W. Henze
Bundesamt far Bauwesen und Raumordnung, Refer at V32
Projektmanagement Museumsinsel
Bodestrafle 1-3, 10178 Berlin
The restoration works of the past few years accompanied the structural stabi-
lization and consolidation of the building after completion of the replacement
foundation in 1996. Furthermore, these measures were intended to preserve as
far as possible the fabric of the ruined part of the Neues Museum. With a purely
conserving character, they were designed to keep options for further restoration
In the course of the erection of the Neues Museum building, numerous new
materials and techniques were tested and used which were innovative at that
time. For the current restoration works to take place, this requires large-scale
material and damage analyses and studies, often prompting the development of
new restoration techniques. Three examples of recent restoration works shall be
used in this paper to highlight issues and strategies.
The Neues Museum was one of the most important projects during a period of
technical innovation in mid-19th century Prussia. Friedrich August Stuler and
his collaborators and contractors -firstand foremost the engineer Carl Wilhelm
Hoffmann, the technical designer and manufacturer of iron building elements
and machines August Borsig, and the architectural theoretician Carl Boetticher
- erected a building which represented, for them, the initial point of a new ap-
proach to construction based on design and technical concepts - their answer to
Heinrich Htibsch's question: "In which style shall we build?". The willingness of
the participants to innovate was crucial to developing the Neues Museum con-
struction site to an experimental field where revolutionary constructional me-
thods were used. Three of these were instrumental in the erection process, the
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 39 © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Originally, there were wire plaster ceilings in two smaller rooms of which only
the Bernward Room ceiling at level two survives, severely damaged. The in-situ
remnants are the earliest pieces of evidence of the application of this technique
in Northern Germany. They prove, with their deficiencies and faults, the dif-
ficulties encountered in the introduction process of a new method at the age of a
technical revolution in Prussian construction.
The three massive vaults above the Bemward Room were established for static
reasons - they neutralize the shearing of the seven ceiling vaults in the
neighbouring Modern Room. The feature of the suspended ceiling was chosen
for design reasons - it repeats, in its form and decorative scheme, the Modern
Room ceiling vaults.
The wire plaster ceiling introduced a "deceiving element" into architecture. The
surface of a scenery-like lightweight construction conceals the "real" ceiling
needed for static reasons. Therefore, these suspended ceilings do not represent a
decorative element in the sense of Boetticher's decorative form, i.e. a decoration
which, whilst covering the structurally determined core form, explains it by
means of design, thus keeping the structural system visible. Here, the suspended
ceilings, by contrast, create an own level of design which does not relate to the
real ceiling construction of the room (except for the points of suspension).
In Northern Germany, this technique was first applied in the Neues Museum
whereas international (and predominantly French) examples already existed. In
his 1862 publication, Stiller wrote "that the polygonal room for religious objects
of art was spanned by a vault due to the lack of sufficient abutment. Between the
wrought iron ribs, the wire mesh vaults with a two inch layer of gypsum are
formed. As we know, a similar construction had been used for the dome vault
above the older room of the Paris Deputies' Chamber (during the 1833 alterati-
ons to the Palais Bourbon by J. J.-B. de Joly) and for the panelled ceiling of the
Walhalla near Regensburg (1830-32 by Klenze)."
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 39 © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Only in 1878, the Berlin master mason Carl Rabitz was granted thefirstpatent
for the manufacturing of a "fire-resistant ceiling plaster under wooden beams"
where the wire mesh was tightened by a winch. He used hair-fibered lime mort-
ar. These were two major improvements to the technique used in the Neues
Museum. Wire plaster ceilings became a standard technique under the term
"Rabitz ceiling".
In two of the Neues Museum rooms, the wire plaster technique was used. The
one-bay Bemward Room at level two got a plaster vault suspended from the
massive ceiling vaults; at level three, the Star Room mentioned by Stiller (see
above) was situated with its copy of a late Gothic star vault suspended from the
rooftruss. We have quite precise records of the construction of the ceiling in
1847: The star vault ribs consisted offlatiron bars on edge which were fixed to
each other by bolted angles and were mortised into the walls at the points of
support. Mesh wire was tightened between the ribs. To establish the plaster
coat, two procedures were mentioned: the pouring of the mortar from above and
the plastering of the vaults. This is confirmed by the few surviving fragments.
Roman cement and gypsum were used as cementing agents for the pouring;
gypsum and hydrated lime were used for the plastering. A thin finish coat
which consisted of pure lime mortar formed the base for the facing. The exi-
sting written evidence from the time of erection does not reveal any detail of the
composition of the shuttering. Many of the surviving undercoat fragments show,
at their upper sides, the pattern of the grout layer, i.e. the positive of the shutte-
ring surface. The imprinted pattern leads to the assumption that a coarse bas-
ketwork-like structure had been used for shuttering. This seems to be plausible
with a maximum width of the star vaults of appr. 2 meters. The more sophisti-
cated construction of a wooden shuttering was not required. After shuttering
removal, a well-structured surface was established which was an appropriate
plaster base.
