?
Data analysis is a way of simplifying numerous and wordy data to a meaningful
story and interpreting it to arrive at an insight to behold. It is a process of
converting a multitude of data into a smaller group of sensible data.
While descriptive statistics gives details on your specific data set, inferential
statistics aim to make inferences about the population. It makes two common
times of predictions. One is prediction between groups, for example, weight
differences between learners grouped according to their favorite meal. The second
is relationships between variables. For example, the relationship between body
weight and the number of hours a week a person does Zumba dance. In other
words, inferential statistics allows you to connect the dots and make predictions
based on what you observe in your sample data.
1. T-Tests
3. Correlation Analysis
4. Regression Analysis
B. Direction: Read and answer the questions carefully. Write and explain your
answer on your answer sheet.
1. What type of data analysis did you use in your research paper?
Sample interpretation of data using the extracted table from the unpublished
research paper of Ms. Cristy G. Dablo, entitled, “TEENAGE PREGNANCY AND ITS
Table 1. Experiences knowing that you are pregnant
R1 “Yung natatakot akong hindi panagutan ng nobyo ko, pero mas natakot
akong hindi matanggap ng parents ko ang aking nobyo dahil ayaw nila
sa kanya.”
{I’m afraid that my boyfriend won’t carry the responsibility, but I am more
afraid of my parents not accepting me as they don’t like my boyfriend}
{As soon as I know that I’m pregnant, I felt so down because I overthink of
possibilities and do not know what to do}
Activity 3. My Take-aways!
Complete each statement below
What I Can Do
Activity 4. Let’s try this!
1. Supposes a study is conducted to one of the stores in your barangay to
determine the factors affecting customer preferences among the residences ages
22 to 60 years old. The following data were given.
Table 3
Distribution of Respondents by Age
Age Frequency Percent
21 – 30 yrs. old 38 42.22
31 – 40 yrs .old 21 23.33
41 – 50 yrs. old 18 20
51 – 60 yrs. old 13 14.44
Total 90 100
2. Suppose you want to sell your product to one of the school canteens of El
City thus you conducted a study to one of the schools in El Salvador City
Misamis Oriental to determine the factors affecting consumer preferences of the
student’s ages 16 to 19 years old. The following data were given.
Table 4
Distribution of Respondents by Age
Age Frequency Percent
Kindly write your interpretation, based on the data given in table 4. Remember to
write first the comparison and contrast of the data given, its implication to the
study, and connect it with a review of related literature.
3. The same research study given in activity 2 was conducted. The following data
were given below.
Table 2
Distribution of Respondents by Sex
Sex Frequency Percent
4. The same research study given in activity 2 was conducted. The following data
were given below: Remember to write first the comparison and contrast of the
data given, its implication to the study, and connect it with a review of related
Table 3
Distribution of Respondents by Daily Allowance
Multiple Choice. In a separate sheet of paper write the letter of the best answer.
Profile of thets
15 5 17.9
16 17 60.7
17 5 17.9
18 1 3.6
Total 28 100.0
Mean 16.07
Male 6 21.4
Female 22 78.6
Total 28 100
14.Which of the following theme will best fit the question “What is the most
common reason for Students who enrolled in the Open High School?
a. No Smoking Policy c. Working Student
b. No plastics Policy d. No wearing of uniform
Dablo, Cristy G., 2019. “Teenage Pregnancy and Its Interventions: Minimizing
Future Risks Among High School Students”, unpublished action Research,
Child Protection Policy Category, Alubijid National Comprehensive High
School, Division of Misamis Oriental