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Sci (2018) 7(9): 2423-2431

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 09 (2018)
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Original Research Article

Effect of Biofertilizers, Organic Manures and Chemical Fertilizers on

Microbial Population, Yield and Yield Attributes and Quality of Sweetcorn
(Zea mays L., saccharata) cv. Madhuri

B.H. Panchal*, V.K. Patel, K.P. Patel and R.A. Khimani

Department of Horticulture, B.A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University,

Anand, Gujarat, India

*Corresponding author


A field experiment was conducted at the Main Maize Research Station, Anand
Agricultural University, and Godhra to study the “Effect of Biofertilizers, Organic
manures and Chemical fertilizers on Microbial population, Yield attributes and Yield and
Quality of Sweetcorn (Zea mays L., saccharata) cv. Madhuri The experiment was laid out
Keywords in randomized block design with four replication and fifteen treatments. The results of
study revealed that an increase in dehusked cob's length and girth, number of cobs and
Chemical fertilizers,
average weight of cobs were recorded highest in the treatment (T 8) where seed inoculation
Microbial population, with biofertilizers (Azotobacter-1 + PSB1-16) + Vermicompost @ 2.5 t ha-1 + 100% RDF
Yield and quality was given which was at par with T 10 and T2. Treatment T8 produced significantly higher
green cobs and fodder yield followed by T 2 and thereby obtained higher harvest index in
Article Info
treatment T8 followed by T1, T2, T10 and T3. With respects to quality parameters, the total
Accepted: sugar content and TSS were significantly higher under treatment T 8 followed by T10 and T2
18 August 2018 while, ascorbic acid was registered significantly higher under T 13 than rest of the
Available Online: treatments. Moisture content was found non-significant in all the treatments. Looking to
10 September 2018 the results of microbial population, the bacterial, fungal and actinomycetes population
were significantly higher in those treatments receiving Biofertilizers, FYM and
vermicompost except treatment T15 (100% RDF alone) had the lowest microbial
population where only application of chemical fertilizers. The maximum microbial load
was recorded in the treatment (T 8) followed by (T13) and (T10) over rest of the treatments.

Introduction saccharata), a diploid species with 2n = 20

chromosomes, is a member of the grass family
Sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharata) is one of (Grammineae), (Beadle, 1939). Sweet corn is
the most popular vegetable in countries like of relatively recent origin. The major
USA and Canada. It is becoming increasingly difference between sweet corn and field corn
popular in India and other Asian countries. It is its genetic makeup rather than systematic or
is widely used as a fresh or processed and taxonomic characterization. Fresh horticultural
frozen kernel as vegetable which indicates its produce with less chemical residues will be a
popularity. Sweet corn (Zea mays L. boon for the public health (Chaudhary et al.,

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 2423-2431

2004). This is of special importance for level i.e. (ABA-1 + PSB-16) and no
vegetables, which are consumed either raw or biofertilizers and three levels of chemical
mildly cooked. The poor soil health has fertilizers (50% RDF, 75% RDF and 100%
reflected conspicuous decline the yield and RDF) with additional treatments T13
quality of the fresh horticultural produce. This (application of 10 t ha-1 FYM + 2.5 t ha-1 VC
is a matter of major concern. The nutritive and seed inoculated with biofertilizers), T14
value and quality of vegetables depend upon (application of 100% RDF and seed inoculated
genetic, climatic, biotic, edaphic, chemical with biofertilizers) and treatment T15 as
and other factors as well as combinations of control (application of 100% RDF (120:40:0
these factors. Some ecological, cultural and kg NPK ha-1) through chemical fertilizers).
physical factors including fertilizer
management have significant influence on the The seeds of sweet corn variety Madhuri were
chemical and nutritional composition of plants dibbled manually in previously opened
as well as their anatomical and morphological furrows at a distance of 45 cm between rows
structure (Salunkhe and Kadan, 2005). This is and 20 cm within the row @ 20 kg ha-1
possible only when chemical based inputs according to inoculated and uninoculated
supplemented with biologically derived treatments. Two seeds per hill were sown at 3-
inputs/bio-resources and biofertilizers to 4 cm depth. The furrows were slightly covered
supply nutrients. Therefore, biofertilizers are with soil. The full dose of phosphate and one
used as a partial substitute for chemical third quantity of nitrogen in the form of DAP
fertilizers. As sweet corn fits well in semi- and urea were applied as a basal dose and
urban agriculture and it needs to be consumed remaining two third quantity of nitrogen was
in a short time after harvest, contributes to diet applied as top dressing in equal two splits at
diversification and improve nutrition, knee high stage and silking stage. The
therefore this investigation was needed to find Azotobacter-1 and PSB-16 were used 25 g
out integrated nutrients effects on yield, inoculated kg seed-1 containing 108 CFU g-1
microbial load and quality of sweet corn. carrier for treating seed with water slurry a
day prior to sowing.
Materials and Methods
Yield attributes
A field experiment was conducted at the Main
Maize Research Station, Anand Agricultural The biometric observations for all the yield
University, Godhra during the rabi season of attributing characters, except (number of cobs
year 2005-06 and 2006-07 to study the plant-1 and mean weight of cob) were recorded
"Influence of bioorganics and levels of from five randomly selected tagged plants
chemical fertilizers on the growth, yield and within each net plot.
post-harvest quality of sweet corn (Zea mays
L., saccharata) cv. Madhuri.” The soil of Harvest index is the ratio of economic yield to
experimental plot was sandy loam in texture. the biological yield plot-1. It was calculated by
The soil was low in organic carbon and using the formula (Donald and Hamblin
nitrogen, medium in available phosphorous (1976)) as given below.
and high in potassium, during both the years.
The experiment was laid out in randomized Economic yield, kg ha-1
block design with four replication and fifteen HI (%) = --------------------------------------------
treatments. The fifteen treatments comprised Above ground biological yield, kg ha-1 (Green
of two organic manure i.e. FYM, VC, two cobs yield + Green Stover yield)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 2423-2431

