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San Jose Occidental Mindoro

Quarter 2 - Module 1 - 4 : Week 1 - 8
Goals and Scope of Social Work
As teachers, you are expected to give introductory knowledge to your students on how to use this
module. It is also important to supervise and record the student’s progress while allowing them to manage their
learnings at their own phase. Aside from this, you are expected to encourage more and direct the students
while accomplishing the activities in this module.
To the Students:
Welcome to Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Science Module on the Goals and
Scope of Social Work.
This module is made according to your learning needs. This aims to assist you while studying away
from school by providing you with worthwhile learning opportunities.
To the Parents:
Your role in the success of the accomplishments of module is important. As our educational partner,
your involvement is highly expected. You will also be guided on how to help your child.
TITLE/TITLE DECRIPTION: Goals and Scope of Social Work
The aim of this module is to give direction and basic understanding of the Goals and Scope of Social
Work and to have a deep knowledge on the significance of Goals and Scope of Social Work in our society.
Further, it is expected to enable the learners to have the power of comprehension of the broad perspectives of
social work and various aspects which indicate the significance of social work.

OBJECTIVES: After studying this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the Goals of Social Work;
2. explain the Scope of Social Work; and
3. express personal view about Social Work profession in the Philippine Setting


Case Analysis
Nancy Mae is a newcomer at the senior high school program of Santa Maria College. Being new to the
school, she is noted to be quiet and avoids interaction in people often. After one semester, Nancy Mae’s
behavior remains the same as she finds difficulty in building friendship. She chose to eat, to read, to study, and
to walk alone. Worried by the observation, her adviser Lea referred the case to the school’s social worker. If
you are the social worker, how will you handle the case? How will you administer the circumstances? Write
your answer on the box below.

B. Directions: Read the statements carefully. Analyze whether the statements fit to a description of Goals and
Scope of Social Work. Answer yes or no to show agreement or disagreement.
1. Social Work is a helping profession.
2. The concern of social work is to help people who are in need.
3. The goal of social work is to reduce suffering by solving people’s problems.
4. Social Work provides democratic ideas and encourage the development of good interpersonal
relations, resulting in proper adjustments with the family and neighborhood.
5. The main goal of social work is to improve a society’s overall well-being.
Social Work is a helping profession. Some individuals have personal or family problems. Sometimes
they cannot solve these by themselves. So they need outside help. Such help comes from trained people. The
individual seeking help is known as a client and the trained person helping him is known as a social worker
Morales and Sheafor (1983) identified four areas of consideration:
1. In each helping situation, the social worker is concerned with enabling or facilitating change. Interventions to
improve the quality of life may appropriately occur as part of the social work practice.
2. The social worker is in the business of helping people or social institutions, such as family, change to
enhance social functioning. It is not to focus on the whole person but on social relationships.
3. Applying the social systems theory, social work can be viewed as a profession that helps people interact
more effectively with their social environment. The focus is placed on the “interface or the meeting place or the
transaction of person and the environment” (William Gordon, as cited by Morales and Sheafor, 1983).
4. In helping to achieve their goals of improved social functioning, the social worker must have handles in
fortifying and securing the necessary resources to attain the goals of the clients.


The main goal of social work is to improve a society’s overall well-being, especially for the most vulnerable
Morales and Sheafor (1983) specified three (3) distinguishing goals of social work namely: caring, curing, and
changing. These goals are outlined and described below:
1. The Goal on Caring
Caring refers to the heart of social work and it focuses on the well-being or the welfare and comfort of
the individual and community.
2. The Goal on Curing
Curing refers to the aspect of treating people with problems in social functioning
3. The Goal on Changing
Changing refers to the active participation of the social workers in social reforms.

Activity 1. Connecting with Social Work Welfare Agencies

Instruction: Provided in the box is a list of Government Agencies and Non-Government Organization which
has Programs in alleviating people’s sufferings. What Goals of Social Work were employed? Give details about
the known programs and circumstances where 6 each organization and agency are involved. You may refer to
the previous discussion for further details.
World Health Organization Sagip Kapamilya GMA Kapuso
Foundation BayaniJuan Bantay Bata 163
UNICEF Department of Social Welfare and Development

Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, 10
cohesive, and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a clear, cohesive, 8
and coherent way. Minimal grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers each question with a single evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, cohesive, 6
and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers the question using specific but unrelated evidence. Minimal grammatical, spelling 4
and punctuation errors.
Answers the question without using any evidence from the articles. Minimal grammatical, 2
spelling and punctuation errors.

Activity 2 Let’s Find Out!

Instruction: From the listed agencies in Activity 1, name and explain different programs where Scope of Social
Work is depicted. Write your answers below.

Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, 10
cohesive, and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a clear, cohesive, and 8
coherent way. Minimal grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers each question with a single evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, cohesive, and 6
coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers the question using specific but unrelated evidence. Minimal grammatical, spelling 4
and punctuation errors.
Answers the question without using any evidence from the articles. Minimal grammatical, 2
spelling and punctuation errors.


The concern of social work is to help people who are in need so that they develop the capacity to deal
with their problems by themselves. It is both science and an art. Social work is science in the sense that the
knowledge taken from different disciplines form the body of knowledge for a social worker and she/he uses this
theoretical base for helping people i.e., for practice. What theory postulates has to be put into practice. The
required capacity to do it is known as skill. Hence, professional social work with selected knowledge and the
set of social work values, has to be transformed into a professional service.
According to Morales and Sheafor (1983) Fields included in Social Work
1. Social Work as Primary Discipline
a. Adoption and services to unmarried parents
- Difficult decision to keep the baby or place it for adoption
- Applies both individual and group counseling to assist women in making decisions
b. Foster Care
- Removing children from homes and placing them to foster homes temporarily
- Works with the parents, child and court to administer court decisions to remove a child due to
detrimental situations
c. Residential Care
- Group care home or a residential treatment center
- These are for children exhibiting anti-social behaviors that require intensive treatment
d. Support in own home
- Support services to keep children in their own homes
- Counseling, family consultations, clients with appropriate institutions such as day care centers and
home maker services.
e. Protective Services
- Protecting the child from abuse, maltreatment, exploitation by parents
- Seeks to protect the child without infringing the rights of parents
f. Family Services
- Family counseling involves family case work, family group work and family therapy
- Family life education strengthens family relationships through educational activities to prevent family
- Family planning involves planning the number, spacing and timing of child births to fit with their needs
- Make decisions about the patterns of reproduction towards enhancing quality of life
g. Income maintenance
- Public assistance, financial aid to the poor.
- It includes cash grants, food stamps, general assistance such as hospital and medical care, and
supplemental security income.
- Social Insurance, social provisions that funded by employers and employees through contributions to
a specific program.
- Other forms, cash in kind benefits, emergency support funds, and other resources that can be used by
the poor for food and shelter

2. Social Work as an Equal Partner

a. Support for people in their own homes program
- Helping older people remain in their homes and linking them with community programs such as health
care, meals and home care services.
b. Support for people in the long term care facilities
- Refers to nursing homes or other group living facilities
c. Community Services
- Community Organization activities, gathering and analysis of data, matching delivery of services to the
population distribution, securing funds, coordination with existing agencies and educating the general
public about the services
- Community planning, involvement of social workers with the physical, economic and health planners
in the long-range planning of communities
3. Social Work as a Secondary Discipline
a. Correctional Facilities, provide counseling and link them to the outside world, provide support upon release
b. Industry, support to both managers and employees. Serves as basis for employment
c. Medical and Health care, attend to the social and psychological factors contributing to the medical condition
of the patients.
d. Schools, facilitate the provision of direct educational and social services and provide direct social case work
and group work to selected students
- Act as pupil advocate focusing on the urgent needs of the selected students
- Consult with school administrators’ major problems toward a planned service approach
- Consult with teachers about techniques for creating a free and motivating climate for children by
interpreting social and cultural influences
- Use of peers to help a troubled child- Organize parent and community groups to channel concerns
- Develop and maintain liaison between the school and social work
- Provide leadership in coordination of student services in guidance, clinic staff, psychologists and

ACTIVITY 3. Values Connection

Today, our world is suffering from health outbreak, COVID-19. Some lost his or her job,left behind
while, others were infected by the disease and died. Even in your households, the impact of such outbreak can
be felt. Observing and taking time to reflect under the circumstances that we are in, in what way can you
reduce the suffering of other people? Your personal insights are important.

Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, 10
cohesive, and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a clear, cohesive, 8
and coherent way. Minimal grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers each question with a single evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, cohesive, 6
and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers the question using specific but unrelated evidence. Minimal grammatical, spelling 4
and punctuation errors.
Answers the question without using any evidence from the articles. Minimal grammatical, 2
spelling and punctuation errors.

