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ALLEN® Capacitor 1

5. In a parallel plate capacitor set up, the plate area

CAPACITOR of capacitor is 2 m2 and the plates are separated
1. Two equal capacitors are first connected in by 1m. If the space between the plates are filled
series and then in parallel. The ratio of the with a dielectric material of thickness 0.5 m and
equivalent capacities in the two cases will be: area 2m2 (see fig.) the capacitance of the set-up
(1) 4 : 1 (2) 2 : 1 will be ______ e0. (Dielectric constant of the
(3) 1 : 4 (4) 1 : 2
material = 3.2) (Round off to the Nearest
2. An electron with kinetic energy K1 enters Integer)
between parallel plates of a capacitor at an d
angle 'a' with the plates. It leaves the plates at
angle 'b' with kinetic energy K2. Then the ratio
of kinetic energies K1 : K2 will be :
sin 2 b cos2 b k
(1) (2)
cos2 a cos2 a

cos b cos b
(3) (4)
cos a sin a
3. Consider the combination of 2 capacitors C1 d/2
and C2, with C2 > C1, when connected in 6. Four identical rectangular plates with length,
15 3
parallel, the equivalent capacitance is time l = 2 cm and breadth, b =cm are arranged as
4 2
the equivalent capacitance of the same shown in figure. The equivalent capacitance
connected in series. Calculate the ratio of
x e0
C between A and C is . The value of x is ___.
capacitors, 2 . d
(Round off to the Nearest Integer)
15 111
(1) (2)
11 80 A B C D
29 15
(3) (4)
15 4
4. For changing the capacitance of a given parallel
plate capacitor, a dielectric material of dielectric
constant K is used, which has the same area as d d d
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the plates of the capacitor. The thickness of the 7. A parallel plate capacitor whose capacitance C
3 is 14 pF is charged by a battery to a potential
dielectric slab is d, where 'd' is the separation
4 difference V = 12V between its plates. The
between the plates of parallel plate capacitor. charging battery is now disconnected and a
The new capacitance (C') in terms of original porcelin plate with k = 7 is inserted between the
capacitance (C0) is given by the following
plates, then the plate would oscillate back and
relation :
forth between the plates with a constant
(1) C' = C mechanical energy of ______ pJ.
4K 0
4+K (Assume no friction)
(2) C ' = C0
(3) C' = C
K +3 0
(4) C' = C
3+K 0

2 Capacitor ALLEN®
8. A 2 mF capacitor C1 is first charged to a 12. If q f is the free charge on the capacitor plates
potential difference of 10 V using a and q b is the bound charge on the dielectric
battery.Then the battery is removed and the slab of dielectric constant k placed between the
capacitor is connected to an uncharged capacitor plates, then bound charge q b can be
expressed as :
capacitor C2 of 8mF. The charge in C2 on
æ 1 ö æ 1ö
equilibrium condition is_______mC. (Round off (1) q b = q f ç 1 - ÷ (2) q b = q f ç 1 - ÷
è kø è kø
to the Nearest Integer)
æ 1 ö æ 1ö
S S (3) q b = q f ç 1 + ÷ (4) q b = q f ç 1 + ÷
• 1 •2 è kø è kø
2mF 8mF R=100W
C1 C2
13. 100 V C=1mF
9. The circuit shown in the figure consists of a
charged capacitor of capacity 3 µF and a charge

