AK FF Analysis

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In Partial Fulfillment
Three years Full Time Degree
BATCH 2022-23
PUNE – 411003


I take this opportunity to extend my profound thanks and deep sense of

gratitude to the authorities of HDFC BANK. For giving me this opportunity to
undertake this project works in their esteemed organization. I profusely thank
Mr. HARDEEP BHOGAL manager / supervisor of the industrial unit of
My sincere thanks to my project guide prof. mehnaz kaushar. For the kind
encouragenment and constant support extended in completion of this project
I would also like to convey my heartiest thanks to dr. shital randhir, and prof,
amruta khendad for their valuable suggestions and guidance. I am also thankful
to those who have incidentally helped me, through their valued guidance, co –
operative and untinted support during the course of my project. Thankyou once


ROLL NO – 7606


I ANIL ISHWAR KEWLANI undersigned herby declare that the project report
original work written and submitted by me to “TIKARAM JAGANNATH

IN partial fulfilment of requirement of award of degree of “BACHELOS OF

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATTION” (BBA) under the guidance of prof. mehnaz
kaushar, and to my original work and the conclusion drawn there is in based on
the material collected by myself.

Place: pune


ROLL NO : 7606



A fund flow refers to the inflow and outflow of funds or assets for a company and
is often measured on a monthly or quarterly basis. A fund flow statement reveals
the reasons for these changes or anomalies in the financial position of a company
between two balance sheets. These statements portray the flow of funds – or the
sources and applications of funds over a particular period.

Be prepared for upcoming challenges and learn how to manage your changing
payments business today with our guide.

Fund flow statements are used to show movement and activity related to both
long-term and short-term funds by revealing:


it is universally acknowledged that India is the homeland of sugarcane and
sugar. There are references of sugarcane cultivation, its crushing and
preparation of Gur( jaggery) in Atharva Veda as well as
Kautaliya‘sArthasastra.. The scribes of Alexander the Great, who came to India
in 327 BC recorded that inhabitants chewed a marvelous reed which produced
a kind of honey without the help of bees.The Indian religious offerings contain
five ‗Amrits‘ (elixirs) like milk, curd, ghee (clarified butter), honey and sugar
— which indicates how important sugar is not only as an item of consumption
but as an item which influences the Indian way of life.It is understood that sugar
was initially made in India during fourth and sixth centuries by cutting
sugarcane into pieces, crushing the pieces by weight to extract the juice and
then boiling it to crystalise. These crystals were called ‗Sarkara‘ meaning
gravel in Sanskrit. The word sugar is a derivative of ‗Sarkara‘. The larger
lumps were called ‗Khand‘ from which the English word ‗Candy‘ is derived.
Therefore it is from India that the art of making sugar went to Persia and
subsequently to the world over.Although sugarcane was being grown in India
from time immemorial and sugar produced in lumps during fourth century, there
was no sugar industry in India till 1904. the first sugar plant was set up at Saran
in Bihar in 1904.

Sugar is made from sugarcane, and was discovered thousands of years ago in
New Guinea And then the route was traced lo India and Southeast Asia. India
was the first to begin with the production of sugar following the process of
pressing sugarcane to extract juice and boil it to get crystals. The government of
India in 1950-51 made serious industrial development plans and has set many
targets for production and consumption of sugar. These plans by the
government projected the license and installment capacity for the sugar industry
in its Five Year Plans India is well known as the original home of sugar and
sugarcane.Sugar industry in India is based on sugarcane which is a heavy, low
value, weight losing and perishable raw material. Sugarcane cannot be stored
for long as the loss of sucrose content is inevitable. Besides, it cannot be
transported over long distances because any increase in transportation cost
would raise the cost of production and the sugarcane may dry up on the way .

