Dilki Research

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Gamage Dilki Madushani Gamage

CPM 14977

MC 80034

An Independent Research Report

Submited to the University of Sri Jayawardenepura

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Degree of

B.Sc. Human Resource Management (Special)

Department of Human Resource Management

Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce

University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Sri Lanka

November 2019
This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled “Impact of Employee Training Programs
on Employee Job Performance of Non-Managerial Employee.” Submitted by CPM
14977 (G.D.M. Gamage) to the Department of Human Resource Management of
University of Sri Jayawardenepura in carried out this research project in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the B.Sc. Human Resource
Management (Special) Degree. This is her original work based on the studies carried
out independently by her during the period of study under my guidance and supervision.

…………………………… ……...………………

Signature of Supervisor Date

Dr. N.W.K.D.R. Dayarathne

Senior Lecturer,

Department of Human Resource Management,

Faculty of Management Studies and commerce,

University of Sri Jayawardenepura .


This research project report is submitted to the Department of Human Resource

Management, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce of University of Sri
Jayewardenepura as a partial fulfillment of B.Sc. Human Resource Management
(Special) Degree. I certify that this Dissertation does not incorporate without due
acknowledgement of any material previously submitted for Degree or Diploma in any
University and to the best of my knowledge and belief. It does not contain any material
previously published by another person except where due reference is made in the text.

………………………. …………………………

G.D.M. Gamage Date


CPM: 14977

Department of Human Resource Management,

Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce,

University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Table of Contents


TABLE OF CONTENTS...…….…...……………………… ………. ……..…….... iii

LIST OF TABLES…………….…..………….………………………………...........vii

LIST OF FIGURES…..…………….……………………………………….............. ix



CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................ 1

INTERODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background of the study ................................................................................. 1
Introduction to the company .................................................................... 2
1.3 Research problem statement............................................................................ 3
1.4 Purpose of the study ........................................................................................ 4
1.5 Hypotheses ...................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Significance of the study ................................................................................. 5
1.7 Limitations of the study................................................................................... 6
1.8 Chapter organization ....................................................................................... 6
1.9 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 7
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................... 8
LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................. 8
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Employee training ........................................................................................... 8
Importance of training............................................................................ 11
Types of training .................................................................................... 13
History of training .................................................................................. 13
Current training ...................................................................................... 13 Principles of training .......................................................................... 13 Objective of training........................................................................... 14 Training policies and resources .......................................................... 16 The training process ........................................................................... 16

iii Methods of training ............................................................................ 18 Factors for employee training options ................................................ 19 Evaluation of training ......................................................................... 20
2.3 Benefits of training program ......................................................................... 21
2.4 Employee job performance ........................................................................... 23
Factors affecting employee job performance ......................................... 25 Leadership .......................................................................................... 25 Coaching............................................................................................. 25 Empowerment .................................................................................... 25 Participation ....................................................................................... 26 Organizational culture ........................................................................ 26
Determinants of employee job performance .......................................... 26
Evaluation of performance ..................................................................... 26
2.5 Training challenges that affect employee job performance .......................... 28
2.6 The relationship between employee training and employees job performance
2.7 Chapter summary .......................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER THREE ..................................................................................................... 32
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................. 32
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 32
3.2 Research approach......................................................................................... 32
3.3 Research design ............................................................................................. 32
Types of the study .................................................................................. 33
Research setting ..................................................................................... 33
Time of the study ................................................................................... 33
Unity of study ........................................................................................ 33
3.4 Research method ........................................................................................... 34
3.5 Data collection and analysis .......................................................................... 34
Population .............................................................................................. 34
Sampling element................................................................................... 34
Sampling technique ................................................................................ 35
Sample size ............................................................................................ 35
Data collection methods ......................................................................... 35
3.6 Conceptual framework .................................................................................. 36
Conceptualization of training program .................................................. 38

Conceptualization of employee job performance .................................. 40
3.7 Operationalization of the variable ................................................................. 42
Independent variable (Training Program) .............................................. 45 Training needs assessment ................................................................. 45 Training contents and delivering approach ........................................ 46 Training evaluation ............................................................................ 47
Dependent variable (Employee job performance) ................................. 50 Traits................................................................................................... 50 Behavior ............................................................................................. 51 Results ................................................................................................ 52
3.8 Data analysis methods ................................................................................... 54
Methods of measurement ....................................................................... 54
Hypotheses development ....................................................................... 55
Decision rule and methods of interpretation .......................................... 56
Correlation analysis ............................................................................... 56
Validity and reliability of measurement ................................................ 57
3.9 Chapter summary .......................................................................................... 58
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................ 59
DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS ............................................................. 59
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 59
4.2 Sample profile ............................................................................................... 59
4.3 Analysis of demographic variables of sample............................................... 59
Distribution of gender ............................................................................ 59
Distribution of age ................................................................................. 60
Distribution of civil status ...................................................................... 62
Distribution of handedness .................................................................... 63
Distribution of designation .................................................................... 64
Distribution by year of experience ......................................................... 65
Designation of number of training program .......................................... 66
Distribution of training type................................................................... 67
4.4 Analysis of reliability of the instruments ...................................................... 68
4.5 Descriptive statistics for research variables .................................................. 68
Descriptive statistics for training need assessment ................................ 69
Descriptive statistics for training content and delivery approach .......... 69
Descriptive statistics for training evaluation.......................................... 70

Descriptive statistics of training program .............................................. 71
Descriptive statistics of employee job performance .............................. 72
4.6 Correlation analysis ....................................................................................... 73
Correlation between training programs and employee job performance
Correlation between training need assessment and employee job
performance .......................................................................................................... 75
Correlation between training content & delivery approach and employee
job performance .................................................................................................... 76
Correlation between training evaluation and employee job performance
4.7 Testing multivariate assumptions .................................................................. 78
Normality ............................................................................................... 78 Skewness ............................................................................................ 78 Kurtosis .............................................................................................. 78
4.8 Regression analysis ....................................................................................... 79
Relationship between training program and employee job performance
Relationship between training need assessment and employee job
performance .......................................................................................................... 81
Relationship between training content & delivery approach and
employee job performance ................................................................................... 83
Relationship between training evaluation and employee job performance
4.9 Hypotheses testing......................................................................................... 86
Testing hypothesis H1............................................................................ 87
Testing hypothesis H2............................................................................ 87
Testing hypothesis H3............................................................................ 88
Testing hypothesis H4............................................................................ 88
4.10 Chapter summary .......................................................................................... 90
CHAPTER FIVE ......................................................................................................... 91
DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................. 91
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 91
5.2 Summary of key findings .............................................................................. 91
Summary of key findings for demographic factors ............................... 92
Summary of key findings for construct item ......................................... 92
5.3 Discussion of the results: Hypotheses ........................................................... 93

Testing Hypothesis H1 ........................................................................... 93
Testing Hypothesis H2 ........................................................................... 94
Testing Hypothesis H3 ........................................................................... 95
Testing Hypothesis H4 ........................................................................... 96
5.4 Summary of the findings ............................................................................... 97
CHAPTER SIX .......................................................................................................... 100
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ......................................................... 100
6.1 Conclusion................................................................................................... 100
6.2 Recommendations ....................................................................................... 102
6.3 Implications for further research ................................................................. 103
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 104
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................... 109

List of Tables
Table 3.7-1: Operationalization of Variables............................................................... 42
Table 3.8-1: Level of Measurements of variables ....................................................... 54
Table 4.3-1: Age Distribution ...................................................................................... 59
Table 4.3-2: Age Distribution ...................................................................................... 60
Table 4.3-3: Distribution of Civil Status...................................................................... 62
Table 4.3-4: Distribution of Handedness ..................................................................... 63
Table 4.3-5: Distribution of Designation ..................................................................... 64
Table 4.3-6: Distribution of year of Experience .......................................................... 65
Table 4.3-7: Designation of number of Training Program .......................................... 66
Table 4.3-8: Distribution of Training Types ................................................................ 67
Table 4.4-1: Cronbach's Alpha Value Table ................................................................ 68
Table 4.5-1: Overall Mean Value and Standard Deviation of Training Need
Assessment ........................................................................................................... 69
Table 4.5-2:Overall Mean Value and Standard Deviation of Training Content &
Delivery Approach ............................................................................................... 70
Table 4.5-3:Overall Mean Value and Standard Deviation of Training Evaluation ..... 70
Table 4.5-4: Overall Mean Value and Standard Deviation of Training Program ........ 71
Table 4.5-5: Mean Value and Standard Deviation of each Dimension of Employee Job
Performance .......................................................................................................... 72

Table 4.5-6: Overall Mean Value and Standard Deviation of Employee Job
Performance .......................................................................................................... 72
Table 4.6-1: Correlation between Training Programs and Employee Job Performance
.............................................................................................................................. 74
Table 4.6-2:Correlation between Training Need Assessment and Employee Job
Performance .......................................................................................................... 75
Table 4.6-3: Correlation between Training Content & Delivery Approach and
Employee Job Performance .................................................................................. 76
Table 4.6-4: Correlation between Training Evaluation and Employee Job Performance
.............................................................................................................................. 77
Table 0-1: The shape of data distribution based on skewness and kurtosis................. 78
Table 4.8-1: Model Summary ...................................................................................... 79
Table 4.8-2: ANOVA Table ........................................................................................ 80
Table 4.8-3: Coefficients Table ................................................................................... 80
Table 4.8-4: Model Summary ...................................................................................... 81
Table 4.8-5: ANOVA Table ........................................................................................ 81
Table 4.8-6: Coefficients Table ................................................................................... 82
Table 4.8-7: Model Summary ...................................................................................... 83
Table 4.8-8: ANOVA Table ........................................................................................ 83
Table 4.8-9: Coefficients Table ................................................................................... 84
Table 4.8-10: Model Summary .................................................................................... 85
Table 4.8-11: ANOVA Table ...................................................................................... 85
Table 4.8-12: Coefficients Table ................................................................................. 86
Table 4.9-1: Summary of Hypotheses Testing ............................................................ 89

List of Figures
Figure 3.6-1: Model of Conceptual Framework .......................................................... 37
Figure 4.3-1: Gender Distribution................................................................................ 60
Figure 4.3-2: Age Distribution..................................................................................... 61
Figure 4.3-3: Distribution of Civil Status .................................................................... 62
Figure 4.3-4: Distribution of Handedness .................................................................... 63
Figure 4.3-5: Distribution of Designation .................................................................... 64
Figure 4.3-6: Distribution of year of Experience ......................................................... 65
Figure 4.3-7: Designation of number of Training Program ......................................... 66
Figure 4.3-8: Designation of Training Types .............................................................. 67


The researcher would like to extend her deepest sincerest gratitude to all the parties
who helped in order to make the research on the impact of training program on
employee job performance of non-managerial employee in the Brandix Essential (PVT)

I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to senior lecture, Mrs.
G.D.N. Perera, Head of the Department of Human Resources Management, University
of Sri Jayewardenepura, I would like to express gratitude you for encouraging me to
complete this task.

It is a great pleasure to acknowledge my deepest thanks and gratitude Dr. N.W.K.D.K.

Dayarathna for providing me an opportunity to do the research and giving us all support
and guidance which made me complete the research duly.

Then I thank Dr. N.W.K.D.K. Dayarathna and Dr. (Mrs.) P. Jayasekara who were the
lectures of the subject of Research Methodology and also I acknowledge the
contribution of the talent panel of lectures of University of Sri Jayewardenepura during
the entire degree program.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude Mr. D. Chandrasena (Junior HR Executive) for

giving opportunity to do my research in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd for helping my
data collection process and provide guidelines.

I am thanking to all the non-managerial employees in my sample that has supported me

throughout the research work.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude Mr. G.J. Gamage (My Father) & Ms.
G.K.G.I. Ramyalatha (My Mother) for the continuous support of my research, for their
patience, motivation.

I owe my utmost gratitude to my family members for selecting the organization and
their encouragement to my research. Finally, thanks and appreciate to my loving friends
and everyone who support to me even by a word during the completion of the research.


Therefore, training and their development has direct contribution for achieving
personnel and organizational targets. Employee performance can be increased through
developing their work related knowledge, skills and changing their attitudes. To
examine the impact of Employee Training on Employee job performance of non-
managerial employee. Research was based on the hypothetical-deductive approach and
focused on quantitative research choice to collect data. Researcher focused on survey
strategy and collected primary data through questionnaires. The sample size consisted
of 150 non-managerial employees in selected organization and used simple random
sampling. The data were analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics software and analyzing
sample data, mean value, standard deviation, reliability among inter items and
correlation coefficient were measured that system.

Result of the statistical analysis suggested that, there is positive relationship between
training programs and employee job performance. And also this relationship is
statistically significant. According to results finding the all alternative hypotheses are

Keywords: Employee, Employee Job Performance, Training Program


1.1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overall idea about the total research process
with the purpose of giving a competent amount of information to the reader at the initial
stage of his or her reading. It includes the topic such as Background of the study,
Research Problem statement, purpose of the study, research question, objective of the
study, methodology, significant and limitation of the study and chapter organization.
The reader gets a clear figure in the end of the organization chapter.

1.2 Background of the study

Human resource management has been broadly measured as the key element by all top
management because of its consequence on inclusive organizational effectiveness and
efficiency. Human resource has get strategic resource to gain acceptable aggressive
benefit in the age of the globalization. The Nobel Prize-winning economist Gary s.
Becker, who conceive the term “Human capital,” says that basic resource in any
company is the people. The most successful companies and the most successful
countries will be those that manage human capital in the most effective and efficient
manner”. Therefore, Sri Lankan garment sector are playing a major role in developing
the country using training and development.

Training can be defined as a “systematic process of acquiring knowledge, skill, abilities

and the right attitudes and behaviors to meet job requirements” (Gomez-Mejia, et. al.,
2007). Training and development is at the heart of an organization that attempt
continuous growth and enhancement. Training helps us to identify the employee current
job performance requirement, by focusing on specific skills required for the current
needs. Human resource and administration, finance management, Marketing, Law,
Information Technology, employee motivation and productivity and credit
management can be defined as the scope of the training programs.

This research is conduct to find relationship between training programs and employee
job performance. One of the contributing factors to growing significance in workplace
training is that the workplace is conscious a multimillion-dollar initiative in which
employees learn new skills designed to help them keep their organization competitive
in an enhance global economic environment.

Introduction to the company

Brandix was establish in 1991 as LMC apparel to manufacture confidant apparel in Sri
Lanka. Brandix is Sri Lanka’s largest apparel exporter with an annual turnover
exceeding USD 320 million.

Brandix contribute over 50% of value addition locally through their backward-linked
operations in textiles, thread, buttons, and hangers. Brandix group has abroad distribute
in India and Sri Lanka. This group have 35 world class manufacturing plants with
assembly workforce of more than 45000 actuate and committed employees. The group
is also focused on CSR, west management, energy management and environment
conservation. Brandix Essential is the one of the active factory of brandix group.

Brandix Essential solutions (PVT) Ltd was establish in 1st October in 2010. The
garment factory is located in industrial park of Koggala in Golle, Rabukkana,
Homagama and Head office located on Moratuwa. There are 800 or 900 employees are
working one this factory.

These garment is composing China, Japan, USA, UK, Australia and Asian country.
Today main buyers are M&S, CK and PVH. This factory main objective is to utilize
the time with proper timing and defects without proper quality. To achieve that purpose
all employee work as a teams and all employee give this high contribution in the
company. This factory improving employee welfare and customer satisfaction. Because
garment factory is main resource are customer and employees. The Brandix apparel
Solutions (PVT) Ltd has department are quality department, cutting department,
Human resource department, stores department, Fabric inspection department, work
study department and packing department.

Training and development programs are essential for the organization as well as the
employees of the organization to achieve their goals and expectations. Most of
organizations spend significant amount for training and development programs from
their budget. Because training and development cost is not an expenditure for the
company. It is a future investment. It makes employees more sharp. In Brandex context,
they have given significant attention for training and development programs in their
company. Because according to the nature of this apparel industry, they have identified
well trained employees as a key factor. All training and development programs for the
both managerial and non-managerial employees are organized by human resource
department of the Brandix.

1.3 Research problem statement

Management of the company should understand that business world is being changed
always. They have to adapt according to those changes to survive. Unless they will be
eliminated from the competition. Employees training is the kind of change. Employees
should be given latest technological knowledge and their skills and competencies
should be improved. Appeal industry is dynamic field. New technologies and new
production methods come every year.

Management must consider training cost as an investment. Because it makes existing

manpower more productivity by enhancing their skills and knowledge. As well as it is
more efficiency and profitable for company rather than recruiting new employees from
outside. Furthermore, it helps to keep well satisfied workforce with the company. Those
kind of training programs generate benefits for both employees and company (win-
win). Members can improve their existing skills and knowledge. Then, skilled
employees increase the productivity of the company.

