News From The Electrical and Electronics Department
News From The Electrical and Electronics Department
News From The Electrical and Electronics Department
E Current
Message from
the Head of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Department
3 October 2018-2 October 2020
Dr Y K Ramgolam
Year 2020 has been a very challenging one for However, due to the pandemic, the visit has been
everybody. COVID-19 pandemic has affected all the postponed to 2021.
academic activities of the Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Department. Following the lock-down in We are also working closely with the University of
March 2020, all in-person instructions were cancelled Arizona (UA) for the development of a BSc Electrical
at the University of Mauritius (UoM) and we moved and Computer Engineering programme. The latter will
to remote learning. Thankfully, the department had be serviced jointly by UA and UoM and students will
already prepared itself for online teaching and learning. benefit from a joint degree after successful completion
Two Masters level programmes were developed of the course. Students may also have an opportunity to
with our international partners for online delivery as study at UoM and at UA as well during the course of the
from January 2020, and all staff of the department degree.
had followed in-house trainings on “Online Teaching Staff of the department are continuously attracting
and Learning Platforms” by the staff of the Centre of research funds from local and international institutions
Innovative & Lifelong Learning (CILL) in June 2019 for in order to engage in high-end research and we
the development and servicing of the programmes. are keeping pace with international institutions by
We are pleased to announce that all the engineering producing high-impact factor publications. We are
programmes offered by the department, namely the also actively involved in a number of committees and
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), boards of a number of institutions in Mauritius. Staff of
BEng (Hons) Electronic and Communication Engineering the department have also been recently appointed as
(ECE), BEng (Hons) Telecommunications Engineering consultants in a number of projects for other institutions
with Networking (TEN), and BEng (Hons) Mechatronics in Mauritius. Our staff are passionate in their endeavour
Engineering (MTX) (jointly with the Mechanical and and are committed to high standards of teaching and
Production Engineering department), have been revisited learning in order to enhance our students’ experience at
in order to enforce internationally bench-marked the University.
standards for engineering education and expected Lastly, we are very thankful to alumni and friends of
competence for engineering practice. EEE and ECE were our department for the gifts which have helped us to
revisited in 2016, TEN in 2019 and MTX in 2020. improve our laboratories. The department is indeed very
The department had already prepared itself for grateful for this.
accreditation of EEE and ECE programmes and a visit
for provisional accreditation was planned for 18-19 June
2020 by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
Paving the way to
International Recognition
Message from the
Accreditation Coordinator of EEED.
Assoc. Prof. R T F Ah King
A note
from the External Examiner,
Prof. Beatrice Lacquet,
University of the Witwatersrand,
South Africa.
I have been involved as the external examiner for two of You have made huge strides towards the goal to provide
the programmes in electrical engineering since 2017. accredited programmes that would be recognised under
Having performed this service at a number of other the Washington Accord. You should all be very proud of
universities on the sub-continent I was excited to be the advances you have made. I have seen the growth
afforded the opportunity to get to know the electrical and the improvements. Of course, there are some gaps,
type engineering programmes offered by the University mostly to do with consistency of documentation, very
of Mauritius better. few cases where the level of assessment still has to
match the year of study, etc – at times experienced
In preparation for this task I read up on the goals and departments in the rest of the world also struggle. As
strategies of this island government and its people to they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
take its rightful and probably larger than life role in the
African continent development as expressed in the If you can embed the outcomes-based education and
Africa2063 strategy. It was clear that the strategy was assessment of outcomes firmly in the programmes and
to place Mauritius at the forefront of the digital era your systems such that it is not something that is paid
development and to modernise to exploit all revolutions attention to every five years just before accreditation,
from 4IR and beyond. you would have achieved the perfect state!
It was good to see that the University of Mauritius Good luck with the accreditation visit by ECSA. You
responded to this challenge and other reasons to are well positioned to present your programmes to
become known to provide internationally accredited peer evaluators. They will give you valuable feedback
professional qualifications also in engineering. and recommendations – it is part of the development
process. Ensure that they talk to your graduates, many
Over the past few years the Department held several of whom I have had the honour to interview for their
seminars and workshops to prepare their new workplace projects. They are your best products and evidence to
relevant curricula for presentation to the Engineering put on the table. You should be proud of these young
Council of South Africa (ECSA) for accreditation. I men and women that you have shaped to become
noted with interest the thought and energy that went valuable engineers.
into the development of the new curricula, the change
of mindsets to adopt outcomes-based engineering Beatrys Lacquet
education, the struggles to get to grips with the
assessment of outcomes, and the other challenges to August 2020
think differently about the education process.