Indian mythology supports the fact it contains legends showing the origin of
sugarcane. Today India is the second largest producer of sugarcane next to
Brazil. Currently there are about 4 million hectares of land under sugarcane
with an average yield of 70 tonnes per hectare.India is the largest producer of
sugar including traditional cane sugar sweeteners, khandsari and Gur
equivalent to 26 million tonnes raw value followed by Brazil in the second
place at 18.5 million tonnes. Even in respect of white crystal sugar, India has
ranked No.1 position in 7 out of last 10 years.

Sugar Industry generates power for its own requirement and even gets surplus
power for export to the grid based on byproduct bagasse. There is even
production of ethanol an 14 ecology friendly and renewable energy for blending
with petrol .Sugar Companies have been established in large sugarcane growing
states like Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, and
Andhra Pradesh and are the six states contributing more than 85% of total sugar
production in the India. And 57% of total production is together contributed by
Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. Indian sugar industry has been growing
horizontally with large number of small sized sugar plants set up throughout
India as opposed to the consolidation of capacity in the rest of the important
sugar producing countries and sellers of sugar where there is greater
concentration on larger capacity of sugar plants.

Types of Sugar Industries in India:

The Sugar industry In India has two sectors including organized and
unorganized sector. The Sugar factories usually belong to the organized sector
and those producers who produce traditional sweeteners fall into unorganized
sector. Gur and khandsari are the traditional forms of sweeteners.

• Extracting juice by pressing sugarcane Boiling the juice to obtain crystals

• Creating raw sugar by spinning crystals in extractors

• Taking raw sugar to a refinery for the process of filtering and washing to
discard remaining non-sugar elements and hue
• Crystallizing and drying sugar
• Packaging the ready sugar

Problems of Sugar Industry
Sugar industry in India is plagued with several serious and complicated problems which call
for immediate attention and rational solutions. Some of the burning problems are briefly
described as under
1. Low Yield of Sugarcane:
Although India has the largest area under sugarcane cultivation, the yield per hectare is
extremely low as compared to some of the major sugarcane producing countries of the world. For
example, India's yield is only 64-5 tonnes/hectare as compared to 90 tonnes in Java and 121
tonnes in Hawaii.This leads to low overall production and results in short supply of sugarcane to
sugar mills. Efforts are being made to solve this problem through the introduction of high
yielding, early maturing, frost resistant and high sucrose content varieties of sugarcane as well as
by controlling diseases and pests which are harmful for sugarcane.
2. Short crushing season:
Manufacturing of sugar is a seasonal phenomena with a short crushing season varying
normally from 4 to 7 months in a year. The mills and its workers remain idle during the
remaining period of the year, thus creating financial problems for the industry as a whole.
One possible method to increase the crushing season is to sow and harvest sugarcane at
proper intervals in different areas adjoining the sugar mill This will increase the duration
of supply of sugarcane to sugar mills.
3. Fluctuating Production Trends:
Sugarcane has to compete with several other food and cash crops like cotton, oil seeds, rice,
etc. Consequently, the land available to sugarcane cultivation is not the same and the total
production of sugarcane fluctuates. This affects the supply of sugarcane to the mills and the
production of sugar also varies from year to year.
4. Low rate of recovery:
It is clear from Table 27.29 that the average rate of recovery in India is less than ten per
cent which is quite low as compared to other major sugar producing countries. For example
recovery rate is as high as 4-16 per cent in Java, Hawaii and Australia.
5. High cost of Production:
High cost of sugarcane, inefficient technology, un economie process of production and
heavy excise duty result in high cost of manufacturing. The production cost of sugar in India
is one of the highest in the world. Intense research is required to increase the sugarcane
production in the agricultural field and to introduce new technology of production efficiency
in the sagar mills. Production cost can also be reduced through proper utilisation of by-
products of the industry



Balrampur Chini Mills Limited PUNE (BCML) was incorporated in the year 14th July
1975. It is one of the second- largest integrated sugars manufacturing company in India. The
principal activity of the Company is manufacturing and sale of sugar. Besides this the allied
business activities undertaken by the company primarily consists of manufacturing and
marketing of Ethyl Alcohol & Ethanol generation and selling of power and manufacturing
of agricultural fertilizers. BalrampurChini Mills Limited pune (‗BCML‘) is the second
largest sugar manufacturing company in India with a significant strength in the manufacture
of downstream products like power (co-generation) and ethanol.

