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Advanced Research Methods

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1. What is research? Why there is a need to conduct research ?

Research is the methodical process of gathering and analyzing data to get a better
knowledge of the phenomena under investigation. Research is described as "creative and
systematic work undertaken to increase the store of knowledge." It includes acquiring,
arranging, and analyzing data to get a better understanding of a topic or issue. A research
project may be a continuation of prior work in the field.

There is a need to do research to develop critical thinking and give knowledge,

skills, and information that can be applied to our daily lives. This is also a quest for
knowledge to demonstrate truth and falsity. It also comprehends a phenomenon,
circumstance, or action, tests present ideas and builds new ones based on them, explains a
reality, action, or condition, and, most importantly, produces original information and
enhances existing knowledge in the same way.

2. When to use qualitative research design? (Give some research objectives or reasons
where qualitative research is more appropriate to employ?)

The goal of a qualitative research design is to figure out the whys and how’s of
the phenomenon in issue (unlike quantitative). As a result, qualitative research is
frequently defined as subjective (instead of objective), and findings are recorded in
writing rather than numerically.

We conduct qualitative research design when we need to develop hypotheses for

future testing and the creation of quantitative questionnaires, recognize and influence the
emotions, attitudes, and perceptions that underpin and affect behavior and determine the
requirements of your customers.

We conduct qualitative research design whenever it is necessary to develop

hypotheses for future testing and the creation of quantitative questionnaires, recognize
and influence the emotions, attitudes, and perceptions that underpin and affect behavior,
or determine the requirements for our respondents.
Qualitative research aims to “explore”, “discover”, and “construct”. Qualitative
research examines naturalistic behavior. A narrative report containing contextual details
and direct quotes from study participants is usual.

3. Discuss one of the types of qualitative research. Include the definition/description,

sample title and sample objective?

Qualitative research seeks to understand how people perceive events and

conditions. Action research and phenomenological research are six forms of qualitative
research. Phenomenology is a type of qualitative research that is concerned with the
investigation of an individual's lived experiences in the context of the world. Even though
it is a strong technique for inquiry, phenomenology aids in the understanding of the
meaning of people's lived experience by providing context. When doing a
phenomenology study, researchers investigate what individuals were experiencing and
how they felt about a phenomenon.

Sample Title:

Technology Acceptance Model Limitations and Criticisms: Exploring the Practical

Applications and Use in Technology-related Studies, Mixed method, and Qualitative Research.


1. To resolve some of the challenges facing both postgraduate students and academic who
are conducting research relating to technology adoption, use and integration.

4. Draft some ethical guidelines that you think any research you personally conduct
should meet. Justify your decisions.

Listed below are some ethical considerations that I feel are extremely important to take into
consideration when doing research:
Respect. Participants in study, whether they serve as informants or in any other role, shall be
always treated with respect and courtesy.
Implications that are positive Every effort must be made by researchers to ensure that their
acts have beneficial repercussions and that any unfavorable consequences are within the
boundaries of what is considered to be acceptable tolerance for them.
Fairness. Equitable development and implementation of all research projects are required.
Integrity. The expectation is that researchers will adhere to established norms and that they
will conduct themselves in a responsible, open, and honest manner in their interactions
with their colleagues and the public.

5. Differentiate the two approaches to research: qualitative and quantitative ?

The distinction between Qualitative and Quantitative research is that Qualitative

research is the way non-numerical information such as language is collected, analyzed,
and interpreted. Qualitative research may be employed to investigate the subjective
perception and meaning of an individual's social world.
Qualitative data, such as text, videos, pictures, or sound recordings are classified
as non-numerical data. This sort of data may be gathered through diaries or in-depth
interviews and evaluated with a theory or theme analysis.
While the method of quantitative research comprises the objective collection and
analysis of numerical data, in which interest factors are described, predicted, or
The objectives of quantitative research include the testing, prediction and
generalizing of results for larger communities of causal connections between the
6. Purpose of research
-The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of
scientific procedure. The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden,
and which has not been discovered yet.
- To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it (exploratory
or formative research studies).
- To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group
(descriptive research studies).
- To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables (hypothesis-testing
research studies).
Characteristics of Research
Realistic- the results of an investigation should be based on actual data which was gathered by the
researcher himself.