We do not know exactly when the wire plaster ceiling in the Bemward Room
was constructed. From the reports of the completion of the second floor wall
paintings in 1850, we can conclude that the ceiling was carried out simultane-
ously to the Star Room ceiling. The pouring technique could not be applied to
the simple Bemward Room vault because the wire plaster ceiling was positioned
at a very close distance to the load-bearing structure. The upper side of the cei-
ling shows the typical mortar appearance, the pattern of the wire mesh can be
seen very clearly, the lower side is a typical example of the mortar levelled on
the wire mesh. The layer composition is similar to the Star Room: the upper
mortar and one undercoat layer consist of a gypsum-lime mortar. Different
compositions of the plaster reveal the fact that experiments were made to find
out an ideal mortar composition and that the technique was far from perfect.
Multiple repairs and improvements can be seen very clearly in the present state.
The finish coat, which is up to 5 mms thick and serves as the base for ceiling
paintings, consists of a highly compacted and smoothed lime mortar to which
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 39 © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
very fine sand was added, as well as a large portion of cementing agent. This
composition can be found very often in the Neues Museum building. The wire
mesh also proves the lacking experience of the craftsmen who did not succeed
in tightening it properly, thus making pressing-out and plastering probably
extremely difficult.
The main reason for damage is the explosive effect of the corroded iron wire
mesh. The high gypsum concentration in the mortar supported the corrosion of
the iron. Due to the exposition of the room to exterior climate conditions,
moisture got into the room leading to condensation on the brickwork surfaces,
especially in spring. The wire mesh sits immediately on the lower side of the
pressed-out mortar which was levelled with a trowel. This methodical error
contributed to the adhesive failure of the undercoat plaster. Mechanical impact
and the untightened wire mesh further contributed to the progression of the
damage, with the result that, at the time when the stabilization works started, all
possible states of damage had to be treated. Only very tiny fragments of the
finish coat with the facing survive.
Thefirstmeasures taken were intended to move the load off the exposed parts of
the wire mesh. Rubble deposits were removed, the surviving plaster pieces were
hung on a supporting construction made of round-bar steel. This construction
was inserted between the massive ceiling and the suspended ceiling.
The most difficult conservation problem was to protect the iron from corrosion
in the slightly acid gypsum-lime mortar milieu. The method of re-alkalization,
which had already been used in concrete conservation, was considered most
promising. It had to be adapted to the special conditions on the wire plaster
ceiling. The principle which underlies re-alkalization is the electro-chemical
replacement of the sulphate ions immediately surrounding the iron with carbo-
nate ions, i.e. the conversion of gypsum causing corrosion to calcium carbonate.
After positive outcomes of laboratory tests and of an on-site sample surface
treatment, re-alkalization was applied to the surviving parts of the Bernward
Room wire plaster ceiling. Exposed parts of mesh wire had to be re-embedded
into mortar. Mortar-free spots were filled with lime mortar. At spots where
original mortar survives, the lower side, with its exposed wire mesh, got a thin
limewash coat. On the prepared surface, corrosion-resistant anode plates made
of platinized titanium were embedded into the lime mortar, with an in-between
distance of about 10 cms. The original wire functioned as a cathode, with a
voltage of 40 V applied. In the course of a fortnight, the ceiling surface was
sprayed in regular intervals with lime water, having an electrolytic effect. Then,
with the voltage still applied, it could get dry. The expected effect was proven
by several analyses: On the wire surface, calcite crystal deposits could be iden-
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 39 © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
tified, the area immediately surrounding the wire is sulphate-free, with a strong
alkaline reaction.
A permanent installation of this cathodic protection to the original mesh wire is
necessary to keep the present state stable and to prevent further corrosion to
occur, even with a possible impact of moisture. The procedure has been applied
successfully for quite a long time to protect underground iron pipelines from
corrosion. The permanent system will be identical to re-alkalization, with the
exception that the anodes are fixed to the upper side of the suspended ceiling.
Only when Werner von Siemens invented the generator in 1866, the manu-
facturing of large-size galvanoplastic objects became a method competitive to
bronze casting. The 1890s were the years of large-scale manufacturing, predo-
minantly in the Wurttemberg Metalware Factory.
The Berlin protagonists of galvanoplastics, Baron of Hackewitz and Julius Win-
kelmann, have nearly fallen into oblivion today, maybe due to the later do-
minance of the Wurttemberg Metalware Factory. At the 1850 Berlin Art Exhi-
bition, Julius Winkelmann presented, as director of the Royal Galvanoplastic
Institute, a "colossal Juno bust" whose individual form parts were galvanically
linked to each other.
Winkelmann presented, also in 1850, the cost estimate for the exterior finishes
of the Neues Museum main entrance door. There is evidence of the completion
date: In April 1852, the master joiner Wanschaff was sent a reminder by the
project engineer Adler to complete the doorwings "since Herr Winkelmann has
already finished his electroplating works". In 1853, Friedrich Adler mentioned,
in his publication in the Journal of Construction, the main entrance as just
completed "which was electroplated and bronzed in the Berlin Royal Galvano-
plastic Institute, using models by Berges, Schiffelmann et al.".
