PHPIH 2022 Summative Assignment FINAL 2023 (2) - 1464449417
PHPIH 2022 Summative Assignment FINAL 2023 (2) - 1464449417
PHPIH 2022 Summative Assignment FINAL 2023 (2) - 1464449417
1. Use this section to write your summative assignment (2000 words)
2. Reference list (not included in the word count & must adhere to HSK guidelines)
3. Level 4 grading criteria and feedback form. Find your feedback here once it has been
For this essay you will be creating your own ‘pick and mix’ case mix from the various options
offered below.
To start you off, here are a few pointers to introduce the case scenario:
David is a 50 year old Caucasian male who is married and lives with his wife and 4 children in
a second floor flat in a deprived area in the North of England. He was fostered as a child this
caused him to experience childhood issues such as anxiety and depression. He works as a
cleaner in a night club, has limited education.
David was recently diagnosed with heart disease. He eats unhealthy food, is overweight, BMI
of 38, smokes 20 cigarettes, drinks alcohol 20 units per week and does minimum exercise.
Decide on ONE of David’s health issues, either drinking alcohol, smoking, or obesity. This
health issue will be the focus of your essay.
Start writing this section here and delete the blue words once it is finalised.
Start writing this section here and delete the blue words once it is finalised.
3. Imagine the social environment that your patient lives in and how that affects their health.
Discuss (with supporting literature) two of the following socioeconomic factors in relation to how
they influence your chosen health issue for your patient:
Environment/Green spaces
Health literacy
What does the literature state about how and why these factors impact upon obesity/smoking/drinking
alcohol? Consider alternative viewpoints to show depth to your knowledge.
350 words
Start writing this section here and delete the blue words once it is finalised.
4. Your patient is male and Caucasian. Discuss (with supporting literature) two of the following
demographic factors and how they influence your chosen health issue in adulthood:
What does the literature state about how and why gender/ethnicity impacts developing
obesity/smoking/drinking alcohol in adulthood? Consider different viewpoints to show depth to your
350 words
Start writing this section here and delete the blue words once it is finalised.
5. Reflect how the psychosocial &/or socio-economic &/or demographics in our communities
might have contributed to your patient being diagnosed with heart disease.
Here are some examples of points that you might like to consider:
Why does being obese mean that you are more likely to be diagnosed heart disease?
If someone smokes, or drinks alcohol how might it increase the risk of being diagnosed with
heart disease?
Does health literacy affect the ability to understand government’s advertising campaigns and
other health messages?
200 words
Start writing this section here and delete the blue words once it is finalised.
6. Your patient knows his condition and health issues but needs support in the community. They
have asked you for some advice on how to change their lifestyle and adopt healthier behaviours.
These are some suggestions of points you could explore with literature.
What is the role of the nurse in advising patients on healthy lifestyles? Are there any
limitations in nurses doing this?
How does this link to the NMC?
Does the RCN indicate that nurses have such a role?
What Apps could you sign post them to and why would they help?
What health promotion activities could you sign post them to and why?
Are there any specific classes that might be of benefit and why?
As you explore how you would best sign post this patient to a healthier lifestyle, consider the
relevant factors that you have learned in the above sections. This will help you to show a depth of
understanding of person-centred health promotion.
400 words
Start writing this section here and delete the blue words once it is finalised.
Start writing this section here and delete the blue words once it is finalised.
The references must follow the current HSK school guidelines and match the citations used and visa-
versa. References are not included in the word count. Click to watch the videos on the module site that
explain in detail how to cite and reference accurately. Your references should contain resources found in
the module library alongside nursing articles that you have found yourself using the online library and the
nursing database CINAHL.
Marking Criteria and Feedback Form - Level 4 Written Coursework
Student Name or SRN Number (for anonymous marking): Module Title: Promoting Health & Preventing Ill Health Module Code:
Learning Outcomes - Knowledge and understanding: Learning Outcomes - Skills and attributes:
1. Demonstrate ability to find and understand epidemiology, demography, 1. Be able to search for, and present information to help people understand
genomics and the wider determinants of health, illness and wellbeing. and make decisions about their health, life choices, illness and care.
2. Investigate and identify the factors that may lead to inequalities in health 2. Be able to protect health through understanding and applying the evidence-
outcomes. based principles of health promotion.
3. Explain the importance of early years and childhood experiences and the 3. Be able to identify the factors that may influence health choices and to
possible impact these may have on life choices, behaviour and mental demonstrate a holistic view of the individuals they encounter.
and physical health and wellbeing in adulthood.
Markers: Select criteria appropriate to the assignment and omit irrelevant ones. Use yellow highlight to indicate which feedback statements are relevant to this student.
Indicative 1st Class Honours 1stClass Honours / 1st Class Honours Upper 2nd Class Lower 2nd Class 3rd Class Honours N/A N/A N/A
classification / Distinction Distinction / Distinction Honours / Honours / Pass / Pass
Descriptor Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Clear Pass Marginal Pass Marginal Fail Clear Fail Little or nothing
90-100 80--89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 20-29 of merit 0-19
Structure and The structure, The work is structured, The work is logically The work is logically The work is logically The work is illogically The structure of the work There is insufficient There is little or
organisation organisation and organised and presented structured, and the structured, and the presented, and the structured in places is inconsistent or structure and logic in nothing of merit
15% presentation of the in a highly effective way. organisation and organisation and organisation and and some of the illogical. Information is the work and to award marks
work is exemplary presentation of presentation of presentation of information is often presented poorly or information is either for.
throughout. information is very information is effective. information is mostly presented poorly or in in a disorganised way. poorly presented or
effective. good. a disorganised way. absent.
