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Lived Experiences in Teaching Service Physical Education

Subjects in Online Platforms


Thesis Outline Submitted to the Department of Bachelor of Physical

Education, College of Institute of Sports, Physical Education and
Recreation, University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan,
Cotabato in the Partial Fulfilment of the
Requirements for the Degree of


MAY 2021

Kabacan, Cotabato


Name Ian Mark Pasaquian
Degree Sought Bachelor of Physical Education
Thesis Title Lived Experiences in Teaching Service Physical Education Subjects in
Online Platforms


____________________________ ______________________________
Adviser Co-Adviser
______________ _____________
Date Date

____________________________ ______________________________
Statistician Department Research Coordinator
______________ _____________
Date Date
Department Chairperson

_________________________ ______________________
College Research Coordinator Dean
______________________ ______________________
Date Date
Study No: ________________
Index No: ________________
Recorded by: _____________
Director for Research and Development
Recorded by: __________


Title Page

APPROVAL OF THESIS OUTLINE............................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................iii


Significance of the Study.................................................................................3

Research Questions........................................................................................4

Expected Outputs of the Study.......................................................................5

Operational Definition of Terms......................................................................6

Theoretical Lens..............................................................................................7

Delimitations and Limitations........................................................................10

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..............................................................11


Research Design...........................................................................................16

Role of the Researcher.................................................................................16

Research Participants and Materials............................................................17

Data Collection..............................................................................................18

Data Analysis................................................................................................19

Ethical Consideration....................................................................................21

LITERATURE CITED.........................................................................................23

Application for Research Adviser...........................................................................26

Appendix B. Application for Research Title...............................................................1

Appendix C. Estimated Budget of the Research......................................................28

Appendix D. Application for Thesis Outline Defense...............................................29

CURRICULUM VITAE...................................................................................30


Appendix Title Page

A. Application for Research Adviser..............................................26

B. Application for Research Title.....................................................1

C. Estimated Budget of the Research...........................................28

D. Application for Thesis Outline Defense....................................29



The COVID-19 pandemic became a challenge in the entire nation, its

impact on the teaching approach that turns into modular and other online

platforms to continue learning process. The new environment in teaching

Physical Education subjects creates another challenge for the teachers,

student’s, and the Physical Education Department that also have an important

role in the teaching and learning process. The importance of cultivating

expertise in teaching physical education through the sharing of physical

education classes, to address the problem and effectively manage the online

teaching in physical education classes, there should be a change in strategic

learning methods and constant collaboration among the teachers will

communicate the value of physical education (Jeong and So, 2020).

The lived experiences of teachers in teaching Service Physical

Education subjects in online platforms was the main challenges in this time of

pandemic and the experiences in running the online classes. Teachers allow

themselves to be more flexible and adapt the new learning environment through

online platforms. The insights and views of the teachers will also contribute in

teaching Service Physical Education subjects in various online platforms.

According to Windes and Lesht (2014). To enhance the teaching

strategies in online learning, teachers will continue to discover and develop

expertise in terms of using new technology as the tools for learning in an online

environment. Also included that the importance of time management and proper

scheduling were teaching experiences is worthy to reach the desire objectives

of the students through the online approach of teaching. The different

perceptions and motivations can also affect the teaching experiences while

doing online teaching. Furthermore, other factors and experiences in teaching

online will also influence the teaching strategy with the institution.

However, the recent researches were partly insufficient to include the

lived experiences of teachers in teaching Service Physical Education subjects

through online platforms and their insights and views. Therefore, this study will

be the focus on identifying the live experience of teachers in teaching Service

Physical Education subjects in online platforms, specifically among the

Bachelor of Physical Education teachers. With this, the study aims to identify

what are the lived experiences of teachers in teaching Service Physical

Education subjects, also the insights and views of teachers about teaching

Service Physical Education subjects in Online platforms.

This research will be significant to the teachers of Bachelor of Physical

Education subjects as they can share their lived experiences that can be

possible for the institution to formulate teaching ideas and strategy regarding

the actual experiences that will be identified and investigate that this

phenomenon will be a challenge, not a lifelong devastation.