Task! Express Yourself. In the midst of COVID-19, there are people who are suffering from Mental Health.
Apply your creativity thru writing (doodles, art using photo editors, etc.) a piece of advice by way of short
saying which is personally crafted.
Example: Your self-worth will never be a reflection of those who don’t love you. You are worthy, you are loved.
–Your Mental Health Advocate Facebook Page
Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, 10
cohesive, and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a clear, cohesive, 8
and coherent way. Minimal grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers each question with a single evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, cohesive, 6
and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers the question using specific but unrelated evidence. Minimal grammatical, spelling 4
and punctuation errors.
Answers the question without using any evidence from the articles. Minimal grammatical, 2
spelling and punctuation errors.
Module 12
Principles and Core Values of Social Work
The aim of this module is to give direction and basic understanding of the Goals and Scope of Social
Work and to have a deep knowledge on the importance of the Practitioners of Social Work in our society.
Further, it is expected to enable the learners to have the power of comprehension of the broad perspectives of
social work and various aspects which indicate the significance of social work.
Learning Objectives:
After studying this module, you are expected to:
1. identify the Principles of Social Work;
2. explain the Values of Social Work; and
3. express personal how social work intervenes in a society crisis.

Vocabulary List:
• Principles- a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior
or for a chain of reasoning.
• Social Justice is "neither communism, nor despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy," but the humanization of
laws and the equalization of social and economic forces by the State so that justice in its rational and
objectively secular conception may at least be approximated. Social justice means the promotion of the welfare
of all the people, the adoption by the Government of measures calculated to insure economic stability of all the
competent elements of society, through the maintenance of a proper economic and social equilibrium in the
interrelations of the members of the community, constitutionally, through the adoption of measures legally
justifiable, or extra-constitutionally, through the exercise of powers underlying the existence of all governments
on the time-honored principle of salus populiest suprema lex. Social justice, therefore, must be founded on the
recognition of the necessity of interdependence among divers and diverse units of a society and of the
protection that should be equally and evenly extended to all groups as a combined force in our social and
economic life, consistent with the fundamental and paramount objective of the state of promoting the health,
comfort, and quiet of all persons, and of bringing about "the greatest good to the greatest number." (Calalang
vs Wiiliams, G.R. No. 47800. December 2, 1940)
• Unanimity- the quality or state of being unanimous


Directions: Read the statements carefully. Analyze whether the statements fit to a description of Core Values
and Principles of Social Work. Please put a check mark (/) if you agree and a cross mark (x) if you disagree in
each of the statements indicated below.
I. Agree Statements I. Disagree
1. Social Work is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all
people and it is cultivated by altruistic and democratic principles.
2. Each social group has expected behavior patterns that the members strive
to follow to accomplish.
3. A set of principles is necessary to guide its members in their practice and
to serve as the bases of work standards.
4. Acceptance involves respecting the clients.
5. Core Values play a significant role in the organization.
Any professional activity is guided by set of values. The body of knowledge of social work has certain
core values, evolved over a period of professional practice, that are commonto all social work practice
situations, irrespective of the methods.Mendoza (2002) cited that the Council on Social Work Education
identified and described six (6) values that are shared by the social work profession.
These values are outlined below:
1. Right to Self-Fulfillment- Each person has the right to self-fulfillment which is derived from his/her inherent
capacity and thrust toward the goal;
2. Responsibility to Common Good- Each person has the responsibility as a member of the society to seek
ways of fulfillment that contribute to common good;
3. Responsibility of the Society- The society has the responsibility to facilitate self-fulfillment of the individual
and the right to enrichment through the contribution of its individual members
4. Right to Satisfy Basic Needs- Each person requires for the harmonious development of his powers socially
provided and socially safeguarded opportunities for satisfying his/her basic needs in the physical,
psychological, economic, cultural, aesthetic, and spiritual realms.
5. Social Organizations required to facilitate individual’s effort at self-realization – The notion that individual and
society has the responsibility to provide appropriate social resources, it is the right of the individual to promote
change in social resources that do not serve his/her need-meeting efforts
6. Self-realization and contribution to society- To permit both self-realization and contribution to society by the
individual, social organization must make available socially-provided devices for need-satisfaction as wide in
range, variety, and quality as the general welfare allows.
These values according to the Curriculum Study sponsored by the Council on Social Work Education
as cited by Mendoza (2002) comprise a minimum commitment from the social worker and the following
concepts are implied in these values:
1. Concept of human potentials and capacities- This is premised on the belief that a person is inherently
endowed with potentials and capacities.
2. Concept of social responsibility- an individual has the obligation to contribute to the common good and
3. Concept of equal opportunities- This is premised on the ideal of social justice, two elements of which are
fairness and equality.
4. Concept of social provision- This is based on the premise that there will always be everywhere with unmet
needs or problems which are beyond their own capacity to solve.
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) stated that the mission of the social work
profession is rooted in a set of core values. These values include: service, social justice, dignity and worth of
the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence (Morales and Sheafor, 1983). These
core values are reflected in the IFSW Code of Ethics’ Preamble:
“Social work originates from humanitarian ideals and democratic philosophy and has universal
application to meet human needs arising from personal-societal interactions and to develop human potential.
Professional social workers are dedicated to service for the welfare and self-realization of human beings; to the
development of resources to meet individual, group, national and international 6 needs and aspirations; and to
the achievement of social justice (IFSW as cited by Morales and Sheafor, 1983)
Social Work values focus on three general areas: values about people, values about social work in relation to
society and values that inform professional behavior.
The First Value is the conviction in the Inherent Worth, Integrity and Dignity of the Individual
(Friedlander, 1977). When a person fails to perform of follow what is expected of him to do in a prescribed
manner, the person is considered not worthy and not desirable person by the people in a society. The person’s
dignity is denied and viewed as person with no integrity and inhumanely treated by the society. People are not
interested about why the person has not been constituting a good performance on his social responsibilities in
a suitable and acceptable way.
This value reminds the social worker that every client that comes (with a problem) to him is not to be
considered as a person having no value and no virtue because he is in a disadvantageous situation. For a
social worker the client is as worthy as any other person and the client is in that situation because of many
other factors acting upon him. The conviction in the dignity, worth and the integrity of any individual, enables
the social worker to deal with any type of client with a positive frame of mind
The Second Value is Belief in Democratic Functioning. It relies on the democratic process while
dealing with the client system. This alludes that promptness and firmness in deciding is through unanimity and
nothing is forcibly imposed on the client. The worker, the client and others, are all actively participating in the
process of decision making. Similarly, and at the same, the right of the client in having a preference for the
solution is given the highest attainable point.
The Third Value is the Firm Belief in Equal Opportunity for All, Limited only by the Individual’s
Capacities (Friedlander, 1977). This value conveys an impression the need for social justice. Social work put
forth a determined effort against social injustices giving out to the disadvantaged and defenseless members of
society. Regardless of caste, religion, race, economic status and intelligence. Each person must have equal
access to the resources of our society.
The Fourth Value is Social Worker’s Social Responsibility towards Himself, his family and his society
(Friedlander, 1977). This value admonishes the social worker not to neglect himself, his family and the society
in which he is living while in the performance of duty and obligation and professional duties. If he
unsuccessfully performs his obligation and commitment towards himself and his family, then he himself or his
family may fail to carry out their social functioning and may become omission of performance and failures
needing social work intervention.
The Fifth Value is to Transmit Knowledge and Skills to Others (Sheafor & Morales, 1989). This value
provides instruction to the social worker to give the information that he has, that would enable the client to take
care of himself, in case 7 the client faces connate challenges and problems in the future. This is to guarantee
that the client becomes independent on the social worker throughout his life. Withal, it also proposes that
sharing of information, talent and skills among co-professionals goes a long way and is hard act to follow in
nurturing the capability of the professional practice.
The Sixth Value is Separating Personal Feelings from Professional Relationships (Sheafor & Morales,
1989). This value reminds the social worker that he should not allow personal feelings to intrude in a
professional relationship, as this may make him over concerned or develop a biased prejudiced view about
the client and his problem situation The social worker may have endured the same experiences and been in a
resembling social circumstances in his personal life. Further, it is possible that the social worker might relate
these situations to the present client and may lose his objectivity needed for social work intervention. As a
result, he must be vigilant about any of his personal feelings are affecting thereby evoking strong emotional
response in his professional relationship.
The Seventh Value assumes High Standards of Personal and Professional Conduct (Sheafor &
Morales, 1989). It accentuates that the conduct of the social worker should be commendable and exemplary at
both personal and professional levels. As a professional, he should follow the Code of Ethics for Social
Work Practitioners. The achievement of any profession depends on the virtuousness and character of the
professionals actively engaged in a specified career or way of life. In social work practice situations, clients
come with a number of fears, indecision, skepticism and distrust about everything around them. They have to
profess a number of confidential and emotional information and ardent emotional information and hope a lot of
trust from the social worker. Revealing the confidential information callously or making fun of the client’s
precarious situation and plight or degradingly looking down upon client does great damage and harm. Albeit
his personal behavior outside practice hours should not only be satisfactory to people but should also boost
him respectability and worthy of respect. The social worker is estimable member of society and he should not
gratify in any conduct or attitude which is considered wrong or rejected by society. Consequently, it is
significant that a social worker be a person of high integrity, morale and of high ethical conduct.
Principles of Social Work
Social Work is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people and it is cultivated by
altruistic and democratic principles. Friedlander (1958) and Biestek (1957) as cited by Mendoza (2002)
indicated seven principles adhered by social workers including the following:
1. Acceptance
- Respecting clients under different circumstances
- Understanding the meaning and causes of client’s behavior8
- Manifests warmth, interest and concern about the client and her/his situation
- Recognizing the individual or people’s strengths and potentials, weaknesses, and limitations.
Sometimes, the personal experiences of the worker may come in the way of accepting the client. For
example, a worker who was abused by his alcoholic father during his/her childhood may find it difficult to
accept an alcoholic client who has come for help in restoring his/her family relationships.in this case, the social
worker should not be influenced by his childhood experience of being abused by his alcoholic father whom
related and rejected or show hostility or indifference towards the client. Mutual acceptance is the beginning of
the process of establishing a strong professional relationship towards working out a solution to the client’s
social disfunctioning.
2. Client’s participation in problem-solving
- Client is expected to participate in the process.
- Gathers information in defining the nature of the problem
- Participates in planning ways in resolving such problems
- Identifying resources to solve
- Act through the help of different available resources
3. Self-Determination
- The idea behind this principle is that the clients-individuals, groups, or communities) who are in need
have the right to determine their needs and how they should be met.
Every individual has the right to assess what is good for him and decide that ways and means to realize
it. It emphasizes that the social worker should not impose decisions or solutions on the client simply
because the client has come to him for help. No doubt, the client has come to social worker because he
could not solve the problem by himself. The social worker should support and guide the client to
develop insights into his social situation in the correct perspective and encourage and involve him to
take decisions that are good and acceptable to him. In this way, the client is helped not only to realize
his potentialities but also to fell independent and like a person with worth and dignity.
4. Individualization
- Recognizing and understanding the client’s own unique characteristics and using different principles
and methods for each client.
- No two clients are exactly alike
- Social interventions differ for each client considering their unique qualities and situations
The principle reminds the social worker that while dealing with the client it is to be kept in mind that the
worker is not dealing with an inanimate object or inferior being. Each individual responds and reacts to the
same stimuli in a different manner and gets into or get out of different challenges, problem and trouble
situations in different ways.
5. Confidentiality
- Client should be accorded with appropriate projection, within the limits of the law, with no any harm that might
result from the information given to the social worker
- The client should be assured that what he or she divulges will be kept in confidence.
- Moreover, confidentiality entails privacy
6. Worker self-awareness
- Social worker is conscious about her/his role in making use of her/his professional relationship with the client
in a way that will enhance the client’s development rather than his/her own.
- The social worker consciously examines her/his feelings, judgments, biases and responses whether these
are professionally motivated.
7. Client-worker relationship
- The purpose of client-worker relationship is to help the client in some area of his/her social functioning in
which, at the present he or she is experiencing some difficulty, and where the worker is in the position to offer