‗BCML‘ was incorporated in 1975 as a wholly-owned subsidiary company of

Balrampur Sugar Company Limited, subsequently changing its name to
Balrampur Commercial Enterprises Limited pune(‗BCEL‘). By an indenture of
conveyance dated 21st February, 1976, BCEL transferred the land, building,
other assets as well as the entire staff of its Balrampursugar factory (with effect
from 1st July, 1975) to BCML. BCML ceased to be a subsidiary of BCEL with
effect from 25th June, 1979 and its shares were listed on the Calcutta Stock
Exchange (CSE) in 1979. The Company possesses a cane crushing capacity of
76,500 tonnes per day, distillery capacity of 520 KL per day and saleable co-
generation capacity of 163.20 megawatts.

To sustain their position as one of the most efficient and profitable Indian
sugar companies across business cycles. And is supported by an overarching
organisational culture translating into sustained outperformance.

Is to enhance value for all stakeholders - cane growers, employees,
customers and consumers, communities, government and our shareowners.

• Sugar
• Alcohol

• Ethanol
• Bagasse
Power Corporate Social Responsibility:
BalrampurChini Mills Limited extended the prosperity-enhancing ethos of
its core business to its social responsibility agenda as well.
1. Core Philosophy: Usher visible positive and equitable change in the lives
of the underprivileged residing in the vicinity the mills.
• Provide a platform for the community to contribute to society
through enhanced skills leading to sustainable livelihoods.
• Build its business in a responsible and ethical manner extending beyond
the commercial aspects. 2. Ways and Means
• Support genuine causes.
• Collaborate with entities enjoying an understanding of ground realities.
• Extend beyond 'cheque writing'.
• Utilise out-of-the-box communication to widen reach.
• Widen terrain coverage of our interventions.
• Leverage day-to-day operational knowledge for deeper CSR engagement.
• Capitalise on the goodwill of the years to forge partnerships.

3. Education: The Company has donated 4 Mobile Science Labs to Agastya

International Foundation (AIF) for providing hands-on training to school
students in various science subjects through school and community visits in the
areas of LakhimpurKheri, Gonda, Balrampur and Barabanki (all in the State of
Uttar Pradesh). During the year 2019-20, 590 school visits were conducted
resulting in 63029 student exposures comprising of 29105 boys & 33924 girl
exposures along with 1891 teacher exposures. The topics covered were on
Measurement, Force,Motion, Phases of moon, Heat and Temperature,
Respiration, Physical and chemical change, Human skeleton, etc., Apart from
the above, during the year 2019-20, 302 community visits happened with a
total of 7643 children and 4563 community members participated and took
advantage of these visits.

4. Healthcare: BalrampurChini believes that the provision of dependable and
affordable health care makes it possible for societies to grow without the
burden of disease and related debt.

5. Sports: The Company is engaged in the promotion of wrestling in

collaboration with the Uttar Pradesh Wrestling Association. National-level
wrestling tournaments have been organised in Gonda district by Uttar
Pradesh Wrestling Association.
6. Miscellaneous:
• The Company also engages in the following welfare activities:
• Drinking water facility.
• Disaster management.
• Blanket distribution with State Government and NGOs.
• Cultural activity sponsorship.
• Cataract removal camps.
• Animal welfare.


