Practice Quiz - Week 2
Practice Quiz - Week 2
Practice Quiz - Week 2
The following set of questions will help you check your understanding of the
concepts explained so far.
B Balance Sheet
B ii & iii
DD i, ii, iii
A. Equipment
B Accounts Payable
C Building
D Furniture
4 Which of the following is not a fixed asset?
A. Equipment
B Vehicles
C Computer
D Inventory
The most important asset of a IBM Corporation is its “Brand Image”. The
5 financial accounting system does not record the same, as it is -
A. It is a non-monetary asset
C It is an intangible
6 The cost of fixed asset should include only the invoice cost
A Land
B Patent
C Accounts Receivable
D Building
Expenses for routine maintenance of the equipment should be added to the cost
9 of the equipment.
Cash 500
Inventory 4,000
Goodwill 9,000
AB Co. purchased an equipment at Rs.4,000. The freight charges incurred was Rs.
100. The company incurred installation cost Rs. 200. The total cost of the
11 equipment is:
A. Rs.4,000
B Rs.4100
C Rs.4,300
D Rs.4,400
The credit sales generated during the year 2016 for LT Co. is Rs. 300,000. Based
on past experience, 2% of the sales remains uncollected. Calculate the amount
14 for allowance for doubtful debt as per percentage of sales method.
A. Rs.3,000
B Rs.3500
C Rs.6,000
D Rs.4,000
15 S Corp. has the following balance sheet elements as of December 31, 2012. Rs.
Land 12,000
Building 18,500
Inventory 8,000
Equipment 5,000
Answer: 1-B, 2-A, 3-B, 4-D, 5-B, 6-B, 7-C, 8-C, 9-B, 10-C, 11-6,300, 12-False, 13-A, 14-C, 15-Rs. 41500