Matching Type. Choose the words from the box to match the terms being referred to in the following
statements. Write your answer on the space provided. Make sure that the spelling is correct.
Values relationship Acceptance Client-worker
Right to Self Fulfillment Self-Determination Confidentiality
Responsibility to Common Good Individualization Work Self-Awareness

1. Fundamental norms and preferred behavior patterns, shared by members of a society or a

subgroup which aim at integrating and channeling the organized activities of the members.
2. Each person has the right to self-fulfillment which is derived from his/her inherent capacity
and thrust toward the goal.
3. Each person has the responsibility as a member of the society to seek ways of fulfillment
that contribute to common good.
4. The society has the responsibility to facilitate self-fulfillment of the individual and the right to
enrichment through the contribution of its individual members.
5. Each person requires for the harmonious development of his powers socially provided and
socially safeguarded opportunities for satisfying his/her basic needs in the physical,
psychological, economic, cultural, aesthetic, and spiritual realms.
6. The idea behind this principle is that the clients-individuals, groups, or communities) who
are in need have the right to determine their needs and how they should be met.
7. The principle reminds the social worker that while dealing with the client it is to be kept in
mind that the worker is not dealing with an inanimate object or inferior being.
8. Client should be accorded with appropriate projection, within the limits of the law, with no
any harm that might result from the information given to the social worker.
9. The social worker consciously examines her/his feelings, judgments, biases and responses
whether these are professionally motivated.
10. The purpose of client-worker relationship is to help the client in some area of his/her social
functioning in which, at the present he or she is experiencing some difficulty, and where the
worker is in the position to offer help.


Instruction: Choose one Core Value set by Curriculum Study sponsored by the Council on Social Work
Education as cited by Mendoza (2002). Discuss the Core Value based on your understanding and cite some
examples from your previous encounters with other people or recent news connected to the topic. Write your
answers in the box below.

Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, 10
cohesive, and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a clear, cohesive, 8
and coherent way. Minimal grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers each question with a single evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, cohesive, 6
and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers the question using specific but unrelated evidence. Minimal grammatical, spelling 4
and punctuation errors.
Answers the question without using any evidence from the articles. Minimal grammatical, 2
spelling and punctuation errors.

Practice Task 3-Which Principle of Social Work I Agree Most?

Instruction: You are directed by your Subject Teacher to make analysis of one Social Work Principle. Among
the Seven Social Work Principles which were discussed, which will you choose to discuss? Why this Principle?
What Aspect of the Principle influences you? Please explain.
Write your answers on the box.

Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, 10
cohesive, and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a clear, cohesive, 8
and coherent way. Minimal grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers each question with a single evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, cohesive, 6
and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers the question using specific but unrelated evidence. Minimal grammatical, spelling 4
and punctuation errors.
Answers the question without using any evidence from the articles. Minimal grammatical, 2
spelling and punctuation errors.

Practice Task 4: Critical Thinking

What is your understanding about respecting clients’ rights to confidentiality? What are their rights? For brevity
and clarity, limit your answers to five sentences only.

Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, 10
cohesive, and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a clear, cohesive, 8
and coherent way. Minimal grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers each question with a single evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, cohesive, 6
and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers the question using specific but unrelated evidence. Minimal grammatical, spelling 4
and punctuation errors.
Answers the question without using any evidence from the articles. Minimal grammatical, 2
spelling and punctuation errors.


Direction: Circle the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. This involves respecting the clients as they are under any circumstances and understands the meaning and
causes of the client’s behavior.
A. Acceptance B. Self-Determination C. Individualization D. Confidentiality
2. A client is made to understand that he or she is expected to participate in the entire process.
A. Self-determination C. Worker self-awareness
B. Client’s participation in problem-solving D. Confidentiality
3. _________________ stated that the mission of the social work profession is rooted in a set of core of values
4. This is based on the premise that there will always be everywhere with unmet needs or problems which are
beyond their own capacity to solve.
A. Concept of human potentials and capacities C. Concept of equal opportunities
B. Concept of social responsibilities D. Concept of social provision
5. It is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people and it is cultivated by altruistic and
democratic principles.
A. Social Work B. Principles C. Core Values D. Scope of Social Work
Express Yourself: Observe, Document, Assess and Reflect- observe intently the interactions and encounters
(what strikes you most and why) of the different people who made an impact in your life during Pandemic. Cite
key observations.

Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, 10
cohesive, and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers question using specific pieces of evidence from the lesson’s in a clear, cohesive, 8
and coherent way. Minimal grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers each question with a single evidence from the lesson’s in a very clear, cohesive, 6
and coherent way. No grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Answers the question using specific but unrelated evidence. Minimal grammatical, spelling 4
and punctuation errors.
Answers the question without using any evidence from the articles. Minimal grammatical, 2
spelling and punctuation errors.
Module 13
Roles and Functions of Social Workers
Social workers, like any other professionals, perform various roles and functions that are, in any
manner, different from other applied social sciences professionals. Though similarities can be traced in some
key areas, social workers’ distinctive roles are identified through the use of a wide range of legal and social
work knowledge and skills particularly in effecting change among individuals, groups and communities – the
paramount beneficiaries of social work services. Hence, this module introduces you a variety of roles social
workers portray along with the corresponding functions expected for each role.
Learning Objectives:
Generally, at the end of the module, you are expected to explain the roles and functions of social workers. In
particular, you are most likely to exhibit the following competencies:
1. describe the main focus of each role and identify the main function associated with the role.
2. deepen personal knowledge about the significance of social work professionals in today’s world.
3. write a critical essay pertaining to “How reality shapes our choices?
Vocabulary List:
To give you a solid understanding of specific concepts along with roles and functions of social workers, here
are some important terms you should bear in mind before proceeding with the mental stretching activity in this
- A person who advances the interest and welfare of a particular sector through speech, press or social action
for the purpose of meaningful change, human security, public safety and protection from abuse or violence.
- A person who assists in locating for resources or services and in negotiating for its acquisition or accessibility
and use in favor of a client.
Case Manager
- A person who handles and manages all information and processes relating to a specific issue, problem or
circumstance, that is inimical to a person under his/her care, guardianship, custody or assignment.
Change Agent
- A person who initiates specific measure to transform or help individuals, groups and communities to become
socially functional and be an active participants in achieving self-worth or societal change.
- A person who provides guidance and intervention to an individual or group particularly in dealing and
managing an issue or a problem or difficulty, that includes helping them to look for possible answers or
solutions that will alleviate suffering.
- A person who provides meaningful experiences for people to learn and become life-long learners through
various platforms, whether formal, informal or non-formal, using varied types of strategies, scilicet; instruction,
interaction, immersion, simulation, apprenticeships, etc.
- A person who empowers another by capacitating him/her with the necessary knowledge, skills and values
necessary for his/her transformation, recovery, growth or development.
- A person who coordinates, leads or directs a particular group to work for specific task in the pursuit of
achieving productive results for the attainment of group or organization’s work goal.
- A person who assists in settling issues, dispute, disagreements or mere problems, between individuals or
groups for the purpose of reconciliation, remediation, or settlement.
- A person who engages in a systematic inquiry to address an issue, a problem or a given condition or topic
which may provide essential suggestions or recommendations that will help improve systems and practices,
resolve conflicts, disorders or difficulties, and inequities, or widen the pond of human knowledge.


Directions: Read the first pair of words and analyze the combination. Proceed to the next pair and look for the
missing word that would exactly match the given word creating a pair of words in the same combination as od
the first pair. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Mediator : Mediates :: Facilitator : _______________
a. Agrees b. Plans c. Coordinates d. Presents
2. Change Agent : Initiates :: Case Manager : _______________
a. Handles b. Implies c. Cares d. Manifests
3. Enabler : Empowers :: Advocate : _______________
a. Fights b. Supports c. Manages d. Asserts
4. Broker : Negotiates :: Researcher : _______________
a. Search b. Deliberates c. Recommends d. Emancipates
5. Educator : Teaches :: Counselor : _______________
a. Solves b. Assists c. Leads d. Interferes
6. Facilitator : Mediator :: Performance : _______________
a. Crime b. Disability c. Functionality d. Conflict
7. Case Manager : Change Agent :: Case : _______________
a. Court b. Practices c. Community d. Project
8. Advocate : Enabler :: Action : _______________
a. Agitation b. Specialization c. Mitigation d. Motivation
9. Researcher : Broker :: Data : _______________
a. Agreement b. Record c. Case d. Document
10. Counselor : Educator :: Difficulty : _______________
a. university b. Performance c. stability d. Achievement

Learning Activities: GUESS WHAT?

1. Analyze the descriptions provided in each number.
2. Identify the role of a social worker relative to the given descriptions.
3. Write your answer in the blank provided before each number.
4. Use bold letters in writing your answer.
________ 1. Provide guidance to individuals who are suffering from any difficulty. Help individuals to find
answers to their problems. Assist individuals to recover from a physical or mental health issue.
________ 2. Study the dynamic interactions between individuals, groups and communities. Collect, organize
and analyze information or data relative to a particular study. Formulate suggestions and recommendations
pertaining to a problem statement.
________ 3. Help in capacitating people to become productive Empower individuals, groups and communities
to become socially functional. Motivate people to believe in their potentials and capabilities
________ 4. Help resolve conflicts between individuals and groups. Assist individuals in looking for resolutions
to alleviate their sufferings. Facilitate communication between parties involved in a dispute or conflict.
________ 5. Assist in finding resources and services to help in augmenting client’s resources.
Negotiate with possible grantors for the acquisition of resources and services. Represent the client in
transacting with identified sponsors or grantors.
________ 6. Teach individuals in schools or in any other learning environments. Help individuals cope with the
realities in life. Guide individuals in achieving a better and brighter future.
________ 7. Initiate for the discussion of issues. Disseminate information relative to the issue or concern
he/she stands for. Take necessary actions to advance the interest of a sector affected by an issue.
________ 8. Help people in working together as a group. Encourage active participation for the performance of
tasks. Assist in doing specific tasks effectively
_______ 9. Initiate practices to achieve effectiveness in the organization. Adopts measures that will help
improve organizational culture. Monitors trends and updates that affect organizational performance.
_____ 10. Assess client’s physical and mental or economic and social conditions. Monitor the client’s progress
vis-à-vis intervention provided. Links clients with appropriate residential facilities or rehabilitation centers.

Guide Questions:
1. How did the activity help you recognize social workers roles in the society?
2. Did it help you to fully understand what social workers do along with the roles identified?
3. What is your most significant realizations about social workers’ roles after completing the activity?
Practice Task 1: KNOW YOUR TARGET
1. Based on the results of the preceding activity, identify the main focus of the following roles that social
workers play in the performance of their work.
2. In the center column, write as many subjects or conditions as possible to highlight the main functions of the
social workers relative to the performance of each role.
3. In the column found at extreme right of the matrix, write the difference functions to distinguish one role from
the others.

SW Roles Main Functions Distinguishing Function

Guide Questions:
1. How was your experience in filling out the matrix?
2. Did it help you recognize the distinctions between social workers’ roles and functions?
3. How do these functions change the way you look at social workers in the Philippines?
Practice Task 2: GET DEEP PEER (DEEPER)
1. Recall the salient functions that make each role of a social worker distinct.
2. Remember your most significant realizations in the previous activity but do not worry too much if you can’t;
just a simple understanding of the roles and functions will do.
3. Read each situation or premise carefully as it may generate critical thinking and analysis.
4. In the blank provided after, write AGREE if you subscribe to the given statement while DISAGREE if you
5. On the blank sentence structure, justify your position; why AGREE or DISAGREE?
Situation of Premise Position Justification
1. Social workers are not necessary __________________ _______________________
for their roles can be played by other _______________________
professionals. _______________________
2. The country has no enough social __________________ _______________________
workers to perform specialized functions _______________________
in government agencies _______________________
3. To be a social worker, one must be __________________ _______________________
equipped with knowledge and skills _______________________
relevant to social work. _______________________
4. The social work profession is not an __________________ _______________________
isolated career; it also works with other _______________________
professions. _______________________
5. In this time of pandemic, the country __________________ _______________________
needs social workers for social services _______________________
delivery. _______________________
Guide Questions:
1. How does each situation or premise affect the way you respond to challenging statements?
2. Do you think, the activity has helped you to become more critical in organizing your thoughts?
3. Which of the statements post a huge challenge in the way you reason out to specific standpoint?
4. Why do you think it is challenging for you?
Practice Task 3: SHOW YOUR STANCE
1. Read and analyze the article below.
2. Write a critical essay about the article addressing the following concerns; 1) what do you like about the
story,2) What do you think has made the character change her career choice, and 3) How the reality opens our
mind towards understanding our worth as future professionals?
3. Your essay must highlight your observation (in real life situation) that influences your decision for your future
career goals.
By: Ricardo M. Gamurot, Jr.
Since the day her teacher in Grade 7 English ask the class to write about their post, secondary career
choices, Mauie couldn’t imagine how she presented her narrative about her being a world class professionalwith a
very lucrative job that can fully support her lifestyle… and she means it. Growing in a well-off family, well, she
deserves only the best for her future. In fact she underscores specific professions and careers that will groom her as
an international figure specializing in foreign relations and diplomacy, legal profession with particular emphasis in
commercial law, language and communication, and tourist and travel but never in professions associated with
welfare and other forms of social services.
However, in an orientation for senior high school entrants, she realized how important is the training that the
Humanities and Social Sciences can provide in strengthening her potential as would be professional considering her
exemplary communicative skills and academic brilliance, which most teachers believed her greatest advantage in
order to succeed in life, which later was proved to be very helpful in securing her lead in class.
During the immersion program, since there are no available commercial establishments related to
communication and travel (her preferred venue) in the local community, she accepted the challenge of being
deployed in the City Social Welfare and Development Office of the Local Government Unit but with huge dislike and
reservations. Thus, a feeling of discomfort strikes her during the first two days of work at the immersion venue.
On the third day, she was requested to join the field work in a depressed area at the foot of the mountain,
which she never thought could have existed in a city known for its booming local industries. There, she met a young
girl who prefers to be isolated from a group of her age. Curiosity wise, she tried to communicate with her just to ease
her boredom due to, what she thought, a log rolling procedure undertaken by CSWDO personnel as they cautiously
validate information of program beneficiaries. But to her surprise, not only did the story of the girl enlighten her how
lucky she is for having the kind of life she is living but it made her realized the social responsibility each one plays in
shaping a more humane world where everyone feels safe and protected.
After the immersion experience, Mauie’s teachers were surprised when she enrolled in Bachelor of Science
in Social Work in a nearby university… not in her dream university in the metro. What she only tells everyone
questioning her decision is… “YOU don’t need to be in great universities to prove your worth as would be
professionals, not in world class careers nor in lucrative professions… OUR worth is determined by how we respond
Guide Questions:
1. In what way you were touched by the story?
2. Did it help you to reflect on your career choices, once more?
3. What to you is more valuable in choosing a future career? Why?