Significance of the Study

The main purpose of the study will identify what are the lived

experiences, insights, and views of teachers in teaching service physical

education subjects in online platforms. Therefore, this study will be significant to

strengthen and effectivity of the teaching approaches base on the shared

experiences, insights, and views of teachers’ in teaching service physical

education subjects in running the online platform classes.

In addition, to the Participants, which are the teachers in teaching

service physical education subjects that they will giving a chance to express

their individual experiences, insights, and views about the current situation in

the teaching environment of physical education.

Furthermore, to the Physical Educators and Administrators, that will

serve as the guidelines for them in formulating different solutions, teaching

strategy, and conceptualize the teaching approach towards the possible

negative lived experiences in teaching service physical education subjects. For

the Administrations that will help to improve the level of teaching in physical

education subjects base on the experiences, insights, and views in online

platforms of teaching.

Lastly, to the Researcher, will expand awareness about the lived

experiences of the teachers in the teaching service physical education subjects

that can be possible to develop a framework between the lived experiences in


teaching service physical education subjects and the online platforms. This

study will help researcher to enhance skills in researching, to find answers in

the main question of the study, and contribute ideas for the future studies in the

field of teaching, especially in teaching service physical education subjects in

online platforms.

Research Questions

This study will be sought to identify what Lived Experiences of Teachers

in Teaching Service Physical Education subjects in Online platforms. Sub-

questions are made to further determine the Lived Experiences in teaching and

analyze the data using the Phenomenological approach of the study.

a) What are the Lived Experiences in Teaching Service Physical Education

subjects in terms of (1) Challenges, (2) Coping mechanism, and (3)

Strategies through the Online platforms?

b) What are the Insights and Views in Teaching Service Physical Education

subject in Online platforms?


Expected Outputs of the Study

The lived experiences of teachers in teaching service physical education

subjects and to identify Challenges, Coping mechanism, and Strategies in the

teaching approach through online platforms. This study would be expected to

investigate the teachers lived experiences as they could share personal

challenges, coping mechanism, and strategies while running the online classes

of service physical education subjects. In addition, the insights and views in

teaching service physical education subjects will be expected to linkage in the

new application and strategy for the teaching approach in Physical Education.

Furthermore, this study will serve as the foundation to strengthen and

enhance the teaching styles together with the interactive participation of the

students during the online classes based on the lived experiences of the

teachers, how they can overcome challenges, the coping mechanism that they

apply during the online teaching approach, and the strategies use in order to

achieve the goals and objectives of the course.

Lastly, this study will be expected to examine and discuss the lived

experiences of the teachers in Bachelor of Physical Education, which are in

teaching the service physical education subjects through the online platforms.

Likewise, the study will be supposed to discover a new idea from teachers

coping mechanism, strategy apply, insights and views in the way of teaching.

Operational Definition of Terms

Coping mechanism- a strategy used by the teachers in Bachelor of Physical

Education in terms of tolerating and managing lived experiences from the new

environment in teaching.

Lived Experiences- refers to the experiences of the teachers in running online

platforms in teaching the Service Physical Education subjects. A phenomenal

experience in teaching that can be share though this study.

Online Platforms- an approach used by the teachers in teaching service

physical education which they have a lived experience in operating with this

kind of platform.

Phenomenological approach- it is a method in research design that will use

by the researcher to gather and analyze data, specifically the lived experiences,

insights, and views of the teachers in teaching Service Physical Education


Service Physical Education- refers to PE 1, 2, 3, and 4 subjects taught by the

Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (ISPEAR) in the

University of Southern Mindanao.


Theoretical Lens

Theory of Pedagogy – Herbartianism

A pedagogical system that was develop by a German philosopher and

educator named Johann Friederich Herbart (1776-1841). The application of

this theory in the teaching approach and styles in order to achieve the desire

goals and needs of the students. Therefore, this theory will anchor to the lived

experiences, insights, and views in teaching service physical education

subjects through the online platforms. As the Herbartianism have the five

components of pedagogy that namely; preparation, presentation, association,

generalization, and application.

Based on the article written by Dr. Radhika Kapur (2020) that intitled

“Theories of Pedagogy”, she further discusses the five major components of

Herbatianism as the following.

1. Preparation- the instructors should always in conscious and prepare

themselves before to undergo in the teaching-learning approaches, teaching-

learning resources, and the instructional strategies. Also, the instructors

should impart and equipped themselves with concepts, theories, notions, and

ideas. The teacher should have to contribute solutions to the challenges

during the teaching-learning process. Considering that preparation is the

important concept of the pedagogy.


