Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
B. Establishing a Let the students do the Estimate first. Record the Activity A. Determine the dimension of
purpose for the following and write their object’s estimation, actual Choose the most the following using the
lesson answers on the notebook. measurement and their appropriate instrument to specified metric units only.
a. Measure the length and difference on the table use in measuring the Record your results in the table
width of your Math book below. Use centimetre weights of the given below and compute for each
using your thumb’s width and inch. objects. For the weight, objects volume using the unit
and the ruler check (√) only one of the used to measure the object’s
b. Measure the length of dimension. Complete the table
given units.
your classroom using foot by expressing/converting the
length and meter stick volume using specified units.
c. Compare your Object (For reference, see LCTG,
measurement with those pp.99-103)
of your classmate (at least 1. Length of the
3) and write your classroom
observations. 2. Height of the door
3. Length of a chalk
4. Length of shoe
5. Height of chair
l w h
r h
l w h
b h H
1. ₱5 - coin r
2.a monoblock chair
3.barbie doll
4.A piece of brick
-gram (g)
-kilogram (kg)
-pound (lb)
1. What was your reason
for choosing which
instrument to use?
2. What was your reason
for choosing which unit to
3. What other kinds of
instruments for measuring
weight do you know?
4. What other units of
weight do you know?
C. Presenting examples/ Based from the activity, Conversion of Metric Metric System A.
instances of the answer the following System of Measure Conversion 1. Change 2.46 hL to cL
lesson questions: Solution:
1. Did you experience Study the metric To convert smaller unit to Since there are 4 spaces
difficulty when you were converter illustrated larger unit move to the left. between hL and cLm
doing the actual below. move the decimal point 4
1. Change 465 cg to dkg
measuring? times to the right.
2. What have you noticed 465 cg = 0.465 dkg
on your results and of
your classmates? To convert larger unit to
3. Can you relate an smaller unit move to the 2. Change the volume of
experience in your right. 45 000 milliliters of liquid
community where non – to liter.
standard unit of km hm dam m dm
2. Change 7.95 kg to g Solution: There are 3
cm mm
measurement was 7.95 kg =7 950 g spaces between mL and
used? L, thus move the decimal
English System
4. At present, what are To convert hectometer point 3 times to the left.
some of the standard to decimeter, count the
unit of measurement Example 1. Convert 60
spaces from hm to dm, ounce into pounds
are used? and move the decimal A. For three dimensional
Show to the class the point in the same unit, use the metric
different primitive ways of direction as many converter below.
measurements spaces as Example 2. Convert 3 1. Change 750 mm3 to
indicated in the kg into pounds cm3
diagram. Solution: There is only one
space between the two
units. Thus the decimal
1. 5.4321 hm = 5432.1 dm point is moved
2. 0.985 km = 985 m
3 times to the left.
Conversion of English
system to Metric system
or vice versa
1 inch = 2.54 cm
3.3 feet = 1 meter
Example: Convert 60
inches into meter
E. Discussing new Identify whether the unit of Measure the length of Encircle the best estimate Convert the following to
concepts and measure is expressed in each line segment and of the weight of the the indicated measures.
practicing new skills standard form. If Yes write convert to the indicated following: 1. 459 mL = _____ L
#2 IWY and VOICE if No. unit. 1. a cup of coffee 2. 0.375 L = _____ mL
1. 15 paces (For clearer view, see a. 245 mg 3. 396 L = _____ kL
6. 7 hours DLP/LCTG) b. 245 g 4. 36 000 mm3= _____
2. 10 gallons c. 250 kg dm3
7. 12 meters 2. a 25 centavo coin 5. 1 gal = _____ pt
3. 25 cubits a. 8 mg
8.10 digits b. 8 g
4. 7 kilos c. 8 kg
9. 8 meters 3. a glass of water
5. 10 spans a. 400 mg
10. 12 liters b. 400 g
c. 400 kg
4. a thick book
a. 1.5 mg
b. 1.5 g
c. 1.5 kg
5. a nail
a. 0.5 mg
b. 0.5 g
c. 0.5 kg
F. Developing mastery Match each term with its Convert the following Convert the following A. Convert the following:
(Leads to Formative meaning. Write the letter measures of length measurements
Assessment 3) of your answer. 1. 9.56 kg = ______ dg 1. 500 mL = _____ dL
____1. The metric unit 1. 36 in = ________ ft 2. 654.3 dg = ______ g 2. 10 cm3 = _____ mm3
used for length 2. 21 ft = ________ yd 3. 9.268 mg = ____ cg 3. 120 oz = ______ qt
____2. The thickness or 4. 3.54 kg = ______ hg 4. 3 ft3 = ______ in3
width of the index finger 3. 3 yd = ________ in 5. 455 g =_______ kg 5. 150 m3 = ______ ft3
____3. The distance of B. What is the water
one full step 4. 3 mi = ________ft depth of each tank? (1
____4. A hundred liter = 1 000 cm3)
meters 5. 6 ft = ________ in
____5. The distance
from the elbow to the
f. hand span
1 mm = 0.001 m (1/1
1cm = 0.01 m (1/100)
1dm = 0.1 m (1/10)
1m = 1m
1dam = 10 m
1hm = 100 m
1km = 1000 m
Common English
Inches (in) 12 in = 1 ft
Feet (ft) 3 ft = 1 yd
Yards (yd) = 1 mi
Miles (mi) 1 mi =
I. Evaluating learning Tell what metric unit of Compare each pair of Solve these problems. Solve.
measure is appropriate in measurements using <, > A swimming pool in a park
measuring the following: 1. A boy weighing 27.6 is 20 m wide, 30 m long,
or =.
9. The height of your kilograms sits on one end and 4 m deep. What is the
mother 1. 1 m ___ 10 dm of the seesaw. How many capacity of the pool in
10. The length of your 2. 1 dm ___ 1 dam grams should liter?
ballpen 3. 5 ft ____ 60 in another boy weigh if he is
11. The distance of your 4. 2 000 cm ____2 m to balance the first boy on
home from your school 5. 1 mi _____ 2 km
12. The length of a book the opposite end?
13. The thickness of this
book 2. Angel bought 3 kg of
glutinous rice and 3.3 lb of
brown sugar to make
kalamay. Which of
the ingredient did she
have more of?
3. Edna takes 500
milligrams of vitamin C
every day. How many
grams of vitamin C did
Edna take in 30 days?
J. Additional activities Use a tape measure to Solve: Solve. Find the volume of the L
for application or measure different parts of A baby boy was born blocks below.
your body. Write each 1.Jose rode 2 km on his exactly 9 pounds. He
measurement to the bike. His sister Lina rode gained an average of 2
nearest millimetre and 3000 meters on her bike. pounds in a month. How
centimetre. Who rode the farthest and much will he weigh in
a. around your waist how much farther did they kilogram on his first
b. around your neck ride (answer in km)? birthday?
c. from your knee to your
feet 2. Jasmin is measuring
two extension cords. The
first cord is 60 cm long
and the other cord is 5
feet long. How longare the
two cords together?
(answer in cm)
1. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
2. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No. of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?