Sikaswell s-2

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SikaSwell® S-2
Hydrophilic swellable joint sealant

DESCRIPTION Fixing / Adhering swellable profiles:

▪ SikaSwell® A Profiles
SikaSwell® S-2 is a 1-part polyurethane hydrophilic ▪ SikaSwell® P Profiles
sealant which swells in contact with water to seal all
types of construction joints and penetrations in con- CHARACTERISTICS / ADVANTAGES
crete structures.
It is used to adhere the SikaSwell® A and SikaSwell® P ▪ 1-part, easy and fast to apply
profiles to the structure. ▪ Highly economical joint sealing solution
▪ Versatile solution for joints and details
USES ▪ Optimised expansion rate
▪ Permanently water resistant (wet & dry cycles)
Joint sealing: ▪ Good adhesion to various substrates
▪ Construction joints ▪ BBA system approvals with SikaSwell® A-2010
▪ Pipe and steel work penetrations through walls and
▪ Around all types of penetrations and construction
joints ▪ Conforms to LEED v2009 IEQc 4.1 Low Emitting Ma-
▪ Construction joints in cable ducts terials-Adhesives and Sealants (VOC content require-
ment: < 420g/l less water)

Composition 1-part polyurethane, moisture curing
Packaging 600 ml unipacs 20 unipacs / box

Appearance and colour Oxide red

Shelf life 9 months from the date of production
Storage conditions The product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged pack-
aging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +25 °C.
Always refer to packaging.
Density 1.24 kg/l (at +23 °C) (ISO 2811)

Product Data Sheet

SikaSwell® S-2
April 2022, Version 03.01

Shore A hardness 30–50, unswollen (7 d / +23 °C / 50 % r.h.) (EN ISO 868)

Change of volume Time Demineralised 5 % saline solu- (EN 14498)

water tion
1 day ~25 % ~8 %
7 days ~100 % ~25 %
30 days ~200 % ~50 %
Note: In a totally dry state, the Product shrinks to its original dimensions.
The product then expands again upon further contact with water.
Swelling pressure The pressure developed by the material depends on the stiffness of the
surrounding concrete structure, which is influenced by the concrete qual-
ity, voids, gaps and other weaknesses.
In an ideal concrete structure the material can develop a swelling pressure
up to > 10 bar.
Service temperature Minimum -20 °C
Maximum +50 °C

System structure Stand-alone solution:
Sealant SikaSwell® S-2
With a SikaSwell® profile:
Adhesive SikaSwell® S-2
Swelling profile SikaSwell® A or SikaSwell® P

Sag flow < 2 mm (+23 °C / 50 % r.h.) (ISO 7390)

Consumption Size of triangular sec- 300 ml cartridges 600 ml unipacs

12 mm 4.1 m 8.2 m
15 mm 3.1 m 6.2 m
20 mm 1.8 m 3.6 m
Consumption depends on the roughness and absorbency of the substrate.
Note: These figures are theoretical and do not allow for any additional ma-
terial due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level, wastage
or any other variations. Apply product to a test area to calculate the exact
consumption for the specific substrate conditions and proposed applica-
tion equipment.
Substrate moisture content Dry or matt damp. Do not apply in construction joints with standing water.
Curing rate 1 day (+23 °C / 50 % r.h.) ~2.0 mm (CQP049-2)
10 days (+23 °C / 50 % r.h.) ~10.0 mm

Skinning time 60 minutes (+23 °C / 50 % r.h.) (EN 15651-

Place SikaSwell® profiles onto SikaSwell® S-2 within a maximum 1)
of 30 minutes.
Material temperature Minimum +5 °C
Maximum +35 °C

Ambient air temperature Minimum +5 °C

Maximum +35 °C

Product Data Sheet

SikaSwell® S-2
April 2022, Version 03.01

Substrate temperature Minimum +5 °C
Maximum +35 °C


Ensure good compaction
All technical data stated in this Data Sheet are based During placement compact the fresh concrete
on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary well around the SikaSwell® to ensure a good dense
due to circumstances beyond our control. concrete without voids or honeycombs
IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS 1. Apply SikaSwell® S-2 adhesive in a narrow bed
▪ Do not use SikaSwell® S-2 for movement joints. (size of triangular section ~12 mm) onto the pre-
▪ SikaSwell® S-2 expands if it becomes in contact pared substrate. Extrude enough aterial to level
with water. This is not instantaneous and will take a the roughness of the substrate.
2. Press the SikaSwell® A profile or SikaSwell® P
few hours.
▪ SikaSwell® S-2 is recommended for sealing against profile firmly into the fresh applied SikaSwell® S-2.
water pressures up to 2 bar. For pressures higher The profiles must be placed within maximum 30
than 2 bar use a alternative or supplementary Sika minutes (at +23 °C / 50 % r.h.).
3. Ensure full and continuous contact between the
Joint Sealing solutions or contact Sika Technical Ser-
SikaSwell® S-2 and both the SikaSwell® profile and
vices for further information.
the substrate is achieved.
4. Allow SikaSwell® S-2 to harden for 12 hours
ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY before placing concrete. For pouring height > 50
cm, SikaSwell® S-2 must harden for at least 24 hours
User must read the most recent corresponding Safety before placing concrete.
Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS 5. Protect the SikaSwell® S-2 against water (for ex-
provides information and advice on the safe handling, ample rain) until the concrete is placed.
storage and disposal of chemical products and con- 6. During placement compact the fresh concrete
tains physical, ecological, toxicological and other well around the SikaSwell® profile.
Structure thickness Size of triangular section
20–30 cm 15 mm
SUBSTRATE QUALITY 30–50 cm 20 mm
1. Apply SikaSwell® S-2 in a triangle bead onto the pre-
The substrate must be sound, clean, dry or matt damp pared substrate. Use a triangular nozzle or cut
and free from all surface contaminants that could im- the nozzle to obtain a regular triangular extrusion
pair the adhesion of the sealant. section and apply SikaSwell® S-2 according to the
2. Ensure full and continuous contact between
EXISTING CONCRETE the SikaSwell® S-2 and the substrate is achieved.
Rough surfaces are susceptible to leaking. If the sur- 3. Allow SikaSwell® S-2 to harden minimum 12
face roughness cannot be leveled with SikaSwell® S-2 hours before placing concrete. For pouring height >
the roughness need to be removed. Use an appropri- 50 cm, SikaSwell® S-2 must harden for at least 24 be-
ate Sika leveling mortar or mechanical treatment be- fore placing concrete.
4. Protect the SikaSwell® S-2 against water (for ex-
fore the SikaSwell® S-2 and SikaSwell® A profile or
ample rain) until the concrete is placed.
SikaSwell® P profile is applied.
Freshly cast concrete can be smoothed with a batten
where SikaSwell® S-2 is to be placed. Clean all tools and application equipment immediately
after use with Sika® Colma Cleaner. Hardened material
APPLICATION METHOD / TOOLS can only be removed mechanically.
Minimum concrete cover LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
The Product must be placed in the centre of the con-
Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
crete structure. The minimum cover to sealant on
declared data and recommended uses for this product
both sides must be 8 cm (reinforced concrete) or 15
may vary from country to country. Consult the local
cm (unreinforced concrete).
Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.

Product Data Sheet

SikaSwell® S-2
April 2022, Version 03.01

The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
rent knowledge and experience of the products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request.

PT. Sika Indonesia Head Office and

Jl. Raya Cibinong-Bekasi Km.20
Bogor 16820-Indonesia
Tel. +62 21 8230025, Fax +62 21


Product Data Sheet

SikaSwell® S-2
April 2022, Version 03.01


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