2. Presentation- as a crucial component of the pedagogy that mostly focus on

the individual presentation. A process wherein the teacher should maintain the

momentum of the student during the classes, the teacher or instructor should

focus on the up-gradation in doing a presentable way of teaching, such as

clear presentation of ideas, fluently in discussion, maintaining the eye to eye

contact with the students, and other strategy that will contribute to the

presentation skills of the instructor.

3. Association- it is the integration of knowledge while in the teaching and

learning process. The process of generating ideas based on the shared

experiences of the students during classes that associated from the different

perspective that involve thinking processes. As this process will help to

expand learnings that being facilitated by the teacher during the class

discussion. Therefore, this component is a vital process in the pedagogy.

4. Generalization- this concept of pedagogy were the general principles from

the distinct idea would became a general reason for the whole situation. The

teacher should be aware about everything before to conclude general

description about something. With this concept and its application to the

teaching-learning process would be crucial, the instructor making general

ascription towards the student participation will also considerate that

implementing generalization make the student more active and interest in


5. Application- The learning process would be generating knowledge and

those knowledge and information would be sum up to have the application for

the actual practice. This pedagogy helps to improve and enhance the quality

by putting those trainings and previews activities into personal and

professional practice together with some experiences. Lastly, in this concept

will make individual to be aware on how to apply both learning and skills in

reaching educational goals and objectives, especially in the teaching


In addition, this theory of pedagogy, specially the Herbartianism will

linkage in the lived experiences of teachers in teaching the service physical

education subjects in online platforms, through this pedagogy every process

that encountered by the teacher will contribute in this concept wherein how

they apply coping mechanism, the preparation that they have before facing the

challenges, and the association of their insights and views regarding with the

lived experiences in teaching service physical education subjects through the

online platforms.

Delimitations and Limitations

This study will be delimiting on identifying what are the lived

experiences, the insights, and views of teachers in teaching Service Physical

Education subjects in Online platforms. Thus, the study may collect the data

that is based on the question for the participants about their lived experiences

with the respect to the personal and professional opinion. However, it will be

limited to the personal and professional concerns, the demographic profile,

and the behavioral aspect of the participants in teaching Service Physical

Education subjects in Online platforms. While other unrelated information from

the participants during the In-depth interviews will keep and to ensure that

cannot affect the authenticity and validity of the study.



Topic 1. Teachers Experiences in Physical Education

The professional teachers in this century and generation have

experience the different challenges in teaching approach about the Physical

Education subjects. According to the study of Syrmpas et al. (2017) entitled

“Physical education teachers' experiences and beliefs of production and

reproduction teaching approaches”, the study revealed that there are patterns

between the class goals of PE teachers set as top priority and their teaching

preferences. Therefore, in teaching Physical Education subjects it is the

involvement of the planning and proper evaluation from the class for the

effectiveness of teaching methods or style. In this study also identify the key

factors that influence the teaching preferences including class management,

time management, active time, discipline and students taking responsibility.

Thus, the teacher has the control in the class and it is a big responsibility that

will contribute in the teaching experiences in physical education subjects.

However, Sato and Hodge (2017) studied about the “African American

teacher candidates’ experiences in teaching secondary physical education” in

the research finding that physical education teacher education programs must

do a better preparation, specially the candidate teachers for working in urban


schools and gaining more cultural competency and increase self-efficacy. With

this, the preparation of PE teachers starts from being aspirant to the actual

teaching and the foundation in teaching also made by a great experience from

the past activities in learning. As the stages of learning cycles with the

knowledge will be transformed into experience (Kolb, 1984). In teaching

physical education and the experiences within every classes and other

activities throughout the semester will be handle by the teachers in order to

effectively facilitate the learning process by which skills and performance of

the students will be successfully acquire.

