Dimensioning of An Autonomous Photovoltaic Install
Dimensioning of An Autonomous Photovoltaic Install
Dimensioning of An Autonomous Photovoltaic Install
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Dimensioning of an Autonomous
Photovoltaic Installation: Case
Study in Msaken, Sousse (Tunisia)
Olfa Bel Hadj Brahim Kechiche, Marwa Hamza
and Habib Sammouda
1. Introduction
Among the major stakes of modern times is the electricity supply, either for
domestic consumption (of people) or for industrial consumption [1].
Tunisia is a country in the Middle East that lacks oil reserves. It depends entirely
on oil imports from neighboring countries to meet its energy needs. The continued
rise in oil prices as a result of increasing world demand and the contraction of oil
supply and regional instability put extreme pressure on the Tunisian economy,
resulting in difficulties and economic disturbances. The government has responded
quickly and actively to overcome the negative effects and deterioration of its econ-
omy by gradually reducing its support for consumer prices for electricity and
petroleum products.
For more than two decades, Tunisia has focused on the rational use of energy
and the development of renewable energies [2, 3]. Ambitious energy demand man-
agement programs have reduced the rate of growth of energy consumption and
substantially lowered energy intensity. In Tunisia, despite the great efforts and
works carried out by the Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas (STEG), several
regions remain unconnected to the public electricity network. For example, outside
regions are far from cities. This is a major problem for the inhabitants of these
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Estimating the electrical needs consists of calculating the daily electrical energy
consumed by the users. Thus, the electrical needs will be expressed in Wh/day
(or kWh/day).
The methodology is as follows [4]:
• First, we have to identify all the electrical devices that will be powered by the
autonomous photovoltaic system. For each of these devices, the rated
operating power must be identified. So, we can rely on measurements directly
on site or the indications on the data sheets/signs of the devices.
• The electrical power product (in W) by the usage time (in h) will indicate the
daily energy consumed (in Wh) of the device. In the electricity field, it is
customary to use the W and the Wh as measurement units of the power and
the electrical energy, respectively.
Phone 10 1 5 10 0.050
Modem 4 1 9 4 0.036
Surveillance 12 1 24 12 0.288
Table 1.
Daily energy consumption.
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
• Finally, the sum of the calculated daily energies will give an overall assessment
of the building electrical needs.
The power needs and daily energy consumption are reported in Table 1.
The previous inventory allows us to draw up a balance of power and energy:
Total power: P ¼ 1247W.
Daily consumption: E ¼ 7:43 kWh=day.
Latitude and longitude for Msaken: 35°430 45“ North and 10°34’50” East. This
city is located in the northern hemisphere [5].
Optimal inclination angle formula (autonomous PV system) is given by PVGIS
Software, and it is equal to 30° [6].
In Tunisia, the best orientation for a photovoltaic field is that of the south.
Indeed, it allows capturing a maximum of solar radiation throughout a day
and a year.
Solar irradiation represents the energy and the quantity of this energy depending
on the exposure of the object or the material that receives it. A horizontal surface
does not receive the same amount of solar energy as a vertical one. Thus it is
necessary to specify the configuration of the receiver.
The radiation varies along the year, and to project the system, it is necessary to
choose which irradiance to consider. Thus, in order to calculate the average value of
irradiation received by an optimally oriented and inclined surface, we use PVGIS
Software (Figure 1).
Assessing the available energy in Msaken area from PVGIS software, the follow-
ing values are obtained for an optimal inclination of 30° with annual irradiation
deficit due to shadowing (horizontal) equal to 0% (Table 2):
Figure 1.
Map of Msaken with coordinates [6].
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - A Bet for the Future
Table 2.
The calculation results using PVGIS software [6].
Total integration
Total integration is a mode which the module is
considered a roof element. This module plays the role as
a cover. As a result, ventilation on the underside is
difficult if not impossible.
The superimposed assembly consists of fixing the
photovoltaic modules above the cover. This type of
installation allows a simple and fast installation of
photovoltaic modules without roofing. Air can circulate
between the cover and the modules providing better
ventilation than full integration.
On chassis
The modules are usually mounted on a flat roof or
simply on the ground, this integration mode allows
maximum natural ventilation.
Table 3.
Types of PV panel integration in the building.
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
5. Installation production
The ratio performance (RP) makes possible the quantification of the intrinsic
losses of the electrical installation. The performance ratio is, therefore, a number
ranging between 0 and 1 (or 0 and 100%) [8].
The RP is specific to each installation. Nevertheless, it is possible to estimate the
RP value [9]:
• The temperature coefficient of the power KT (P) is similar from one module to
another (order of magnitude: 0.4%/°C).
