Principal Authors:
Rice University
Department of Chemical Engineering, MS-362
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005-1892
9111A Research Blvd.
Austin, TX 78758
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................4
TABLE OF TABLES.........................................................................................................5
TABLE OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................5
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................8
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................9
Task 1 Improved surfactants and formulations ..............................................................11
1.1. Identifying and Synthesizing Improved, Cost-effective Surfactants............11
1.2. Surfactant Tailoring for Crude Oils and Phase Behavior.............................12
1.2.1 Phase Behavior Results ..................................................................12
1.2.2 Polymer Results ..............................................................................13
1.3 Propoxylated-sulfated surfactants ................................................................16
1.4 Calcium tolerance of NI surfactant blend ......................................................19
Task 2 Phase behavior, adsorption, and composition changes during
2.1 Surfactant Adsorption....................................................................................20
Low surfactant adsorption domain............................................................20
Surfactant adsorption with different soaps................................................23
2.2 IFT measurement and ultra-low IFT region ..................................................27
Correlation between phase behavior and IFT .........................................37
2.3 Characteristics of Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer process ....................................42
2.4 Alkaline-Surfactant Polymer Forced Displacement .......................................48
Dolomite sand pack..................................................................................48
Silica sand pack........................................................................................53
Polymer/Surfactant phase separation.......................................................55
Task 3 Foam for Mobility Control ...................................................................................59
3.1 Bulk foam in fractures ......................................................................................59
Experimental technique ..........................................................................59
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Theory ....................................................................................................61
Results and discussion ...........................................................................62
3.2 Foam drive for ASP process............................................................................63
3.3 Foam stability with the presence of residual oil................................................66
Reference ...............................................................................................68
Task 4: Simulation of Field-Scale Processes ................................................................69
4.2: Wettability alterations in naturally fractured reservoirs................................69
Wettability alteration model in UTCHEM ..................................................69
References ...............................................................................................71
Table 1.1-1Surfactants Tested in Year 3 .......................................................................11
Table 1.2-1 Formulations Screened with Cedar Hills Crude Oil, 104°C .........................13
Table 2.3-1 Other major parameters for the example ....................................................43
Table 2.4-1 Formulation for the alkaline surfactant polymer solution.............................50
Figure 1.2-1. Viscosity of Flopaam®3330S Polymer.....................................................14
Figure 1.2-2. Polymer Permeability Reduction Factor vs. Permeability for Midland
Farms Core, 38oC ..........................................................................................................15
Figure 1.3-1. Test results of salinity scans for 3- and 7- propoxylated-sulfated
surfactants .....................................................................................................................17
Figure 1.3-2. Optimal salinity vs. Alkane Carbon Number (ACN)...................................18
Figure 1.1-1 Phase diagram of NI blend ........................................................................19
Figure 2.1-1 Adsorption of 4:1 N67:IOS on calcite in varying salinity and alkalinity.......21
Figure 2.1-2 Adsorption of 4:1 N67:IOS on calcite in varying alkalinity at 5% NaCl.......21
Figure 2.1-3 the contour of maximal adsorption for N57 IOS(4:1) .................................22
Figure 2.1-4 Adsorption of N67 on calcite powder .........................................................22
Figure 2.1-5 Adsorption of IOS on calcite powder..........................................................23
Figure 2.1-6 Adsorption of 4:1 N67:IOS on calcite with sodium oleate ..........................25
Figure 2.1-7 Adsorption of 4:1 N67:IOS on calcite with sodium naphthenates ..............25
Figure 2.2-1 Phase behavior of 0.2% NI blend / 1% Na2CO3 / 2% NaCl (23 days
settling) ..........................................................................................................................27
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Figure 2.3-2 Contour of interfacial tension with narrow low IFT region ..........................43
Figure 2.3-3 Comparison of profiles between wide and narrow low IFT regions............44
Figure 2.3-4 Oil recoveries vs. injecting brine salinities .................................................45
Figure 2.3-5 Comparison of profiles between varied injecting solution viscosities.........46
Figure 2.3-6 Oil Fractional Flow vs. Saturation at IFT=0.001dyne/cm ..........................47
Figure 2.4-1 Photos of oil flooding and water flooding...................................................49
Figure 2.4-2 Oil Recovery of Water Flooding in Dolomite Sand Pack ............................49
Figure 2.4-3 Photos of dolomite pack at different injecting pore volumes......................51
Figure 2.4-4 Oil Recovery of ASP Flooding in Dolomite Sand Pack ............................51
Figure 2.4-5 Effluent of ASP Flooding in Dolomite Sand Pack .....................................52
Figure 2.4-6 History of pressure drop for dolomite pack ................................................52
Figure 2.4-7 Comparison between simulation and experiments for dolomite pack ........52
Figure 2.4-8 Photos of silica sand pack at different injecting pore volumes...................53
Figure 2.4-9 Oil Recovery of ASP flooding in silica sand pack ......................................54
Figure 2.4-10 History of pressure drop for silica pack....................................................54
Figure 2.4-11 Comparison between simulation and experiments for silica pack............55
Figure 2.4-12 Photos of silica sand pack at different injecting pore volumes when
injecting salinity = 4.0% NaCl.........................................................................................56
Figure 2.4-13 Pressure difference vs. pore volume when polymer/surfactant
separation, 4% NaCl......................................................................................................56
Figure 2.4-14 Phase behaviors of different ASP solutions after one week ....................57
Figure 3.1-1 Detailed fracture model .............................................................................60
Figure 3.1-2 Diagram for experiment in fracture model..................................................61
Figure 3.1-3 Bulk foam apparent viscosity in fractures; measurement and
prediction. K=1.01 for Mooney and Krieger and Dougherty equations...........................63
Figure 3.2-1 Foam sweep of the sand pack presaturated with polymer/surfactant ........64
Figure 3.2-2 Apparent viscosity during the sweeping the sand pack presaturated
with polymer/surfactant ..................................................................................................65
Figure 3.3-1 Short sand pack.........................................................................................66
Figure 3.3-2 Comparison of foam strength with or without residual oil by different
surfactants .....................................................................................................................67
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Twenty four surfactants are compared for their efficacy for oil recovery by
surfactant flooding. Surfactant structure – performance relationships are needed
for applications with a specified crude oil composition, brine salinity, reservoir
temperature, formation mineralogy, and recovery mechanism. The surfactants
are characterized by the optimal salinity for different pure hydrocarbon oils, the
solubilization ratio, which is an estimator of the level of interfacial tension at
optimal conditions, and whether it forms viscous gel or liquid crystalline phases
that cause slow emulsion coalescence. A combination of two surfactants, N67-
7PO-S and IOS 15-18, was found to be particularly effective. N67-7PO-S has a
moderately branched hydrophobe with 16-17 carbons, an average of 7 PO
(propylene oxide) groups, and is sulfated. IOS 15-18 is an internal olefin
sulfonate with 15-18 carbons. The location of the sulfonate in the IOS is
distributed along the carbon chain and thus the result is a twin-tailed or branched
hydrophobe. The branching reduces the tendency to form gels and viscous
emulsions at low temperatures. EO and PO groups impart tolerance to divalent
ions. PO is more lipophlic than the hydrophilic EO group and results in a lower
optimal salinity requirement. The sulfate has an ester linkage and is subject to
hydrolysis at high temperatures and low pH. Thermally stable sulfonates are
evaluated for high temperature applications.