Quality parameters plants from central rows of each net plot of the
treatment of respective replication at 60 DAS
Sugar content, moisture, total soluble solids crop stage were taken for soil microbial count
and ascorbic acid (mg100g-1) the individual determination during the year 2006-07.
treatment were determined as per procedure
described below. To estimate the number of soil micro flora,
count were calculated on the basis of serial
Total soluble sugar content of grains of green dilution technique, using pour plate method
cobs of sweet corn was determined by and replicated 10 g soil and appropriate
anthrone reagent method described by dilution as described by Johnson and Curl,
Franscistt et al., (1971). (1972).

Total soluble solids (TSS) was recorded by Statistical analysis

using ERMA hand refractometer with a range
of 0 to 32º Brix and a resolution of 0.2º Brix Both the year data were analyzed and
by placing 1 to 2 drop of clear juice on the presented here only pooled value for better
prism (Rangamma, 1987). explanation. Data on different aspects of sweet
corn crop were subjected to statistical analysis
Spectrophotometric method for determination as per the procedure of Randomized Block
of ascorbic acid with 2, 4-DNPH was used to Design described by Cochran and Cox (1957)
determine ascorbic acid content of green cobs at the Computer Center, Department of
of sweet corn. Agricultural Statistics, BACA, AAU, Anand.
Comparisons of the treatment means were
The moisture content of kernels at harvest was done by using Duncan's Multiple Ranking
determined using the hot air oven during Test (Duncan, 1955).
Results and Discussion
100 (W1 – W2)
Moisture % = ---------------------- Effect of treatments on yield attributes and
W yield

Where, Observation on yield attributing characters of

sweetcorn presented in Table 1, revealed that
W1 = Weight in grams of the dish with the the maximum number of cob plant-1 (1.45
material before drying cob/plant) and average weight of cob (178.53
g/plant) were obtained with application of
W2 = Weight in grams of the dish with the vermicompost @ 2.5 tha-1 + 100 % RDF +
material after drying seed inoculation with biofertilizers in
treatment T8 followed by T10 and T2 than rest
Microbial population of treatments. With respect to dehusked green
cob length and girth, treatment T8 recorded
The composite soil sample collected from plot highest i.e 16.71cm and 14.69 cm respectively
before sowing was taken for determination of followed by T10 and T2. This increased in yield
initial status of soil microbial count. For attributes was due to the growth pattern at
individual treatment the soil sample was different intervals of crop growth phase. It
collected from the root-zone periphery of five might be the reflection of source of nutrient