Logical- follows valid procedures & principles

-applies proper & logical approach to find out answers to a particular research question

Cyclical- starts with a problem and ends with another problem

Analytical- acceptable procedures in data gathering have been employed correctly & proper analysis of
the data should be done before making final conclusions

Objective- must be free from bias or prejudice conclusion should be drawn based on the accuracy of
the empirical data that supports the study

Critical- researcher should exhibit careful & precise judgment

must establish a high level of confidence with regards to the data gathered; (statistics) must establish a
certain confidence level to be precise in interpretations whether the results are significant or not

Replicable- others can perform the same study having the same results

to verify the validity & consistency of the results of the research if performed in the same conditions as
the original research




1. Identifying Research Problem- the PROBLEM may be in the form of question the heart of a good
qualitative research serves as guide throughout the process the focus of all research activities review
literature to gather as many background information.
2. Formulating Hypothesis and Designing your Study
- formulate tentative answers to research problem guide in answering the research problems
construct a good design on how to collect data
Guide questions:
From whom will your data come from?
Where are you going to collect your data?
When or until when do you plan to gather your data?
How are you going to facilitate the whole research activity?
3. Data collection is the process of gathering information by means of a defined method, in order to
support the hypothesis. Data anything that is used to represent facts and values anything that may
represent a characteristic of something that is being measured.
4. Analysis of Data and Testing of Hypothesis- Data analysis is the process of examining data for its
conformity to the presented hypotheses if the data gathered suggests truthfulness of the hypothesis,
the hypothesis is accepted if otherwise, the hypothesis is rejected.
5. Interpreting Data- drawing of conclusion based on the results & analysis of data
may lead to evaluation of a particular theory or testing the hypothesis based on the accounts of your
6. Reporting Results- essential for the public to know the results of the study results become beneficial
to those stakeholders who might be using the findings of the study in the near future there might be
another question or problem that may arise (cyclical)


1st trimester 2021- 2022


PhD-Educational Management


Learning nowadays required the development of innovative pedagogical
and technical techniques that make use of information and communication technologies
(ICT). Student preparation for the demands of an ever-changing world must be
encouraged in a technology-rich environment where students and teachers can produce
powerful learning and teaching outcomes. School leaders and teachers must work
together to ensure that students are prepared for the demands of an ever-changing
The employment of technology in the Philippine educational system has
long been seen as beneficial. As a widely recognized way of providing classroom
education, computers have also contributed to the development of a positive school
culture that values student accomplishment. Efforts are made by all educational
institutions to achieve excellence in terms of achievement and production. Use of
information and communication technology (ICT) fosters a strong learning environment,
as well as a transformation of the educational and instructional processes. Students
learn more effectively when they engage with knowledge in an active, self-directed and
constructive manner (Eyvind Elstad 2016). According to Bozdoan (2011), the use of
technology to illustrate lessons, simplify the teacher's work, and aid in the broadening of
students' views improves the overall learning experience.
Incorporating technology into the learning process aids students in
transferring their current information to new contexts by establishing connections
between the independent stacks of knowledge that exist in their minds. It also engages
students in the learning process (Novak, 2006).
Face-to-face learning interaction of students and instructors inside the
school has been halted as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, which has occurred
during the current health crisis. Modular Distance Learning was developed in response
to the pandemic as an immediate reaction to ensure that students had access to an
uninterrupted educational experience. When it comes to delivering today's learning
environment, the use of technology has become an increasingly important component in
the achievement of high-quality Basic Learning Education. In accordance with DepEd
Order No. 12 s. 2020, also known as the "Adoption of the Basic Education Learning
Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in Light of the COVID-19 Public Health
Emergency paragraph No. 3," the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for School
Year 2020-2021 was adopted. The BE-LCP is founded on the following tenets of
conduct: a.) Preserve the health, safety, and well-being of students, instructors, and
other staff, as well as prevent the spread of COVID-19 to other individuals. Make
modifications to the K-12 curriculum, align learning materials, deploy different learning
delivery modes, provide relevant training for teachers and school leaders, and provide
adequate orientation to parents and guardians of learners to ensure that learning
continuity is maintained. In accordance with the BE-LCP of the Division, our school is
now progressively implementing the Blended Learning Delivery Mode, which includes
online classes delivered using Google Meet, Google Classroom, group video chats,
Zoom, and other similar tools and resources. Students, on the other hand, continue to
be confined to their homes in order to learn through Self Learning Modules that are
supported by this new technology through on-line platforms.
In addition to continuing their Basic Education through the above-
mentioned modality, our learners must also be informed about the current trend in
technological learning delivery, particularly in light of their being no face-to-face learning
delivery mode available in the country at the moment. In the course of the monitoring
that was carried out through on-line platforms and home visits, it was discovered that
many of the learners are already equipped with certain mobile applications such as
Facebook, email, power directors, and the like. The use of electronically created
educational materials as a complement to SLMs and LASs might thus be quite
The goal of this eBook (Electronic Book for On-line and Off-line
Knowledge) is to assist teachers and students in the use of Blended Learning as a
modality and as a supplemental resource to the SLMS and LAS for an enhanced
LearningDeliveryMode in order to provide a more comprehensive delivery of Basic
Education. It is best suited as an informational tool, shifting their viewing time from
enjoyment to instructional purposes, through the usage of the Kotobee App e-book. It is
a new learning resource for students that is contextualized by the proponent via the
Kotobee Author program, which is included with the Kotobee App. Kotobee Author is a
feature-rich e-book maker and EPUB editor that is appropriate for use in education,
training, and publishing. It is free to use. It is used to build interactive e-books that
include video, audio, 3D, book widgets, questions, and other interactive features such
as these. (capterra.com). Furthermore, it is a versatile application that can be used to
generate e-books online or offline, and it can be operated using the Kotobee Reader
software program (support.kotobee.com). As a platform, it is capable of transforming the
traditional manner of learning into a fun and interesting learning experience for students.
Importance of eBooks in education
The use of technology into classrooms has improved the quality of education
imparted. Students and instructors are united in their praise for the educational
advantages of eBooks. eBooks are intended to simplify and enhance the entire
educational experience. The interactive and engaging nature of digital books enhances
the educational process. Rather than passively listening to a single individual speak
incessantly, students may now actively engage in the educational process. By
incorporating eBooks into classroom instruction, learning becomes more enjoyable and
engaging. The days of students carrying a bookbag to and from class are over.
With the introduction of eBooks into the educational realm, a single device
may now include a full school year's syllabus. These digital books may be offered to
children beginning in kindergarten and continuing through university, guaranteeing that
learning never gets uninteresting for them.
A successful educational system must guarantee that students participate
actively in the process of learning. eBooks have ushered in a new era of education,
enabling pupils to acquire knowledge more effectively and quickly.