A surfactant-polymer formulation is being developed for a West Texas
carbonate reservoir that has a pressure too low for CO2 flooding. The formation
has anhydrite, which will result in precipitation of sodium carbonate. The
formulation has recovered up to 95% of the oil remaining after waterflooding in
reservoir formation core material. The project team has met with the operator
and partners to plan for a field test.
An alkaline surfactant process is also being developed for enhanced
recovery in oil-wet, carbonate formations. The carbonate ion of sodium
carbonate is a potential determining ion in carbonate formations such as calcite
and dolomite. Alteration of the mineral surface to a negative charge aids in the
wettability alteration and makes a dramatic reduction in the adsorption of anionic
surfactants. Calcium ion concentration is sequestered because of the low
solubility product of calcium carbonate. Also the alkali raises the pH, which
results in saponification of naphthenic acids to naphthenic soap, a natural
surfactant. The naphthenic soap is usually too lipophilic by itself and addition of
a synthetic surfactant is needed. Ultra-low interfacial tensions are possible at
synthetic surfactant concentrations as low as 0.05%. However, the system is
complex because it is a mixture of naphthenic soap and synthetic surfactants
with very different properties. This results in optimal salinity that depends on the
water/oil ratio and surfactant concentration. However, these dependencies can
be correlated by the ratio of soap/synthetic surfactant. It was discovered that
even for a fixed soap/surfactant ratio the range of salinities over which low IFT (<
10-2 mN/m) occurs is much wider than that expected for conventional
akylarylsulfonate surfactants. Also, the changing ratio of soap/surfactant during
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
oil displacement can be utilized to have the composition pass through the low IFT
region at the displacement front. This results in a robust recovery process that is
not overly sensitive to salinity and surfactant concentration. ASP formulations
with 0.5 PV surfactant slug and low surfactant concentrations have recovered
over 95% of the waterflood remaining oil from dolomite (0.2% surfactant) and
silica (0.5% surfactant) sandpacks. This was possible at room temperature
without need for alcohol.
Surfactant retention by adsorption and phase trapping determines the
amount of surfactant required for a surfactant enhanced oil recovery process.
We show that the adsorption of anionic surfactants on calcite and dolomite can
be reduced by an order of magnitude by addition of sodium carbonate.
Mobility control is recognized as an essential element of surfactant EOR.
Surfactant injection into fractured formations imposes a severe challenge for
reservoir conformance or sweep efficiency. It was shown earlier that foam
improves sweep in fracture systems. The apparent viscosity of bulk foam in
fractures is evaluated in this report. The possibility of substituting the polymer
drive with a foam drive is examined.
The reservoir simulator, UTCHEM will be used as the tool to scale-up from
laboratory experiments to field design. An approach to model the change in
wettability is presented.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
The research conducted during Year 1 and Year 2 identified several families of
propoxylated sulfate surfactants and also several sulfonate surfactants of interest
for enhanced oil recovery. Since the sulfate surfactants are not stable for long
time periods due to hydrolysis at temperatures above about 60o C, we tested
several sulfonate surfactants with crude oils from reservoirs at high temperature.
These surfactants included several branched alpha-olefin sulfonates (AOS)
provided by Stepan, a Shell internal olefin sulfonate (IOS), linear and branched
alkyl benzene sulfonates (ABS), a twin tailed sulfonate and a napthene sulfonate.
The sulfonate surfactants were also used in combination with cationic surfactants
and co-solvents to identify a suitable surfactant formulation. Table 1.1-1 lists the
surfactants tested during the first half of Year 3.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Subtask 1.2. Surfactant Tailoring for Crude Oils and Phase Behavior
Surfactant tailoring for crude oils in Year 3 was conducted in the same
systematic way as reported in the Year 2 Annual Report. Phase behavior
experiments were used to narrow possible surfactant candidates in an efficient
and effective manner. These surfactants were selected based upon the design
criteria reported in Year 1 and 2. Polymers and mixtures of surfactants and
polymers were also tested to select suitable polymers for further testing. These
processes were integrated into ongoing core flood experiments to evaluate the
best surfactants for oil recovery for the particular crude oils provided by oil
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Table 1.2-1. Formulations Screened with Cedar Hills Crude Oil, 104°C
Optimum Equilibration
Salinity S*
Surfactant Formulation Sol. Ratio, Time at S*
σ(cc/cc) (days)
1% C15-18 IOS, 1% C20-24 AOS, 4% SBA, 1%
5 5 1
Na2CO 3
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
A major focus of the work performed during the first half of Year 3 has been the
application of Flopaam®3330S in a heterogeneous, high salinity environment in
the presence of anhydrite (CaSO4 ). HPAMs are particularly sensitive to divalent
cations such as Ca ++ and Mg++. Figure 1.2-1 shows an example of this
dependence for a particular field water called SSR with and without CaCl2 added
to it and a comparison with deionized water with NaCl added to it.
SSR + 1375 ppm CaCl2
20.0 4% NaCl in DI (69s^-1) SSR:
Viscosity (cp)
10 ppm Ca++
15.0 340 ppm Mg++
270 ppm Na+
39 ppm CO3--
398 ppm HCO3-
900 ppm SO4--
497 ppm Cl-
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Polymer Concentration (ppm)
For an efficient chemical flood, the mobility ratio should be less than one. The
mobility ratio of a surfactant-polymer slug displacing an oil bank can be
approximated by the equation:
w RF
k ro k rw
o w min
The resistance factor can be calculated from the measured pressure drop across
a core for brine (Pw) and then the surfactant-polymer slug (Pp) at the same
flow rate (q) and water saturation (Sw).