• Other miscellaneous losses are similar from one facility to another (2% order of
The only really variable parameters are the integration mode and the presence or
absence of a MPPT device. Thus, we can draw up a general summary table of the RP
value (Table 4):
Ratio Modules with very Modules with Modules with Modules with
performance little ventilation little ventilation ventilation well ventilation
Table 4.
Value of the ratio performance according to the breakdown of the modules.
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There is a simple analytical formula to estimate the peak power of the PV field,
noted as Pc :
Ec Pi
Pc ¼ (1)
where Pc is the peak power of the photovoltaic field; Ec is the daily electrical
energy potentially produced by the photovoltaic system, expressed in kWh/day, in
our case Ec ¼ 7:43 kWh=day; Pi is the illumination power under standard test
conditions (STC), expressed in kW=m2 . So Pi ¼ 1 kW=m2 ; Ei is the daily solar
irradiation, expressed in kWh=m2 =day, received by the photovoltaic field, in our
case Ei ¼ 5 kWh=m2 =day; RP is the performance ratio of the photovoltaic system,
in our case RP ¼ 0:7.
Then, the peak power of the photovoltaic field Pc is equal to Pc ¼ 2:123 kWp.
Thus, to ensure customer comfort, we suggest installing a PV array power
greater than or equal to 2:123 kWp.
6. PV field dimensioning
Following the electrical requirement evaluation and the solar field, here, it is
possible to size the photovoltaic field. This operation consists firstly to calculate the
installation module number (Eq. (2)) [10]:
N¼ (2)
where N is the modules number; Pc is the peak power of the photovoltaic field;
in our case Pc should be greater than or equal to 2:123 kWp; and Pr is the rated
power of a PV module.
In the international market, there are several photovoltaic solar module tech-
nologies, as described in Figure 3:
Due to reduced manufacturing costs and maturity of the technology, crystalline
modules are expected to maintain a market share of up to 80% until at least 2017
[8]. Both monocrystalline and multi-crystalline module prices have decreased
considerably in the last years.
In this study, the PV module was selected due to few reasons that are worth to
mention: its performance, warranty, and high efficiency. Thus, the “Polycrystal-
line solar panel IBC PolySol 260W (265Wc)” is chosen, so Pr ¼ 260W. The
datasheet of this module is given in [11].
Then, the installation modules number is equal to N ¼ 10.
To size the solar controller, inverter, cables, etc., the following PV characteristic
parameters in the Standard Test Conditions (STC) will be used later. We remember
that the Standard Test Conditions (STC) are [8]:
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
Figure 2.
Schematic of autonomous photovoltaic installation.
Figure 3.
PV technology classes [8].
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - A Bet for the Future
• Efficiency: η ¼ 15:5%
The solar regulator is a device that is positioned between the solar modules and
the batteries, also known as a charge controller. It is the guarantor of the energy
level stored in the batteries [12].
Its main missions are:
• To convert the output voltage of the solar panel into voltage adapted to the
charge of the batteries
• To protect the batteries by controlling their charge level. Once the batteries are
full, the regulator will cut off the park recharge. At the same time, it will stop
the power consumption of connected devices if the battery charge level falls
below a certain safety threshold (deep discharge limit)
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
For most installations, a PWM regulator will be suitable. For large installations
with multiple panels, MPPT regulators will be preferred. In our case, we use a
MPPT regulator.
The solar regulator dimensioning is carried out according to three major
• Current compatibility
• Voltage compatibility
• Power compatibility
Figure 4.
Victron energy ‘BlueSolar charge MPPT 150/100’ datasheet.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - A Bet for the Future
in Figure 4, that the rated power of the MPPT regulator is PmppT ð24 VÞ ¼
2900 W ! PmppT ðregulatorÞ ≻PmppTðmodulesÞ .
The battery capacity must be able to cover all the electrical needs (Ec).
When we size the batteries’ capacity, we apply the following dimensioning rule
[12, 14]:
Figure 5.
Photovoltaic modules association.
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
Figure 6.
SOLAR ASSAD battery datasheet.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - A Bet for the Future
lead sulfate appears and prevents chemical reactions from occurring. Then, the
accumulator becomes unusable, or at least it is able to fall dramatically.
We note PD the maximum discharge depth of a battery.
In this study, we chose “SOLAR ASSAD” as solar battery, 12 V, capacity
Cb ¼ 230 Ah. Thus, we will have to check the necessary batteries number and serial
or parallel association based on its datasheet [15] (Figure 6).