Optimising students’ learning
with accreditation of B.Eng. (Hons)
Dr Iqbal Jahmeerbacus holds a B.Tech (Hons.) Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the
University of Mauritius, an MSc in Power Electronics and Control from the University of Bradford,
UK, and a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Mauritius. He is
currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His
research interests include Power Electronics and its applications in motor drives, power systems,
renewable energy and power quality.
Since the last seven years, the first two years and apply their knowledge
department of Electrical and Electronic in the engineering modules during
Engineering has actively taken part the third and final years. Moreover,
in the process of application for complementary studies draw towards
accreditation of its B.Eng. (Hons) concepts outside engineering (e.g.
programmes. As such, the following economics, management, professional
four-year undergraduate programmes communication and sociology), while
have been thoroughly reworked to meet being essential for broadening the is the achievement of graduate attributes
international standards: student’s perspective of the world and (also called Exit Level Outcomes or
for practising as an engineer. ELOs). ELOs are core competences
B.Eng. (Hons) Electrical and required for engineering practice
Electronic Engineering 2. Notional hours and have been classified into eleven
B.Eng. (Hons) Electronic and Since time flies really fast during the categories as follows:
Communication Engineering four years of undergraduate studies, it Problem solving, Application of scientific
B.Eng. (Hons) Mechatronics is important that students learn how to and engineering knowledge, Engineering
Engineering (offered jointly with the effectively plan their study and free time. design, Investigations, experiments and
MPE department) Proper time management is essential data analysis, Engineering methods,
B.Eng. (Hons) Telecommunications for coping with heavy workloads and skills and tools, including information
Engineering with Networking meeting with deadlines. The notional technology, Professional and technical
hours prescribed for each B.Eng. (Hons) communication, Sustainability and
One key objective of this ambitious programme gives a good indication of impact of engineering activity, Individual,
project is to align the programme the time required by a typical student to team and multidisciplinary working,
content with the requirements of achieve the learning outcomes. The time Independent learning ability,Engineering
the Washington Accord, set by the allocation for each module covers both Professionalism and Engineering
International Engineering Alliance contact hours (lectures, labs, tutorials), Management
(IEA). The above programmes are going and self-study time. The programmes Demonstration of ELO achievement
through a stringent quality assurance have been designed so as to decrease is made through a range of modules,
process with the aim of receiving the contact hours and increase especially in the third and final years of
full accreditation. Consequently, the independent learning time as students each programme. For instance, open-
programme quality has been remarkably advance from the first to the final year of ended design projects in interdisciplinary
enhanced and would further facilitate study, hence giving them better flexibility team or individual modes enable
the mobility of our future professional to plan their time allocation for study. students to analyse engineering
engineers across the globe. problems, as well as develop, build and
3. Exit Level Outcomes test working solutions. In the process,
In this article, we consider three aspects Engineering practice often requires
of the programme features under they discover and learn on their own,
working in collaboration with people while recognising the importance of
accreditation, and show how they add from non-engineering backgrounds,
value to the learning experience of our team work for providing sustainable
or with engineers from other fields of solutions to complex engineering
current and incoming undergraduate expertise. Engineers are also called
students. problems. They also demonstrate
upon to solve complex, previously un- competence to communicate their
encountered problems that demand findings effectively through technical
1. Knowledge areas
an understanding of fundamental reports and oral presentations.
It is essential that students develop the principles as well as specialized
necessary skills, including creativity, technology. These engineering problems To conclude, the alignment of our
innovative aptitude, understanding might also be vaguely defined and B.Eng. (Hons) programmes with
of theory as the foundation for demand interdisciplinary collaboration. the requirements for accreditation
practice and effective communication, Our B.Eng. (Hons) programmes and has significantly improved the
which they can eventually apply as assessment procedures are designed so learning experience of our students,
professionals. To meet the educational as to ensure that students demonstrate by developing multidisciplinary
requirements for the accredited B.Eng. these skills in a university-based, competences throughout their studies.
(Hons) degree, the knowledge profile emulated workplace situation. Student The skills acquired through independent
to be acquired by students should learning is assessed through laboratory learning, time management, effective
satisfy five knowledge areas, namely: works, assignments, tests, oral teamwork and complementary areas
Mathematical sciences, Natural presentations (continuous assessments) of study would certainly contribute to
Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Design and examinations in modules related to make future graduates more competitive
and Synthesis, and Complementary the field of specialisation of the B.Eng. and better prepared to practise as
Studies. Such a distribution enables (Hons) degree. The effectiveness of professionals.
students to acquire a solid foundation these assessments is ensured through a
in science and mathematics during the set of well-defined criteria, among which
Spotlight on IEEE ELECOM 2020
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering has organised two editions of its International Conference
on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering (ELECOM) in 2016 and 2018.