Shaikh Salman Masood(2020) The purpose of this project is to financially study company
Tata Motors Limited by doing ratio analyses and research. Both quantitative and qualitative
methods were used for this report. Qualitative methods are introduction and literature review.
Quantitative methods are analyses and charts. Information is taken from yahoo finance for
three years: 2017,2018,2019. This report shows whether the changes are major or minor and
the financial position of Tata Motors Limited.
P Mohammed BuhariSaleem(2020) conducted a study on the nestle india limited.
Profitability ratio is used to analyze the company's ability to generate income as compared to
its expenses and other cost associated with the generation of income during a specified
period. Profitability ratios also compare income statement accounts and categories to show a
company's ability to make profits from its operations. Profitability ratios concentrate on a
company's return on investment in inventory and other assets. These ratios normally show
how well companies can achieve profits from their operations. Investors, creditors can use the
profitability ratios to evaluate a company's return on investment based on its relative level of
resources and assets. In other words, profitability ratios can be used to evaluate whether the
companies are making enough operational profit from their assets. In other words,
profitability ratios relate to efficiency ratios because they show how well companies are using
their assets to generate profits. Profitability is also important to the concept of solvency and
going concern. Profitability ratio indicates the final result of the company.
Saifkulaib(2020)conducted a study on the financial position of sony. Sony Corporation is a
brand in the electronics sector and works as the trans-national media company, for producing
and selling the goods according to the demands of the customer. This shows that the
strategies of a business and the culture of an organization directly impact the individual who
plays a major role in strategy development and focuses on the mission of the business.
Financial decisions of the organization are taken after analyzing the financial statements and
the financial ratios which will define the liquidity or profitability 9 position of the company.
Sony has a great command over this business industry because it is adapting itself to the
changing business environment.
DrSeemaThakur(2019) conducted a study on the Daburindia limited. Financial Performance
Analysis of Dabur India Limited talks about accounting analysis and financial analysis and to
assessment of the viability, reliability and profitability of a business. The main indication
behind this study is to investigate the financial functioning position of the Dabur India
Limited. This investigation is done with help of secondary data which is collected from the
Annual Report of the Dabur India Limited. The financial performance can be estimated by
using various financial utensils such as Liquidity ratio, Profitability ratio etc. Based on the
study, findings have been reached that the company has got enough funds to encounter its
obligations including debts & as well as liabilities. The income statement of the Dabur India
Limited shows sales of the company improved every year at good rate and profit also greater
than before every successive year.

BSR Murthy (2018) conducted a study on the financial statements of Hatsun Agro Product
Ltd.The Financial Statement analyses helps to see the current performance condition of a
firm compare past performance. The performances of Companies are dependent more on the
management's ability in formulating strategic plans and the efficient implementation of its

Financial statement analysis is the process of analyzing a company's financial
statements for decision-making purposes. External stakeholders use it to understand
the overall health of an organization as well as to evaluate financial performance and
business value. Internal constituents use it as a monitoring tool for managing the

• Financial statement analysis is used by internal and external stakeholders to evaluate

business performance and value.

• Financial accounting calls for all companies to create a balance sheet,

income statement,
and cash flow statement which form the basis for financial statement analysis.

• Horizontal, vertical, and ratio analysis are three techniques analysts use
when analyzing financial statements.
Ratio analysis
It is the comparison of line items in the financial statements of a business. Ratio
analysis is used to evaluate a number of issues with an entity, such as its liquidity,
efficiency of operations, and profitability. This type of analysis is particularly useful
to analysts outside of a business, since their primary source of information about an
organization is its financial statements.
Categories of Ratio Analysis
Financial ratios can be grouped into the following clusters of ratios, where
each cluster is targeted at a different type of analysis.

o Coverage ratios. These ratios are used to evaluate the ability of a business to meet
debt obligations. These ratios are most commonly used by lenders and creditors to
review the finances of a prospective or current borrower. Examples of coverage
ratios are the interest coverage ratio, debt-service coverage ratio, and asset coverage

o Efficiency ratios. These ratios measure the ability of a business to use its assets and
liabilities to generate sales. A highly efficient organization has minimized its net investment
in assets, and so requires less capital and debt in order to remain in operation. Examples of
efficiency ratios are accounts receivable turnover, inventory turnover, fixed asset turnover,
and accounts payable turnover.
o Leverage ratios. These ratios are used to determine the relative level of debt load
that a business has incurred. These ratios compare the total debt obligation to either
the assets or equity of a business. Examples of leverage ratios are the debt ratio
and debt to equity ratio.