of 30 µC. At time t = 0, when the key is closed, A capacitor of capacitance C=1 mF is suddenly
the value of current flowing through the 5 MW connected to a battery of 100 volt through a
resistor is 'x' µ-A. The value of 'x to the nearest resistance R = 100 W . The time taken for the
integer is _______. capacitor to be charged to get 50 V is :
C = 3µF 5MW [Take ln 2 = 0.69]
q = 30 µC
(1) 1.44 × 10–4 s (2) 3.33 × 10–4 s
(3) 0.69 × 10–4 s (4) 0.30 × 10–4 s
14. In the reported figure, a capacitor is formed by
placing a compound dielectric between the
10. A parallel plate capacitor has plate area 100 m2
and plate separation of 10 m. The space plates of parallel plate capacitor. The expression
between the plates is filled up to a thickness 5 m for the capacity of the said capacitor will be :
with a material of dielectric constant of 10. The (Given area of plate = A)
resultant capacitance of the system is 'x' pF.
The value of e0 = 8.85 × 10–12 F.m–1. C1 C2 C3
The value of 'x' to the nearest integer is_____.
11. A parallel plate capacitor with plate area 'A' and K 3K 5K
distance of separation 'd' is filled with a d 2d 3d
dielectric. What is the capacity of the capacitor
15 Ke 0 A 15 K e 0 A
when permittivity of the dielectric varies as : (1) (2)
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34 d 6 d
æ dö
e(x) = e0 + kx, for ç 0 < x £ ÷ 25 Ke 0 A 9 Ke0 A
è 2ø (3) (4)
6 d 6 d
æd ö
e(x) = e0 + k(d - x), for ç £ x £ d ÷ 15. Two capacitors of capacities 2C and C are
è2 ø joined in parallel and charged up to potential V.
æ kd ö The battery is removed and the capacitor of
(1) ç e 0 + ÷
è 2 ø capacity C is filled completely with a medium
kA of dielectric constant K. The potential
æ 2e + kd ö difference across the capacitors will now be :
2 ln ç 0 ÷
è 2e0 ø V V
(1) (2)
(3) 0 K+ 2 K
kA æ 2e 0 ö (3)
(4) ln ç ÷
2 è 2e0 - kd ø K+2 K

ALLEN® Capacitor 3
16. A simple pendulum of mass 'm', length 'l' and 18. A parallel - plate capacitor with plate area A has
charge '+q' suspended in the electric field separation d between the plates. Two dielectric
produced by two conducting parallel plates as slabs of dielectric constant K1 and K2 of same
shown. The value of deflection of pendulum in area A/2 and thickness d/2 are inserted in the
equilibrium position will be:
space between the plates. The capacitance of the
capacitor will be given by :
Medium l
(K) –V1 + + + + + + + +Q
+V2 +q K1
air d
t –
d – – – – – – – Q
é q C1 (V2 - V1 ) ù
(1) tan -1 ê ´ ú e0 A æ 1 K1K 2 ö

ë mg (C1 + C2 )(d - t) û (1) ç + ÷
d è 2 K1 + K 2 ø
é q C 2 (V2 - V1 ) ù
(2) tan -1 ê ´ ú e0 A æ 1 K1K 2 ö
ë mg (C1 + C2 )(d - t) û (2) çç + ÷
d è 2 2 ( K1 + K 2 ) ÷ø
é q C 2 (V1 + V2 ) ù
(3) tan -1 ê ´ ú
ë mg (C1 + C2 )(d - t) û e0 A æ 1 K 1 + K 2 ö
(3) ç + ÷
é q d è2 K 1K 2 ø
C1 (V1 + V2 ) ù
(4) tan -1 ê ´ ú
ë mg (C1 + C2 )(d - t) û e0 A æ 1 2 ( K1 + K 2 ) ö
(4) ç + ÷
17. The material filled between the plates of a d è2 K1K 2 ø
parallel plate capacitor has resistivity 200 Wm. 19. Calculate the amount of charge on capacitor of
The value of capacitance of the capacitor is 2 4 mF. The internal resistance of battery is 1W :
pF. If a potential difference of 40 V is applied
across the plates of the capacitor, then the value 4mF 6W
of leakage current flowing out of the capacitor
5V 2mF
is : (given the value of relative permitivity of
material is 50)
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(1) 9.0 mA (2) 9.0 mA 4W

(3) 0.9 mA (4) 0.9 mA
(1) 8 mC (2) zero
(3) 16 mC (4) 4 mC

4 Capacitor ALLEN®
20. Three capacitors C1 = 2mF, C2 = 6 mF and 23. A capacitor is connected to a 20 V battery
C3 = 12 mF are connected as shown in figure. Find through a resistance of 10W. It is found that the
the ratio of the charges on capacitors C1, C2 and potential difference across the capacitor rises to
C3 respectively : 2 V in 1 µs. The capacitance of the capacitor is

D æ 10 ö
....................µF. Given : ln ç ÷ = 0.105
C2 C3 è 9 ø
(1) 9.52 (2) 0.95
C1 (3) 0.105 (4) 1.85
(1) 2 : 1 : 1 (2) 2 : 3 : 3
(3) 1 : 2 : 2 (4) 3 : 4 : 4

21. A capacitor of 50 mF is connected in a circuit as
shown in figure. The charge on the upper plate
of the capacitor is__________mC.