The second International Conference on Emerging Trends Dr. Robert T. F. Ah King/General Chair
in Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering
(ELECOM 2018) was held at Maritim Crystals Beach Hotel,
Belle Mare, Mauritius during 28–30 November 2018.
Huawei Seeds for the Future
Huawei Seeds for the Future
S eed
eds for
or the
the Future
th Futu
Fu ture
re 2017
Seeds for the Future 2018 Seeds for the Future 2019
Pravind Vellapanaiken
Pushkal Bechoo
Student Project
“Cocktail Vending Machine” was designed and implemented
as part of the project assessed for partial fulfillment of
the module Electronic Systems Design.
Team Members: Yashtir GOPEE; Yogindersing GAJADUR; Krishna KULLOOTEE
IEEE UoM Student Branch Revival
Dr Yogesh Beeharry
Improved iterative Turbo decoding
strategies for LTE and DVB-RCS
With the advent of high-speed logic circuits
and the ever increasing demand for data
communications, digital communication
systems have become extremely
attractive. The greatest advantage of
digital communication is that it offers more
reliability in a noisy communications environment through
the application of channel coding. Channel coding became
a very dynamic research area since the publication of a
landmark paper by Shannon in 1948 in which asymptotic
bounds on the performance of channel codes were
established. Another theorem put forward by Shannon
which is called the separation theorem advocates the
separate optimization of the source and channel coding
blocks. Nonetheless, several research studies have
demonstrated that the combined optimization of the
source and channel coding blocks, especially in iterative
decoding schemes such as Turbo codes, can provide
significant gains in error performance over separate
decoding schemes. Turbo codes (binary and non-binary)
are founded on the concept of message passing technique
in an iterative manner between two concatenated
decoders. Their astounding performance has led to
their widespread adoption in several telecommunication
standards such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) and the DVB-
RCS standard. This work proposed novel mechanisms for
enhancing the error performance of the Turbo decoding
Dr Vishwamitra Oree
A multi-criteria decision-making
framework for the integration of
variable renewables in generation
expansion planning.
Notable Alumni
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Leckraj Raja Rai BASGEET
1990 -1994
amongst others. I would recall those days · Implemented a Tier 4 Uptime your degree. In fact it is where the whole
of being extraordinary ones and all these certified Data Centre at Rose Belle. story, of your life starts.
was achieved through an extraordinary
team of only 40 – from the rigger to · Implemented the SAFE City project One thing, which is for sure, is that no
myself leading the technical department – with some 2000 video and 75 traffic one will be responsible for your career,
sites. The Prime Minister himself except yourself. You would have well-
In 2007, following a restructuration in MT, inaugurated the project in August wishers and naysayers; however know
I became the Head of Networks Planning 2019. what you want to achieve in life and work
for Mauritius Telecom and with my team relentlessly towards it …
we were responsible to implement the · Setup of an island-wide 350 Free Hot
broadband infrastructure, NGN networks, Spots, Wi-Fi Mauritius, which My advice, to fellow students, is to have
evolve the ISP network, introduce FTTC provide a free service for an open mind especially in the new
(Fiber to the Cabinet), implement the underprivileged Mauritian. upcoming fields whereby EEE, Computer
IPTV infrastructure etc… Science and Robotics are all merging to
· Upgraded the ISP network with create a new whole world. Stay open and
From 2011 to 2015, I was requested to virtualised and SDN (software tuned to,
lead the Business Development Division defined network) elements.
of Mauritius Telecom, which as its name · Artificial Intelligence
· Implemented a state of the art 4G/
suggests was very much related to LTE across the whole island and pilot · Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
seeking new Business opportunities in testing 5G in Ebene area.
the ICT field. During my tenure in this · Cloud Technologies
department, MT · Implemented award-winning
application Traffic Watch in 2016. · Big Data & IoT
· Acquired Telecom Vanuatu Ltd. · Cybersecurity
· Implemented the application
· Setup the Innovation team which for the PMO’s office. Always be an active learner, as after 5
created great apps such as years only 20% of what you have learnt
These achievements namely for the
o 7 to 8 digits conversion (when all FTTH project were recognised by the in your university days remain relevant
mobile numbers had a leading 5) FTTX Council Africa 2017 and 2018 and so more so, with the acceleration
and most importantly during the event in happening in all technology fields these
o Speed Cameras Location and Alert days.