Writing clarity, fluency Highly articulate and Highly articulate and Articulate and fluent Ideas are mostly Ideas expressed Ideas expressed Ideas not always clear. Ideas poorly There is little or
and accuracy fluent writing style with fluent writing style with writing style. A few expressed clearly but clearly in most places reasonably clearly but Various errors in expressed. Numerous nothing of merit.
15% no errors in grammar, very few (minor) errors in minor errors in errors in grammar, but errors in grammar, errors in grammar, grammar, punctuation inaccuracies in
punctuation or grammar, punctuation or punctuation and/or punctuation and/or punctuation and/or and/or spelling make it grammar, punctuation
grammar, punctuation
spelling. spelling. spelling impair meaning spelling impair spelling impair unclear / difficult to and spelling make it
and/or spelling.
in a few places. meaning in some meaning in several understand in a number unclear/ difficult to
places. places. of places. understand in many
Demonstration of Outstanding Excellent knowledge and Very good level of Good knowledge and A satisfactory level of Sufficient knowledge Insufficient knowledge Inadequate knowledge Little or nothing
knowledge and knowledge and understanding knowledge and understanding knowledge and and understanding and understanding and understanding of merit.
understanding understanding of topic demonstrated. All understanding demonstrated. A few understanding demonstrated. Some demonstrated. Some demonstrated. Key
area demonstrated. All relevant points and demonstrated. minor errors and/or demonstrated. Some errors and/or content irrelevant, content inaccurate or
20% relevant points and issues covered. Covers most relevant omissions noted. minor errors and/or omissions noted. inaccurate or absent. absent.
issues covered plus points and issues. omissions noted but
some less commonly none significant.
considered aspects
which add to the
overall quality of the
Use of evidence / Content is drawn from Content is drawn from a Content is drawn from Content is drawn from a Content is drawn from Content is drawn from Content is not drawn Insufficient and/or Little or nothing
research to support work a wide range of wide range of relevant a wide range of good range of primary a satisfactory range of a narrow range of from a sufficiently wide irrelevant literature of merit.
10% relevant primary and primary and secondary primary and and secondary sources primary and sources and range of sources, and used. Limited or no
secondary sources sources and integrated secondary sources and integrated secondary sources integration is patchy or integration into the work integration into work.
and integrated into the into the work very and integrated into the into the work well. and is mostly well- incomplete resulting in is limited and/or
work in a highly effectively. work in an effective integrated. a superficial ineffective.
effective way. manner. exploration of the
Ability to describe, Highly accomplished Excellent level of Very good level of Mostly good description, Satisfactory level of Sufficient description, Some description, Inadequate level of Little or nothing
explain and/or discuss piece of work with description, explanation description, explanation and/or, description, explanation and/or explanation and/or description, of merit.
outstanding level of and/or discussion. The explanation and/or discussion although explanation and/or discussion although discussion but requires explanation and/or,
20% description, capacity to think critically discussion. ideas could be discussion with some many ideas could be further elaboration in discussion throughout.
explanation and/or is evident. developed further in missed opportunities expanded on or majority of instances.
discussion. The some parts. to develop or expand developed further.
capacity to think on ideas more
critically is evident. thoroughly.
Ability to reflect Extremely Excellent reflection Very good reflection Good reflection showing A clearly thought A reasonably well Reflection needs further Limited evidence of Little or nothing
accomplished and showing very well- showing well- a considered and through reflection thought through development to show reflective thinking and of merit.
10% insightful reflection developed insight and developed and thoughtful understanding showing a satisfactory reflection showing an sufficient evidence of of understanding own
showing highly understanding of own thoughtful of own learning journey. understanding of own emergent understanding own learning journey.
Reflection developed learning journey. understanding of own learning journey. understanding of own learning journey.
understanding of own learning journey. learning journey.
learning journey.
Use of referencing Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Attempt to use Recommended No recognised
system referencing system referencing system used referencing system referencing system used referencing system referencing system recommended referencing system not reference system
used with no with very few (minor) used with few with several inaccuracies used with some used but multiple referencing system but used. attempted.
10% inaccuracies or inaccuracies and/or inaccuracies and/or and/or inconsistencies. inaccuracies and/or inaccuracies and/or numerous errors noted.
inconsistencies of inconsistencies. inconsistencies. inconsistencies. inconsistencies noted.
Referencing presentation noted.
First Submission: For each day for up to five days after the published deadline, coursework submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until the
numeric grade reaches the pass grade, i.e. 40 (UG) or 50 (PG); this includes deferred coursework.
Second Submission (referral): The resubmitted element, if successful, will be capped at a bare pass, i.e. 40 (UG) or 50 (PG). The full mark of any previously passed elements
will be retained. Coursework submitted late, i.e. at any point after the published deadline date and time, will be awarded a zero.
Re-enrolment: Grades awarded for modules on re-enrolment will not be capped for classification purposes.
Provisional Marks: All marks are provisional until ratified by the relevant Board of Examiners.
Marking and Moderation: All marking and moderation procedures are governed and guided by the current University’s Policies and Regulations.
Reflection on Learning
Please consider the learning you have achieved while working on this assignment and how you have applied the feedback you have been given. For example:
What previous feedback have you been given and how have you used it to inform and improve this assessment?
What have you learned in this assessment that you intend to apply to your practice and how will you demonstrate this?
Keep your feedback and reflection in a file/portfolio as evidence of your professional development.