Directions: Read and analyze each statement. Encircle the letter that describes the underlined word or phrase
relating to the social workers’ roles and functions. On the blank provided before each item, write the
appropriate roles that represent the given descriptions.
______________ 1. Social workers capacitate individuals and groups with necessary knowledge and skills in
order to become self-reliant and socially functional.
a. productive members of the family c. productive members of the society
b. productive members of an organization d. All of the these
______________ 2. It is one of the responsibilities of social workers is to look for innovative practices that will
help improve the conditions of organizational relationships and environment.
a. improvement c. change
b. transformation d. growth
______________ 3.In most cases, social work professionals assist indigent patients in looking for possible
resources and services that will help them cope with financial liability in hospitals.
a. physically ill c. economically deprived
b. socially incapable d. mentally disturbed
______________ 4. In the Philippines, a number of social workers stand to fight for the rights of individuals
and groups or advance the interest of displaced sectors in the pursuit of equality and equity.
a. effectiveness and efficiency c. access and use
b, fairness and justness d. fair treatment and recognition of right
______________ 5. In helping clients to find solutions to their problems, social workers must provide a
welcoming and motivating environment and not an apprehensive atmosphere.
a. friendly environment c. productive environment
b. peaceful environment d. cool and quite environment
______________ 6. In resolving conflicts between individuals, social workers must stand on a neutral ground.
a. must favour the truth c. must be impartial
b. must fight for what is right d. must be well rounded
______________ 7. In assessing the client’s physical and mental well-being relative to a specific case, social
workers must observe the highest degree of secrecy.
a. trustworthiness b. confidentiality c. transparency d. morality
______________ 8. Social workers do not only serve as academic lecturer in higher education institutions,
they also perform community extension work.
a. basic education level b. tertiary level c. elementary level d. high school level
______________ 9. In social work, case study is usually one of the most common methodologies employed in
understanding cases.
a. practice b. platform c. typology d. procedure
______________ 10. In helping people to become productive members of a group, social workers must see to
it that every member knows his/her task in the completion of a group work.
a. capacity b. duty c. ability d. accountability


Directions: Think of specific scenarios where you were able to perform social work roles within the family,
peer, organization or community. In the second column of the matrix, describe the scenario while in the third,
state what did you do?
SW Roles Scenario What did you do?
Guide Questions:
1. How does it feel performing your role in those cited situations?
2. What gave you the motivation to act as counselor, facilitator, mediator and the like?
3. What important lesson did you learn from your experiences?

Module 14
Work Areas in which Social Workers Work

Introduction: (GET STARTED)

Social workers are among the few professionals in the helping profession that work across fields and
disciplines in a wide array of work settings and environment, dealing with individuals, groups and communities
with diverse circumstances and concerns. Thus, social workers perform diverse roles and functions serving as
cutting edges to numerous organizations and institutions for social services and other needs. In this module,
you will be introduced to various workplaces in which social workers carry out specific knowledge, skills and
values that make them one of the most important professions worldwide.
Learning Objectives: (SET THE DIRECTION)
Generally, at the end of the module, you are expected to identify specific areas in which social workers
work. In particular, you are most likely to exhibit the following competencies:
1. name in particular, work areas that are found within the local community.
2. evaluate the condition of work relative to the identified work areas for social workers.
3. Express personal statement as to what the government must do to address the identified issues in the
workplace within the locality.
Vocabulary List: (DISCOVER CONCEPTS)
For the purpose of creating a definite understanding of specific concepts along work areas in which social
workers work, the following terms are contextually defined:
Advocacy Group
- An advocacy group is a special interest group that promotes specific agenda using different platforms to
influence public opinion or action.
- A clinic is an establishment or hospital department where outpatients are given medical treatment.
Government Organization
- A government organization is a social unit, public in character, that governs the relations of individuals,
groups and institutions within a specified geographical boarder.
- A hospital is an institution that provides medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for the sick and
Learning Center
- A learning center is a learning facility designed to provide education and training outside of the formal
structure for a specific type or group of learners.
Military Institution
- A military institution is the establishment of the state that oversees its armed or military services and
guarantees the sovereignty of the state
Military Camp
- A military camp is a temporary or semi-permanent military facility designed to shelter troops and provide
training venues for the armed forces.
Non-Government Organization
- A non-government organization is a voluntary, non-profit organization designed to advance the interest and
welfare of people and society under a well-defined cause to ensure social equilibrium.
Non-residential Facility
- A non-residential facility is a non-contained structure designed to provide assistance or intervention to young
people who are identified delinquents
Private Office
- A private office is any existing establishment, regardless of its legal purpose, that is under the ownership of a
civilian authority, hence, not under the direct control of the government.
Public Office
- A public office is an institution of the government designed to carry out government programs and services to
the people of the state or nation.
Rehabilitation Center
- A rehabilitation center is a medical and health treatment facility designed to facilitate the process of recovery
from any form of severe physical and mental condition including substance abuse.
Residential Facility
- A residential facility is an institution that provides care and services to specific types of people for the purpose
of fostering care, rehabilitation, or transformation
Response Unit
- A response unit is a specialized group organized for the purpose of addressing an immediate need or
problem which obstructs the social functioning of an individual or group.
- A school is an institution, whether public or private, established to educate children.
Training Center
- A training center is a learning venue that provides authentic and meaningful experiences on specific skills or
Welfare Agency
- A welfare agency is an institution, mostly of the government, that provides social services to ensure the social
and economic security and survival of the people.
Directions: The statements below are contextually developed based on common experiences. Read and
analyze each sentence and supply the missing word or group of words that will complete the sentence. The
answers must be written in BOLD LETTERS.
1. If you want your siblings to be formally educated, you enrol them in _______________.
2. Social workers work in ______________ to assess patient’s social and economic capabilities and assist in
looking for possible resources and services that will augment patient’s inadequate resources.
3. In times of emergency, like the COVID – 19 pandemic, a __________________ is organized to serve as
front liners in preventing its widespread and its anticipated effect to the population.
4. The Department of Social Welfare and Development is an example of a government organization and a
5. A victim of violence can be more attended and cared if brought to a ____________ specializing in
psychosocial therapy.
6. In the Philippines, the common practice of most commercial entities called customer-centric relation is an
acceptable principle in ________________.
7. There are a number of _________________________ in the Philippines that are established to respond to
the prevailing issue of substance abuse and addiction.
8. A ______________ is not only established to shelter armed troops, it also serves as a training field for
incoming members of the armed forces.
9. The Alternative Learning System is an example of a _____________________ that caters to out of school
youth and providing various modalities for learning.
10. In the Philippines, a huge number of ____________________ are sprouting like mushrooms to help
advance the interests of a number of sectors that are found to be incapable of protecting their rights.
Learning Activities: TELL ME WHAT IT IS?
1. Analyze the descriptions provided in each number.
2. Use the descriptions to identify what work area being described.
3. Write your answer in the blank provided before each number.
4. Underline the word or group of words that gave you the hint in identifying the work area.
_______________ 1. It is an agency of the government that implements the programs, projects and activities
of the present administration along various targets and development goals. It is normally the government arm
where you can avail government services as its major functions.
_______________ 2. It is a designated site for the military settlement of the armed forces of the state whether
for a momentary of permanent period of time. It is where you see military men and women conduct regular
training for fitness and mastering of military skills.
_______________ 3. It is a unit of the government where authority and responsibility reside to ensure the
effective and efficient control and delivery of government services, national or local. It is where you secure
essential services necessary in life, like; agriculture, health, social welfare, etc.
_______________ 4. It is a public or private facility intended to provide shelter and care to seniors and youth
especially in times of difficult situations or crises. It is where you see delinquent young people saved and
transformed to become socially functional again.
_______________ 5. It is an aggregate number of people, regardless of how they are organized, who share a
common interest. It is an appropriate support in fighting for your right when it is deliberately abridged,
particularly by the government.
_______________ 6. It is an educational facility for specific type of learners that provides alternative learning
modalities and approaches (most of the time) relevant to learners’ needs or interests. It is where you can bring
out of school youth to cope with the necessary skills and competencies for lifelong learning.
_______________ 7. It is an organized team which observes a well-defined protocols to guarantee protection
and safety of individuals, families and communities. It is the team you usually see during calamities and
disasters including severe public health issues like the COVID – 19 pandemic.
_______________ 8. It is a recovery facility catering to specific difficulty, disability or condition that requires
special care and attention other than mere medical response. It is where you bring individuals with severe
physical and mental health problems.
_______________ 9. It is a healthcare facility, often for ambulatory care, that specializes in specific area of the
medical and health practice. It is where you bring a person who needs a more accurate diagnosis of a
particular illness, disease, difficulty, disability and other similar conditions.
_______________ 10. It is an organized group outside of the government that promotes the general welfare of
the people, especially the displaced sectors. It is where you can seek assistance for security and support for
health, education, protection and other social and economic challenges.
_______________ 11. It is an institution that provides assistance to individuals, families and communities for
specific needs and interests in relation social services and support. It is where you seek assistance to access
poverty alleviation programs of the government like the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.
_______________ 12. It is an institution of the government that ensures the protection of the people and the
state particularly from external danger. It is where you get the necessary assistance in case of unwanted
interference from any person, group or institution with the intent to cause deprivation.
_______________13. It is a community-based facility for recovery, rehabilitation and transformation of
individual with physical and mental condition that requires care and compassion. It is where you bring an
individual with physical and health issues without them feeling isolated or unsecured.
_______________ 14. It is a public or private institution that provides medical and surgical treatment to
patients, It is an institution where you can bring a person who is sick to secure immediate medical and health
services in times of emergency.
_______________ 15. An institution for learning that caters to the basic and higher education levels of learning
experiences that would prepare our citizens to their future careers and professions. It is where you experience
formal educational training and other relevant experiences to become lifelong learners.
_______________ 16. It is a public or private learning facility that provides essential experiences to master
specific competencies that will provide an opportunity for employment or work It is where you undergo
specialized training for specific skills.
_______________ 17. It is a business or professional unit ran and operated by citizens, other than the
government, to cater to specific interests or needs. It is where you avail different types of services for a fee, but
in rare cases in consideration of other forms of payment, in kind or through service.