But unfortunately, many of HR professionals do not give high value for training
programs. Because they have no better understanding about impact of training
programs on the success of the organization.

Many of HR department organizes training programs for their employees with
considering it is a part of their job. Not the understanding of value of training programs.

Hence the research problem is “What is the significance of the impact of Employee
Training program on Employee job performance?”.

1.4 Purpose of the study

This study is accomplishing that impact of training programs on employee job

performance. Training enhance the performance of the organization, enabling the
company to cope successfully with competitiveness and improve company

The main objective or purpose in the of this study,

To examine the significance of the impact of Employee Training program on

Employee job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd.

1.5 Hypotheses

Main Hypothesis

H1- There is positive relationship between Training program and Employee job

The sub hypotheses

H2- There is positive relationship between training needs assessment and employee job

H3- There is positive relationship between training contents & delivering approach and
employee job performance.

H4- There is positive relationship between training evaluation and employee job

1.6 Significance of the study
There is no point talking about success of the company without Training and
development concept. Because well trained employees are the strength of the company.
Therefore, Training and development

Cost should be identified as an investment not as an expenditure. Organization success

depends on employee’s performance. Employees performances are affected by several
key factors. Training and development is the one of key factor among them. Specially,
according to this industry, Training and development is the main factor which they use
to improve employee’s performance. Most of positions of the companies have not been
created according to the people’s skills and knowledge. They create the positions and
after finding people for that. Therefore, today Training and development is essential for
any kind of organizations One of the significance of this study is identifying the
objectives of each training programs.

Current business world is dynamic. Companies have to adapt according to environment

changes to survive in the dynamic business environment. As well as to win the
competition, organizations have to identify their strength and weakness. So it shows
that importance of Training and development.

This research can be used as a guild line for the Brandix to expand their business. This
study is aimed to inform Brandix’s management about the impact of employees training
and development on employee’s performance. And this study will help to management
to make necessary decisions and make adjustment relevant to employees training and
development programs.

1.7 Limitations of the study

Below limitations are the main limitations that faced by researcher in this research.

1. It is difficult to select all or most of companies in apparel industry. Therefore,

researcher had to select one company as a sample.

2. Another one is data collection. Because sample should be represented whole

population. This research is basically based on production level employees.
They do not have much time to fill the questioners. So, they quickly filled the
questioners. Therefore, there is accuracy and relevant matters with this.

3. It was difficult to contract relevant parties with their workload.

4. Time limitation is another main issue. Researcher had limited time period to
allocate for this. Because researcher is in internship period.

1.8 Chapter organization

The dissertation is “The identification of impact of training program on employee job

performance in garment industry in Sri Lanka special reference to Brandix Essential
(PVT) ltd. This study runs with five chapters.

The first chapter contains the introduction, Introduction to the topic, problem statement,
objectives, significant of the study, Methodology, limitations of the study and chapter

In the second chapter, it describes about the theoretical back ground of the training and
performance and previous research findings.

In the third chapter, the consideration is given about the methodology of the study. This
chapter will review the methodology of how to conduct the research. It will be able to
recognize the study design, conceptual framework, data collection, data analysis and
brief description of the selected sample of the study. In simply this chapter is dedicated
to describe about the research methodology.

In the fourth chapter, describes about the analysis of the study. In here data were
analyzed according to the training program on employee performance.

Conclusion and recommendations are represented by chapter five. In that chapter

ultimately discussed nature of relationships as a summary. In addition to implications
for future research are presented within this part.

1.9 Chapter summary

This study is mainly focused to identify the impact of Employee training on Employee
job performance. Those effects have been identified in this study. As well as, limitations
and difficulties of the study have been recognized.

This study mostly based on primary data. So researcher has created a questioner and
collects data from relevant parties about the training and development.


2.1 Introduction
The aim of this chapter is to provide a broad identification about the impact of
Employee Training program on Employee job performance. The researcher proved to
highlight the findings of the previous researcher related to the factors affect the
employee training program on employee job performance. The research will build
about the previous training literatures by giving a detailed analysis of training programs
success and employee job performance. It provides the identified research gap from the
analysis of theoretical and empirical literatures.

2.2 Employee training

Elnaga and Imran (2013) definition of training as “Training is a systematic process to
enhance employee’s skill, knowledge and competency, necessary to perform
effectively on job. Overall, training impacts organizational competitiveness, revenue
and performance”.

According to Mohamud (2014), defines ‘Training is the planned and systematic

modification of behavior through learning events activities and programs which results
in the participants achieving the level of knowledge, skills, competencies and abilities
to carry out their work effectively’. Gordon (1992, p.235) explained ‘the Training is the
planned and systematic modification of behavior through learning events, activities and
programs which results in the participants achieving the levels of knowledge, skills,
competencies and abilities to carry out their work effectively’. Training is a type of
activity which is planned, systematic and results in enhanced level of skill, knowledge
and competency that are necessary to perform work effectively (Gordon, 1992).
According to Neyestani (2014), ‘The training has an important role in every company
and industry such as construction industry to increase their profit and reduction of

This increase is associated with a demand in the workplace for employee at all levels
to improve performance in their present jobs to acquire skills and knowledge to do new
jobs, and to continue their career progress in a changing world of work (Armstrong,
2001). According Cole (2002, p.330), in his book Personnel and Human Resource
Management, ‘training is a learning activity directed towards the acquisition of specific
knowledge and skills for the purpose of an occupation or task’.

According to Anonymous (1998), says ‘Training is essential not only to increase

productivity but also to motivate and inspire workers by letting them know how
important their jobs are and giving them all the information they need to perform those
jobs’. ‘Training is the formal and systematic modification of behavior through learning
which occurs as a result of education, instruction, development and planned experience’
(Armstrong, 2001, p.543). Training is also seen as ‘a planned process to modify
attitude, knowledge or skill behavior through learning experience to achieve effective
performance in an activity or range of activities’(Afshan,2012)

The focus of training is the job or task for example, the need to have efficiency and
safety in the operation of particular machines or equipment, or the need for an effective
sales force to mention but a few.’ (Ackah, 2014).

‘A formal training program is an effort by the employer to provide opportunities for the
employee to acquire job-related skills, attitudes and knowledge’ (Asfaw et al, 2015).
The means that for any organization to be successful in achieving the objectives of its
training program, planning and implementation must be systematic and which will help
in increasing performance and productivity. Training is an initiative designed by a
company to facilitate employees to learn their job-related skills. These skills include
knowledge, skills or behavior that are critical to successful job performance.

Training generates benefits for the employee as well as for the organization by
positively influencing employee performance through the development of employee
knowledge, skills, ability, competencies and behavior (April, 2010). Training refers to
a planned effort by a company to facilitate employees’ learning of job related
competencies. These competencies include knowledge, skills, or behaviors that are
critical for successful job performance. ‘The goal of training is for employees to master
the knowledge, skill, and behaviors emphasized in training programs and to apply them
to their day-to-day activities’ Noe (2010).

According to the Pheesey (1971, p.130), defines ‘training as the systematic process of
altering the behavior and or attitudes of employees in a direction to increase the
achievement of organizational goals’. This means for any organization to succeed in
achieving the objectives of its training program, the design and implementation must
be planned and systematic, tailored towards enhancing performance and productivity.

According to Orpen (1999), have examine about the effectiveness of Employee

Training, He study whether the mediating role of self-efficacy on the effectiveness of
formal training programs is greater for jobs in which self-confidence on the part of
incumbents is important for effective performance than for jobs where it is relatively
unsignificant, among 118 employees doing a difference jobs in an Australian financial
services firm. Using hierarchical regression analysis, self-efficacy was found to mediate
the relationship between the perceived amount of formal training and superior ratings
of improved performance among employees in jobs where self-confidence was judged
to be important for success, but not among employees in jobs where it was judged not
to be important, as hypothesized.

Sahinidis and Bouris (2008) has studied about Employee Training concept. His study
examined the responses of 134 employees and lower managers, of five large Greek
organizations, after they had completed a training program. The questions asked
contained information about the employee attitudes towards the training received, as
well as their attitudes towards their employers. The results of this study provide support
to the hypotheses proposed, indicating that there is a significant correlation between the
employee perceived training effectiveness and their commitment, job satisfaction and
motivation. Additionally, high correlations were found between the latter three

Thao and Hwang examined, identify and measure the level of factors affecting the
effectiveness of the job performance of the employees working at Petro Vietnam
Engineering Consultancy J.S.C, through identifying the variables include leadership,
organizational culture, working environment, motivation and training.

This study is of a quantitative nature and aims to find the relationship Petro-Vientam
Engineering consultant J.S.C. (PVE) looks at a sample of 650 employees based on the
variables listed above and the performance of Vientam’s oil and gas industry workers.
Because there are five independent variables and the only department variable is their
impact on employee performance, the study is analyzed using multiple regression
analysis using SPSS software. For this purpose, the data collected from the PVE was
comprised of 650 employees working at PVE, and a questionnaire developed by the
researcher was used to analyze the factors that influence employee performance.

Importance of training

Training is not only for enhance the current job performance. It is very important to
attain and maintain the competitive advantages to organization. Today organization pay
considerable cost for the training. It is not a cost. It is investment for organization.

‘Employees get a lot of benefits from the employee training and development program.
They learn the soft and technical skills as required by their jobs. A company’s
successful training activities should help organization achieve its business strategy.
There is both a direct and indirect link between training and business strategy and goals.
Training can help employees develop skills needed to perform their jobs which directly
affect the business’ Usman (2014).

‘Business success is based on many factors like to have more finances for production
and growth, to develop innovative ideas for business promotion and for getting
competitive advantage, to make effective strategies, to have high employee loyalty and
the most important to have competent, skillful and motivated workforce. These skills,
competencies, knowledge and motivation can be enhanced through training’ (Naeem et
al., 2014)

Usman (2014) agued, ‘A company’s successful training activities should help

organization achieve its business strategy’. Therefore, training is a key component of
organizational performance improvement. It raises the level of individual skills. It helps
to bridge the gap between what is happening and what is going on between the expected
goals or standards and the level of actual performance.

While many employers continue to have reservations about the benefits of business
benefits, they have been identified as a key factor in sharpening competitiveness.

The training is aimed at helping employees acquire the knowledge and skills they need
and to develop their skills to the fullest in their respective fields. For training to be
effective, it must improve the performance and capability of the training employee.

Training is important for improving the capabilities of employees. Employees with

more work experience have better skills and competencies due to better performance.
Employee development encourage employees’ self-fulfilling skills and abilities, reduce
operating costs, limit corporate responsibility and change in corporate objectives and

‘Mainly organizations go for training programs to improve productivity and quality, to

increase organizational and employee morale, to motivate employees, to achieve
financial gains, for prevention from industrial accidents, to provide wider awareness to
employees that leads them to enhance their personal growth, to reduce employees’
turnover intentions, for enhancement of company’s image through conducting ethics
training and for updating employees skills to align them with company’s goals and
objectives’ Zahra, Iram and Naeem(2014).

Training helps employees develop the skills they need to succeed in the current job and
to improve for the future. The need for technical programs for employees enhances their
job satisfaction and helps them understand the culture of the organization, which leads
to the success of the organization. We need to consider these aspects that the employee
need to updated with their current knowledge of the job. Employee will be more
productive if the companies provide training on the job requirements.

Types of training
Different practices are adopted in different industries and different organizations.
Therefore, the need for training depends on the needs of the job profile. So there are
different types of programs that are shared by different authors. The types of training
are as follows:

one is On-the- job training (Ex: Apprenticeship & Coaching, Job Instructions training,
Job Rotation, Committee Assignment, monitoring, Internship Training, Training
through step by step etc.) and another type is Off-the-job training (Ex: Discussion,
Behavior modeling, Class Room Lectures, Simulation Exercises, In Basket exercise,
Case Study Method, Role playing etc.)

History of training

The apprenticeship is the oldest training in the industry and was developed by
medieval trade forums. In the Elizabethan era, apprenticeship training began to gain
acceptance in England as a form of low, but apprenticeship training goes back much

According to Usman (2014), ‘The records of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome contain
constant reference to the passing on of skills from one generation to the other. As
early as 2100 B.C the Babylonian code of Hammurabi had made explicit provisions
for artisans to teach youths through some form of apprenticeship’.

Current training Principles of training

Employee training should be a must in human resource management. Knowledge of

your staff is directly related to the success of your business, from training on your
company to vision and mission, compliance training, time management skills.
organization need to follow employee training principles to make sure successful in the
organization performance.

In order for training or learning to be effective, a number of important principle need
to be applied based on extensive research. Learning is the essence of the training
process. Learning is the human process of acquiring skills, knowledge, habits and
attitudes to change behavior.

The major principles of training/learning include:

 motivation, Reinforcement, Practices (learner participation), feedback, transfer

of learning, individual differences, and distribution of training periods.
(Usman, 2014). Objective of training

One of the main factor of the HR department is to ensure that the workforce is safe,
productive and engaged in the company’s activities and needs. Human resource training
objectives support this role by educating employee and managers on relevant
procedures. The training objective focus on what the organization needs to achieve and
how to help employees achieve the company’s goals. Depending on the type of business
and specific challenges the company faces, there is a wide range of HR training.
However, some of them are important in almost every institution.

The basic objectives of the training sector are to ensure that an organization has a
competent and willing workforce. In addition to that, there are four other objectives:
Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Social.

 Individual Objectives – These objectives are helpful to employees in achieving

their personal goals, which in turn, enhances the individual contribution to the

 Organizational Objectives – Organizational objectives assists the organization

with its primary objective by bringing individual effectiveness.

 Functional Objectives – Functional objectives are maintaining the
department’s contribution at a level suitable to the organization’s needs.

 Social Objectives – Social objectives ensures that the organization is ethically

and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society.

The additional objectives are as follows:

 Provide basic knowledge and skill to newcomers who are required for
intelligent performance of a specific job.

 Make a difference in workers’ attitudes toward other employees, supervisors

and the organization.
 To prepare the employees both new and old to meet the present as well as the
changing requirements of the job and the organization.

 Exposure to the latest concept, information and techniques and helping

employees to effectively performance their current positions by developing the
skills they need in their respective sectors.

 To prepare the employees for higher level tasks.

 To ensure economic output of required quality.

 Ensuring departments work smoothly and efficiently.

 Build a second line of talented officers and prepare them for the job.

 Providing workers with efficient handling of materials, machinery and

equipment and there by checking time and resources.

15 Training policies and resources

The training policy model is a statement of the organization’s training philosophy. The
key to the success of the training policy is the recognition of managers, supervisors and
other employees in the training role. To the extent that these policies appear to be
correct, they are silent on budgetary allocations and top management support for

According to Kenney et al (1992, p.3), makes a point that companies should have
different policies for training depending on the class or level of employment or level of
employees to be trained. They pointed out that training policies are necessary for the
following reasons:

I. To provide guidelines for those responsible for planning and implementing

II. To ensure that a company’s training resources are allocated to pre-determined
III. To provide for equality of opportunity for training throughout the company
IV. To inform employees of training and development opportunities The training process

The training process consists of a series of steps that must be followed systematically
for an effective training program. Training is systematic process of changing an
employee’s skills, attitudes and behavior in order to accomplish a task.in order to gain
a full understanding of the training process and how it can be effectively implemented,
it is imperative to determine training models by different organizations and developed
by different researchers and scholars. Such models not only provide the foundation for
in-depth research on employee training, but also contribute to the development of
training models for better training outcomes. Effective training programs change
employee skills. It not only enhances the overall performance their current job
effectively, but also enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the employees
required for future employment. Training enhance employee skills, enables them to
execute work-related activities efficiently and to achieve firm goals in a competitive

‘The training design process refers to a systematic approach for developing training
programs. Below Figure presents the seven steps in this process’ (Alshuwairekh, 2016,

Source: Alshuwairekh (2016)

 Step 1 is to conduct a needs assessment, which is necessary to identify if

training is needed.
 Step 2 is to ensure that employees have the motivation and basic skills necessary
to master training content.
 Step 3 is to create a learning environment that has the features necessary in
order for learning to occur.
 Step 4 is to ensure that trainees apply the training content to their jobs. This step
involves having the trainee understand how to manage skill improvement as
well as getting co-worker and manager support.
 Step 5 is to develop an evaluation plan. Developing an evaluation plan includes
identifying what types of outcomes training is expected to influence
 Step 6 is to choose the training method based on the learning objectives and
learning environment. This step may include a traditional training method of
face-to-face interaction with a trainer, or e-learning using a CD-ROM or web-
based training.
 Step 7 is to evaluate the program and make changes in it or revisit any of the
earlier steps in the process to improve the program so that learning, behavior
change, and the other learning objectives are obtained.

17 Methods of training

Choosing the best way to train employee is a challenge for business owners. Some
methods are cheaper than others, but what you need is an option that better equips
employees with a variety of skills and learning styles. If they are able to bring skills
back from training, they can be more successful in their jobs.