AfricaCom 2017. Mauritius Telecom also
· Provided Ministry of Education with won an award at AfricaCom 2016 for the My final recommendation would be –
26,000 Tablets for secondary students. Traffic Watch application. LEARN ALWAYS and LEARN FAST -
Eventually in 2015, I was promoted Post COVID-19 lockdown, Mauritius Can you comment on the performance
as Chief Technical Officer (CTO) for Telecom has again undergone a of EEED graduates who are currently
Mauritius Telecom whereby the following reorganisation as the focus is on working at your institution?
were the key achievements, GROWTH. I have thus been entrusted
since May 2020, the responsibility to lead The culture of excellence that was on-
· Through an acceleration programme, the International Business Development passed to us when we were students
Mauritius Telecom was able to achieve Department of Mauritius Telecom and my at EEE Faculty, continues to be the key
the implementation of FTTH (Fiber to main responsibility now is how to make motivation factor of the great engineering
the Home) across the whole island Mauritius Telecom grow inorganically graduates, we have at Mauritius Telecom.
in a record 3 years when the initial through acquisition or promotion of new
plan was over a 7 years period. Today all the achievements, that you hear
key technologies and know-how. happening at Mauritius Telecom, certainly
· Implemented the Mauritius to What is your message to prospective has the workmanship and culture of
Rodrigues Submarine (MARS) Cable students who may wish to pursue a excellence, that is ingrained into these
again over a record period of 2 years degree in our department? passionate engineers, during their
instead of the 3 years, that was formative years at UoM.
initially planned. EEE is a fabulous adventure. The
Learning does not stop when you finish
Industry Focus
ABB is a leading global engineering company that energizes the transformation of society and industry
to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. By connecting software to its electrification, robotics,
automation and motion portfolio, ABB pushes the boundaries of technology to drive performance to
new levels. With a history of excellence stretching back more than 130 years, ABB’s success is driven by
110,000 talented employees in over 100 countries.
EEED is very thankful to ABB for the donations of a Variable Frequency Drive and an Inverter. The
equipment are being used for laboratory experiments.
As part of its ongoing collaboration with industry, the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
received a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Demo case from ABB (Mauritius) Ltd. The ACS580 VFD is
housed at the Microprocessors, Instrumentation and Control Laboratory and is fitted with an inverter-fed
3-phase asynchronous motor, adjustable loading unit, control panel and computer interface. The demo kit
enables students to get hands-on experience on the operation of industry standard motor drives. In the
process, students reinforce their knowledge of variable speed drives technology, drive set-up procedures,
speed control and safe working practices.
An inverter is a power electronic device which is connected to a PV system for converting the DC power
into an AC power. The inverter offered by ABB has been mounted on a stand and interfaced with an energy
meter and overcurrent protection equipment for a demo kit. Inputs to the inverter are taken from a variable
power supply to mimic a PV string. The kit is then used to simulate the operation of a grid tied PV system
in the lab sessions of the module Renewable Energy Systems.
We are a group of highly motivated colleagues who are We invite industry partners to collaborate with the department
passionate and committed to provide high level education to in research and development.
the engineers of the fourth industrial revolution. In addition,
we are actively involved in cutting edge research in the We also invite Industry Partners to invest in EEED. Your
fields of Electrical Engineering, Power Systems, Renewable investment in the Department of Electrical and Electronic
Energy, Electronics, Signal Processing, Control Systems, Engineering plays a critical role in our ability to fulfill our
Telecommunication Engineering, Networking, Internet of mission and provides essential support for teaching and
Things, Energy-Efficient Buildings, Imaging Techniques research activities.
and Applications, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Investment Opportunities are:
Networking and Security, Robotic systems, Cloud Computing
amongst others and contribute to the advancement in the • Awards and Prizes to students.
society. We strive to maintain a constant growth of the • Funding of Laboratory Equipment and Lab naming
department by forging collaborations with local partners and opportunities.
leading institutions globally.
• Patronage of workshops and flagship conferences
organised by the department.
Over the past year, we have been able to attract funding for a
number of research and consultancy activities as below:
Contact Details
• Value of ongoing externally funded projects - Rs 1.8M
Head, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
• Value of ongoing internally funded projects - Rs 2.7M
• Value of consultancy for the period Jan 2019 to July
2020 - Rs 1.2M Email:
Visit us at:
Note of Thanks
The Newsletter team would like to seize this opportunity to sincerely
thank all those who have contributed to the first edition of E3 Current.
It has been an amazing experience to sit down together, brainstorm
and come up with this piece of work. The team is highly grateful to Dr
Bissessur for his support and photography, Dr Bassoo for working on
the formatting of the document and Dr Beeharry for chasing everybody
and getting the information ready.
The department would like to thank you, the contributors and readers of
E3 Current,16for your interest in the newsletter and we encourage you to
send us your invaluable feedback and ideas for further improvement.