Topic 2. Live- Experiences in Teaching Physical Education in Online


During pandemic challenge the physical education teachers in their

teaching strategies as educator, through the online platforms on teaching, they

experience some difficulties and obstacles depending on their teaching

methods in the online environment. In a case study conducted by Williams

(2013), focusing on the virtual physical education teachers experiences and

perspectives of online teaching, analysis showed that these PE online

teachers have the same pathways or methods in online setting of classes,

they provide individualized instruction in the PE online class, they offer


students choice about PE classes in online, they facilitate success in the

online PE classes, and they implicitly assign with constructivist theorist and

practice as online PE educators.

Physical Education teachers are just imparting knowledge and skills at

the same time, the practice and experiences of the PE online teachers had a

significant value to the success in the learning of the student through the

online platforms. It is the reality of lived experience that being imply by the PE

teachers to achieve the learning needs of the students. The teachers also

applying the process of learning by doing in the theory of Dewey (1938)

wherein the PE teachers experiences in teaching the subjects in online turns

into a personal and professional learning and motivation.

In addition, as the COVID-19 affects the Physical Education subjects

are move to a marginalized and less priority compare to those subjects that

has higher perceived status. As the study of Cruickshank et al. (2021) that

focus on the Exploring experiences of teaching physical education online

during Covid-19, concluded that the importance of teacher-student connection

to the teacher and for the consistency surrounding the use of online learning

platforms emerge as the concerns of teachers. Also analyzed the results that

the move to online provision of PE resulted in diminish educative purpose. It

shows that teachers in online learning in physical education subjects

experience the challenge of making connections among their students and the

value of PE subject are became less priority compare to other subjects by


which the marginalization were take place in the online environment. With this,

building connections between the teacher and student should always practice

and give importance.

Topic 3. Teacher Insights and Views

The teachers perceptions in teaching online classes play a vital role in

the planning and best methods to apply effective teaching strategies that will

hook the interest of the learners and success in the learning goals.

Furthermore, a study conducted by Wingo et al. (2017) that entitled “Faculty

perceptions about teaching online: Exploring the literature using the

technology acceptance model as an organizing framework”, revealed that

there are factors that being concerns among the faculty were the learning of

the students sets as the priority concerns despite of those barriers in online


These barriers include the image as online instructors, technical

support needs, the desire for reasonable workload, and manageable class

enrollments in online classes. The online approach of teaching in the time of

pandemic that insights and views of the teachers will be anchored base on the

available resources, with this thinking, the teaching of Physical Education

subjects will be more challenges in the part of the teachers.


Moreover, the science teachers work at high school in Saudi Arabia

who took investigation regarding to their views about the nature of

experiences in reflective practice and reflective teaching that conducted by

Aldahmash et al. (2017), in their study entitled “Secondary School Science

Teachers' Views about Their Reflective Practices”, this study indicates that the

results of teachers are most practice both reflective practice and reflective

teaching, including the three dimensions. First, the “extent of practicing

reflection, second “areas of practicing reflection, and third “ways of practicing

reflection” and at the highest point of view. The results revealed there is no

significant differences between the reflective practice by the teacher to their

demographic identity such as the gender and their experiences as

professional teacher.

The research gives importance about personal practice of the teacher

in teams of teaching process in contrast to the field of Physical Education that

has a broad aspect into learning and building oneself of the student. It is

important to know the self-reflection of the teachers and have evaluation for

the teaching efficiency in physical education subjects.



Research Design

This study will use qualitative research design, specifically the

phenomenology approach that will be employed to identify what are the lived

experiences of teachers in teaching service physical education subjects in

terms of challenges, coping mechanism, and strategies in online platforms and

the insights and views of the teachers in teaching service PE in online. In-

depth interviews will be imposing by the researcher to gather data with the use

of open-ended questionnaire that formulated base on the research questions

of the study.

The researcher will record the data during the conduct of interviews

with the use of field notes and audio recorder to secure the validity of the


Role of the Researcher

In this study, the role of the researcher is to manage the whole

process from the proposal, during the conducting of the research, and

securing the results for the final discussion of the study. To facilitate the

interviews with participants and accumulate the data resources. The

researcher also promotes and responsible for the unbiases practice in the

study, conduct the study without making any harm to the participants and


The researcher may collect the significant data about the main problem

in the study and provides safeguard about the data gathered from the

participants. Also, the researcher will observe the research ethics in the whole

context of the study.