According to the Noe (2010), ‘the traditional training methods are organized into three
broad categories: presentation methods, hands-on methods, and group building

I. On-the-job training

On the job training is systematic and structured training which takes place mainly at the
trainees’ workplace. Although some advice can be given in a specific training area of
the site-a manager, supervisor, trainer or peer is a trainee to teach a set of skills in
advance. On-the-job training looks at ways in which employees actually work while on
the job. Job training is the most common and popular training available to employees
when they join an organized company. Sometimes that is the only training available.

According to Chand (2008), On-the-job Training Methods consists of the following


 Coaching
 Mentoring
 Job Rotation
 Job Instruction Technology
 Apprenticeship
 Understudy

II. Off-the-job training

This is site employee training outside the real work environment. If often uses lectures,
presentation, case studies, role-playing and imitation. Looking at the different
definitions of these researchers, we find that employees are very important both in the
job and in the workplace.

According to Chand (2008), Of-the-job Training Methods consists of the following

 Lectures and Conferences

 Vestibule Training
 Simulation Exercises
 Sensitivity Training
 Transactional Training

III. Web seminar training

Using web conference software, coaching can set goals and paths for measuring
learning. It is important not to assume that employees in a web seminar or “webinar”
will get all the information they need as passive listeners. Coaches can create webinars
training on how to interact using all the tools in web conferencing software. As long as
each participant has a microphone, a webinar can include visuals and discussions
between participants. Factors for employee training options

Before deciding on a training program, the manager needs to identify the factors that
affect the productivity and performance of employees. (Vayuvegula, 2012) Those are;

 Skills & knowledge: If employees do not have the necessary capability, skill or
knowledge to do the job, their performance suffers.
 Clarity about role: Employees need to know their responsibilities and have a
clear understanding about what they need to accomplish at the end of the day.
 Work environment and culture: Unhealthy work environment is another factor
that affects performance of employees. A positive workplace culture boosts
employee morale, creates a work environment that is enjoyable and contributes
to increased productivity.
 Employee attitude: If employees do not have the enthusiasm to work and are
disinterested in the job, it would have an impact on their performance.
 Right tools and resources: You need to have right tools equipment and resources
in order to perform well.

19 Evaluation of training

Training evaluation is a systematic process of analyzing whether training programs and

initiatives are effective and efficient. Trainer and HR professionals use training
assessments to assess whether employee training programs align with the company’s
goals and objectives.

‘The main purpose of reaction evaluation is to enhance the quality of training programs,
which in turn leads to improved performance. The ultimate objective is to make training
programs more efficient and more effective for organizational performance
empowerment’ Mohamud (2014). According to Noe (2010), ‘Training evaluation
provides a way to understand the investments that training produces and provides
information needed to improve training’.

If the company does not benefit from the investment in training, the company may look
for training providers outside the company to reduce investment in training or provide
training experience that can improve performance, productivity, customer satisfaction
or other outcomes that the company is interested in achieving. Training evaluation
provides the data needed to demonstrate that the company is benefiting. Training
assessments include formal and summative assessments. The reason for the evaluation
of to determine the effectiveness of a training program. When evaluating, we can expect
the results to be positive and satisfactory to those responsible for the program and to
the top managers who make decisions based on the evaluation of the program.
Therefore, many thoughts and the program itself needs to be designed to be effective.

Review of the training program should be done during and after its completion and
should be done by a training officer, the line manager, and the trainees themselves.
Training can be evaluated in a wide variety of ways and means (Kenney et al.,1992).
According to Tidler (1999), there are four aspects that measure training effectiveness:

1. Reaction: What trainees say about the value of the training? This could be
assessed as the training goes on.
2. Learning: Objectives met, knowledge and skills learned.
3. Behavior: The skills acquired are implemented on the job.
4. Results: Impacts on performance.

2.3 Benefits of training program

Organizations need to recognize that different employees have different needs and
these needs will change over time as these employees continue their careers. When
an organization invest in improving the knowledge and skills of its employees, the
investment is returned in the form of more productive and productive employees. In
short, training is critical to organizational development and its success can actually be
effective for employers and employees of an organization.

There are so many benefits associated with training. According to Cole (2001),
summarizes these benefits as below:

1) High morale – employees who receive training have increased confidence and
2) Lower cost of production – training eliminates risks because trained personnel
are able to make better and economic use of material and equipment thereby
reducing and avoiding waste;

3) Lower turnover – training brings a sense of security at the workplace which in
turn reduces labor turnover and absenteeism is avoided;
4) Change management – training helps to manage change by increasing the
understanding and involvement of employees in the change process and also
provides the skills and abilities needed to adjust to new situations;
5) Provide recognition, enhanced responsibility and the possibility of increased
pay and promotion;
6) Help to improve the availability and quality of staff.

According to Onyango & Wanyoike (2014), ‘the benefits of training can be summed
up as: Improves morale of employees, Training helps the employee to get job security
and job satisfaction’. The more satisfied the employee is, the greater his morale, the
more he contributes to organizational success and reduce employee absenteeism and
turnover. The less supervised, well-trained the employee is, the better aware of the job
and the less supervisory. Thus, time and effort will be wasted. If employees do not have
the knowledge and skills necessary to do a job, the risk of accidents or errors can be
minimized. The more trained an employee is, the less likely you are to be at work and
the more skilled the employee is. Promotion opportunities, employees gain skills and
efficiency during training. They are more eligible for promotions. They become a
resource to the organization. Improve productivity, training improves employee
efficiency and productivity. Well-trained employees show both quantity and quality. If
employees are properly trained, they are less likely to waste time, money and resources.

Firms can develop and enhance the quality of the current employees by providing
comprehensive training and development. Research indicates that investments in
training employees in problem solving, decision-making, teamwork, and interpersonal
relations result in beneficial firm level outcomes (Russell, Terberg & Powers, 1985).

2.4 Employee job performance
There are several definition of employs job performance. Porter and Lawler (1968) have
defined job performance as the accomplishment of those tasks that comprise a person's
job. Peretemode (1996) argued that job performance is determined by the workers’ level
of participation in the day to day running of the organization. According to Okunola
(1990), performance may be described as “an act of accomplishing or executing a given

According to Sila (2014), cited from Brown (2008) has defines performance as how
well a person completes tasks and also the attitude with which he/she completes the
tasks. ‘Performance is the overall outcome or success of a person during certain periods
of duty compared to the standard of the work, the targets or criteria that have been
determined in advance and have been agreed’ (Rivai, 2004). ‘the performance of an
individual or an organization depends heavily on all organizational policies, practices,
and design features of an organization. This integrative perspective represents a
configurationally approach to strategic human resources management which argues that
patterns of HR activities, as opposed to single activities, are necessary to achieve
organizational objectives ‘(Delery and Doty, 1996).

Employee job performance is confirmed by multi-functional capabilities such as

human, technical, organizational and organizational level. It starts with top
management but the results can only come from lower level employees. High
performing companies that show higher levels of satisfaction among their employees,
and sometimes poor financial performance, also have greater employee satisfaction.

‘Business outcome can be improved by adopting special measures that include

employees job involvement, empowerment, job redesign, skill based training and
development programs, appraisal and reward systems’ (Pfeffer, 1998).

‘Employee performance indicates the financial or non-financial outcome of the

employee that has a direct link with the performance of the organization and its success’
Anitha (2014).

‘Employee performance leads to improve overall efficiency and productivity of
organization processes. Employee performance refers to the activities and tasks
performed by an employee efficiently and effectively. Performance can be measured
by managers through different mechanisms’ (Saleem and Amin, 2013).

’Performance refers to those behaviors that have been evaluated or measured as to their
contribution to organizational goals’ (Cook and Hunsaker, 2001). ‘Employee
performance is basically outcomes achieved and accomplishments made at work.
Performance refers to keeping up plans while aiming for the results. Although
performance evaluation is the heart of performance management (Cardy, 2004),

There are various factors affecting employee performance are financial benefits,
training programs, corporate support for career development, supervision support and
capacity building programs.

Robertson, Birch and Cooper (2012) aims to test the hypotheses that employee
productivity levels will be better predicted by a combination of positive job and work
attitudes (employee engagement) and psychological well-being than by positive job and
work attitudes alone. Survey data using psychometrically sound measures of the key
constructs were collected for a sample of over 9,000 people across 12 organizations.
Findings – Multiple regression analyses reveal that psychological well-being has
incremental value over and above that of positive job and work attitudes in predicting
self-reported levels of performance.

According to Pawirosumarto, Sarjana and Muchtar (2017), studied about the Employee
Performance concept. His study aims to examine, analyze and explain the influence of
leadership style, motivation and discipline to employee performance simultaneously
and partially at PT. Kiyokuni Indonesia. The primary data used in this study come from
questionnaire on respondents’ motivation, discipline, leadership style and employee
performance. From 451 people as the population, 82 respondents who met the criteria
as a sample were chosen by using the Solving formula.

The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS. The
results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence
simultaneously between leadership style, employee motivation and discipline on
employee performance. The results also show that there is a positive and significant
influence partially between leadership style, employee motivation and discipline on
employee performance. Discipline is the variable of the most powerful influence on
employee performance, so it needs special attention.

Factors affecting employee job performance

According to some researchers and practitioners, there are certain factors individually
and collectively effect on the performance of employees in a positive or negative way,
(Thao and Hwang) including: Leadership
Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to
achieve common goals. Leadership style is the combination of attitude and behavior of
a leader, which leads to certain patterns in dealing with the followers. Coaching
Coaching has become an important technique to improve performance. It is not a one-
way communication and proves to be a two way communications where coaches
identify what can be improved and how it can be improved. Further coaching addresses
the belief and behaviors that hinder performance. It can be further seen that coaching is
all about helping someone else to improve performance. Empowerment
Empowerment had significant positive correlations with both performance and
satisfaction and specifically empowerment was more strongly correlated with the in-
role performance of followers than with satisfaction with the leader.

25 Participation
The overall impact of participation is increased employee job performance and low
turnover. In addition, organizations can act to increase or decrease the levels of these
mediator variables within their personals and potentially strengthen the positive
performance effects of employee participation. Organizational culture

Organizational Culture is common values and behaviors of the people that considered
as a tool leads to the successful achievement of organization goals. Organizational
culture is the mindset of people that distinguishes them from each other, within the
organization of outside the organization.

Determinants of employee job performance

Determination of employee performance are skills or factors used to measure the

effectiveness and level of individual performance. These are indicators of the workforce
performance of any organization. The indicators of performance as given by Aguinis
(2006) are: procedural knowledge, declarative knowledge, and motivation. These are
the constituents of performance and their product is equal to performing well, Tanvee

Evaluation of performance

Although most of the organizations till now used analytics to make financial and
operational decisions, organizations have begun to use analytics for HR decisions, such
as to evaluate employee performance and/or to allocate employees’ time and effort
(Kiron et al., 2012).

‘Performance measurement is never seen as complete scientific activity, and there is

always a need to develop frameworks that generate accurate and trustworthy
information for HR use’ (Baron, 2011). ‘Organizations have started appreciating the
need for unbiased, accurate and timely performance information, as the time and quality
of information provided determine the speed and quality of HR decision-making’ (Hill,

When evaluating employee performance, it is very important to have a checklist that is
frequently used to measure the performance of all employees. The techniques for
measuring the performance of employees may differ from every company.

Some of these methods of evaluation are:

 Graphic Rating Scale

Graphic rating scale is a scale that lists a number of traits and a range of performance
for each. The employee is then best defining his or her level of performance for each
rate. The number of degrees should not be too large. The degree of inter-rater reliability
is high only when up to five degrees are presented for each factor.

 Ranking Method.

The ranking system is one of the simplest performance appraisal methods. In this
methods, a group of employees is rated from best to worst. The simplicity of this
method undermines the negative impact of assigning an employee the best number of
times and the best number of ranking. Such discrimination tends to be negative in a
group and has a negative impact on performance. In this method, one employees is
compared to another. This end results are that employees order from best to worst.

 Assessment center

Later business and industrial houses started using this method. This method appraising
was first applied in German Aramy in 1930. This is not a technique of performance
appraisal by itself. In fact, it is a system or organization, where assessment of several
individuals is done by various experts using various techniques.

 360 Degree Feedback

As the name implies, this method uses multiple appraiser, including supervisor,
subordinates and peer of the target persons. It is a technique is systematic collection of
performance data on an individual group, devised from a number of stakeholders like
immediate supervisor, team members, customers, peers and self. This technique is
highly useful in terms of broader perspective, grater self-development and multi- source
feedback is useful.

2.5 Training challenges that affect employee job
Organizations and HRD professionals face many challenges in managing and
implementing effective training and development in an environment of globalization.
A well as their communication and language skills. Human resource learning and
motivation are described as important components of effective HRM activities.
However, their shortcomings in supporting the effectiveness of training and
development challenge the implementation of effective HR training and development
in institutions. And there are also changing demographics in the workforce impact of
human resources strategies and human resources development activities with
investments in human resource training and development.

The central factor in HRD is the human resources or the human capital in an
organization (Mohamud, 2014). They are viewed as the driving force for the success of
organizations because of their skills, competencies, knowledge and experience (Becker,
1975; Schmidt & Lines, 2002; Harrison & Kessels, 2004). It has been suggested that if
organizations are to compete successfully in a global economy, it is important to recruit
sufficiently educated and trained employees and provide them with lifelong learning.
However, these are problem faced by employers and organizations and are seen as a
barrier to effective management, training and development of human resources in a
global economy.

That the lack of HRD professionals in Oman is a major obstacle to the nation’s HRD
efforts. (Budhwar et al., 2002). Kerr & McDougall (1999) argued that problems also
arise due to a lack of experience and understanding of HR T&D on the part of managers.
In the specific context of HRD professionals, the literature has indicated that there is a
shortage of HRD professionals who are skilled and experienced systems thinkers (Bing
et al., 2003).

2.6 The relationship between employee training and
employees job performance

Employee performance is normally looked at in terms of outcomes. However, it can

also be looked at in terms of behavior (Armstrong, 2000). (Kenney et al., 1992) stated
that employee's performance is measured against the performance standards set by the

There are a number of measures that can be taken into consideration when measuring
performance for example using of productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, quality and
profitability measures (Ahuja, 1992).

Abay (2008) reported ‘that significant relationship was found between the employees
training and their resultant performance in accomplishing different tasks. It was found
that those employees who have taken trainings were more capable in performing
different task & vice versa. Training has direct relationship with the employees’ job
performance’. According to Komba (2012), posited that ‘while training is a factor in
job performance, it is the combination of factors such as working environment,
employee skills and knowledge, motivation and rewards, communication flow and
organizational culture that significantly improve employees’ performance’ (Yamoah,

Training is a key component of enhanced performance and can enhance individual and
organizational skills. It helps to bridge the gap between what is expected and what is
happening and what is going on. ‘According to most studies, successful training and
education program would create more favorable employee attitudes and loyalty, and
help employees in their personal development and advancement’ (Neyestani and
Behnam, 2014).

(Devins et al., 2012) found that ‘trained employees often work better as teams because
everyone is aware of the expectations and can achieve them together smoothly. Trained
employees are also more confident in their performance and decision-making skills. In
addition, employees who receive regular training are more likely to accept change and
come up with new ideas’.

Employees who learn new skills through training make good candidates for promotions
because they have demonstrated their ability to learn, retain and use information. The
fact that is reduces the pressure on the management team can empower reliable, talented
employees to train other employees.

‘Most of the previous studies provides the evidence that there is a strong positive
relationship between human resource management practices and organizational
performance’ (Purcell et al., 2003). According to Guest (1997), mentioned in his study
that training and development programs, as one of the vital human resource
management practice, positively affects the quality of the worker’s knowledge, skills
and capability and thus results in higher employee performance on job. This relation
ultimately contributes to supreme organizational performance.

Training is an essential tool for the organization to restore the performance of all its
staff for organizational growth and success. It is useful for employers and employees
of an organization. An employee will be more efficient and effective if he trained well.
By providing extensive trained and development, companies can improve and improve
the quality of current employees. Training is essential not only to increase productivity
but also to encourage and encourage workers to know how important their jobs are.
Employee training and development directly contribute to the organization’s high
achievements, resulting in better performance. Training increased organizational
performance, as predicted by many research. An organization’s performance, as
predicted by many research. An organization’s performance is defined as effective and
efficient managers who use corporate resources to satisfy customers and achieve
corporate goals and objectives.

Ideally, the more employees are trained, the more satisfied they are with their work and
environmental conditions, which will improve the performance of their organizations.

According to the Elnaga and Imran (2013), ‘Training programs is the stimulant that
workers require to improve their performance and capabilities, which consequently
increase organizational productivity.

Therefore, training should be designed on the basis of firm specific needs and
objectives. Effective training is the thoughtful intervention designed at attaining the
learning necessary for upgraded employee performance’. Further his research affirmed
the proposition that training has a positive impact on employee performance.