The battery capacity CT is calculated using the following expression:
where NJ is the number of days with insufficient sunshine (in our case
NJ ¼ 3 days); Ec is the daily electrical energy potentially produced by the photo-
voltaic system expressed in kWh/day, in our case Ec ¼ 7:43 kWh=day; UT is the
voltage in volt under which the battery is installed (12 V, 24 V, 48 V); in our case,
2 battery chains will be installed ➔ UT ¼ 24 V; and PD is the maximum discharge
depth of the batteries. In practice, a maximum depth of discharge of 70% is chosen.
Then, the battery capacity CT is equal to CT ¼ 1327 Ah.
When we size the capacity of the batteries, we can calculate the battery number
N b to be paralleled:
Nb ¼ (4)
The off-grid inverter is the essential electronic device that converts DC low
voltage from a battery or other power source to 100–120 V or 220–240 V AC
voltage. Off-grid inverter produces a voltage wave, with an independent frequency
from the grid. Not only does the inverter convert DC to AC power, but it may also
regulate the PV system if correctly dimensioned according to the battery voltage
levels [12, 14].
Table 5 summarizes the recommended international standards for inverters
intended for photovoltaic applications. Each country adapts them to the specificities
of national functioning and regulation. Manufacturers are therefore slightly
modifying the final design of their products to meet the requirements of each
country [16].
In our case, the solar inverter is used to convert a 24 V battery DC voltage into
230 V AC voltage identical to that of the building electricity grid.
The off-grid inverter choice is based on three criteria:
• Part DC: On the DC side, the inverter must be adapted to the system voltage
imposed by the battery bank. In our case, the battery output voltage is equal
to 24 V.
• Part AC: On the AC side, the inverter will impose an output signal adapted to
the devices it feeds. In our case, the frequency voltage is equal to 50 Hz, and
the effective voltage value is equal to 230 V.
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
Figure 7.
Batteries association.
• Rated power: The inverter rated power should cover the sum of the all user
powers. A sizing margin of 20–30% is recommended to ensure that the inverter
operates at an ambient temperature of 25°C. In this study, the user powers are
equal to 2123 Wp, so the inverter rated power should be greater than
2123 1:3 ¼ 2760 W.
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• Determine the cables sections that cause the least possible drop in voltage
between the modules and battery-regulator-inverter and also between the
inverter and loads.
6.5.1 DC cable
The solar cables must comply with several regulatory constraints summarized in
the guide of the ETU C32–502 [18, 19].
These are specific cables subject to particular operating conditions. They must be
designed to operate with ambient temperatures between 35 and +70°C.
Thus, it is expected that:
Table 5.
A summary of typical international codes and standards for PV applications.
Figure 8.
P3000-482 Off-grid DC to AC pure sine wave 24–220 V solar inverter.
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
Figure 9.
Solar inverter datasheet [17].
The cable section choice of the installation is made according to two major
6.5.2 Determination of the conductor section between the panels and the regulator
The conductors section between the panels and the regulator can be calculated
using (Eq. (5)):
S¼ (5)
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - A Bet for the Future
3. The UTE C15-712 guide for PV installations indicates that the DC voltage drop
must be less than 3% and ideally 1%. In our case, it’s fixed at σ=1%. Then, at a
current of IscT ¼ 9:19 5 ¼ 45:95 A, the maximum resistance of the cable can
be calculated using (Eq. (6)):
ρ L 1:7 10 8 16
S¼ ¼ ¼ 16:48 mm2
Rmax 0:0165
6.5.3 Determination of the conductor section between the regulator and the batteries
Pc 2600
I¼ ¼ ) I ¼ 108:33 A (7)
UT 24
The distance between the regulator and the batteries is L ¼ 3 m (outgoing and
incoming cable).
Then the conductor section is equal to:
ρ L I 1:7 10 8 3 108:33
S¼ ¼ ¼ 23 mm2
σ UT 0:01 24
6.5.4 AC cable
ðρ b L I b Þ
S¼ (8)
ðε V n Þ
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
Figure 10.
The calculation results using "Sigma Tec" online calculator.
1:7 10 8 2 30 9:23
S¼ ¼ 4:09 mm2
ð0:01 230Þ
2. UTEC guide 61,740–51 (2009): It concerns the tests of surge arresters for DC
application only. These tests are based on AC surge arrester standards but
differentiate for “end of life tests.”
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - A Bet for the Future
6.6.1 DC fuses
According to the UTE C15–712-1, the presence of fuse is always obligatory for
each of the photovoltaic chains, in order to protect the photovoltaic modules and
the cables of the currents being able to flow from the park of batteries toward the
panels (in particular in the dark period when the battery is able to discharge
through the photovoltaic field), in the case where the regulator’s nonreturn device is
In our case, we need five fuses on each of the two extremities of PV panels
(Figure 11).
On the DC side, overcurrent occurs as back current. Above certain intensity, the
return currents can damage the photovoltaic modules.