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 2423-2431

available in the root zone which stimulate the Patil et al., (2001) and Mishra et al., (1998) in
physiological processes in plant, ultimately Maize, Geleta (2004) on sweet corn and Zende
results into increased in girth and length of (2007) on INM in sweet corn.
cob and the integrated effect of inorganic
fertilizer, organic manures and biofertilizers. Effect of treatments on quality parameters
These results are in accordance with Kar et al.,
(2006) on N in sweet corn, Sahoo and Data pertaining to quality parameters
Mahapatra (2004) on N in sweet corn and presented in Table 2 revealed that the total
Zende (2007) on INM in sweet corn. sugar content and TSS were significantly
observed higher under treatment T8 (21.05%
Among the treatments, T8 resulted significant and 17.380brix respectively) followed by T10
increase in green cob and fodder yield. The and T2 than rest of the treatments. The rise in
green cobs yield and green fodder yield were total soluble sugar content of sweet corn might
registered significantly the higher in treatment be due to starch protein hydrolysis to soluble
T8 i.e. 15705 kg/ha and 21917 kg/ha sugar and carbon skeleton has been used for
respectively followed by T2 than rest of the amino acid synthesis and subsequently protein
treatments. The harvest index was observed biosynthesis via TCA intermediate and
significantly higher in treatment T8 (42.55%) increase in photosynthesis rate and
followed by T1, T2, T10, T7, T3, and T9.This chlorophyll content which enhanced total
might be due to the pronounced effect of soluble sugar of sweet corn (Duffs and Duffs,
integrated nutrient management on green cobs 1984). Arbad et al., (2008) found impact of
yield reflects the increased in growth and yield inorganic fertilizers along with vermicompost
attributes of sweet corn, resulted in green and seed inoculation with biofertilizers on
higher cobs yield and fodder yield which total sugar in sweet sorghum due to balance C:
ultimately noted the higher harvest index. N ratio, which improved soil physical,
Further vermicompost application increased chemical and microbial properties and thereby
green cobs yield over FYM application. These increased availability of N, P & K and
might be due to vermicompost which micronutrients. These results were in
improved the soil fertility where all the accordance with Zende N. (2007) in
appropriate nutrients are in readily available sweetcorn, Gutte et al., (2008) in sorghum,
forms to the plants and have narrow C: N ratio Arunkumar et al., (2007b) in sweet corn,
(below 20:1) than FYM. These results are in Khadtare et al., (2006b) in sweet corn and
accordance with the findings by Sambhavi and Hailu et al., (2008) in carrot. The highest
Sharma (2008) in potato. Organic manures ascorbic acid content (7.660 mg/100g) was
along with inorganic fertilizer and seed recorded in T13 than rest of the treatments.
inoculated with azotobacter and phosphate-
solubilizing bacteria had beneficial effect on This might be due to available Zn in organic
green cob yield and green fodder yield. These manures, which ultimately stimulate the
might be due to fixation of atmospheric N and higher ascorbic acid. Zn act as a potential
secretion of growth promoting substances of inhibitor of Cu uptake which forms parts of
azotobacter and increased bacterial efficiency the enzyme ascorbic acid oxidase. These
by phosphobacteria combined together might results were in agreement with Sambhavi and
have increased the growth and yield Sharma (2008) in potato, Bahadur et al.,
parameters as reported by Somani et al., (2006) in garden pea. The moisture content in
(2005). Similar effect was also observed by the kernel of cobs of sweet corn exerted no
Thavanprakash et al., (2005) in baby corn, differences among different treatments.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 2423-2431

Table.1 Effect of biofertilizers, organic manures and chemical fertilizers on yield attributes and yield of sweetcorn
(Zea mays L., saccharata) cv. Madhuri

Treatments Green cob Green cob Number of Average Green cobs Green Harvest
length (cm) girth (cm) cobs plant-1 weight of cob (kgha-1) fodder index (%)
(g) (kgha-1)
bcde bcd cde cde cde c ab
T1 F10 + 100% RDF + B0 15.18 13.41 1.30 156.69 12996 17824 42.21
abc abc abc bc bc bc abc
T2 F10 + 100% RDF + B1 15.62 13.62 1.36 165.79 14098 19565 41.91
def bcdef ef efg de c abcde
T3 F10 + 75% RDF + B0 14.74 13.13 1.24 146.30 12425 17640 41.13
bcde bcde bcd cde cd bc bcdef
T4 F10 + 75% RDF + B1 15.30 13.35 1.33 157.63 13370 19462 40.70
f g g h f d f
T5 F10 + 50% RDF + B0 14.05 12.05 1.07 130.44 8844 13554 39.39
ef fg g gh f d f
T6 F10 + 50% RDF + B1 14.50 12.29 1.12 136.30 9345 14460 39.22
abcd bc cde bcd cd bc abcd
T7 V2.5 + 100% RDF + B0 15.51 13.70 1.30 159.40 13449 18843 41.70
a a a a a a a
T8 V2.5 + 100% RDF + B1 16.71 14.69 1.45 178.53 15705 21917 42.55
bcde cdef cde def cde c abcd
T9 V2.5 + 75% RDF + B0 15.15 13.03 1.28 150.68 13168 18587 41.36
ab ab ab ab ab ab abc
T10 V2.5 + 75% RDF + B1 16.13 14.11 1.39 171.63 15084 21006 41.83
g efg g h f d def
T11 V2.5 + 50% RDF + B0 14.31 12.52 1.10 133.53 9229 13726 40.20
ef defg fg gh f d ef
T12 V2.5 + 50% RDF + B1 14.46 12.66 1.15 138.55 9618 14705 39.62
def defg g fgh f d ef
T13 F10 + V2.5 + B1 14.63 12.81 1.09 139.68 9933 14991 39.73
cde bcd b efg de c cdef
T14 F0 + 100% RDF + B1 15.01 13.41 1.25 146.94 12127 17935 40.36
def abc ef h e c cdef
T15 F0 + 100% RDF + B0 14.83 13.62 1.23 143.89 11805 17311 40.52
S. Em ±: 0.29 0.26 0.03 3.63 497.46 687.85 0.48
C.D. (5 %) : 0.818 0.726 0.075 10.189 1398.2 1933.4 1.336
C.V. % : 5.85 5.93 6.15 7.31 12.55 11.93 3.31
Note : Treatment means with the letter/letters in common are not significant by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test at 5% level of significance