According to Dabale (2014), his study affirmed that there was a positive relationship
between training and employee performance. Training generates benefits for the
employee knowledge, skills, ability, competencies and behavior. It was also observed
that training alters behavior of employees in a direction that will achieve organizational
goals and help to reconcile the gap between what should happen and what is happening
to increase the level of performance. According to Guest (1997), mentioned in his study
that training and development programs, as one of the vital human resource
management practice, positively affects the quality of the worker’s knowledge, skills
and capability and thus results in higher employee performance on job. This relation
ultimately contributes to supreme organizational performance.

According to Elnaga and Imran (2013), the main objective of every training session is
to add value to the performance of the employees, hence all type of businesses design
training and development programs of their employees as a continuous activity.
Purpose of training is what employees would attain after experiencing the training
program. Training programs is the stimulant that workers require to improve their
performance and capabilities, which consequently increase organizational productivity.
Therefore, training should be designed on the basis of firm specific needs and
objectives. Effective training is the thoughtful intervention designed at attaining the
learning necessary for upgraded employee job performance.

2.7 Chapter summary

This study is carried out to identify the impact of employee training on employee job
performance with special reference to Brandix Apparel Factory. This research was
mainly focused on identifying the relationship between employee training and
employee job performance, and in addition, three sub-objectives were identified.
According to the literature review of this chapter, I have identified two key words
related to this chapter. They employee training and employee job performance. And
I’ve identified the relationship between these two variables.



3.1 Introduction
The chapter presents the methodology used for data collections as well as the relevant
statistical analysis tools used to analyze survey results collected during the study. The
purpose of this selection is to provide a description of the conceptual framework, data
collection method, population, sample, types of data collected, and data presentation
and analyzes methods used in the research. Among these various sources, previous
studies on training programs and employee job performance have provided the
researcher with better knowledge and conceptualization. The research focuses on
measuring the correlation between two variables. Quantitative methods were used.

3.2 Research approach

The research will utilize the deductive approach. Because the researcher developed a
conceptual framework of the study. Here he subsequently tested using data and needed
to explain causal relationship between variables (Alam, 2014). These were the factors
impact of training on employee job performance. In this study, concentrates on
measuring a relationship among two variables. Quantitative approach is used.

3.3 Research design

Research design is the plan for carrying out the research study (Kombo and Tromp,
2006). In this study, concentrates on measuring a relationship among two variables.
Quantitative approach is used. Therefore, this is a descriptive research. Descriptive
research is aimed at obtaining complete and accurate information for the study, and the
methodology should be carefully planned. This research used secondary data
quantitative analysis and etc.

Types of the study
The purpose of the study was to describe the factors that affect the training program on
employee job performance of brandix’s non-managerial employee. Several variables
that are considered important for the performance of non-managerial employees are
identified as factors. The objective is to establish the relationship between these
independent variables and dependent variable. Therefore, the review type of this study
was experimental.

Research setting
There are two types of research settings: natural and contrived. The natural research
setting may be field study or field experiment and the contrived research setting is a
laboratory experiment. This study examines the factors that influence the performance
of non-managerial employees in brandix’s natural work environment. Accordingly, this
is a field experiment.

Time of the study

There are two type of research time period: cross sectional and longitudinal study.
According to sekeran (1992), the time horizon may be either cross sectional/ one shot
or over a period of several days/ weeks/ months. Longitudinal study where data
collection is done in more points in time. The study is done through long time period.
Data for the study were collected over a period of time and the research did not take
long. This study took a month to collect data. Accordingly, this study is applicable to
the cross sectional time period.

Unity of study
There are three type are unity of study: Individual, Dyads (two person) and Group (more
than two person). The unit of the study was individual: all non-managerial in the
Brandix Essential company in Sri Lanka.

3.4 Research method
Among these various types of sources, the previous studies done on training programs
and employee job performance supplied the researcher with better knowledge and
conceptualization to the research study. This research concentrates on measuring a
relationship among two variables.

3.5 Data collection and analysis

Population is the total numbers of persons locate a country, city, district or any
organization. This research target population in this study is employees who are
working in Brandix Essentials (PVT) Ltd in Sri Lanka.

Sampling element
The sampling methods can be divide the probability sampling and non-probability
sampling. Among the individual who are working in Brandix Apparel industry in Sri
Lanka can be determined as the sampling element of this study. Sample element should
be a Male or Female who are working at Brandix Essentials (PVT) Ltd in Sri Lanka. In
accession to that work experience, education level and revenue levels.

To decide an appropriate sample size for this research of 150 subjects to different sex
and age group, selected to the education background and income range of the employee.
The sample was choosing to compose of randomly selected appearance from Brandix
Essentials (PVT) Ltd. Convenience sampling measure was used to select a group of
individuals from the large population.

Sampling technique
The sample was randomly selected from the Brandix Essentials (PVT) Ltd to consist of
selected components. A convenience sampling method was used to select a subset of
individuals from a larger population.

Sample size
A sample size of 150 subjects is selected for different age group, educational
backgrounds and income range.

Data collection methods

The data for this study will be collected both primary as well as the secondary data

Primary source of information

The researcher has had several previous conversations with company management
when selecting the company for my analysis to gather information on company history
and background. Primary data are more valuable part of this study. Primary data
collection method was structured questionnaires regarding the training program and
employee performance to employee who work in the Human resource department and
the other department. Questions were presented in Sinhala and English language. Self-
administrative method was used by researcher to gather primary data. Data were
collected from cutting, production, quality & technical, HR and finishing department.
The questionnaire will be used to collect data from the respondents.

Secondary source of information.

 Company Annual reports

 Company document

 Information regarding to the employee performance.

 Journal articles about the human resource training and employee performance.

Properly generated questions were used to collect primary data from respondents.
Questionnaire were presented in Sinhala. Data are collected from respondents of the
Brandix essential ltd, with special emphasis on various components such as cutting,
manufacturing, finishing, work study, storage, quality, technology and human
resources. The convenience of the researcher is the main reason for selecting samples
from the above areas. Survey method used to collect data from this research. The
researcher used the self-administration method to collect primary data. The
questionnaire will be used to collect data from the respondents.

3.6 Conceptual framework

Conceptual Framework gives the basic idea of the research. In there, two variables can
be identified such as independent variable and dependent variable.

The employee is a valuable part of the organization. The success or failure of an

organization is determined by employee job performance. Institutions therefore invest
a lot of money in employee training. Key variable are identified in relation to employee
training programs and employee job performance. Further discussion develops a
proposed model that clarifies the relationship between employee training program
variable and employee job performance variables. It is often logical to look at new
problems based on the truth of the surrounding variables.

This conceptual framework is shown in the figure 3.6-1. The independent variable is
training program and dependent variable is employee performance.

Independent variable Dependent Variable

Training program.
1. Training Need Employee job
2. Training Content 1. Traits
and Delivering
Approach. 2. Behavior
3. Training
Evaluation. 3. Results

Figure 3.6-1: Model of Conceptual Framework

Conceptualization of training program
Working Definition of training program

Many scholars have defined the concept of training program. Reynolds (2004) defined
as a set of activities which react to present needs and is focused on the instructor and
contrasts with learning as a process that focuses on developing individual and
organizational potential and building capabilities for the future. Training is considered
as the process of improving the existing skills, knowledge, exposure, and abilities in an
individual. According to Saleem and Mehwish (2011), training is an organized increase
from the know - how skills and sensations needed for staff members to execute
efficiently in the offered process, as well as, to operate in underling situation. Laing
(2009) defines training as an indicator to enhance superior skills, knowledge,
capabilities and outlook of the employees that results in effective performance of the

Training programs not only develops employees but also help an organization to make
best use of their humane resources in favor of gaining competitive advantage.
Therefore, it seems mandatory by the firm to plan for such a training programs for its
employees to enhance their abilities and competencies that are needed at the workplace
(Jie and Roger, 2005).

The purpose of effective training programs is to improve employee performance.

Training is about narrowing the gap between current performance and expected
performance. Training can be done in a variety of ways, such as coaching and
mentoring, the support of peers and the participation of subordinates. This teamwork
enables employees to actively participate in the work and produces better performance,
thus enhancing organizational performance.

Dimensions of training program

According to valentine (2017), training and development process, training and

development technique are the dimensions of Training programs.

Govindappa & Manjula (2017) said that Training need assessment, Training Contents
and Delivery Approaches and Training evaluation are the dimensions of Training

Otuko, Chege & Douglas (2013) suggest three dimension of training program as

 Training Need Assessment.

 Training content and delivering approach.

 Training evaluation.

Conceptualization of employee job performance
Working definition of employee job performance

There are several definition of employs job performance. The concept of job
performance as the results of behaviors as judge against some criterion and standard of
excellence. In many ways overall performance is quite similar to organizational
citizenship (Moorhead & Griffin, 1999).

According to Hersen (2004), employee performance can be defined (and assessed) in

terms of quantifiable outcomes of work behavioral is such as amount of sales, numbers
sold and also in terms of behavioral dimensions which may include work-related
communication, decision making, problem solving among other skills. Employee
performance is higher in happy and satisfied workers and the management find it easy
to motivate high performers to attain firm targets. (Kinicki and Kreitner, 2007).

Sultana (2012), define performance as; “The achievement of specific tasks measured
against predetermined or identified standards of accuracy, completeness, cost and
speed. Employee performance can be manifested in improvement in production,
easiness in using the new technology, highly motivated workers”.

Employee satisfaction can only be achieved through better training programs when they
feel they are competent to do their jobs. Recognizing the role of training practices, top
executives are able to create better working environments that ultimately improve the
level of motivation and workforce performance.

Dimension of employee job performance

Employee job performance is a multi-dimensional concept and behaves in different

ways on different scenarios. The concept of job performance has also been described
in terms of "behavior that can be detrimental to the organization". Success of
performing a job is a multiple concept. This means that success involves many aspects
rather than one aspect (Opatha 2002).

Opatha (2002) suggest three dimensions of job performance as follows:

 Traits
 Behavior
 Results

Cox and Nkornu (1986) addressed the three dimensions of job performance as follows:

 Performance traits
 Task performance
 Social behavior

Robbins (1998) identified three most popular sets of criteria of job performance are:

 Individual task outcomes

 Behaviors
 Traits

According to Valentin (2017), employee performance dimensions are knowledge,

innovation, job satisfaction, career orientation, efficient and effectiveness.

3.7 Operationalization of the variable

Operationalization of the Independent and dependent Variable. (Training

Program & Employee job Performance)

Table 3.7-1: Operationalization of Variables

Variable Dimensions Indicators Question Sources


Training Otuko, A.H,

Chege, K &
Programs Douglas, M 2013,
‘Effect of Training
Training Knowledge, Dimensions on
Need Employee’s Work
skills and 09,10,11
Assessment. Performance’, A
abilities case of Mumias
sugar company in
Country, vol. 2,
pp. 138-149.

Otuko, A.H,
Chege, K &
12,13 Douglas, M 2013,
commitment. ‘Effect of Training
Dimensions on
Employee’s Work
Performance’, A
Training case of Mumias
Content and
Training sugar company in
Delivering 14,15
Content Kakamega
Country, vol. 2,
pp. 138-149.

Technical 16

Otuko, A.H,
Training Chege, K &
criteria 17
Douglas, M 2013,
‘Effect of Training
Dimensions on
Employee’s Work
Performance’, A
Achievability case of Mumias
of objectives 18,19,20 sugar company in
Country, vol. 2,
pp. 138-149.

Job 21,22
job K.H.H 2007,
‘Impact of
Performance Attitudinal
Cooperation 23,24,25 Factors on Job
Performance of
Traits Executives and
26,27, Non-Executive
Employees in
Apparel Industry
in Sri Lanka’,
Interpersonal 28,29 vol.1, no.1, pp. 59

Planning 30,31 K.H.H 2007,
Work ‘Impact of
Factors on Job
Behavior 32
Punctuality Performance of
Executives and
Attendance 33,34 Employees in
Apparel Industry
35 in Sri Lanka’,
Speed vol.1, no.1, pp. 59

Efficiency 36 K.H.H 2007,
Achievement ‘Impact of
Factors on Job
Results Completion of Performance of
work on 37 Executives and
schedule Non-Executive
Employees in
Apparel Industry
Quality of 38,39 in Sri Lanka’,
Work vol.1, no.1, pp. 59

Measuring the demographic characteristic.

Characteristic Measuring number

Gender 01
Age 02
Status 03
Handedness 04
Designation 05
Experience 06
Training time 07
Training type 08

Independent variable (Training Program) Training needs assessment

According to Desmone, Werner and Harris (2002), there are four stages or steps
involved in the training and development process. These are training needs assessment,
designing of the training, implementation of the training and monitoring and evaluation
of the training.

Firdousi (2011) is of the view that training needs analysis is used to investigate the
educational courses or activities to be given to both employees and management in a
bid to enhance their delivery. Noe (2013) indicates that training needs assessment
concerns the process of finding out if training is required/needed or not. When there is
a change in the system or function, the introduction of new technology, the introduction
of new government standards, the quality of work or performance, the lack of skills and
knowledge, the need for training needs analysis.

According to Noe (2013), the methods used to conduct training needs analysis include
observation, questionnaires, interview, focus groups and documents. He indicated that
if training needs assessment is not carried out, the content, objectives and methods of
the training and development program may be wrong.

1. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Training is a very importance aspect for improved organizational performance through
the enhance level of individual capabilities. This say that training will support employee
to develop, skills, knowledge, behaviors, sense of self-worth and confidence upon
which they are capable to perform efficiently to improve on the performance of the

45 Training contents and delivering approach
One of the replicas of training needs is the specification of training objectives, which
in turn identify or specify the skills and tasks that need to be trained.

According to Hamid (1987), specific task or training contents, a giving training delivery
approaches may be more effective than others because all training delivery approaches
are capable and intended to communicate specific skills, knowledge, attitudinal or task
information to trainees, so different training delivery approaches can be selected in
order to deliver different training contents.

1. Employee’s work commitment

Training programs affect both employee needs and organizational objectives.

Management is the rapid improvement in knowledge, skills and attitudes to work-
related activities. Increase employee performance with high level of collaboration.
When employees perceive that their organization is willing to do so by offering training
programs, they will do their best to achieve the organizational goals and show the
highest performance of the job.

2. Training content and delivery approach

Training content.
Training content to what the job actually involves. Task analysis techniques are
important for this. These techniques were developed in professional psychology to
ensure that what was being trained was necessary.

The training delivery approaches used are as varies as the training content areas (Poon
and Othman, 2000)

Delivery approach.

According to Wexley and Latham (2002), the need to consider skill and tasks
characteristics in determining the most effective training delivery approaches should be
highlighted. A number of typologies have been offered for categorizing skills and tasks
(Gagne, Briggs and Wagner, 1997; Rasmussen, 1982), which can be categorized into
two broad categories: people or technical skills (Poon and Othman, 2000), is crucial in
designing training programs. Team training is one of delivery approach of training by
which people learn how to work effectively in problem – solving groups, where direct
observation and feedback is needed in the process of training (Rasmussen, 1982;
Forbush and Morgan, 2004). Organizations conducted training programs to meet the
training delivery approaches and their management staff.

3. Technical skills

The technical skills training played by tutor or trainer projected a positive attitude
towards the method of role playing, which achieved better results in employee’s
commitment and performance (Herzog and Junger, 2005). Positive counter-studies of
technical skills training have been measure by several studies. Such as technical skills
training to show in organizations. Training evaluation

According to Amstrong (2003), Monitoring, evaluation is the determination of whether
the training program is successful or not in relation to the objectives set and makes
recommendations for improvement or change. Kirkpatrick (1998) has proposed a
model of evaluation of training. According to the model, there are four elements used
in training and development evaluation. These include reaction, learning, behaviors and
result. These three element explained the literature review chapter. According to Noe
(2013), there are two types of training and development evaluation: formative and
summative evaluation.

1. Training criteria

Training criteria is the benchmark was agreed upon to assess the success of a training
program. Based on Kirkpatrick‟s model there are four levels for categorizing training
criteria. which each level represents a more precise measure of the effectiveness of the
training program, but at the same time requires a more rigorous and time-consuming
analysis. These four levels are evaluation – reactions, evaluation – learning, evaluation
– transferring and evaluation – results. (Otuko, Chege & Douglas, 2013)

2. Achievability of objective

The objective provides a clear indication of the goals and objectives of the training.
Coaches use them to focus on training and to assess participants’ performance and
success. Participants can use them to evaluate training from their perspective. Such as:

 Building new relationship

Good working relationship give us a benefits. When we have good relationships with
those around us, our work is much more enjoyable. Also, people are more likely to go
with the changes we want to implement and we become more innovative and creative.

