UV - Visible Spectroscopy in Physical Chemistry
UV - Visible Spectroscopy in Physical Chemistry
UV - Visible Spectroscopy in Physical Chemistry
The dependence of the optical properties of metal nanoparticles on particle size and
wavelength were analyzed theoretically using multipole scattering theory, where the
complex refractive index of metal was corrected for the effect of a reduced mean free
path of the conduction electrons in small particles.Methods to calculate the particle
diameter (d) from UV-vis spectra are derived, and analytical relations between the
extinction efficiency (Qext) and d are established, which allow the determination of the
particle concentration.
To compare these theoretical results to experimental data, gold nanoparticles in the size
range of 5 to 100 nm were synthesized and characterized with TEM and UV-vis. It is
shown that the nanoparticles produced can be used to determine both size and
concentration of gold nanoparticles directly from UV-vis spectra. Equations for this
purpose are derived, and the precision of various methods is discussed. The major aim
of this work is to provide a simple and fast method to determine size and concentration
of nanoparticles.
In this field, the absorbance of samples was monitored by UV-VIS spectroscopy, while
the concentrations of samples and different pH levels may be adjusted to enable students
to obtain a wide range of reaction kinetic data.
The rate of hydrolysis depends strongly upon the pH-value, buffer composition and ionic
strength. Consequently, the half-life of the reaction can be varied from milliseconds to
several hours by the appropriate selection of these parameters. Thus, this reaction is
suitable for testing conventional UV-VIS as well as stopped-flow spectrophotometers
fiqure (3)
The reaction rate constant, kapp, can be estimated with a pseudo-first-order kinetic model.
In addition, the reaction temperature was adjusted to investigate the decomposition
activation energy (Ea), Calculation of activation entropy ΔS ≠, as the ΔG= ΔH – TΔS and
ΔH = Ea – RT (for a reaction in homogeneous liquid medium): we can relate the rate
constant kobs to the activation entropy .
Effect of ionic strength μ on the rate constant of the compounds hydrolysis reaction.
Debye-Huckel-Bronsted relation can show the influence of ionic strength on the rate
constant of an ionic reaction
log k = log k0 + 1.02 zA zB μ1/2. (Where k is the specific rate constant, k0 is the specific
rate constant at zero ionic strength and zA and zB are the charges of ions A and B
For simple and uniform reactions the rate laws can be formulated in terms of the
absorbance by means of Eq. (2). This can be carried out explicitly on a 1st order reaction
with k1 as the rate constant the rate law reads