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20230510-Brochure Jade Advisory

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Company Profile
We are a consulting firm focusing on PPP and infrastructure projects with an international
outreach. The company was founded in 2019 in Tunis and added an office in London in 2020. It
has a dedicated team of four people and has worked on several PPP operationalization projects
in Africa and the Middle East.

Jade Advisory has an international team specializing in strategy, consultancy, and PPP

The insights and quality services we deliver help build confidence in the capital
markets and in economies around the world.

We acquired top-notch leaders who help deliver our promises to all our stakeholders. We play a critical
role in building a better working world for people, for clients, and for better communities.We stand out
with a Senior Team that is trilingual in English, French, and Arabic.

Jade Advisory provides technical advice for developing cost-effective, sustainable, and innovative
solutions; competently guiding their clients in understanding all technical constraints of the projects
throughout their entire lifecycle.

PPP Advisory

Our Services

How we do?

Legal and institutional assessment Government-side Financial Advisor . Providing tailored advice to meet the needs of the
Delivery options analysis Bid-side Financial Advisor
public and private sectors

Financial modeling Strategic Advisor to . Maximizing the value for money outcome
Financing strategies
. Assisting public sector organizations in developing the
commercial, strategic and financial aspects of their
business plans, evaluating bids and advising on
PPP Advisory negotiations with private sector bidders and public

. Advising on large scale infrastructure projects covering

feasibility studies, market readiness assessment,
packaging, financing and procurement of infrastructure
Financial Advisor to equity vendors
Financial Advisor to Government
Financial Advisor to equity buyers and Private Partners
Financial Advisor to Government Advanced risk assessment
and Private Partners
PPP Training Modules 3

Risk management Financial modelling Legal framework Project financing

Jade Advisory provides informative training programs on crucial PPP topics like risk management, legal frameworks, financial
modelling and project financing.
After a thorough analysis of the needs of each individual or organisation, the programs are customised to suit their specific
Our primary objectives for these training workshops are to introduce the PPP concept as one way to procure and manageb
infrastructure, to scope the term for different PPP structures, and to explain the main characteristics of PPP:

Introducing and scoping the PPP concept . Typical structure of a PPP.

Alternatives for infrastructure finance and financial modeling and PPP structuring
procurement. What is and what is not a PPP?

Types of PPP and nomenclature issues . Reasons for Project failure: The need for sound
process management and careful project preparation

Motivations for using PPPs: Caveats, concerns Risk identification and quantification
and introduction to the PPP process cycle .

Jade Advisory offers infrastructure advisory services to Governments, Private Sector Investors, IFIs and
Development Agencies.
This includes traffic engineering and transportation economics, agroeconomics and physical assets man-
agement, climate change and environmental sustainability studies, as well as commercial advisory to physical
asset investors, owners, developers, and contractors over the project lifecycle.

How we can help ?

Transportation planning Strategy Operations

Economic modeling using RED and Infrastructure strategy, governance, Identification and prioritization of
HDM and leadership projects & investments
Support for the creation of specialized Monitoring and evaluation of infrastruc-
Transportation traffic modelling public authorities
ture projects’ implementation
Transportation system implementation Public policy design and drafting of
laws and regulations Infrastructure delivery
CORE Team 5

Khaled Amri
Managing Director
Founder of Jade Advisory. Khaled is a PPP specialist with an exeperience of over 20 years in Europe, the Middle Est and Africa.
He previously worked at Ernst & Young MENA as a Director within the PPP Team, the French Railway Authority on High Speed Rail PPPs,
Commerbank and Société Générale Investment Bank in Paris. He holds a Master’s degree in civil engineering and a second Master’s in Project
Finance & Structured Finance from Ecole des Ponts ParisTech.

Mohamed Amine Sdiri

Mohamed Amine is a Civil Engineer with over 10 years of diversified experiences in international development, public sector, PPPs and
transport infrastructures. Mohamed Amine’s experience includes PPPs, public sector advisory, value chains development, and infrastructure
development. He holds a postgraduate diploma in management and international relations from Sciences Po Paris and a Master of
Engineering from ENIT (Tunisia)

Farouk Bouhafs
Senior Consultant
Farouk holds a master degree in Management and Strategy from IHEC Carthage (Tunisia). He has 5 years of professional experience in
development projects, public-private partnerships, and infrastructure advisory.
Before joining Jade, Farouk worked as project manager for a consulting company specializing in international development.