Research Participants and Materials

The research participants of the study were the Bachelor of Physical

Education Teachers in teaching Service Physical Education subjects at the

Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation of the University of

Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, North Cotabato. A total of seven (7) PE

teachers and considered as 50% percent from the total population of the

faculty member of ISPEAR. The teachers that will be participating in the open -

ended interview that were selected with the use of purposive sampling design.

The researcher will be gathering the data during the conduct of

interview with the use of field notes, interview questionnaire, and audio

recorder to secure the validity of the study.


Data Collection

The researcher of the study will have primarily the letter of consent to

the relevant institution that will allow to conduct the study. After the approval,

the researcher will send the letter of permission to the possible participants as

needed in the study. Next, schedule the session of interviews depending on

the time availability of the participants. The data will be gathered using open-

ended questions and the probing technique of interview will also apply by the

researcher. The in-dept interviews method for collecting the qualitative data

needed in the study will be impose as following the guidelines and ethical

consideration for the participants.

Lastly, using interview questionnaire, audio recorder, and field notes to

capture the data needed in the study. After the data is all gathered, researcher

will identify and analyzed what are the experiences, insights, and views of

teachers in teaching physical education in online platforms. The confidentiality

of the participants will assure and with respect to ensure the authenticity of the


Data Analysis

To conclude the results of this research, the researcher will be using

narrative analysis in identifying the lived experiences, insights, and views of

the participants. The response of the participants on the interview will be

transcribe verbatim. Then, the thematization and coding phase of analysis in

which to identifying the common patterns of the data that will create general

finding and to answer the research questions of the study.

Data Sources

In this study the primary data sources will be the narrative scripts of

participants base on their live experiences, insights, and views in teaching

Service Physical Education subjects in Online platforms, in which to

conducting the in-dept interviews among the purposively selected teachers in

Bachelor of Physical Education. The audio recorder and field notes will be use

as the tools to collect the data from the participants.

The authenticity of the sources will be capture and record by choosing

the eligible participants base on their purpose to answer the research


Trustworthiness of the Study

Polit and Beck (2014) define trustworthiness of the study as the degree

of the confidence in data, interpretation and methods use to ensure the quality

of the study. In addition, Lincon and Guba (1985) created an outline to support

the degree of trustworthiness of the study by in including the criteria of

credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability. Thus, this study will

be utilized the outline of Lincon and Guba (1985) that will enhance the

dependability of the qualitative research.

The credibility of the study will anchor to the following steps in collecting

the data. With this, the researcher will be assured that the data sources are

accurate and reliable to answer the research questions of the study. As the

researcher will secure that there is no any act of biases and tampering of the

data collected. The participants are personally interview and record their

scenery for the credible of the data during the process.

Dependability refers to the stability of the data over time and over the

condition of the study (Polit and Beck, 2014). Therefore, the researcher will

collect the data within the confirmed schedule of conduct and the data will be

recorded in order to create stability of the data resources.

Furthermore, the confirmability of the study will be addressed by

reviewing the data analysis with the other colleague researcher that will

confirm and agree to the data interpretation in the study.


Lastly, transferability will be achieved by the researcher in which the

data gathered will be transferrable to the document files and kept for the entire

duration of the study that will made available during the presentation of the

final results of the research.

Ethical Consideration

As the qualitative research design employed by the researcher,

setting the ethical criteria to be impartial and respect individual opinions

regarding to the topic of the study. To have the ethical consideration in the

study and the important to include the following principles: inform consent,

voluntary participation, protection from harm, and confidentiality (Trochim,

2006). Thus, this study will ensure a formal consent to the possible

participants and to the institution involved, considering their participation will

be a valuable action to the success of this research.

The teachers involvement in this study will be in voluntary and treated

with the ethical respect during the conduct of the study. Likewise, the

participants will sign an informed consent that will impose their voluntary

participations in the study. Their responses will be assured confidentiality and

privacy as following ethical standards and principles.


The protection from harm is also apply by the researcher to secure the

participants physically and psychologically safety before, during, and after the

conduct of study. The participants will assure that will not involve their physical

and psychological aspect during the conduct or any activity that will causes

them into risky situations. The possible unintended harm will be evaluating by

the researcher to ensure and promote behavior of humanity in the study.

Furthermore, as the researcher conduct an in-dept interviews to the

participants that will be focusing on the lived experiences and this study will

impose privacy of the participants and their confidential involvement along the

duration of the study. Their participation will be highly appreciated and respect

any professional opinion regarding to their experiences.