Why You Should Create a Mobile Learning Platform

E - learning was written about by Kotobee on May 24, 2017. Several objects that
were once considered irreplaceable are being rapidly replaced by mobile phones.
Consider the following items: cameras, calculators, watches, alarm clocks, radios,
portable video devices, periodicals, newspapers, and so forth.
This information may now be kept on your mobile device, which can be carried
around in your pocket with ease. Many people nowadays have made the transition from
reading printed papers to reading digital information through mobile devices, whether
they're reading fiction, nonfiction, short tales, or any other type of content.... The use of
mobile-based learning has become increasingly popular in recent years.
This includes anything from fully-fledged and highly promoted library applications
to independent MOOC software, educational gaming apps, and individual course
hosting, to name a few possibilities. People are more reliant on their ability to complete
tasks while on the move, rather than at their desk.
Using their phones, students can be motivated to do things like study and learn
new things. It is undeniable that mobile learning is on the rise. In this article, we will
examine the benefits and drawbacks of mobile learning, as well as provide our own
recommendations for developing a mobile learning strategy and a list of tools that you
can use to begin developing your own mobile learning platform.

Research on the use of E-book

The use of information and communication technology (ICT) generates a
strong learning environment and alters the process of learning and teaching by
encouraging students to engage in an active, self-directed, and constructive
engagement with knowledge (Eyvind Elstad 2016). The use of technology into the
learning process helps students envision the course, simplifies the teacher's job, and
broadens their viewpoints (Bozdoan, 2011). By increasing the connection between the
disparate heaps of knowledge in their heads and incorporating them into the
educational process, technology enables pupils to transfer their current knowledge to
new contexts (Novak, 2006).
Kotobee was utilized on a global scale. Rahmadani et al. (2019) found
that students have a good attitude toward the interactive e-book, with an average mean
score of 3.15. Shemy (2017) also noted in his study that there were statistically
significant differences in the attitude toward interactive e-books between the two
experimental groups, total control and directed control, at the (0.05) level between the
mean scores of the two experimental groups, total control and directed control.
Additionally, Karlin (2017) said in a product review that Kotobee is a great tool for
teachers wanting to build digital books to enhance the engagement of their classroom
The Pedagogical Model of the Kotobee App e-book