Houyem Raïs
Associate Consultant
Houyem holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration (Major: Finance, Minor: Business Analysis) from Tunis Business School (TBS).
She is a Thomas Jefferson scholarship program (TJSP) alumnus. She recently joined Jade Advisory as an Associate Consultant.

Energy Waste management Cultural Buildings

Social Infrastructure

Transport Agriculture Water Management

Roads , Railways , etc Agriparcs , Agribusiness & Irrigation Desalination & Sewage


Infrastructure plays a pivotal role in

shaping tomorrow and strengthening
our economy today, but not without

Overcoming those challenges is Jade Advisory's mission

Selection of References 8

Technical, Financial and Legal Assistance for Feasibility

Study of a Greenfield Wholesale Market in Ismailia and/or
Delta Egypt along with the Preparation of the full Tender
Documents for the Construction and Operation & Maintenance
under the Proposed PPP Scheme

Name of Client : Agence Française de Main Project Features: Activities Performed :

Développement/ Ministry of Supply and Jade Advisory is supporting the MoSIT and AFD on
Internal Trade (MoSIT) To meet the needs of the ever-growing the technical, environment and social, legal, fiscal
and financial aspects of the Project through:
Egyptian population, to guarantee food safety · Conducting the Project feasibility based on sever-
Country : Egypt (Cairo) and security to all, to reduce food waste and al aspects (including market study, stakeholders
involvement, construction programme, benefits,
to stabilize the prices of basic commodities, risks analysis, etc.) and providing implementation
Year : 2022 - 2023 the project aims to the creation of a ratio-
conditions, including for legal aspects
· Analysing the opportunity to implement a PPP
nalized network of modern logistical hubs (concession), assessing the possible impacts and
risks,studying the technical, legal and financial
Duration of assignment :24 months dedicated to food trade, focusing on the feasibility of the arrangement and defining a legal
and financial strategy to be adopted
Ismailia and Sharkeya Governorates. The · Providing technical Assistance for the preparation
project cost estimate is EUR 165m. of Tender Documents for the Commissioning of
the Pilot (including construction, operation, mainte-
nance, supervision and PPP model for the Pilot).
Selection of References 9

Support For The Deployment And Operationalization

Of The AfDB's New PPP Strategic Framework And Support For The PICU

Main Project Features: Activities Performed :

Client : African Development Bank
The Infrastructure Partnerships Division (PICU 3) is one In collaboration with the PICU 3 team, Jade
of four divisions within the Infrastructure and Urban Advisory’s mission was to support the implementa-
Development Department (PICU) of the Bank's Private tion of the Bank's PPP strategic framework led by
Location : Côte d’Ivoire (Abidjan) Sector, Infrastructure and Industrialization Vice Presiden- PICU by intervening on the following axes:
cy. .Desk review of background documents, existing
data and reports
The Division is responsible for supporting regional
Year : 2022 infrastructure development in the four main sectors of .Strategic support - PPP framework
transport, energy, ICT and water, in order to promote
regional integration in Africa. .Development of operational guidelines and tools

.Integration, capacity building and dissemination

Duration of assignment :12 months The African Development Bank has requested the .Business development support
services of a PPP Infrastructure Consultant to support it
in the roll-out and operationalization of the Bank's new .Processing and project management
PPP Strategic Framework and provide transaction and
.Transaction advisory services
business development support to PICU 3.
.Support for the implementation of the Bank's PPP
strategic framework under its three designated
pillars of support.
Selection of References 10

PPP For The Construction And Management Of The Sidi Rahal

Perimeter Irrigation Network From The Casablanca Desalination
Plant And Technical Assistance For The Signing Of The Partnership

Client : Ministry of agriculture, Fisheries, Main Project Features: Activities Performed :