o Liquidity ratio. These ratios are measurements used to examine the ability of an
organization to pay off its short-term obligations. Liquidity ratios are commonly
used by prospective creditors and lenders to decide whether to extend credit or
debt, respectively, to companies. Examples of liquidity ratios are the cash ratio,
current ratio, and quick ratio.
o Market value ratios. These ratios are used to evaluate the current share price of
a publicly-held company's stock. These ratios are employed by current and potential
investors to determine whether a company's shares are over-priced or under-priced.
Examples of market value ratios are book value per share, earnings per share, and market
value per share.
o Profitability ratios. Profitability ratios are a set of measurements used to determine
the ability of a business to create earnings. Profitability ratios are derived from a
comparison of revenues to difference groupings of expenses within the income statement.
Examples of profitability ratios are the contribution margin ratio, gross
profit ratio, and net profit ratio.
The following are the principal advantages of ratio analysis.
1. Forecasting and Planning:
The trend in costs, sales, profits and other facts can be known by computing ratios
of relevant accounting figures of last few years. This trend analysis with the help of
ratios may be useful for forecasting and planning future business activities

2. Budgeting:
Budget is an estimate of future activities on the basis of past experience. Accounting
ratios help to estimate budgeted figures. For example, sales budget may be prepared
with the help of analysis of past sales.
3. Measurement of Operating Efficiency:
Ratio analysis indicates the degree of efficiency in the management and the
utilization of its assets. Different activity ratio indicates the operational efficiency.
Infact, solvency of a firm depends upon the sales revenue generated by utilizing its
4. Communication:

Ratios are effect to means of communication and place a vital role in informing
the position of progress made by buissness concern to the owners or other party.
5. Control and performance of cost
Ratios may also be used for control of performance of the different divisions
or departments of an undertaking as well as control of cost.
Some of these limitations are:
1. Limitations of Financial Statements:

Ratios are calculated from the information recorded in the financial statements. But
financial statements suffer from a number of limitations and may, therefore, affect
the quality of ratio analysis.
2. Historical Information:
Financial statements provide historical information. They do not reflect current
conditions. Hence, it is not useful in predicting the future.
3. Different Accounting Policies:
Different accounting policies regarding valuation of inventories, charging depreciation
etc. make the accounting data and accounting ratios of two firms non-comparable.
4. Lack of Standard of Comparison:
No fixed standards can be laid down for ideal ratios. For example, current ratio is said
to be ideal if current assets are twice the current liabilities


India is the second largest sugar producer and the largest sugar consuming country in the
world. BalrampurChiniMills Limited is one of India‘s largest integrated sugar

manufacturing companies.What makes BalrampurChini Mills Limited (BCML) special

is that it is more than a sugar company.it is also engaged in the ancillary businesses of
ethanol manufacture and co-generation.
Financial statement analysis is used to identify the trends and relationships between
financial statement items. Both internal management and external users (such as analysts,
creditors, and investors) of the financial statements need to evaluate a company's
profitability, liquidity, and solvency. The most common methods used for financial
statement analysis are trend analysis, common‐size statements, and ratio analysis. These
methods include calculations and comparisons of the results to historical company data,
competitors, or industry averages to determine the relative strength and performance of
the company being analyzed.
This study analyses last 5 year financial statements of balrampurchini mills ltd.