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Rf = (Pp /Pw)q, Sw
The permeability reduction factor (Rk) can then be calculated using the viscosity
data as follows:
Rk = Rf / (p/ w)
The value of the permeability reduction factor Rk for a given polymer and rock
type is a function of permeability among other variables. The permeability
reduction factor has been measured for Flopaam®3330S in a very
heterogeneous dolomite reservoir rock and is plotted in Figure 1.2-2. Such data
are very important for designing a stable surfactant-polymer flood (one with a
mobility ratio less than one) and are essential input for simulators such as
UTCHEM. In UTCHEM, the permeability reduction factor is modeled as a
function of permeability and other variables using a correlation with two
adjustable parameters. The model curve for this case is shown in Figure 1.2-2.
Most data in the literature are for sandstones, so it was very important to
measure the data for this reservoir dolomite and determine that the model was
valid for this reservoir rock, which is very different and much more
heterogeneous than typical sandstone.
Lab Data
UTCHEM Correlation
Flopaam 3330S
Temp = 38 C
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Permeability (md)
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
% NaCl +1% Na 2 CO3
Puerto Maura C., Reed Ronald L, “A Three Parameter Representation of Surfactant-
Oil-Brine Interaction”, Society Of Petroleum Engineers Journal , May 1990, page 198-
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Optimal Salinity
4 (~10)
PO 3
1 PO7
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Figure 1.3-2. Optimal salinity vs. Alkane Carbon Number (ACN). 3%N67-
7PO and –3PO, WOR=1
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Blends of N67-7PO and IOS15-18 (called NI blend) can not only provide
good oil recovery as discussed in subtask 2.4, but also improve the tolerance of
surfactant to calcium.
Figure 1.4-1 shows that when N67-7PO and IOS were used separately, the
concentration of calcium chloride for phase separation occurred at 0.5% and
0.1%, respectively. The phase separation behaviors of the two surfactants were
different: IOS was precipitated by calcium, while N67-7PO formed cloudy
solutions, which ultimately separate into a viscous surfactant-rich phase and
brine, the former being more dense. However, when they were mixed at different
weight ratios, they stayed in the single-phase region over a much wider calcium
range than for IOS or N67-7PO alone. For 4:1 ratio which we used for forced
displacement experiments described later, the upper limit concentration of CaCl2
with clear solutions is 1.0%.
Concentration of CaCl2
Multi Phase Region
IOS 4:1 2:1 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:9 N67-7PO
1. Mixtures of N67-7PO and IOS have higher calcium tolerance than either used
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Figure 2.1-1, 2.1-2 and 2.1-3 are for the 4:1 N67 and IOS mixture. N67 and
IOS were also tested individually to verify the adsorption reduction effect by
Na2CO3 , as Figure 2.1-4 and 2.1-5 show. These two figures show that the
presence of Na2CO3 can reduce the adsorption for N67 and IOS respectively
significantly. The adsorption for N67 with Na2CO3 is 1/10 of that without Na2CO3,
while the adsorption for IOS with Na2CO3 is 1/7 of that without Na 2CO3.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Adsorption Density, 10 mmol/m
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Residual Surfactant Concentration (mmol/L)
Figure 2.1-1 Adsorption of 4:1 N67:IOS on calcite in varying salinity and alkalinity
Adsorption Density, 10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Residual Surfactant Concentration (mmol/L)
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Adsorption of N67 on Calcite (17.851 m /g)
Adsorption Density, 10 mmol/m
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Residual Surfactant Concentration (mmol/L)
0% NaCl, 0% Na2CO3 0% NaCl, 1% Na2CO3
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Adsorption of IOS on Calcite (17.851 m /g)
Adsorption Density, 10 mmol/m
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Residual Surfactant Concentration (mmol/L)
If soap is present, the surfactant adsorption may change. Several soaps were
tested. These tests were done without sodium carbonate.
The first soap that was tested is sodium oleate. Sodium oleate solution having
a concentration of 1.4 mmol/L and different amounts of calcite powder (0.2~8g)
were mixed together. After one-day mixing, the residual solutions were titrated.
However, no soap can be detected. Meanwhile, a white paste material was
found at the air-liquid interface and on the side of the tube. This material seems
hydrophobic because it adheres to the polypropylene tube surface even after
centrifuging. Since the solubility product of CaCO 3 is 3.8 x 10 -9 and the solubility
product of calcium oleate is 3.98 x 10 -13 (from reference [1]), the following reaction
must happen during the mixing. The white material is calcium oleate.
According to the solubility product, the minimum Na2CO3 concentration that
restrains the Ca(oleate)2 precipitation can be calculated by equation (3) below.
For a 0.1% sodium oleate solution (3.29mmol/L), 1.1% Na 2CO3 is needed to
suppress the calcium ion concentration so that no Ca(oleate)2 will precipitate.
The experiment shows that no soap was detected with 1% Na2 CO3 and white
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
materials were found inside the tube. Only after adding 5% Na2CO3, no white
material was formed. The relevant reactions and equilibrium relations are:
2 Na Oleate Ca 2 Ca
2 2 Na (1)
2 2
Ca CO3 CaCO3 (2)
K spCaCO3
[CO3 2 ] [Oleate ]2 9500 * [Oleate ] 2 (3)
K spCa ( Oleate ) 2
When the sodium oleate and synthetic surfactant (4:1 N67:IOS) were mixed
together, the white material was found in the presence of calcite. According to the
solubility product calculation, the sodium oleate would be totally consumed and
the titrated residual surfactant concentration should be the concentration of
synthetic surfactant. With this assumption, the adsorption of the synthetic
surfactant was calculated. The presence of sodium oleate did not reduce the
synthetic surfactant adsorption as Figure 2.1-6 shows. In this plot, the
soap/synthetic surfactant ratio is 1:2 (mole ratio). The adsorption plateau does
not change when sodium oleate is present.
The other soap tested was the sodium naphthenates from Fisher Scientific.