Guide Questions:
1. What did you notice about the given descriptions, particularly the last sentence?
2. How did it help you identify specific work areas in which social workers work in various settings?
3. What important lessons did you get after completing the activity?


1. After completing the previous activity, you are expected to have an idea of the work areas in which social
workers work.
2. Given the understanding you have established through the preceding experience, name three (3) local units,
groups, offices, institutions or organizations that reciprocate the the work areas identified in the first column of
the matrix.
3. The scope of the term “local” must be interpreted to mean within the regional unit where you are
geographically situated.

Work Areas Name of Units, Groups, Offices, Institution or Organizations

Rehabilitation Centers
Residential Facilities
Non-Residential Facilities
Government Organizations
Non- Government Organizations
Advocacy Groups
Public Offices
Private Offices
Military Institutions
Military Camps
Welfare Agencies
Response Units
Learning Centers
Training Centers
Guide Questions:
1. What difficulty did you encounter in identifying workplaces in the local areas?
2. What are the reasons behind the difficulty encountered?
3. How did you respond to the challenge?9

Practice Task 2: DISCOVER THE NEED

1. Now, clear your mind but remember your most significant realizations in the activities you have just
2. Think of an office or agency within your community (barangay, city or municipality) where social workers are
working closely with individuals, families and communities.
3. Write your identified office in the center box labelled as work area.
4. Analyze the situation of the workplace and its personnel and identify their challenges.
5. Write the identified challenges in pocket boxes around the identified office or agency.

Work area


Guide Questions:
1. How did you discover the challenges encountered by social workers in the office or agency?
2. What do you think is the root cause of these challenges?
3. Are these challenges inherent in other offices or agencies of the government? Why?

Practice Task 3: DARE TO SHARE

1. Reflect on the root causes of the challenges encountered by social workers in the workplace.
2. Think of a particular measure or solution to help address these challenges.
3. Write your recommendation in the space provided at the extreme end of the activity sheet.
Office or Agency Identified Challenges Recommended Solutions
_________________ __________________ _____________________
_________________ __________________ _____________________
_________________ __________________ _____________________
_________________ __________________ _____________________

Guide Questions:
1. Do you think your recommendation is relevant?
2. What do you think would be its impact to the social workers working in the office or agency?
3. How would it affect effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery>
Directions: Read and analyze the identified workplaces in Column A and look for the work areas they
represent in Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided before each number.

Column A Column B
______1. Heart center of the Philippines, Makati Medical Center A. Public Offices
and Lung Center of the Philippines B. Rehabilitation Centers
______2. University of the Philippines, De La Salle University C. Government Organization
and Ateneo de Manila University D. Hospitals
______3. ACG Human Capital Solutions Corp., Center for leadership E. Learning Centers
and Change, Inc. and Ateneo Center for Organization F. Advocacy Groups
Research and Development G. Welfare Agencies
______4. IBON Foundation, Philippine Red Cross and Habitat for H. Non-Residential Facilities
Humanity Philippines I. Schools
______5. Haven for the Elderly, Tahanang Walang Hagdanan J. Residential Facilities
and Bahay Aruga K. Training Centers
______6. Department of Interior and Local Government, Depart- L. Non-government Organizations
ment of Social Welfare and Development and Department
of Justice.
______7. Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Paranaque Anti-Drug
Abuse Council Holding/Diagnostic Center and Blessed
Home Audit Daycare and Assisted Living
______8. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council, National
Commission on Indigenous Peoples and Council
for the Welfare of Children
______9. Greenpeace Philippines, Gentle Hands and Amnesty
______10. Mayor’s Office, Budget Office and Planning Office


1. Using any available media, conduct a survey regarding students’ awareness of their knowledge regarding
work areas in which social workers work (at least 20 respondents) and ask them the following questions:
a. Do you have knowledge of work areas within your community where social workers are employed? (__ Yes
or __ No?
b. How many work areas can you name? __ 1 to 3, __ 4 to 6, __ 7 to 9, or __ 10 and above)
c. What are these work areas? (Let your respondents name specific work areas)
2. Make a report of your findings with numeric and narrative presentation.
3. Analyze the results and give your own interpretation of the findings.
4. Make it short and simple.12
Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What realizations did you reach after discovering the students’ awareness of work areas in which social
workers work?
3. What do you think must the school do to make its learners informed of these work areas?

Module 15
Values, Rights, Responsibilities and Accountabilities of Social Workers

Introduction: (GET STARTED)

