Act09 Muscular System Discussion
Act09 Muscular System Discussion
Act09 Muscular System Discussion
stationary, while the other point of attachment is
movable. The fixed point of attachment of the muscle is
called the anatomical origin, while the movable point of
attachment is called insertion. The part between the
origin and insertion of a muscle is sometimes referred to
as the belly of the muscle. In some instances, muscles
could have more than one origin. These are called
heads. When muscles have several insertions, these are
termed slips.
MUSCULAR Locating its anatomical origin and insertion can
facilitate identification of a muscle. Other clues to identify
SYSTEM muscle include the shape and relative size of the
muscles, direction of the muscle fibers, as well as the
action of the muscles. It is worthwhile to note that these
factors mentioned are also the bases for naming
muscles. Table below provide examples on how muscles
are named:
Objectives At the end of the meeting, the students should be able to:
1. Dissect the frog/toad to demonstrate major muscle groups.
2. Identify the major muscles in frog/toad.
3. Relate the action of the muscles based on their anatomical location and
Preserved toad/frog
Dissecting pan
Dissecting set (must include forceps, pins, scissors, and scalpel)
1. Obtain a preserved frog/toad and rinse off excess formalin with tap water.
Place the specimen ventral side up on a dissecting pan.
2. With the use of a scissors, make a midventral slit on the skin of the
specimen from the anal region up to the tip of the lower jaw. Be sure that
the pointed ends of the scissors are directed upward while making the slit
to avoid injuring the underlying muscles.
3. Make a transverse cut around the body just above the hindlimbs, and
another one anterior to the forelimbs.
4. Carefully pull off the skin of the hindlimbs and forelimbs, inner side out.
5. Remove the skin of the head around the eyes. In toads, the skin covering
the head can be removed but with difficulty.
6. Notice the large spaces between the skin and muscles where the skin is
not attached. These are the subcutaneous lymph sacs.
1. Submentalis- find this small transverse muscle located at the anterior tip
of the mandible
3. Geniohyoid- cut the median raphe and deflect the mylohyoid laterally. A
pair of longitudinal flat muscles can be seen on the ventral midline, the
6. Pectoralis- deflect ventrally the cutaneous pectoralis and locate this group
of fan-shaped muscles that are also found posterior to the sternoradialis.
This group of muscles can be divided into three parts: anterior, medial,
and posterior pectoralis.
Origin Sternum
Insertion Humerus
Action Flexor, adductor, and rotator of the arm
1. Sartorius- locate the flat strap-like muscle running obliquely along the
ventral side of the thigh.
Origin Pubis
Insertion Tibiofibula
Action Flexes the shank; adducts the thigh
2. Adductor longus- this muscle can be seen by cutting the belly of the
sartorius muscle
Origin Ilium
Insertion Femur
Action Adducts the thigh
3. Adductor magnus- find the thick muscle near the groin area. This is seen
as a triangle when the sartorius is in place. This is also the muscle
immediately posterior to the adductor longus.
4. Gracilis major- locate this large muscle with oblique fibers situated
posterior to the adductor magnus.
Origin Ischium
Insertion Tibiofibula
Action Adducts the thigh; flexes the shank
5. Gracilis minor- find this long strip, narrow muscle at the posterior margin
of gracilis major.
Origin Ischium
Insertion Tibiofibula
Action Adducts the thigh; flexes the shank
Origin Ischium
Insertion Tibiofibula
Action Adducts the thigh; flexes the leg
7. Gastrocnemius- locate this large muscle situated at the back of the
shank. Observe the white tissues (fascia) surrounding the belly of this
8. Tibialis posticus- find this long, narrow but thick muscle anterior to the
gastrocnemius and partly covered by it. This is seen attached to the
surface of the tibiofibula.
9. Extensor cruris- locate this short, slender muscle at the anterior proximal
half of the tibiofibula. In the toad, this muscle is not well-defined.
10. Flexor tarsi anterior- find this narrow muscle distal to the extensor cruris.
In the toad, this muscle is not well-defined.
11. Tibialis anticus- locate the most anterior muscle of the shank which can
also be seen dorsally. This muscle splits into two slips distally.
Origin Femur
Insertion Distal end of the astragalus and calcaneus
Action Flexor of the foot
C. Ventral Muscles of the Forelimbs
Origin Scapula
Insertion Deltoid ridge
Action Adducts the forearm
2. Triceps brachii- locate this large muscle that is situated at the posterior
side of the upper arm which could be seen both dorsally and ventrally.
NOTE: Other muscles of the upper arm are too small to be traced.
2. Gluteus- find this small but thick muscle found anterior to the vastus
externus and medial to the rectus femoris.
Origin Ilium
Insertion Proximal end of the femur
Action Rotates the femur forward
Origin Urostyle
Insertion Femur
Action Pulls the urostyle to one side; draws the femur dorsally
Store the dissected toad in a container with 10% formalin. This will be used in the
next activity.
Duran, A.P. 1987. Laboratory Manual in General Zoology. A.P. Duran Enterprises.
Hickman, C.P., F.M. Hickman and L. Kats. 1997. Laboratory Studies in Integrated
Principles of Zoology. 9th edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. pp. 251-265.