TUGAS 1 Bahasa Inggris

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NPM : 015539387

1. Ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam percakapan diatas adalah menggunakan bahasa informal dimana
percakapan terjadi antar dua sahabat dekat dalam kondisi yang santai dan mereka banyak menggunakan slang
(percakapan sehari-hari) sebagai informal expression seperti:
 Hey/Oh hey/Yeah/Oh, yeah – slang/ekspresi informal sehari-hari
 Didn’t/Wasn’t/Don’t – biasa digunakan pada percakapan informal
 I’m/It’s – biasa digunakan dalam percakapan informal
 What’s going on? – ungkapan seperti “Pa kabar?”
 Not much – ungkapan jawaban informal yang artinya “biasa-biasa saja”

2. Topik percakapan seputar wawancara kerja yang baru dialami Jane pada hari itu dimana dia merasa
wawancaranya berjalan dengan baik namun masih harus menunggu kabar dalam beberapa hari. Jane cerita ke
Helen bahwa dia merasa grogi saat mau interview, dan Helen juga pernah merasa seperti itu saat mau
diwawancara sebelumnya.

 I am an accounting manager with 5 years of accounting experience in the real estate and marketing industry.
Mastering general accounting knowledge, payroll, budgeting and opening. Proficient in implementing
innovative accounting practices and procedures to increase efficiency.
 My office is in the downstream dam, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.
 The interesting thing about my job is that we can manage employee benefits, recruitment, employee orientation,
performance management processes, license tracking and HR data collection. Skilled in communication,
building relationships with employees at all levels, HRIS, applicant tracking and benefit management.
 Working as an accounting manager makes me happy because it has been my dream since I was young and can
help my parents and friends in the workplace as well as encourage each other and cooperate with other

a. the sender of the memo,
answer : From Manager
b. for whom the memo is for, and
answer : All Employees
c. what the memo is about.
answer : farewell party in honor of Jesse Carrillo, Marketing Manager

From : Efrilia Tanzia (efriliatanzia85@gmail.com)
To : My City Got Talent (mycitygottalen@gmail.com)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Om swastiastu
Namo budaya
Salam kebajikan

To the my city go talent committee

And without further ado I'll say if I'm interested in participating in the my city got talent event but I don't know
how to get the registration form. And with this email I hope to be given directions or explanations regarding the
registration process/how to get this event form.
Thank you for your attention.
Efrilia Tanzia

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