In general, photovoltaic modules can support a maximum return current that
depends on the number of branches in parallel presented in Table 6:
Figure 11.
Fuses location in the PV system.
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
Nc = 1 0
Nc = 2 1.25 Isc
Nc = 3 2 1.25 Isc
Table 6.
Fuses choice.
The use of fuses also allows the shutdown of a single photovoltaic chain in the
event of maintenance activities, thus avoiding the shutdown of the entire
The rated current IN of the fuses must, in accordance with the guide of the UTE
C15 712-1, comply with the following condition, (Eq. (9)):
with IN being the rated current of the fuse or rated current of the fuse and IRM
being the maximum return current that can support a module without being
• “Fast-melting”
By consulting the marketed product catalogs, the choice was set for gPV fuses
of 15 A caliber and 50 kA breaking capacities. Table 7 shows the fuse
characteristics [21]:
Number 2
Rated current 15 A
Breaking capacity 50 kA
Table 7.
Fuse characteristics.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - A Bet for the Future
An electrical distribution from solar energy requires the same protections as for
a conventional network. However, the DC side protections are special because
direct current is difficult to interrupt if an arc occurs.
In a photovoltaic installation, it is essential to be able to cut off the power, for
example, to carry out maintenance operations.
The switch disconnector choice must take into account the following criteria:
where In is the rated current of the switch disconnector (A) and U e is the rated
voltage of the switch disconnector (V).
Installation characteristics NK ≤ 25 NK ≥ 25
Building or structure equipped with a lightning rod Type 2 Type 1 Type 2 Type 1
Medium voltage supply by a line wholly or partly overhead Type 2 Type 2 Type 2 Type 2
Medium voltage supply via a completely underground line Type 2 Type 2 Type 2 Type 2
Table 8.
Lightning protection type choice [23].
Type 2
Table 9.
Lightning protection characteristic.
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
Rated current 15 A
Table 10.
Switch disconnector characteristic.
The voltage at the inverter output is 230 V. In fact, the disconnector voltage
must be better than:
The inverter output current is equal to 10A. So the disconnector current is given by:
In ≥ 1:25 10 ¼ 12:5 A
2. The energy need of the customer was identified at 7.43 kWh/day which
corresponds to a photovoltaic field peak power Pc equal to Pc ¼ 2:123 kWp.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - A Bet for the Future
DC fuses 5 12 72
AC switch disconnector 1 36 36
Structure 5 30 150
Total 6856.724
Table 11.
PV field installation cost.
The objective of this chapter was to design and present a photovoltaic system, in
the form of an autonomous power supply system for a future house located in an
isolated area in Msaken, Sousse (Tunisia). An energy need analysis of the customer
was carried out in order to properly size the various components of the installation.
The autonomous system presented in this chapter leads to a continuous lighting
supply of the load for 72 hours. In comparison, a system connected to the network
in Tunisia would lead to occasional power outages, affecting the entire installation.
To obtain a robust solar system, the photovoltaic panels must be supplemented
by a charge controller, a group of batteries, and an inverter. The recommended
panel assembly consists of 10 polycrystalline 260 W photovoltaic modules. The
installation must be installed at an angle of 30° south. A charge controller regulates
the charge of 12 batteries “SOLAR ASSAD” of 230 Ah. An inverter is used to supply
loads with alternating current. The total investment cost of the system is
Although the results obtained in the calculations can be considered valid, some
improvements can be made to the calculation method to obtain more accurate
results. Thus, as short-term prospects, it will be necessary to:
Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
• Reconfigure the PV modules taking into account the optimal spacing between
the rows, and optimize the shading losses.
• Validate the sizing performed using specific software such as PVsyst and
• Study in more detail the future requirements of the customer such as external
lighting systems with auxiliary energy saving and efficiency systems such as
LEDs, voltage stabilizers, etc., and calculate whether the PV system designed
meets these requirements.
• Conduct a more in-depth study on the costs associated with the PV installation
analyzed. Try to obtain the cost of the components/services of a photovoltaic
project located in Tunisia.
This project was supported by the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and
Scientific Research under Grant LabEM—ESSTHSousse—LR11ES34.
Likewise, the authors would like to thank SOS ENERGY Company for the
technical information.
Conflict of interest
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - A Bet for the Future
Author details
Olfa Bel Hadj Brahim Kechiche*, Marwa Hamza and Habib Sammouda
High School of Sciences and Technology of Hammam Sousse, Laboratory of Energy
and Materials (LR11ES34), Sousse University, Hammam Sousse, Tunisia
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Dimensioning of an Autonomous Photovoltaic Installation: Case Study in Msaken, Sousse…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.88771
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - A Bet for the Future