This projected seawater desalination unit is planned to Jade Advisory’s mission is to develop the following
Rural, Development, Water and forests be built to supply drinking water to Greater Casablanca services on behalf of the DIAEA:
by 2030 and will be sized for an eventual capacity of
Department of Irrigation and Development around 300 Mm³ in 2 phases (phase 1 in 2026: 200
Mm³/year and phase 2 in 2034: 300 Mm³/year) to
enable: .The analysis of the technical feasibility of the project
of Agricultural Space allowing the implementation of the irrigation project;
.The substitution of current withdrawals from the Oum
Er Rbia for the supply of the south of greater .Prior assessment for the structuring of the project
Casablanca, Berrechid / Settat on the one hand and the according to the law in force;
Location : Morocco (Casablanca) coverage of increases in demand by 2050 on the other
hand; .The development of the documents necessary for
the promotion and the transaction of the project;
The irrigation of an irrigated perimeter in the coastal
area between Sidi Rahal and Azemmour for the .Support to the Ministry for the launch of the Call for
Year : 2022 - 2023 irrigation of high value-added crops (annual water needs Tenders, the selection of the private partner and
estimated at 30 Mm³). during the negotiations relating to the finalization of
the transaction.
For this purpose, the Ministry of Agriculture has planned
Duration of assignment : 12 months the development of the agricultural perimeter in the
coastal area between Sidi Rahal and Azemmour with
high value-added crops.
Selection of References 11

Support for the Promotion of Public-Private

Partnerships in Burundi

Client : Support Agency for the implementa- Main Project Features: Activities Performed :

tion of Public-Private Partnership Contracts To contribute to the promotion of public-private Jade Advisory supported the PPP Contracts
partnerships in Burundi, the project aims to : Support Agency (ARCP) in the development of a
Analyse the institutional, legal and regulatory framework PPP promotion strategy and an action plan for it’s
relating to PPPs and suggesting recommendations for implementation through the realisation of the follow-
Location : Burundi ing missions:
Develop a PPP promotion strategy for the Support
.Analysis of the capacities and experiences of ARCP
Agency for the Implementation of Public-Private
staff and proposal for capacity building
Partnership Contracts (ARCP).
Year : 2022
The mission focused in particular on PPPs relating to .Organization of three exchange trips with three
the following priority areas: African countries

Duration of assignment : 6 months 1.Energy .Identification of good PPP contracting approaches

in Burundi
2.Hydraulics (drinking water)
.Identification of major obstacles to the development
3.Protected areas (biodiversity) of PPPs in Burundi.


Selection of References 12

Development of a strategy for the creation

of a service area dedicated to hydrocarbons as PPP

Main Project Features: Activities Performed :

Client :ONCF and European Investment
The Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines Jade Advisory is supporting the project team
Bank in charge of supporting the ministry in the
(MPEM) wishes to develop a strategy to
create favorable conditions to attract petro- preparation of a strategy for the creation of a
service area dedicated to hydrocarbons
Country : Morocco leum services and related activities to the through, among others:
country to support the development of the
hydrocarbon sector, create jobs and fostering .Studying the relevant options for attracting
Year : 2022 the birth of a national petroleum services oil service companies and accelerating the
industry. development of the local oil service sector.

Duration of assignment :12 months .Realising an inventory of comparable devel-

opment zones, special economic zones,
industrial parks in Africa and around the
world, focusing on models applicable to
.Proposing the appropriate option for

.Defining the priority activities and services

that the area should promote.
Selection of References 13

Support To The Implementation Of The National

Solid Waste Management Strategy

Main Project Features: Activities Performed :

Client : European Union and AFD
The Ministry of Local Administration has Jade Advisory provided PPP expertise to
received funding from AFD for the implemen- the client in preparing and conducting the
Country : Jordan tation of a national strategy for solid waste procurement of the project until the project
management. award. The activities performed are:

Year : 2021 .Support in preparing the Bidding


Duration of assignment : 12 months .Support during the advertising stage of the

Invitation for Bids (IFB)

.Support during the Bids evaluation stage

.Support during the negotiation stage for

the signing of the DBO contract.
Selection of References 14

Urban Development Of The Yaounde Bypass

And Organization Of The Donors' Round Table

Client :European Union Main Project Features: Activities Performed :