The Kotobee App e-book is an interactive lesson-based activity which contain

various learning activities that the children will enjoy manipulating even when they are
offline. The contents are anchored in the Most Essential Learning Competencies
(MELC) in Computer Systems Servicing specifically on the composition of clear and
coherent in giving of procedures

A. General Lesson (Main Topic)

B. Specific Lesson (Sub-Topics)
C. Instructional Videos (Contextualized Videos using PowerPoint/Filmora)
D. Exercises (Application)
E. Enhancement Activities (Additional Activities)
As an electronic book, it requires the use of Android phone, tablet, or laptop to
run it. Good thing that the Electronic-Learner Enrollment and Survey Form revealed that
all participants have available gadgets at home. As to the implementation of the
intervention, the Kotobee e-book, along with the printed exercises and enhancement
activities, will be given to the parents of the pupils via Bluetooth or Share-it during the
distribution of modules or will be sent through the parents’ emails for their convenience.
The printed copy will serve as worksheet of the respondents for their progress’
Manipulation of the e-book will be at their own pace. Using the Kotobee Reader App,
pre-installed in the android phone of the parents of the participants, they will manipulate
the e-book using these steps:
Step 1. Open your Kotobee Reader app and choose Open EPUB file. Then, locate
where you saved the e-book in your file manager.
Step 2. Manipulate each chapter of the e-book sequentially.
Important reminders:
1.Read instructions carefully.
2.If you see blue colored text, click on it to
reveal pop-up message or image.
3.Do not forget to take your screenshots
for every activity in the e-book.
4.You can go back to another chapter
using this tab

As to the monitoring, it will be done through phone calls, group chat, messenger,
or any social media platforms every health break at 9:30-10:00 in the morning as
stipulated in their class program or during the available time of pupils as well as the
parents to avoid activity interruption. Once the printed exercises and enhancement
activities will be retrieved or screenshots of the activities will be received from the
participants, the proponent will check the progress of every learner.
The Kotobee App will be utilized by Grade 10 students of Allacapan Vocational
Schools for School Year 2020-2021.

The Characteristics of the Kotobee App e-book

 E-books play a critical role in the internet world from a variety of viewpoints.
Among the advantages of an e-book are the following:
Faster — E-books can be produced considerably more quickly than printed
brochures, booklets, or catalogs.
Accessible - An electronic book may be accessed from practically any device that
has an internet connection. An E-book may be accessed via smartphones, tablets, e-
readers, as well as laptops and desktop computers.
Reusable — without a new rewrite, you may promote your E-book through a
variety of channels, including social media, industry events, and your website.
Additionally, you may distribute your E-book to your email subscribers once a year,
making just small changes as necessary.
Printable — Creating a print edition of your E-book is a pretty straightforward
Interactive — with an online E-book, you may solicit reader comments and
suggestions. This is a priceless marketing tool since it enables you to reply more
personally to individuals who may become consumers.
Inexpensive – the cost of producing an E-book is quite low when compared to the
cost of producing other marketing materials.
Flexible — your E-book may incorporate links to YouTube videos, PowerPoint
presentations, and other online resources.
You may exploit the benefits of employing an E-book as a very successful marketing
approach by leveraging this instrument. Both existing customers and new leads can
profit. Seldon Marketing has the experience and expertise necessary to create high-
quality content and manage the E-online book's publishing process.

Preparation and Implementation Stages

The Kotobee App e-book is an interactive lesson-based activity which contain

various learning activities that the children will enjoy manipulating even when they are
Downloaded videos, ICT- based lectures from the YouTube will be downloaded which
will be consolidated and contextualized and served as eBooks for Learners. As the
school ICT Coordinator, the project will also be used to provide technical assistance to
different teachers which are not capacitated in the use of different on-line platforms in
delivery of Blended Learning Delivery Mode.
Thus, this eBook will be uploaded to the learners, parents and knowledgeable
others. The eBooks will also be used by the teachers during their synchronous or
asynchronous on-line class. Learners, Parents and knowledgeable others will be
oriented as it is planned on the implementation of the project virtually or in face with
strict implementation of the basic health protocols.
Manipulation of the e-book will be at their own pace. Using the Kotobee Reader
App, pre-installed in the android phone of the parents of the participants.
As to the monitoring, it will be done through phone calls, group chat, messenger,
or any social media platforms every health break at 9:30-10:00 in the morning as
stipulated in their class program or during the available time of pupils as well as the
parents to avoid activity interruption. Once the printed exercises and enhancement
activities will be retrieved or screenshots of the activities will be received from the
participants, the proponent will check the progress of every learner.
The Kotobee App will be utilized by Grade 10 Computer Systems Servicing
students for the School Year 2021-2022.
Expected Benefits from the Application