6V 2 kW

2 kW

2 kW
C = 50 mF

22. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 200 µF

is connected to a battery of 200 V. A dielectric
slab of dielectric constant 2 is now inserted into
the space between plates of capacitor while the node06\B0BA-BB\Kota\JEE MAIN\Jee Main-2021_Subject Topic PDF With Solution\Physics\English\Capacitor

battery remain connected. The change in the

electrostatic energy in the capacitor will

ALLEN® Capacitor 5
SOLUTION 4. Official Ans. by NTA (3)
3d/4 d/4
1. Official Ans. by NTA (3)
Sol. For series combination
Sol. K
Þ C1 C2
C C Ceq

C Î0 A
1 1 1 C0 =
= + Þ Ceq1 = d
Ceq1 C C 2
C' = C1 and C2 in series.
For parallel combination 1 1 1 1 (3d / 4) d / 4
i.e. = + = +
C' C1 C 2 C' Î0 KA Î0 A
1 d æ3+K ö
Ceq 2 =
C C' 4 Î0 A çè K ÷ø
Ceq2 = C + C Þ Ceq2 = 2C 4KC0

C' =
Ceq1 (C / 2) 1 (3 + K)
Þ = = =1:4 5. Official Ans. by NTA (3)
Ceq2 2C 4
Sol. Ans. (3)
2. Official Ans. by NTA (2) e0 A 2e A
C= = 0
v2 d d d
+ +d
Sol. b 2K 2 K
2 ´ 2e0 4 ´ 3.2
v1 = = e0 = 3.04 e0
velocity along the plate will not change. 1 4.2
\v1 cos a = v2 cos b
6. Official Ans. by NTA (2)
K1 v2 cos2b
Þ 12 =
K2 v2 cos2 a
3. Official Ans. by NTA (BONUS) Sol.
Sol. When connected in parallel
Ceq = C1 + C2
C0 B,D C0
When in series C
C'eq = 1 2
C1 + C 2
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15 æ C1C 2 ö 2C0 2 Î0 A
C1 + C 2 = ç ÷ Ceq = =
4 è C1 + C 2 ø 3 3 d
4 (C1 + C2)2 = 15 C1C2 2 Î0 æ 3 ö 3
Ceq = ´ ç 2 ´ ÷ = 2 (Q A = lb = 2 × )
4 C12 + 4C22 – 7 C1C2 = 0 3d è 2 ø 2
dividing by C12 7. Official Ans. by NTA (864)
2 1 1
æ C ö 7C Sol. Ui = × 14 × 12 × 12 pJ (Q U = CV )
4ç 2 ÷ - 2 + 4 = 0 2 2
è C1 ø C1
= 1008 pJ
Let 2 = x 1008
C1 Uf = pJ = 144 pJ (Q Cm = kC0)
4x2 – 7x + 4 = 0
Mechanical energy = DU
b2 – 4ac = 49 – 64 < 0
= 1008 – 144 = 864 pJ
No solution exits

6 Capacitor ALLEN®
8. Official Ans. by NTA (16) 12. Official Ans. by NTA (2)
Sol. 20 = (C1+ C2) V Þ V = 2 volt. qf
qf qb E0 qb
Q2 = C2V = 16mC = 16
9. Official Ans. by NTA (2) Sol. E=E0/k = + E0/k
V 30 / 3
Sol. i0 = = = 2 ´ 10-6
R 5 ´ 10 6

\ Ans. = 2.00
10. Official Ans. by NTA (161)
When a dielectric is inserted in a capacitor
r r
Due to free charge E = E 0 only
After dielectric E ' =
æ 1ö
5m 5m q B = qf ç1 - ÷
A = 100 m2 è kø

k Î0 A 13. Official Ans. by NTA (3)
Using C =
æ t
10 Î0 (100 )

Sol. V = V0 ç 1 – e RC ÷
C1 = = 200 Î0 è ø
Î (100 ) æ –
C2 = 0 = 20 Î0 50 = 100 ç 1 – e RC ÷
è ø
C1C 2
C1 & C2 are in series so Ceqv. = t = 0.69 × 10–4 sec.
C1 + C2
14. Official Ans. by NTA (1)
4000 Î0
= = 160.9 × 10–12 ; 161 pF 1 d 2d 3d
220 Sol. = + +
11. Official Ans. by NTA (2) C eff K Î0 A 3K Î0 A 5K Î0 A
15K Î0 A
Ceff =
34 d
Sol. x
15. Official Ans. by NTA (3)
+2CV –2CV