For these sodium naphthenates, a small amount of white precipitation was also
observed when mixed with calcite powder. However, the amount of this
precipitation was less than what was observed in the sodium oleate experiments,
suggesting that calcium naphthenates are more soluble than calcium oleate.
Before the adsorption experiments, two samples were titrated. One is 0.1%
N67:IOS (4:1), and the other is 0.1% N67:IOS (4:1) with 0.05% sodium
naphthenates. The titration results for these two samples were quite close to
each other. The first sample was1.500.02 mmol/L, the second sample was
1.490.03 mmol/L. Thus, the presence of sodium naphthenates does not
change the titration results to the extent that the synthetic surfactant adsorption
can be measured. The surfactant adsorption does not change much with the
presence of sodium naphthenates as shown in Figure 2.1-7.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Residual Surfactant Concentration (mmol/L)
NI Blend only (1:2 weight) (sodium naphthenates:NI Blend
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
[1] Beneventi D, Carre B, Gandini A., Precipitation and Solubility of Calcium
Soaps in Basic Aqueous Media. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2001 May
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
The creamed middle layer can also be Fig. 2.2-2 Spinning drop measurement
observed during spinning drop interfacial of 0.2 % NI blend/1% Na2 CO3 /2% NaCl, 4
tension measurements. Fig 2.2-2 shows hours’ settling. There are three layers.
that during spinning drop tension measurement of 0.2 % NI blend/1% Na 2CO3 /2%
NaCl, there are three regions: creamed middle layer, oil and aqueous phase. As
shown in Fig 2.2-1, the volume of the creamed middle layer is too small to
accurately measure the density. In calculation of the interfacial tension, the
diameter of the oil phase, and the density difference between oil and the aqueous
solution were used.
Several experiments were done for the system which contains 0.2% NI blend,
1% Na2 CO3 and 2.0% NaCl and MY4 crude oil at WOR equals 3
(soap/surfactant=0.35). The samples were first equilibrated for 24 hours by
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
rotation. The excess oil and aqueous phase were sampled at different settling
times, and the dynamic IFT plot is shown as Figure 2.2-3. This plot indicates the
dynamic IFT is a function of settling time. A photo of a spinning drop after 2
hours settling sample is shown in Figure 2.2-4. It is difficult to see the oil drop
when its diameter is less than that of the oil-rich emulsion because the latter is
opaque. It was found that oil-rich emulsion was the most important factor for the
low tension as Figure 2.2-5 shows. There are two drops with different diameters
in Figure 2.2-5. The two drops came from a single large drop. The one with
more oil-rich emulsion has smaller diameter than the other with less oil-rich
emulsion. The smaller diameter drop on the left of Figure 2.2-5 is obscured by
the opaque oil-rich emulsion. Figure 2.2-6 shows that equilibrium low IFT could
be reached more quickly if the oil-rich emulsion was added to the spinning drop
IFT, dyne/cm
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time, minutes
1 hour's settling 2 hours' settling 4 hours' settling
8 hours' settling 24 hours' settling
Figure 2.2-3 IFT of 0.2% NI blend / 1% Na2CO3 / 2% NaCl with different settling time
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Figure 2.2-4 Photos of spinning drop for IFT of 0.2% NI blend / 1% Na2CO3 / 2% NaCl.
The time is after start of drop spinning. The oil drop is on left. The oil-rich emulsion is to
the right of the drop.
Figure 2.2-5 Photo of two different spinning drops of 0.2% NI blend / 1% Na 2 CO3 / 2% NaCl
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
1 hour's settling 2 hours' settling 4 hours' settling
2 hours settling, clear aqueous + oil-rich emulsion
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time, minutes
Figure 2.2-6 IFT of 0.2% NI blend / 1% Na2 CO3 / 2% NaCl with different settling time
It was found that the settling time for oil-rich emulsion is different at different
salinities as shown in Figure 2.2-7. For the samples with salinity less than 3.0%
NaCl, the oil-rich emulsion settled between the excess oil and lower phase
microemulsion after 23 days settling. However, the oil-rich emulsion did not
settle for the 3.4% NaCl sample even after 23 days. By observing this sample in
the spinning drop apparatus, the oil-rich emulsion was found to surround the oil
drop and the diameter would decrease as shown in Figure 2.2-8. (The spinning
drop speed was reduced in the lower two photos.) Thus, the oil-rich emulsion
density for the 3.4% NaCl sample may be close to that of the lower phase
microemulsion and is slow to settle out. For IFT measurement, the presence of
the oil-rich emulsion is still important no matter the density of oil-rich emulsion. If
most (but not all) of the oil-rich emulsion was removed by centrifuging before the
IFT experiment as in Figure 2.2-9, the time that was needed to reach the
equilibrium low IFT became longer.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
4 hours settling
23 days settling
3 min 20 min
P=13.4 (Slower)
Figure 2.2-8 Photos of spinning drop of 0.2% NI blend / 1% Na2CO3 / 3.4% NaCl with all
of the oil-rich emulsion. The lower photos are at slower speed.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
135 min
210 min
Figure 2.2-9 Photos of spinning drop of 0.2% NI blend / 1% Na2CO3 / 3.4% NaCl
Most of the oil-rich emulsion has been removed. (P=5.1)
The oil-rich emulsion is very important for the IFT measurement. However,
the spinning drop can not be seen if the oil-rich emulsion surrounds the oil drop
and extends to the end of the tube. The oil drops in Figures 2.2-4 and 9 can be
seen because the amount of oil-rich emulsion is no more than the amount of oil
drop. The oil-rich emulsion needs time to occupy the oil-water surface. It is
better to let the oil drop and the oil-rich emulsion settle in the spinning tube for
some time before the spinning experiments. Otherwise, the phenomena in
Figures 2.2-5 and 8 will occur and a longer time is needed to reach equilibrium
1. Mix the crude oil with the alkaline surfactant solutions containing 0.2% NI
blend and 1% Na2CO3 at WOR equals 3. These solutions have different salinity
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
3. After settling the mixture for 4 hours, oleic and aqueous phases were taken
out into different syringes. The phase appearances of these samples are shown
as Figure 2.2-10. If settling time is longer than 24 hours, the aqueous phase will
clear up due to separation of the oil-rich emulsion. Low IFT may not be observed
as discussed in previous annual report.
4. Since the samples in the syringes may continue to settle and the settling time
in the syringe may be different, they were shaken before the IFT spinning drop
measurement so that they can be considered as the same sample that was
obtained after 4 hours settling.