This study is analytical in nature
The study uses secondary data for its analysis
The data used for the study is gathered from the official website of best wood polyon
industries and also from other websites
Period of study is for 5 consecutive years from 2015-16 to 2019-20
The tools used in the study are
Ratio analysis
Common size statements
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Review of Literature
Chapter 3 Industry Profile and company profile Chapter 4 Data Analysis and
Interpretation Chapter 5 Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion

India is the second largest sugar producer and the largest sugar consuming country in the
world. BalrampurChiniMills Limited is one of India‘s largest integrated sugar

manufacturing companies.What makes BalrampurChini Mills Limited (BCML) special is

that it is more than a sugar company.it is also engaged in the ancillary businesses of
ethanol manufacture and co-generation.
Financial statement analysis is used to identify the trends and relationships between
financial statement items. Both internal management and external users (such as analysts,
creditors, and investors) of the financial statements need to evaluate a company's
profitability, liquidity, and solvency. The most common methods used for financial
statement analysis are trend analysis, common‐size statements, and ratio analysis. These

methods include calculations and comparisons of the results to historical

company data, competitors, or industry averages to determine the relative
strength and performance of the company being analyzed.
This study analyses last 5 year financial statements of balrampurchini mills ltd.



Data analysis simply means analysing the entire data collected for the study. Data
collected for the study is financial data. So, analysis is also called financial analysis.
Financial analysis refers to simplification of the financial data in the financial statements.
It is the process of analysing the information contained in the financial statement to judge
the profitability and financial soundness of the company.

Financial analysis includes both analysis and interpretation. The term interpretation
literally means to explain the meaning of. In the context of financial analysis,
interpretation means explaining the meaning of the data. This study uses ratio analysis
and common size statements for the purpose of financial data analysis.

Ratio analysis is an important technique of analysis of financial statement. It is the most

widely used technique of financial analysis. Ratio analysis was perhaps the first financial
tool developed to analyse and interpret the financial data analysis. Ratio analysis shows
the numerical relationship between two figures. In this present study analysis had been
done using ratio analysis. Liquidity ratio, solvency ratio, activity ratio, profitability ratio
had been examined for the study. Liquidity ratio includes current ratio, quick ratio and
super quick ratio. Solvency ratio includes debt equity ratio, proprietary ratio and leverage
ratio. Activity ratio includes inventory turnover ratio, working capital turnover ratio and
fixed asset turnover ratio. Profitability ratio includes gross profit ratio, operating profit
ratio, net profit ratio, return on investment and return on shareholders fund.

A common size financial statement displays items as a percentage of a common base

figure, total sales revenue, for example. This type of financial statement allows for easy
analysis between companies, or between periods, for the same company. A common size
financial statement displays entries as a percentage of a common base figure rather than
as absolute numerical figures.

▪ Common size statements let analysts compare companies of different sizes, in
different industries, or across time in an apples-to-apples way.

▪ Common size financial statements commonly include the income statement,

balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Balrampurchini mills limited had been selected for the study. Secondary data is
gathered from the website of balrampurchini mills. Required data had been
compiled from the annual report of the company from last 5 years from 2015-16
to 2019-20.
Advantages of common size statements:

a) Easy to Understand: Common-size Statement helps the users of financial

statement to make clear about the ratio or percentage of each individual item to
total assets/liabilities of a firm. For example, if an analyst wants to know the
working capital position he may ascertain the percentage of each individual
component of current assets against total assets of a firm and also the percentage
share of each individual component of current liabilities.

(b) Helpful for Time Series Analysis: A Common-Size Statement helps an analyst
to find out a trend relating to percentage share of each asset in total assets and
percentage share of each liability in total liabilities.

(c) Comparison at a Glance: An analyst can compare the financial performances

at a glance since percentage of increase or decrease of each individual component
of cost, assets, liabilities etc. are available and he can easily ascertain his required

(d) Helpful in analysing Structural Composition: A Common-Size Statement

helps the analyst to ascertain the structural relations of various components of
cost/expenses/assets/liabilities etc. to the required total of assets/liabilities and

Disadvantages of common size statements:

(a) Standard Ratio: Common-Size Statement does not help to take decisions since
there is no standard ratio/percentage regarding the change of percentage in the
various component of assets, liabilities, sales etc.
(b) Change in Price-level: Common-Size statement does riot recognise the change
in price level i.e. inflationary effect. So, it supplies misleading information‘s since
it is based on historical cost.
(c) Following Consistency: If consistency in the accounting principle, concepts,
conventions is not maintained then Common Size Statement becomes useless.

