CH 21 Multiple Choice Flashcards - Quizlet
CH 21 Multiple Choice Flashcards - Quizlet
CH 21 Multiple Choice Flashcards - Quizlet
An assurance report on D
information can provide
assurance about the
a. Reliability
b. Relevance
c. Timeliness
d. All of the above
Which of the following b. An engagement to report on compliance
professional services would with statutory requirements.
be considered an attest
a. a management
consulting engagement to
provide IT advice to a client
b. an engagement to report
on compliance with
statutory requirements
c. an income tax
engagement to prepare
federal and state tax
d. compilation of financial
statements from a client's
accounting records
An accountant may accept d. Distribution of the report is restricted to the
an engagement to apply specified users
agreed-upon procedures
to prospective financial
statements, provided that:
a. a review includes
assessing the accounting
principles used and
significant estimates made
by management
b. a review includes
examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements
c. the accountant is not
away of any material
modifications that should
be made to the financial
d. the accountant does not
express an opinion or any
other form of assurance on
the financial statements
Financial statements of a b. All information included in the financial
nonpublic entity that have statements is the representation of the
been reviewed by an management of the entity.
accountant should be
accompanied by a report
stating that:
a. CFE
d. CIA
a. performance standards
b. implementation
c. ethical standards
d. attribute standards
The four principles of the a. Confidentiality, competency, objectivity, and
IIA Code of Ethics are: integrity
a. confidentiality,
competency, objectivity,
and integrity
b. objectivity,
independence, compliance,
and due diligence
c. honesty, integrity,
independence, and
d. integrity, confidentiality,
independence, and
a. processing integrity
b. online privacy
c. digital certificate
d. availability
Which of the following b. The financial statements created by the
assurances is not provided system are free of material misstatements
by compliance with Trust
Services principles?
a. assurance services
b. consulting/facilitating
c. direct services
d. system design services
Which of the following is a. Tax Planning
not considered one of the
six general categories of
assurance services
provided by CPA firms?
A) Tax planning.
B) Information system
C) Health care
performance measurement.
D) Risk assessment.
Which of the following c. Reporting on compliance with a university's
services would be accreditation requirements
considered an attest
A) Compilation of financial
statements from an entity's
accounting records.
B) Providing information
systems advice to a former
audit client.
C) Reporting on
compliance with a
university's accreditation
D) Providing advice on the
structure of the internal
audit function for an entity
whose external audit is
performed by another firm.
Unlike GAAS, the d. An understanding of the clients internal
attestation standards do control structure
not contain a requirement
that auditors obtain
A) Independence in fact
and in mental attitude.
B) Sufficient evidence to
support the conclusion
expressed in their report.
C) Adequate background
and knowledge in the
subject matter being
D) An understanding of the
entity's internal control
A) Audit engagement.
B) Attest engagement.
C) Assurance engagement.
D) Special reports
When a CPA firm examines a. Limits distribution of the projections to
projected financial specified users
statements, the firm's report
should include a separate
paragraph that
A) Performing analytical
B) Obtaining a general
understanding of the
entity's methods and
policies related to the
capitalization of assets.
C) Obtaining a
representation letter from
D) Observing the year-end
inventory count and
subsequent testing of
inventory counts.
When engaged to compile a. Qualifications of the accounting department
the financial statements of personnel
a nonpublic entity, the CPA
is required to possess a
general knowledge of the
entity's accounting
priniciples and practices.
This requirement will most
likely include obtaining an
understanding of the
A) Qualifications of the
accounting department
B) Risk factors associated
with potential illegal acts.
C) Internal control
structure in place.
D) None of the above are
required for a compilation.
The objectivity of an a. Audit Committee
internal audit department
will most likely be
enhanced if its reports to
the client's
A) Audit committee.
B) Chief Financial Officer
C) Controller.
D) Senior Management
Team [as a group].
A) Security.
B) Authentication.
C) Processing integrity.
D) Confidentiality.
Which of the following is a. Audit of Financial statements for SEC filing
not a service typically
provided by internal
A) Audit of financial
statements for SEC filing.
B) Operational auditing.
C) Compliance reviews.
D) Evaluation of risks and
A) Integrity.
B) Objectivity.
C) Due Professional Care.
D) Competency.
Which of the following is a d. Managing the internal audit activity
performance standard from
the International Standards
for the Professional
Practice of Internal
A) A compilation.
B) A review.
C) An audit.
D) None of the above.