5. Before the spinning drop measurement, the aqueous phase was centrifuged
first to remove some of the excess oil-rich emulsion because the sample will be
too dark if too much oil-rich emulsion is left. The remaining oil-rich emulsion
should be less volume than the volume of the excess oil drop that is added into
the spinning drop tube.
6. Let the oil drop settle in the vertical tube for some time (~12 hours) so that
the oil-rich emulsion can equilibrate with the oil and the lower phase
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
IFT, dyne/cm
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time, minutes
0% NaCl with step 6 0% NaCl without step 6
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time, minutes
1% NaCl with step 6 1% NaCl without step 6
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time, minutes
2% NaCl with step 6 2% NaCl without step 6
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
IFT, dyne/cm
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time, minutes
3% NaCl with step 6 3% NaCl without step 6
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time, minutes
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time, minutes
5% NaCl without step 6
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Figure 2.2-17 shows the equilibrium IFT measured with different procedures.
It shows that the step 6 does not change the equilibrium IFT in most cases but the
equilibrium IFT is reached in much less time. The settling time of step 3 has
significant effect on the equilibrium IFT at 3.6% and 4% salinity. This is because
at these intermediate salinity and long settling time, the oil-rich emulsion is not
present in the lower phase to settle between the oil and aqueous phase as shown
in Figure 2.2- 7. Thus, the low tension could not be achieved since no oil-rich
emulsion left in the lower phase. However, at the salinity of 5% NaCl, the upper
phase was the oil-rich emulsion and steps 5 and 6 are not needed.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Salinity(% NaCl)
IFT vs Salinity (standard procedure) 4 hours settling in step 3 & no step 6
23 days settling in step 3 & no step 6 40 days settling in step 3 & no step 6
Figure 2.2-17 IFT change with salinity for 0.2NI-1%Na2 CO3 /WOR=3
The solubility ratios of 0.2% NI blend/1% Na2CO3 /NaCl is calculated from the
phase behavior shown in Fig 2.2-18 and plotted in Fig 2.2-19 and 21. When the
lower phase is colored, there often is a thin creamed layer of oil-rich emulsion
between the oil and lower phase. In calculation of the solubility ratios, the
creamed layer volume was counted towards the volume of the lower phase. The
error of reading the volumes of oil and aqueous phase was estimated to be 0.01
ml. The error of solubility ratios thus was calculated to be 1.3. The solubility
ratios of this system are very high. Even at a low salinity of 2% NaCl, the
solubility ratio of oil to surfactant is close to 7.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Figure 2.2-18 Phase behavior after 2 months with 0.2% (left) and 0.5% (right) NI blend.
r a t i o
Vw/ Vs
S o l u b ilit y
Vo/ Vs
2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4
NaCl, %
Figure 2.2-19 Solubility ratios of 0.2% NI blend/1% Na2 CO3/NaCl
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
l 3 2 (Huh, 1979) ........................................................................(5.1)
Rl 3
where l3 : interfacial tension between excess oil or aqueous phase and
middle phase,
Rl3: solubility ratio of oil or water by surfactant,
c: a constant with a typical value of 0.3.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
magnitude but the optimal salinity has increased with increased surfactant
r a t i o
Vw/ Vs
S o l u b ilit y
10 Vo/ Vs
3 3. 5 4 4. 5 5
NaCl, %
Figure 2.2-21 Solubility ratios of 0.5% NI blend/1% Na2 CO3/NaCl
Chun-Huh correlation
IFT, mN/m
3 3.5 4 4.5 5
NaCl, %
Figure 2.2-22 IFT estimated by Chun-Huh correlation of 0.5% NI blend/1% Na 2CO3 /NaCl,
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
The remarkable observation of the phase behavior (Fig. 2.2-18) and IFT
measurements (Fig. 2.2-20 & 222) is that low IFT (i.e., below 10-2 mN/m) appears
to not be limited to the three-phase or Winsor III region but also occur well into the
lower-phase microemulsion or Winsor I region. We interpret this by looking at
the close-up of the phase behavior in Fig. 2.2-1. A system that appears to be a
lower-phase microemulsion has a creamed, oil-rich emulsion at the top just
beneath the oil phase. This oil-rich emulsion appears to be a “middle” phase
between the lower-phase microemulsion and the excess oil phase. We
observed in the IFT measurements that the presence of this oil-rich emulsion was
necessary for low tensions in most cases. We speculate that this oil-rich
emulsion may be due to the naphthenic soaps from action of the alkali on the
naphthenic acids in the oil. If this is the case, we would expect more of this
oil-rich emulsion to be present if the amount of crude oil is increased. That
appears to be the case in Fig. 2.2-23. The left two tubes both have a salinity of
2% NaCl but have soap/surfactant ratio of 1:1 and 0.35:1 respectively. The left
tube with more crude oil does appear to have more oil-rich emulsion.
Fig. 2.2-23 Phase behavior of 0.2% NI blend/1% Na2 CO3 /x% NaCl, 40 days of
settling. Thin creamed oil-rich layers exist at salinity of 2-3.4% NaCl.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Figure 2.3-1 Contour of interfacial tension with wide low IFT region, (log 10(IFT))
Log10 IFT
Under -optimum
Figure 2.3-2 Contour of interfacial tension with narrow low IFT region
(log10 (IFT)) (IFT: dyne/cm) (The width of low IFT region is base on reference [1])
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Initial Oil Formation Acid No. of Crude oil Injecting Na2 CO3 Injecting
Saturation Brine concentration Salinity
0.3 2.0% 0.2g KOH/g 1.0% 2.0% NaCl
These two different models of IFT behavior were compared with the ASP
simulator. Other major parameters are the same and shown in Table 2.3-1.
The simulation results show that the recovery is 95.6% with wide low IFT region
and only 62.3% with narrow low IFT region. This result can be explained by
Figure 2.3-3. The left two figures show the surfactant and soap, IFT, and oil
saturation profiles respectively at wide low IFT region when the dimensionless
time equals 0.5 PV. The right two figures show the same profiles at same time
but with narrow IFT region. The low tension region (<10-2 dyne/cm) in the left
profile is around 0.1 dimensionless distance, while low tension region in the right
profile is only 0.03 dimensionless distance. The oil saturation in the left profile is
much less than that in the right profile. Narrow low IFT region will have less
recovery because oil will be trapped again when the IFT increases. When the
low IFT region is wide, less oil is trapped after the low tension region and recovery
In the previous annual report, high simulated oil recovery was achieved only
close to the optimal salinity because of the narrow low IFT region assumption.
