3189 16094 1 PB
3189 16094 1 PB
3189 16094 1 PB
Ichwan Syahadri*) Abstract: The spread of the corona virus in Indonesia has a
Institut Agama Islam Negeri huge impact on all aspects of life, including the world of
Batusangkar, Indonesia education. The learning system, which is usually carried out
E-mail: syahdriichwan07@gmail.com directly into a learning system in a network (online), certainly
creates various problems in the implementation process. One
Irwan of the most affected is students. This study aims to see the
problems connected by students while learning English with
Institut Agama Islam Negeri an online learning system. This research uses a case study
Batusangkar, Indonesia qualitative approach (case study). The instrument used in this
E-mail:irwan@iainbatusangkar.ac.id study was an interview. The data obtained was checked again
for its validity by conducting a second interview. Informants
from this study consisted of 11 students of grade 7 MtsN 8
Tanah Datar, academic year 2020/2021. The results of the
study show that there are several problems that faced by
students learning English through the online system,
including: 1) the lack of clarity of the learning material
provided by the teacher in both audio and text, 2) the ability to
pronounce English words, 3) limited vocabulary in English, 4)
less opportunity to practice, and 5) lack of ability in writing.