CHF Case Study
CHF Case Study
CHF Case Study
3. History of Present Illness Patient has history of hypertension and coronary artery disease.
4. Past Medical & Surgical Patient has been hypertensive since he was 45 yrs. old and
History diagnosed with CAD recently. He was a great smoker when he was
younger, but already stopped 10 years ago. He had a coronary
stenting procedure 3 years ago. He has a familial history of DM,
hypertension, and heart diseases from both paternal and maternal
side. He has unknown allergies and hypersensitivity.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
B. Disease Process
1. Definition Congestive heart failure occurs when heart is unable to pump sufficiently to
maintained blood flow to meets the body needs. This condition results of
systolic or diastolic dysfunctions.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Genitourinary Tract
Inspection – patient has been inserted an Indwelling Foley’s Catheter for monitoring of
urine output; Output is 20ml/hr since admission
Palpation – No masses, lumps nor other unusualities
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Palliative Factors Rest
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Palliative Factors Cold compresses
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Timing: Onset The last day ( The day before seeking medical attention )
Timing: Duration
Timing: Frequency
* Pain Scale used for severity assessment:
FACES pain rating scale for patients approximately 3 years of age and older
Visual analog scale for school-age children and adolescents
FLACC (Faces, Legs, Arms, Cry, Consolability) Scale for infants and preverbal children
Numeric rating scale for older school-age children and adolescents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Diagnostic Examinations/Procedures:
(Include Blood type, Lactate, ABGS, ECG, CTCO2, Lab Tests, radiographic studies, etc…)
Value Patient
Test/Procedure Nursing Considerations
(Normal Results
Serum Creatinine mg/dl
1 mg/dl Normal kidney function
Does not
Abdominal Pelvic Ultrasound exceed 6 Confirms the diagnosis of appendicitis
diameter >
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
History of descriptive and non-descriptive medications:
Descriptive medications (Prescribed by physician/doctor):
Generic Name & /
Trade Name Dosage Frequency Route
Cephalosporin Antibacterial Cefotaxime 2g 1×2 IV
Anti-spasmodic Spasmofree 1A 1×3 IM
Analgesic agent Diclofenac sodium 1A PRN IM
Non-descriptive medications: Legal/ illegal, over the counter drugs (OTC):
Generic Name &
Trade Name Frequency Route Rationale
General weakness
Reporting severe abdominal pain
Positive Psoas sign
Positive Rovsing's sign
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Posterior Surfaces
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية
Ministry of Education وزارة التعليم
University of Hail جامـعـة حـائل
College of Nursing كلية التمريض
Priority Nursing
Assessment Planning Nursing intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Data: Statement of Goal: To Maintain fluid 1. Monitor the Pt's vital 1. To identify any Evaluation of
The Pt reports Problem (2) Risk for balance signs, capillary refill, the hemodynamic instability Goals:
feeling thirsty and Objectives: Patient will status of the mucous caused by dehydration The goals are met
deficient fluid be free from
asking about when membrane and correct it Evaluation of
volume dehydration & have Objectives:
he will be allowed
R/T: Related to adequate fluid volume The Pt's
to drink again after 2. Discuss strategies to 2. To correct the causes
Excessive output & less fluid
the operation intake due to fever, stop vomiting & reduce of the fluid imbalance
Short Term Goal imbalance
preoperative vomiting & Correct the Pt's fluid the fever
postoperative imbalance corrected
restrictions Long Term Goal 3. administer IV fluids as 3.To correct the Pt's
AEB: As Evidenced by Maintain the Pt's fluid ordered by the doctor fluid imbalance The fluid
1/ The Pt reports balance balance is
feeling thirsty 4. assess the results of 4. To identify any maintained
Objective Data: 2/ And also: the test function alteration in the serum
* The Pt's * The Pt's temperature electrolyte / kidney electrolyte levels or
temperature is high is high kidney functions which
* The Pt vomited two * The Pt vomited two may be caused by
times before coming times before coming to dehydration
to the emergency the emergency 5. Reassess the Pt's fluid 5. To monitor the Pt's
department department
balance daily as ordered fluid balance and
* The Pt is NPO * The Pt is NPO (Nothing
(Nothing by mouth)
by the doctor evaluate the Pt's
by mouth)
response to the
treatment plan
Priority Nursing
Assessment Planning Nursing intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Data: Statement of Goal: To (General Could be Scientific principles, Evaluation of
The Pt reports Problem (3) Risk for statement reverse the 1. Re-assessment (to theories or concepts Goals:
having fever statement of problem) look for improvement and underlying nursing Write a summary
infection Objectives: Patient will Interventions to tell why
prevent complications) statement
R/T: Related to The (specific statement each intervention
2. Independent (can be of each goal (the
risk of rupture of the define what will be should help achieve the
implemented without goal met, partially
appendix and the observed when the goal goal
doctor order) me or non-met),
surgical procedure is met which is 3. Dependent (based on Evaluation of
AEB: As Evidenced by measurable & provide Must have statement for
doctor order) Objectives:
1/ The Pt's report of time frame) each action
4. Collaborative write specific
Objective Data: having fever
(together with other statement for each
* The Pt has 2/ And also: Short Term Goal Give specific text
health care providers such objective define
increased WBCs * The Pt has increased (achievable within hours references for each
as nutritionist, physical what is observed,
count & fever which WBCs count & fever to day) intervention (name
therapist) give measurement
indicates infection which indicates a Long Term Goal of text and page and specific date
* The Pt was possible infection (achievable within days, number). and time, describe
diagnosed with * The Pt was diagnosed weeks, or month) how the patient
appendicitis which: with appendicitis Be sure to attach a looks, feels or
A. Indicates the which: bibliography. behaves after
possibility of A. Indicates the nursing
ruptured appendix possibility of ruptured interventions have
B. Necessitate the appendix been implemented.
surgical intervention B. Necessitate the
& removal of the surgical removal of the
inflamed appendix inflamed appendix