However, with the wide low IFT region, high oil recovery can be achieved in a
wide range of injected salinities. Figure 2.3-4 illustrates this phenomenon.
Thus, injected salinity with high surfactant adsorption can be avoided. Also the
ASP process is more robust because of its large operational salinity region.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Figure 2.3-3 Comparison of profiles between wide low IFT region and narrow low IFT
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Recovery=95.0% Recovery=86.1%
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
(Oil Saturation)
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
1. The sand pack was saturated with CO2 so that there was no air left in the
sand pack.
2. Brine with 2% NaCl was injected at the flow rate of 0.5 ml/min (interstitial
velocity = 14 ft/day) until the column was saturated by the brine.
3. Crude oil (MY4) was injected at the flow rate of 0.5 ml/min (interstitial
velocity = 14 ft/day) until the oil broke through. The oil cut was 100%
immediately after breakthrough. The oil saturation after the oil flooding
was 0.98.
5. After aging, brine with 2 % NaCl was pumped into the column at velocity
0.5 ml/min (interstitial velocity = 14 ft/day) until there was no oil in the
Figure 2.4-1 show the photos of oil flooding and water flooding. The left one is
the photo for oil flooding. The right five photos show the water flooding at
different pore volume injected. The flow is upward.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Water flooding
1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
Recovery/ OOIP .
0.8 0.8
Cumulative Oil
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
Oil Cut
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Pore Volumes
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Chemicals Concentration
Alkali (Na2CO3 ) 1.0 %
NaCl 2.0%
Surfactant (4:1 NEODOL 67:IOS ) 0.2%
Polymer (Flopaam 3330S) 5000ppm
Table 2.4-1 formulation for the alkaline surfactant polymer solution
The photos in Figure 2.4-3 illustrate how the oil bank forms and propagates in
the ASP process. Figure 2.4-4 shows the cumulative oil recovery and the
fractional flow of oil. Figure 2.4-5 shows the effluent. The oil bank breaks
though at 0.8 PV. The surfactant breaks through at 0.99 PV because we can
find lower phase micro-emulsion in the effluent at 0.99 PV. The incremental oil
recovery is 98.1% and the clean oil recovery is 61.3%. There may be some oil in
the aqueous phase because the color of the aqueous phase of some effluent is
brown. The history of pressure drop is shown in Figure 2.4-6. The pressure
increased with the injection volume because the surfactant slug and polymer drive
were designed to have a favorable mobility ratio. The pressure became stable
and did not increase any more after the surfactant broke through because the
whole column was occupied by the surfactant slug and polymer drive. Further
injection of the polymer solution did not change the pressure of the system.
The one-dimensional simulator was used to calculate this experiment. Figure
2.4-7 compares the simulation results and the experimental results. This plot
shows the simulation result matches the experimental results quite well.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.90 1.50
Injected Pore Volumes
Figure 2.4-3 Photos of dolomite pack at different injected pore volumes
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
Oil Cut
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Pore Volumes
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Polymer Drive
Pressure difference (psi) .
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Pore Volume (PV)
Figure 2.4-7 Comparison between simulation and experiments for dolomite pack
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Figure 2.4-8 Photos of silica sand pack at different injecting pore volumes
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Surfactant Slug Polymer Drive
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Pore Volume
Polymer Drive
Pressure difference (psi)
Surfactant Slug
Surfactant Breakthrough
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Pore Volume
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Figure 2.4-11 Comparison between simulation and experiments for silica pack
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
0 PV 0 .1 7 PV 0 .3 3 PV 0 .5 PV 0 .6 7 PV 0 .8 3 PV 1 .0 PV 2 .0 PV
Figure 2.4-12 Photos of silica sand pack at different injecting pore volumes when injecting
salinity = 4.0% NaCl
Pressure Difference (psi)
Surfactant Slug Polymer Drive
Surfactant Breakthrough
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Pore Volume
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Separate layer
Figure 2.4-14 Phase behaviors of different ASP solutions after one week
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
1. The oil-rich emulsion plays an important role for low IFT in the
alkali-surfactant system.
2. A spinning drop IFT measurement procedure was introduced for
alkali-surfactant system which can quickly reach the equilibrium IFT.
3. The NI Blend-MY4-Na 2CO3 system has a wider low IFT region than normally
seen for single surfactant systems. The width of the low IFT region is a key
factor for recovery. Narrow low IFT region will have less recovery because
oil will be trapped again when the IFT increases. When the low IFT region is
wide enough, less oil will be trapped after the low tension region.
4. The injection solution viscosity has significant effect on recovery. Lower
aqueous phase viscosity, i.e., higher mobility ratio, has lower oil recovery
even with wide low IFT region. This is because the oil fractional flow
increases with the aqueous phase viscosity.
5. Experimental results show that the ASP process with only 0.2%, 0.5 PV
surfactant slug recovers 98% of the oil that is trapped after water-flooding.
Good recoveries (>95%) were obtained in both dolomite and silica sand
6. The simulation matches the experimental data for both dolomite and silica.
7. High salinity can cause the phase separation of ASP solutions. This may
result in loss of mobility control.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
In our previous work, we found the factors that can affect foam apparent
viscosity in fractures when the foam bubble diameter is larger than the fracture
aperture. Two mechanisms – liquid between bubbles and bubble deformation --
were found to contribute to the foam apparent viscosity in this case. Predictions
of a theory modeling these two mechanisms fit experimental data. But when the
foam bubble diameter is significantly less than the aperture, bulk foam exists
throughout the fracture. Further experiments were performed and a different
model used for this case as discussed below.
Experimental technique
The fracture model shown in Fig. 3.1-1 has been described in previous
reports. It mainly consists of two parallel plates. Changing the gasket thickness
between the plates can change the aperture of the fracture. The set-up diagram
of the equipment for the foam experiments is shown in Fig. 3.1-2. A Harvard
syringe infusion pump (Model 22) is used to inject surfactant solution, and a
Matheson mass flow controller (Model 8270) is used to inject air into the foam
generator. Relatively uniform size bubbles can be generated only when the air
and liquid are introduced on opposite sides of the frit in the foam generator.