The exterior copper sides of the main entrance door (with a height of 4.46 m
and a width of appr. 1.15 m) correspond, in formal and structural terms, to the
panel constructions of the massive oak-wood doorframes. The copper frames
were made of rolled sheet, thefivepanels of one doorwing show rich ornamen-
tal and figurative elements and were manufactured as hollow copper galvanoes.
They were fixed to the frame by iron braces. After the assembly of the door-
wings, they were electroplated with copper in order to create a homogeneous
finish. Lastly, an artificial patination was performed to achieve a bronze-like
3.3 Damage
The doorwings have suffered minor damage from shell splinters in 1945. The
fixing elements on the oak-wood doorwings were made of iron, galvanic corro-
sion destroyed them to a very large extent. The main damage is a deposit of
grained green corrosion products on the originally bronzed copper finish. This
was caused by a decade-long storage in an environment with a high impact of
moisture and dirt. All iron fixing elements were damaged by galvanic corrosion.
4 Plastering techniques
Since Antiquity, marmorino plaster and stucco lustro are well-known in con-
struction. The levelled and polished finishes and the marble imitations were in
high demand when it came to designing state-of-the-art interiors. The ancient
techniques required, however, a very high amount of time and workforce since
the finish coat made of slaked lime and marble powder was levelled with a hot
trowel until it was press-polished. In the course of time, this prompted nu-
merous experiments with new material compositions to achieve a productivity
increase, apparently also during the construction of the Neues Museum. This
has partly led to damage.
The upper wall paintings in the exhibition rooms were given a quite coarse lime
plaster probably with the intention to create a fresco-like character of the pain-
tings (which were bound by oil wax resp. water glass). Stiller placed a special
emphasis on the quality of the finishes on the walls' central sections as they
formed the background to the exhibits. The plasterer, as is still common today,
hadfirstto correct the imprecisions of the mason. This was made with a level-
ling plaster coat, partly with several layers and with an overall thickness of up
to 8 cms. This plaster consisted of a coarse-grained sand with up to 30 per cent
gypsum and lime. Normally, an undercoat plaster was produced which con-
tained lime as cementing agent and a smaller portion of gypsum or no gypsum
at all.
The finish coat, only a few millimeters thick, created the base for the facing. It
contained solely lime as cementing agent. Plastered areas which were to be
covered by an opaque wax paint coat were addedfinestquartz sand. Marmorino
plaster (i.e. lime plaster with marble powder aggregate) was applied where
glazing paints were to be used. Stucco lustro served to achieve an extraordinary
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 39 © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
high finish quality in selected rooms. It was a coloured marmorino plaster with
marble painting which was press-polished in several consecutive treatments.
The most frequent type of damage to the different types of finish coat is their
detachment from the undercoat plaster, causing deformations, cracking and
fragmentarization of larger areas. Originally, assumptions had been made that
the damage was due to the inappropriate layer composition of the plaster (the
upper finish coat layer is the most rigid one) or to a lack resp. variation of the
layers' thickness, as well as to movements caused by thermic load. Studies were
commissioned to verify the assumptions, including a mapping of the damage
and of the thickness of the finish coat layer in selected areas and an
establishment of strength profiles of the plaster layers via drilling resistance
measurement. None of the initial assumptions could be confirmed. After a study
of building records in which the technique was precisely described and after an
analysis of the marmorino plaster and of the undercoat plasters, there is a strong
case for the assumption that the cracks were caused by an inappropriate manu-
facturing technology: A very thinfinishcoat which was far too fat was put on a
levelled and cemented undercoat plaster. It was then compacted by pounding
and smoothing. Dependent on the degree of compaction, it was hardly possible
to establish an adhesion of the two plaster coats.
It was crucial to find out the original plaster composition in order to develop a
composition of a replacement mortar and to identify the reasons for damage.
This is difficult with marmorino plasters because cementing agent and aggrega-
te are chemically identical. We used a multi-step solution process to extract the
aggregate without a considerable loss (with the possible exception that dust
particles could have been solved). The result confirmed the estimates made with
the help of a series of micro-photographs showing embedded ground sections:
The ratio of lime and marble is 2 to 1, the aggregate is extremely fine-grained.
The finish coat is extremely compacted, almost no pores are visible in the gro-
und parts of the material Different compositions can be found in the individual
rooms with characteristics more different than could be explained by imprecisi-
ons typical of the construction process. This leads to the assumption that expe-
riments were made by the contractors. One example to prove the probable failu-
re of such an experiment is the smoothed and polished marmorino plaster in the
Niobid Room which had got crackle-likefissuresand was covered by a thick
opaque wax paint coat.
After determining the reasons for damage, it is now essential to stop the pro-
gression of damage and decay, as well as to develop restoration techniques. The
separation of the layers of undercoat plaster and levelling plaster causes no
difficulties, tried and tested filling and consolidation materials can be applied. It
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 39 © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Restorer: B. Irmer,
Fehrbelliner Str. 55, 10119 Berlin