After the training period, people develop new relationships and improve existing

 Wage level
For many workers, one of the most important aspects of a job is the pay. Salary allows
workers to earn a living with their labor. They give an incentive for the employer to be
loyal. In a broad sense, the wages of workers fuel the economy.

After the training program, the demand and standards of the employees go up. For this
reason, management should focus on their pay level. The employee should be paid a
fair amount compared to similar work at other companies. Otherwise, the employee
may quit.

 Employee stress
Work stress is defined as the stress created by the conflicting demands of one’s job.
The extent to which work stress is significantly greater than the workflow of control
employees is significant. Although all tasks have an element of stress, real work stress
is detrimental because emotional and physical reactions of work demands that an
employee cannot control.

Training provide employees with mental and physical health and balance, builds a
positive attitude and confidence to discover their hidden potential, overcomes self-
imposed barriers, develops resilience and overcomes all their efforts.

Dependent variable (Employee job performance) Traits
The traits mean enduring characteristic that describe on individual’s behaviors. Good
attitude, confidence, dependable or cooperative, looking busy or experience (Robins,
1998). Traits refer to particular qualities or characteristics the employee possesses.
Traits of employees can be assessed. Examples include job knowledge, cooperation,
trust, honesty, initiative and loyalty (Opatha. 2002).

Traits identify the physical or psychological characteristics of a person. Some evidence

that particular types of traits are valuable in jobs that require management and
leadership skills.

Many traits that most of us would be likely to focus on, such as physical attractiveness,
height, extroversion, and others, actually have been shown to have very little bearing
on job performance. If we’re going to use traits in performance evaluation, we must
ensure that we focus on traits that have a direct relationship to the essential functions
of the job being done, and they have to be accurate measures.

1. Job knowledge

The extent to which the non-managerial employee knows how to perform all the duties
and understands about objectives, responsibility, and methodology of his/her job (Uma,

Job knowledge measuring employee knowledge and essential skills related to the job,
including policies, procedures, resources, legal, customer service, as well as working
relationship to the mission of the organization.

2. Cooperation

The attitude towards the work peers, and superiors and the ability to understand help
solve problems of others (Uma, 2007). Cooperation means people who work together
to achieve results or help one another to achieve a common goal.

3. Dependability

The ability to do required activities under a minimum supervision (Uma, 2007).

Dependability is one of the most important attributes an employee should possess and
it enhances the various job performance categories. A reliable employee not only stands
for day-to-day work, but also produces consistent work, and company policies and
business strategies can be applied to every task and assignment.

4. Interpersonal relation

The ability to interact and keep good relationship with peers and superiors (Uma, 2007).
In today’s corporate world, it is necessary to work as fast as possible and for this the
working professionals need to have a good relationship. Effective workplace
communication and teamwork can lead to healthy professional relationships.
Interpersonal relationships develop with good team participation with other members.

On the other hand, these relationships may deteriorate when a person leaves the group
and stops being in touch (Stephen, 2010). Behavior
Behaviors are the ways the employee acts in relation to the job. Basically behaviors
involve particular activities carried out by the employee in performing the job.
Examples include punctuality, attendance, planning work, organizing work, developing
subordinates, and controlling work (Opatha. 2002); promptness (Robins, 1998).

As a general rule, behaviors are a much better option to use in an appraisal than traits.
While an individual supervisor or manager may make a mistake in judgment of the
traits of an employee, physical actions or behaviors can be directly observed, and as a
result they are more likely to be a valid assessment of the individual’s performance.

1. Planning work

The extent to which the employee anticipates needs, preplans work, and establishes
appropriate schedules (Uma, 2007). It is an innovative approach to managing the work
of an organization, managing the staff performance the work.

2. Punctuality

The tendency to arrive at the work place at the right time (Uma, 2007). Punctuality
meaning “working on time”. It is a sign of professionalism and stands out as a reliable
and trustworthily employee. If you do not complete a project on time, others will be
able to complete their work. Working on time helps to establish your reputation as a
reliable and consistent employee.

3. Attendance

The importance of attendance to the workplace. It is very important that you have a
great deal of participation in order to do well as an employee as well as maintain a good
relationship with your employer.

4. Speed

The individual's ability complete the work assigned with the utmost expedition for
better service and higher productivity (Uma, 2007). Results
Results are the outcomes produced by the employee. Outcomes or outputs of the
employee can be assessed. Examples include number of units produced, number of
units sold etc. (Opatha. 2002): quantity produced; scrap generated, cost per units of
production (Robins, 1998).

Even though this is true, the measurement of results is the final organizational measure
of success. The results produced through organizational processes provide the company
with its return on investment—in this case its investment in the people in the
organization. So, organizations really like to measure results.

1. Efficiency achievement

The maximum level of output of work using the minimum level of inputs in the job
(Uma, 2007).

2. Completing of work on schedule

The extent to which an employee completes work within given /reasonable time (Uma,
2007). Work schedule usually refers to the number of days per week and the number of
days an employee is expected to work. There are several different types of work
schedules, and these vary by job position and organization culture.

3. Quality of work

The general excellence of output with consideration to accuracy, thoroughness, and

neatness (Uma, 2007).

Quality of work can be defined as the favorable circumstances of a workplace that

endorse employee satisfaction by assuring proper rewards, job security and growth
opportunity. In explaining Quality of work earlier literatures identify different
dimensions such as, job security, better reward, opportunity for growth, participation,
higher pay and increased organizational productivity which are highly discussed (Rubel
& Kee, 2014).

3.8 Data analysis methods
To achieve the purpose of the study and to achieve the objective of the study in a
measurable manner, the following statistical methods were used to analyze the survey
data of the sample.

Method of data analysis involves preparing the data for analysis, conducting different
analysis and making an interpretation of the larger meaning of the data (Creswell,
2003). This study has quantitative in analyzing data. Statistical Procedure for Social
science (SPSS) software is used to analyze the data. Gender and Education are the
researcher uses nominal scaling technique. In addition, mean, mode, standard deviation
and correlation will be the statistical measures used for data analysis.

Methods of measurement
Some rules require measurement levels or measurement scales to be assigned to
response categories.

The table clearly shows the levels of measurement used in the study.

Table 3.8-1: Level of Measurements of variables

Variable Measurement
Training program Interval
Employee performance Interval
Gender Nominal
Age Ratio
Civil status Nominal
Handedness Nominal
Designation Nominal
Work Experience Ordinal

The employee job performance and training program (independent and dependent
variable) measured by their responses to the questionnaire with five points scale, which
was designed as follow: question statements No 07-26 and 28-40 are the scales for
positive statement in the questionnaire.

Scale Points
Strongly Disagree 01
Disagree 02
Moderate 03
Agree 04
Strongly Agree 05

Hypotheses development
The study tests the following hypotheses. These hypotheses are develop based on the
conceptual framework of the study.

Main hypothesis

H1- There is positive relationship between Training program and Employee job

The sub hypotheses

H2- There is positive relationship between training needs assessment and employee job

H3- There is positive relationship between training contents & delivering approach and
employee job performance.

H4- There is positive relationship between training evaluation and employee job

Decision rule and methods of interpretation
The variable of the research repository was measured using a questionnaire with the
Likert scale method. The five-point scale for the variable range from strongly agree to
strongly disagree with the point of 1 to 5 respectively with positive statements.

The mean of this five-point scale was [1+2+3+4+5]/5=03. The following decision rules
establish for each variable.

1. If Mean < 3, then the level of agreement of the respondents for each variable is


2. If Mean = 3, then, the level of agreement of the respondents for each variable is


3. If Mean > 3, then, the level of agreement of the respondents for each variable is


Correlation analysis
The correlation analysis was made two measures the magnitude and the direction of the
relationship between following variables.

1. The training program and the employee job performance

2. The training needs assessment and the employee job performance
3. The training contents (delivering approach) and the employee job performance.
4. The training evaluation and the employee job performance.

Validity and reliability of measurement

Validity and reliability of instrument is another important topic of the research study.
In this study researcher investigate impact of the training program on employee job
performance of non-managerial employee in the Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd by
distributing questionnaire.

Validity tests how well an instrument that is developed measures the particular concept
it is intended to measure. Validity is concerned with whether researcher measures the
right concept and reliability with stability and consistency of measurements (Sekaran,
2003). When considering about the validity of questionnaire, researcher refers to
content validity, criterion-related validity and construct validity (Cooper & Schindler,

Content validity ensures that the measure includes an adequate and representative set
of items that tap the concept (Sekaran, 2003). Content validity refers to the extent to
which the measurement device, in study the measurement questions, in the
questionnaire, provides adequate coverage of the investigation questions (Saunders,
Lewis, & Thornhill, 2016). In this study researcher make adequate coverage by
providing careful definition of the research through the literature and also researcher
uses pool of individuals to measure questions in the questionnaire. And also,
independent variables and hypotheses are taken from existing literature and similar
studies. Criterion-related validity is concerned with the ability of the measures
(questions) to make accurate predictions (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2016).
Therefore, researcher uses correlation analysis under the statistical analysis. Construct
validity testifies to how well the results obtained from the use of the measure fit the
theories around which the test is designed (Sekaran, 2003). Hence, researcher develop
questionnaire by using tested questions in the questionnaires.

Reliability refers to consistency. It means that it will produce consistent findings at

different times and under different conditions, such as with different samples (Saunders,
Lewis, & Thornhill, 2016). The questionnaire is checked by the specialist in the subject
to prove the reliability of the questionnaire. Further, researcher translated questionnaire
into Sinhala and tested form specialist. And also, researcher tested the cornbench alpha
value which is greater than accepted level of 0.7.

3.9 Chapter summary
In this chapter, the research methodology for achieving acceptable results is discussed.
The aim of the study is to identify and define the target population, furthermore,
assumptions and sample selection procedures and analytical methods are presented.
Analyzing the data is done SPSS.



4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the data analyzed from the sample. A sample summary is
provided to easily understand the relationships among the factors. Demographic factor
analysis, major variable analysis extensively detailed. Items were also used separately
to measure the relationship between the main variables. The relationship between the
independent and dependent variables is measured and the research topic identifies the
relationship between the variables.

4.2 Sample profile

In this research has taken 150 non managerial employee as a sample from Brandix
Essential (PVT) Ltd.

4.3 Analysis of demographic variables of sample

Gender, Age, Civil status, Handedness, Designation, work experience, training time
and training type were selected as demographic variables to collect data from
background of respondents. The data which collected based on the sample demographic
factors, the data collected are analyzed in detail below:

Distribution of gender
Table 4.3-1: Age Distribution

Gender Frequency Percent

Valid Male 42 28.0%
Female 108 72.0%

Total 150 100.0

Source: Survey Data

Figure 4.3-1: Gender Distribution

Table 4.3.1 shows the gender categories of sample. According to the sample size of 150
respondents of non-managerial employees in the Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd, that
indicates 28.0% (N=42) of male employees and 72.0% (108) of female employees.
Figure 4.3.1 shows gender information of employees in graphically. When consider
the total study sample three of four (3/4) of respondents are female.

Distribution of age

Table 4.3-2: Age Distribution

Age Frequency Percent

18-24 40 26.7%
25-34 73 48.7%
35-44 22 14.7%
Above 45 15 10.0%
Total 150 100.0%

Source: Survey Data

Figure 4.3-2: Age Distribution

The table 4.3.2 indicates that the number of non-managerial employee under the
different age categories working at above Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. Most of
respondents are included under age category of 25-34 years. This age category
represents high percentage from the total sample and that percentages is 48.7%. 26.7%
respondents are categorized under 18-24 age limit. The age category ranked second
high performance form the total sample. Respondents belong to age category 35-44 and
45 & above respectively represent 14.7% and 10% from the total sample. Figure 4.3.2
shows gender information in graphically. This indicated that apparel company focus on
employing youth employees as their non-managerial employee.

Distribution of civil status

Table 4.3-3: Distribution of Civil Status

Civil Status Frequency Percent

Valid Married 57 38.0%

Unmarried 93 62.0%

Total 150 100.0%

Sources: Survey Data

Figure 4.3-3: Distribution of Civil Status

able 4.3.3 shows the civil status of non-managerial employees. The total study sample
include 57 married and 93 unmarried non-managerial employees. The married
percentage was 38% and unmarried percentage was 62% of total study sample. Figure
4.3.3 shows gender information in graphically. When consider the total study sample
more than half of respondents are unmarried.

Distribution of handedness

Table 4.3-4: Distribution of Handedness

Handedness Frequency Percent

Left hand 29 19.3%

Right hand 121 80.7%

Total 150 100.0%

Sources: Survey Data

Figure 4.3-4: Distribution of Handedness

Table 4.3.4 show the right handed employees and left handed employees are indicated.
The sample consists 29 left handed and 121 right handed respondents. Most of
respondents use their right hand to fulfill their daily working activities. Limited
respondents use their left hand for their working activities. Normally left handed people
are low in the world. As a percentage it is 19.33%.

Distribution of designation

Table 4.3-5: Distribution of Designation

Designation Frequency Percent

Machine operator 76 50.7%
Cutting helper 18 12.0%
Quality checker 34 22.7%
Packing helper 22 14.75%
Total 150 100.0%
Sources: Survey Data

Figure 4.3-5: Distribution of Designation

From the total sample more than half of the respondents are machine operators. It’s
50.7% of sample. According to the sample 22.7%, 14.75% respondents are quality
checker and packing helpers respectively. The least number of respondents are
represented by cutting department. As a percentage it is 12.0%. In the garment factory
machine operators are considered as direct employees.

Distribution by year of experience

Table 4.3-6: Distribution of year of Experience

Experience Frequency Percent

less than 1 year 14 9.3%
Valid 1-2 year 51 34.0%
Above 2 years 85 56.7%
Total 150 100.0%

Sources: Survey Data

Figure 4.3-6: Distribution of year of Experience

Table 4.3.6 show the service time of respondents at Brandix essential (PVT) Ltd. Most
of respondents are belong above 2 years’ service time categories. It’s 56.67% from the
sample. 9.33%, 34.1% of the sample respectively less than 1 years and between 1-2
years’ period. When consider the garment industry most of employees leave their job
within limited time period. But most of respondents are working more time in this

Designation of number of training program

Table 4.3-7: Designation of number of Training Program

No. of training program Frequency Percent

Only one 68 45.3%

Valid Twice 52 34.7%
several time 30 20.0%
Total 150 100.0%
Sources: Survey Data

Figure 4.3-7: Designation of number of Training Program

The table 4.3.7 indicates that the number of non-managerial employee “how many
times have you had such form of training in the last two years?” of Brandix Essential
(PVT) Ltd. Most of respondents are included under only one training program. This
category represents high percentage from the total sample and that percentages is
45.3%. 34.7%, 20.0% respondents are categorized under two and several time joined
the training program. Figure 4.3.2 shows gender information in graphically.

Distribution of training type

Table 4.3-8: Distribution of Training Types

Training type Frequency Percent

Employee orientation 48 32.0

Coaching 66 44.0
Job rotation 36 24.0
Total 150 100.0
Sources: Survey Data

Figure 4.3-8: Designation of Training Types

Table 4.3.8 show the training type of respondents at Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. Most
of respondents are belong coaching training type categories. It’s 44% from the sample.
24%, 32.0% of the sample respectively job rotation and employee orientation training

4.4 Analysis of reliability of the instruments

Table 4.4-1: Cronbach's Alpha Value Table

Instruments Cronbach’s Alpha No of Items

01 Training need assessment 0.815 03

Training content and

02 0.774 05
delivery approach
03 Training evaluation 0.843 04

04 Training program 0.891 12

05 Employee job performance 0.769 19

Source: Survey Data

The inter item consistency reliability was examining through Cronbach’s Alpha test.
Table indicates that reliability of each variable. According to table the
Cronbach’s Alpha value of each instruments indicates that the internal reliability of
each items are satisfactory.

4.5 Descriptive statistics for research variables

Two main variables were utilized to investigate the relationship between employee job
performance and Training programs. That variables are,

1. Training need assessment

2. Training content and delivery approaches
3. Training evaluation
4. Training program
5. Employee job performance

Each and every variable was measured by using questions. From now on, these
variables were measured by using mean value and standard deviation.

Descriptive statistics for training need assessment
To measure the level of training need assessment, dimensions are selected. That are
Knowledge, skills and ability.

Table 4.5-1: Overall Mean Value and Standard Deviation of Training Need

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Training Need
150 2.33 5.00 3.8378 .62240

Source: Survey Data

The mean value of the training need assessment is 3.878. According to table,
the mean value is relatively high (M>3) and this value indicates non managerial
employee are satisfied with training need assessment. Therefore, respondent’s attitudes
towards training need assessment is comparatively high.