It is not only about the fact that social work is always concerned with the clients and service oriented
but it’s also about the social work’s rights, responsibilities and accountabilities like any other professions.
It is the right to achieve professional mandates or what is asked for the social worker to help the clients,
general public and society and live by its value. Social work responsibilities involves those situations that
concern of its basic functions, professional standards, roles, and adherence to the local and international code
of ethics. Hence, this module introduces you the values, rights, responsibilities and accountabilities of social
Learning Objectives: (SET THE DIRECTION)
Generally, at the end of the module, you are expected to explain the value rights, responsibilities and
accountabilities of social workers. In particular, you are most likely to exhibit the following competencies:
1. identify what is asked for the social worker to help the clients, general public and society and live by its
2. deepen personal knowledge about the rights, responsibilities and accountabilities of social work
professionals nowadays.
3. Write an essay about how the social workers address the current situation we are experiencing.
Vocabulary List: (DISCOVER CONCEPTS)
To give you a profound understanding of specific concepts along with rights, responsibilities and
accountabilities of social workers, here are some important terms you should bear in mind before proceeding
with the activities in this module:
- Qualities (such as adherence to duty or obedience to lawful authority) that together constitute the ideal of
moral propriety or merit moral approval.
- The quality or state of being responsible.
- An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s action.
- a field for or pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement especially in public, professional or business life.
- the work performed by one that serves; contribution to the welfare of others.
Social justice
- is the view that everyone deserves to enjoy the same economic, political and social rights, regardless of race,
socioeconomic status, gender or other characteristics
- is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and
ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of
one's actions.
- is the set of demonstrable characteristics and skills that enable, and improve the efficiency or performance of
a job.
Human Relation
- is one person's relationship or connection with another person. It implies how people interact and cooperate
with each other when they come together in a group to achieve objectives.
- is the right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically.
- is a set of rules or a promise that limits access or places restrictions on certain types of information.
- to work or work commitment is defined as the level of enthusiasm an employee has towards his/her tasks
assigned at a workplace. It is the feeling of responsibility that a person has towards the goals, mission, and
vision of the organization he/she is associated with.
- means to agree to do something or to give permission. It occurs when one person voluntarily agrees to the
proposal or desires of another.
- is the freedom to live as one chooses, or to act or decide without consulting another or others.
- is a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.
Directions: Read the questions critically. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. If two or more correct
answers are provided in the option, choose the best correct answer. One correct answer is equivalent to one
(1) point.
1. Which of the following refers to the awareness of yourself?
a. Self-knowledge b. Social roles c. Ideal self d. Self-concept
2. Which of the following allows you to focus only on achieving a specific goal without being distracted by less
important things or spontaneous desires.
a. Managing Stress b. Creativity c. Determination d. Self-confidence
3. It helps you to achieve goals using new, original, unconventional ideas.
a. Managing Stress b. Generating Ideas c. Problem-solving skills d. Persistence
4. Which of the following is an intrinsic and essential property of the human person?
a. Rights b. Responsibility c. Freedom d. Choice
5. It refers to the ability of a person to act out of his or her own free will and self-determination
a. Free will b. Self-concept c. Voluntariness d. Responsibility
6. The willingness of a person to be present and be at the disposal of another.
a. Sympathy b. Empathy c. Availability d. Presence
7. What is the tem being use inclusively to refer to individuals, families, groups, organizations, and
a. Target b. Costumer c. Respondent d. Client
8. Which of the following offers a set of values, principles, and standards to guide decision making and conduct
when ethical issues arise?
a. Code b. Guidelines c. Do’s and Don’ts d. Rule
9. When social workers provide services to two or more people who have a relationship with each other (for
example, couples, family members), social workers should clarify with all parties which individuals will be
considered clients and the nature of social workers’ professional obligations to the various individuals who are
receiving services.
a. Conflict of Interest c. Mutual Understanding
b. Social Responsibility d. Memorandum of Agreement
10. Social workers should avoid unwarranted negative criticism of colleagues in communications with clients or
with other professionals.
a. Confidentiality b. Respect c. Honesty d. Dignity
Learning Activities: GUESS WHAT?
1. Analyze the descriptions provided in each number.
2. Identify the values and responsibilities of a social worker relative to the given descriptions.
3. Write your answer in the blank provided before each number.
4. Use bold letters in writing your answer.
__________________ 1. Social workers are encouraged to volunteer some portion of their professional skills
with no expectation of significant financial return (pro bono service).
__________________ 2. Social workers strive to ensure access to needed information, services, and
resources; equality of opportunity; and meaningful participation in decision making for all people.
__________________ 3. Social workers act honestly and responsibly and promote ethical practices on the
part of the organizations with which they are affiliated.
__________________ 4. Social workers continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and skills
and to apply them in practice.
__________________ 5. Social workers seek to strengthen relationships among people in a purposeful effort
to promote, restore, maintain, and enhance the well-being of individuals, families, social groups, organizations,
and communities.
__________________ 6. Social workers are cognizant of their dual responsibility to clients’ interests and the
broader society’s interests in a socially responsible manner consistent with the values, ethical principles, and
ethical standards of the profession.
__________________ 7. Social workers should not solicit private information from clients unless it is essential
to providing services or conducting social work evaluation or research.
__________________ 8. Social workers’ primary responsibility is to promote the well-being of clients. In
general, clients’ interests are primary.
__________________ 9. Social workers should provide clients with an opportunity to ask questions.
__________________ 10. Social workers respect and promote the right of clients and assist clients in their
efforts to identify and clarify their goals.

Guide Questions:
1. How did the activity help you identify the values and responsibilities of a social worker?
2. Does the activity gave you an understanding about the values and responsibilities of a social worker?
3. What is your most significant realizations about social workers’ responsibility after completing the activity?

Practice Task 1: KNOW YOUR TARGET

1. Based on the results of the preceding activity, identify the core values and social responsibilities embraced
by social workers throughout the profession's history and serves as the foundation of social work's unique
purpose and perspective.
2. In the space provided, write as many values and responsibilities as possible to highlight the core values of
the social workers.
3. Use bold letters in writing your answer.

Guide Questions:
1. How was your experience in filling out the matrix?
2. Did it help you identify the core values which serves as the foundation of social work's unique purpose and
3. How do these core values make a social work profession unique?

Practice Task 2: GET DEEP PEER (DEEPER)

1. Recall the core values of a social worker.
2. Provide a situation where you can practically manifest such values.


Guide Questions:
1. How does each situation affect the way you look at the social workers here in the Philippines?
2. Do you think the activity has helped you to become more critical in organizing your thoughts?
3. Which situation post a huge challenge in the way you reason out to specific standpoint?
4. Why do you think it is challenging for you?

Practice Task 3: SHOW YOUR STANCE

1. Read and analyze the article/statement below.
2. Write a critical essay about the article/statement addressing the following concerns; 1) what part of the
article/statement have made an impact to you?, 2) What do you think are the responsibilities of a social worker,
and 3) How vital are the functions of social workers during this pandemic?
3. Your essay must highlight your learnings about the values, rights, responsibilities and accountabilities of a
social worker.

Statement from the IFSW Secretary-General: Dr. Rory Truell
Social work is responding extremely well to the Covid 19 crisis despite many countries reporting a lack of
protective equipment, support and resources. IFSW sends a message – congratulations to all social workers in your
essential life-saving role.
We have passed some challenges, and more are ahead. The social work role in advocating that social
services remain open and adapt to the conditions has largely been successful. For example, social services
developing targeted plans to support homeless people and other vulnerable groups has in many countries been
advanced. The setting up of telephone hotlines that provide family counseling and direct safety when domestic
violence is occurring is also advancing in many countries.
There are many ethical challenges that workers are facing. Under conditions of lockdown, dilemmas are
commonplace. In many countries, when a family member dies the family does not know where the body is being
kept as funeral ceremonies are suspended or delayed. People can’t leave their homes. In the family’s grief, does the
social worker say ‘the body is temporarily resting in a church in another town, because there are
no other facilities?’ The social worker has a fear that in their grief the family may break the curfew conditions.
Another dilemma occurs where resources allow only one of two options, providing accommodation for the homeless
or combatting the isolation of the elderly?
These ethical challenges are being met professionally as workers develop frameworks for decision making
based on the profession’s Statement of Ethical Principles and the unique circumstances. In countries with weak
state-provided health and social service infrastructures social workers are focused on community development
approaches, providing education and promoting community responsibility. Through daily exchange with members
globally, we are also learning of the importance of social workers blending in hope and vision within the
communities they work within. This represents a crucial aspect of professional social work practice. We know that
change happens from the grass-roots upwards.
As a profession, we have witnessed many times how crisis situations present opportunities to rebuild better,
more inclusive and more stable societies. Our role as social workers is to bring attention to the long-term social
solutions. This crisis is no exception.
As we are witnesses to both mass combined solidarity and stress the role of social work is to also work
beyond the pressures of today and to assist communities and societies to translate their concerns into longer-term
solutions. For many communities, this may be stronger state-provided social, housing and health services. Others,
as they look forward may see the strength in community, grassroots development. Others aspire for equal
opportunities for their children to attend school and have access to nutrition. Some societies will want meaningful
participatory governance and societal structures that promote inclusion, trust and confidence. For most, it will all of
the above and wanting to live in a global world build on rights, equality and sustainability.
In all mass crisis situations, the world will not be the same as before. As a profession comprising millions of
highly skilled professionals, the social work voice must support and facilitate a vision beyond this crisis. A vision of
better, respectful and sustainable societies. A vision where our social systems can actively eradicate the conditions
that have led to diseases that develop and explode in the context of climate
change and poverty.
Social workers at every level have the skills and capability to not only address safety for today but to
translate fear, grief and loss into empowerment and social transformation.

Guide Questions:
1. In what way you were inspired by the article?
2. Did it help you to fully understand the vital roles of a social worker, how?
3. In your own simple way, how will be able to apply the social worker’s role in your community?


Directions: Read and analyze each statement. Write the word that best describes the statement or description
to the values, rights, responsibilities and accountabilities of a social worker. On the blank provided before each
item, write the appropriate word that represent the given descriptions.

_______ 1. Social workers should take reasonable steps to safeguard the interests and rights of those clients
_______ 2. Social workers should take reasonable steps to ensure that clients’ records are stored in a secure
location and that clients’ records are not available to others who are not authorized to have access.
_______ 3. It offers a set of values, principles, and standards to guide decision making and conduct when
ethical issues arise.
_______4. Social workers should use accurate and respectful language in all communications to and about
_______ 5. Social workers should provide services in substantive areas or use intervention techniques or
approaches that are new to them only after engaging in appropriate study, training, consultation, and
supervision from people who are competent in those interventions or techniques.
_______ 6. Social workers draw on their knowledge, values, and skills to help people in need and to address
social problems.
________ 7. The other professionals’ specialized knowledge or expertise is needed to service clients fully or
when social workers believe that they are not being effective or making reasonable progress
with clients and that additional service is required.
________ 8. Social workers are continually aware of the profession’s mission, values, ethical principles, and
ethical standards and practice in a manner consistent with them.
________9. Social workers should obtain clients’ permission before audiotaping or videotaping clients or
permitting observation of services to clients by a third party.
_______ 10. Social workers for whom a team decision raises ethical concerns should attempt to resolve the
disagreement through appropriate channels.