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 2423-2431

Table.2 Effect of Biofertilizers, Organic manures and Chemical fertilizers on Quality

of Sweetcorn (Zea mays L., saccharata) cv. Madhuri
Treatments Moisture Total Soluble Total soluble Ascorbic acid
(%) solids (°brix) sugar (%) (mg/100g)
T1 F10 + 100% RDF + B0 74.37 16.68 cde 19.74 cd 7.350 bcd
T2 F10 + 100% RDF + B1 75.30 17.10 bc 20.15 bc 7.510 abc
T3 F10 + 75% RDF + B0 74.16 15.90 fgh 19.06 efg 7.280 d
T4 F10 + 75% RDF + B1 74.16 16.55 de 19.39 def 7.325 cd
T5 F10 + 50% RDF + B0 74.16 14.98 i 17.63 i 6.950 e
T6 F10 + 50% RDF + B1 74.53 15.50 h 17.96 hi 7.235 d
T7 V2.5 + 100% RDF + B0 75.08 16.75 cd 19.95 bcd 7.360 bcd
T8 V2.5 + 100% RDF + B1 75.35 17.38 ab 21.05 a 7.540 ab
T9 V2.5 + 75% RDF + B0 74.96 15.98 fg 19.53 cdef 7.340 bcd
T10 V2.5 + 75% RDF + B1 75.42 17.35 ab 20.68 ab 7.575 a
T11 V2.5 + 50% RDF + B0 74.75 15.53 gh 17.93 hi 7.170 d
T12 V2.5 + 50% RDF + B1 74.69 15.85 fgh 18.43 gh 7.240 d
T13 F10 + V2.5 + B1 75.47 17.65 a 19.35 def 7.660 a
T14 F0 + 100% RDF + B1 75.37 16.23 ef 19.28 def 7.260 d
T15 F0 + 100% RDF + B0 74.68 16.23 ef 18.89 fg 6.650 f
S. Em ±: 0.45 0.15 0.22 0.060
C.D. (5 %) : NS 0.42 0.64 0.168
C.V. % : 1.090 2.010 2.350 0.660
NS = Non significant
Treatment means with the letter/letters in common are not significant by Duncan's New Multiple Range
Test at 5% level of significance

Table.3 Effect of Biofertilizers, Organic manures and Chemical fertilizers on Microbial

population of Sweetcorn at 60 DAS (Zea mays L., saccharata) cv. Madhuri
Treatments Bacteria Fungi Actinomycetes
Cfug-1x 10-6 of soil Cfug-1x 10-4 of soil Cfug-1x 10-4 of soil
Initial F10 + 100% RDF + B0 6.75 h 11.00 f 12.00 h
T1 F10 + 100% RDF + B1 15.40 cd 21.00 ab 22.00 bcde
T2 F10 + 75% RDF + B0 15.20 cd 15.50 bcdef 24.50 abc
T3 F10 + 75% RDF + B1 14.60 de 20.50 abc 14.00 fgh
T4 F10 + 50% RDF + B0 15.95 bcd 19.50 abc 19.00 bcdefg
T5 F10 + 50% RDF + B1 11.30 fg 17.50 bcde 12.50 gh
T6 V2.5 + 100% RDF + B0 12.30 efg 17.50 bcde 14.50 efgh
T7 V2.5 + 100% RDF + B1 15.60 cd 21.00 ab 23.00 bcd
T8 V2.5 + 75% RDF + B0 18.60 ab 25.00 a 31.00 a
T9 V2.5 + 75% RDF + B1 14.60 de 16.50 bcdef 21.00 bcdef
T10 V2.5 + 50% RDF + B0 18.00 abc 22.50 ab 26.50 ab
T11 V2.5 + 50% RDF + B1 12.05 efg 18.00 abc 16.00 defgh
T12 F10 + V2.5 + B1 13.25 def 18.00 abc 18.00 cdefgh
T13 F0 + 100% RDF + B1 19.60 a 22.00 ab 32.00 a
T14 F0 + 100% RDF + B0 13.85 def 19.50 abc 12.50 gh
T15 F10 + 100% RDF + B0 10.20 g 14.00 cdef 15.50 defgh
S. Em ± 8.52 2.05 2.27
CD 25.68 6.17 6.84
CV% 8.49 15.50 16.41

