Role of Caste in Indian Politics Part 2 454869 - 1612790703

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The politics of casteism should be legally banned with strict operation. It has been
observed that although the caste practice is legally banned through the constitution by
Article 17 yet, these have been practiced the society and ultimately penetrate into politics.
Eventually, advantages of these have been taken by the political parties and leaders. In
the states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal these have been more pronounced
hence, the political leaders and parties easily take the chances of these. The ultimate
solution lies to the attitude of the men. The people of the modern society should have
modern attitude not traditional attitude.

Although, India is largest democracy in the world, yet it has to get a mature stage. All the
pre-requisite of vibrant democracy in India is not available because of variety of reasons
like (a) There is a lack of democratic training. (b) There is a lack of well educated
society. (c) There is lack of committed political parties. (d) There is a lack of committed
political leadership. (e) There is a lack of initiative for women empowerment. (f) Neglect
of girls education. (g) There is lack of inter-party and intra-party democracy. (h) Passive
role of civil society. (i) Believes in traditionalism. (j) Widespread poverty and many

There is a need to establish inter-party and intra-party democracy to diminish

undemocratic element in the society. There is a need to stop political corruption,
mismanagement and clientalism. There is a need to eradicate extreme poverty. The strict
operation of constitutional mechanism is required to mitigate different problems arising
out of huge diversity in India. A great, vibrant and constructive role should be played by
the civil society along with the every section of the society because this task is the
collective responsibility of all citizens, politicians, educationists, teachers, students,
intellectuals, businessmen and trade union leaders not of one section of the society.
Proper decentralisation must be materialised through the Panchayati Raj System to
readdress the grievances of all the communities and regions of India. Good and positive
attitude of one community to another is essential to establish religious and communal
harmony and thus to intact national unity and integrity. Even though, the government of
India is committed to protect the unity and integrity of the country by following the ideals
and goals of the constitution yet the unhealthy practices of democracy and the above cited
problems stand on the way to national integration. Not only these but the government of
India has taken certain measures like the establishment of National Integration Council
(1962), organizing national integration conferences and conferences of Chief Ministers of
States from time to time etc. to achieve these objectives. But, the official and procedural
efforts are not adequate and many times failed. As many of the problems of national
integration are political problems and has cultural and psychological dimensions. The
government should ensure that the operation of political practices and system are just and
equal to all groups, regions and communities. The political leadership and political
parties should also rise above narrow interests to face the challenges of national unity and

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