1. Cut and paste 3 photos of situations related to the values, rights, responsibilities and accountabilities of
social workers.
2. Describe briefly each picture.

Guide Questions:
1. What gave you the motivation to choose each picture?
2. How do you see yourself in the same situation?
3. What important realization can you derive from the situation shown in the pictures?

Module 16
Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities

Introduction: (GET STARTED)

Professional ethics are at the core of social work. The profession has an obligation to articulate its basic
values, ethical principles, and ethical standards. Ethical responsibilities flow from all human relationships,
whether personal or professional. Thus, this module will help us to fully understand the different ethical
responsibilities of social workers as professionals, in practice setting, in the social work profession, and in the
broader society.
Learning Objectives: (SET THE DIRECTION)
Generally, at the end of the module, you are expected to identify the social workers’ ethical
responsibilities in the performance of their roles and functions. In particular, you are most likely to exhibit the
following competencies:
1. Identify the different ethical responsibilities of the social workers
2. apply a specific responsibility to different settings of human life, and
3. reflect on the different ethical responsibilities of social workers.
Vocabulary List: (DISCOVER CONCEPTS)
For the purpose of creating a definite understanding of specific concepts along social workers’ ethical
responsibilities, here are some important terms you should bear in mind before proceeding with the activities in
this module:
- is a process that involves a manager meeting regularly and interacting with worker(s) to review their work.
- the process of judging or calculation the quality, importance, amount, or value of something.
- a meeting to discuss something or to get advice.
- the arrangements and tasks needed to control the operation of a plan or organization.
- is the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal
- the act of spoiling something or making it weaker so that it is less effective.
- a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new)
Social welfare
- services provided by the government or private organizations to help poor, sick or old people.
Public participation
- can be any process that directly engages the public in decisionmaking and gives full consideration to public
input in making that decision.
Directions: Multiple Choice Type: Read the questions critically. Encircle the letter of the correct answer on
the answer sheet. If two or more correct answers are provided in the option, choose the best correct answer.
1. The National Association of Social Work (NASW) is the source for the code of ethics for Professional social
a. True b. False
2. Maintaining professional boundaries is the responsibility of:
a. The supervisor at the agency c. The worker
b. The worker and the client d. The client
3. Professional boundaries only apply when there is a dual relationship?
a. True b. False
4. It is never appropriate to use self-disclosure in a professional setting.
a. True b. False
5. Transference and counter transference between the work and a client is:
a. When strong physical attraction occurs
b. The worker accepts monetary or valuable gift from a client
c. A client and worker unconsciously transfers feeling regarding issues dealt with in the therapeutic
d. When confidentiality is broken between client and worker
6. When a worker has a conflict of interest or a dual relationship with a client they only need to inform their
supervisor if a problem occurs?
a. True b. False
7. Professional social workers should:
a. Be well educated regarding the use of social networking sites
b. Avoid using any social networking sites for professional or personal reasons
c. Secretly follow their clients on twitter, facebook, etc in order to keep the client accountable
d. Only participate in social networking with those clients you have dual relationships.
8. The most frequently used skill in social work
a. Needs assessment
b. The interview
c. Goal setting
d. The determination of eligibility
9. All of the following are TRUE about social work interview EXCEPT;
a. It is purposeful
b. It has a formally determined time, meeting place and duration
c. The workers’ actions are planned, deliberate, and consciously selected further the interview
d. It is similar to a conversation with a friend
10. The NASW Code of Ethics comprises all of the following primary facets EXCEPT;
a. General goals b. Ethical principles c. Ethical standards d. By-laws

Learning Activities: TELL ME WHAT IT IS?

1. Analyze the descriptions provided in each number.
2. Use the descriptions to identify what ethical responsibility being described.
3. Write your answer in the blank provided before each number.
4. Underline the word or group of words that gave you the hint in identifying the work area.



___________________1. Social work administrators should take reasonable steps to ensure that the working
environment for which they are responsible is consistent with and encourages compliance with the NASW
Code of Ethics.
___________________2. Social workers who have responsibility for evaluating the performance of others
should fulfill such responsibility in a fair and considerate manner and on the basis of clearly stated criteria.
___________________3. Social workers should take reasonable steps to ensure that documentation in
records is accurate and reflects the services provided.
___________________4. Social workers should work to improve employing agencies’ policies and procedures
and the efficiency and effectiveness of their service.
___________________5. Social workers may engage in organized action, including the formation of and
participation in labor unions, to improve services to clients and working conditions.
___________________6. Social workers should not engage in uninvited solicitation of potential clients who,
because of their circumstances, are vulnerable to undue influence, manipulation, or coercion.
___________________7. Social workers should strive to become and remain proficient in professional
practice and the performance of professional functions.
___________________8. Social workers should not practice, condone, facilitate, or collaborate with any form
of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital
status, political belief, religion, or mental or physical disability.
__________________9. Social workers should work toward the maintenance and promotion of high standards
of practice.
__________________10. Social workers should promote the general welfare of society, from local to global
levels, and the development of people, their communities, and their environments.
__________________11. Social workers should use clear and understandable language to inform clients of
the purpose of the services, risks related to the services, limits to services because of the requirements of a
third- party payer, relevant costs, reasonable alternatives, clients’ right to refuse or withdraw consent, and the
time frame covered by the consent
__________________12. Social workers should not take unfair advantage of any professional relationship or
exploit others to further their personal, religious, political, or business interests.

Guide Questions:
1. What did you notice about the given descriptions?
2. How did it help you identify social workers’ ethical responsibilities?
3. What important lessons did you get after completing the activity?

Practice Task 1: KNOW YOUR TARGET

1. After completing the previous activity, you are expected to have an idea of the ethical responsibilities of
social worker.
2. Given the understanding you have established in the preceding experience, name at least three (3) ethical
responsibilities of social worker in the given scope.
3. Use bold letters in writing your answer.



Guide Questions:
1. What difficulty did you encounter in identifying social workers’ ethical responsibilities?
2. What are the reasons behind the difficulty encountered?
3. How did you respond to the challenge?

Practice Task 2: WE ARE ONE

1. Think one ethical responsibility of a social worker.
2. Write your identified ethical responsibility in the box labeled as ethical responsibility.
3. Analyze how your chosen responsibility will be applied across the given scopes of the social workers’ ethical
4. Write the identified challenges in boxes below the identified ethical responsibility.





Guide Questions:
1. What motivates you to choose the ethical responsibility?
2. Which part of the activity were you challenged the most?
3. Do you think the activity has helped you to become more critical in organizing your thoughts? How?
Practice Task 3
1. Reflect on the given ethical responsibility of a social worker.
2. Think of particular challenges that may hinder the practice of each responsibility.
3. Write your recommendation on how you can help address these challenges.
Ethical Responsibility Identified Challenges Recommended Solutions
Guide Questions:
1. Do you think your recommendation is relevant?
2. What do you think would be it
3. The impact to the social workers?
4. How would it affect effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery?
Directions: Read and analyze the descriptions in Column A and look for the ethical responsibilities they
represent in Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided before each number.
Column A Column B
___ 1. Social workers should have the necessary knowledge and A. Impairment
skill to supervise or consult appropriately and should do so only within B. Commitment
their areas of knowledge and competence C. Evaluation and
___ 2. Social workers should provide instruction only within their areas Research
of knowledge and competence and should provide instruction based on D. Client Transfer
the most current information and knowledge available in the profession. E. Public
___ 3. When an individual who is receiving services from another agency Emergencies
or colleague contacts a social worker for services, the social worker F. Integrity
should carefully consider the client’s needs before agreeing to provide G. Misrepresentation
services. H. Supervision
___ 4. Social workers should be diligent stewards of the resources of their I. Education
employing organizations, wisely conserving funds where appropriate and J. Confidentiality
never misappropriating funds or using them for unintended purposes. K. Social Welfare
___ 5. Social workers should make clear distinctions between statements L. Loyalty
made and actions engaged in as a private individual and as a representative
of the social work profession.
___ 6. Social workers should contribute to the knowledge base of social work
and share with colleagues their knowledge related to practice, research, and ethics
___ 7. Social workers should not allow their own personal problems, psychosocial
distress, legal problems, substance abuse, or mental health difficulties to interfere
with their professional judgment and performance or to jeopardize the best interests
of people for whom they have a professional responsibility.
___ 8. Social workers should critically examine and keep current with emerging
knowledge relevant to social work.
___ 9. Social workers should provide appropriate professional services to the
greatest extent possible.
___ 10. Social workers should promote the general welfare of society, from
local to global levels, and the development of people, their communities, and
their environments.


1. Make an essay about your personal experience on social worker’s ethical responsibilities.
2. Make it short and simple.

Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What realizations did you reach while you are writing your essay?
3. In your own simple way, how will you be able to help the social workers assigned in your community do the
roles and functions?


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