DLL Guide

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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

DLP No.: Learning Area: Media & Information Grade Level: 11 Quarter:4TH Duration: 1 hour
Learning Competency/ies: The learner: Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum 1. Evaluates current trends in media and information, and how MIL11/12CFT-IIIi-26
Guide) they affect both individuals and the society as a whole.
2. Define and describe what massive open online courses. MIL11/12CFT-IIIi-27
Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Media and Information Technologies
Domain 1. Objectives
Knowledge Analyze the benefits and challenges of the current trends in media
The fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity and information.
gained through experience or association
The ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, Fill in a sample pre-enrolment form for an MOOC.
systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively
carryout complex activities or ... the ability, coming from one's
knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something
Attitude Demonstrate critical thinking in evaluating how the current trends in
Growth in feelings or emotional areas. media and information affect both individuals and the society as a
A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or whole.
something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior
A learner's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment
of what is important in life. Display responsibility in accomplishing tasks..
Go beyond learner’s life on earth, include more than wealth and
fame, and would affect the eternal destiny of millions
2. Content Current and Future Trends of Media and Information

3. Learning Resources Multimedia facilities, Hand outs

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity (____ minutes). This part The teacher will show the video “Watch Your Day in 2020” using a
introduces the lesson content. Although at times optional, multimedia projector. Then the teacher will inform the class that today’s
it is usually included to serve as a warm-up activity to give topic is about Current and Future Trends of Media and Information.
the learners zest for the incoming lesson and an idea about
what it to follow. One principle in learning is that learning
occurs when it is conducted in a pleasurable and
comfortable atmosphere.
4.2 Activity (____ minutes). This is an interactive strategy The teacher will ask:
to elicit learner’s prior learning experience. It serves as a What is the video all about?
springboard for new learning. It illustrates the principle The teacher will solicit answers from the students.
that learning starts where the learners are. Carefully Then the teacher will ask:
structured activities such as individual or group reflective What technology in the video that you like most?
exercises, group discussion, self-or group assessment, Do you think these features can make the world better, as the video
dyadic or triadic interactions, puzzles, simulations or role- states?
play, cybernetics exercise, gallery walk and the like may be The teacher will solicit answers from the students.
created. Clear instructions should be considered in this part
of the lesson.
4.3 Analysis (____ minutes). Essential questions are The teacher will ask:
included to serve as a guide for the teacher in clarifying Are you aware of the emerging technologies and trends today?
key understandings about the topic at hand. Critical points If students’ answer is yes, he will ask them what are those technologies
are organized to structure the discussions allowing the they already know.
learners to maximize interactions and sharing of ideas and If students’ answer is no, he will present the emerging technologies and
opinions about expected issues. Affective questions are trends using PowerPoint presentation.
included to elicit the feelings of the learners about the
activity or the topic. The last questions or points taken
should lead the learners to understand the new concepts
or skills that are to be presented in the next part of the
4.4 Abstraction (____ minutes). This outlines the key The teacher will elaborate on the current and future trends of Media and
concepts, important skills that should be enhanced, and Information using PowerPoint and video presentations.
the proper attitude that should be emphasized. This is  Emerging technologies and trends
organized as a lecturette that summarizes the learning 1. Haptics Technology
emphasized from the activity, analysis and new inputs in 2. Contextual Awareness
this part of the lesson. 3. Voice and Tone Recognition
4. Intelligent routing to devices
5. Eye tracking technology
6. Internet glasses
 Ubiquitous Learning
 Wearable Technology
 3D technology
 Massive Open Online Course
Each slide will be provided with pictures and videos as examples.
4.5 Application (____ minutes). This part is structured to The teacher will group the class into 7. He will let each group to answer
ensure the commitment of the learners to do something to the following questions corresponding to their group number.
apply their new learning in their own environment. 1. Which ones did you like best? Why?
2. Which ones already exist? What are their advantages?
3. Which ones do you think might become a reality next year or in
the near future? Explain your answer.
4. Do you think these technological advances can make
communication in life better? Why?
5. What problems or issues can they solve? How?
6. What possible issues can you foresee with these technologies?
Explain your answer.
7. Do you think the Philippines should have an MOOC in the future?
Explain your answer
4.6 Assessment (___ minutes). For the Teacher to: a) Assess whether learning objectives have been met for a specified duration,
b) Remediate and/or enrich with appropriate strategies as needed, and c) Evaluate whether learning intentions and success criteria
have been met. (Reminder: Formative Assessment may be given before, during, or after the lesson). Choose any from the Assessment
Methods below:
Assessment Method
a) Observation The class will have an oral presentation of the output they made in the group. The
(Formal and informal observations of learners’ performance teacher will give an instruction to the class that they would present an oral
or behaviors are recorded, based on assessment criteria)
presentation in each question they are assigned. The Rubrics will be presented.

2 3 4 5
Audience cannot Audience has Student Student presents
understand difficulty presents information in
Organization presentation following the information in logical, interesting
because there is presentation logical sequence which
no sequence in because student sequence which students can
information. jumps around. audience can follow.
Student does not Student is Student is at Student
have grasp of uncomfortable ease with demonstrates full
Subject information; with information expected knowledge (more
Knowledge student cannot and is able to answers to all than required) by
answer questions answer only questions, but answering all class
about subject. rudimentary fails to questions with
questions. elaborate explanations &
Eye Contact Student reads all Student Student Student maintains
of report with no occasionally uses maintains eye eye contact with
eye contact. eye contact, but contact most of audience, seldom
still reads most the time but return to notes.
of report. frequently
return to notes.
4.7 Assignment (____ minutes). Fill-in below any of the four purposes:
If you have the talent to invent something, what would it be? Discuss the
benefits we could get from your invention.
4.8 Concluding Activity (____ minutes). The teacher will then give a sample of registration form for MOOC
This is usually a brief but affective closing activity such as a enrolment to each student. They will be asked to fill out the given
strong quotation, a short song, an anecdote, parable or a registration forms.
letter that inspires the learners to do something to practice
their new learning.

Indicate below special cases including but not limited to continuation of lesson plan to the following day in case of
Remarks re-teaching or lack of time, transfer of lesson to the following day, in cases of class suspension, etc.

2. Reflections Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What
works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can
provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions. Indicate below whichever is/are
A.No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D.No. of learners
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Name: RYAN N. PEQUIRO School: Luzon National High School

Position/Designation: SHS Teacher II Division: Mati City

Contact Number: 09179787153 Email address: ryan.pequiro@deped.gov.ph

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