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Taking an element of width dx at a distance
x (x < d/2) from left plate CV –CV
(e + kx)A
dc = 0
Capacitance of half of the capacitor
d /2
1 1
d /2
dx V
= ò = ò
C 0 dc A 0 e 0 + kx Now,
1 1 æ e + kd / 2 ö
= ln ç 0 ÷
C kA è e0 ø
Capacitance of second half will be same
C kA K
Ceq = =
2 æ 2e + kd ö
2 ln ç 0 ÷ 2CV + CV 3V
è 2 e0 ø VC = =
KC + 2C K +2

ALLEN® Capacitor 7
16. Official Ans. by NTA (3) 18. Official Ans. by NTA (1)
////// A
l e 0 Ae
K1K 2
qq Sol. Ceq = 2 + 0
T d d K1 + K 2
Medium +qE –V1
Ae0 æ1 K 1K 2 ö
Sol. +V2 (K) = ç + ÷
mg d è 2 K1 + K 2 ø

d A/2
A/2 K1 d/2
Let E be electric field in air d A/2
T sinq = qE K2 d/2
T cosq = mg
tanq = 19. Official Ans. by NTA (1)

mg Sol. On simplifying circuit we get
k 4mF 4mF

V2 –V1 5v
C2 C1 A B
é CC ù
Q = ê 1 2 ú [V1 + V2] 4W
ë C1 + C2 û No current in upper wire.
Q é C C ù [ V1 + V2 ] 5
E= = ê 1 2 ú \ VAB = × 4 = 4 v.
A Îo ë C1 + C2 û A Îo 4 +1
\ q = (Ceq)v
Îo A C 2 [V1 + V2 ] Þ 2 × 4 = 8mC
C1 = ÞE=
d–t (C1 + C 2 )(d – t) 20. Official Ans. by NTA (3)
é q.E ù
Now q = tan–1 ê ú Sol.
ë mg û VD
A C2 C3 B
é q C 2 (V1 + V2 ) ù V 0
q = tan -1 ê ´ ú
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ë mg (C1 + C2 )(d - t) û C1
17. Official Ans. by NTA (3) 0
Sol. r = 200 Wm V
(VD – V) C2 + (VD –0) C3 = 0
C = 2 × 10–12 F
(VD – V) 6 + (VD –0) 12 = 0
V = 40 V VD–V + 2VD = 0
K = 56 V
VD =
q q -
t 3
i= = 0 e rke0 æ Vö
rke0 rke 0 q2 = (V – VD) C2 = ç V - ÷ (6 µF)
è 3ø
2 ´10-12 ´ 40 q2 = (4V) µF
i max = V
200 ´ 50 ´ 8.85 ´10-12 q3 = (VD – 0) C3 = ´ 12µF = 4VµF
80 3
= 4 = 903mA = 0.9mA q1 = (V – 0) C1 = V(2µF)
10 ´ 8.85 q1 : q2 : q3 = 2 : 4 : 4
Option (3) q1 : q2 : q3 = 1 : 2 : 2

8 Capacitor ALLEN®
21. Official Ans. by NTA (100) 23. Official Ans. by NTA (2)
C Sol. (
V = V0 1 - e - t / RC )
2 = 20 1 - e - t /RC )
2kW 2kW 2kW
Sol. i0 1
= 1 - e- t/RC
i0= 1 mA 6V e- t/RC =
et/RC =
Pot. Diff. across each resistor = 2V 9
q = CV t æ 10 ö t
= ln ç ÷ Þ C =
–6 –6
= 50 × 10 × 2 = 100 × 10 = 100 µC RC è 9 ø æ 10 ö
Rln ç ÷

22. Official Ans. by NTA (4) è 9ø

10 -6
1 C= = .95mF
DU = (DC)V 2 10 ´ .105
Option (2)
DU = (KC - C)V 2

DU = (2 - 1)CV 2

DU = ´ 200 ´ 10 -6 ´ 200 ´ 200

DU = 4 J

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