Descriptive statistics for training content and delivery

To measure the level of training content and delivery approach, three dimensions were
selected. That are,

1. Employee’s work commitment.

2. Training content
3. Technical skills

Table 4.5-2:Overall Mean Value and Standard Deviation of Training Content &
Delivery Approach

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Training content
150 2.40 4.40 3.5907 .53059
and delivery approach

Source: Survey Data

The mean value of the training content and delivery approach is 3.5907. According to
table, the mean value is relatively high (M>3) and this value indicates non
managerial employee are satisfied with training content and delivery approach.
Therefore, respondent’s attitudes towards training content and delivery approach is
comparatively high.

Descriptive statistics for training evaluation

To measure the level of training evaluation, three dimensions were selected. That are,

1. Training criteria
2. Achievability of objectives

Table 4.5-3:Overall Mean Value and Standard Deviation of Training Evaluation

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Training evaluation 150 2.25 4.75 3.7483 .67586

Source: Survey Data

The mean value of the training evaluation is 3.7483. According to table, the
mean value is relatively high (M>3) and this value indicates non managerial employee
are satisfied with training evaluation. Therefore, respondent’s attitudes towards training
evaluation approach is comparatively high.

Descriptive statistics of training program

To measure the level of training program, three dimensions were selected. That are,
1. Training need assessment
2. Training content and delivery approach
3. Training evaluation

Table 4.5-4: Overall Mean Value and Standard Deviation of Training Program

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Training program 150 2.42 4.42 3.7050 .51321

Source: Survey Data

The mean value of the training program is 3.7050. According to table, the mean
value is relatively high (M>3) and this value indicates non managerial employee are
satisfied with training program. Therefore, respondent’s attitudes towards training
program is comparatively high.

Descriptive statistics of employee job performance
To measure the level of employee job performance, three dimensions were selected.
That are,
1. Traits
2. Behavior
3. Results

Table 4.5-5: Mean Value and Standard Deviation of each Dimension of Employee
Job Performance

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Traits 150 2.67 4.44 3.8978 .34865

Behavior 150 3.00 5.00 3.9578 .40925
Result 150 2.80 4.60 3.9500 .30887

Source: Survey Data

Table indicates that, the mean value and standard deviation of each dimension
of employee job performance. According to the above table the mean value is more
than point 3. Therefore, these value indicates that above dimensions have significance
positive impact on the non- managerial employees’ job performance. Because mean
value is more than point 3 (M>3).

Table 4.5-6: Overall Mean Value and Standard Deviation of Employee Job

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Employee job
150 2.90 4.32 3.8980 .30043

Source: Survey Data

Table indicates that, the mean value and standard deviation of employee job
performance. According to the above table the mean value is 3.8980 and standard
deviation is .30043. Therefore, this value indicates that selected respondents have
relatively higher level of employee job performance. Because mean value is M>3.

4.6 Correlation analysis

Correlation can be utilized to investigate whether there is a relationship between two
variables. Correlation reveals the direction of the relationship and the strength of the
relationship. The correlation analysis was made to investigate relationship between
following set of variables.
1. Correlation between training program and employee job performance.
2. Correlation between training need assessment and employee job performance.
3. Correlation between training content & delivery approach and employee job
4. Correlation between training evaluation and employee job performance.

The correlation coefficient should be varying between “-1” and “+1” and the “-1”
indicates negative direction of the relationships and “+1” indicates positive directions
of the relationships. if the correlation coefficient is closer to “0”, the relationship is

Correlation between training programs and employee job

Table 4.6-1: Correlation between Training Programs and Employee Job


Training Employee job
Programs performance
1 .854**
Training Programs
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
.854** 1
Employee job Correlation
performance Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Survey Data

Table indicates that correlation coefficient between training programs and
employee job performance. The correlation coefficient for the relationship between
overall training program and employee job performance is .854. This value represents
a positive relationship between the two variables. This means that the changes in the
training programs have a high level of impact on the employee performance garment
factory. However, the level of the significance is lower than 0.05. Any way the changes
of the training programs will be influence on the employee job performance.

Correlation between training need assessment and employee
job performance

Table 4.6-2:Correlation between Training Need Assessment and Employee Job


Training Need Employee Job
Assessment Performance
1 .630**
Training Need Correlation
Assessment Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
.630** 1
Employee Job Correlation
Performance Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Source: Survey Data

Table indicates that correlation coefficient between training need assessment
and employee job performance. The correlation coefficient for the relationship between
training need assessment and employee job performance is .630. This value represents
a positive relationship between the two variables. However, the level of the significance
is lower than 0.05. Any way the changes of the training need assessment will be
influence on the employee job performance.

Correlation between training content & delivery approach and
employee job performance

Table 4.6-3: Correlation between Training Content & Delivery Approach and
Employee Job Performance

Training content &
delivery approach
1 .728**
Training content & delivery
approach Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
.728** 1
Employee job performance Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Survey Data

Table indicates that correlation coefficient between training content & delivery
approach and employee job performance. The correlation coefficient for the
relationship between training content & delivery approach and employee job
performance is .728. This value represents a positive relationship between the two
variables. However, the level of the significance is lower than 0.05. Any way the
changes of the training content & delivery approach will be influence on the employee
job performance.

Correlation between training evaluation and employee job

Table 4.6-4: Correlation between Training Evaluation and Employee Job


Training Employee job
evaluation performance
1 .795**
Training evaluation Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
.795** 1
Employee job
performance Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 150 150
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Survey Data

Table indicates that correlation coefficient between training evaluation and
employee job performance. The correlation coefficient for the relationship between
training evaluation and employee job performance is .795. This value represents a
positive relationship between the two variables. However, the level of the significance
is lower than 0.05. Any way the changes of the training evaluation will be influence on
the employee job performance.

4.7 Testing multivariate assumptions

Normality of data is important to further analysis of data. Normal distribution of data
is main assumption for run the regression. Skewness and Kurtosis were used to show
normal distribution of data. Skewness
Skewness is asymmetry in a statistical distribution. Asymmetry means non-equal
distribution. Skewness can be positively skewed or negatively skewed. Kurtosis
Kurtosis is a measure of whether the data are around to the central point. It means data
are peaked or flat relative to a normal distribution.

Table 0-1: The shape of data distribution based on skewness and kurtosis

Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error
Training Need Assessment -.770 .198 .239 .394
Training Content &
-.587 .198 -.290 .394
Delivery Approach
Training Evaluation -.790 .198 .244 .394
Employee Job Performance -1.407 .198 1.506 .394
Training Program -1.186 .198 .879 .394
Valid N (listwise)

Source: Survey Data

Table 4.7.1-1 shows all the skewness and kurtosis statistics. The researcher used
recommended value of -3 to 3 as cut-off of skewness and kurtosis statistics. All the
items have maintained an appropriate level of skewness in the range of -0.587 to -1.407
and appropriate level of kurtosis in the range of -0.239 to 1.506. These statistics value
shows that data are normally distributed.

4.8 Regression analysis
Regression analysis measures the strength of a relationship between independent
variable and dependent variable. In accordance with this research training program is
identified as predictors (independent variable) and it indicates using three other
variables as training need assessment, training content& delivery approach and training
evaluation. And also, employee job performance is identified as dependent variable.
Researcher used simple linear regression analysis to identify the relationship between
training program and employee job performance.

Relationship between training program and employee job


Table 4.8-1: Model Summary

Model Summary

R Adjusted R Std. Error of the Durbin-

Model R
Square Square Estimate Watson

1 .854a .729 .727 .15703 2.173

a. Predictors: (Constant), Training program
b. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance

Source: Survey Data

According to the table, 72% of the variance in the non-managerial employee job
performance can be predicted from the training program. R-Square value is 0.729 while
the value of adjusted R-Square is 0.727.

Table 4.8-2: ANOVA Table

Model Sum of Squares df F Sig.
1 Regression 9.799 1 9.799 397.356 .000b
Residual 3.650 148 .025
Total 13.448 149
a. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Training program

Source: Survey Data

According to the table, p value is 0.000, which is smaller than alpha level
(α=0.005). Therefore, the independent variable of training program reliably predicted
the dependent variable of employee job performance.

Table 4.8-3: Coefficients Table

Unstandardized rdized Collinearity
Coefficients Coeffic Si Statistics
Model t Interval for B
ients g.
Std. Lower Upper Tolera
B Beta VIF
Error Bound Bound nce
21.8 .00
(Constant) 2.047 .094 1.861 2.232
31 0
Training 19.9 .00 1.00
.500 .025 .854 .450 .549 1.000
Program 34 0 0
a. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance
Source: Survey Data

According to the Table, beta value is the 0.854 (β=0.854) which represent there
is a positive relationship between training program (independent variable) and
employee job performance (dependent variable). And also the significant value is
0.000. This is less than confidence level of 0.05.

Relationship between training need assessment and employee
job performance

Table 4.8-4: Model Summary

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
Model R R Square
Square the Estimate Watson

1 .630a .397 .393 .23408 2.237

a. Predictors: (Constant), Training need assessment

b. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance

Source: Survey Data

According to the table, 39% of the variance in the non-managerial employee job
performance can be predicted from the training need assessment. R-Square value is
0.397 while the value of adjusted R-Square is 0.393.

Table 4.8-5: ANOVA Table

Sum of
Model df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 5.339 1 5.339 97.437 .000b

Residual 8.109 148 .055

Total 13.448 149

a. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Training need assessment

Source: Survey Data

According to the table p value is 0.000, which is smaller than alpha level
(α=0.005). Therefore, the independent variable of training need assessment reliably
predicted the dependent variable of employee job performance.

Table 4.8-6: Coefficients Table

Unstandard ardize 95.0%
ized d Confidence
Coefficients Coeffi Si Interval for B
Model T
cients g.
Lower Upper Tolera
B Erro Beta VIF
Bound Bound nce
(Constant) 2.731 .120 22.799 2.494 2.968
Need .00 1.00
.304 .031 .630 9.871 .243 .365 1.000
Assessmen 0 0
a. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance

Source: Survey Data

According to the Table, beta value is the 0.630 (β=0.630) which represent there
is a positive relationship between training need assessment (independent variable) and
employee job performance (dependent variable). And also the significant value is
0.000. This is less than confidence level of 0.05

Relationship between training content & delivery approach
and employee job performance

Table 4.8-7: Model Summary

Model Summary

R Adjusted R Std. Error of the Durbin-

Model R
Square Square Estimate Watson

1 .728a .530 .527 .20658 2.240

a. Predictors: (Constant), Training content & delivery approach

b. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance

Source: Survey Data

According to the table, 53% of the variance in the non-managerial employee job
performance can be predicted from the Training content & delivery approach. R-Square
value is 0.530 while the value of adjusted R-Square is 0.527.

Table 4.8-8: ANOVA Table

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 7.132 1 7.132 167.126 .000b

Residual 6.316 148 .043

Total 13.448 149

a. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Training content & delivery approach

Source: Survey Data

According to the table p value is 0.000, which is smaller than alpha level
(α=0.005). Therefore, the independent variable of Training content & delivery approach
reliably predicted the dependent variable of employee job performance

Table 4.8-9: Coefficients Table

Unstandardi 95.0%
dized Collinearit
zed Confidence
Coeffici Si y Statistics
Model Coefficients t Interval for B
ents g.
Std. Lower Upper Toler
B Beta VIF
Error Bound Bound ance
20.88 .0
(Constant) 2.417 .116 2.189 2.646
2 00
content & 12.92 .0 1.00
.412 .032 .728 .349 .475 1.000
delivery 8 00 0
a. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance
Source: Survey Data

According to the Table, beta value is the 0.728 (β=0.728) which represent there
is a positive relationship between training content & delivery approach (independent
variable) and employee job performance (dependent variable). And also the significant
value is 0.000. This is less than confidence level of 0.05

Relationship between training evaluation and employee job

Table 4.8-10: Model Summary

Model Summary
R Adjusted R Std. Error of the Durbin-
Model R
Square Square Estimate Watson

1 .795a .632 .629 .18298 2.241

a. Predictors: (Constant), Training evaluation

b. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance

Source: Survey Data

According to the table, 63% of the variance in the non-managerial employee job
performance can be predicted from the Training evaluation. R-Square value is 0.632
while the value of adjusted R-Square is 0.629.

Table 4.8-11: ANOVA Table

Sum of
Model df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 8.493 1 8.493 253.676 .000b

Residual 4.955 148 .033

Total 13.448 1249

a. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Training evaluation
Source: Survey Data

According to the table p value is 0.000, which is smaller than alpha level
(α=0.005). Therefore, the independent variable of Training evaluation reliably
predicted the dependent variable of employee job performance.

Table 4.8-12: Coefficients Table

Unstandardize rdized Collinearit
d Coefficients Coeffic y Statistics
Sig Interval for B
Model ients t
Std. Lower Upper
B Beta ranc VIF
Error Bound Bound
30.47 .00
(Constant) 2.574 .084 2.407 2.741
3 0
Training 15.92 .00 1.00
.353 .022 .795 .309 .397 1.000
Evaluation 7 0 0

a. Dependent Variable: Employee job performance

Source: Survey Data

According to the Table, beta value is the 0.795 (β=0.795) which represent there
is a positive relationship between training evaluation (independent variable) and
employee job performance (dependent variable). And also the significant value is
0.000. This is less than confidence level of 0.05

4.9 Hypotheses testing

The purpose of this section is to test hypotheses. If the p-value of the dependent and
independent variable is smaller than the p-value of 0.005 at 5% significant level. Then
the alternative hypotheses are accepted. If not, when the p-value of the dependent and
independent variable is greater than the p-value of 0.005 at 5% significant level
alternative hypotheses are rejected.

Testing hypothesis H1

H1- There is positive relationship between training program and employee

job performance.

According to the table, correlation coefficient for the relationship between
training program and employee job performance is 0.854 and that is significant at 1 %(
p=.000). As per the result of the simple regression analysis (Table, between the
two variables the regression coefficient (beta) is .854, which is significant at 0.000
(p<0.05). This means that the data are statistically significant and there is a significant
positive relationship between training program and employee job performance of the
non-managerial employee in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. Therefore, there is enough
evidence to support the hypothesis and the H1 of the study can be accepted.

Testing hypothesis H2

H2-There is positive relationship between training need assessment and

employee job performance.

According to the table, correlation coefficient for the relationship between
training need assessment and employee job performance is 0.630 and that is significant
at 1 %( p=.000). As per the result of the simple regression analysis (Table,
between the two variables the regression coefficient (beta) is .630, which is significant
at 0.000 (p<0.05). This means that the data are statistically significant and there is a
significant positive relationship between training need assessment and employee job
performance of the non-managerial employee in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd.
Therefore, there is enough evidence to support the hypothesis and the H2 of the study
can be accepted.

Testing hypothesis H3

H3-There is positive relationship between training content & delivery

approach and employee job performance.

According to the table, correlation coefficient for the relationship between
training content & delivery approach and employee job performance is 0.728 and that
is significant at 1 %( p=.000). As per the result of the simple regression analysis (Table, between the two variables the regression coefficient (beta) is .728, which is
significant at 0.000 (p<0.05). This means that the data are statistically significant and
there is a significant positive relationship between training content & delivery approach
and employee job performance of the non-managerial employee in Brandix Essential
(PVT) Ltd. Therefore, there is enough evidence to support the hypothesis and the H3
of the study can be accepted

Testing hypothesis H4

H4-There is positive relationship between training evaluation and employee

job performance.

According to the table, correlation coefficient for the relationship between
training evaluation approach and employee job performance is 0.795 and that is
significant at 1 %( p=.000). As per the result of the simple regression analysis (Table, between the two variables the regression coefficient (beta) is .795, which is
significant at 0.000 (p<0.05). This means that the data are statistically significant and
there is a significant positive relationship between training evaluation and employee
job performance of the non-managerial employee in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd.
Therefore, there is enough evidence to support the hypothesis and the H4 of the study
can be accepted.

Table 4.9-1: Summary of Hypotheses Testing

Hypotheses Hypotheses Result

H1- There is positive relationship Correlation Coefficient: .854 (p= .000)

between Training program and
Regression Coefficient (beta): .854
Employee job performance.


H2- There is positive relationship Correlation Coefficient: .630 (p= .000)

between training needs assessment and
Regression Coefficient (beta): .630
employee job performance


H3- There is positive relationship Correlation Coefficient: .728 (p= .000)

between training contents & delivering
Regression Coefficient (beta): .728(sig
approach and employee job


H4- There is positive relationship Correlation Coefficient: .795 (p= .000)

between training evaluation and
Regression Coefficient (beta): .795
employee job performance


4.10 Chapter summary
The main purpose of this chapter is to analysis the data collected from the non-
managerial employees in the Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. This chapter present about
the data presentation and analysis. Researcher used SPSS package to analysis data and
findings of the data illustrated by using table, graphs. Personal information and research
information were analyzed separately. Researcher used frequency descriptive analysis
as mean, standard deviation for the analysis of personal information and inferential
statistics for the analysis of research information. Simple linear regression analysis was
used to analysis the relationship between independent variable of training program and
dependent variable of employee job performance. Finally, this chapter includes
hypotheses testing based on the hypotheses which are included in the chapter 3 of this



5.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the discussion based on the findings drown from the study relating
to the impact of employee training program on employee job performance of non-
managerial employees in the Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. In this study, researcher
considered training program as independent variable and employee job performance as
dependent variable. And also this chapter present conclusion and recommendation. This
study consists five chapter. First chapter is introduction and it includes research
questions, research objectives etc. second chapter is literature review and third chapter
presents methodology. Methodology chapter includes conceptual framework and
operationalization variables also. Forth chapter presents data analysis. Finally, fifth
chapter includes discussion, conclusion and recommendation. This is a most important
chapter in this research study.