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 2423-2431

Effect of treatments on micobial population substances, vitamins and enzymes, which in

turn increased the microbial population and in
Result presented in (Table 3) showed addition to this azotobacter +
significant differences in microbial population phosphosolubilizing bacteria increased the
in soil as influenced by different treatments in root biomass production, which resulted in
their microbial build of soil. Results revealed higher production of root exudates increasing
that the highest bacterial load 19.6 x 10-6 cfu the beneficial bacteria, fungi and
g-1 was observed in treatment T13 (F10 + V2.5 + actinomycetes population in rhizosphere
B1) which was at par with T8 (18.60 x 10-6 region. Increase in bacteria population to a
cfug-1) and T10 (18.00 x 10-6 cfug-1). greater extent than actinomycetes and fungi
has been reported by Maheswarappa et al.,
The lowest bacterial load was recorded in T15 (1999) in coconut. Increased in the
(10.20 x 10-6 cfug-1).The highest fungal colonization of total microbes, N-fixers in the
population was recorded in T8 (25.0 x 10-4 VC applied soil compared to control plot has
cfug-1) followed by treatments T10, T13, T2, T7, been reported by Kale et al., (1992). Similar
T3, T4, T14, T11 and T12. The lowest fungal findings reported by Kannan et al., (2005) in
was recorded in T15 (14.00 x 10-4 cfug-1). tomato.
Actinomycetes load was recorded highest in
T13 (32.0 x 10-4 cfug-1) and was at par with T8, In conclusion, the results discussed in the
T10 and T2 whereas the lowest actinomycetes present study revealed that treatment T8 found
load was recorded in T15 (15.5 x 10-4). to be superior with respect to increase
microbial load in soil, yield attributing
Looking to the results, the bacterial, fungal characters and yield as well as for improving
and actinomycetes population were quality of sweetcorn followed by treatment
significantly higher in those treatments T10.
receiving FYM and VC except treatment T15
(100%RDF alone) had the lowest microbial Therefore it is concluded that sustainable
population where only application of higher yield and better quality can be obtained
chemical fertilizers. The maximum microbial with an application of vermicompost @ 2.5 t
counts were found in the treatment T8 ha-1 along with 100% RDF and seed
(V 2.5+100% RDF + B1) followed by T 13 and inoculation with biofertilizers (Azotobacter-1
T8 over rest of the treatments. + PSB1-16) (T8) or an application of
vermicompost @ 2.5 t ha-1 along with 75%
In-organic fertilizers, organic manure and bio RDF and seed inoculation with biofertilizers
fertilizers combined application had greatly (Azotobacter-1 + PSB1-16) (T10) in rabi
influenced on the soil microbial population. sweet corn crop cv Madhuri.
Increased in both general and beneficial
microflora in soil can attributed to more Acknowledgement
availability of nutrients. It is also evidence
from result that the beneficial population of We were thankful to the Director of Research
microbes were more wherever they & Dean PG Studies, Anand Agricultural
introduced than initial. Thus the treatment T8 University Anand, Head of the Department of
and T10 noted positive response with respect Horticulture, Anand Agricultural University,
to different growth character, yield attributes, Anand for accepting the thesis and providing
yield and quality of sweet corn. This may be necessary facilities for my study and research
attributed to the vermicompost containing problem to carry out.
higher amount of growth promoting
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 2423-2431

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How to cite this article:

Panchal, B.H., V.K. Patel, K.P. Patel and Khimani, R.A. 2018. Effect of Biofertilizers, Organic
Manures and Chemical Fertilizers on Microbial Population, Yield and Yield Attributes and
Quality of Sweetcorn (Zea mays L., saccharata) cv. Madhuri. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.
7(09): 2423-2431. doi:


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