The city of Yaoundé, "city of the seven hills" is the The overall objective of the study conducted
by Jade is to provide technical support to
Country : Cameroon (Yaoundé) political capital of Cameroon. It is located in the
south central region of the country, at the crossroads the Cameroonian authorities in:
of several sub-regional transport axes, the most
.Reflection on an overall development logic
Year : 2021 important of which is that it connects the ports of
on the rights-of-way of the Yaoundé bypass
Kribi and Douala on the one hand, to Chad and the
adjacent to the main intersections and hubs
Central African Republic on the other hand, by
with intercepted roads to make the area of
Duration of assignment :15 months serving the Cameroon hinterland. direct influence a real vector of planning and
Despite competition from rail, road remains the main sustainable development for the whole of
mode of transporting goods on the Douala / Greater Yaoundé.
K r i b i - B a n g u i / N d j a m e n a , N d j a m e n a - Yo -
ko-Djoum-Ouesso-Brazzaville (and later Kinshasa) .The organization of a round table of donors
and Ndjamena-Yoko-Ambam-Libreville. for the financing of the Yaoundé bypass
The Yaoundé bypass route is located in the metropol- project in PPP and other projects which
itan area and totals more than 67 km. contribute to regional integration in Central
The overall objective of the Yaoundé bypass Africa.
construction project is the facilitation of international
and local transport.
Selection of References 15

PPP For The Construction Of A New City On The Outskirts

Of Bamako And Provision Of Technical Studies For Basic
Infrastructure And The Access Road

Client :Government of Mali Main Project Features: Activities Performed :

The project to create a new town on the land Jade advisory was selected to
Country : Mali heritage of Real estate company prepare the study of a Public Private
“MANDINGUE IMMO-SAS”, located on the Partnership (PPP) with the aim of
plateaus of the Manding mountains, aims to exploring the methods of financing
Year : 2021 avoid the phenomenon of anarchic by the private sector of the
urbanization based on the absence of spatial development works of the access
planning instruments . and provide equipped roads and various networks to the
Duration of assignment :12 months and well-structured housing areas to reduce delimited area, compensation
socio-economic disparities in Mali.
measures for expropriations and
construction work on structuring
roads and various networks within
The main objective of the project is to carry the framework of a Public-Private
out a major and unique land transaction. The Partnership.
new town project is in the Sikoulou area, on
the north-eastern outskirts of Bamako
Selection of References 16

PPP for the high-speed rail link between

Tetouan and Maloussa

Main Project Features: Activities Performed :

Client :ONCF and European Investment
The future rail line has a linear line of about The overall objective of this mission
39 km from the existing Tanger Med line
is to prepare a prefeasibility study of
north of the Renault plant and its arrival to
the city of Tetouan.
the construction and operation of the
Country : Morocco Melloussa-Tetouan line as a pub-
14 viaducts totaling of 5.36 km are planned lic-private PPP with one or more
Year : 2020 as well as a covered trench of 1.7 km and a components of the Project, by con-
tunnel of 4 km will cross the mountain. The ducting a comparative analysis of the
infrastructure will have two lanes of traffic various alternatives including PPP,
Duration of assignment :12 months (one per direction) and will be scheduled for concession, Design Build and
commissioning in 2030. Commercial speed Design-Bid-Build.
of sill be up to 160 km/h and the new line will
connect Melloussa to Tetouan in about 47
Selection of References 17

PPP Of The Sahalanona Hydroelectric Power Station

Client :Madagascar PPP Unit Main Project Features: Activities Performed :

The project is listed in the Ministry of Energy and
Country : Madagascar Hydrocarbons’ Least Cost Development Plan Jade Advisory participated in the
(November 2018 version).
preparation of a PPP prefeasibility
Year : 2019 It is part of the New Energy Policy, which plans to study of the project.
increase the share of renewable energy at the
national level to 75% of total capacity by 2030, and
Duration of assignment :12 months responds to the priority given to hydro-power with
regard to renewable energy.

The site has been identified by the Ministry of

Energy and Hydrocarbons (MEH) for this purpose. It
is located in the Vatovavy Fitovinany region on the
Saondrananto, 150 km from the city of Manakara
(300,000 inhabitants).

The total investment, including a 50 km access road

and a 150 km transmission line at 63 kV, is $92.5
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