Choosing frits with different pore size can generate different sizes of bubbles.
Two grooves were made along the inlet and outlet of the fracture model to
ensure a uniform pressure at the inlet and outlet.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
The surfactant solution in the experiments was 0.5% C13-4PO and 0.5%
STEOL CS330. C13-4PO is from Harcros Chemicals and its chemical
description is propoxylated C13 alcohol ether sulfate, ammonium salt. STEOL
CS330 is from Stepan and its chemical description is C12-3EO sulfate. The
salinity was 0.23% NaCl, 0.07% CaCl2 and 0.04% MgCl2 . The mean bubble
diameters in the experiment were 0.04 and 0.06 mm. The aperture is 0.2 mm or
0.4 mm for homogeneous fracture experiments. The gas fractional flow range
was from 0.0 to 0.67. The viscosity and surface tension were 1.0 mPa.s and 28
mN/m, respectively.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Princen [1982] developed a theory for rheology of foams and highly
concentrated emulsions. Hirasaki and Lawson [1989] developed a theory to
describe the apparent viscosity of bulk foam in a capillary tube with plug flow and
high gas fraction. But the theory can be applied only to bubbles with the shape
of pentagonal dodecahedrons, which are obtained only at quite high gas
fractional flow when all the bubbles in the system are closely-packed.
Where r is the relative viscosity, which is the ratio of the viscosity of emulsion to
the viscosity of water. is the volume fraction of the dispersed phase of the
emulsion. K is the crowding factor and equal to the reciprocal of the dense
random packing limit volume fraction max , at which r diverges to infinity. For
random close packing of monodisperse hard spheres, they found max = 0.64 and
K =1.56.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
r exp[ ] (2)
1 K
The crowding factor K in the above two equations can be smaller when the
particles are not uniformly distributed or the particles are deformable because
these factors can cause an increase of the dense random packing limit volume
r 1 / KI exp[ ] (3)
1 K
where K I is a factor which takes into account internal circulation effects and is
given by
1 0.4(c / d )
K I [ ]
1 (c / d )
In the above equation, c is the viscosity of the continuous phase and d is the
viscosity of the dispersed phase. Pal [1992] also suggested a crowding factor
K = 1.04, which means the dense random packing limit volume fraction max =
The apparent viscosity for bulk foam flow in fractures was measured at
different aperture, flow velocity and bubble size as shown in Fig. 3.1-3. The
highest gas fractional flow is 0.67 because we found that bubbles began to
coalesce for gas fractional flows exceeding 0.67.
The predictions from Krieger and Dougherty equation, Mooney equation and
Pal’s model are also plotted in Fig. 3.1-3. For the first two equations max has
been increased to 0.99 and K decreased to 1.01 because we deal with
deformable bubbles, not hard spheres. Even with this change there are still
significant deviations between the predictions and experimental results although
agreement is much better than with the corresponding hard sphere values given
above. In contrast, the experimental measurements match well the prediction of
Pal’s model.
Because the viscosity of water is much larger than that of gas, K I is close
to 0.4. We still use 0.96 as the dense random packing limit volume fraction.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
Then the crowding factor K is 1.04. Because the viscosity of the dispersed
phase is small in the foam case, internal circulation doesn't contribute
significantly to the viscosity. .
Bubble Coalescence
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Gas fractional flow
Figure 3.1-3 Bulk foam apparent viscosity in fractures; measurement and
prediction. K=1.01 for Mooney and Krieger and Dougherty equations.
The experiment was performed at constant pressure drop between 4.0 and
4.5psi. The foam was generated in the sand pack by co-injection of surfactant
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
solution and air at gas fractional flow 0.67. We tried three different surfactants
using the same salinity as in the slug: 1% IOS, 0.5% CS330, 0.5% C13-
4PO&CS330 (1:1). The surfactant blend N67/IOS was not included although it
has good performance in displacing oil. As described as in last report, the foam
produced by the blend of N67/IOS is weak. The reason may be that N67 is
hydrophobic with a branched hydrophobe that prevents formation of a compact
surfactant monolayer. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 3.2-1. About
0.1~0.2PV of co-injected fluid was needed to get the pressure drop up to 4.5psi.
Then by changing the flow rate, the pressure drop was kept between 4.0~4.5psi.
The foam produced by 1% IOS broke through around 1PV, 0.5% CS330 at
0.9PV and 0.5% C13-4PO&CS330 (1:1) at 0.8 PV. We also tried to use the foam
generated by 1% N67/IOS (4:1) and found the pressure drop never exceeded
1.5psi before foam breakthrough.
fg = 0.67, pressure difference = 4.5psi
2% NaCl, 1% Na2CO3
Presaturated with 0.5% polymer, 0.4% N67-7PO, 0.1% IOS, 2% NaCl, 1% Na2CO3
0.1~0.2 PV injection is needed for pressure difference to increase to 4.5 psi.
100 1% IOS
0.5% CS330
0.5% C13-4PO&CS330(1:1)
Sup erficial Velocity (ft/day)
60 foam breakthrough
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pore Volume
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Pore Volume
Figure 3.2-2 Apparent viscosity during the sweeping the sand pack
presaturated with polymer/surfactant
Fig 3.2-2 shows the apparent viscosity during the sweeping the sand pack
by foam. At the time of foam breakthrough, the apparent viscosity is about 40cp
for 0.5% CS330 and 200cp for 1% IOS and 0.5% C13-4PO&CS330 (1:1). The
viscosity for the polymer/surfactant solution is 43cp. If we assume the apparent
viscosity of the system at the foam breakthrough is equal to the foam apparent
viscosity, the foam apparent viscosity is close to or higher than the viscosity of
the polymer/surfactant solution. But we did see the fingering at the interface of
the foam and polymer/surfactant. The reason may be that the foam front is not
as strong as the steady foam behind and the N67 in the system may weaken the
foam front.
The results in Fig. 3.2-1 show that it is possible to use foam instead of
polymer as drive in ASP process. Although the cost of surfactant is comparable
to polymer at the same concentration, lower surfactant concentrations is possible
and also less surfactant solution is required because a substantial portion of the
drive fluid would be the gas in the foam bubbles.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
The porous medium consists of a 1.5 inch long and 0.5 inch diameter
cylinder packed with 50-mesh sand. Pore volume for the short sand pack is
about 5ml. Foam is generated in the sand pack by co-injection of surfactant
solution and air. The surfactant is injected by an Isco pump, and air is injected
by an air flow controller. Two pressure transducers measure the pressure drop
across the tubing and the injection pressure to the sand pack. Foam quality is
measured by passing foam from the tubing through an inverted burette
containing IPA/water mixture, which breaks the foam. The ratio of the volume of
air collected to the amount of liquid displaced gives the quality of foam.