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Syrmpas, I., Digelidis, N., Watt, A., & Vicars, M. (2017). Physical education
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Williams, L. M. (2013). A case study of virtual physical education teachers'

experiences in and perspectives of online teaching. Retrieved April 12, 2021
from https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/4962/

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model as an organizing framework. Online Learning, 21(1), 15-35.

Appendix A. Application for Research Adviser

Kabacan, Cotabato
Date: May 11, 2021


Department of Bachelor of Physical Education
College of Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation
USM, Kabacan, Cotabato

Sir / Madam:

I would like to request that you will be my Research adviser effective 2 nd semester, SY 2020
- 2021. I intend to work on Lived Experiences in Teaching Service Physical Education Subjects in
Online Platforms.

I am hoping for your most favorable approval on this request. Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,


Printed Name and Signature of Student


Department Research Coordinator Department Chairperson
_______________ _______________
Date Date



Appendix B. Application for Research Title

Kabacan, Cotabato
Date: ___________________


Chairperson, Department of Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation


I would like to request your office to allow me to research on the study entitled “Lived
Experiences in Teaching Service Physical Education Subjects in Online Platforms.”
The study has the following objectives:
1. to identify what Lived Experiences of Teachers in Teaching Service Physical Education subjects
in Online platforms.
2. What are the Lived Experiences in Teaching Service Physical Education subjects in terms of (1)
Challenges, (2) Coping mechanism, and (3) Strategies through the Online platforms?
3. What are the Insights and Views in Teaching Service Physical Education subject in Online

Very truly yours,

Printed Name and Signature of


______________________________ ________________
Adviser Date

______________________________ ________________
Department Research Coordinator Date

_____________________________ ________________
College Research Coordinator Date


_____________________________ ________________
Department Chairperson Date

Appendix C. Estimated Budget of the Research

Kabacan, Cotabato


Title of Study

“Lived Experiences in Teaching Service Physical Education Subjects in Online



Transportation fee Php. 500.00
Printing Php. 200.00
Mobile Data expenses Php. 500.00

Grand Total Php. 1, 200.00

Prepared and submitted by:


Printed Name and Signature of the Student


______________________________________ ___________________________
_ Date

______________________________________ ___________________________
_ Date
Department Research Coordinator

______________________________________ ___________________________
_ Date
Department Chairperson


Appendix D. Application for Thesis Outline Defense

Kabacan, Cotabato


Name Ian Mark Pasaquian
Degree/Major Bachelor of Physical Education
Thesis Title Lived Experiences in Teaching Service Physical Education Subjects in Online Platforms
Date of Examination


Name Signature Date

_______________________________________ __________________ __________________

_______________________________________ __________________ __________________
_______________________________________ __________________ __________________

_______________________________ _______________________________
Adviser Co-Adviser (Optional)

_______________________________ _______________________________
College Statistician Department Research Coordinator
Department Chairperson


Name Signature Remarks
_______________________________________ __________________ __________________
_______________________________________ __________________ __________________
_______________________________________ __________________ __________________
_______________________________________ __________________ __________________


Department Research Coordinator




Purok Mangga, Midpapan 1,

Pigcawayan, North Cotabato
Mobile No.: 09618236667
E-mail Address: ianmarkpasaquian@gmail.com


Date of Birth July 20, 2000

Age 20 years old
Birth Place Midpapan 1, Pigcawayan, North Cotabato
Sex Male
Civil Status Single
Religion Roman Catholic
Language/Dialect English, Filipino, Bisaya, Ilonggo
Height 167.64 cm
Weight 54 kilograms
Name of Father Ivan Juaod Llanura
Occupation Security Guard
Name of Mother Mae Pasaquian Teodoro
Occupation Farmer


COLLEGE DEGREE University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, Cotabato

Bachelor of Physical Education
2019- Present

SECONDARY Pigcawayan National High School, Pigcawayan, Cotabato

2013- 2019

PRIMARY Pigcawayan Elementary School, Pigcawayan, Cotabato

2007- 2013

KINDERGARTEN Midpapan 1 Day Care Center, Midpapan 1, Pigcawayan,

2005- 2006

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