5.2 Summary of key findings

This study of the employee training program on employee job performance of non-
managerial employees covered a sample of 150 non-managerial employees in the
selected organization of Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. Researcher used frequency
descriptive analysis as mean, standard deviation for the analysis of personal information
and inferential statistics for the analysis of research information.

Summary of key findings for demographic factors
When considering the gender of the sample 108 were female and other 42 were males.
Out of the sample 150, 57 non-managerial employees were married and 93 were
unmarried. As consider age group of employees most of the non-managerial were
belonging to 25-34 age category and 48.7% of sample represent this. When considering
service period/experience 85 non-managerial employees have above 2 years of
experience and it is 56.7% of the total sample. And also 51 employees and 14
employees have 1-2 years and less than 1 years’ experience. When considering
designation, 76 machine operators and it is 50.7% of the total sample. And also 34
quality checkers and 22 packing helpers. It represents 22.7% and 14.75% of total
sample. 18 cutting helpers and it is 12% of the total sample. When considering the
handedness 121 non-managerial employees use right hand and it is 80.7% of the total
sample. And also 29 non-managerial employees use left hand and it is 19.3% of the
total sample. As consider number of training program 68 non-managerial employees
participate only one training program and it is 45.3% of the total sample. And also 52
employees and 30 employees have participated two training programs and participate
several time training program. When considering the training types 66 non-managerial
employees have participated in coaching training type and it is 44% of the total sample.
And also 48 employees and 36 employees have participated in employee orientation
training program and job rotation training program.

Summary of key findings for construct item

This part consists with the summary of key findings in relation to the construct items
of training program, training need assessment, training content and delivery approach,
training evaluation and employee job performance.

According to the Table training need assessment shows 3.8378 level of mean
value, table training content and delivery approach shows 3.5907 level of mean
value, table training evaluation shows 3.7483 level of mean value. Therefore,
all the independent variables mean value is greater than the satisfactory mean value of

It reveals that the respondents exhibited a satisfactory level of training program in
relation to the above three independent variables of training need assessment, training
content and delivery approach and training evaluation in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd
with the five-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (scale1) to strongly
agree (scale5). And also, overall mean value of employee job performance is 3.8089
which also more than point 3. It reveals that the respondents exhibited a satisfactory
level of employee job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd with the five point
Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (scale1) to strongly agree (scale5).

5.3 Discussion of the results: Hypotheses

The hypotheses testing provide statistical answer for research objectives of the
relationship between training program (independent variable) and employee job
performance (dependent variable) of non-managerial employees in Brandix Essential
(PVT) Ltd. According to the findings of this study, hypotheses are systematically
explained as follows,

Testing Hypothesis H1

H1- There is positive relationship between training program and employee

job performance.

According to the survey results, the correlation between these variable was 0.854,
which are significant at 0.000 level. Therefore, there is an enough evidence to support
to hypotheses and hypotheses was accept at the 5% (p<0.05) significant level. This
correlation was found to be these strong as it is greater than the lower bound of strong
correlation. Therefore, there is significant positive relationship between training
program and non-employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd.

As indicates the result of regression analysis, training program was found to have a
positive impact on employee job performance with the strength of beta value of 0.854,
at 0.000 (p<0.05) significant level. Hence, training program found to be predictor of
employee job performance. Moreover, discussing level of training program of the
respondents in the total sample (non-managerial employee), it was found that the non-
managerial employees have a favorable level of employee job performance with the
training program with the mean value of 3.7050 and standard deviation of 0.51321.
Therefore, it was found that the non-managerial employee in Brandix Essential (PVT)
Ltd were satisfied with their jobs.

According to this information, alternative hypothesis (H1) was proved. There is a

positive relationship between training programs and perceived employee performance.
Abay (2008) reported ‘that significant relationship was found between the employees
training and their resultant performance in accomplishing different tasks. It was found
that those employees who have taken trainings were more capable in performing
different task & vice versa. Similarly, Collen (2000) found a significant relationship
between frequent on-the-job training and employees’ performance.

Testing Hypothesis H2

H2-There is positive relationship between training need assessment and

employee job performance.

According to the survey results, the correlation between these variable was 0.630,
which are significant at 0.000 level. Therefore, there is an enough evidence to support
to hypotheses and hypotheses was accept at the 5% (p<0.05) significant level. This
correlation was found to be these strong as it is greater than the lower bound of strong
correlation. Therefore, there is significant positive relationship between training need
assessment and non-employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd.

As indicates the result of regression analysis, training need assessment was found to
have a positive impact on employee job performance with the strength of beta value of
0.630, at 0.000 (p<0.05) significant level. Hence, training need assessment found to be
predictor of employee job performance. Moreover, discussing level of training need
assessment of the respondents in the total sample (non-managerial employee), it was
found that the non-managerial employees have a favorable level of employee job
performance with the training need assessment with the mean value of 3.8378 and
standard deviation of 0.62240. Therefore, it was found that the non-managerial
employee in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd were satisfied with their jobs.

These study findings were consistent with what Poon and Othman (2000) found out
that training needs assessment positively influences employees‟ performance. Poon and
Othman found out that 92% of respondents stated that their organizations conduct
formal training needs assessment before conducting training”. Training needs
assessment is the important to determine what knowledge, skills and abilities are
necessary for employees to commit in organizations and to perform well in their work
tasks, with beta coefficient of r = 0.54 (p<0.05). Employees who attend and participate
in training, able to know the purpose of the training in order for them to achieve their
goals in work tasks. These results agree also with the research done by (Buckley and
Caple 2000, Bersin2006).

Testing Hypothesis H3

H3-There is positive relationship between training content & delivery

approach and employee job performance.

According to the survey results, the correlation between these variable was 0.728,
which are significant at 0.000 level. Therefore, there is an enough evidence to support
to hypotheses and hypotheses was accept at the 5% (p<0.05) significant level. This
correlation was found to be these strong as it is greater than the lower bound of strong
correlation. Therefore, there is significant positive relationship between training
content & delivery approach and non-employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential
(PVT) Ltd.

As indicates the result of regression analysis, training content & delivery approach was
found to have a positive impact on employee job performance with the strength of beta
value of 0.728, at 0.000 (p<0.05) significant level. Hence, training content & delivery
approach found to be predictor of employee job performance. Moreover, discussing
level of training content & delivery approach of the respondents in the total sample
(non-managerial employee), it was found that the non-managerial employees have a
favorable level of employee job performance with the training content & delivery
approach with the mean value of 3.5907 and standard deviation of 0.53059. Therefore,
it was found that the non-managerial employee in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd were
satisfied with their jobs.

This implies that increase in training contents will increase the level of employees‟
performance. The results concur with the findings of Ostroff and Kozlowski (1993) that
mentoring relationships have been proved with many positive outcomes, including
improved socialization promotions.

Testing Hypothesis H4

H4-There is positive relationship between training evaluation and employee

job performance.

According to the survey results, the correlation between these variable was 0.795,
which are significant at 0.000 level. Therefore, there is an enough evidence to support
to hypotheses and hypotheses was accept at the 5% (p<0.05) significant level. This
correlation was found to be these strong as it is greater than the lower bound of strong
correlation. Therefore, there is significant positive relationship between training
evaluation and non-employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd.

As indicates the result of regression analysis, training evaluation was found to have a
positive impact on employee job performance with the strength of beta value of 0.795,
at 0.000 (p<0.05) significant level. Hence, training evaluation found to be predictor of
employee job performance.

Moreover, discussing level of training evaluation of the respondents in the total sample
(non-managerial employee), it was found that the non-managerial employees have a
favorable level of employee job performance with the training evaluation with the mean
value of 3.7483 and standard deviation of 0.67586. Therefore, it was found that the non-
managerial employee in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd were satisfied with their jobs.

The study findings were in agreement with what (Alliger, Tannenbaum, Bennett, Traver
and Shotland 1997) and (Lam and Kong 1992), training evaluation is positively
influence employee’s performance, because training evaluation has proved that training
has actually taught what was intended and improved the training contents for future
use, with beta coefficient of r = 0.60 (p<0.05). The effectiveness of training is
depending on evaluation of employees by looking at their understanding throughout the
training programs, and their ability to transfer the new skills and knowledge into their
work tasks. So, employees who understand the purpose of training and able to transfer
new skills and knowledge, then employees are committed and able to perform well in

5.4 Summary of the findings

The main objective of this research was to find out impact of training program on
employee job performance of non-managerial employee in the Brandix Essential (PVT)
Ltd. Based on the theoretical information, conceptual framework is developed to
identify the relationship between training program and non-managerial employees’ job
performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. Researcher consider training program as
independent variable in relation to three selected variables. These are training need
assessment, training content & delivery approach and training evaluation. According to
the survey results of this research study the correlation between training program and
employee job performance was 0.854, which are significant at 0.000 significant level.
It means 85% of non-managerial employees’ job performance depend on training
program. Therefore, according to the above findings. It is indicating that there is a
strong positive relationship between training program and employee job performance
of non-managerial employee in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd.

Therefore, the finding of the statistical analysis revealed that the main objective of the
research “to find out impact of the training program on employees’ job performance in
Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd” achieve as high positive relationship.

Moreover, the first specific objective of this research study was to identify the
relationship between training need assessment and employee job performance of non-
managerial employees’ in Brandix factory. The researcher found that the overall mean
value of training need assessment is more than 3 with the five-point Likert scale
method. And also according to above findings the correlation between training need
assessment and employee job performance was 0.630, which are significance at 0.000
level. As indicates the result of regression analysis, training need assessment was found
to have a positive impact on employee job performance with the strength of beta value
of 0.630, at 0.000 (p<0.05) significant level. Therefore, the finding of the statistical
analysis revealed that the first specific objective of the research is “to identify the
positive relationship between training need assessment and employee job performance
of non-managerial employee in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd” achieve as high positive

Moreover, the second specific objective of this research study was to identify the impact
of training content & delivery approach on non-managerial employees’ job
performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. The researcher identifies that the overall
mean value of training content & delivery approach is more than 3 with the five-point
Likert scale method. And also according to above findings the correlation between
training content & delivery approach and employee job performance was 0.728, which
are significant at 0.000 level. As indicates the result of regression analysis, training
content & delivery approach was found to have a positive impact on employee job
performance with the strength of beta value of 0.728, at 0.000 (p<0.05) significant level.
Therefore, the finding of the statistical analysis revealed that the second specific
objective of the research is “to identify the impact of training content & delivery
approach on non-managerial employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT)
Ltd” achieve as high positive relationship.

Furthermore, the third specific objective of this research study was to identify the
impact of training evaluation on non-managerial employees’ job performance in
Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. The researcher identifies that the overall mean value of
training evaluation is more than 3 with the five-point Likert scale method. And also
according to above findings the correlation between training evaluation and employee
job performance was 0.795, which are significant at 0.000 level. As indicates the result
of regression analysis, training evaluation was found to have a positive impact on
employee job performance with the strength of beta value of 0.795, at 0.000 (p<0.05)
significant level.

Therefore, the finding of the statistical analysis revealed that the third specific objective
of the research is “to identify the impact of training evaluation on non-managerial
employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd” achieve as high positive

The forth specific objective of this research study was to determine effects of each
dimension on employee job performance. The researcher considers that traits, behavior
and result dimension of employee job performance. According to the survey results the
mean value of each dimension of the employee job performance was more than point 3
(M>3) with the five-point Likert scale method. Therefore, the finding of the statistical
analysis revealed that the forth specific objective of the research is “to determine effects
of each dimension on employee job performance” achieved at satisfactory level.



6.1 Conclusion
In this research study discuss “impact of the training program on employee job
performance of non-managerial employee in the Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd” and five
chapters are included in this research. First chapter is introduction chapter, second
chapter is literature review, third chapter includes conceptual framework and
methodology, fourth chapter is data collection and analysis and fifth chapter is
discussion, conclusion and recommendation.

In this research four hypotheses (H1, H2, H3 & H4) were developed. And also the
researcher used correlation and regression analysis to prove above hypotheses. The
main hypothesis where there is significant positive relationship between training
program and non-managerial employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT)
Ltd. This is the main objective of this research study. According to the above survey
results, this research shows that there is a strong positive relationship between training
program and non-managerial employees’ job performance. Because the result of the
descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis were proved above
hypotheses. Therefore, the overall mean value of the training program was 3.7050 and
it is more than point 3. And also according to the survey results, the training program
have 85% positive impact on the non-managerial employees’ job performance at the
5% significance level (p=0.000).

The second H2 was there is significant positive relationship between training need
assessment and employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd.
According to the above survey result that mentioned in chapter four, the overall mean
value of the training need assessment is 3.8378 and which is more than point 3. And
also according to the correlation and regression analysis, the H2 was proved. Therefore,
training need assessment have 63% positive impact on the employees’ job performance
at the 5% significance level (p=0.000).

The third H3 was there is significant positive relationship between training content &
delivery approach and employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd.
According to the above survey result that mentioned in chapter four, the overall mean
value of the training content & delivery approach is 3.5907 and which is more than
point 3. And also according to the correlation and regression analysis, the H3 was
proved. Therefore, training content & delivery approach have 72% positive impact on
the employees’ job performance at the 5% significance level (p=0.000).

The fifth H4 was there is significant positive relationship between training evaluation
and employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. According to the
above survey result that mentioned in chapter four, the overall mean value of the
training evaluation is 3.7483 and which is more than point 3. And also according to the
correlation and regression analysis, the H4 was proved. Therefore, training evaluation
have 79% positive impact on the employees’ job performance at the 5% significance
level (p=0.000).

Therefore, the researcher finding, important of training are affect for the employee job
performance. The company management should be utilizing training methods
considering other performance factors. Identify the impact of demographic factors such
as gender, age, civil status, handedness, designation and work experience on training
programs and employee job performance. According to the above findings, it can be
taken a real idea about the factors affecting the training programs of factory, its can
enhance employee job performance in apparel sector of Sri Lanka.

6.2 Recommendations
This research was investigating to identify the impact of training program on non-
managerial employees’ job performance in Brandix Essential (PVT) Ltd. According to
research findings could be identify positive relationship between the training programs
and employee job performance. Based on the findings and conclusions, the below
recommendations are outlined for addressing challenges identified as well as ways of
improving training and development programs at Garment industry. The current
methods and criteria for selection of employees need review. Staff overtime may be
documented to recommend appropriate training. Selection of trainees must be based on
performance needs and not just motivational success. It should be balance across age
distribution, discipline, functions and levels as needed. Institutional demands must
however be tailored to individual aspirations and preference. Performance appraisal
should be used to identify training needs. Selected trainees should be motivated to learn.
There is a training and not learning anything. Skilled supervisors are required to identify
training opportunities. Induction programs and must be factored into the factory. Unless
employees are given formal induction or training programs, they do not work long
hours in the factory. The required training and development funds must be budgeted
every year.

Training programs of Brandix Essentials Ltd is effective. But the company should also
consider enabling employees to further develop their skills and capabilities. There is no
better interconnection between managers and workers. Therefore, it is recommended to
keep proper communication system between managers and workers. In addition to
mention that, it is recommended to develop criteria for identify employee performance.
Employees should be clearly communicated about the potential benefits of training
programs so that they can participate whole heartedly. Trainer should be from within
the organization because trainees feel more comfortable to communicate and discuss
issues and problems. Training need analysis should be of primary importance so that
organizations can achieve their desired training goals. Training programs should be
linked to employee motivation it ultimately results in higher performance. Evaluating
the training program is important because it help to ensure the effectiveness of the
training program. The findings of this study suggest that training should be a critical
part of the organizational structure.