To test the foam stability in the presence of residual oil, first, the foam
strength without the presence of oil is measured for comparison at some
constant gas fractional flow. Second, the water-saturated pack is filled with
hexadecane. Then water is used to flush the sand pack to achieve residual oil
saturation. Foam is then generated at the same gas fractional flow. The steady
state pressure readings are recorded to compare the foam strength with or
without residual oil in the sand pack.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
The results are shown in Fig.3.3-2. IOS seems to be the best foamer
among all the surfactant candidates. Even after contacting with residual crude
oil, the foam produced by IOS still has a higher apparent viscosity than that
formed by any other foamer. N67 and the blend of N67/IOS(4:1) has almost the
same apparent viscosity with or without residual crude oil. But that doesn’t
necessarily mean that foam generated with N67 or the N67/IOS(4:1) is stable
when the residual oil is present. Because the salinity we used is close to the
optimal salinity of N67-7PO and N67-7PO&IOS(4:1), almost all residual oil is
displaced by the initial surfactant injected so that little oil is present at the final
steady state conditions. And the foam of both N67 or N67/IOS(4:1) is weak
compared with that of IOS. Therefore IOS is the best candidate of the evaluated
surfactants as a foamer.
Without residual oil
Pressure difference (psi)
1% Na2CO3, 2% 1% Na2CO3, 5% 1% Na2CO3, 2% 1% Na2CO3, 2% 1% Na2CO3, 2%
NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl
0.5% N67-7PO 0.5% N67- 0.5% N67- 0.5% N67- 0.5% IOS
7PO&IOS(4:1) 7PO&IOS(4:1) 7PO&IOS(1:1)
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
1. G.J. Hirasaki and J.B Lawson, Mechanisms of Foam Flow in Porous
Media: Apparent Viscosity in Smooth Capillaries, Society of Petroleum
Engineers Journal, 25 (2), 1985, 176-190.
2. H.M. Princen, Rheology of Foams and Highly Concentrated Emulsions, I.
Elastic Properties and Yield Stress of a Cylindrical Model System, Journal
of Colloid Interface Science (1983) 91, No. 1 160-175.
3. I.M. Krieger, Rheology of Monodisperse Latices, Advances in Colloid and
interface Science, 1972, 3, 111-136.
4. M.J. Mooney, The Viscosity of a Concentrated Suspension of Spherical
Particles, Journal of Colloid Science, 1951, 6, 162-170.
5. R. Pal, Rheology of Polymer-thickened Emulsions, Journal of Rheology,
36(7), 1992.
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
where Sℓis the saturation of phase l and Sℓr is the residual saturation of phase l.
As mentioned before, in addition to the wettability alteration effect, surfactants
also reduce the interfacial tension between oil and aqueous phases and help in
the oil mobilization. This effect is modeled by means of a dimensionless group
called trapping number, which is a combination of capillary number and bond
number and can adequately model the combined effect of viscous, capillary, and
buoyancy forces in three dimensions (Delshad, 1990; Delshad et al., 1996; Jin,
1995, UTCHEM technical manual, 2000). As the surfactant enters a gridblock, it
reduces the interfacial tension and as a result, trapping number increases.
Interfacial tension reduction and oil mobilization effects of surfactantsproduces
changes in the residual phase saturations, endpoint relative permeabilities, and
exponents. Mobilization effect on residual phase saturations is modeled in
UTCHEM as follows (Delshad et al., 1986):
Slow Shigh
Sr Shigh r
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
k ork or low
Sr Sr
Sr o high low
kr k or (4)
n n low
Sr high
high n n
Sr Sr
where nℓlow and nℓhigh represent the relative permeability exponents for low and
high capillary numbers respectively specified as input parameters.
The above equations (Equations 1-5) are solved once for initial reservoir
wettability condition for example oil-wet ( k original
r ) and once for the extreme altered
condition of water-wet ( k r ). Two sets of relative permeability ( k or, Sℓr, nℓ
) and
trapping parameters (Tℓ) are required as input corresponding to each wettability
The relative permeability in each gridblock, k r, is then obtained by linear
interpolation between two relative permeabilities corresponding to different
wettability conditions, provided that the concentration of surfactant in the
gridblock is greater than the critical micelle concentration. Interpolation is made
based on the scaling factor .
k actual
r r
k final 1 k initial
r (6)
Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil Recovery and Foam Mobility Control, G.J. Hirasaki, C.A. Miller and G.A. Pope
DE-FC26-03NT15406, February 2006
where ĈSurf and CSurf represent the adsorbed and total concentration of surfactant
respectively. The historical maximum of in each gridblock is used for the
The model has been implemented in UTCHEM. We are in the process of
validating the model and its implementation against the laboratory imbibition cell
experiments performed at Rice University (Hirasaki et al., 2005).
Delshad, Mojdeh, Delshad, Mohammad, Bhuyan, D., Pope, G. A. and Lake,
L.W.: "Effect of Capillary Number on the Residual Saturation of a Three-
Phase Micellar Solution," Paper SPE 14911, Proceedings of the SPE/DOE
Fifth Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Tulsa, OK, April 20-23,
Delshad, Mohammad: "Trapping of Micellar Fluids in Berea Sandstone," Ph.D.
dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
Delshad, M., Pope, G. A., and Sepehrnoori, K.: "A Compositional Simulator for
Modeling Surfactant Enhanced Aquifer Remediation, 1 Formulation,"
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 23, 303-327, 1996.
Hirasaki, G.J., C.A. Miller, and G.A. Pope: "Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil
Recovery and Foam Mobility Control," DOE annual report for the period of
July 2004 to July 2005. DOE contract number DE-FC26-03NT15406, July
Jin, M.: "A Study of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Characterization and Surfactant
Remediation," Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, 1995.
"Technical Documentation for UTCHEM-9.0 A three- Dimensional Chemical
Flood Simulator," prepared by Reservoir Engineering Research Center for
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at
Austin, Austin, Texas, July 2000.