WK10-TMF1913-TMF014-SEM1-Data Entry
WK10-TMF1913-TMF014-SEM1-Data Entry
WK10-TMF1913-TMF014-SEM1-Data Entry
Effective coding
Types of codes
Guidelines for coding
Validation methods
Check digits
Ecommerce accuracy
The quality of data input determines the quality of
information output.
Effective coding
creating meaningful coding for data
Coding—the process of putting
ambiguous or cumbersome data into
short, easily entered digits or letters.
A number that is assigned to something if it needs to be
No relation to the data itself
Using a simple sequence code to indicate the sequence in
which orders enter a custom furniture shop
A commonly used approach in identifying an account
Identifying the account of a magazine subscriber with an alphabetic
derivation code
When the alphabetic portion is small (the name Po) or when the
name contains fewer consonants than the code requires
Names like ROE, become RXX
Affords the ability to distinguish between classes of
Must be mutually exclusive
Classification codes
Block sequence codes
Used to distinguish one group of data with special
characteristics from another
Can consist of either a single letter or a number
A shorthand way of describing a person, place, thing, or event
Listed in manuals or posted so that users can locate them easily
Use a single letter for a code
An extension of the sequence code
Data are grouped according to common characteristics
Simplicity of assigning the next available number (within
the block) to the next item needing identification
Codes may be used to conceal or disguise information
Cipher Codes
The direct substitution of one letter for another, one number
for another, or one letter for a number
Sometimes it is desirable to reveal information to
specific users through a code
Makes the data entry more meaningful for humans
Example of codes are:
digit subset Unicode
Significant-Digit Subset Codes
Used to help describe a product
by virtue of its membership in
many subgroups
Possible to locate items that
belong to a certain group or class
Inquiries may be performed on a
portion of the code
Useful for a marketing product
when a customer purchases a certain
type of book, a website might
recommend other titles that have the
same author, or similar content or
Using a Significant-Digit Subset Code Helps Employees Locate
Items Belonging to a Particular Department 14
A mnemonic (pronounced nî-môn'-ïk) is a human
memory aid
Any code that helps the data-entry person remember
how to enter the data or the user remember how to
use the information is a mnemonic
Using a combination of letters and symbols affords a
clear way to code a product so that the code is easily
seen and understood
Instruct either the computer or the decision maker about what action
to take
Generally, take the form of either sequence or mnemonic codes.
The functions that the analyst or programmer desires the computer to
perform with data are captured in function codes.
Short numeric or alphanumeric codes used to spell out precisely what
activities are to be accomplished
Function Codes
Compactly Capture
Functions that the
Computer Must Perform
Be concise
Keep the codes stable
Ensure that codes are unique
Allow codes to be sortable
Avoid confusing codes
Keep the codes uniform
Allow for modification of codes
Make codes meaningful
Overly long codes mean more keystrokes and
consequently more errors
Long codes also mean that storing the information in
a database will require more memory
Short codes are easier for people to remember and
easier to enter
If codes must be long, they should be broken up into
Stability means that the identification code for a customer
should not change each time new data are received
Don’t change the codes in a mnemonic system
makes it extremely difficult for data entry personnel to adapt.
Make sure that users can do what you intend to do with the
codes you create
If you are going to manipulate the data usefully, the codes must be
Numerical codes are much easier to sort than alphanumeric data
Avoid using coding characters that look or sound alike
Data that change or vary with every transaction
Example: the quantity of supplies purchased each time an
advertising firm places an order with the office supply wholesaler.
Recording the time of the transaction
Calculating new values from input
Storing and retrieving data on demand
Data are poured rapidly into the wide mouth of the
system only to be slowed in its “neck” because of
an artificially created instance of insufficient
processing for the volume or detail of the data
being entered
The fewer steps involved in inputting data, the
fewer chances there are for the introduction of
One way a bottle neck can be avoided is by
ensuring that there is enough capacity to handle
the data that are being entered.
Use of an online, real-time system that captures customer
data without necessitating the completion of a form is an
excellent example of saving steps in data entry.
With effective forms, it is not necessary to
reenter information that the computer has
already stored, or data such as time or
date of entry that the computer can
determine automatically
Need for User
Accuracy Cost currently
speed training
in use
• Special function keys to open programs
• Keys used to scroll and explore the Web
Bar codes
• Saves labor costs
• Allows the automatic capturing of data for inventory
Microsoft Tags
• Code is a Web link
• Allows collecting and storing data subjected to analytics
• Allows automatic collection of data using a tag that contains
a chip and an antenna
• Two types: Passive and active RFID tags
Optical Character Recognition
• Eliminates many of the time-consuming and error-fraught steps
of other input devices
Mark-Sense Forms
• Stray marks on form can be entered as incorrect data
• Allows data entry through a scanner that senses where marks
have been made on special forms
The critical importance of
catching errors during input,
prior to processing and storage
cannot be overemphasized
Potential problems
Validating input
Validating input data
Submitting the wrong data
• E.g. Attempt to input a patient’s Social Security number
into a hospital’s payroll system
Submitting of data by an unauthorized person
• E.g. Only the supervising pharmacist should be able to
enter inventory totals for controlled substances in the
Asking the system to perform an unacceptable function
• It would be logical for a human resources manager to
update the existing record of a current employee, but it
would be invalid to ask the system to create a new file
rather than merely update an existing one.
Test for missing data
• A Social Security file would be invalid if it did not include
the payee’s Social Security number.
Cross-reference checks
• The price for which an item is sold should be greater than
the cost paid for the item.
Test for comparison with stored data
GUI screens can help
Check to reduce the number
first for Check the Check the of human input errors
when they incorporate
missing syntax semantics radio buttons, check
data boxes, and drop-down
Sequence codes
Alphabetic derivation codes
Classification codes
Block sequence codes
Cipher codes
Significant-digit subset codes
Mnemonic codes
Uniform character set
Function codes