(d) Seasonal Fluctuation: Common-Size Statement fails to convey proper records

during seasonal fluctuations in various components of sales, assets liabilities etc.
e.g. sales and closing stock significantly vary. Thus, the statement fails to supply
the real information to the users of financial statements.
(e) Window Dressing: Effect of window dressing in financial statements cannot
be ignored and Common-Size Statements fail to supply the real positions of sales,
assets, liabilities etc. due to the evil effects of window dressing appearing in the
financial statements.
(f) Qualitative Element: Common-Size Statement fails to recognise the qualitative
elements, e.g. quality of works, customer relations etc. while measuring the
performance of a firm although the same should not be ignored.














● Current ratio is below standard and fluctuating year by year .

● Quick ratio is also below standard hence the firm will face difficulties in pay off its
liabilities in correct time

● Super quick ratio is also below standard so short term liquidity posi tion is very poor

● Debt equity ratio is below the standard and the company is not financially sound

● Proprietary ratio is almost equal to standard now and in increasing year by year .

● Gross profit ratio is below than the ideal ratio which indicate that inefficiency in
production and purchase management of a company. But it shows an increasing trend

● Net profit ratio shows increasing trend which means increasing profitability

● Return on investment is satisfactory,and there is only a slight increase.

● Return on shareholders has decreased in the year 2017 .this may be due to poor
utilization of owners fund.

● Leverage ratio indicates that the company is solvent because the asset s are
sufficiently more than the liabilities of the company


Finance is the life blood of every business concern. but if it is not properly
managed it can cause adverse effect in the economic. therefore the
acquisition and utilization of finance is very important.

A financial statement of a concern communicates to its user the financial position

of the firm. the significance of this statement lies not in its preparation but in its
analysis and interpretation. Thus a study was made on the topic
MILLS LTD‖ to know the solvency and the financial position of the firm. This
study helped to analyse the liquidity and efficiency of the business and the
management of the firm.

The position of the company is average. But still it can improve the position.
As the competition in the market is getting tougher and tougher,
BALRAMPUR CHINI MILLS should make change to maintain the market
share. So the financial performance is satisfactory but there is a further scope
for improvement.


It is better for company to decrease its current liability to improve the liquidity
ratio and liquidity position. Company has to increase net sales for increasing
profitability of the entity and higher profitability will attract shareholders. The
company must also aim at a effective utilization of owners fund. The company
must aim to keep a standard level of liquid assets and try to maintain the
profits which the company is earning now.customer satisfaction as well as
development of the customers should be given priority.




A.VINOD ―Accounting for management‖,2017 edition,(Calicut university

central co-operative stores publishers)


Shaikhsalmanmasood (2020) ―financial statement analysis of tata motors ltd‖,

International Journal of Engineering and Management Research.

P Mohammed buharisaleem (2020) ―financial statement analysis of

nestle india

Saifkulaib (2020) ―financial statement analysis of sony‖, Haithamnobanee on


Drseema Thakur (2019) ―financial statement analysis of daburindia ltd‖,

Haithamnobanee on jul 05-2020.

BSR Murthy (2018) ―financial statement analysis of hatsun agro

product ltd‖,

Medrappusudhakar (2017) ―financial statement analysis

of Infosys‖,Haithamnobanee on jul 05-2020.

DrARamya (2017) ―financial statement analysis of maruthi Suzuki india

International Journal of Engineering and Management Research.

Prof P Uma Eswari (2017) ―Financial statement analysis of britannia

biscuits ltd‖,

Haithamnobanee on jul 05-2020.

Varghese S (2016) ―Financial statement analysis of ashok Leyland ltd‖,

International Journal of Engineering and Management Research

R Ramanan (2015) ―financial statement analysis of reliance industries


International Journal of Engineering and Management Research


• http://chini.com/

• https://www.moneycontrol.com/financials/balrampurchinimills/balance -

• https://www.wikipedia.org/


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