6.3 Implications for further research
According to the research findings effectiveness of training programs were evaluated
based on overall training programs of organization. The researcher isn’t discussed about
various training programs as separately and this study is focuses on Garment Industry.
It is better to this further developing in some another industry. Due to the time
limitation, the sample was limited to hundred employees within one Garment factory
and along with these intervening variables some more variables like promotion,
employee commitment and employee motivation impact can be included in the model
to develop the scope of the investigation


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The Impact of non-managerial employee training programs on
employee job performance
(කළමනාකරණ නනාවන නේවකයන්හට ලබා නෙන පුහුණු වැඩසටහන්
මගින් නේවක රැකියා කාර්ය සාධනයට සිදුවන බලපෑම)

Dear Sir/Madame,

I am G.D.M. Gamage, undergraduate of Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce,

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This questionnaire is given to you to collect information to conduct academic research
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(හිතවත් මහත්මයා, මහත්ිය

ජී.ඩී. මදුෂානි ගමනේ වන මම ශ්‍රී ජයවර්ධනපුර විශ්ව විෙයාලනේ කළමනාකරණ

අධයයයන හා වාණිජ විෙයා පීඨනේ, මානව සම්පත් කළමනාකරණ
නෙපාර්තනම්න්ුනේ උපාධි අනේක්ෂකනයකු නලස ඉනගනුම ලබයි. “කළමනාකරණ
නනාවන නේවකයන්හට ලබා නෙන පුහුණු වැඩසටහන් මගින් නේවක රැකියා කාර්ය
සාධනයට සිදුවන බලපෑම” පිළිබඳ සිදු කරන පර්නේෂණය සෙහා නතාරුරු රැේ
කිරිම සෙහා නමම ප්‍රශ්නාවලිය ඔබට ලබා දී ඇත. නමම නතාරුරු පර්නේෂණ
කටයුු සෙහා පමණක් භාවිතා කරන බව මම සහතික කරි. මනේ පර්නේෂණය
සාර්ථක කර ගැනිම සෙහා ඔනේ සහනයෝගය ලබා නෙන නලස මම කාරුණිකව
ඉල්ලා සිටිමී. )


Employees demographic and background characteristics.

(සේවකයන්සේ පසුබිම් ලක්ෂණ)

Put „√‟ in the relevant box to fill the following questions.

(පහත සෙහන් ප්‍රශ්න වලට ආොල නයෝගය පිලිුර සහිත නකාටුව ුළ “√”

1) What is your gender? (ඔනේ ේි පුරුෂභාවය කුමක්ෙ?)

a) Male (පුරුෂ) b) Female (ේී)

2) What is your age? (ඔනේ වයේ පරතරය නකාපමණෙ?)

a) 18-24 b) 25-34
c) 35-44 d) Above 45 (45 වැඩ්)

3) What is your civil status? (ඔනේ විවාහ අවිවාහක බව)

a) Married (විවාහක) b) Unmarried (අවිවාහක)

4) what is your handedness? (ඔබට පළපුරුදු අත කුමක්ෙ?)

a) Left hand (වම් අත) b) Right hand (ෙකුණු අත)

5) what is your designation? (ඔනේ තනුර කුමක්ෙ?)

a) Machine operator (මැශින් ක්‍රියාකරවන්නන්)

b) Cutting Helper (කැපිනම් සහයකයන්)

c) Quality checker (තත්ත්ව පරික්ෂකයන්)
d) Packing Helper (ඇසුරුම් සහයක)
e) Others (නවනත්)

6) How much your work experience? (ඔබනේ නේවා පළපුරුද්ෙ නකාපමණෙ?)
a) Less than 01 Year (අවු: 01 අඩුයි)
b) Between 01 and 02 Year (අවු: 01 සහ 02 අතර)
c) Less than 02 Year (අවු: 02 වැඩි)

7) How many times have you had such form of training in the last two years?
(පසුගිය වසර නෙක ුල නකාපමණ වාරයක් එවනි පුහුණුවක් ලබා තිනේෙ?)

(a) Only once (එකවරක් පමණි)

(b) Twice (නෙවරක්)

(c) Several times (කිහිපවරක්)

(d) Never (කිසිම ෙවසක නනාමැත)

8) What type of Training have you received from your organization?

ඔබට ලැබී ඇත්නත කුමන ආකාරනය පුහුණුවක්ෙ?)

(a) Employee orientation (රැකියාව සිදුකිරිමට මග නපන්ීම)

(b) Coaching (පුහුණුව)

(c) Job rotation (රැකියා භ්‍රමණය)

(f) Others specify (නවනත්)

Please indicate to what extents do you agree or disagree with the statements given
Please tick (×) mark into the appropriate column.
(පහත ෙැක්නවන ප්‍රකාශ සමග ඔබ එකග වන්නන් නහෝ එකග නනාවන්නන් කුමන
ප්‍රමාණයන් ෙැයි කරුණාකර සෙහන් කරන්න. කරුණාකර සුදුසු තීරුවට (×) ලකුණ
නයාෙන්න. )

Strongly Disagree 1 Agree 4

Disagree 2 Strongly Agree 5

Moderate 3

අනිවාර්යනයන්ම එකග නනානේ. 1 එකග නේ.

එකග නනානේ. 2 අනිවාර්යනයන්ම එකග නේ. 5

මධයාේථයි (එකග නේ නහෝ එකග නනානේ ) 3

Training program (පුහුණු වැඩසටහන්)

(පුහුණු අවශ්‍යතා)

01. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

(01 දැනුම, කුසලතා සහ ආකල්ප)

09 Training programs enhance your

knowledge, skills and
1 2 3 4 5
(පුහුණු වැඩසටහන් ඔනේ ෙැනුම,
කුසලතා සහ නිපුණතා වැඩිදියුණු
කරයි. )
10 Your skills will motivate you to
do your job better. 1 2 3 4 5

(පුහුණුව මගින් ලැනබන
කුසලතාව ඔනේ කාර්යය වඩා
නහාදින් කිරීමට නපාළඔවනු ඇත.)

11 Training programs are developing

the skills of essential for doing
new tasks.
1 2 3 4 5
(ඔබනේ තනුනර් නව කාර්යයන්
ඉටු කිරිමට පුහුණු වැඩසටහන්
මගින් කුසලතා වැඩිදියුණු කරයි.)
(පුහුණුසෙි අන්තර්ගතය සහ සෙදාහැරිසෙි ප්‍රසෙිශ්‍ය)

01. Employee’s Work Commitment.

(01. සේවකයා තම කාර්යය සදහා කැපවීම)

12 Training program are important to

get your work done.
1 2 3 4 5
(ඔනේ තනුනර් එදිනනො
වැඩකටයුු කරනගන යාම සෙහා
පුහුණු වැඩසටහන් වැෙගත් නේ.)
13 Training program helps for
enhancing the organization’s
1 2 3 4 5
(පුහුණු වැඩසටහන් මගින්
ආයතනනේ ඵලොයිතාවය වැඩි
02. Training Content
(02. පුහුණුසෙි අන්තර්ගතය)

14 You are satisfied about your

training period.
1 2 3 4 5
(ඔනේ පුහුණු කාල සීමාව පිළිබඳ
ඔබ තෘේතිමත් නේ. )
15 Our organization’s training
program is systematic and
1 2 3 4 5
(අප ආයතනනේ පුහුණු
වැඩසටහන ක්‍රමාණුකුල හා
සැලසුම්සහගත නවි.)
03. Technical Skills,
(03.තාක්ෂණික කුසලතා.)

16 Our organization provide training
program in the use of technical
1 2 3 4 5
(අප ආයතනය තාක්ෂණික
උපකරණ භාවිතය පිලිබෙ
පුහුණුව ලබා නෙයි.)
(පුහුණු වැඩසටහන් ඇගයීම)
01. Training Criteria.
(පුහුණු නිර්ණායක)
17 Our organization training program
was according to the training
1 2 3 4 5
(අප ආයතනය සිදු කරනු ලබන
පුහුණු වැඩසටහන පුහුණු
නිර්ණායක අනුව සිදු විය.)
02. Achievability of Objective
(පාරමාර්ථ ලගා කර ගැනිසෙි හැකියාව)
18 You can build new relationships
with training time.

(ඔබට පුහුණු කාලසීමාව ුලදි 1 2 3 4 5

නව සබෙතා නගාඩනගා ගත
19 After training, you are motivated
by the salary increment.
(පුහුණු කාලසීමානවන් පසුව, 1 2 3 4 5
වැටුේ වැඩිීම පිළිබඳ ඔබ
තෘේතිමත් නේ.)
20 Training programs are organized
to reduce stress by your company.

(ඔනේ ආයතනය ඔබනේ රැකියා 1 2 3 4 5

ආතතිය අවම කිරිම සෙහා පුහුණු
වැඩසටහන් සංවිධානය කර ඇත.

Section 03
Employee job performance
(සේවක රුකියා කාර්ය සාධනය)
(ගති ලක්ෂණ)
01. Job Knowledge.
(රැකියා දැනුම)
21 I’m specialized in my job
1 2 3 4 5
(මම මනේ රැකියාව පිලිබෙ
විනශ්ෂීකරණය වි ඇත.)
22 I always update the knowledge
and skills required to perform
my job.
1 2 3 4 5
(මනේ කාර්ය ඉටු කිරිමට
අවශය ෙැනුම හා කුසලතා මම
සැම විටම යාවත්කාලින

02. Cooperation.
( සහසයාගිතාවය)
23 I can accept any task assigned
by my superior without any
1 2 3 4 5
(මනේ උසේ නිලධාරියා විසින්
පවරනු ලබන ඕනෑම
කාර්යයක් පැකිලිමකින්
නතාරව භාර ගත හැක.)
24 I am always helpful to all the
people in the organization.

(ආයතනනේ සියලුම 1 2 3 4 5
පුද්ගලයන්ට මම හැකි සෑම
විටම උෙේ කරි.)
25 I don’t often get angry with my
superior when supervisor
blames me on my mistakes

(මනේ වැරදි වලට උසේ 1 2 3 4 5

නිලධාරියා මට නොේ පවරන
විට මම නකෝප නනානවි.)

03. Dependability
26 I sometimes seek for the help of
my peers to perform some tasks
in my job.
1 2 3 4 5
(මම සමහර අවේථාවලදි මනේ
රැකියානේ යම් යම් කාර්ය ඉටු
කිරිම සෙහා මනේ සම වයනේ
ිුරන්නේ සහය පති.)
27 I am confident in performing
my job.
1 2 3 4 5
(මට මානේ රාජකාරිය ඉටුකල
හැකි බවට විශ්වාසයක් පවති.)

04. Interpersonal Relation.

(අන්තර් පුද්ගල සෙදතා)
28 I have a good relationship with
my coworkers.
1 2 3 4 5
(මනේ සහයකයන් සමග මට
නහාෙ සම්බන්ධතාවයක්
29 I like to help those who are not
helpful to me.
1 2 3 4 5
(මට උෙේ නනාකරන අයට මම
උෙේ කරන්න කැමති.)

01. Planning Work.

(වැඩ සැලසුම් කිරිම)
30 I always look into the resources
available and plan my work
accordingly before I start my

(මම සැම විටම පවතින සම්පත්

පිලිබෙ නසායා බලා මනේ වැඩ 1 2 3 4 5
ආරම්භ කිරිමට නපර ඒ අනුව
මනේ වැඩ කටයුු සැලසුම්

31 I always work in a systematic
1 2 3 4 5
(මම සැම විටම ක්‍රමානුකුලව
වැඩ කරයි.)
02. Punctuality
(සවලාවට වැඩ කිරිම)
32 I am always punctual to my
1 2 3 4 5
(මම සැම විටම මනේ කාර්ය
නවිලාවට සිදු කරි.)
03. Attendance
33 I am always regular to my
1 2 3 4 5
(මම නිතිපතා රාජකාරිය
සෙහා පැිනණි)
34 I never go on no pay leave.
(මම කවොවත් වැටුේ රහිත 1 2 3 4 5
නිවාඩු ලබා නනාගනි.)
04. Speed.
35 I can finish a task as quickly as
possible and go to another task.
(මට හැකි ඉක්මනින් කාර්යක් 1 2 3 4 5
අවසන් කර නවනත්
කාර්යයකට නයනෙු විය හැක.)
01. Efficiency achievement.
(කාර්යක්ෂමතාව ලගා කර ගැනිම)
36 I always try to minimize
wastage of time and resources
under my care.
1 2 3 4 5
(මා සු සිිත සම්පත් හා
කාලය නාේති නනාකිරිමට මම
සෑම විටම උත්සහා කරි.)
02. Completion of work on schedule
(නියෙිත සවලාවට වැඩ කිරිම)
I can complete my work within
the standard time period.
(මට මනේ වැඩ කටයුු සම්මත
37 කාල සිමාව ුල සම්පුර්ණ කල 1 2 3 4 5

03. Quality of Work.
(රුකියාසෙි ගුණාත්මකභාවය)
I always complete my tasks in a
correct way
38 1 2 3 4 5
(මම සෑම විටම මානේ
කාර්යයන් නිවැරදිව ඉටු කරයි.)
My superior sometimes rejects
the work I have done and ask
me to repeat it.
39 1 2 3 4 5
(මනේ උසේ නිලධාරියා සමහර
අවේථාවල මම සිදු කල වැඩ
ප්‍රතික්නේප කල විට නැවත
කිරිමට ඉල්ලා සිටිි.)

I appreciate your kind attention which paid in filling this questionnaire. Thank you.
(නමම ප්‍රශ්නාවලිය පිරීම සෙහා ඔබ ෙැක්ූ කාරුණික ආවධානය මම අගය කරි.
ඔබට ේුතියි.)

SPSS Statistical Output
All data are analyzed by using statistical tool of SPSS software. Appendix 2 contains
the output of each statistical tool.

TNA: Training Need Assessment

TCD: Training Content and Delivery Approach
TE: Training Evaluation
JP: employee Job Performance
TP: Training Program

Descriptive statistic table

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

TNA 150 2.33 5.00 3.8378 .62240
TCD 150 2.40 4.40 3.5907 .53059
TE 150 2.25 4.75 3.7483 .67586
JP 150 2.90 4.32 3.8980 .30043
TP 150 2.42 4.42 3.7050 .51321
Valid N (listwise) 150

Reliability Statistics

Reliability Statistics

Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items
.815 .816 3

Reliability Statistics

Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items

.774 .778 5

Reliability Statistics

Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items

.843 .844 4

Reliability Statistics

Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items

.891 .890 12

Reliability Statistics

Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items

.769 .763 19

Correlation Analysis


TP Pearson Correlation 1 .854**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 150 150
JP Pearson Correlation .854** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 150 150

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).



TNA Pearson Correlation 1 .630**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 150 150
JP Pearson Correlation .630** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 150 150

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).



TCD Pearson Correlation 1 .728**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 150 150
JP Pearson Correlation .728** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 150 150

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).



TE Pearson Correlation 1 .795**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 150 150
JP Pearson Correlation .795** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 150 150

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Regression analysis
Training Program (Independent Variable)
Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .854a .729 .727 .15703 2.173

a. Predictors: (Constant), TP
b. Dependent Variable: JP


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 9.799 1 9.799 397.356 .000b

Residual 3.650 148 .025

Total 13.448 149

a. Dependent Variable: JP
b. Predictors: (Constant), TP


zed 95.0%
Unstandardized Coefficie Confidence Collinearity
Coefficients nts Interval for B Statistics

Std. Lower Upper Toleran VI

Model B Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound ce F

1 (Constant) 2.047 .094 21.831 .000 1.861 2.232

TP 1.
.500 .025 .854 19.934 .000 .450 .549 1.000 00

a. Dependent Variable: JP

Training Need Assessment (Independent Variable)

Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .630a .397 .393 .23408 2.237

a. Predictors: (Constant), TNA

b. Dependent Variable: JP


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 5.339 1 5.339 97.437 .000b

Residual 8.109 148 .055

Total 13.448 149

a. Dependent Variable: JP
b. Predictors: (Constant), TNA


Unstandardized Standardized Confidence Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Interval for B Statistics

Std. Lower Upper

Model B Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 2.731 .120 22.799 .000 2.494 2.968

TNA .304 .031 .630 9.871 .000 .243 .365 1.000 1.000

a. Dependent Variable: JP

Training Content & Delivery Approach (Independent Variable)

Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .728a .530 .527 .20658 2.240

a. Predictors: (Constant), TCD

b. Dependent Variable: JP


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 7.132 1 7.132 167.126 .000b

Residual 6.316 148 .043

Total 13.448 149

a. Dependent Variable: JP
b. Predictors: (Constant), TCD


Unstandardized Standardized Confidence Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Interval for B Statistics

Std. Lower Upper

Model B Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 2.417 .116 20.882 .000 2.189 2.646

TCD .412 .032 .728 12.928 .000 .349 .475 1.000 1.000

a. Dependent Variable: JP

Training Evaluation (Independent Variable)

Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .795a .632 .629 .18298 2.241

a. Predictors: (Constant), TE
b. Dependent Variable: JP


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 8.493 1 8.493 253.676 .000b

Residual 4.955 148 .033

Total 13.448 149

a. Dependent Variable: JP
b. Predictors: (Constant), TE


Unstandardized Standardized Confidence Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Interval for B Statistics

Std. Lower Upper

Model B Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 2.574 .084 30.473 .000 2.407 2.741

TE .353 .022 .795 15.927 .000 .309 .397 1.000 1.000

a. Dependent Variable: JP


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