The e-book version of the Kotobee App Numerous objects formerly believed to
be irreplaceable are being rapidly replaced by mobile phones. Consider cameras,
calculators, watches, alarm clocks, radios, portable video devices, periodicals, and
newspapers, among other items. All of these goods may now be conveniently kept on
your mobile device, which you can carry in your pocket. Today, a sizable number of
people have shifted from reading printed papers to reading digital information via mobile
devices, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or short tales. The use of mobile-based
education has been an increasing trend in recent years. This includes anything from
fully featured, highly promoted library applications to independent MOOC software,
educational game apps, and self-hosted courses. The trend is for people to do as much
as possible while on the go. They can be prompted to study and learn via their phones
in a variety of ways. Mobile learning is unquestionably on the increase, and in this post,
we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of mobile learning, as well as provide our
own advice on developing your mobile learning strategy and a few resources for getting
started with developing your own mobile learning platform.


Statement of the Problem

The research proposal aims to determine the effectiveness of kotobee app ebook
in to improve performance of grade 10 learners in computer systems servicing 10.
Specifically, it aims to answer the following:
1. What are the pretest and posttest scores of Grade 10 students before and after using
Kotobee App e-book?
2. Is there a significant difference between the level of score in the pretest and posttest
scores of the participants after the implementation of the intervention?
3. What is the effect size of Kotobee App e-book in improving the performance of the
4.What activity plan should be done to sustain, improve, and develop the intervention
and its utilization?

Research Design
This study will make use of One-Group Pretest-Posttest Quasi-Experimental
Research Design as it aims to determine the effectiveness of Kotobee App ebook in
improving the sentence construction skill to one group of participants.

Participants of the Study

The target participants of the study are the Grade 10 students Allacapan
Vocational School for School Year 2020-2021. Total enumeration will be used in
choosing the participants. A total of 11 pupils, of which 6 are male and 5 are female will
be the participants of the study.

The primary source of data are the pretest and posttest scores of the

Research Instruments

Questionnaires will be used to gather data from the participants. This

study will make use of a teacher-made 30 item-questionnaire pretest/posttest to
investigate the effectiveness of using Kotobee App in improving the performance of
Grade 10 students at Allacapan Vocational High School. In terms of test construction,
pretest and posttest which will be used in the study are not the same, but of the same
level of competency. The questionnaire was quality assured by the master teachers and
school heads as well as the ICT Adviser of the District. It was also pilot tested in other
schools to get the percentage of mastery index.

Data Collection Procedure

A pretest in the form of a questionnaire will be administered to pupils at their

respective homes following the protocol and health standards set by IATF and DOH
(wearing of mask and face shield and observing social distancing) at beginning of the
Grading Period to serve as benchmark. The intervention will be introduced for the whole
grading period. After the implementation of the intervention, posttest in the form of a
questionnaire will be administered to the pupils in their respective homes following the
protocol and health standards set by IATF and DOH (wearing of mask and face shield
and observing social distancing) to see if there is improvement.

The result of the pretest and posttest will be recorded, analyzed, compared,
interpreted if there will be a significant difference; and if the performance of the pupils is
improving or not. Monitoring tools will be utilized to track the academic progress of the

Data Analysis

To determine the effectiveness of Kotobee App, the following statistical treatment

will be used;

1. Mean percentage score and standard deviation will be used to analyze the
pretest and posttest scores before and after using Kotobee App.
2. Paired Sample T-test will be used to determine the significant difference
between the pretest and posttest scores of the participants.
3. Eta2 will be used to determine the effect size of using Kotobee App in improving
sentence construction of Grade 6 pupils. The intervals to interpret the effect size
will be as follows:
 0.01-0.45-small
 0.50-0.89-medium
 0.90 and above-large
4. Thematic Analysis will be used to craft an activity plan to
sustain/improve/develop the intervention and its utilization.

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